Pictorial Essay: Independence Day For Dummies

A 3-day, maybe 4-day, weekend of no work! Beer! Brats! Fireworks! P-A-R-T-Y Time!! That pretty much summarizes what too many Americans know about the reason for celebrating that day. On a good day you might even find a smart pea-brain sized American who mentions the word “freedom” in conjunction with the drunken festivities. After all, millions upon millions of Americans still live under the delusion that we are “the freest nation on earth”. We even have a war criminal ex-president who told us that they “hate us for our freedoms”. Never mind that what we define as “freedom” today — a brutalized technocratic police state run by banks, corporations, and globalist loyalists intent on destroying the very concept of the Great American Experiment, the Constitution — is the very same thing the Founding Fathers and colonists fought against! They weep in their graves, trust me.

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Four years later Mark Dice did another video … and the answers were even dumber. We’re DOOMED!!

Here, take a look above at your zombie American neighbors. And if you think that Mark Dice “cherry picks” just the idiots … you would be wrong. It would be tragic if even 1% of Americans were that royally stupid, because a people which does not know its history has no history at all. And without a story of who we are (history) we will lose our culture, and without culture we descend to the level of a troop of chimpanzees. The horrible fact is that 25% of Americans don’t even know which country we fought against! Story here; Ignorant Americans link

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For Boobus Stoopidus Amuricanus, Part 1….. the thingy above, know what it is? It’s called the Declaration of Independence. Look closely …. see the date? Is says JULY 4,1776.  The Declaration of Independence is a statement that proclaims that the thirteen colonies were now independent states and no longer under foreign rule. [Bonus Info! The Constitution, written in 1787, laid out guidelines and rules on how the country should be run.]



For Boobus Stoopidus Amuricanus, Part 2 ….. the thingy above, know what it is? It’s called a map. The circle is around a country named England. It’s in Europe … that’s a continent across the Atlantic Ocean (a large body of water). That’s the country we fought against to obtain our freedom in what is called the Revolutionary War. Today, neither country is free.

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All you anti-fireworks wonks are anti-American. The tradition of celebrating the 4th of July with fireworks is as old as the Constitution itself.

“… great anniversary Festival … solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”  —- John Adams, July 3, 1776, in a letter to his wife regarding the signing of the Declaration Of Independence

Congress ordained the tradition a year later by ordering in Philadelphia “a grand exhibition of fireworks, which is to begin and conclude with thirteen rockets on the commons …”

Out West in the mid 1800s pioneers used dynamite instead of firecrackers. OK… so some towns actually burned down … and there were a few too many deaths. Regulations against fireworks started in earnest in 1903 when the American Medical Association began to track casualties. I’m guessing that by 2020 Americans will be reduced to lighting their farts on the 4th.

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You Decide: Loyalist, Neutral, or Revolutionary

The Colonies were a complex mix of conflicting ideas and interests, and as such, were by no means united in attaining freedom from the Brits. In other words, the Declaration did not suddenly spring up one fine sunny day out of nothingness. Rather, it was preceded by a long chain of events and ideas.

The populace could be divided into three groups of people … as evidenced by the words of John Adams, who said; “We were about one-third Tories, and one-third timid, and one-third true blue.”

In modern terms in can be expressed as such. One third of the people were in favor of the Revolution – these people were like Ron Paul. Another one-third just sat on their fat assess and did nothing — these people were like Gov. Chris Christie. And the final third were for keeping the status quo, and against freedom — these people were like Obama voters.

In fact, one of the motivations behind the drafting of the Declaration was to give local jurisdictions a basis on which to move against loyalists by seizing property and other actions. In today’s America the exact opposite is happening — our politicians, especially the Supreme Court, write or interpret laws to harm, punish, and imprison those Patriots who even whisper the idea of “returning to the Constitution”. In fact, and this is true, the Department Of Homeland Security puts such people on terrorist watch lists!

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 Another motivation for the Declaration — not being taught in today’s Common Whore Core curriculum – is that Jefferson and the Founding Fathers actually cared what the world thought about America. He felt the Declaration was to be an “expression of the American mind”. Rather than showing contempt for the world – such as shown by our current Nobel Peace Prize winning warmonger who bombs (hapless) nations he doesn’t like – the Founding Fathers believed in a “respect to the opinions of mankind.”  The colonists believed that only by a clear statement to the world could they justify their actions and gain support at home and abroad.

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It was on July 4th, 1903 when Chief Red Cloud gave his now famous farewell address to the Lakota nation. “Freedom” is somewhat of a Zero-Sum game … whereby one person’s gain is equivalent to another’s loss. We gained freedom. Other peoples lost theirs. Sorry if that hurts your precious sensibilities. I include the speech below not in order to invoke in you a sense of shame, or if you are Caucasian, a little bit of White Guilt. I don’t know about you but, I never killed an Indian (not unless there were Indians running around the Austrian Alps). I include it because it is heartbreaking … and that you see it as an object lesson; — that the cost of “freedom” exacts a terribly high price for everybody involved, winners and losers alike.

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My sun is set. My day is done. Darkness is stealing over me. Before I lie down to rise no more, I will speak to my people.

Hear me, my friends, for it is not the time for me to tell you a lie. The Great Spirit made us, the Indians, and gave us this land we live in. He gave us the buffalo, the antelope, and the deer for food and clothing. We moved our hunting grounds from the Minnesota to the Platte and from the Mississippi to the great mountains. No one put bounds on us. We were free as the winds, and like the eagle, heard no man’s commands.

I was born a Lakota and I shall die a Lakota. Before the white man came to our country, the Lakotas were a free people. They made their own laws and governed themselves as it seemed good to them. The priests and ministers tell us that we lived wickedly when we lived before the white man came among us. Whose fault was this? We lived right as we were taught it was right. Shall we be punished for this? I am not sure that what these people tell me is true.

As a child I was taught the Taku Wakan [God] were powerful and could do strange things. This was taught me by the wise men and the shamans. They taught me that I could gain their favor by being kind to my people and brave before my enemies; by telling the truth and living straight; by fighting for my people and their hunting grounds.

When the Lakotas believed these things they were happy and they died satisfied. What more than this can that which the white man offers us give?

Taku Shanskan is familiar with my spirit and when I die I will go with him. Then I will be with my forefathers. If this is not in the heaven of the white man I shall be satisfied. Wi is my father. The Wakan Tanka of the white man has overcome him. But I shall remain true to him.

Shadows are long and dark before me. I shall soon lie down to rise no more. While my spirit is with my body the smoke of my breath shall be towards the Sun for he knows all things and knows that I am still true to him.

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George Washington owned slaves!!! AAARRGHHHH! Jefferson who wrote “all men are created equal” owned slaves!!! GURP SLURP UGHHH!!! Damned hypocrites! Perhaps you agree with this quote from an article in the Smithsonian; “Thomas Jefferson embraced the worst forms of racism”. Raaaycccisssst! Perhaps, because of this, you have this terribly original thought (it’s not!!) that the Constitution is irrelevant. If so, you are a special kind of Damned Idiot.

First and foremost, all men are a product of their times. Tell me about all the passages in which the Son Of God (that would be Jesus) rails against slavery. Ummmm, I’m waiting …… Tell me why the Apostle Paul tells slaves to be obedient to their masters, or why he dedicates a book in the Bible (Philemon) not about the evils of slavery, but that slave owner Philemon should take back a useless runaway slave (Onesimus) as a favor to Paul. You Christians who condemn the Constitution for its hypocrisy, do you also condemn Jesus, the Apostle Paul, or even God for theirs? I thought not.

Few men, even the great ones,  are immune to the prejudices of their times. Had the Founding Fathers waited until all the colonies were willing to fore go slavery, we would almost certainly never have had a Declaration of Independence. Nevertheless, the Founders understood that they were establishing a nation based upon the idea that each individual is endowed with the spirit of God and deserves to be treated accordingly.

They were under no illusion that this new nation would achieve their vision in their lifetimes. Not nearly enough credit is given to their long term vision. Almost all of them were men of deep spiritual convictions. The immediate need to compromise with evil did not dull their hope for the future. It would take nearly a hundred years and another war to end slavery, another fifty to get voting rights for women, another fifty to work seriously on equal rights for racial minorities and women. The founding fathers weren’t just writing documents for their time. They were laying out a path in spirit that would carry the new nation far beyond their generation …. one that would inspire revolutions around the world for centuries.

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Why isn’t America’s Independence Day on October 19th? After all, it is on that day in 1781 when the British General Charles Cornwallis surrendered his troops in Yorktown, Virginia. The answer is both simple and profound. The Founding Fathesr did not love war, even in victory. Rather, they had an amazingly deep and almost spiritual reverence for the ideas expressed in a rather simple and straight-forward document … the Declaration of Independence. If only more Americans, and their many corrupt politicians, still held that same respect today, imagine how much better off we all would be.

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TIP OF THE ICEBERG OBSERVATION for this 4th of July: We live in an America today where the Supreme Court forces the owner of a bakery shop to bake cakes for homosexuals. This is called “progress”. And, if that same owner flies a Confederate Flag, the State considers him a racist and hater. Taking rights from one person and giving rights to another, this too, is called progress. In reality, it is an abomination.

THE BIG THOUGHT for this 4th of July: The fight for freedom and liberty never, ever, ends. Evil is like a roaring lion constantly prowling to see what it can devour.

THE BIG QUESTION for this 4th of July: “How is this country in general, and you specifically, furthering the ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers?”

Crazy Horse supposedly said “Today is a good day to die.”. I hope I live long enough to make those my own fighting words in the Second American Revolution, which is coming, hopefully sooner than later. When that day comes …. will you be a neutral, a Tory, or a Patriot?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 5, 2015 3:03 am

Well, it’s over. 4 hours of mindless fun with fireworks in the old AV. Almost midnight and there is the occasional pop of a random kernel in the bag. The old ladies cluck at the waste of money. What’s the point of a rebellion if you can’t celebrate it years later with fireworks? Kids young and old know that blowing up shit is an inalienable right.

July 5, 2015 5:45 am

EL Coyote says: Kids young and old know that blowing up shit is an inalienable right.


No, kids these days will turn in their parents for celebrating a date on the calendar.

July 5, 2015 9:23 am

Wow, great article Stuck. My mental awakening has led me to reconsider every old belief, from good ole’ never telling a lie George, to our Constitution, to democracy, human behavior, religion.

Our grandparents left the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 paradigm long ago with government paid pensions, it is now, to my best estimate, 65/70 to 35/30%. And on many issues it isn’t even that.

These few days have been depressing to me since 2001. Both personally, and globally, thinking.

My mom died on July 1, 2001, by July 1, 2002 I knew that the “majority” were buying what our rulers wanted them to, trading freedom for fear and over-regulation/security. That year really sucked.

On July 1, 2007 I knew there was no hope for my marriage, little left for my country.

Now, on this year, my beloved Sydney left me last Saturday, and one of my dearest and oldest friends lost his 3 year old grandson in a tragic accident that will scar his family forever, and more than likely incarcerate his son for a horrific accident.

My last few days of self-seclusion (daughter and hub up north at his annual family cottage get together), broken with the peals of laughter from my grandgift, has me looking at the farce of these patriotic holidays.

This is but the celebration of yet another nation putting itself, and its scientists, experts and politicians, above God.

Call it whatever you want, lament whatever you want, this country has but one path to go, and it isn’t one filled with milk and honey and enjoyment based fireworks.

Oh yeah, from the “sometimes capitalism under the guise of freedom wins,” I was regaled with explosions and lights flashing for the past week. Michigan decided to lift the ban that held my entire life on fireworks a couple years back. We went from no noise, no leaving the ground, to anyone being able to shoot off great big mortars that shoot far into the sky. Already the do-gooders and safety patrol is freaking out, but there really have been no more accidents than previously. Idiots are idiots no matter the laws handed down my our fearless leaders.

The display of noise and light made me both melancholy and elated. Elated that once in a while the do-gooders and ultra-protectors can be slowed, melancholy that my Syd wasn’t glued to my legs and following me into the bathroom scared to death and wishing that this was a winter holiday. Sigh. I miss her.

Happy Patriotic Propaganda Day all. Thanks Stuck, you are awesome.

July 5, 2015 9:25 am

Stuck , men are men and for the most part will always put their self-interests first above and beyond the greater good of other , which is nothing new to those who ponder such things. The men of the 18th century where no more or no less afflicted with ambitions and desires of modern man.
That said, sometimes even the self -interests of aristocracy , can be a benefit , in particular areas of freedom and commerce to the common good, but eventually as Lord Acton observed ,the thirst for power will corrupt the entire system so egregiously , that the only solution left is the refreshment of the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants as prescribed by Jefferson.

The Articles of Confederation where adequate for a for nation of affiliated states ruled by law, but those that hunger for power were not satiated with state office, they wanted Empire, and the Constitution was the vehicle that put us on the road to the despotic national govenrment we now enjoy….smile….NSA is watching.

“America is the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed. That creed is set forth with dogmatic and even theological lucidity in the Declaration of Independence; perhaps the only piece of practical politics that is also theoretical politics and also great literature. It enunciates that all men are equal in their claim to justice, that governments exist to give them that justice, and that their authority is for that reason just. It certainly does condemn anarchism, and it does also by inference condemn atheism, since it clearly names the Creator as the ultimate authority from whom these equal rights are derived. Nobody expects a modern political system to proceed logically in the application of such dogmas, and in the matter of God and Government it is naturally God whose claim is taken more lightly. The point is that there is a creed, if not about divine, at least about human things.”

–G. K. Chesterton

July 5, 2015 9:27 am

“Universal Suffrage is Universal Suffering”

July 5, 2015 9:38 am

O/T …just thought I ‘d toss this out as a reminder…Bloggers are not Journalists

I have to apologize on behalf of my entire profession for how you have been treated by a few bloggers, whom I’ll have the tact to not name here. There are bloggers who know and care nothing about real journalism, who see this profession as an opportunity for short-term gain at anyone’s expense, who find no joy in it and who dream only of fame in the now and a lucrative exit thereafter. These people are not journalists; they are self-serving scum. And they’ve royally fucked up how a lot of people see my profession.

J. O’Dell

“I would trust citizen journalism as much as I would trust citizen surgery … The blogosphere is no alternative, crammed as it is with ravings and manipulations of every nut with a keyboard.”

Morley Safer

So what are journalists exactly?

Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits-a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.

—Hunter S. Thompson

July 5, 2015 1:00 pm

Thanks Stuck. Precious little temporary gifts, my daughter already wants a new one, actually two. I’m going to try and avoid the adult rescue dogs this time around, the separation anxiety is a constant pain in the butt, but I also know I’m a sucker, so we’ll see. Hugs friend.

July 5, 2015 1:12 pm

Stucky says:


I’ve read a lot of amazing bullshit in my life. What I meant to say was —– I never read such amazing bullshit in my life about the American Revolution.”
—-commenting on the Gary North article

Good correction. One need only reflect on “Who had the most to lose in the American Revolution had it failed?” The Founders. Not only their lives, but their fortunes and sacred honor. They KNEW the consequences of failure and Jefferson put it in writing in that thingy he authored in 1776. First and only time a revolution was led by the privileged and wealthy. Truly unique in history. Then they cobbled together a constitutional republic. Unbelievable, but it happened.

July 5, 2015 1:28 pm

SSS says- “First and only time a revolution was led by the priviledged and wealthy”.

Are you serious? You should be flogged for that statement Spooky. Do not pass GO and do not collect your $200. That is exactly who starts the revolutions……….. damn boy.

July 5, 2015 2:03 pm

“First and only time a revolution was led by the privileged and wealthy.”

“Are you serious? You should be flogged for that statement Spooky. Do not pass GO and do not collect your $200. That is exactly who starts the revolutions ……….. damn boy.”
—-Bea Lever @ SSS

The Bourbon dynasty in France, the Qing dynasty in China, and the Romanov dynasty in Russia. All fabulously wealthy families who were large and in charge, and all fabulously dead after revolutions hit their countries. Are you saying the likes of Robespierre, Lenin, Stalin, Sun Yat-sen and Mao were wealthy people? Is that what you’re saying, Spanky?

I rest my case.

July 5, 2015 2:46 pm

Stuck-Thank you, the article and comments highlights most of the internal angst I am dealing with this Independence weekend.
Overall, I believe this introspective phase of this fourth turning, is healthy. I see more and more people waking from a consumptive slumber and asking themselves hard questions. Concurrently, TPTB are making dramatic, desperate, maneuvers to put them back to sleep or ring fence those that won’t, further fueling the questioning.
Ultimately, Lord Acton’s quote will need to play out, as in “he who has the gold makes the rules”. Clearly the Banksters are making the rules and sophists (aka politicians) are mid level pieces used to control the game.
King George was the visible piece most of the anger was directed at historically and revisied…..BUT, he was in debt up to his eyeballs to the same shadow banking consortium that exists today. Our Revolution is far more significant in that it threw off the tentacles of this beast, something King George could not accomplish, versus abdication of the crown (a middle piece).
For that, and other reasons, historical celebration continues to be warranted, despite the sordid state we find ourselves currently.
Thanks for your dedication to all of us shit tossers.

July 5, 2015 3:24 pm

Stuck , I saw more than a few terrorist out in force, but they domestic terrorist meaning , they all worked for the state.

BTW, I see I local resident terrorist is out blabbering away in defense of the state sponsored version of Revolutionary history…but then what booger eating statist whose entire life was spent sucking off the teat of working American wouldn’t ?

July 5, 2015 7:04 pm

Stucky- I mostly watch a lot of German and Nordic content as Merkan shows are to painful to watch. I happened to stumble over this and I think you may find it interesting as you truly want to know more about the revolution. Perhaps you have already read “Under The Sign of The Scorpion” from which this films content was based.

Give it a few minutes past the HERMES intro to get to the actual doc and it is in segments.

July 5, 2015 7:41 pm

[imgcomment image?oh=624807f666fb26859fc7c0fd3ad11981&oe=561B5969[/img]

July 5, 2015 10:49 pm

SSS you are in the weeds again. Behind every revolutionary leader is a wad of cash to finance them and training and instruction compliments of the elites. In some cases the revolutionary leaders are children of the elites and have come from wealth and privilege. Takes a huge amount of cash to get a revolution off the ground, there are always elites at the core of these events.