New MTV Show Publicly Shames White People For “What They’ve Done In America”

Guest Post from Mac Slavo

Editor’s Note: Never mind the Spanish Conquistadors who killed hundreds of thousands of native Americans following the discovery of the Americas. Forget about the brutal dictatorship of Santa Ana’s Mexico that aimed to put down white settlers in Texas, or that Texas’ independence sparked a war over territory in California years later. Forget that the slave trade was managed and often operated by African tribal leaders looking to turn a profit by shipping slaves to the new world. 

The real blame for slavery, poverty and racism should be put squarely on white Americans. We are, after all, unapologetic for the transgressions some of our ancestors may have committed hundreds of years ago. 

As you read the following report from Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars you’ll quickly come to realize that their is a movement afoot. It’s one that is designed to demonize people for the very color of their skin and completely ignores the content of their character. It is clear that racism is alive and well in the United States, but it’s not the kind of racism we’ve been taught over the last several decades. No, this kind of racism is a bit different and is completely denied by the establishment media and politicians, because the targets of the venomous attacks and accusations happen to have a white color to their skin, making it totally justifiable (for what factual reasons, we’re not exactly clear).

Luckily, we have a new reality show that explains to the world, and white people in particular, why they are so vile and repulsive. 


MTV will air a show later this month entitled White People which shows young white Americans crying on camera over their “white privilege” and publicly shaming them for “what they’ve done in America”.

No, this is not a joke. The documentary is hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, an illegal immigrant and amnesty activist who has worked for the Washington Post and the Huffington Post.

The trailer for the show, which has been widely criticized by YouTube respondents, features white people expressing angst about how they are desperate not to appear “racist” or “offend people.”

According to Kimberly Ricci, the documentary forces the participants “to internalize what they’ve done in America” – in other words, this a huge exercise in white guilt tripping for public consumption.

An MTV write up of the show also explains how Vargas talks to young Native Americans who feel that European settlers did not ‘save the country’.

“They are the ones who invaded. They are the ones who took,” says Vargas.

In the interests of balance, when will Vargas be fronting a show called Black People that collectively blames all black people for black crime statistics, including the fact that black people in America commit over half of homicides despite making up only 13 per cent of the population?

How about the fact that despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa?

How about the fact that interracial rapes are almost exclusively black on white?

How about the Barbary slave trade, under which over 1 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa until the middle of the 18th century?

Are black people going to be shown crying on camera having been shamed into taking responsibility for all of this? No, because that would be racist. But according to MTV and Vargas, subjecting someone to trial by media purely because of their skin color is perfectly acceptable – so long as they are white.

This documentary represents the culmination of years of race-baiting and racial division which is being driven by the mass media and the Obama White House, tensions which have rapidly accelerated since the Ferguson and Baltimore riots.

Responses to the video trailer on YouTube were savage, with the clip receiving twice as many ‘thumbs down’ in comparison to ‘thumbs up’.

“I’m black, even I know this show is straight up racist. Only because it’s stereotyping white people, all white INDIVIDUALS are not like that,” wrote one respondent.

“You want an uncomfortable conversation on race? Let’s talk about violent crime stats shall we? No? I get it, you only want white people to feel uncomfortable,” added another.

“Fuck you MTV, I will NEVER apologize for the skin I was born with, nor will I apologize for being a male, or for being straight,” another respondent asserted.

However, many in the liberal media are celebrating the show, with Kristen Yoonsoo remarking how pleased she is about the fact that, “lots of white people tears lie ahead.”

“It’s always a good time poking fun at white people,” she concludes.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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July 9, 2015 3:42 pm

This is the part where the millenials have to stand up and tell people to simply fuck off. They don’t listen to me anymore.

July 9, 2015 3:44 pm

Fuck you MTV you fucking pussies! I will never apologize for being straight, white, gun lover and America lover and a lover of women. Maybe you should do a show about your producers having oral and anal sex with cadavers!

July 9, 2015 3:54 pm

This is propoganda that taps right into the brainwashing by government schools.

Tell MTV to FUCK OFF, and tell all the Feral Neegrows, and whiner Neegrows to FUCK OFF, and tell all the Illegal Spics to FUCK OFF. Tell all the Whites that love Neegrows to FUCK OFF. After that tell all the Queers / Trans / Tri’s / Lesbos to FUCK OFF.

It would be a good start.

July 9, 2015 3:59 pm

“Ah, it’s good to be king.” Fuck’em and the horse they rode in on.

July 9, 2015 4:05 pm

Dutch…the greatest freedom a man can have is to be left the HELL ALONE !

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 9, 2015 4:10 pm

Didn’t know MTV still existed.

July 9, 2015 4:11 pm

Hey, Dutchman



July 9, 2015 4:25 pm

It could be just about ratings. MTV viewership is down 43% … from just last year … down to a paltry 1.5 million. I expect even more crazy bullshit as they grasp for eyeballs.

I’m less offended at MTV — they’re just doing what business does, make money — than the fucking 1.5 million brain dead 14 – 20 somethings that watch it. Or, the whores that agree to be in the film. Those two demonic groups are worse than MTV execs.

OTOH, something positive — and, unexpected — MIGHT arise from this abortion. It’s called BACKLASH, Maybe 20 million previously zombified white chillrun folk will cry out, “Fuck this shit! I’m WHITE and PROUD!!.

July 9, 2015 4:25 pm

So now we’ve got the confederate flag, trans/bi fag issues – cake bakers, marriage in 50 states, the white house lit up in Roy G. Biv, Brucilla Jenner, white shaming………….but now it seems the topic of Israel and any ‘anti semite’ label that comes from it are gone? For the record, I don’t care about the Israel topic – but they sure turned up the volume on the noise issues, dropped one (makes sense with a muslim in the white house (racist house?), and the the real issues are really heating up.

harry p.
harry p.
July 9, 2015 4:33 pm

Now this is news; I didnt realize MTV was still on the air…

July 9, 2015 4:33 pm

“Forget about the brutal dictatorship of Santa Ana’s Mexico that aimed to put down white settlers in Texas, or that Texas’ independence sparked a war over territory in California years later.”

The US government and the Texans were not innocent as some believe. Don’t forget that Andrew Jackson sent Anthony Butler to bribe Mexicans into selling Texas. The Americans violated Mexico’s 1830 law prohibiting anymore immigration into Texas and the institution of slavery. Sam Huston even wrote to Jackson stating the Creek Indians were a threat which was a total lie. The Mexican rebellion at Zacatecas was crushed by Santa Anna and it was suppose to be a warning to Texans. However, Texans prepared militarily and launched the first strike by taking San Antonio and pushing the Mexican army over the Rio Grande. Jackson bought Texas and California for 3.5 million from Santa Anna.

This MTV program is nothing more than “pysops to condition white minds to feel guilt [and teach blacks and other races that they too should demand this humility from whites]. Because your fellow man lacks discernment, he accepts the media’s mischaracterization as a straw man trick to fool you.”

July 9, 2015 4:48 pm

Well.. proof that stupid is a gift to all humanity. I never liked MTV, glorifying untalented schizo druggies, so growing generations think that’s what they can aspire to be. Like Disney, better if they disappeared.

July 9, 2015 4:54 pm

Oh fuck! I would cut off my right nut on live TV to see them put Billy on this show!

July 9, 2015 5:02 pm

I have been hearing about all this so called white privilege that I have. What is that about? I have never been offered anything cheaper or easier in my life. Loans? No, Jobs no.But if i was a minority? Yes. More division brought to us by schools and our government.

July 9, 2015 5:08 pm

1. Dutchman is my new favorite poster at TBP.

2. Like I/S, I would also give up a body part to see Billy on that show.

3. Fuck those fucking Joos that put this propaganda on fucking tv.

4. Fuck this divide and conquer bullshit, I’m done.

July 9, 2015 5:13 pm

Gay illegal alien Flip, could it get any worse? He’s probably also a Joo convert hellbent on the destruction of America.

July 9, 2015 5:28 pm

“The US government and the Texans were not innocent as some believe.”

That’s kind of the entire point that some people have been trying to hammer home. NOBODY is innocent as a “group”. We can’t use our highly questionable perspectives on the past past to dictate the highly variable future. Deal with the people here and now. Who is acting like a racist NOW? Who is expecting one group of people to work for the benefit of another group of people NOW? Etc.

July 9, 2015 5:41 pm

So….this Vargas guy who is the show host is an illegal. Here’s my question, is MTV paying him? And isn’t that still ILLEGAL in the U.S.?
And now since there are more Hispanics in California than White people, when do I start receiving MY free shit as a minority?

July 9, 2015 5:42 pm

Well, Kristen Yoonsoo can take her cat-eatin’ kimchi smellin’ slanty eyed yellow ass back to fuckin Korea and help her Uncle Ho work the goddamned rice paddy.

How dare she come over here, take advantage of the system WE created, then fuckin badmouth the very people she took advantage of? Fuck her.. fuckin’ shovel face.

And while we’re at it, fuck this Vargas border hopper too… and MTV too. I think MTV should be held to account for their efforts at destroying our culture and shoving cultural Marxism on everyone. They used to be about music and only music… anyone remember when was the last time you ever saw an actual music video on MTV? And it didn’t suck ass? They should play fuckin music and shut the fuck up with the social commentary, shoving what they think is “cool” – fucking niggers and race-mixing, white guilt, Marxism, etc… if this anal discharge passing for “journalism” wasn’t such a pathetic attempt at staying relevant driven by desperation, I’d be totally happy if MTV got droned and was reduced to a smoking crater…

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 9, 2015 5:46 pm

Damn! Billy’s holding back!

July 9, 2015 6:08 pm

I think we should get all the TBP commentors together and start a fake protest movement about this show. Specifically, why is there such little racial diversity in this show?


How far do you think we could take it before their heads do the robot thing and just explode?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 9, 2015 6:14 pm

Kristen Yoonsoo & the rest can get out, but on the way out the door, make sure they leave behind the shit they got from white people – phones, TV’s, computers, cars, airplanes, the light bulb… You know, pretty much everything.

July 9, 2015 6:25 pm

As my Mother is fond of saying, my ancestors came here from Ireland in 1888. They lived as slaves in their own country, and didn’t own any when they came here. We don’t owe blacks or anyone else a damn thing.

I wonder if America’s feral Negros ever stopped to think where they’d be right now if Africans hadn’t abducted and sold other African’s. Do they think their lives would be easier in Africa?

July 9, 2015 7:04 pm

Fuck the fucking fuckers! MTV ES! Pathetic, this Vagas guy ES too.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
July 9, 2015 7:43 pm

Why is he not arrested and deported. The government is a traitor to their own power resulting in anarchy and chaos. Onutcase has changed the country for sure. The Whites. Traitors to their heritage and race. Raised to be pussies.

harry p.
harry p.
July 9, 2015 7:45 pm

I watched that preview and thought about what kind of doc it would be if admin, stucky, billy, a reincarnated smokey, bostonbob, HF, bb, gayle, chicago, myself and like 10 more from TBP were the whites that they were attempting to shame and push white guilt onto us.
it would never be allowed to air.

July 9, 2015 8:07 pm

Yeah white privilege, hard physical labor to support yourself would do much to assuage any feelings of white guilt, anyone who buys into this had a pampered life, and is spoiled to the core.

July 9, 2015 8:09 pm

Harry – you wouldn’t invite a redskin?


July 9, 2015 8:22 pm

Harry P,

How dare you! I self-identify as a half-Korean, half-Moroccan trans-disabled aspiring rapper who was born to as a poor black child to a single unemployed quadriplegic lesbian mother who support herself selling “ethnic” art pieces (aka tacky shit in red, yellow,green, and black with either bob marley or mlk prints).

Seriously though, how does rachel dozedal or whatever-her-name-was fit into this narrative? I’m not even angry at this nonsense, just impatient for it all to explode, the same way you get impatient about the horror monster fucking up the obnoxious character in movies. Realistically, the end result probably won’t be that different.

July 9, 2015 9:21 pm

Harry ,you are right. It would never be allowed to air and I would probably be arrested for hurting their feelings. Damn ,it would be fun.

July 9, 2015 9:40 pm

. I think they ought to arm the white people they harass to make it even.Then I’d watch

July 9, 2015 9:49 pm

“No, this is not a joke. The documentary is hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, an illegal immigrant and amnesty activist who has worked for the Washington Post and the Huffington Post.”
The joke is our immigration laws and those ridiculous “sanctuary cities”. Deport that Vargas fucker.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 9, 2015 9:49 pm

“No, this is not a joke. The documentary is hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, an illegal immigrant and amnesty activist who has worked for the Washington Post and the Huffington Post.”
The joke is our immigration laws and those ridiculous “sanctuary cities”. Deport that Vargas fucker.

July 9, 2015 10:09 pm

I will never feel guilty for having been born white.

Whatever I have, I worked for.

I’ve never collected welfare, SNAP, Section 8 benefits, unemployment, or worker’s compensation.

I even have mixed feelings about collecting Social Security and going on Medicare, even though I paid into those programs for years, because I really don’t like the idea of taking money from the government.

I resent people who turn to the government for assistance as a first resort rather than a last resort.

To all the whining “minorities” out there, if you don’t like any of the above, you can go fuck yourself.

harry p.
harry p.
July 9, 2015 10:24 pm

Llpoh, fine we can make an exception for you. You work hard, and have intelligence so that basically makes you an evil whitey anyway.

Haha, it really would be hilarious, i am picturing SJW’s becoming physically ill.

July 10, 2015 3:37 am

Harry – that would become the #1 show in the world. Can you imagine what would be said?

The lefties would be running around like their hair was on fire, but the masses would be glued to their sets.

Moderator would open the show, and Billy would start off with “fuck you, you slant eyed bitch. I do not own any slaves”.

bb would then go on, “I do not own any, either, but sure would like to. Where can buy some?”

Stucky would then tell bb to stop being a dumbass, and to blow him.

Admin would play peace maker and tell Billy to be nice to the dumb cunt, not her fault she has slanty eyes.

Chicago would then ask where are all the hot Native Americans. That is why she came along. “What the hell is going on here – bring out the beefcakes, goddamnit!”

SSS would quickly jump in and talk about nuclear energy and bat guano.

Bostonbob would ask where the horse the rode in on is, because noone could be so fucking stupid without having ridden in on a horse.

I would suggest we administer IQ tests to the moderator, because she is obviously an imbecile, and by the way where is the fucking Scotch?

Gayle and TE would go on epic rants, and the men in the audience would ask to marry them.

And on it would go for hours. It would be like trying to herd foul-mouthed cats.

It would be glorious.

HSF would bring the burgers, and try to educate the masses on the benefits of good food, healthy living, and family. He would be the sane one.

I am telling you, every set in the English speaking world would be tuned in.

If we bring EC, we could pull in the latinos, too.

We gotta pitch this to NBC.

July 10, 2015 5:04 am

“SSS would quickly jump in and talk about nuclear energy and bat guano.”

LOL! I’ll follow up with a discussion on Slime Mold and grits.

Once we got Billy hittin’ on all cylinders it would be days before we could get a word in edgewise! The hail of racial epithets mixed with indisputable facts will look like a blinding snow storm enveloping the hosts and cameras would start to melt. Billy wouldn’t even take a breath until hour twelve.

July 10, 2015 5:14 am

Oh yeah, fuck NBC! We just get clammy to give a Fourth Turning or student loan presentation while dressed as a naughty teacher to attract the millenial crowd and they could make it go viral on youtube. She might need a tat though! Something classy like realistic 3D hooters on her back. (no nipples of course)

admin could give early Sunday Morning tours of The 30 Blocks of Squalor.

The Burning Platform YouTube Channel!

July 10, 2015 6:58 am

IS – it would be a hit, I tell you. I laugh just thinking about it.

July 10, 2015 7:06 am

At least White Folk don’t suck a cow’s vagina. I’m proud of that!

Mike in CT
Mike in CT
July 10, 2015 7:09 am

Lipoh says: “And on it would go for hours. It would be like trying to herd foul-mouthed cats” ….Oh Man I want in on that party…..First Keg & bottle of hooch on Mike….We should do an old time Mt Man Round-De-Vu…Only problem w that is if we were all in one place it would be too easy to round us up..

July 10, 2015 8:19 am


I’m in.

The crew of shit-throwing monkeys from TBP could very well bring Western civilization crashing down, all by ourselves.

Our first show would air and riots would break out in most major US cities.

After which, the Special Snowflakes in Europe would “ban” the show. Bootleg copies and pirate transmissions would still get through.

By our second show, there’d be street fights and riots in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands… Paris would burn to the ground. Sweden would just implode and cease to exist. The Swiss would just look on stoically, then shake their heads and go back to milking purple cows.

By our third episode, the Hague would issue a warrant for our arrests for Crimes Against Humanity. The Human Rights Commission would be in uproar. There would be several aortic infarctions. At which point, the US would fracture.

Llpoh would organize, equip and mobilize every howling redskin he could find. Clams would be running the Barista Brigade, comprised entirely of unemployed tatted-up and pierced hipster Minnie ex-Starbucks employees. I’d be ramrodding a bunch of pickup truck driving redneck white boys wearing mullets and rebel flag t-shirts. Admin and Stucky could get the half-dozen or so sane folks still left in Yankeeland and run guerrilla ops out of New Jersey…

It would be glorious… just glorious…

July 10, 2015 8:26 am

The show would never even make in on air.

On the first day of shooting the director will suggest — “Billy, you’re not delivering the line correctly.” …………. and Billy will blow the fuckers head off with one of his antique firearms.

Seriously, that’s what would happen.

July 10, 2015 8:44 am


Sure it would.

/b/ from 4Chan and Anonymous would get wind of it, then hack the shit out of NBC and air the program anyways. It would go viral.

I wouldn’t blow his fuckin head off… maybe maim him, but not kill him…

July 10, 2015 1:28 pm

Department of Justice Statistics on homicide and race

blacks make up 12.6% of the population but commit 82.9% of murders

34.4 out of 100,000 black people murder

27.8 out of 100,000 black people are murder victims

black people are 8 times more likely to murder than whites

black people are 6 times more likely to be murdered than whites

Interesting Statistics

4.5% of homicide victims are white

only 2.4% of murderers are of races other than black or white

70.8% of workplace murders are committed by whites

half of the workplace murder victims are 50 and older

3% of children murdered were killed by strangers

97% of children murdered were killed by relatives and their acquaintances

97% of children were killed by relatives and acquaintances

July 10, 2015 7:19 pm

“SSS would quickly jump in and talk about nuclear energy and bat guano.”

Make that nuclear energy and fracking.

Once I get the floor and on the subject of fracking, Admin and others here would get extremely agitated and start shouting insults at “demented old men.” Billy would get off his race-laced rants and condemn anyone who plays golf. HSF would chime in and scorn people who just eat “any type of bacon.” Chicago 999444 would challenge anyone outside the Midwest who tries to take Great Lakes water to get it over her dead body. Stucky would just say, “Blow me, SSS.” I’d say something nice about Andrew Jackson, and Llpoh would come at me with a tomahawk.

People who are watching the show would be saying, “What the hell just happened here?” Heh.

July 10, 2015 7:34 pm

SSS- Putting you and the rest of the shit throwers on a reality show would be the biggest ratings a network ever received………….we’re talking BIG.

I am available to represent all of you for the incredibly low sum of 10% as your agent. Call me.

July 10, 2015 8:08 pm

I am thinking of writing a full script for the first program. This is too funny.

SSS – relative newcomers would miss the bat guano reference. That was a TBP classic.

July 10, 2015 8:13 pm

Admin, go fuck yourself, you censorship prick.

July 10, 2015 8:13 pm

Yes, really.