Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

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July 23, 2015 9:05 am

When your son tells you he’s a girl, you kindly but firmly explain why that’s not possible from a physical/natural standpoint. You remove all his Hello Kitty posters and Barbie Dolls from his room and throw them away. If he has a secret stash of girls clothes or makeup, that gets tossed, too. You take him out into the woods on a fishing/hunting/camping trip and you apologize for not spending enough time with him and teaching him how boys and men are supposed to behave — because an uninvolved father is the true root of the problem. Then you take away all the electronic devices which fill him with conflicting messages that its okay to question your gender. Finally, you closely monitor his acquaintances to determine who else might be filling his head with these lies and stop contact with them.

And if all else fails, I’d likely knock some sense into him physically.

July 23, 2015 9:28 am


BINGO! I see all this gender-identity crisis crap and the FIRST thing that comes to mind is,
“Where the HELL are all the men, the fathers, in this country?” It’s a s though the role of “Dad” has simply melded away over the last thirty years. And it’s getting worse. A lot worse. This magazine is precisely the kind of b.s. that attempts to make it acceptable. No one is asking “why” gender identification issues have manifested as they have – they’re simply taking the lame way out, i.e., avoiding the reality that Feminism has gone way too far, and acting as though, “All is normal, let’s link hands, and sing Kumbaya ’round the campfire”…WTF!?

This kind of denial is insidious. It asserts itself slowly and spreads into society, permeating the attitudes of the mainstream over time such that when someone finally points out things have gone too far, the crowd accuses them of being (insert term of derision here; usually “racist,” or “bigoted” or “insensitive” or “male chauvinist,” the list is long and well known by now.) Screw it. Reality is self-evident, and can be denied for awhile, but eventually nature has a way of slapping humanity back into the awareness. It isn’t biased, either. Play the fool and watch how fast the pain hits when the system you’ve designed around fantasies collapses.

July 23, 2015 10:19 am

Apart from all the cultural distortions of healthy sexuality, I wonder if a big part of this particular problem is hormone disruption due to our toxic environment. I read this morning that teenage boys are having significantly less sex than they did in the eighties. Sperm counts are down, and “assisted reproduction” is becoming big business. I think there are issues at stake here much broader than “gender fluidity.”

July 23, 2015 11:32 am

I have to wonder who in their right mind would want to be a woman . Damn ,I dressed up once to go to party as a woman and it’s just to much work.Try it sometime and you will see.Much easier BEING a man.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 23, 2015 11:40 am

This is wrong on every level…….period. The parents of these children are sick fucks.

My friend went to a wedding shower recently, one of the guests was a woman who had a tranny son. In a five minute conversation with this moronic mental case mother, she referred to her son as both he and she multiple times. Wonder why the boy is fucked up in the head….can”t imagine why.

July 23, 2015 12:13 pm

— “Where the HELL are all the men, the fathers, in this country?”

Being forced out of the kid’s life through divorce… or the father has been emasculated and beat down emotionally to the point of submission and permanent “yes dear” to any female who has an opinion about their son… due to being punished for being masculine since he was a child.

July 23, 2015 12:16 pm

— “I wonder if a big part of this particular problem is hormone disruption due to our toxic environment.”

Definitely a big part of it.

On top of it, the entire culture has eradicated any semblance of responsibility a wife has to a husband, while bombarding everyone with all male’s responsibility to all women.

The teenage girl of today is basically royalty… and it has consequences on everyone when they become physical adults but remain emotional teenagers.

July 23, 2015 12:19 pm

The pendulum is swinging back the other way though. I’m not sure it’s going to be pretty when it really gets going though. The people in the LGBT community have no idea they have been setup as a sacrificial pawn for when a faux conservative government takes power during a “national crisis” and needs to restore social order.

They have no idea about reality or the true nature of the territory they are surrounded by. Eventually people are going to stop being polite and it’s going to suck for everyone.

Sorry for triple post.

July 23, 2015 12:24 pm

Stop the thought crimes.

Feds Spend $125,000 Studying Sexist Adjectives

Feds Spend $125,000 Studying Sexist Adjectives

July 23, 2015 12:36 pm

When are folks going to realize that putting a bottle over your nose and putting on flippers doesn’t make you a dolphin !

I’d have my kid’s DNA checked . I’d show him ( or her) that the chromosomes are arranged correctly and that you are a MALE ( or female if it’s my daughter ). Then I’d explain that cutting of your Willie won’t change your DNA .

Finally I’d explain that until they are of legal age they will dress appropriately for their gender. Last but not least I’d tell them to stay out of their mothers closet !

July 23, 2015 12:38 pm

“Being forced out of the kid’s life through divorce… or the father has been emasculated and beat down emotionally to the point of submission and permanent “yes dear” to any female who has an opinion about their son… due to being punished for being masculine since he was a child.”


Eventually, there will be no men left to defend this country, and we will be easy pickings to such countries as Russia and China. If you cannot destroy a country militarily, then do so by going after its identity and culture. Look at what is happening in the military as we speak. The Progressives/Marxists are using the path of least resistance…like water going around or over a rock versus going through it. Thus, the title of this article “Gender Fluidity.” If anyone dares attacks this perversion, you are ruthlessly and automatically labeled intolerant and having some sort of phobia. Unless this is stopped, our country is doomed.

July 23, 2015 12:58 pm

I don’t think Russia is our enemy these days. They are completely ignoring our constant attempts to provoke conflict. Russia today is a bear that wants to be left alone. The people trying to destroy the US are mostly here in the US, with the balance in other “western” countries.

July 23, 2015 1:00 pm

Razzle said: “The people in the LGBT community have no idea they have been setup as a sacrificial pawn for when a faux conservative government takes power during a “national crisis” and needs to restore social order.”

Yes, I’ve been thinking the same thing. The parallels to the 1920’s-30’s are ridiculously strong. It seems like the NWO elites have one playbook that they keep using – perhaps because it works, or at least has so far. All the people getting gay-married etc. are going to find themselves in a bad place if/when the pendulum swings the other way.

I’m not saying I want an oppressive regime, only that I think the current situation looks like a setup for the introduction of one.

July 23, 2015 1:55 pm

When I married Nick, he had recently divorced his wife of more than 14 years, who was a closet lesbian who had moved her lover into their home a few years earlier. He was a devoted father and since he really loathed his wife since the birth of their son seven years earlier and she declared he was not right and that he might as well be put into a home at once. The son,, whose name I will NOT share, was of low IQ, but not so low as to be classified retarded. Scoring in the mid to high 80s, he could struggle along with Bs and Cs and because my husband is the wonderful man he is, he read with him as much as he could when military duties didn’t take him away and probably maximized the young man’s potential.

When we married some years later, I expected to be full time step-mother to the kid. We had a great time together when Nick was working and his own mother seemed to be uncaring as to where he was as long as she and her “friend” could do as they pleased. But, when the child support issue was raised and Nick agreed to take zero money in return for him getting full support, she balked, refusing to give up the monthly check. Yes, she wanted us to have him live with us full time, even without visitation if we wanted. But, she wanted the monthly check for child support.

Since we were both coming out of bad breakups and had very little starting money, we couldn’t afford that monthly expenditure along with the daily expense of feeding the growing young man and driving him the distance to the school she demanded he go to instead of the one near our home.

In a nutshell, he spent as much time on weekends with us as possible, but through the week was left to his own devices in a house that was very much a freak show.

She moved away from the area when he was 11. He desperately wanted to move in with us. Again, she refused to give up the child support check and hauled him off to a ghetto environment in Louisiana where she and her partner got jobs in a casino. He would call from the narrow trailer he lived in on weekends sometimes, crying because someone was trying to break in, but I suspected he was really just trying to make us take him no matter what.

He spent 6 weeks with us each summer, which usually started rough but ended well. The summer he was 15, he came to our home with no sign of the braces we sent a monthly check along with child support to maintain and my husband, surprised, asked when he had gotten them off. He told him that one had come loose and so his mother had taken pliers and removed all of them in the front. Looking into his mouth, we could see the metal frames settling into his back gums at angles that startled us both.

Since Nick was still working and I was in college, I took him to the orthodontist and endured the lecture of a lifetime from a sincerely caring man who had immigrated from Puerto Rico to start a very successful practice in Oklahoma. He had called me into the treatment room the moment he’d looked into the boy’s mouth and demanded an answer for what he saw. Thanking heaven that I could honestly say that we knew nothing about it and had sent the additional $150 each month for the trip to see the orthodontia clinic where he lived and that I had made the appointment as soon as we got him and knew, I managed to avert his anger from me. He explained the damage that had been done to my step son’s mouth and possibly health. He made an appointment for him with an oral surgeon and I promised to make sure we got this resolved during his visit. (My 4 year old son who was with me listened to every word with wide open eyes and when it came time for him to have his own braces, he followed every piece of that man’s advice to a tee and the braces came off in 14 months and he’s not had to lose a tooth or even had a single cavity. The man is awesome.)

Well, $2400 later, my stepson had had his root canal necessary to get the rotted matter from under his jawline, had spacers set to help stop the loosening of his teeth, been to teeth cleaning clinics to help him keep his remaining teeth as healthy as possible to prevent the loss of any more (he said that two had fallen out when his other pulled the brackets, but they were back teeth so it didn’t matter.) He left our home with a year’s supply of floss, flossing picks, toothbrushes and his own personal stash of paste. We asked and received from the oral surgeon a letter stating the horrid state of his dental condition, but the orthodontist would not support our effort to sue to get full custody. He said that at 15, the young man should be able to live with whom he wanted. And while in theory that is true, when you have an insane beeotch willing to destroy her child’s health and life for a few hundred dollars a month spending money for her and her partner, without his statement, our attorney said the effort would probably be futile and result in our spending a great deal more money to avoid paying fines for kidnapping the young man, whose mental capacity was probably more the level of a 12 year old.

It was a sad state of affairs that only worsened. When the fighting started over Nick’s refusal to sent the additional $150 for the orthodontic treatments (apparently she’d forgotten what the extra check was for…), Nick informed her that he was thinking of suing for her half of the money we spent to treat him for her neglect. She moved away to another state and we didn’t hear from her or him for several months. When he did call, it was from a little town in the middle of a poverty stricken area of Arkansas, where he was living with his mother’s partners parents in a filthy mobile home. He’d been allowed to drop out of school with a 9th grade education at the age of 16, having failed two grades earlier in elementary school. He was a filthy mess when he got to our home, both physically and morally. He agreed to take a GED prep class at the local VoTech and we enrolled him and got him tested with a passing grade so that when he was 18, he would received the equivalent of a high school diploma. But that was to be the end of our influence in his life for some time, since he returned to his little camper trailer sitting beside his “other-mother’s” parent’s trailer on their few acres in Arkansas willingly because he had a few pals there and had gotten used to the life he’d been living.

Two years later, I was home one night around ten o’clock when he called. He said that his mother had moved him in with her in the outskirts of Tulsa. He was on the street because she’d demanded that he get himself declared incompetent because of his low IQ so she could become his guardian and draw a nice fat SSI disability check that she promised to split with him. The partner had left, apparently, tired of supporting her and babysitting my stepson, who still needed oversight but was quite capable in many ways of doing things. He said that his refusal to stoop to that and his distrust of his mother had gotten him kicked out of her apartment. On the street, he’d begged for enough change to make the collect call I’d just accepted.

Fortunately, the Air Force has given us many friends in many places and within an hour, an old friend of mine had picked him up and taken him to her home to clean up and rest until the bus ride to OKC. When he arrived, he was cheerful and happy to enroll in VoTech to learn a trade. He finished one semester and then decided that life on the road with an old buddy driving a truck sounded better. After telling him that this was his opportunity to get a skill that would provide for his life (he was taking concrete/masonry classes, a trade he chose from the list of those available), he said he just wasn’t into going to school after all.

We’ve stayed in touch over the years and am happy to say that when we bought our new truck, we gifted him with out twelve year old pickup and he has used it to get a factory job and move into a better living situation. However, he is in the culture of poverty, thanks to his life experiences and understands the Section 8 housing rules and the EBT system with a finesse that baffles me, since I couldn’t even seem to make him understand that learning how to stack and mortar bricks was something that was valuable to everyone.

I realize this probably doesn’t fit here, but when I saw the photos of that poor young boy dressed up as a pretty girl, I remembered the times that he used to tell me about how his mother’s friends tried to get him to wear makeup, telling him that if he did, he could attend the clubs and be a drag queen. He has great anger at his mother and I suspect that is why she will have nothing to do with him now. He is a grown man, 30 years old, strong as an ox and angry at the life she forced him to enter and live through. And, yes, when given the opportunity, he refused our offer to help lift him out by paying for two years of trade school. His life is limited now and his biggest hope is to find some kind of a factory job closer to us so that he can at least visit us on a regular basis. He knows that he is loved by both of us, but that our days of supporting him ended that day he told us he wasn’t staying to finish trade school.

The biggest complement he ever gave me was when I reminded him that he’d once asked if he could call me Mom and I convinced him that it would cause too many hard feelings. We agreed on him calling me “Maggie.” His reply? “You were a great Maggie to me.”

July 23, 2015 3:13 pm

This denatured nonsense has got to be stopped! I was awarded custody of my then ten year old son in a similar process: buy out the custody agreement, keep paying the blood money but save your child from bad influences. It works if you can get it done early enough.

Persnick (and, amazingly, Beeb) can read the handwriting on the wall: don’t look for enemies outside the gates when your true enemies are within and prospering at your expense.

July 23, 2015 3:24 pm

At the risk of being insensitive (to Maggie), the whole issue of LGBT is irrelevant to me.

We are what we are. My sons are 100% male, as their wives are 100% female (no confusion visible at all, there.) While this current collective stupidity may last a bit longer, I concur with the “Anonymous Conservative blogger” that a period of difficult times will terminate (quite viscerally) this stupid stuff. Those who cling to it will die out fast once they have to fend for themselves.

Confusion over who or what one is is a hallmark of weakness of mind & soul.

Never have people existed in an environment so filled with lies and the creeps who promote their own dysfunction and deviance in order to rationalize their toxic choices. This means that our sons and daughters must pick their way through a mine-field of toxic ideas, “values” and behaviors.

Those who seek to, by force and fraud, insert their toxic selves into the lives of others will some day discover that “the others” they harmed have 1) long memories and 2) a willingness to settle the score.

July 23, 2015 3:41 pm

@ dc sunset… not insensitive at all. I’m not sure that his mother’s gender issues had anything to do with her selfish nature and poor parenting choices forced on the boy. In hindsight, I sometimes wish we’d just taken the hit and gone into debt to give him the better home by paying blood money to the woman. But, we didn’t.

And so, we did the best we could. It is all we could do and in the end, it will have to be enough.

July 23, 2015 4:53 pm

better off when all this weirdness was hidden behind closed doors. a nation of fat stupid transgendered nancy boys cant possibly be a boon to society. normal white god fearing society seemed to work better.

July 23, 2015 5:34 pm

irish: sounds good but the next thing you know the girlie-boy calls the local child abuse gestapo and you are in a world of shit!

Hollow man
Hollow man
July 23, 2015 7:35 pm

Hey wait a minute, what if I want to be a black female. No I mean if I can Change my gender at will and the white/black woman at the NAACP can Change her race. I should not have to work. Well I can’t do that I am a middle aged white guy. I am the one they want punish. Never mind.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 23, 2015 7:42 pm

Persnickety says: “I don’t think Russia is our enemy these days. … The people trying to destroy the US are mostly here in the US”
So true, Persnick. America is being destroyed from within. Our enemies only need to stand back and watch the US implode.

July 23, 2015 7:59 pm

these confused souls will find little tolerance from those who milked their cause as a step toward their ultimate goals

July 23, 2015 8:19 pm

Persnik– insightful comment about Russia

Hollow man
Hollow man
July 23, 2015 8:45 pm

Maggie that deserve it own post. You folks are the metal that make America have what strength it has left. Thanks.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 23, 2015 9:55 pm

Maggie the homewrecker, who knew? Oh, bb. I tell you the boy is prescient, psychic or whatever.

July 23, 2015 10:35 pm

El Coyote –

That was a dickhead thing to say. You attempt to make a funny by saying Maggie is a homewrecker? And then parlay that into somehow bb is psychic for his earlier display of douchebaggery? More like “psychotic.” You’ve got a strange sense of humor that normally is endearing. This time? Not so much.

@ Maggie – Your story was heartbreaking. It’s hard for me to imagine how someone could treat their own son that way. (I mean, the mom, not you & Nick.) It sounds like she’s totally out of his life now, having permanently putting him on a path to slavery himself. Well, hopefully, you and your husband can provide enough of a positive influence on him that he can at least see what positive, productive people can produce. Now that he’s an adult, maybe he’ll come to the realization that he can make his own choices. Probably not, but maybe……

EL Coyote the dickhead
EL Coyote the dickhead
July 24, 2015 12:49 am

Tim says: El Coyote – That was a dickhead thing to say.

OMG, the pain of your disapproval is killing me. Meh. I feel free to be a dickhead, why should i be constrained by the fear of your or anybody’s disapproval? She just got here and she is disrespecting a beloved member of the TBP community, what? I should kiss her ass? Oh, gee, Mags, I love how you made fun of poor old bb who supports several black families and a few illegals with the sweat of his brow. Tim, your a nice person too but if I lived and died by people’s approval here, I’d be dead already. Stick around, on the weekends I do not need to drink to post irrational, wild and offensive comments. Once in a while, when I feel I’ve gone too far, Admin posts a lingerie photo of Bruce Jenner and then I know this is my kind of town. Don’t worry, there are many more Maggies in the woodpile, we won’t miss her if she can’t take a fucking joke. Besides, we will always have T4C with her nice ass that makes lesbians of us all.

EL Coyote the dickhead
EL Coyote the dickhead
July 24, 2015 12:56 am

Maggie, you are a true hero. The offensive comment above was payback for you fucking with bb, it does not diminish my opinion of you. I’d be proud to have a few drinks with you and Nick (I can’t, though, my Chinky doctor would kill me).

July 24, 2015 1:07 am

I’ve been here for a while. I know how this place works. You really don’t know as much as you think you know.

July 24, 2015 1:08 am

And I’m no one’s hero. Simply Maggie.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 24, 2015 1:13 am

No, I know that I don’t know much. I have said many times that me and bb are in a league of our own in the peanut gallery. I’ve never aspired to big dog status or anything so try hurting me another way, like maybe tell me my writing is incoherent and that I have poor syntax.

Me and bb are shit stirrers. If you don’t like it, you know where the door is. Heh.

July 24, 2015 1:15 am

I come and go. I get it. Not incoherent and you seem to understand punctuation.

July 24, 2015 1:35 am

— “And I’m no one’s hero.”

That thar sounds like the sorta talkin’ heee-rows do.

July 24, 2015 9:15 am


I have avoided reading this thread from the get go. As soon as clicked the first time … before any comments ….. my immediate reaction to the picture was disgust and “fuck that shit!”.

And that was that, until just now … saw it had a lot of comments and decided to read them. Glad I did.

Your story was magnificent. A tale of BEAUTY .. and caring, and love. It brought a tear to my eye. A million thanks for sharing your heart.


July 24, 2015 9:26 am

El Coyote

I’m not going to call you names, or “defriend” you, or any such thing.

I just want to say how DISAPPOINTED I am with you (not that you care about that). It is in EXCEEDINGLY poor taste to mock someone who shares from their heart a story about their life.

You’re a better person than that. Start acting like it.

July 24, 2015 10:47 am

@Sticky…have been fighting toads and windmill s alone, honing skills

July 24, 2015 10:53 am


You’re not alone … you have an Army of supporters here on TBP … at least in spirit.

July 24, 2015 11:41 am

And Stukfuk would never lie!

“I have avoided reading this thread from the get go”

I’m only here because StukUpTheAss commented.

July 24, 2015 11:42 am

Reminds me of a Hopi prophesy-that in the end days men would become women and women would become men because they thought they knew better than the Great Creator.

July 24, 2015 11:52 am

So here’s the logical question in pursuing the “self identity” trend that progressive society is now exploring. Today’s society has arrived at a place where it largely accepts the idea that people can choose their gender. A person can be born as a male, but decide to identify as a female, in other words. Now with Dolezal, the question being posed is a little more intriguing: Can a person choose their race, too?

And extending the logic into the realm of the absurd, if a person can choose their gender and race, then why can’t they choose to be a member of a different species, too?

Put another way, society currently accepts the idea of a person choosing to be transgender. So is it then okay for someone to be trans-race? And if that’s accepted, then what about trans-species? Carried to its logical extreme, can a white male human being declare to the world that he’s actually a female Peruvian llama?

What if John Doe, for example, wants to self-identify as a “Spotted Owl”?

Or maybe Jane Doe wants to identify as a member of the Delphinus delphis species… the common dolphin. Maybe she can even learn to speak dolphin and order in dolphin at the McDonald’s drive-through.

There are, indeed, people who have come to believe they are certain animals. Dennis Avner, for example, believes he is a great cat, and he has undergone extreme biological modifications in an attempt to adopt the shape and structure of a great cat.

Is it progressive, or just getting ridiculous?

July 24, 2015 6:49 pm

@KaD… when in grad school, I took a course called Indians of the Southwest just because I wanted to learn something interesting. Did my semester project on the Zuni tribe, which have some similar views as the Hopi, though they are not technically similar in other ways. But, the Zuni also believe they will once again be able to use the land of their ancestors because the “white man” has no real respect for the laws of creation.

Came out of the course with a great respect for “the people.”

July 24, 2015 8:17 pm

We all have our cross to bear.

God bless you Maggie.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 24, 2015 9:35 pm

Stuck, my sincere apologies to you, sir. I didn’t read her story until after I got chewed out by Tim. Yes, I’m a dickhead. Anybody here who hasn’t been one at one time or another can throw the first stone. It’s Friday, the evening is off to a bad start. It can only get worse, like if T4C was to chew me out also.

EL Coyote who knows not what he doesn't know
EL Coyote who knows not what he doesn't know
July 24, 2015 10:25 pm

Maggie says: @Sticky…have been fighting toads and windmill s alone, honing skills

It goes both ways, El Stucko, I have never called you ‘Sticky’.

EL Coyote who knows not what he doesn't know
EL Coyote who knows not what he doesn't know
July 24, 2015 10:31 pm

Irregardless, (heh) of what Maggie thinks, I suspect the kid will be disappointed when his gonads descend and he starts getting hairy.
Another thing I suspect, though I don’t know because there’s a lot I don’t know, women are like dogs in that dogs are immature wolves. So too, women are in a state of arrested development.

July 24, 2015 10:38 pm

EC- Both SSS and have recently called Stucky (Sticky), but not on purpose. Auto correct does not like the name Stucky and so changes it to Sticky. Most likely her computer did the same.

Women are not in a state of arrested development. That is very undude of you to say that.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 24, 2015 10:56 pm

Et Tu, Beaufort?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 25, 2015 12:16 am

WTF. is this freaky Friday? Will everybody who is ganging up on me please check that sac below your penis (it’ll look like your little finger) and see if you can find more than one raisin. I didn’t mean to say women are immature, I mean they appear to be stunted at the stage of a prepubescent boy. Old Sarge said he wouldn’t mind if we got a girl with the body of a 13 year old boy. Where did that template come from? Anyway, check out that boy’s face, he looks like a girl. Most boys that grow up to be gay were pretty boys like that, they soon get recruited by the fudge packers.

Now the bible says men are not to wear a dress or sleep with other men. A few zealots go nuts in convicting people who do so. But consider a bb-esque point of view: it is a conspiracy to humiliate men by forcing them to wear a dress and have sex with other men. That position is by nature a woman’s rightful due. For a man to receive that attention is laughable and humiliating as I said.

Some men may insist in feeling like a woman but it is pointless, they can’t feel like a woman. Caitlyn does not feel like a woman. The dude is only complying with the manipulator’s wish to humiliate men in the person of Jenner. He did not have to share his peculiarity with the world but some fuck said, that would be very much appreciated if you did present yourself in women’s clothes on national teevee. It’s a fucking conspiracy and I wish the Donald would expose these craven mud crawlers.

July 25, 2015 7:36 am

Regardless vs. Irregardless

Some words in the English language are so overused that we don’t notice that they are incorrect or don’t even exist. A perfect example is irregardless. Many scholars maintain there is no such word as irregardless because regardless already means “without regard.” The -ir prefix is redundant.

Used by people who ignorantly mean to say regardless. According to webster, it is a word, but since the prefix “ir” and the suffx “less” both mean “not or with” they cancel each other out, so what you end up with is regard. When you use this to try to say you don’t care about something, you end up saying that you do. Of course everyone knows what you mean to say and only a pompous,rude asshole will correct you.

Since I never want to act like a pompous rude asshole, I’ll just let it slide.

July 25, 2015 7:41 am

@Bea, Thanks. I typed that on my phone on our first FriDate, inspired by the HSF post that mentioned their date night tradition. My phone is an auto-correcter and I usually proof the messages. I learned how to turn off the annoyance on my computers, for the most part, but the phone refuses to give in. Much like others I’ve met here.