It should be obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain that Israel is the #1 sponsor of state terrorism in the world.  It’s crimes occur with such frequency that it is impossible to keep up with them all.  This of course is the real reason the AIPAC-owned GoP is so rabid about the #Iran deal, because with Iran off the media radar, attention would be refocused on their brutal occupations of Gaza and the West Bank, where atrocities occur on a daily basis.

Israeli general likens attack on Gaza towers to 9/11 attack, as ‘symbol’


on July 27, 2015 11 Comments

“I need symbols, I’m talking about symbols. It is no simple matter. Because if I destroyed three towers in Gaza towards the end of Operation Protective Edge, and inflicted not only pain in the economic sense but also a symbol, and like the Twin Towers in New York were a symbol, what is significant is not only the physics but the significance of the matter.”

During the final two nights of the 51-day war on Gaza last summer, Israeli warplanes dropped American-supplied bombs on the Zafer Four tower, the Italian Compound, the Basha tower, and a four-story mall in Rafah. The mass destruction left hundreds of families homeless and struck a heavy blow to Gaza’s already crippled economy. These attacks were carried out when the ceasefire was imminent. The Italian Compound and Basha tower were destroyed only a few hours before the announcement of the ceasefire agreement.

Contrary to Israeli propaganda which claimed that the towers housed Hamas “command centers,” the general’s statement confirms my reporting from Gaza: the Israeli military chose these targets so as to attack the professional class, which is considered unsympathetic to the political goals of Hamas. These attacks are part of Israel’s continued strangulation of Gaza’s economy.Unemployment is now at 55%, the highest in the world.

Hacohen’s speech to a crowd of military and weapons industry figures was entitled, “Future battlefields and functions of the future soldiers in future military tactics.” Hacohen retired last fall.

Meanwhile, the Gaza Strip remains covered in rubble. The eight-year Israeli/Egyptian siege continues unabated and has prevented the delivery of reconstruction materials that were promised in Cairo. While indirect negotiations for a long-term ceasefire drag on, it is abundantly clear that another major Israeli attack on Gaza in a matter of when, not if.

With thanks to Dena Shunra for translation.

About Dan Cohen

Dan Cohen is an independent journalist based in Palestine. He tweets at @dancohen3000.

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July 27, 2015 8:59 pm

Zara……IMO, the biggest sponsor of state terrorism in the world is the U.S, by an order of magnitude over Israel. Surely anyone with eyes and a brain knows that the U.S. has instigated coups and regime changes for many decades around the world. In addition to the needless wars. Many millions are laid at the feet of the U.S. It IS and order of magnitude.

How about a reality check.

July 27, 2015 10:06 pm

Zara…. I spent 20 min writing another reply then deleted it. Your atom bomb point stuck a knife in my side.
I disliked the atom bombs cuz they eliminated the Great Cruelty and devastation (that the Japanese deserved) caused by the fire-bombing. Japan cities were built with wood and the incendiary bombs swept across the landscape like a raging forest fire and lit up everything in its path. Tough shit – burn in hell for your atrocities.

At least Germany apologized for its inhumanity to mankind – Japan hasn’t and still every year they worship the butchers from WW2. Yeah, I know, it is Zeitgeist. Just like the U.S. committed genocide on the native Americans. That is the past- it is important to know, but we have to go forward and hope humans/governments don’t continue down that path (as they have since, well forever).

Nice chatting with you – that is sincere.

July 28, 2015 12:23 am

Just now reading former CIA agent Robert Baer’s 2003 classic “Sleeping with the devil”. Great inside info on how the Middle East really works and how fucked up things are and shit.

July 28, 2015 5:56 am

I know the Mid East is kinda fucked up but at least they aren’t snitching on their neighbors for bbq’g some ribs and pollo like here in Murica. Now get to work so .gov can steal your paycheck before you can cash it. Must feed the war machine, must pay OT to fat copfuks and lazy public works employees. Must send white middle class young men to war for Goldman and JP. Have a nice hot and humid Tuesday.

July 28, 2015 10:07 am

Murica sucks and is the cause of all evil in the world. Israel and the Jews manipulate the Muricans to do their will. At best that is a bunch of self righteous bullshit. Worse than bullshit it could be communist and Muslim propaganda designed to weaken and destroy their opposition.

July 28, 2015 1:28 pm

The Japanese women and children didn’t commit the atrocities against the other countries, unless you think the women should have gone Lysistrata (fat chance in that country), and I don’t feel implicated in the terrorist acts committed by Washingdoom around the world, I’m every bit as much a helpless subject of the empire as the peons overseas.

Hollow man
Hollow man
July 28, 2015 2:32 pm

So the Jews are telling Obama to let Iran have the bomb and to self destruct ourselves via a economic disaster like no other in the history of mankind. They may not be as smart as we think. He he. He

July 28, 2015 4:16 pm

Brave Joo fighter pilots honing their strafing skillz on the Palestinian concentration camp — aka, Gaza

Some people have all the fun!
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July 28, 2015 4:57 pm

Wherever money is insufficient to bury the truth, ignorance, propaganda, and short memories finish the job.

July 28, 2015 5:47 pm

Stuck – that is not strafing. Not sure what they call that, but not strafing.

July 28, 2015 7:29 pm

“The US’s motivation is of course global dominance and most of it’s worst crimes are perpetrated by proxies such as the Ukrainian government while Israel’s is territorial expansion.”

How do you give back enemy land you have occupied in a war started by your enemies, Sinai to Egypt and Gaza to the Palestinians, and call that expansion? Is that a version of Persian math, Zara? Please send us this magical math formula.

Oh, I get it. Israel, aka Judea in Roman times 2,000 years ago and 1,500 years before that, doesn’t count. It’s all about a pedophile pseudo prophet whose legion of followers occupied Jerusalem over 600 years later. Right?

No wait. What about that declaration for the independence of the state of Israel 1,310 years after the Mooslims marched into Judea (638 AD), oops Palestine? Damn, that Persian math formula might be a bit complicated.

I’m sure you can clarify all this, Zara. I’m waiting.

July 28, 2015 7:55 pm

Z- Didn’t the genetic markers for the Joos show that they are actually of Palestinian lineage? Not a separate race in any way except in global perception (aka- The chosen ones). Basically bullshiters squatting on the land.

July 28, 2015 8:50 pm

Z – your version of history is breathtakingly incorrect re Israel. To whit, background of the 1967 war:

“In May 1967, Nasser received false reports from the Soviet Union that Israel was massing on the Syrian border. Nasser began massing his troops in two defensive lines in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel’s border (May 16), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (May 19) and took up UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran. Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or justification for war, and Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping on May 22–23. On May 30, Jordan and Egypt signed a defense pact. The following day, at Jordan’s invitation, the Iraqi army began deploying troops and armored units in Jordan. They were later reinforced by an Egyptian contingent. On June 1, Israel formed a National Unity Government by widening its cabinet, and on June 4 the decision was made to go to war. The next morning, Israel launched Operation Focus, a large-scale surprise air strike that was the opening of the Six-Day War.

On the eve of the war, Egypt massed approximately 100,000 of its 160,000 troops in the Sinai, including all of its seven divisions (four infantry, two armoured and one mechanized), four independent infantry brigades and four independent armoured brigades. No fewer than a third of them were veterans of Egypt’s continuing intervention into the North Yemen Civil War and another third were reservists. These forces had 950 tanks, 1,100 APCs, and more than 1,000 artillery pieces”

So, in 1967, Israel was under direct threat, by Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. Yemen was involved, too.

So, Israel started the war? Despite Egypt massing armies on its borders, as well as those mentioned above, and closing off the straits? Seriously? Yes, western powers believed that Israel would crush them in a few days, which is what had happened. But fact is Egypt started that war, provoked it, and elicited its allies across the region to threaten Israel.

Egypt screwed the pooch. And got its ass handed to it as a result. Closing the Straits was its terminal mistake.

July 28, 2015 8:55 pm

Perhaps SSS can comment. In the book by Gordon Thomas called “Gideon’s spies”, the author claims that the Mossad knew about the 1983 marine barracks bombing in Beirut, but declined to alert the CIA.

“As far as the yanks go, we are not there to protect them. They can do their own watching.”

Wikipedia, predictably, calls this an anti Semitic conspiracy. What’s the verdict in your estimation SSS?

July 28, 2015 9:01 pm

“Didn’t the genetic markers for the Joos show that they are actually of Palestinian lineage?” — Bea

I don’t think so. Well … it depends how far back one chooses to go.

I say start with Abraham. Was he a Jew? Nope .. not at first. Was he an Israelite? Hardly! He and all his family came from Ur … modern day Iraq. Isn’t it simple? … Jews are ancestors of Ur.

So, around 2000BC (rounding cuz I don’t feel like looking up exact dates) he drags his ass to the LOCATION that is present day Israel.. Was the place uninhabited? Nope, people lived there. Philistines on the coast and Canaanites in the interior highlands. And they …. intermarried.

Stucky conjecture coming up. We read in the Scriptures that God commands the Joos to ANNIHILATE every man, woman, and child in these villages, towns, and cities. I don’t believe any God would do such a thing … a thing only a MONSTER would do. I think the OT writers included such stories for a reason. And that reason has to do what is still being discussed today … REAL PURE Jews. The writers attempted to show that Jews were a pure race, chosen by God, kept pure by God, and as such the land promised to Jews, and Jews alone, was based on 1) God’s promises and, 2) pure Jewish lineage. No better way to “prove” that purity than by committing God-approved genocide on all the inhabitants … cuz dead people can’t fuck. However, this was (is) a massive coverup because we know for a fact that the intermingling of peoples — those from Ur, and the current inhabitants — was rather widespread. Inconvenient truths.

After the supposed 400 year stay in Egypt (you don’t think there was intermingling of races there .. over the course of 400 years), the Jews come back to the land of Canaan … and goddamn, it’s still inhabited by all kinds of non-Jews!

Finally around 1300BC Jewish consolidation of the surrounding areas take place, governments form, religious traditions become cemented. It still takes another 300 years to around 1000BC (a thousand years after Abraham arrived) for David and Solomon to establish Jewish Supremacy … for a rather short period of time.

Here’s my point: During those 1,000 years Jews were marrying non-Jews like crazy. The myth of Jewish solidarity and Jews only marrying Jews is basically that, a myth. We know this from countless artifacts discovered by archaeologists, and from the Bible stories themselves.

So …. is there such a thing as a “real Jew”? By “real” I mean a person living today who can trace their ancestry back to Abraham, AND one that is not once interrupted by non-Jew bloodlines. Some may cry “that’s an impossible standard!”. And I say, “Bullshit!”. If you’re going to insist on REAL Jews … then let’s talk about REAL JEWS!! Of course, I believe the answer is almost certainly, “No fuckin’ way!”.

There. Are. No. Real Jews. What you have living there today is a bastardization of a thousand different races/countries/tribes over the course of 4000 plus years.

However, to end on a positive note — there are Real Cocksuckers living there. Just google “Bibi Netanyahu.”

July 28, 2015 9:18 pm

Hey stucky, thanks for the info. I knew your hiatus would last about 4 hours. Do you have an opinion on whether present day Jews are khazars? I mean who the heck are the Jews mentioned in the bible? Forgive my ignorance. I have only just begun reading the bible a year or so ago and don’t know a damn thing.

I agree that tracing lineage back to Abraham is lunacy. It cannot be proven. I suspect though that your claim that the Jews are essentially mongrels is rejected by the likes of Nutteryahoo. I really don’t know what to believe. Any input you can provide beyond what you’ve said is much appreciated. Thanks.

July 28, 2015 9:36 pm

Z – I read the article you posted. Not one shred of evidence in there that what Israel did was anything other than pre-emptive. There were two quotes – one that said Israel delayed attacking, which it did even after the Straits were closed (that was indeed an act of war) for almost 2 weeks, and an incomplete quote that said Israel decided to attack – which it of course did – despite being uncertain if Egypt was intending to attack first. After Egypt massed forces, and closed the Straits, it seemed like a pretty reasonable course of action. Prior to that, Israel had made preparations for war, but there were no intnentions of going to war save for Egypt’s, and its allies, actions.

The fact is, Egypt closed the Straits and massed 100,000 soldiers on Israels borders, and got its allies to mass another 100,000 or so as well elsewhere.

You can try to spin it any way you want, but those facts are undisputed. Israel was not being provocative anywhere. What Egypt did by taking these steps was to invite attack. And that is what it got. If they had not done what they did, Israel would not have attacked.

Egypt should never have listened to the USSR lies.

July 28, 2015 9:36 pm

“I agree that tracing lineage back to Abraham is lunacy.” ———– Archie

First, you’re welcome.

It is indeed, lunacy! In fact, by the standard of what is a Real Jew I outlined above …. not even JESUS would qualify?

Jesus has non-Jewish blood in his lineage, as outlined in the Gospels containing his genealogy. Rahab was a prostitute and a Gentile … a despised Canaanite! Yet, she was King David’s great, great grandmother. Ruth was also a gentile …. a Moabite. Her ancestry had its origin in the incest committed between Lot and his oldest daughter!

The whole point of my rant was to point out the UTTER DELUSIONAL HYPOCRISY of what goes on in Israel today … (and, ridicules arguments amongst Christians) … in attempting to lay claim on what is a real Jew, or not. What is a real Jew? The only acceptable answer, imho, is who the fuck knows? Or, cares!

As such, Archie, I know extremely little about Khazars. We had a similar argument here years ago, and I started reading up on Khazars, and after a few hours I was bored to death … because I could answer the question — “Why is this important, and why should I care!”

July 28, 2015 9:40 pm

” I mean who the heck are the Jews mentioned in the bible?” ———— Archie

Buy this book. I did. I loved every page of it. There are Jews in Israel who like to kill this author! That should tell you something.

The Invention of the Jewish People ———— by Shlomo Sand

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July 28, 2015 9:43 pm

Stuck- I was quite literally talking about modern DNA genetic testing that shows Jews have Palestinian/ Arab markers. The Joos got all upset over this one. See the link below:

July 28, 2015 9:45 pm

Typing way too fast. Correction: I did NOT buy the book. I read large portions of it sitting in Barnes&Noble. What I did read was highly informative and enjoyable.

Review of above book


The Invention of the Jewish People is a book written by Shlomo Sand, an Israeli professor of history at the University of Tel Aviv.

The author wasn’t probing a belief system but Zionist fabrications of a spurious common lineage for people of the Jewish faith.

Sand argues that the idea of Jews having a common ethnic identity is implausible because, as with Christianity and Islam, Judaism was originally a “proselytising religion”.

The notion of Judaism as a “race”, rather than a religion of various races, is without foundation.

The results of a recently published study by Israeli-American geneticist Dr Eran Elhaik at John Hopkins University have scientifically and genetically validated Sand’s research.

The idea of a “nation race” was progressively developed and reinforced over centuries among segregated Jewish communities in Europe.

With the rise of German nationalism in the 19th century, Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz “retrospectively” crafted a discrete identity for the ghettoized people – mapping their origin to an old kingdom and wandering exiles.

The exiles tales transpired from a Christian myth of “divine punishment” imposed on Jews for rejecting the new religion.

The parable is likely to have originated from the Old Testament story of Jews wandering the desert for disobeying God and worshipping a golden calf.

Christians propagated the concept of exile to lure “disobeying” Jews to the new religion, becoming their saviour from another eternal banishment.

Modern political Zionism, which otherwise rejects the Christian Bible, adopted the untested story of “Jewish exile” to establish a mythical linkage between European Jews and the Middle East.

But Jewish history tells us that the Romans did not expel the original Jews from Palestine when they crushed the Simon bar Kokhba revolt in 136 AD but instead barred them only from city of Jerusalem – and even then they were allowed to visit it during Tisha B’Av, the annual fasting day on the ninth day of the month of Av in the Hebrew calendar.

Followers of the first monotheistic religion continued to have a presence in Palestine hundreds of years after the waning of the Roman Empire.

The last recorded history of an autonomous Jewish entity was under the tutelage of the Persian Empire in 614 AD, before it was dismantled by Byzantine forces in 625 AD.

A little over 10 years later Palestine was conquered by the Muslims and became part of the new Arab and Muslim community.

Under Christianity and during the Roman Empire a large number of native Jews converted to Christianity and, with the advent of Islam, most adopted the new religion and assimilated under the new power.

In addition to the descendants of the Canaanites, the original denizens before patriarch Abraham’s arrival from Mesopotamia, Sand concludes that today’s Muslim and Christian Palestinians are actually the true progenies of the original Jews.

So if there was no exile, where did European Jews come from?

Sand suggested that most of today’s Jews did not originate from the Middle East.

He argues that the European (Ashkenazi) Jewish ancestry can be traced back to the Caucasus region.

In the 8th century, the Khazars’ subjects and subordinate tribes experienced the largest religious conversion in the history of Judaism.

The recent study by John Hopkins geneticist Dr Elhaik confirms that the common genome structure of the European Jew gravitated towards an origin in old Khazaria.

“The majority of Jews do not have Middle Eastern genetic component,” he told Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Founded on a mélange of myths and manufactured historical tales, Israel has failed the archaeological test of time and is now exposed by DNA science.

Today’s genetics prove unequivocally that in 1948 “the children of the original Jews” were replaced by 8th century converts with no roots in the Middle East.

The myth of the Jewish people

July 28, 2015 9:45 pm

Thanks stucky. Much appreciated.

July 28, 2015 9:49 pm

Stuck says “Today’s genetics prove unequivocally that in 1948 “the children of the original Jews” were replaced by 8th century converts with no roots in the Middle East.”

Hell’s bells, those 8th century converts lived one hell of a long time – they had to be 1200 years old by the time they replaced the children of the original Jews.

What happened to “the children of the original Jews” in 1948 after they were replaced by those 8th century converts? Did they stop being Jews, or move on to something else?

July 28, 2015 9:53 pm

Find the real Jew. Use any genetic marker you’d like! lol

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July 28, 2015 9:56 pm

Seriously, Z – keep pulling up outliers – that shit makes for a good story, but it is all bullshit.

No one refutes the basic facts as I layed them out. Egypt fucked the goat. Did Israel use the situation to its own advantage? Very possibly. If Egypt had not massed its troops, closed the straits, and got its allies to do the same, would it have happened? Not a fucking chance. Egypt played a game of bluff and got its ass kicked. Egypt gave Israel a reason – one they may have wanted all along – to invade. Egypt gave them a damn good reason, and got what they got.

July 28, 2015 9:59 pm

“Stuck- I was quite literally talking about modern DNA genetic testing that shows Jews have Palestinian/ Arab markers.” ———– Bea

Thanks for the clarification.

Not very scientific, but sometimes all you have to do is LOOK at them.

The photo below (I hope it posts.) One is of an Israeli girl …. the other is a Palestinian boy. Who needs markers!! lol

link here, in case it doesn’t —

July 28, 2015 10:06 pm

Z – you keep putting up articles written by the weakest of sources. Pah-lease. How about something from an actual scholar next time. First guy has a BA from Grand Valley State, and the second guy is an old lawyer that never made partner by the look of it.

Not exactly world class scholars there.

July 28, 2015 10:13 pm

Z – I am not a professional historian, but I have extensive education in the area. Almost certainly more than the authors you are quoting. I have literally read tens of thousands of pages on the subject of Israel, its creation, and its history. I have largely put it out of my mind for decades, because I grew weary of it.

For every one article you put up, I could pull up dozens that espouse the opposite view – from much more serious academics. The position you are posting about is an out-lier, and is outside mainstream scholarship. The authors you are referencing draw extreme conclusions from isolated comments and commentators. It suits your world-view, so you search it out. As you wish.

July 28, 2015 10:13 pm

Anyway – I really only came by to stir up Stuck. But he didn’t bite.

July 28, 2015 10:26 pm

“Anyway – I really only came by to stir up Stuck. But he didn’t bite” ———- Llpoh

Just a case of bad timing on your part.

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July 28, 2015 10:31 pm

Stucky- We truly enjoyed your 9:01 post, had a good laugh. That Patheos article is very informative, hope you read the whole thing to add fuel to your research.

Dem Joos ain’t no special race and dats da truff !

July 29, 2015 12:03 am

Z – the general that is “quoted” (Peled) in the article (I say “quoted” as it is unattributed, and I find no source of the quote elsewhere) said that it was a military operation, that he pressed for the operation, and that Israel was under threat.

“Peled reiterated, however, that he had conceived of this as a purely military operation to counter a military threat, and that he had no idea that Israel would maintain occupation of the territories captured for decades afterwards, or establish settlements designed to effect their annexation and permanently change their demographic character. He had opposed these tendencies as soon as they appeared after the war.”

But there is zero doubt among serious academics and historians that there was a real threat. And Israel responded. Whether they should have stayed is debatable, but whether there was sufficient threat to have warranted the attack really is not. I will take Ivy League Scholarship over a Grand Valley U travel writer or low level lawyer any time.

July 29, 2015 12:14 am

Z – the list of books/articles re Israel/Palestine that I have read and you have not would be very long indeed. The Miko Peled book was a memoir of sorts, best I can tell, and it is told from his viewpoint. All well and good to do so, but certainly not a scholarly work. It may well give an interesting perspective.

Best I can tell, you selectively search out, find, and read those poor-quality-of-scholarship articles/books that support your world view, and then quote them as scholarly fact. As you wish.

July 29, 2015 12:16 am

Zionist sympathizer? Hmm. Not sure that is the case. I am all for letting the entire region sort it out without any involvement. I simply state the facts are no where near the way you present them. I wrote a long summary of the facts some time ago and posted them herein.

July 29, 2015 8:53 am

Z – I have mellowed.

July 29, 2015 4:23 pm

“Perhaps SSS can comment. In the book by Gordon Thomas called “Gideon’s spies”, the author claims that the Mossad knew about the 1983 marine barracks bombing in Beirut, but declined to alert the CIA.”

The CIA and Mossad have long had a cautious relationship. That said, you must ask yourself, what did Mossad (and Israel) have to gain by withholding specific information about a deadly terrorist attack on American Marines in Beirut? The answer is, “Absolutely nothing.”

I have read that Mossad picked up general information about an impeding attack and passed it to the CIA, but nothing with actionable information. Sort of like that bullshit NSA picked up in July 2001 that an attack in the U.S. was being planned by al Qaeda. Totally useless. WTF do you do with that? Put the entire country, civilian and military, on 24/7 alert? Yeah, right.

July 29, 2015 5:16 pm

Thanks SSS for your input. I love this place.