Got White Privilege? College Students Flunked for Using “Oppressive and Hateful Language”

Guest Post by Mac Slavo


Free speech has officially failed.

Reports are pouring in that the politically-correct politics surrounding the term ‘white privilege’ are gaining traction at many universities.

Plenty of professors at various colleges across the nation are confronting students with racial and ethnic issues, and decimating their grades if they aren’t sensitive enough to the use of delicate terminology.

Campus Reform reported on political correctness gone too far:

Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” “male,” and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.

According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”

At another school, a course in comparative ethnic cultures docks students who fail to recognize “white privilege” and use terms like “illegal alien” to describe people who circumvented immigration laws and came to this country without permission.

According to [Professor Rebecca Fowler’s] syllabus, students will lose one point every time they use the words “illegal alien” or “illegals” rather than the preferred terms of “‘undocumented’ migrants/immigrants/persons.” Throughout the course, Fowler says, students will “come to recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions.”

“The socio-legal production of migrant illegality works to systematically dehumanize and exploit these brown bodies for their labor,” Fowler continued.

Washington State University professor John Streamas takes it even further in his detailed syllabus:

• Consider others’ views. Reflect on your own social location, your privileges and power.
• Learn a historically informed definition of racism, and challenge all racist discourse.
• Reflect your grasp of history and social relations by respecting shy and quiet classmates, and by deferring to the experiences of people of color.
• Finally, understand and consider the rage of people who are victims of systematic injustice. James Baldwin wrote that people of color have an obligation to feel rage over this nation’s history of racism.

Streamus even mentioned controversial host Glenn Beck by name, suggesting that Beck would have to “endure 500 years of racism” to “earn the right” to use the N-word.

A lawyer for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education questioned the hypersensitive approach towards multicultural learning – with frequently changing “acceptable” code words that are sometimes dizzying and cloudy in their meaning:

How are students supposed to approach these sensitive and controversial materials at all, let alone to keep an open mind, if they have to fear that a misconstrued statement, or one that unreasonably offends a classmate will lead to a grade reduction or even removal from class?”

As Infowars reported, past proposals for dealing with sensitivity towards race and gender have included bizarre suggestions that students wear a “white privilege bracelet” to remind them of their privilege and to speak out to others about the issue.

Why have things shifted from tolerance and equality to an atmosphere of white guilt that is somehow supposed to be transferred to individuals who have no part in the centuries of racist institutions?

Are these policies seeking to end racism, or to point it in a new, brave direction?

Surely, these are examples of political correctness gone too far, and not part of a proper education…

Read more:

New MTV Show Publicly Shames White People For “What They’ve Done In America”

No Whites Allowed: Student Booted From Conference Because Of Skin Color: “Because I was white they would feel unsafe?”

TIME Justifies Ferguson Violence as Response to White Privilege: “Riots Are a Necessary Part of Evolution of Society”

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August 31, 2015 12:53 pm

The question I have is ‘what subject are these classes?”

If they are some sort of ‘studies’ classes – run by a crackpot, fat assed, fugly, lesbian, or some queer, or a neegrow, or an illegal SPIC, or a white neegrow lover, then this is a red flag that you are going for the wrong degree!

August 31, 2015 1:09 pm

Dutchman, I see what you’re saying, but it’s not always that easy. I received a degree in engineering, but we were still required to take a certain amount of credits in humanities, arts, and social sciences to fulfill the degree requirements. Granted, it could have been a lot worse.

August 31, 2015 1:10 pm

Another great example of what a twisted racket most colleges have become. Students, parents and tax payers are all paying for this horseshit garbage. It might be better if students actually had a choice in the matter, but for most degrees you are FORCED to take a certain number of these moronic classes. The collapse of the modern “higher education” cartel can’t come soon enough.

August 31, 2015 1:57 pm

Since Griggs v. Duke power Co., IQ testing is no longer allowed for job applicants. So now, instead of a simple test, employers filter their candidates by demanding that they get a college degree. Being able to pony up tens of thousands of dollars, and being able to pass ACT/SAT tests are reliable indicators of high socioeconomic background and higher IQ. So in the end the result is basically the same, except now everyone is financially destroyed in order to have a shot at getting a decent career, and a huge portion of GDP goes towards worthless spending instead of productive investment. Many of these kids end up in debt slavery for decades, and will be another major headwind to economic growth and household formation. Another casualty of the live-now-pay-later kick the can down the road elite shortsightedness that is ruining this country.

August 31, 2015 2:17 pm

It will stop when WE including me have the balls to stop it.

August 31, 2015 2:21 pm

If you’re a White male, particularly a White Christian male, maybe you could sue the school for creating a hostile environment for you and giving you serious emotional fear and distress.

At least if it isn’t a private institution, but it seems enough private organizations are being sued on those grounds for the same thing by some ethnic or deviant group today.

August 31, 2015 2:35 pm

No matter what liberal professors say, a kneegrow is still a kneegrow.

August 31, 2015 2:38 pm

STOP IT. Me and bb and billy had to go find a safe space to gather ourselves, just from the hurt of reading this bullshit

August 31, 2015 2:40 pm

This’ll end. There’s going to be a sea-change in higher education when the Great Default hits. My home state of Florida spends nearly 9% of the budget on higher education. It’s not sustainable and once significant economic downturn hits, people here (taxpayers and parents alike) won’t be willing to put up with this crap. This charade of “diversity studies” will end because it doesn’t and won’t add any benefit to those forced to pay for it. In hard times, people eventually get focused on what matters, and in the instance of higher education, the only thing that will matter is the ability to do the work, i.e., entrance will rapidly fall back to academic ability.

August 31, 2015 2:49 pm

I’m with Backtable.

Obtaining a job teaching at a university is often thought to be a sinecure.

Wait until the money conduit blows sky high. The same time the FedGov can no longer underwrite bottomless unsecured loans to proto-adults is the same time alumni from all these institutions will pay attention to the lunacy at their Alma Mater and donations will crater.

Then, too, will stupid middle class people realize the mistake they’re making sending their dullard kid to obtain a degree in the kid’s hobby.

It is a perfect storm, and I can see the radar: It’s ALL converging on these idiots at the same time in the same place.

August 31, 2015 3:47 pm

There should be criminal prosecution of these professors, in addition to losing their jobs and being permanently barred from academia.

Yes, I’m familiar with the concept of tenure. I consider it bullshit. It protects slimebags like these, as well as habitual rapists, druggies, retired terrorists, etc. while being thinner than tissue paper if a white male is accused of doing some white male thing that isn’t even illegal or immoral. Tenure is one of the major problems with American universities.

By the way, I am not inclined to hire anyone with a degree from colleges that gain this sort of reputation. Anyone in one of these schools should either devote all efforts to fixing the abuses, or transfer.

August 31, 2015 4:21 pm

James Baldwin can just go fuck himself. Other go fuck yourself = Selena Lester Breikss, Rebecca Fowler, John Streamas, Washington State University, and every liberal sick fuck in the country.

September 1, 2015 12:01 am


Why is this important? 90% of the people in college are going to be doing work that doesn’t require a college degree. Why would anyone go into debt to acquire information that they could obtain online for free? Why would anyone pay money for this kind of crap? Have we really sunk so low?

September 1, 2015 12:10 am

Free speech, anyone? Free speech????

September 1, 2015 12:34 am

I hope at least one or two of the students are bright enough to write an extra paper to troll the insane ‘professor’ with,and submit it under a pseudonym.

September 1, 2015 12:42 am

Meh. Public universities (most, but not all) are going the way of public K-12 schools. Fail. Not that big a deal

September 1, 2015 7:31 am

What exactly is my white privalege? What do I get from being white exactly? What about chinese privalege in china? Japanese privalege in japan? Mexican privalege in mexico? Is there an english phone tree for customer service in mexico? Isnt the race of the people who built the country, do most of the work, pay most of the taxes worthy of a little something? The privalege runs in reverse because they get what we produce, and that has to be the definition of privalege.

September 1, 2015 4:45 pm

Comparative Ethnic Cultures – Summary & Notes:

North Europe & North Asia: Advanced mathematics, science, astronomy, engineering, medicine, art, poetry, literature, architecture, world exploration, evolved religions and political structures, advanced use of the sail, advanced domestication of the horse, advanced agriculture and economies, many inventions, warriors, scholars, hot chicks, and productive regular joes and janes. Successful colonialism.

India, – portions have much of the above of North Europe & North Asia.

Sub-Saharan Africa: no written language, no metallurgy, no arithmetic of place value, no domestication of the horse, no use of the sail, no multi-story architecture. In some places, no use of the wheel. At least they have fire, limited agriculture and some domesticated livestock.

South America – conquered by one Spanish dude with 40 friends on horseback.

Question: Do we study the “rich oral tradition” of these cultures because they were too retarded to devise written language?

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