The total lock down of Philadelphia began yesterday. The socialist, left wing, rockstar pope arrives in the U.S. today, causing mass gridlock, lost economic productivity, and another opportunity for our Orwellian police surveillance state to flex its muscles and treat its citizens like cattle and sheep. It started with the lock down of Boston a couple years ago as the all-powerful State took a giant shit on the Fourth Amendment as they hunted down two teenage utensil bomb terrorists. The DHS thugs have continued to militarize Barney Fife police forces around the country. Every man, woman and child is treated like a terrorist when going to a god damn baseball or football game. As reported by Marketwatch, the pope will inconvenience millions in three large US cities over the next six days.

Pope Francis’ historical six-day visit to the U.S. will bring some of the tightest security in Washington, D.C., New York and Philadelphia this week. Pope Francis, 78, will arrive from Cuba at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on Tuesday, Sept. 22. He’ll then meet with President Barack Obama, be honored in a parade on the National Mall in Washington that’s expected to draw more than 200,000 people, hold mass and address a joint session of Congress. The pope will then travel to New York by plane,where he’ll address the United Nations, parade through Central Park and hold mass at Madison Square Garden. He will then fly from JFK airport to Philadelphia. On Sunday morning, he’ll visit a prison and later that afternoon will lead a mass that is expected to draw as many as one million people. He’ll head back to Rome on Sunday. Sept. 27.

The Secret Service, who can’t keep idiots from jumping the White House fence and getting in to see Obama, are in charge of keeping the pope safe from the thousands of terrorists roaming the streets of the US who want to kill him. This is really an inconvenience for the top notch secret service agents because it cuts into their time banging whores and allowing planes to land on the White House lawn. Of course, we’ve already had the “terrorist plot foiled” bullshit story released to the media to prove they are keeping us safe. They are now scrapping the the bottom of the barrel with 15 year olds posting on facebook.

The Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson designated the visit of Pope Francis to be a National Special Security Event (NSSE), which means the same level of security as a presidential inauguration or the Olympics or the Super Bowl. U.S. Secret Service director Joseph Clancy traveled to Italy in June to meet with Vatican security personnel to prepare for the pope’s visit and to study the pope’s habits and patterns when he goes out in public. Already the Secret Service said it had disrupted one plot by a 15-year-old boy in Philadelphia to launch an “ISIS-inspired” attack with firearms and explosives during Pope Francis’ visit, though no active steps for the plot had begun before it was detected and the boy was arrested.

The visit to Philadelphia is proving to be a holy clusterfuck. It will be virtually impossible to enter or leave Philadelphia from Friday through Monday. My employer, the biggest in Phila, happens to be within the no travel zone. It had to close on Friday. There are thousands of hourly employees who will not get paid. These are the “poor” who the pope cares so much about. The Schuylkill Expressway, the major route into and out of Philly to the western suburbs, will be closed from Friday night until Monday morning. The Ben Franklin bridge from New Jersey will be closed. The amount of lost wages and productivity will be huge. I guess we can just expect bigger lines at the local food bank next week.

Cars started being towed yesterday from hundreds of streets. A city that is gridlocked on a normal day, will supposedly have over 1 million additional people. An event that should have generated added business for restaurants, retailers, and other small businesses is being run by government drones in a way guaranteed to lose money for these businesses. These small restaurants and other businesses have to close, because their workers can’t get back into the city once they leave. Food deliveries will be impossible. You need government issued passes to enter certain zones. You needed to win a lottery to get tickets to use public transportation. And then of course, you will be molested, prodded and felt up by police state thugs as you are herded through gates and corralled like sheep. The great socialist pontiff will pontificate his global warming, anti-capitalism message to these sheep, as they willingly subjugate themselves to the dictates of their surveillance state shepherds.

The famous white-painted “Popemobile,” of which an armored SUV version was put in service after an assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981, will be used by the Secret Service. As the Secret Service is the lead agency in all three cities, people will need a ticket to the various private events in each city, and each public appearance will have many restrictions, such as no backpacks, no selfie sticks, no balloons, no packages or glass and metal containers. Want to carry a welcome sign? It can’t be on a stick, the Secret Service warns. Expect long airport-like security lines for magnetic screening if you plan to attend the parade in Washington or want to check out New York’s Central Park event on Friday, Sept. 25, the agency warns.

The pope came to Phila in 1979. The city wasn’t locked down in any way. People came to the city and watched him drive by in his pope mobile. There was probably some police overtime as they were needed for extra crowd control. There were no bomb squads, military level presence, sharpshooters on rooftops, secret service running the show, or fear mongering by the government. The ignorant masses are too ignorant to realize they are being treated like sheep by the government. DHS has to act like their presence makes you safer. This is how they rationalize their $800 billion budget. It’s fitting that this is happening in Phila where Ben Franklin spoke his immortal words:

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

This week is another nail in the coffin of liberty. The ridiculously over-hyped danger from phantom terrorists has convinced the willfully ignorant masses to sacrifice our freedoms and liberties for some perceived safety. The government is nothing but a hammer, and you are nothing but a nail to them. So, if you are stupid enough to venture into a papal zone this week, enjoy being treated like a terrorist and getting molested by a government drone. At least it isn’t a priest.

While the airspace in and around Washington is already tightly controlled by the Federal Aviation Administration with “no-fly zones,” the Secret Service has also promised a “no-drone zone” in Washington, New York and Philadelphia for the pope’s visit, and warns drone operators they’ll face arrest and criminal charges if they don’t obey it. Rooftop events in Washington will also be discouraged, according to the Secret Service. The Secret Service has gotten better about warning businesses about specific disruptions and street closures, Agouridis added, and “become more precise without compromising security.”

Amtrak also warns that its Acela high-speed rail trains and others along the “Power Corridor” between New York, Philadelphia and Washington are expected to be packed with hundreds of Catholic Church officials, cardinals and bishops as well as mass attendees. Amtrak says it will run a weekday schedule when the pope is in Philadelphia, along with extra trains over the weekend beginning Sept. 26 with help from equipment from local commuter rail lines. Riders can expect plenty of police presence at stations and aboard trains and bomb-sniffing dogs. “Additional station personnel and ambassadors will be on hand to assist, but passengers should expect long lines and crowded conditions,” said Craig Schulz, an Amtrak spokesman, in an Aug. 21 statement.

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George Gallagher
George Gallagher
September 22, 2015 1:09 pm

The Pope is a NWO Climate fraudster…

September 22, 2015 1:22 pm

Who invited the jackass?

September 22, 2015 1:43 pm

Fuck the Pope, and fuck his army of ass reaming pedophile ‘priests’. On second though they’d probably enjoy it.

September 22, 2015 1:44 pm

Yet …. DESPITE all those huge obstacles and major inconveniences, thousands upon thousands of people will flock to see this god-man whom people like Jim (not Admin, the asshole in my pope article) worship and adore.

I hope that dicksucking Pope eats at a Wendy’s.

September 22, 2015 1:44 pm

Well it would be an embarrassment if the pope got assassinated in Philadelphia. Part of the world would be crying with over the top sentimentality and other the half would be laughing .

September 22, 2015 1:45 pm

And another thing – he meets with the murderous, oppressive, dictators for life – the Castro bros.

How many lives have these two ruined? Guess the Pope wanted to give them a blow job – just to taste some Cuban cock.

September 22, 2015 1:46 pm

Whorecunt steals a twenty five cent box cutter.

September 22, 2015 1:58 pm

Better be careful in you’re in Philly. those guys in the picture look like they’re just itchin’ for an excuse to shoot somebody.

September 22, 2015 2:12 pm

I can’t believe they’re shutting down The Schuylkill Expressway! That’s crazy. I wonder is the 30 blocks of squalor is ready for all the fresh meat?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 22, 2015 2:45 pm

If Madonna > the Disciples, then francis < Stucky

September 22, 2015 3:09 pm

Who’s the cocksucker giving all the thumbs down? Could it be the Pope reads this blog?

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 22, 2015 3:09 pm

Here in DC we’ve been told to expect huge delays due to traffic. Employers strongly advised to allow telecommuting between today and Thursday. Works for me!

Last year when I was on the metrorail the train stopped for 30 minutes for Obummer’s motorcade, even though the rail line is UNDERGROUND. Talk about paranoid security measures…geez. Maybe the Secret Service had watched V for Vendetta or something (re: Guy Falkes explosive-laden train).

September 22, 2015 3:16 pm

Where are the Islamist’s when you need them?

Pope Francis
Pope Francis
September 22, 2015 3:19 pm

I’m the one giving the thumbs down. I’m sick and tired of the abuse I’ve been taking on TBP from you fucking monkeys. You’re all going to hell. Global warming is real. The government needs to redistribute your money to the FSA.

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harry p.
harry p.
September 22, 2015 3:30 pm

Fuck the pope

September 22, 2015 3:50 pm

Socialist Pope, Security State, a match made in heaven.

September 22, 2015 4:45 pm

Fascist storm troopers protecting the Pope. Nice.

September 22, 2015 4:57 pm

I have a group text that Im in with my wife’s entire immediate family(including her parents and sister’s spouses, there are 10 people in it, total) and I keep getting messages about making sure someone DVRs the pope’s stupid speech. They are all gun owners, and republicans(despite my best efforts, several of them are trump supporters…..) and yet they are all looking forward to what he says. It is taking every ounce of self restraint I possess not to point out to them that this nearly everything this pope says they would deride as “more socialist bullshit” if obama said it. Talk about brainwashed, its insane. This guy can’t do or say anything wrong, according to most catholics, because he is the pope. He is essentially always right.

This guy is essentially Bernie sanders minus the support for abortion, and millions of otherwise conservative people worship him.

September 22, 2015 5:44 pm

When one watches old footage of Hitler in public, there’s hardly any security at all. And he was the “evil one” who survived several bomb plots, but never anyone with the balls to just shoot him.

But this asshole who is known as the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, anointed by God inspired Cardinals into the Holy See. All this security doesn’t indicate very much confidence in God’s divine ability to protect his living representative on Earth, does it?

September 22, 2015 5:55 pm

Spot on Gator, when people talk about the pope, I have a hard time of not laughing in their face. The catholic church is nothing more than a dog and pony show.

September 22, 2015 6:31 pm

If Rise Up worked for me I would make him wear a damn Go Pro everywhere so as to make sure he was working. Another sheeple too stupid to understand employers foot the bill for “telecommuting” which is just libspeak for “day off’.

Not that he could work for me, mind you.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 22, 2015 7:17 pm

Lloph, you are a clueless dumbass. You have no idea what I do or when I do it. Keep up your ignorance.

September 22, 2015 7:29 pm

The Saudi’s are hosting the big Muslim Hajj now. While they don’t have a ‘Pope’ to protect they do get somewhere around 2 million Muslims who manage to put aside their hatred for one another for a few days and the worst that happens is a human stampede that tramples a few hundred pilgrims to death.

That would be my concern with the Pope’s visit too. Packing huge masses of people into a confined area ringed with security forces is an accident waiting to happen. At the risk of being visited by the FBI I would suggest any terrorist act would not be directed at the Pope but at the crowds. It is here that great loss of life could take place if the crowds were to panic and or the police to open fire on someone.

I recall the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge. 500,000 people were estimated to have turned out to walk around on the bridge that day. They say the bridge deck sagged 10 feet lower than normal due to the weight of the crowd. Diane Feinstein was mayor then and she was said to have panicked when she realized that , should anything happen, she would just be as helpless as anyone else so she had the SFPD clear a path to get her off that bridge as the crowds converged on it.

With that in mind I would advise against anyone going near any of the Papal events. Once you are inside the security perimeter you are trapped and if the crowd starts to move there will be no stopping it.

September 22, 2015 8:20 pm

Rise Up – i read your bullshit yesterday. You are a moron too stupid to be a business owner yet envious of others’ success.

Now you are crowing about getting to stay home. You are a lazy ass sheeple. I suspect your momna has to spoon feed you still less you starve to death.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 23, 2015 10:44 am

The vatican has plenty of money…make them pay for their own security.

Me No Likey
Me No Likey
September 23, 2015 11:23 am

Operation Iron Response: expect nothing less from this police state.

September 23, 2015 11:23 am

It’s a bonanza for that beat-one-story-to-death “news” station CuNNt. It’s a ’60’s style love-in for that pedophile dick sucker. I wouldn’t be surprised if they starting masturbating on air by Friday.

Even Ms Freud is fooled, and foolish. Conversation that took place a few minutes ago;

Ms Freud: So, what are people talking about on TBP?
Me: Lots of stuff about the pope. Just like on TV.
Ms Freud: Well, he is a man of God.
Me: Are you kidding me???
Ms Freud: No, why would you think otherwise?
Me: Jeezus!! I don’t feel like explaining it to you. Just leave me alone for the rest of the day!!

September 23, 2015 11:47 am

I’m curious about this Pope’s history. He’s 78 years old so 35 years ago he would have been a young Argentine priest at a time when the Argentine Junta was ‘disappearing people’ or tossing them out of military aircraft into the South Atlantic Ocean. What was he up to that his career kept advancing?

September 23, 2015 11:49 am

Soooo …. that piece of whale shit, Brian Williams, made his debut on MSNBC covering da Pope. He was immediately mocked on Twitter by thousands.

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September 23, 2015 11:51 am

“If it wasn’t for boy rape, the Pope would never get laid!”

September 23, 2015 12:11 pm

The absurd police costumes and national guard deployments are most consistent with a goal of habituating people to militaristic policing. No good purpose is served by them.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 23, 2015 1:24 pm

“All this security doesn’t indicate very much confidence in God’s divine ability to protect his living representative on Earth, does it?”

Who says God’s trying to protect this pope? Maybe He’s trying to smite him and the security is to keep the LORD at bay.

September 23, 2015 3:12 pm

Hey, Roman Pontiff! Hey, Righteous Father! Hey, Vatican Regent! Ahh—ha ha ha ha! Dif those gaudy dress Swiss Guards! Your plan to “convert” all the Episcopalians (“Anglican Church of England”) here is—what? Do you know they only tolerate you? This week the preceptor of The Inquisition gets the spotlight, but at all times the Royal Family and their allies hold over 90% of the control in America. You and the Jesuits are only also-rans. Poor fools who think London is “controlled by Catholic interests.”

September 23, 2015 3:40 pm

So much security! I guess a lot of people hate the man. Why would a man of the cloth be so worried about dying?
I owe my distrust of any male being alone with my kids to all those pedophile Catholic priest.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 23, 2015 4:21 pm

What if the MSM was GungHo for the new Sheriff who is a member of the Mafia? The Jesuits don’t have any nonCatholic friends for good reason. What if a minister rarely preached about Jesus and His mission on earth (ref Is53 etc and the Gospels) and His imminent return (Zec12,13,14 and Rev etc) and never with the Spirit and power (1Cor2:4). If you think francis is God’s representative on earth: sorry, he’s not qualified to hold a candle for the twelve Disciples, St Patrick, Martin Luther, Padre Pio and a hundred others. The False Prophet is probably a pope pointing the way to a New World Order and One World Religion which will be the age old Satanic deception that following some religion & doing good deeds gets one into Heaven. Please watch Youtube “Best Christian Testimonies from CBN” & you will see that Jesus saves and francis needs your prayers. .

September 23, 2015 8:25 pm

The Dope want’s us to take in the poor migrants. But I don’t see the vatican letting any in to use their gold-plated toilets. Unless it’s late at night and the migrant is an underage boy.

September 24, 2015 7:05 am

Only thing I can say about the Poop’s visit is I’m glad he’s not visiting RDU.

What’s Washington going to do when the USD loses it’s status as the world’s reserve currency?

Here’s an interesting perspective,

Time for the Nuclear Option: Raining Money on Main Street

September 24, 2015 8:14 am

CuNNt is performing Virtual Blow Jobs on the Pope this morning …. parading on screen one Pope-Nutsack-Licker after another.

Utterly Shameful.

September 24, 2015 10:08 am

OTOH – they should close down Philly – for good.

September 24, 2015 11:13 am

Neither the person of the pope nor the religion he represents are the real issue here, at least not to me. What matters is that the US population consents to a virtual state of siege in an American city all because of the visit of a media celebrity whose “message” serves to further the agenda of those who are stealing your country and its once-vaunted “liberties” right out from under you. The pope himself is a distraction, nothing more. Focus on the monstrous “national security” apparatus that is being imposed upon you and ignore the silliness of the event.

September 24, 2015 11:23 am

Am I the only one whose brain is seeing “Papal Lockdown” and interpreting it as “Papal Assclown”?

(Also, agree with Montefrio)

September 24, 2015 11:28 am

The Pope’s “message” — whatever the fuck it is —- WILL BE FORGOTTEN within a few days after his visit.

Nobody REALLY listens to what this pedophile excuse maker has to say … not even most Catholics. He is an Assclown useful to the MSM.

September 24, 2015 12:52 pm

Why don’t you tell us how you really feel?

The most powerful politician in the world and the highest religious authority in the world just met, and you think it will be forgotten anytime soon?

A sign of the times, my friend, a sign of the times.

September 24, 2015 1:04 pm

“The most powerful politician in the world and the highest religious authority in the world just met, and you think it will be forgotten anytime soon?” ——— Nonan

“The most IRRELEVANT politician in the world and the MOST IRRELEVANT religious authority in the world just met, and you think it will be forgotten anytime soon?”

There. Fixed it for you.

Catholics are about 22% of the USA! population. Do you think the other 78% really give a fuck what the Pope-a-dope has to say?

Of the 22%, how many are nominal Catholics? At least half, I’d guess … Catholic in name only. You know, when the Pope-a-dope says to not use condoms, they basically ignore him. Da Pope is just a side show for the vast majority of Americans.

You think the HNIC is gonna say “Hey, dat Pope dude says we should be more peaceful. Ima gonna stop bombing countries”. Yeah, right.

You were clueless when you left … you’re still clueless now.