Hat tip Starfcker

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 5, 2015 3:32 pm

Add intelligence, charisma, traditional, Christian, great patriotic leader and loved by his people to Putin and few truer words were ever spoken.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 5, 2015 5:57 pm

Putin is good at what he does but why do we assume he is a good Christian man? He is an x KGB agent that has amassed billions of dollars in personal wealth. How did he get it? What did he do while working for the KGB in East Germany?

The truth is I don’t really care – and while I have more respect for Putin as a man than I do for your pansy of a president I can honestly say I’d feel the same way about the “God Father” too – but that does’t mean he is a good person or worthy of the respect entitled to a good and honourable man.

I’m estimating that the propaganda surrounding Putin is as thick and heavy as anything coming from the west – but more easily sold because at least in public and in some of his policy he appeals to men who believe there is still such a thing as honour and manliness.

Just my .02 cents.