Via Knuckledraggin

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October 6, 2015 9:49 am

Most of California is a DESERT. Always has been, always will be.

The CA legislators have been soooo busy making sure that transgender whack jobs are in the correct bathroom or hatching plans to throw even more $$$/benefits at illegal aleins or protecting the gnats that live off a coyote’s ass that they have done NOTHING about the water situation since the late ’80s.

And, of course, the San Fran/Hollyweido Elites have been cheerleading all this.

So fuck ’em.


And, no, they cannot move to Texas.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 6, 2015 2:31 pm

I love the smell of California burning up in the mornings.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 6, 2015 11:56 pm

The Chihuahua desert takes up almost half of Texas. The Sonora desert is right next to it in Arizona. The Mojave is in California and stretches northwards into the Great Basin desert. One of the shuttle pilots expressed his opinion that the desert was the most beautiful part of the USA.

If you don’t like the desert, that is your problem. Texas doesn’t belong to you, it is part of California, actually. I read it somewhere, that Austin is a suburb of LA. Therefore, please vacate immediately.

October 7, 2015 12:12 am

EC- What up? Mrs. Lever has had a bee in her bonnet to get the house redecorated before the holidays so I have been working to the point of stiffness personified. Even my toenails hurt. I have missed out on all the fun for days only posting once or twice………this sucks.

Unlike some, I love the desert and feel great when I’m there . Fires have been a plague on Cali for as long as I can remember. Agreed the desert is really very beautiful.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 7, 2015 12:33 am

Nothing much, Bea, just some flies strafing my asshole. I was wondering where you had disappeared to. I wanted to tell you that I have tested 4 antennas and found that I can get Univision on channel 39 from Bakerfield. I was wasting my time looking to LA. I got a cheap VHF antenna and that captures some channels (ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX) from LA but no Univision.

Anyway, I got the channel from Bakersfield. I got the bug, man. Now I don’t care about the channels, I just like experimenting with my antennas. Looking into people’s yards, noticing the odd Yagi on a rooftop.

I saw they have one in TV land at work. I told the beautiful blonde that I wanted to go see it. I said, you distract them with your awesome ass and I will take a look. When we got there, I saw a couple of old antennas on the ground. I said I would go see if I could have them. The guy there couldn’t give me the ok but he said — might. I said, —? He’s an old buddy from back in Austin. No problem, he said to take both and the pole as well. He pointed out a couple of other antennas they had installed on the rooftops. What he gave me were two badass antennas, an 8 bay and a huge VHF antenna. I like them more because they are old and because they were formerly installed up there at work.

So that’s my news, Bea. Glad to see the old lady let you come back.

October 7, 2015 12:49 am

I knew you would get that sorted out EC, glad to hear it. Why pay for bullshit when you can pick it up for free right out of the air? Bullshit should be free on every level. Nice score on the antennas too.

The Church Lady really wanted Univision so I guess she is happy. Sorry to be scarce but I’m up to my eyeballs in projects here on the home front. Heck, I guess most people are glad not to hear me blathering anyway.

Keep amping up and you will prolly pick up at least 50 channels. Life is good.