“I am disappointed but not surprised by the decision to move forward on the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that will hurt consumers and cost American jobs. Wall Street and other big corporations have won again. It is time for the rest of us to stop letting multinational corporations rig the system to pad their profits at our expense.”

Bernie Sanders

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Rick Caird
Rick Caird
October 6, 2015 8:41 am

We don’t know much about what is in TPP yet, but I have a bad feeling about it. Congress was stupid to pass fast track legislation to benefit a treaty that was not only not done yet, but also so secret it could be read in a secure room by Congressman and Senators sworn to secrecy and not staff could see it. Secret treaties are rarely good for the bulk of the country.

October 6, 2015 9:01 am

Don’t care for Commie Bernie, but he is 100% correct on this point.

October 6, 2015 9:11 am

When the government wants secrecy about what it doing only from its own people and not from foreign powers you need to ask why.

Doesn’t make any difference it is a trade agreement or a nuclear deal with a hostile nation, you need to ask why.

But don’t expect anyone to answer.

October 6, 2015 12:49 pm

Not one. Not two, but THREE T’s!
The “Triple T’s” secret trade deals.

1/ TPP
Trans Pacific Partnership
Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership
Trade In Services Agreement

All three are being negotiated in secret and are interconnected. You will not see all three mentioned in any one article in the main stream media. Each one will be foisted upon the unsuspecting countries one at a time, so as not to raise undue suspicion or opposition.

These trade pacts have been written and pushed by the multi-national, mega-corporations with the consent of participating governments, to undermine and solidify corporate control over any future governmental actions against the will of corporate wishes, anywhere!

As a foot note;
Trade In Services Agreement
Is woven into the fabric of all three T’s and is meant as an international legal cementing process, making it practically impossible to intercede by way of international law, into any aspect of the trio of agreements that make up the “Triple ‘T’ Trade Pacts”.

Welcome to the first concrete step in the construction of the “New World Order”.

Fascist Corporatism controlled by an Oligarchic Plutocracy.

October 7, 2015 1:34 am

Right on, bernie sanders