Via Knuckledraggin

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October 21, 2015 9:02 am

Almost as bad as the dorks with a chain saw who drop a big tree on their new 4×4 pickups….

October 21, 2015 9:33 am

And vote just like they drive…and yes before bedwetters take offense , there are exceptions as with any rule.

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October 21, 2015 9:38 am


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Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
October 21, 2015 9:43 am

Flash, +1000

October 21, 2015 12:20 pm

@flash: There is an argument to be made that once woman got the vote, the tendency for socialistic policies in this country went through the roof.

Of course. the counter to that is that by having Big Government take care of the womenfolk this then absolved the men of any responsiblity, so they were on board with that as well.

It is an essential human trait to find a Sugar Daddy to take care of all your problems, sigh.

As to driving, yes, I got stopped on my way to Huntsville (90 in a 65 zone) but I oonly got a warning because I put Rush Limbaugh on the radio and was very polite to the officer, who has stopped me before. So there.

I am totally off the topic of women drivers here.

October 21, 2015 12:27 pm

Bruce Jenner drove all his whole life accident free. He changed his name to Caitlyn and became a woman and a few months later rear-ends a car and kills someone.

Coincidence? I think not.

October 21, 2015 12:34 pm

@Lysander that little “fact” tells more about the pharmaceuticals he is ingesting than anything.

I’ve logged close to 1/2 million miles, maybe more, over the course of my lifetime. Other than the ice catching bald tires and sliding sideways into a rock, I have never had an “at fault” accident.

I really am not a “normal” girl. Trying HARD to raise another to be just like me too.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 21, 2015 1:22 pm

I have been hit five times and four were women (I was not at fault). All the women were young and good looking but when your car has to be towed away, their looks don’t count. One was a sexy redheaded semi-driver in short-shorts who pulled into the 2 lane highway right in front of me because the rising sun blinded her and then told the cop I hit her like that made it my fault. He wasn’t dazzled either and then she came to court and tried to dazzle the judge. One girl was a sexy USC Black athlete in tight white short-shorts who passed me and immediately cut about 3 feet in front of my 1965.5 Mustang and hit her brakes to turn into a small shipping center; I’d hit mine 0.5 seconds before her but the light Mustang left skid marks and her huge ass new white 2005 Chrysler 300 didn’t. She went on into the parking lot while my Mustang sat pouring out steam, refrigerant and oil while about 10 people called the cops who showed up in about 2 minutes. She told the cops she thought I had time to stop (on the highway) and she later tried to persuade her insurance company I was at fault because I hit her in the rear. One girl pulled out right in front of me and I was livid because it was dawn but still dark (my lights were on). She said she didn’t see me because the right window was frosted over and I looked and she was so right about that. The fourth girl pulled out of a side road in front of me on a busy two lane highway and I laid down about 50 feet of skid marks before T-boning her because she panicked and hit her brakes. The guy was a cavalier old drunk on medications who pulled out into the highway to turn left right in front of me. I left about 30 feet of skid marks before the impact which knocked the whole rear axle off his truck and sent it 50 feet down the road. As I was about to exit my smoking truck, a cop pulled beside me with his lights on and asked if I was hurt (not) and then said he saw the whole thing because he was sitting at the intersection. I love women but there is a good reason they don’t drive race cars.

October 21, 2015 1:38 pm

@flash: There is an argument to be made that once woman got the vote, the tendency for socialistic policies in this country went through the roof.

There is no argument.It is fact.The research has been done.

BTW Hope, you are definitely an exception …nut you already knew that didn’t you?

Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government …

John R. Lott, Jr.

VI. Conclusion
Giving women the right to vote significantly changed American politics from the very beginning. Despite claims to the contrary, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s. Suffrage
coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue, and these effects continued growing as more
women took advantage of the franchise. Similar changes occurred
at the federal level as female suffrage led to more liberal voting records for the state’s U.S. House and Senate delegations. In the Senate, suffrage changed voting behavior by an amount equal to almost
20 percent of the difference between Republican and Democratic
senators. Suffrage also coincided with changes in the probability that
prohibition would be enacted and changes in divorce laws. We were
also able to deal with questions of causality by taking advantage of
the fact that while some states voluntarily adopted suffrage, others
where compelled to do so by the Nineteenth Amendment. The con-

Women’s suffrage over time

By John R. Lott, Jr.

“If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president. It’s kind of a pipe dream, it’s a personal fantasy of mine, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

—Ann Coulter, Oct. 2 New York Observer


Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 21, 2015 3:21 pm

@ Lysander


Not sure who you’re trolling… women, trannies or effeminate men but I’m going with all three. Well done.

October 21, 2015 3:42 pm

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October 21, 2015 7:03 pm

My wife wrecked my 95 Honda civic 5times before she totaled it . um she doenst have keys to my 2010 Honda civic . nuff said

October 22, 2015 2:46 pm

@Flash, what about the unions?

Unions, at least Teamsters and Auto, are mostly male, and ALL vote Demoncrat.

AND get the damned day paid to do it.

Good try, you and Ann, but wayyyyyyyy too late for that.

October 24, 2015 1:30 pm

jus’ sayin’…

UPDATE: Three dead and dozens injured during OSU homecoming parade in Stillwater
Posted 12:01 pm, October 24, 2015, by KFOR Digital Desk, Updated at 12:13pm, October 24, 2015

STILLWATER, Okla.- A homecoming parade in Stillwater turned tragic after an incident that left at least three people dead and dozens injured.

The Stillwater Press reports that a woman driving a vehicle plowed through the crowd and has been arrested.

October 24, 2015 1:35 pm

that’s right TE, never let facts stand in the way of your precious feeeellliinggs..

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National Education Association – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labor union in the United States. It represents public school teachers and other support personnel, …
‎Structure and governance – ‎History – ‎Composition – ‎Funding
American Federation of Teachers – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is an American labor union that primarily represents teachers. The union was founded in Chicago in 1916.

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October 24, 2015 1:58 pm

Flash, please never let the facts get in the way of your hatred (fear? pain?) of the creatures whom give all life to all of us.

I’ve said it before, I don’t know what your mother/wife did/has done to you, but it must have brutal.

On behalf of them, I’m sorry, truly sorry, for your pain.

But only YOU can find the forgiveness and light to go on and bring your world to a better place.

Your misogynistic blatherings and picture postings, all while believing in righteousness of Vox fucking Day and Ann I wish I was Born with a Cock Barnhardt (or whichever Crazy Ann you are currently believing) show your true soul.

Women HAVE to be compassionate, community/family oriented, else they would smother their own babies thanks to the very real and difficult burden raising an infant/small child entails. Almost no men can even take a guess at what that feels like/entails.

How having compassion and sympathy equates to having rights taken away is beyond me.

These women, even the unionists, have been LED to their beliefs by evil people/forces and the revulsion of how we have historically been treated. And yes,they are misguided, but going back to the Dark Ages isn’t going to change that.

How’s this Flash, yes, the education unions are primarily female. What about the cops, firefighters, Teamsters, correction officers, and nearly EVERY upper level of the unions themselves? MALE all.

Sitting at the Union negotiation tables? MEN.
Sitting in the Union President offices? MEN
Sitting on the Boards of the Corporations? MEN
Sitting at the heads of nearly ALL Fortune 500 corporations? MEN
ALWAYS been our President/VPs? MEN
Voting in Prohibition? MEN
Nearly all state rulers? MEN
Head of the world’s major religions? MEN
Head of the AMA, FDA, USDA, CDC? MEN

You just don’t like to look in the mirror and accept your OWN responsibility for this mess. So much easier to blame it on others because of their gender, skin color, religion, or whatever you don’t like.

I don’t know why I bother with you, other than I truly hope that people can figure it out and atone for their own ignorance in this world, before they find out how painful it can be to atone in the next.

Peace you hater you. While you curse me, and womankind, know that I will continue to pray for you and wish you the peace and love that comes with acceptance of your own sins and shortcomings, and the utmost joy you can feel here, in this world, by loving, not hating, others.

Rant on friend, rage and hate and rant on. I’m sure the road to happiness is somewhere in that path.

October 24, 2015 2:19 pm

TE, I’m sorry , but I did not bother to read you nonsensical blather..Your lame attempt at projection is clearly flawed from lack of logic.Do try to wake up very soon , before it’s too late.

October 24, 2015 2:25 pm

TE , please tell us , you don’t drive..

October 24, 2015 2:41 pm

Flash, unless you are an over the road trucker, or cab driver, or have been a route salesman, there is NO way you have more accident free miles than I do. I used to log over 70,000 on my low driving years, and yes, I wore out cars every two to three years even with impeccable mileage.

And I can tell by your blistering retort, you read every word.

Peace dude. You are going to need it.

October 24, 2015 2:41 pm

oops, fingers ahead of words, impeccable maintenance, not mileage.

October 24, 2015 2:53 pm

@flash: I’m not sure you got my point exactly. My argument is that giving women the vote, while a good thing, was the tiny seed out of which the current monster of government grew – but that there were lots of other factors involved.

When women got the right to vote, yes, they began to vote in more social spending and more “government” as an oversight on the local policies/actions of the menfolk. Most of the early programs were for aid to women/children and the elderly who had no one to care for them because their familes or menfolk died or abandoned them.

While that was a laudable effort, what it morphed into was a complete replacement of having men acting as husbands and breadwinners because the State now would step in. Once birth control and abortion on demand came in, a hell of a lot of men now realized they could have all the sex they wanted without any consequences whatsoever – and the taxpayers, of which they likely were not, would pick up the tab.

Of course, this breakdown of the nuclear family has spawned all the social pathologies we see today – rising crime, lower educational levels, mass unemployability and incarceration.

And attempts to solve each of these social pathologies has created the ever enlarging Cthulhu Leviathan fed.gov, which simply at this point cannot turn off the spigot as millions of people are dependent on these programs every single day.

The politicians supported it because all these new fed.gov dependents meant votes in their side of the column, especially female votes and those of irresponsible men (the core of the Dem party).

Along the way, there was a breakdown in culture, that no one could have forseen, coupled with the human weakness of wanting a Sugar Daddy and the greed/mendacity of the political class, well, that is why we are in the “Red Queen” scenario of doing things.

From Lews Carroll’s the Red Queen:

“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.”

Except that now we are not doing even that.

October 24, 2015 3:09 pm

— “…creatures whom give all life to all of us.”


October 24, 2015 3:17 pm

@razzie, didn’t say we did it alone.

But, come on. Do men risk their very lives when they ejaculate? Because without women risking their own lives, there would be NO babies.

Did you know we have some of the highest infant mortality rates in the world? Did you know that there are still great risks to a woman’s life from pregnancy and birth?

Unless women were willing to risk their very lives, there would be no humans and we would not be having this conversation right now.

Having a child is a life/death proposition for the woman. As you can spread sperm, nearly anytime you like and even well into your 90s, with all due respect…

fuck you.

October 24, 2015 3:19 pm

— “Along the way, there was a breakdown in culture, that no one could have forseen..”

The Protocols were first published around 1900. Even if they are a hoax, they are a hoax that predicted the consequences very very well. It isn’t even close to the oldest written description of the same understandings.

Not only was it forseen… it was DESIRED by certain people. It was planned and it worked.

October 24, 2015 3:39 pm

— “didn’t say we did it alone.”

— “But, come on.”

I don’t come on demand.

— “Do men risk their very lives when they ejaculate?”

They do if they are into asphyxiophilia or in their 60s with a hot 20 year old.

Are women expected to risk their lives first when danger arises?

— “Because without women risking their own lives, there would be NO babies.”

Without men risking their own lives, there would be NO safe place for you to risk your own life doing something that works out fine the vast majority of the time.

— “Did you know we have some of the highest infant mortality rates in the world?”

Did you know we have some of the highest fisherman mortality rates in the universe?

— “Did you know that there are still great risks to a woman’s life from pregnancy and birth?

Did you know that knowing is half the battle of battling half the risk of absurdity?

— “Unless women were willing to risk their very lives, there would be no humans and we would not be having this conversation right now.”

And unless men were willing to protect women against certain types of men…

— “Having a child is a life/death proposition for the woman.”

So is construction. 650 per year for pregnancy vs 4000+ for construction.

— “As you can spread sperm, nearly anytime you like and even well into your 90s, with all due respect…”

The life on earth needs the sun more than the sun needs life on earth. You know it too.

— “fuck you.”

I do indeed take very good care of myself.

October 24, 2015 3:42 pm

Left one of the replies out…

— “didn’t say we did it alone.”

Just like I can’t get under your skin alone. I credit you greatly for your contribution to the cause.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 24, 2015 3:58 pm

The topic was wimmen drivers, come on people, let’s stay on topic – like Hope and TE.

Not sure why Dr. Pangloss invited a bank robber to speak to our class but the dude mentioned that he never hired men as getaway drivers because they would panic and drive off without him. He said women were better drivers and not prone to panicking.

I know the difference between women and wimmen, it’s the difference between Miss Kitty and Miss Krapnasty.

October 24, 2015 3:59 pm

HZK…from the tiny seed..I gotcha’ …and now we have the push to allow the illegal alien vote? another tiny seed of further destruction of the foundation of limited government.

good comment.

October 24, 2015 4:01 pm

TE , why do you hate men…never were satisfied properly , were you?

October 24, 2015 4:03 pm

The topic was about women as Civilization Drivers versus Civilization Motivators, right?

Your bank robber is giving bad advice to reduce competition. 😉

October 24, 2015 4:12 pm

TE, I know you’re silently suffering , but don’t do anything drastic…e.g.

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Woman Arrested For Masturbating With Jimmy Dean Sausage In Walmart Bathroom

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 24, 2015 4:20 pm

Raz – It was an interesting talk back in ’79 in Austin, he said he had a generic face that defied description, a movie star face would not work for a bank robber despite what Hollywood thinks. He would rob banks for the thrill, then go spend it all in Mexico. He said he never felt more alive than those moments when he was pulling the heist (my words) and went on to complain about male drivers.

Also around that time, we had an automotive maintenance instructor who loved to speed (Texas, where you could drive with and open container no problem) the judge asked him what the hell he was going to do if another driver pulled out in front of him what with him doing 90+? He told the judge he’d put it in the ditch.

If anything, our bank-robber talk was a how-to intro and a warning about picking getaway drivers. You can look at it as a means to prove your point or you can accept his preference for drivers who can follow instructions and remain calm in the presence of cops, as Hope proves. Excluding gm’s wife, who would you want driving your getaway car, TE, Hope or flash?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 24, 2015 4:26 pm

flash, I love you like a brother but your voice goes up a couple of octaves when your defending males against the likes of TE, it’s embarrassing that you even go into her sex life like Barney Fife on steroids. You go, bro!

October 24, 2015 4:28 pm

None… because I don’t know any of them beyond their internet persona… and I’m still concerned about TE feeling she can speak with authority regarding her son’s sexual choices enough to use him as a prop to make an internet point.

A non-snarky response to your comment: The social culling process that dictates what sort of women even get close enough to be on his list means they do have a strength of character that makes them good for his needs compared to a wider variety of men, many of whom just wound up in that world because they don’t have many alternatives.

A man who makes it to the top of the fashion industry is likely to be less likely to over-react to certain situations compared to the “typical” guy on the street. See?

So when it comes to a get-away driver, if I’m picking from the population at random… I’m comfortable with which button I’d go “all in on” if I had to make a bet.

October 24, 2015 4:30 pm

EC , don’t you believe in equality bro? Is TE now to get a pass just because she squats to pee? This is TBP dammit’..there4 are no free passes.

October 24, 2015 4:32 pm

TE….do you have an apron?

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October 24, 2015 4:42 pm

Hate men Flash? I LOVE men. Never even had the “experimental” girl on girl thing during college.

But, what I love are REAL men that are not so threatened by the very existence – and opinions – of the very creatures that suffered REAL pain to bring them into this world.

Wife beaters believe the same exact shit you do. My ex used to espouse that crap all the time. My future ex (if the world survives longer than my daughter’s youth), even though he claimed differently, believes a lot like you too.

What I have been failing at is trying to get you off your “them” blame game. Fixing this mess is going to require ALL good, hardworking, seekers of light. Alienating 50% of them because of their gender seems rather short sighted. Just trying to open your (very narrow) eyes to that point.

Gender bashing is right up there with dismissing people because of their religion, color of their skin, whom they love, because it doesn’t agree with your own narrow-minded, self-righteous, greatness.

If I truly “hated men,” or even hated YOU Flash/bb, I wouldn’t be hanging out HERE. Nor would I even bother to try to get under your skin or try to engage you.

I’ve said it before when bb thought he was being cute, my husband and I do not fight. Almost never. And there are times I DO hate him. We don’t fight because we agree with each other. It sure as hell isn’t because he agrees with me, or seeks my counsel ever.

It is because I found about two years into this marriage that it did NO good and only created strife and darkness in our home. I’m trying to raise a child without all that crap baggage of being born into an angry, destructive, bitter, screaming, home. I know exactly how hard that is to overcome.

Meanwhile, even though he “thinks” things are “ok,” he knows they are not and he knows I’m biding my time. As he loves his “money” and “assets” more than he dislikes this marriage, here we are. Luckily for my daughter, I only pretend to be agreeable and I’ve been trying to sock away the resources to carry this family through if/when he finds his business bankrupted and his finances destroyed.

If I had done what you and bb feel that “all” women should do/be, stand by their man and defer to their superiority, my daughter would have NO chance to survive without going into the camps or risking the great unwashed/unready masses. Masses that will be full of people like my husband and his brothers, everyone of them “smarter than” me and and everyone of them believing that all the ills of this world will be fixed by the next woman/gay/people of color hating Repuke that bangs a bible and declares white men the best.

If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t try. You two get me close to that point. The day I no longer respond, will be that day.

Sincerely, I wish you nothing but love and peace. I hate no one. Though there are a few I could without.

October 24, 2015 4:43 pm

You are so funny! If I stay in the kitchen there won’t be a freaking thing to eat!

I’m the better shot!

October 24, 2015 4:47 pm

TE. I’m sorry no lesbians in college found you attractive…it must have been brutal to be the only girl not chosen for the weekend carpet munch? Have you tried Craigs list…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 24, 2015 4:55 pm

flash, I must say your acid comments are far funnier than TE’s weak comebacks, I’m not giving her a pass but I’m trying to distance myself from you and Starfugger who thinks a woman should look at marriage as a career. Lord knows I have no fans on the female side of the house.

October 24, 2015 4:56 pm

the perfect relationship awaits you TE…no horrid men involved..

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all you have to do is enter the tunnel..

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October 24, 2015 4:57 pm
October 24, 2015 5:03 pm

TE , you should invite your man to the park for some playtime..


October 24, 2015 5:03 pm
October 24, 2015 5:32 pm

flash, the misogynist asshole is baaaack

Maybe he’ll leave again. It was so nice when he was gone.

October 24, 2015 5:32 pm

wow TE I have similar cicumstances tho slightly different , it seems like an endurance contest most days .
@ flash jesus are you stupid? Men and women have roles to play learn yours sir and learn theirs you might find some happy in there somewhere

October 24, 2015 5:43 pm

TE said:
“without women risking their own lives, there would be NO babies. ”

Give the current trend of overpopulation on this planet, I’d say the risk is not great enough by a damn sight!

October 24, 2015 6:10 pm

I knew Stucky would show sooner later strewing his emoting ass blood all over the thread. He like TE hates fact. prolly can’t drive for shit either.

October 24, 2015 6:13 pm

that’s right gm , women and men do have roles to play in preserving Western culture for those that come after.Thanks for making my point.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 24, 2015 6:33 pm

flash, you do sound a bit shrill at times but your right, lezzies tend to be aggressive towards men.

I know you got them all clustered to the left but I’d agree with gm if he said there are normal women in the center and underdeveloped wimmen on the one side and dykes on the other side. There was a murder incident recently, here in the formerly quiet AV, a lez killed her former GF.