Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall

Marlboro Man

An example of pathological masculinity, male privilege, substance abuse, and patriarchy with overtones of violence against women and people of color, as well as probable homophobia. May drive a truck.

Come morning, I receive emails from friends documenting the curious social transformation coming over the US. These missives usually accompany links to some new tragicomic antics. E.g., Harvard, once a university, lets students invent odd pronouns to promote gender equity. “He” and “she” represent oppression and lack of inclusion.

Recently a friend, a Harvard PhD, wrote and said, “It’s not funny anymore.” I thought, and realized that, no, it isn’t. Things that seemed the obsessions of the occasional lugubrious neurotic are so common that they represent a change in the national character. It is eerie. Something  strange is happening.

What now is the national character? What sort of country is America today? A country of rugged individualism? Land of the free and home of the brave? A nation of the independent and self-reliant?

Let us start with Brave.

“Student wearing Halloween costume prompts Pueblo County school lockdown

“Pueblo County High School was on lockdown for more than an hour Wednesday after authorities say a student was apprehended wearing a trench coat and gas mask.”


Panic strikes school after student says ‘gum’

“A student at Lehman High School  reportedly asked for some chewing gum, but another student thought the student said “gun,” KCEN reports.
“No gun was found and Hays County, Texas school district spokesman Tim Savoy insists the school was never in “lock down,” though school administrators did “hold students in their extended class periods to investigate….”

Rugged? Not even close. Obesity is so common that the Army has trouble finding recruits. Professors complain of the emotional fragility of the young.

College Students Call Police, Seek Counseling After Seeing Mouse


Declining Student Resilience: A Serious Problem for Colleges.”

They cry if they don’t get A’s.


The new gender-neutral Navy. Don’t you feel safer? I do. Not sure of the gender, though.

Psychologists note a surge of narcissism among the young. Students in universities need “safe spaces” where they won’t hear any word or idea that upsets them.

In College and Hiding from Scary Ideas”

Somebody might do a microaggression or commit a racial slur, such as saying “watermelon.”

The United States has become a nation of weak, pampered, easily frightened, helpless milquetoasts who have never caught a fish, fired a gun, chopped a log, hitchhiked across the country, or been in a schoolyard fight. If their cat dies, they call a grief therapist. Everything frightens Americans.

School District Bans Playing Tag to Ensure the Physical and Emotional Safety of All Students”

Independent? No. America is a nation of employees, afraid of the boss, trapped by the retirement system, worried that if they lose the job they won’t get another one.

Farmers can be independent. So can mechanics with their own tools, commercial fishermen with their own boats. Employees sitting in a maze of cubicles like letters in some gigantic crossword puzzle are not independent.

Self-reliant? Americans now depend on the hive for almost everything. The faucet leaks? Call the plumber. The car makes funny noises? Go to a mechanic. Someone is sneaking around your house at night? Call a cop. A porch light stops working? Call the electrician. You saw a mouse? Call a psychiatrist. Self-defense? Dear God, no. Too macho.

Further, Americans cannot feed themselves. If any catastrophe–revolution, war, epidemic–breaks the link between the two percent who work on farms and the cities, within a week New Yorkers will be eating each other.

Individualism? America is among the least individualistic countries on the planet. The United States discourages everything reflecting difference, whether architectural, political, or cultural, often under heavy penalty. It is the land of indistinguishable shopping malls, of burger chains and tract suburbs of a hundred identical houses. Urban architecture means the office block. Casper looks like Des Moines looks like everywhere else. When a region like the South stubbornly tries to maintain its identity, the hive forces it to conform. I am reminded of what I believe to be a Japanese proverb: “The nail that stands up is beaten down.” We are more a nation less of nails than of thumbtacks, though.

The ferocious American hostility to individualism is most virulent in the form of political correctness, which requires that all of us think the same things. The universities are worst, and they are the future. Once, unpopular ideas were argued and freedom of speech respected, however grudgingly. Today we have the pack mind.

Beyond the insistence that everyone should be like everyone else is the insistence that everyone already is like everyone else. No differences exist between men and women, sex being a social construct, and thus women should be in the Marines. Differences of race do not exist, race being a social construct, so if members of one non-existent race do not do as well at physics as members of another nonexistent race, we must on racial grounds hire them as physicists anyway under affirmative action, since differences are social constructs.

Home of the free? America is controlled, watched, and regulated to a degree  unimaginable in 1960. Speakers on subways admonish us to watch other passengers for suspicious behavior. We dance barefoot in airports. Cameras read our license plates and mail us tickets. Freedom of speech? Say anything interpretable as a “racial slur” and you lose your job. Truth has nothing to do with it. You are a reporter? Criticize Israel and you lose your job. Offend the proliferating sexual curiosities and you lose your job. Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Freedom of religion? Overt Christianity is almost illegal.

Ten Commandments Removed from State Capitol per Oklahoma Supreme Court”

You are not free to decide what your children are taught in school. If you suggest that Sojourner Truth was not perhaps as important to civilization as Aristotle, your children will be horrified and, if they mention your heresy at school, you will probably have a visit from Child Protective Services.

Democratic? As Stalin had show trials, America has show elections. These serve to distract the public while keeping them away from issues of importance. Who do you vote for if you want to end the wars, halve the military budget, end affirmative action, get the government out of family life, control criminal minorities who burn cities, and slap down NSA?

Strong? America actually wants weaklings.

Students warned: Bulging biceps, big guns advance unhealthy masculinity”

But in today’s America, any masculinity at all is unhealthy.

Navy teaching members to combat “Male Privilege”

Wimps Healthy masculinity. The new America.

The United States, in a historical first, has turned the pyramid of civilization upside down. Universities, instead of seeking the qualified, actually look for the unqualified.

Georgetown University Drops SAT/ACT Requirement”.

This latter is needed to open the gates to the “disadvantaged,” meaning the stupid. And it has worked marvelously:

Forbes: “America’s Millennials Are Among the World’s Least Skilled”

Specifically, they are short on literacy, numeracy, ability to follow simple orders, poor at solving problems. Oh good.

This ménage of middle-school delicates is not the country that fought World War II, or Vietnam. It is a jellyfish threatening to collapse under any serious stress. Corrupt, seriously divided racially, the middle-class sinking, ruled by fools and kleptocrats, a house of pudding cannot stand.  Scared, fat, weak, fragile, narcissistic, herd-minded, prissy, censorious and, increasingly, ignorant. Deliberately ignorant. This is wonderful stuff.

It warms a curmudgeon’s heart.

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October 24, 2015 10:10 am

I must be a freak then because I LIKE masculine men. I like that my guy shoots guns, and I can shoot with him. I like that he can take down an elk, and has, and still can. I’m currently taking a martial art.

It’s hard for me to see any future for kids like this other than mass suicide.

Hollow man
Hollow man
October 24, 2015 10:11 am

It gives Putin a boner. He and China too know it’s their turn to run the world.

October 24, 2015 10:17 am

We are manufacturing perfect victims. They will be hamstrung slaves to the competent and self reliant. it can’t turn out any other way.

October 24, 2015 10:21 am

It all seems so designed.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 24, 2015 11:15 am

Sounds eerily familiar.

October 24, 2015 11:41 am

My daughter was admonished for hugging her best friend on the playground.

Not only is “masculinity” being regulated, so is common human decency and love.

The school uses a “flip the card” system to regulate, ‘er reward, behavior. Everyday your card starts out Green. If you are disciplined, it is flipped to Red.

She is in 5th grade and the only time her card was flipped was once when an entire class was misbehaving and the teacher “flipped all cards.” (If your card isn’t “flipped” all during a month, there is a “celebration” of GMO/mega-corporate food and mind-numbing propaganda in the name of “fun.”)

She came home upset yesterday because her teacher flipped her card because my wee one was helping a classmate look for a folder that was misplaced. Apparently, our children are being actively encouraged and punished for showing the very skills OUR teachers rewarded us for: helping others that need help.

Meanwhile, she also was called out because we didn’t send in cash to “donate” for the World Wildlife Fund and Breast Cancer Awareness. Funny how our educators no longer understand the meaning of the word “donate.”

Compliance, conformity, removal from family units, THAT is the goal of our beautifully effective public school systems.

And don’t you DARE say that teachers are not underpaid and overworked. Average salary in this town is $70k to start, then they pay for the teachers’ Masters Degrees and bump their pay to $120k. It only goes up from there. And it is mainly for life. With $5 co-pays and nearly non-existent deductibles for LIFE. Plus for your younger spouse that was smart enough to latch onto you before you die. Yes, their pensions and healthcare remain with the spouses after death. If things keep going this way I imagine parents will be marrying their children to make sure the gravy train continues to support them.

Poor bastards, how are they surviving on these inadequate wages and benefit plans?

Couple things give me hope, the first is that there is no possible way the complexity can continue on, we are reaching peak complex.

The other thing is my belief that there are worlds other than these and that there may be some hope for my offspring.

Meanwhile, I pray for the day it either gets better, or my hub realizes we have to opt the hell out of the city and save our child.

In Government We Trust. Has there ever been a surer way to make sure a population suffers and dies?

I think not.

October 24, 2015 11:51 am

We don’t have long left.

Be ready for it.

October 24, 2015 12:07 pm

“Don’t be on the wrong side of history, man!”

Coming Out as Trans-Everything

stop resisting..

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October 24, 2015 12:08 pm

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October 24, 2015 12:13 pm

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October 24, 2015 12:21 pm

Everything is racist , bigoted or sexist..

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October 24, 2015 12:31 pm

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October 24, 2015 12:40 pm

Soon there will be very few places you can go to get away from this insanity. In many ways Canada is worse then the US.Mexico is out of the question. Maybe Iceland ?

October 24, 2015 12:48 pm


I see this in the same way I see the movie Idiocracy. It is like I went to sleep for 500 years and everyone is now an idiot. It may not bode well for the future of this nation but it works out well for me because I have fired a gun, caught a fish, split wood, hitchhiked, got in a school yard fight and I refuse to work for anyone but myself and I have the tools needed to do what I wish to do.

The up and coming generation doesn’t stand a chance and I have nothing to fear from them. I thought the boomers were the worst generation ever but the millennials win hands down. They are pathetic and I can’t wait to see how well they do up against real men.

October 24, 2015 12:49 pm


The peoples representatives in government (ALL levels) must be held responsible for enabling public money to be used for covering private risk.
The lack of prosecution of the bankers, for the VERY least of;
Embezzlement, market manipulation and breach of fiduciary duties –
Represents an accountability that does not exist in government and by it’s total lack, makes clear that the financial sector truly control the political apparatus.
Making it glaringly obvious there is no one who is going to hold them accountable.

Ownership. Responsibility. Accountability. If you piss on it? OWN IT!

October 24, 2015 1:15 pm

In my city the middle school just recently went on lock-down because a boy brought in a plastic toy replica musket to use in a school play about Thanksgiving. You should’ve seen this thing. It was half the size of anything remotely real, painted in yellow, blue and red colors and he had it wrapped up in a garbage bag.

let me say that again…the half-sized, brightly painted plastic toy musket brought in for a school play was wrapped in a garbage bag. That was done by his mom to prevent any concerns.

The boy brought it into his homeroom and showed it to his female teacher, who immediately brought the kid and the offending object to the principle’s office. The principle called, not his parents, oh no, but the local Hero police, who showed up in force.

The Hero police searched the kid and his locker and assigned a cop to watch him in the hallway so all the other students could see that their friend was “in big trouble”. After examining the toy musket, the Hero police determined it was not a danger and then interrogated the teacher who was running the school play. After the Hero police figured this complicated case out, they let the boy go.

As a side note….the Hero police were there for three hours.

The school officials then notified the kids mom, who was at work, that her child was suspended for his behavior and for disrupting the school. She was ordered to pick his criminal ass up immediately.

I know a teacher at that school who is the daughter of my neighbor. She was disgusted by the whole affair, but dared not murmur a word about it at work for fear of the repercussions to her job. In private, she said that the school officials absolutely love these incidents because they look so good on their resumes. This is like taking a scalp, because it proves that they are on the job, on track with the ‘humiliate all the boys’ program, and are fervent supporters of the school policies. It is a ticket to be punched on their career accomplishments list that may lead them to a cushy high paying job as an administrator, where they will get paid over six figures to do nothing.

If TSHTF, that principle and I will be meeting up. Not that he did anything to me personally. I just want to have a meet and greet session with him. I think it will be a barrel of laughs because I have a great sense of humor.

October 24, 2015 1:41 pm

the gubmint…taking care of the best first..

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October 24, 2015 1:45 pm

Lysander…there are no men left in public education…oh’ there are some dickless facsimiles strutting the halls , but no MEN , because a real man would no tolerate the PC SJW bullshit now required by Federal law of all public systems ..and now they human shitstains are working hard to destroy private.

October 24, 2015 1:52 pm

America is in a death struggle with chronic stupid and is on the mat for the count.

China’s coming dominance will transform the West


In recent years this emphasis on guilt and the individual has turned our intellectual life to a victim-centred politics of the unachievable, and in particular the pursuit of equality. Grandiose debates about “erasing child poverty” (ie inequality), creating gender equality in the boardroom, or ending educational inequality (while China’s PISA scores race ahead) are a product of a civilisation that has conquered all the serious threats. Modern liberalism is like type 2 diabetes or heart disease – a harmful side effect of a pleasant modern lifestyle, although obviously far better than what we used to put up with.

This worldview revolves around the notion of a world of oppressors and victims, the latter being the poor, women, minorities and gays/lesbians, the former powerful white males; because of this, these ideas tend to get confused when confronted with outside civilisations, where traditional victims are often oppressors and where Western ideas of the individual are alien.

The Left, in other words, is a product of white male privilege…

China is different, and Chinese dominance is bound to change our politics in countless ways.

October 24, 2015 1:58 pm

Once the fires flame out and the dust settles after the Crunch I expect to be in high demand, as all those survivors need basic first aid, demolition / clearing services, restoration of electricity / running water / sewer / other needs that they cannot do for themselves.

Either that or I will be very lonely there all by myself …

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 24, 2015 2:15 pm

flash, I assume my Crusader costume might rifle a few PC feathers. As would my slogan “defeat the Saracens!” [imgcomment image[/img]

October 24, 2015 2:21 pm

I agree with Fred 100%, but I don’t worry about it.

The choices you make TODAY to be “aware and prepare” will determine if you live or die in the near & immediate future. I just note who these people are, try to get them to think, and, if that is unsuccessfull, which it usually it is, go about my day with a “little list” in my head of whom I am going to help, or not, when TSHTF.

I used to think it would be the Free Shitters that would be the Zombies of tommorrow but now I believe their ranks are going to be swollen by the millions of people that refuse to accept reality, refuse to use their minds and bodies to be self sufficient, and refuse to take any responsibility for their lives. And worse, these people Fred describes are actively trying to destroy the people that wish to live opposite to that.

So be it. Choices have consequences and I think these people are choosing very very poorly. Let ’em choke on it.

I can hear the screams and wailing and whining now when ISIS comes to their town and all the guns have been confiscated, all the men feminized, their leaders huddling in their “safe spaces” while their diversity-rich-transgendered-kujmbaya-singing-disarmed police force folds up like a paper hat.

Oh wait, I’m describing the FUSA in a few years.

October 24, 2015 2:30 pm

Iska , nice… for better affect, the sword should be dripping and maybe a Mohammedan head adragging as well.

October 24, 2015 3:04 pm

@Iska, keep in mind the Roman Catholic church and the Kings (all appointed/annointed/descended from God), hunted them down, slaughtered them, and stole all their shit. Our entire society was built from the RC and the Kings, not the Knights Templars.

@Nickel, man I love you. The only thing I can add is a quote from The Walking Dead, “those things seem slow and easy to take down one by one. But when they herd up you easily become overwhelmed.” Seems like great advice, no?

@Lysander, my list has grown to the point that I gave up on it. I now keep a list of those that do enough non-evil, thinking and self-sufficient/skilled that I would help them if I can/could. Much easier to keep track that way. For instance, it isn’t just the Principal, it is the union stewards, the teachers, the school board, the Superintendents, the city council, the mayor, the cops, the judges, the Departments of Education, the college administrators, etc., etc., etc. Took them all to arrive at that one dumbass Principal. Yet, you mentioned your friend the teacher. Meet up with HER, she will help you survive and fight off the masses of morons.

@Hope, you can lead a horse to water, right? Those that mock us today, may someday be the very ones that arrive on our doorsteps looking for our help to survive. Though I would like to think of myself as wanting to survive badly enough to turn away others, I really don’t think I have the level of callousness in my soul for that. I also don’t think God would look kindly on my soul if I could help another stand on his own feet, but due to old grudges/misunderstandings, not do it.

I guess I’m going to have judge souls as “worthy” or not by their actions on that day. I get the feeling you will too. Or, maybe not!

October 24, 2015 3:23 pm

This Sunday I will be in Dayton Ohio watching my son take his final exam for 4th Dan Ju Jitsu. 2nd attempt. Then we are going shooting.

Only 1 pussy in our family and she regularly drops rodent skulls at the back door.

October 24, 2015 3:31 pm

@TE: I hope I never have to make that decision, God, I pray nightly that I don’t.

But the sad truth is that there are going to be a lot of these Zombies roaming around with their hands out, or their hands full of weapons to take whatever they want. Which is really not fundamentally different as to how a lot of them live today.

I intend to take care of me and mine first, sorry that sounds callous but it I can’t, and won’t, help people who willfully, gleefully AND PROBABLY ON MY DIME, lead lives of complete irresponsibility and then expect me and mine to sacrifice to save their sorry asses. If they are willing to work and help out, well fine, here’s a hoe and there’s a shovel and there is 10 acres you can clear for a garden.

Otherwise, nope. TE you are clearly a better person than I am to be worrying about the state of your soul if such a dire future awaits us.

October 24, 2015 3:36 pm

@ Flash:I think you’ll enjoy this.Great scene from da movie True Romance ( youtube. com/watch?v=S3yon2GyoiM ).Where to go to?Russia?Consider this ( projectavalon. net/forum4/showthread.php?86225-What-if-our-recent-history-is-concealed-by-invoking-The-Dark-Age-that-never… )

October 24, 2015 3:43 pm

@Hope, at that point, what else do we have?

We all, sometime, will return to our true home. We all will need to explain our actions/inactions.

I have enough shit to atone for.

And my extended families are large enough the great unwashed masses would have to climb over a few dozen/hundred of my family members before they get to me!

October 24, 2015 3:45 pm

@Jimski, I’ve read this twice and laughed out loud both times….”Only 1 pussy in our family and she regularly drops rodent skulls at the back door….”

Pussy, my friend, is not a gender, it is a state of being.

Sounds like, unless you have unspoken of cats, there are NO pussies your house! Good luck to your son in his efforts! And have fun shooting, I so miss that.

October 24, 2015 3:46 pm

CRAP, just got it, you WERE talking about a cat. Apologies to your misses!

October 24, 2015 3:47 pm

Fred is in a class of his own in chronicling the storms descending upon the US. It is flat out incredible how much we’ve changed in a generation or two.

October 24, 2015 3:49 pm

jamesthewanderer says:

Once the fires flame out and the dust settles after the Crunch I expect to be in high demand, as all those survivors need basic first aid, demolition / clearing services, restoration of electricity / running water / sewer / other needs that they cannot do for themselves.”

You said a mouthful there brother! I expect to be in similar high demand but I’m going to be very fucking selective when it comes to who I help out. Braindead PC SJW’s need not apply!

October 24, 2015 3:52 pm


So you’re pro Islamic and anti European Christian?

The Crusades were the European response to Islamic invasion of their countries, ya’ know.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
October 24, 2015 3:58 pm

This insanity is nothing new. From the endless pilgrimages of feudal Japan, to China’s Little Red Book, Revolutionary France’s Calendar and the Cult of the Supreme Being, and the USSR where shaking the wrong hand led to immediate execution, history has proven that reality can be temporarily suspended for the masses if the regime is powerful and coordinated enough. All that is new is the trappings, where weakness, sensitivity, sloth, and ignorance are the celebrated soupe du jour.

Personally, I struggle to achieve the ideals. I do not have the figure of Adonis or the fortune of Mark Zuckerberg or the style of a Milan fashion model. But I refuse to float with the prevailing winds and still prefer to be strong rather than weak, rich rather than poor, and presentable rather than slovenly. For these reasons I am mocked in my college-hipster town by the two main species of modern millennial men, the adrogynous skinny jeaned squeaky voiced guy and the uncouth lumberjack clone. The first type is usually so timid as to not cause a problem. But the lumberjack clones are quick to voice derision from behind their LOTR beards. These are the hefty broods of yesteryear who would have previously felt inferior for being overweight and soft-cored; now they are fully onboard with the social agenda because it justifies their laziness and unwillingness to improve themselves.

All of these people will quickly tell you how conservatism is for idiots, Europe must cater to the refugees, abortion is a women’s right to choose, atheism is the correct religion, and “the science is settled.” Interestingly enough, most of them lack any kind of education, even the liberal arts kind you purchase for $80,000. They perpetually need to “borrow” a cigarette, don’t have jobs and they couldn’t muster $100 if you gave them three days.

So these people can enjoy their little game while it lasts, because that’s what it is, a game. Where the baby boomers played their little game of Suburban King of the Castle and Gen X-ers played theirs of Beemer driving tech stock tycoon, the Millennials are simply playing a game called “Insanity is Normal To Me.” As other commenters have pointed out, it may last for some time, but will not go on forever. The examples I listed in the first paragraph were out of sync with reality for their times, now they are some of the stronger rising nations. The pendulum will always swing back the opposite way.

October 24, 2015 4:08 pm

Thanks, IS! I hope you’re not lonely afterwards either.

Then again, I live in a valley surrounded by desert. The Mormons came and “made the desert bloom”, bully for them. Now, however, people want to come and live here, by the hundreds and thousands and tens-of-thousands, while the rainfall / snowfall / overall water supply is not expanding by much ….

The LDS Church sent missionaries all around the world; we have more Samoans than live in Samoa, more Tongans than live in Tonga, and lots more others. They learn from the missionaries how Brigham Young brought them out of persecution to live in the desert and build a wonderful city, which they did. Nowhere apparently is there any mention of how crowded that city is getting to be …

We shall see, sooner or later, where the physical limit of available water is, and who leaves so that the rest may drink. All across the country, we shall see … I will probably leave here in a few years, when my son finishes college. But where am I to go? Most of the WORLD is like this, mindless multiplying like microbes in a dish, and when the microbes run out of nutrients, we all know what happens. Who is saying this in the MSM? Who can see, in this land of the blind?

Think rural, isolated and self-sufficient: these are the keys to future survival.

October 24, 2015 4:18 pm

Kid loops string around neck of statue ..goes to jail while blacks vandalize and destroy statues with impunity.


October 24, 2015 4:33 pm

Iska Waran says:

flash, I assume my Crusader costume might rifle a few PC feathers. As would my slogan “defeat the Saracens!”

Uhh nope! The idiots are too stupid to know what a Crusader or Saracen is but they will lock your ass up as a terrorist for brandishing a toy sword!

October 24, 2015 4:40 pm

HSF, eerily familiar? Take that as compliment, not a swipe. Understand the uniqueness of what jim has created here, and it’s value to the wider world. To post comments here is only for the fearless. Look at how wide the gulf is between jim’s readership, and the number who comment. Ideas have to originate somewhere. The invisible readership here isn’t made up of low information voters

October 24, 2015 4:41 pm


I think the parents of that boy have grounds to sue the teacher, principal, and school district.
The only way to stop this kind of tyrannical crap is to stand up to it.

I remember as a kid the grey, depressed societies of the Soviet Union and Red China. They were colorless and barren with a small well-fed governing class. That’s what is left when every word and action must be in line with the dogma and propaganda of the collective. It’s where we are headed. A red and yellow musket indeed. I’m surprised the kids were even allowed to have a play about Thanksgiving – do you suppose the Pilgrims, those racist white Christians, were given positive treatment?

October 24, 2015 4:48 pm

The ideas and observations you post on this blog incubate in lots and lots of fine and talented minds, who’s first thought on reading your words is, “why didn’t I think of that”. Keep up the good work. It does matter. And if somebody nicks this or that, that’s a good thing.

October 24, 2015 4:49 pm

jamesthewanderer says:
“Thanks, IS! I hope you’re not lonely afterwards either.”

That will be the conundrum for me. I prefer solitude by a very wide margin. After TSHTF, solitude will be in short supply and I’ll be miserable! I prefer to be taken out in the first wave if survival means I’ll suddenly have lots of new friends.

October 24, 2015 5:07 pm

I see this behavior from so many of the young ones today . They are meat waiting for harvest.
Never been in a fight , don’t have any skills . And they always back down . They don’t understand confrontation . They have been taught this. When I grew up it was hunting ,fishing .cutting grass, working on the car,etc ,etc,.
For the young men working for me , how can they become men ,when they grew up in a fractured household , no permanent father figure? Who teaches them how to be a man?
The young women have issues for the same reason , who teaches them to be a woman when their mother is looking for the next nonpermanent relationship? They learn its supposed to be this way .
The State has ordained themselves as the head of household and everyone will reap this harvest.
I strive to show the youngins a better way. I think im wasting my time tho. I cannot overcome the agenda of a privately owned central bank .

October 24, 2015 5:22 pm

@ Gayle, I don’t know what the kid’s mom is going to do. If she has to work, she can’t homeschool. If she has a good job here, she’s unlikely to move away from it, and where would she go anyway? Like Jamesthewanderer said…where does one go? It’s like myself and my situation. I moved to this city because it’s 94% White. But for how much longer will it remain so when HUD wants to forcibly integrate every White neighborhood and the traitors in DC want to let everyone from the turd world into what’s left of this country.

In relation to your comments on “them” allowing a Thanksgiving play…I agree with what you said on who knows what bullshit will be played out on that stage. The kids are being brainwashed for sure.

I hear White kids, when talking amongst themselves at a restaurant, say things like: “I don’t know if this is racist but…” and “Well, this is probably racist, but….”, and then mention some nigger that got arrested for some felony. Then, switching gears, those same kids will go on to discuss how much they love some nigger rapper, or some nigger female singer, or how much they idolize some nigger basketball or football player. As if to make up for their earlier heresy.

This kind of disconnect to reality is going to cost them their lives when TSHTF. If they are that messed up in the head NOW, imagine when they have to make a life or death choice. I’m afraid a lot of them will join the other side.

October 24, 2015 5:42 pm


Ideally, and much less expensive, would be for about 200 parents to show up at the school board and raise some ruckus until at least apologies are rendered and guidelines for all staff, students, and parents are clarified regarding toy guns brought to school. The kid should have been able to bring the gun if he had asked permission first. Since he didn’t, it was ridiculous and disruptive to the whole campus to call the police.

October 24, 2015 5:52 pm

And no, english is my first language, though I suck at self editing, “on reading your words ARE”

October 24, 2015 6:01 pm


A nigger is still a nigger, no matter what anyone thinks, says, or does.

October 24, 2015 6:10 pm

@Anon, nope, not either.

The FACT was that the Catholic Church, and their 100% following/leading Kings and Rulers, ordered the destruction of the Knights Templar following the “success” of the Crusades. Took their wealth – which had been promised to them for agreeing to go fight, took their land – which they bought with their wealth, and relegated them to the trashbin of history. Struck their names from the records and in many cases did the “Christian” thing and slaughtered their families.

This is an historical FACT. How does pointing out historical FACTS make me anything other than a reader of history?

ps and btw, the Christians were in the Middle East fighting against EVERYONE, including the Jews. If you read the bible you might figure out the Jews were “promised” Israel, not the Catholics/Christians.

My, my, how humans like to change history to fit our own preconceived agendas.

October 24, 2015 6:22 pm
October 24, 2015 6:45 pm

TE if you knew a damn thing about history , you would know that Pope Clement V was an usurper..the Catholic church was no more Pope Clement V than you are Lady Liberty


On July 7th 1304, Pope Benedict XI was successfully poisoned to death by agents of William of Nogaret, the prime minister of King Philip IV of France (1285-1313) setting off another civil war between the militias of the French and Italian Cardinal dynasties which was to last almost a whole year.

During the civil war of the French and Italian Cardinals within which there was no Pope, Bertrand de Got sought and obtained the patronage of King Philip IV of France (1285-1313) for his candidacy to the Papal throne.

It is entirely possible his knowledge of the Knight Templar and some agreement with King Philip concerning the seizing of their assets might have been part of this bargain to purchase the papacy.

October 24, 2015 10:49 pm

Don’t just make it a left-wing thing. I live in northeast alabama, and I can tell you there are some sorry-ass reactionaries here.

Thing is, they all think there independent and rugged. There are probably more obese people here than normal and thin combined. You cannot be 300+ lbs and be rugged. The gym I go to is in the center of town, and I have no idea how it stays in business how little it gets used. Half of the people who use it are gluttonous teen girls, all with the same rotund shape and slathered up in enough make-up to make Michael Jackson black again, who come in and sit on the machines. Not use, just sit. They fiddle with their phones the entire time.

Then you have the politics. You know how Winston Churchill said the best argument against democracy is a conversation with the average voter? That’s these people for conservatism. Bumper stickers are about the depth of thought.

There is some weird 1950’s fetishization going on, but they’ve lost all context and meaning for the golden days:

Family meals, but instead of mom cooking, mom opens a box and dumps in double the butter. The fuck do these piggies get so fat eating that stuff? We had a retirement party at my office, and I made the mistake of getting a plate. Jesus, was that a mistake. It was a chore to try and eat enough to be polite. It wasn’t just unhealthy, it tasted terrible. The fuck do people to make brownies turn out like that? Barbie has an easy bake oven that does better than the shit adult created. So instead of a roast and veggies for dinner, you get fried chicken (for a food stand) and pillsbury biscuits. Fucking yummy.

High school sports, at least football. You want to kill a lot of people and get away with it? Tell these people child sacrifice improves how your team will play. There practically there now. One lady had her son get his femur broke, and her concern was how soon he could play again. If your kid breaks his femur at a sport, it is not a sport he should be playing. But the kids a sophomore and the best player. Congratulations. He will be a school hero for two years and a cripple for 60.

Religion. My god, have you heard these people? I went to a Lutheran high school that required a year of bible. It’s not even my religion and I know more about it that them. I know more and they still try and cram it down my throat. Like everything else about these people, all their beliefs are predigested goop. The county is still dry in 90% of the area, and these people actively fight for blue laws to be extended. But don’t point out the meth problem, as everyone has kin with problems and you shouldn’t bring it up.

Awareness. My god, I understand everyone has different interests, but these people have none. Literally, no off-beat interests. They have no unusual opinions on food, news, politics, history, science, geography, music, religion, health, clothing or anything. It’s like invasion of the body snatchers happened, and the aliens said “Know what? You’re good”.

Not trying to justify the modern liberal incestuous feedback loop of self-righteous progress for the sake of progress, but the future will not belong to those who honestly think we can make America great again by finally stomping down the hippies and that anyone who doubts military solutions for all the world’s problems is a terrorist sympathizer.

It’s over. The goal isn’t to take back America. The goal is to brace for impact, and keep your head down when everyone soon loses theirs.