Capitalism At Work

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Zero Hedge reports a story from “Keep Talking Greece” that first appeared in The Times

According to the story, the plummeting living standards forced on the Greek people by German chancellor Merkel and the European banks have forced large numbers of young Greek women into prostitution. The large increase in the supply of women offering sexual services has dropped the price to 4 euros an hour. That’s $4.24, enough for a cheese pie or a sandwich, the value that bankster-imposed austerity has placed on an hour’s use of a woman’s body. The half hour price is $2.12. They don’t even get the minimum wage.

When one reads a story such as this, one hopes it is a parody or a caricature. Although the London Times has fallen a long way, it is not yet the kind of newspaper that can be purchased at grocery store checkout counters.

The story gains credence from the websites in the US on which female university students advertise their availability as mistresses to men who have the financial means to help them with their expenses. From various news reports, mistress seems to be a main occupation of female students at high-cost universities such as NYU.

The NYU girls have it far better than the Greek ones. The mistress relationship is monogamous and can be long-lasting and loving. Prudes make an issue of the disparity in ages, but disparity in age was long a feature of upper class marriages. Prostitutes have large numbers of partners, each possibly carrying disease, and they receive nothing in return except cash. In Greece, if the report is correct, the payment is so low that the women cannot survive on the money beyond lunchtime.

This is capitalism at work. In the US the hardship comes from escalating tuition costs, with 75% of the university budget spent on administration, rather than on faculty or student aid, and from the lack of jobs available to graduates that pay enough to service the student loans. These days your waiter in the restaurant might be an adjunct or part-time university professor hoping to get a full-time job as an actor. As mistresses, the NYU girls will be doing better.

In Greece the hardship is imposed from outside the country by the European Union, which Greece foolishly joined, giving away its sovereignty in exchange for austerity. The banksters and their agents in the EU and German governments claim that the Greek people benefitted from the loans and, therefore, are responsible for paying back the loans. But the loans were not made to the Greek people. The loans were made to corrupt Greek governments who were paid bribes by the lenders to accept the loans, and the proceeds often were used for purchases from the country from which the loan originated. For example, Greek governments were paid bribes to borrow money from German or other foreign banks in order to purchase German submarines. It is through this type of corruption that the Greek debt grew.

The story told by the financial media and neoliberal economists who shill for the banksters is that the Greek people irresponsibly borrowed the money and spent it on welfare for themselves, and having enjoyed the fruits of the loans don’t want to repay them. This story is a lie. But the lie serves to ensure that the Greek people are looted in order to make good the banks’ own mistakes in overlending. The banks got both the loan fees and the kickbacks from the submarine producers. (I am using submarine producers as a generic for the range of outside goods and services on which the loans were spent.)

In Greece the loans are being paid by money “saved” by cutting Greek pensions, education and social services, and public employment, and by money raised from selling off public assets such as ports, municipal water systems and protected islands. The cutbacks in pensions, education, social services and employment drain money from the economy, and the sale of public assets drains money from the government’s budget. Michael Hudson tells the story brilliantly in his new book, Killing The Host.

The result is widespread hardship, and the result of the hardship is that young Greek women have to sell themselves.

It is just as Marx, Engels, and Lenin said.

One would think that people everywhere would be outraged. But to most of those who commented on Zero Hedge it is just something to make crude jokes about—“think about it, Viagra costs 4x the cost of pussy.” “Sure beats dating and taking a girl to dinner.” Those who represent the vaunted “Western Values” see nothing to be outraged about.€4-hour

The percentage of pro-Western Russians who look to the West for leadership must be rapidly approaching zero.

What’s more important? The dignity of women or another billion dollars for the banksters?
Western “civilization” has given its answer: Another billion dollars for the banksters.

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November 29, 2015 10:40 am

Easier to joke about than solve.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 29, 2015 10:42 am

PCR writes:

“It is just as Marx, Engels, and Lenin said.”

Well – even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Roberts continued undying support for Russia, statements like the above and his _REFUSAL_ to define his terms – i.e.: that the banks (as encouraged/sanctioned by governments) do not engage in “Capitalism” but rather a form of corporate/financial fascism – leads me to believe that he is little more than a mole working to destabilize the underpinnings of what is left that is actually good in the west (i.e.: true capitalism – a virtuous economic system/activity which still exists in the world of business in NA on the small and medium size).

PCR has become little more than a cheerleader for the downfall of the west – even if he is right about certain subjects and events his failure to address these key terms and their relevance to our situation and our lives reveals him for what he is. PCR is not anti state. He is anti “western state” and anti intellectual – he is only able to address certain truths as they apply to his narrative and unable to address them when they do not.

November 29, 2015 10:43 am

Obviously, gov’t leaders of western developed economies take the side of billions more for the Banksters.

November 29, 2015 10:51 am

I lost interest in the Greek financial situation whey they decided they could afford to take in hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants and support them as well as their own people.

BTW, escalating tuition at government owned and run educational institutions is not really the best example of “Capitalism” to use.

November 29, 2015 1:12 pm

Just like Germany after the war. Except the Greeks aren’t sitting in rubble and starving to death. Fuck them, they were hating on Germany for it’s insistence that the Greeks were lazy and the Greeks had to fall back on the tired refrain of war reparations because of the evil nazis because they had nothing left to say.

When I read about the blissful lifestyle the Greeks had for many generations I realized why they thought we Americans were crazy to work hard. Everything unionized, retire at 50, paying taxes is optional and all the while not producing shit.

Even now the Greek whores are making a living on their backs, what more do they want? Their men should be out there giving BJ’s right along side of them. Did you all enjoy socialism? Have you wiped your smug little smiles off your faces yet? You did? Good….now go fuck yourself.

November 29, 2015 2:51 pm

@Francis Marion: PCR is a truth-teller. He’s atoning for his sins as part of the “Reagan Revolution”. Saying he’s some sorta “mole” is something I’d expect from Billy or BB (no offense).

November 29, 2015 3:39 pm

Wow. PCR seems like he is falling apart. I saw nothing in this article that explained how ‘capitalism’ is to blame for this mess. I usually like PCR but this article is bullshit. The Greek problem was caused by its own socialism in the beginning, a bogus monetary union made the problem worse. A central bank and commercial banks loaning out fiat money that they CREATE OUT OF THIN AIR at interest is a far cry from capitalism too. There is nothing free market about any of this stuff. PCR also places a high emphasis on ‘democracy’ too. Well, guess what? The majority of the Greek population voted for this and continues to Everytime they demand their government do whatever it takes to remain part of the EU, and they have ceded their sovereign powers to the EU and ECB. All of this is a result of that. No where in all of this has there been capitalism. Although, I suppose that since this facist and socialist hellhole of their own creation has resulted in so many Greek women becoming prostitutes that they can only charge 4.50 an hour is capitalism, I’ll give you that. But it damn sure didn’t CREATE this problem.

This false equivellance is the same as when Leftists in the US blame the 2008 crisis on ‘capitalism’ or the free market. Neither of those things exist anymore. This is the end result of socialist/facist central planning run amok. Coming soon to a country near you….

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 29, 2015 3:43 pm

@ Gator +1,000,000

@ Westcoaster

Read Gator’s comment. No use in me reinventing the wheel in an attempt to respond to your post. The fact the PCR can’t seem to differentiate (over and over again) between what capitalism is supposed to be and the abortion of an economic/political system we live under says enough for me.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 29, 2015 3:45 pm

BTW – as much as like reading your posts WC’er – I consider being compared to Billy a compliment. Billy’s wife not so much….

November 29, 2015 5:13 pm

Ya’ know,

Most people don’t even know exactly what “Capitalism” is or where and why and by whom it originated.

There’s really no reason to be unknowing about such things with today’s internet resources at your fingertips if you fall among those who don’t.

November 29, 2015 5:36 pm

What a load of shit. Poor Greeks had nothing to do with it? They loved all the fre shit, govt jobs, retire at 55, etc ad naseum, until it came time to pay for it. They joined the EU for a he was nlimited loans – turns out there was a limit.

The Greeks are as innocent as the Americans, the French, et al. No one is innocent, just stupid.

November 30, 2015 12:52 am

Yeah, llpoh but the big debts are always run up by government spending. Greece has 1300 tanks. 15% of german military exports go to greece. 10% of french. I’ve read that buying german submarines in the last couple of years really hurt the country financially.

November 30, 2015 12:57 am

Francis, without re-reading the article, I applaud your diving deep looking for inconsistentcies. I’ve been assuming the worst for awhile.