Shoots and Leaders

Guest Post by Stilton Jarlsberg

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, colorado, planned parenthood, shooting, chicago

Let’s get a few things out of the way first: the mass shooting at the Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic is an awful tragedy which should never have happened. Whatever the gunman’s twisted motives (which remain unclear, although he mentioned “no more baby parts” in a rambling, disjointed conversation with police) he is nothing more, and nothing less, than a psycho killer who deserves capital punishment as quickly as the system will allow.

Clearly, the world would have been better off if this lunatic didn’t have a gun. But Hope n’ Change is struck by the hypocrisy of the president declaring “enough is enough” over this shooting of 12 people (3 killed, 9 wounded) while showing less interest in the holiday weekend’s body count in Chicago (15 killed, 67 wounded) than he shows in sports scores.

And the reason is simple: Mr. Obama’s goal remains to take guns out of the hands of the law abiding while doing nothing to curb the endemic inner city gun violence which takes so many black lives (which apparently don’t #Matter to him much.) So his selective outrage is clearly political rather than moral.

Make no mistake, Hope n’ Change is all for keeping guns out of the hands of homicidal lunatics. But how? What are the telltale signs which clearly signal that someone has gone around the bend?

According to voter records, which Democrats assure us are always 100% accurate, the bearded, formerly-married shooter was listed as a female. Was this a governmental error (unthinkable!) or a case of Caitlyn Jenner-itis? If it’s the latter, the Left assures us that this is proof of rock solid mental stability.

The shooter also lived in tiny dwellings (sometimes a shack with neither running water nor electricity) which once might have seemed the mark of a spooky loner, but now is laudable for producing only a small, environmentally-sound carbon footprint.

Might his college records have provided a tip-off? Unlikely, since even those who spent their college days actively seeking out radicals (and later consorting with bomb-making terrorists) – as Obama boasts about in his autobiography – are clearly on the side of the angels. Still, the fact that the shooter got his degree in “public administration” suggests that he’s harbored antisocial tendencies for quite awhile.

Sadly, there’s no absolutely certain way to make sure that the insane (or people who have become insane over time) don’t get access to guns – although Hope n’ Change is genuinely open to hearing realistic ideas.

Until then, we suggest that the president drop his “weapons of war” rhetoric when talking about sane people who carry guns to help ensure public safety, and instead finally get serious about the actual wars and staggering death tolls in his Democrat-ruled inner cities.

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November 30, 2015 1:12 pm


The local authorities seem to be keeping all details about the shooter and shooting, other than a few basic things that can’t be hidden, secret for some reason.

What we do know is he is a loner type, doesn’t get along well with others and seems to have no logical continuity in his conversations, no one in the pro life community has ever heard of him so he’s not connected there, he lived in a run down shack, no religious views or lack thereof are known, he self identifies as a female (public records) and has a history of personal and legal problems with other people that indicate being mentally unstable at best.

So I wonder why they don’t want to talk about it and release what they have discovered so far? May be a valid reason for it, but every detail of every shooter in the past seems to be made up front and public in the past as soon as it is available so that is the norm in these cases so far.

As far as who should be able to own guns, the simple wording of the 2nd Amendment should answer that. Any restrictions apply only to the law abiding that don’t make criminal use of them.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 30, 2015 2:15 pm

If the PP shooter was black, Obummer would have not said a word about it.

November 30, 2015 2:33 pm

Maybe his diet had fetal cells in it which drove him mad.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 30, 2015 3:08 pm

There needs to be a better way of terminating PP murders; leaving the job to amateur morons just causes other problems.

Hollow man
Hollow man
December 1, 2015 1:43 am

If I am forced to protect my family or myself then it is war and ,any weapon I have will be a weapon of that war.

December 1, 2015 2:14 am

I like e Ann Barnhardt

December 1, 2015 2:56 am

I’d marry this bitch!! She thinks Lindsey Graham’s a pussy!!