Speed Averages

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Few people with working brains respect the obviously stupid. Which explains why almost everyone disrespects posted speed limits … by ignoring them.speed averages lead

Any law or edict  that is almost universally ignored can be safely presumed stupid. Or – as here – cynically dismissed as a tool for separating people’s money from their persons. Most speed limits (and thus, speeding tickets) fall into this latter category.

None of this is news.

But because speed limits exist as an artificial barometer of reasonable maximum velocities, there is the problem of a generally distorted perception of what constitutes reasonable average velocities.

The Clover who mopes along at say 44 in a 45 contents himself with the thought that he is “doing the speed limit” and feels righteous or at least, justified, about not yielding to the faster-moving traffic stacking up behind him. Even though almost everyone is doing more than the limit – or at least, trying to – he does not question the reasonableness of the statute. Typically, he defends it. Takes the position that whatever the posted maximum is, the fact that it is posted constitutes definitive proof that it is the balls-to-the-wall highest safe speed; that anyone (which is almost everyone) who drives faster deserves a ticket.

And – in his defense – if the lawful maximum is 45, going any faster does expose him to being ticketed.

We all live in constant dread of this.radar gun pic

Which fact explains both the characteristically bunched-up traffic that defines American roadways and the resigned passivity of most American drivers – who have been conditioned to be positively terrified of acceleration.

Never in the history of the car has the average, nothing-special A to B transportation appliance been as potent as today – yet traffic probably flows no faster than it did in 1970 and probably slower, because the consequences for daring to use even 80 percent of the capability of, say, a new Toyota Corolla entail more grief than using 100 percent of the capability of a new Z28 did back in 1970.

If, on the other hand, the speed limit comported with a velocity considerably higher than the just-moping-along average speed of traffic, it would be obvious – even to a Clover – that his low-average velocity is clogging up the works. Social – and legal – pressure would bear down on him.

He’d feel obliged to at least yield.

And – at a stroke – probably two-thirds of what today constitutes illegal (and highly profitable to the state) “speeding” offenses would vanish and the rest of it would be much harder to characterize as a horrific offense against reasonable conduct behind the wheel, as now.

Revenue would of course decrease – but traffic congestion would ease because people would no longer feel so targeted when driving at reasonable speeds.speeding 2

All of this strikes me as a capital idea. And it’s not just my idea, either.

Speed limits are supposed to be more than just speed averages. They are supposed to be set according to a standard higher than the average. It’s what a limit (or maximum) implies.

How to do this?

Traffic is monitored and the speed limit set such that only about 15 percent of the cars are traveling faster while the remaining 85 percent are traveling at approximately that rate. This “85th percentile” method (see here for technical details) is supposed to be the method for setting speed limits, if we must have them at all. But it’s rarely used anymore, because if it were used, the number of “speeders” would be much reduced – and with it, both “revenue” and the excuse necessary to justify its snatching.

The object of the exercise is not the facilitation of safe, efficient travel but rather the issuance of as many tickets as possible.

This is admitted, often openly.

For example, a memo issued to the highwaymen of Fairfax County, Virginia:

“Two traffic stops is the minimum acceptable daily average, calculated on a monthly basis. Either two summons and one warning must be issued and entered per day on average. (Two warnings are not acceptable). All days, all officers are required to be well-rounded in their production, regardless of minimum standards.”

The bolding, underlining and italics are not mine. They are in the original.

“Well-rounded in their production.”


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November 30, 2015 6:55 am

I don’t mind if people drive slow; I just wish they would do it *behind* other assholes who also want to drive slow instead of right beside them…. inevitably for miles….

November 30, 2015 8:18 am

Everyone needs and has a right to use the roadways.

Speed limits and other traffic laws make this possible instead of having a traffic chaos situation where no one can safely use them.

Obey them or get ticketed if you ignore them or lose your license if you continue to be a scofflaw that ignores them. Your life and your time is no more important than anyone else’s on the road and you have no right to put them in danger.

If you don’t like speed limits petition to have them changed or move to Germany or somewhere else they don’t have them.

November 30, 2015 8:58 am

Anonymous – get your flu shot, sheeple ass!

November 30, 2015 9:11 am

Rules -shmules.

If people can’t be intelligent, and aware of what situation is on front of them, it creates consequences.

Then someone says, “THEY should do SOMETHING about this.”

So now you have laws that supposedly correct this problem.

Then people complain because they have no freedom.

I didn’t create this situation, it’s human nature.

But, I can be responsible for my actions. Maybe I’ll make that effort today.


p.s. when I see traffic backed up behind me, I either speed up, or pull over. Let’s be reasonable.

November 30, 2015 9:51 am

Michigan sets speed limits on state highways, including in-town segments, by surveying what speed drivers actually go and using a percentile – I believe 80th – of actual speeds, and rounding to the nearest 5mph increment. It seems to work quite well.

Unfortunately rural non-freeways are restricted to 55mph by statute, and that is often too low a limit. Maybe someday we’ll get that changed. On the plus side, outside of downriver Detroit, Michigan doesn’t have many speedtrap locales, the way that Ohio does.

November 30, 2015 10:00 am


You apparently don’t believe in traffic laws.

Do you believe in laws that protect you from someone beating your head in with a baseball bat if you cause them problems while disobeying those laws (i.e. road rage)?

I rather suspect you are a very poor driver that has no respect at all for other people and their lives. I see this type on the road all the time, the same type that says “everyone does it” and “the cops are always picking on me” when he is the only one that is being ticketed for his bad driving.

November 30, 2015 10:27 am

I met Anon the other day, driving 44 in a 45. and as I closed in, doing the standard 5 mph over (that’s 50 mph for Anon), the guy (with shaved head, driving a caprice classic, obviously an off duty cop)
slows down to 43, 42, 41, just to ensure that I will wind up right on his bumper. There was no traffic ahead of him, he was just f#$%ing with me.

After I safely passed him, he continued to mess with other drivers behind him.

I really dislike folks who pretend they are obeying the law, but in reality are making driving more dangerous to those around him.

November 30, 2015 10:39 am


Ad hominem as the only response indicates you have no defense for your position.

You weary me.

November 30, 2015 11:02 am

Fighter pilots, and ex-fighter pilots, love 3 things: fast cars, fast planes, and fast women. Heh.

Speed limit signs are, in my opinion, mere suggestions, and I treat them as such.

November 30, 2015 11:15 am

I once owned a home in the quiet residential neighborhood of Forest Park, Grand Haven. The speed limit was 25mph. Some of the motherfucking assholes thought that was just a suggestion, and drove well over that limit … 40+ mph. I once chased down one of these motherfuckers right to his home … as he pulled in his own driveway, I laid into him with extreme vengeance. He threatened to call the cops …. and I BEGGED him to do it, as I had a gaggle of witnesses who would have been more than eager to testify that this motherfucker was putting children’s lives at risk. Yeah, that’s right, sometimes it really IS about the children … and that neighborhood had hundreds of them.

So, puhleeeeze, don’t tell me speed laws are always bad.

That being said, it’s ridicules that the Garden Fuckin State Fuckin Parkway — 6-10 lanes in some spots — has a 55mph speed limit which NO ONE — literally — obeys. Yet, you can’t drive that on ANY day without seeing some copfuk who singled out a poor sap for ticketing. Of course, most speeding tickets are revenue producing SCAMS.

BTW, I am one of those slooow drivers. I love it. I never block traffic, ever. But, even doing just 5mph over the limit in the SLOW lane causes many people to have extreme road rage. This is fun and funny to me.

November 30, 2015 11:22 am

Wow. After writing the above … just for the hell of it, and because I haven’t done so for years … I googled “forest park grand haven mi” …. and the house my ex and I lived in was the second picture!! And, it’s for sale. Ha! For $100k more than I paid for it back around 2002. OK, who cares? No one. But, it made my heart go pitter-patter for a moment because my sons and I had a blast there … the back yard literally backs into a 400+ acre nature preserve.

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November 30, 2015 11:30 am

@Anonymous: Get your head out of your ass. Nobody here is against traffic laws – yeah you need to stop on red, go on green. But speed limits are not the same. Speed limits are arbitrary numbers, set low to produce revenue for cites / states. I’ve traveled on I-94 through the midwest. Some states have the limit as 60, others have 75 – same road. Stay to the right.

November 30, 2015 11:40 am

“BTW, I am one of those slooow drivers. I love it. I never block traffic, ever. But, even doing just 5mph over the limit in the SLOW lane causes many people to have extreme road rage. This is fun and funny to me.”

How much driving have you done in the western U.S.? Me? A lot, as in tens of thousands of miles. You pull that shit off out here, where nearly everyone speeds especially on the Interstates, and you’re going to be in sm

November 30, 2015 11:41 am


and you’re going to be in the small minority of drivers. Out here, you “go with the flow.”

November 30, 2015 11:53 am


I’ve driven “out west”. I agree with you. I would almost surely go with the flow — whatever the flow might be in the slow lane.

Have you ever driven in Noo Joisey? It is fucking insane to break speed laws here. For what??? All you’ll get is another traffic light shortly, or another congestion just up ahead. Driving fast causes nothing but anxiety in this shitfuk crowded state with the most god-awful drivers in the country. Driving slow gives me peace and harmony, where I love almost everyone, and giving forth the middle finger occurs only once or twice an hour.

November 30, 2015 12:32 pm

My recent speeding story.

I left the deer woods last Friday night, once I got to the (55 mph) pavement I got behind a guy with his left turn signal on, forever, he almost came to a complete stop before turning, at this point there was a car right on my ass.

As soon as the numbnut turned I hit the gas with the car behind me glued to my ass, when I hit 65mph I backed off, just about the same time the blue and red lights went on.

Well fuck me. Before I left the woods I had a nice chat with the Native American next door, he was telling me about the cops in Oceana county, and how crazy they are with power once they get a gun strapped on. And here I am with a rifle in the back seat and a pistol by my side.

Roll the windows down, turn the truck off, turn the interior lights on and hands up on the wheel, look straight ahead.

Cop came up on the passenger side, flashlight out but I’m sure his hand on his pistol. He wanted my license, I announced I had a carry permit and was carrying, my wallet is next to my pistol, which is next to my right leg.
He surprised me when he said to go ahead and take it out. Really? I expected to be told to exit the vehicle and assume the position.
Thank you for the license sir, insurance?
Yup, in the glove box, may I reach for it?
I could not find a current insurance certificate, going south again.

Then we talked a bit about deer hunting and my camera on the front seat. Hmmmmmm, not going too bad so far.

Until he came back with my license, that expired back in August. But I did find a current insurance certificate, but it turns out driving on a expired license is a arrest-able offense.

A feeling of dread, going to impound the truck, and I get to spend the night in jail?

He said don’t worry, he knew I was a decent guy with my last ticket 10 years ago, not going to arrest me.

Long story short he let me go with a warning for doing 8 mph over but he had to write me up for the expired license, I have to appear in White Cloud on the 14th 8:00am to pay those fines. He also told me he couldn’t let me drive on a expired license, but, I was heading west, he had to go east, drive careful, stay the speed limit and don’t come back into his county until I was legal again.

State boy, not a local Barney Fife.

Got legal today.

November 30, 2015 5:20 pm

Hey Stucky! Sell Momma’s house yet? If no don’t forget the St. Joseph trick!

November 30, 2015 6:00 pm

Congress repealed the 55 mph National Maximum Speed Limit in 1995, fully returning speed limit setting authority to the states.

Prior to that, my wife, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and I took a trip from Tucson to El Paso. I drove first and didn’t even get out of Pima County AZ before I got pulled over by the county fuzz for doing 65 mph. Gave me a warning. The little woman takes over a little later and goes blasting down the Interstate at 80 mph. (Today, the speed limit is 75, and the cops don’t even bat an eye to those doing 85.)

Me …. “Aren’t you pushing your luck a little.”
Her …. “There’s no one out here.”
Me …..

Five minutes later, we’re sitting on the shoulder behind another car with Colorado plates in front of us, an Arizona state cop in front of that car, and another Arizona state cop in back of us. Cop behind us gets my wife’s driver’s license and registration. Five minutes later, he returns and tells us we can go, but slow down. He also said he has to help the second cop deal with the car in front of us. We ask, “What’s going on?” The reply, “The driver of that car is wanted for robbery in Colorado.” Yikes. And off we go.

After lunch, our daughter-in-law said to us, “Get in the back with (our granddaughter), I’ll drive the rest of the way so we don’t get stopped again.” Cheeky lass. Fifteen minutes later, we were stopped again on the shoulder with a New Mexico state cop right behind us. I’m sitting in the back laughing my ass off, which my daughter-in-law did not find amusing. She too only got a warning, but had to put up with my needling her for the next hour.

Patriarch of one of America’s premier Leadfoot Families

November 30, 2015 8:22 pm

Many speed limits are indeed concerned with safety, as in the above example of 25 mph in a residential area.

Many are not. Purely arbitrary and set up for revenue gathering. US 319 north from Thomasville, GA, is four-lane with a central left-turn lane. 55 mph limit. Almost everybody drives it at around 64 or so, except the cops. They cruise at around 70.

I’ve slowed down some from earlier fun. No more 150 mph toys (dammit). I’ve made a few long-distance speed runs. The 900 miles from home to Denver in 12 hours. A 77-mile run to home in 44 minutes. 🙂 And it’s easy to run US 90 from Valentine, TX, to Marfa at 140.

But what I ain’t in my old age is a Clover. 🙂

Too many people out there drive as though they got their license from a box of Crackerjacks. Couldn’t drive their way out of a wet paper sack. No reflexes, no depth perception. The upper limit of competency is getting dressed in the morning. Them’s clovers.

December 2, 2015 6:56 pm

Speed DIFFERENCES between vehicles on US roads are the primary cause of accidents, not actual speed of a vehicle. You round a curve, going 5mph over the speed limit, and suddenly discover you’re 100 feet behind a cotton picker going 25mph under it. Or some clover going 20mph less than you are suddenly whips into your lane just ahead of you. If everyone drove exactly 100mph, like some “driverless” automated cars on on a test track, even with minimal spacing between vehicles, we’d all be just fine despite the apparent “danger” of such a high speed. There is film of such on Youtube.