Muck’s Minute #17


A quote from the best war leader Japan ever had:  Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

“In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success.”

“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.”

“I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” [said upon learning of the success of the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor]

This statement – an comment of great importance and  a major determent for invasion of the American Continent was credited to Yamamoto after the very successful Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

This remains absolutely the same determent for any other hostile countries to the U.S.A. today as there is no profit or gain from conquering a country without occupying it. One cannot squeeze riches from your foe by turning the place to ashes – collateral damage is too severe and the raping and pillaging  motive has limited appeal.  Only in a completely insane person(s) would attempt a physical invasion of a country where weapons exceeds the number of citizens in the invaded country.

This provides a two edged sword to the Government of the United States.

The edge of the sword that the Government would love to dull is that edge that  allows the American citizen to defend himself against that very Government ( and that may happen sooner than you think with the continued over-reach of every Governmental Agency from local to State to Federal).  It also allows for the very rapid deployment of self-armed militias in the event they should ever be needed. And the value of arms in the possession of law abiding citizen for self protection against the very few (relatively speaking) lawless members of  our society who could care less about law (guns or any other kind) is quite self evident.

Just how long would you think it would take to train a rabble of armed citizens into a workable Minute Man Militia – i.e. train a decent deer hunter to shot men instead of deer?  Oh, about 3-4 weeks (mostly to install discipline and chain of command structure and far less time than that if the threat is imminent).  Casualties?  Sure, quite high – for a little while – then things would get organized and we’d push back really – really – hard.

Oh sure, like Yamamoto says – the invader would run wild for the first 6 months (less now, I think) and then the entire sentient population of the U.S. would squash the effort like stepping on a cockroach.  Today, it would be the same way for anyone else who would attempt an invasion or tried to establish a physical presence on the North American Continent.

Logistics are still on our side.  MacArthur once said, “Never get into an armed conflict on the Asian Continent.” He meant it, would have still won a war there if he had been allowed too with proper support (Oh well – 50% is better than nothing but look at the evil cess pool left to deal with N. Korea).

‘Nam just proved that we learned nothing from past experience and Gen. Macs’ advice and Vietnam was a goat rope based on bad intelligence and worse decision making from day one.  The decision making was based mostly on information sent to Washington that they wanted to hear – not that was true.  The media didn’t help any either.

The Pacific and Atlantic oceans provide us more protection than any armed force simply because the logistical impossibility of mounting an invasion force and supplying and replenishing it over a long effort  takes resources only the U.S. could mount in the event of  some effort or another to kick our ass from overseas.   It’s been this way since the late 1700’s an remains that way todayl

So, at present, we must rely on the Federal Government – worse luck – but it’s the best horribly inefficient and expensive system  devised to date to provide a defense envelope to take care of the big remote threats that come at us over the North Pole or out of the sea – which, in practical terms is impossible and will holes in it wide enough to do us severe damage but the capability of a retaliatory second strike is still, sadly,  a must have.

I’ve never believed in “MAD” (Mutually Assured Destruction) policy.  It sounds too much like a suicide pack.  But I’ve always admired the New Hampshire State Moto, “Give me Liberty or Death”.  I further suspect when push comes to shove, that motto is what I will live by as I bow out of this veil of tears.

So we are left with one deadly, viscous fly in the ointment – terrorism.  I noted in several papers that the word ”terrorist” has been deleted from all the MSM pap, politically correct verbiage and they have now been promoted to ‘insurgents” and “militants”.  There appears not to be one single terrorist in the world in the world anymore as far as out Government is concerned.  Now terrorists cannot win shit – they’re like vipers in the weeds – sneaking around and biting you on the ankle.  In numbers, they can control and torture a limited number of civilians (they have to retain sufficient people to do the logistics – feed ’em, provide sexual slaves and cut the occasional throat when the mood strikes them or someone pisses them off)..

Now, even the Saudi Arabian Government who spends more and more time sharpening swords to decapitate more and more minority Shi’ites under their control are beginning to look kind of ragged and Medieval.  (By the way – there is an absolutely deadly silence on the part of U.S. Government on any criticism of the ever backward movement of the Saudi Government to the Middle Ages..  No civilization there.. No sir..  But “Shhhhhh! They are our allies! ” Right.

What with 18 out of 19 men (as I remember) of the Saudi TERRORIST crew that participated in the 9/11/2001 attack that blew away the World Trade Center and almost 3,000 people and several hundred other innocent lives digging a large hole in Pennsylvania I’ve never understood why we didn’t go after the Saudis like rabid dogs. I’ll never understand and am obviously malformed on what the geopolitical ties between the U.S.A and Saudi Arabia are that we continue to allow them to behave like barbarians spreading hate and discontent and preventing any chance of Sunni/Shi’ite understanding or collaborating any closer in an attempt to eliminate internal cutting of throats between believers of off shoots of the same Islamic religion. I’m not sure – at all – that Islam is even a single religion anymore and has schism’d into two or three very different religions with dead and dying men women and children strewn in their paths.

I do not understand why our Government is not condemning Saudi Arabia for its’ ever regressing methods of suppression of those who protest against their increasing brutal and obvious Sunni plan to eliminate all the Shi’ities they can kill.

I t would appear to Old Muck that a thorough review, change of course and change of policies will be necessary to ever start to penetrate the maze of religious war that is the basis for every bit of conflict in the Middle East.  Oh boy – a new Crusade?  Now that would up the demand for horses and armor, wouldn’t it!

Of course, money, oil, power and religious dominance are are all mixed up in it but that’s what the Government’s are supposed to figure out , right??

Don’t hold your breath.



Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 4, 2016 7:51 pm

I’m reading 1776 and the Qur’an at the same time. Like watching cattle and dogs. The difference between human subgroups are so vast I simply cannot fathom anyone believing anything else. And yet they do.

If things ever do go south here, the newly arrived aren’t going to play much of a role. They’re too disconnected and too uninvolved in the historical struggle to choose sides. They may take advantage of collapse and chaos, but they are never going to be players. Ditto foreign involvement. The big wild card is going to be the nuke plants and the nuke weapons systems. Both require a lot of highly trained technical support that will not be arriving via H1-B visas.

Interesting times indeed.

January 4, 2016 8:16 pm

The solution is to keep all the Muzzies in the ME and let them manage their own bloody affairs. We can watch the show from Drone and Satellite vids for our evening entertainment.

January 4, 2016 8:17 pm

the saudis are essential in furthering the petrodollar scheme, that is why they are allowed to act the way they do. The usgov could not care less about loss of innocent life, as has clearly been demonstrated recently. As long as they sell their oil for USDs and USDs alone, they can do pretty much whatever they want and the govt will come to their rescue

January 4, 2016 9:53 pm

“I do not understand why our Government is not condemning Saudi Arabia for its’ ever regressing methods of suppression of those who protest against their increasing brutal and obvious Sunni plan to eliminate all the Shi’ities they can kill.”

Because the Saudis have our oil and we don’t want to upset the delicately balanced apple cart.

January 4, 2016 10:29 pm

With you Muck on our “special relationship” with the Saudi’s, but the same is true with Israel. Personally I think both countries, along with the U.S. neocons, planned and executed 911. The evidence of the so-called “hijackers” being on the planes at all is from the materials found in Atta’s luggage, which didn’t make his flight. It was the only piece of luggage that didn’t make it. That’s where they found the names and photos of the hijackers, all neatlly presented to us as “truth”.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
January 4, 2016 11:13 pm

And let’s not forget the “Miracle Passport”.
Hmmmm, I wonder how many other passports they found on the streets of New York that day?

January 5, 2016 1:14 am

The other viscous fly in the ointment is a civil war between various ethnic groups or between the government and its citizens.Not sure how it will play out but it will be interesting.

Muck ,this is you best minute so far in my opinion.

January 5, 2016 7:58 am

Excellent essay Muck, but unlike yourself and many others I can imagine a scenario in which Americans become -not easily mind you , but – disarmed.
All the Feds need to do is seize assets and bank accounts of resistors and freeze their credit , which is already being done to many firearm dealers and manufacturers. Once you’re blocked from trading and thus from the basic necessities of life, most will bow and come in from the cold. Hunger is the ultimate weapon of war against any organized resistance and throughout history it has been brought many an “insurgent” into compliance with whatever agenda the state was pushing.
And , there’s no doubt such a weapon of force will be used again. Bet on it.

January 5, 2016 8:30 am

One nut-job country like North Korea or Pakistan lobs a nuke, then more nukes will start flying. Then different ethnic groups will fight for what’s left to survive.

Oh, as a New Hampshire native, I would respectfully point out that the NH motto is not “Give me Liberty or Death”, it is “Live Free or Die”.

January 5, 2016 10:36 am

There are only two ways which war will come to American soil: 1) Nuclear war where we can all pretty much put our heads between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye and 2) Civil War. To me this seems more and more likely with each passing day. When things get bad (massive civil unrest, supply chain failures, regular “folks” starvings, etc.) do you really expect states to go on kissing the federal govt’s collective ass? Hell, Texas has been talking succession for a long time already. The talk will only get more serious when things get bad.

“Terrorist” is just an emotionally-charged word the State trots out when they want to paint someone as a bad guy (this doesn’t mean they are “good” guys–whatever that means). Look at it this way: to King George II, George Washington was very much a “terrorist.” Of course, the word wasn’t in use then, but surely he was an “upstart” or “rebel” or whathaveyou.

There was an episode of The West Wing right after 9/11 where the cast was on lock-down after an off-screen “terrorist” event. At one point one of them (I think it was Rob Lowe) says that terrorism always fails. This is true, but not for the silly reasons Aaron Sorkin (A terrific writer with ridiculous political leanings) would have you believe (ie that “good” always triumphs over “evil” blah, blah, blah) No. Terrorism DOES always fail for one simple reason: when it succeeds, it is called revolution.

January 5, 2016 11:13 am

People own weapons so they are able to protect themselves,

and their family against home invasions and people who would

kill them in a split second. Armed resistance against the gov?

By individuals or groups? Ridiculous. Think hell fire missile.

A state or states seceding? That could happen and maybe it should.

In the meantime, it remains that whites have to protect themselves

from black crazies, bound for blood. Especially in the cities.

Continuity of gov? Remember, that is the goal of gov. And gov will do

anything and everything to maintain the status quo.

Raging and venting against the injustice of it all? Useless right now.

The worse is yet to come. Be ready, prepare to survive. There is

a financial storm coming.

January 5, 2016 3:00 pm

“I do not understand why our Government is not condemning Saudi Arabia…”

Perhaps at the top of the pyramid.. Saudi Arabia *is* our government? And people like the Clinton and Bush are closet converts?

January 5, 2016 3:18 pm

Suzanna , states are ran by the same pile is statist shit DC is…they will never secede…why you say? The answer in one pic.

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 5, 2016 3:21 pm

again.[imgcomment image[/img]

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