Muck’s Minute #19

Not my Daddy’s World


I wonder what world we’re living in these days.  Surely not the one I was born into, grew up on, worked at and lived through.

When an Oscar Nomination Committee gets castigated for not nominating anyone of color for an Oscar (for two years in a row, I think) all that means to me is that no person of color was cast in an “Oscar Possible” project or part nor performed at the level where they rose above the ever larger and crowded mass of actors and actresses who inhabit sound stages of Hollywood.

If we are going to force art into white/color mold, on a whole it too will deteriorate just like our schools and every other agenda where it has been applied.

And then there’s Norway, a rather pleasant, if cold, country that is fast going down the tubes greased by their own liberality and idiocy.  They just cancelled a traditional festival (going back a hundred years or more I expect) where little boys dressed as superheroes and little girls dressed up as princesses and such.

Why did they cancel it? Terrorists? Nope. They cancelled it because it may be forcing prepubescent children into fixed gender roles and for some reason that may be thought of as not being Politically Correct.  Gag!

Then we get to the current political farce for President this year where there is not one single candidate of either political persuasion that I would want leading a pre-school, much less a Nation like what the U.S.A. used to be.

Trump(et), who never finishes a sentence without ten off-shoots into odd and not understandable side issues; Cruz who, if nominated, will be in court to “settle” the Constitutional question of his being a Canadian born American when the elections roll around; Hillary, who has such bags full of lies, swindles and is under Federal Investigation for violating no end of Federal Law and Regulations by spewing forth Top Secret (and above) documents from her “private” server (wanna bet who bought and programmed it?) and finally good old Bernie who has never seen a Socialist Program he didn’t love and wouldn’t stop until everyone in this country (other than the PTB) were all equally below the poverty level through additional taxes, debt issue, money printing and give aways (in other words – continuing what is going on now for another 4/8 years squared).

Does anyone think we can survive another 4/8 years of what has been going on the last 8 years? I don’t.

But the whole damn thing is it doesn’t matter who is elected President (or Congress – whom you will notice is totally absent from any visibility or campaigning for their own reelections in 2016).

The die is cast.  Tricky Dick Nixon flipped the destruct switch in 1973 when he removed the very last limit on Federal Governmental spending/borrowing/debt/money printing. As you should remember, he closed the golden window whereby international debts between countries were settled, thereby putting the whole world on the path to fiat destruction.

Richard Russell, the grand old master of investment analysis and Dow Theory first made the statement, “Inflate or Die!” many years ago when he saw – before anyone else – the handwriting on the wall as far as unlimited Government power to print, borrow and spend. His dictum remains today as a perfectly short, clear and accurate statement as to the trap the Federal Government has backed first us and now the whole world into.

Those three words “Inflate or Die” are the shortest, most to the point and all encompassing description of reality in the world of Economics.  They say it all.

Regardless of who is elected President (or to Congress), we are locked into those three words which, of course, lead to lots and lots of consequences such as financial collapse, depression, possibly even the end of the U.S.A. as we know it.

The timing is impossible to guess, since a good part of the lesser countries in the world will likely go down the tubes before we do and in the process, in great panic, try to transfer as many assets as they have to the U.S.A. in the mis-belief that we are secure and will preserve those assets until the storm has passed.  Too bad because we’re going to go right down  the vortex along with the rest – maybe last or near to it, but down we will go.

So my thinking is this.  Vote for Trump – just for laughs and giggles. It doesn’t matter what he does – a nose bleed depression (or a war) will be the result – but even Trump with his autocratic ways – may stand a better chance of preventing the total destruction of what we believe in – even it it means autocracy for a while as he rules with a baseball bat instead of “compromise” which got us where we are today.

Everyone else in the field (right now) is nothing more than a can-kicker or a crook or a Socialist and the cliff where the can goes ass-over-teakettle is just a few yards down the road.  I’d rather vote for Rand Paul if he weren’t on the wrong side about women’s rights – but the same fate would accompany him into office just like any of the others.


Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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January 31, 2016 9:25 am

Migration resulting in demographic shifts in culture and race have been occurring since time immemorial and if not kept in check will definitely be the decisive factor in the which direction future political wind blows..

“Ice Age Columbus”. More and more evidence from tools, human remains, DNA and even from examining American Indian folk tales, show that Europeans were the first original native people of America and the only ones to exclusively inhabit the “New World” for 1000’s of years.

We’ve been told that all human life came out of Africa, but in the below article we’re told that this 5300 year old man had no contact with African human . which raises the question of what species , if not human was he?

Iceman’s Gut Holds Clues to Humans’ Spread into Europe

This means the major influx of northeast Africans must have taken place after the Iceman died. But the bit of a mix shows that—consistent with other archaeological and genetic evidence—the Europe of 5,000 years ago was a bustling, complex hub of human movement.
Picture of sample being taken from the Iceman in November 2010

Instead of sticking an endoscope down the Iceman’s throat, researchers obtained samples of his stomach contents through “Austrian windows,” large incisions made by the Austrian team that initially examined him.

January 31, 2016 9:40 am

Aiding and abetting a foreign invasion of nation one was sworn to protect and deafend is by definition an act of treason and if allowed to continue will only lead to the downfall and complete destruction of the land invaded This point cannot be disputed .History is replete with numerous accounts of empires collapsing due to foreign invasion.Unfettered immigration is a weapon of war..nothing less.

Why Assimilationism Is A Failed Ideology
A tribe’s essence may sleep, but it never dies. It may lie dormant, but it will never go extinct. As new immigrants gain numerical power and ruling class protection in their host nations, the tribal instinct within their second and third generation cousins already in the country is released from its artificial suppression. The few secular liberal minority tokens that equalist leftoids, in a pique of supreme naivete, assume are representative of all of the minority tribe’s people, will recede to nothingness as their half-hearted voices are drowned out by the ululations of their extended family. To put it more bluntly, that smiling taxi driver praising America will revert with a quickness to the mores and standards of his race as soon as there are enough of his kind in close proximity to safely let his assimilationist mask slip.

Assimilationism doesn’t take long to reach diminishing returns, and even to expose the absorbing culture to deleterious regression to the behavioral norms of the immigrants. The more immigrants, and the more different the immigrants, the less likely assimilation is to work, and the more likely assimilationist rhetoric will ramp up to conceal its ineffectiveness.

Assimilation to the host nation’s way of life can work, but only under very strict preconditions:

the immigrants are not genetically and culturally distant from the native population into which they are assimilating.
the number of immigrants don’t exceed a threshold above which their natural born racial characteristics can’t be contained and redirected into expressions more compatible with the host nation’s culture.
the host nation culture has the self-confidence and pride of place to demand total acquiescence to its norms from the arriving immigrants.

Western nations are currently failing on all three assimilation preconditions: Post-1965 immigrants are almost entirely nonWhite, the numbers of them are astronomical, and the host nations have lost faith in themselves while they bend over backwards to assist immigrants in retaining and celebrating the cultures of the homelands they abandoned for Western prosperity.

Even when assimilation “works” — e.g., when Anglo-Germanic America absorbed millions of Southern and Eastern Europeans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries — there are immense costs and miseries that must be overcome along the way. And those costs are never completely paid off. Irish-Americans to this day still vote more Leftist than a typical Olde Anglo-Germanic American of yore would have been comfortable voting. And Italian-American communities have more corruption than adjacent Anglo communities. And don’t get me started on the Eskimos…

But the Irish, the Italians, the Poles, et al are White ethnics, meaning that they aren’t so genetically and culturally dissimilar from Anglo-Germanic Whites that their assimilation into the American fabric was ordained to fail absent the heavy hand of a police and surveillance state to keep everyone in line. Plus, their immigration was halted in the 1924 Act to preserve the Anglo White character of America. Intermarriage with other Whites further helped their assimilation, and this White ethnic intermarriage also contributed to the unique characteristics of Americans relative to their Old Country European cousins. This was a history of ethnicity-mixing among already high-achieving peoples (compared to world standards) that buttressed America’s strength.

So past immigrant waves to the US satisfied, more or less, assimilation preconditions #1 and #2, and from all accounts #3 was also operative up until oh, 1970 or so. The assimilation calculation has changed a lot since then, (but don’t tell the Ellis Island schmaltz shoppers that). Now the US’s immigrants couldn’t be more genetically/culturally different from the Anglo-Germanic substrate, couldn’t be more numerically unmanageable, and couldn’t be more free to avoid assimilation to a native stock American norm in favor of a globalist multikult credo. This is a recipe for the complete annihilation of the historical American culture (and subcultures).

January 31, 2016 11:34 am

As economic turmoil worldwide becomes increasingly apparent, I have been receiving messages from readers expressing some concerns on the public “perception” of collapse. That is to say, there are questions on the average person’s concept of collapse versus the reality of collapse. This is a vital issue that I have discussed briefly in the past, but it deserves a more in-depth analysis.

What is collapse? How do we define it? And, are some of the notions of collapse in the public consciousness completely wrong?

It’s funny, because skeptics opposed to the idea of a U.S. collapse in particular will most often retort with a question they think I cannot or will not answer – “So, Mr. Smith, when specifically is this supposed collapse going to take place? What day and time?”

My response has always been – “We’re in the middle of a collapse right now; you really can’t see it right in front of your sneering face?”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 31, 2016 1:52 pm

flash, that is one impressive bit of propaganda (09:40). The central message is Anglo/Germanics = good, all others=bad. A/G have prior claim to the new world. A/G gave birth to the modern First World.

I read somewhere that the world and everything in it belongs to God. Maybe you don’t believe in a heavenly landlord. Maybe all your faith is in the white man. I have also read somewhere: Cursed is the man who puts his faith in man…

Yet, your article tries to have it both ways, it says the A/G is a substrate, a food source in a petri dish for the propagation of select cultures, in this case, white folks. It goes on to say the Constitution was written for this particular race.

So, your article delineates a pre-historical and a historical claim to the land.

What is interesting is that your history lesson (I know you didn’t write it, flash) chops off history at a convenient place. There is no mention of Greece, Rome. We get the tale of a frozen ‘white man’ and then we hear of the A/G substrate.

Because of this gaping hole in the history and ‘proof’ I will have to say this is a bunch of horseshit.
But please keep trying.

January 31, 2016 2:42 pm

EC, in the space of a blog post , the author even if so inclined , could hardly cover all the nuances of ancient cultures leading to the rise of some and the fall of others on into modern times.

The article was chiefly about assimilation…

Did Rome assimilate with the Indo/ European Greeks.Did the Germanic tribes assimilate with the Romans?

Did Europeans assimilate with the tribes of the Americas?

Have Mexicans, Africans, Indians Chinese , Middle Easterners assimilated with white Americans?

For my part , this isn’t about who the superior intellect is,albeit the influence of Christian Europeans on Western democracy is undeniably rock solid. The immigration issue for me is about demographically displacing American culture , tradition and Christian family values with third world culture collectively attuned to a different belief system not being conducive to the traditional Christian based American value system.

One culture, as history has shown will dominate the other .This is not conjecture , but fact. Once the population numbers shift in favor of the invaders, it will be the Americans who are forced to assimilate or seek refuge elsewhere…Remember the Alamo.

January 31, 2016 2:53 pm

EC -I read somewhere that the world and everything in it belongs to God. Maybe you don’t believe in a heavenly landlord. Maybe all your faith is in the white man. I have also read somewhere: Cursed is the man who puts his faith in man…

Sure, and as I’ve often said, there will be no savior purely of flesh and blood come to save mankind now or ever.The only force that can save this world now spinning out of control will be one of a divine nature. But until that time comes, those with families have a duty to their offspring to provide and protect and that means defending at any cost the land they dwell in from a foreign invasion.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 31, 2016 2:53 pm

The Alamo was a battle over the immigrant Americanos failure to assimilate into the Mexican culture. They then went on to declare independence from Mexico. I guess that proves your whole point.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 31, 2016 3:02 pm

flash says: But until that time comes, those with families have a duty to their offspring to provide and protect and that means defending at any cost the land they dwell in from a foreign invasion.

Alright, Negro, but if your rhetoric leads to depriving certain dark-skinned people of citizenship because of esoteric bullshit about primitive Europeans in the Americas and code reading in the Constitution, then it gets hairy. You begin to sound like politicos who use code language to say one thing to a particular group while the other group is none the wiser.

I mean, what is up with the re-interpreted work makes free gate? Are you suggesting that is where El Coyote is headed?

January 31, 2016 5:26 pm

VegasBob’s friend:

‘I learned years ago that if I said something that offended someone then I am offensive. I did not wish to ever be offensive so I changed my behaviors and speech.’

I find it offensive that you’re SUCH A PUSSY!!! So quit bein’ offensive; change your behaviors and speech and MAN UP!!!

January 31, 2016 5:51 pm

EC, one of the main arguments for mass immigration is ‘cuz native Americans. Sure native Americans were displaced by organized Europeans. So are we American of Europeans ancestry now to willing roll over and allow what our ancestors built these 200+ years be destroyed in the name of multiculturalism and diversity….the sins our our fathers are not our sins.
There’s nothing esoteric about it.. It’s tribe up or die.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 31, 2016 9:24 pm

Here I thought it was because the Manifest Destiny needed white folk to come in and displace Indians while populating the American west in the name of Uncle Sam.

Your argument that America must stay pure white because it was founded by pure whites is specious and awfully convenient to your agenda. I would say it is almost as legitimate as the black argument that modern-day blacks deserve reparations for what their predecessors suffered under slavery.

I wouldn’t even call the slaves their ancestors any more than I will call the founding daddies your ancestors unless you have a certificate of revolutionary blood.

Otherwise, I figure you just got off the banana boat and are screaming for a native-born Hispanic to give you your own place in our good land.

What do you say, immigrant? Do you have proof of residency going back to 1776 or are you a fucking recent invader?

February 1, 2016 7:24 am

EC, you read, but you seem to not comprehend .Was Charles Martel a raciss when he pushed back the invading Muslim forces in Western Europe ? Maybe , but first and foremost, he was a survivalist and damn good thing for all Europe and Mexico too. otherwise you might be chucking stones at javelins and crushing corn for sustenance or worse, yet molesting goats because Mohamey commanded it.

Am I saying that America must be pure white as you suggest ? No and never did.But what I am saying that sans traditional European Christian values, now being displaced by competing foreign cultures, America will regress into the the barbaric state of perpetual tribal warfare in which civilized Europeans found it.

Over the years we’ve seen blacks move into white neighborhoods and then whites evacuate en masse leaving behind once well manicured lawns and maintained homes that soon become trash strewn and dilapidated? Why/ Aren’t we all the same with the same values?

And, I’ve witnessed this same phenomena with Hispanics moving into black neighborhoods causing the blacks to flee the area. Why not assimilate ? Are blacks and Hispanics raciss?

Were all these assimilated cultures that the Melting Potters preach so eloquently of ?

The truth of the matter is that traditional European Christian culture has failed to assimilate third world immigrants, but instead has lowed traditional standards in the vain attempt to meet the third world on level ground.This has been and is a mistake that unless corrected will continue to fracture not only the West, but destabilize all connected third world nations as well. And, as I’ve said, outside of divine intervention, the coming shitstorm caused by a fractured and destabilized West, due to its attempt to be all and everything to everyone is inevitable.

Some cultures are beyond assimilation and as such should be barred from entry in the US due to negative influence they have on civilized society.That’s all.

February 1, 2016 8:46 am

In Chapter 75 of Tragedy and Hope Carroll Quigley explores the reasons behind the demise of Middle America, which is to say the standard bearer of Western Christian tradition and the causes thereof..

Chapter 75 — The United States and the Middle-Class Crisis

The destruction of the middle classes by the destruction of the middle-class outlook
was brought about to a much greater degree by internal than by external forces. And the
most significant of these influences have been operating within the middle-class family.
One of the most obvious of these has been the growing affluence of American society,
which removed the pressure of want from the childbearing process. The child who grows
up in affluence is more difficult to instill with the frustrations and drives that were so
basic in the middle-class outlook. For generations, even in fairly rich families, this
indoctrination had continued because of continued emphasis on thrift and restraints on
consumption. By 1937 the world depression showed that the basic economic problems
were not saving and investment, but distribution and consumption. Thus there appeared a
growing readiness to consume, spurred on by new sales techniques, installment selling,
and the extension of credit from the productive side to the consumption side of the
economic process. As a result, an entirely new phenomenon appeared in middle-class
families, the practice of living up to, or even beyond, their incomes — an unthinkable
scandal in any nineteenth-century bourgeois family. One incentive in this direction was
the increased emphasis, within the middle-class ideology, upon the elements of status and
ostentatious display of wealth as status symbols rather than on the elements of frugality
and prudence. Thus affluence weakened both future preference and self-denying self-
discipline training.

Somewhat related to this was the influence of the depression of 1929-1933. The
generation that was entering manhood at that time (having been born in the period 1905-
1915) felt that their efforts to fulfill their middle-class ambitions had involved them in
intensive hardships and suffering, such as working while going to college, doing without
leisure, cultural expansion, and travel, and by the 1950’s these were determined that their
children must never have it as hard as they had had it. They rarely saw that their efforts to
make things easy for their children in the 1950’s as a reaction against the hardships they
had suffered themselves in the 1930’s were removing from their children’s training
process the difficulties that had helped to make them achieving men and successful
middle-class persons and that their efforts to do this were weakening the moral fiber of
their children.

Another element in this process was a change in the educational philosophy of
America and a somewhat similar change in the country’s ideas on the whole process of
child training. Early generations had continued to cling to the vestiges of the Puritan
outlook to the degree that they insisted that children must be trained under strict
discipline, including corporal punishment. This seventeenth-century idea, by 1920, was
being replaced in American family ideology by an idea of the nineteenth century that
child maturation is an innate process not subject to modification by outside training. In
educational theory this erroneous idea went back to the Emile of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(1762), which idealized the state of nature as equivalent to the Garden of Eden, and
believed that education must consist in leaving a youth completely free so that his innate
goodness could emerge and reveal itself. This idea was developed, intensified, and given
a pseudoscientific foundation by advances in biology and genetics in the late nineteenth
century. By 1910 or so, child-rearing and educational theories had accepted the idea that
man was a biological organism, like any animal, that his personality was a consequence
of hereditary traits, and that each child had within him a rigid assortment of inherited
talents and a natural rate of maturation in the development of these talents. These ideas
were incorporated in a series of slogans of which two were: ‘Every child is different,”
and “He’ll do it when he’s ready.”

From all this came a wholesale ending of discipline, both in the home and in school,
and the advent of “permissive education,” with all that it entailed. Children were
encouraged to have opinions and to speak out on matters of which they were totally
ignorant; acquisition of information and intellectual training were shoved into the
background; and restrictions of time, place, and movement in schools and homes were
reduced to a minimum. Every emphasis was placed on “spontaneity”; and fixed schedules
of time periods or subject matter to be covered were belittled. All this greatly weakened
the disciplinary influence of the educational process, leaving the new generation much
less disciplined, less organized, and less aware of time than their parents. Naturally this
disintegrative process was less evident among the children of the petty bourgeois than in
the middle class itself. These influences in themselves would have contributed much to
the weakening of the middle-class outlook among the rising generation, but other, much
more profound, influences w ere also operating. To examine these we must look inside
the middle-class family structure..

Closely related to this confusion, or even reversal, of the social roles of the sexes was
decreasing sexual differentiation in child-rearing practices. As recently as the 1920’s girl
babies were reared differently from boys. They were dressed differently, treated
differently, permitted to do different things, and admonished about different dangers. By
1960, children, regardless of sex, were all being brought up the same. Indeed, with short
cropped hair and play-suits on both, it became impossible to be sure which was which.
This led to a decrease in the personality differences of men and women, with males
becoming more submissive and females more aggressive.

The other great weakness of the younger generation is their lack of self-discipline.
They are as episodic in their interests and ambitions as they are in their actions. They can
almost kill themselves with overwork for something that catches their fancy, usually
something associated with their group or with “caring” and “helping,” but in general they
have little tenacity of application or self-discipline in action.

They lack imagination also, an almost inevitable consequence of an outlook that
concentrates on experiences without context. Their experiences are necessarily limited
and personal and are never fitted into a larger picture or linked with the past or the future.
As a result they find it almost impossible to picture anything different from what it is, or
even to see what it is from any long-range perspective. This means that their outlooks, in
spite of their wide exposure to different situations through the mass media or by personal
travel, are very narrow. They lack the desire to obtain experience vicariously from
reading, and the vicarious experiences that they get from talk (usually with their fellows)
are rarely much different from their own experiences. As a result, their lives, while
erratic, are strangely dull and homogeneous. Even their sexual experiences are routine,
and any efforts to escape this by experimenting with homosexuality, alcohol, drugs,

extra-racial partners, or other unnecessary fringe accessories generally leave it dull and

Efforts by middle-class parents to prevent their children from developing along these
non-middle-class lines are generally futile. An effort to use parental discipline to enforce
conformity to middle-class values or behavior means that the child will quote all the
many cases in the neighborhood where the children are not being disciplined. He is
encouraged in his resistance to parental discipline by its large-scale failure all around
him. Moreover, if his parents insist on conformity, he has an invincible weapon to use
against them: academic failure. This weapon is used by boys rather than by girls, partly
because it is a weapon for the weak, and involves doing nothing rather than doing
something, but also because the school seems to most middle-class boys an alien place
and an essential element in their general adolescent feeling of homelessness. Girls who
are pressured by their parents to conform resist by sexual delinquencies more often than
boys, and in extreme cases get pregnant or have sexual experiences with Negro boys.
From this whole context of adolescent resistance to parental pressures to conform to
middle-class behavior flows a major portion of middle-class adolescent delinquency,
which is quite distinct in its origin from the delinquency of the lowest, outcast class in the
slums. It involves all kinds of activities from earliest efforts to smoke or drink, through
speeding, car stealing, and vandalism of property, to major crimes and perversions. It is
quite different in origin and usually in character from the delinquencies of the uprooted,
which are either crimes for personal benefits (such as thievery and mugging) or crimes of
social resentment (such as slashing tires and convertible tops or smashing school
windows). Some activities, of course, such as automobile stealing, appear among both.

The steady increase in the percentage of women teachers in the lower grades
worked in the same direction, since women teachers favored girls and praised those
attitudes and techniques that were more natural to girls. New methods, such as the whole-
word method of teaching reading or the use of true-and-false or multiple-choice
examinations, were also better adapted to female than to masculine talents. Less and less
emphasis was placed on critical judgment, while more and more was placed on intuitive
or subjective decisions. In this environment girls did better, and boys felt inferior or
decided that school was a place for girls and not for boys. The growing aggressiveness of
girls pushed these hesitant boys aside and intensified the problem. As consequences of
this, boys had twice as many “non-readers” as girls, several times as many stutterers, and
many times as many teen-age bed-wetters.

While the outside world was decreasing its differential treatment of children on a
sexual basis by treating boys and girls more and more alike (and that treatment was better
adapted to girls than to boys) within the middle-class home, the growing emotional
frustrations of the mother were leading to an increasing distinction on a sexual basis in
her emotional treatment of her children.

But there is widespread tolerance and endless discussion of all these issues. This
discussion, like most of the adolescents’ endless talk, never reaches any decisions but
leaves the question open or decides that “it all depends on how you look at it.” As part of
such discussions, there is complete casual frankness as to who has had or is having sexual
experiences with whom. Widely permeated with an existentialist outlook, the adolescent
society regards each sexual experience as an isolated, context-less act, with no necessary
cause or consequence, except the momentary merging of two lonelinesses in an act of
togetherness. Among middle-class youth it is accompanied by an atmosphere of
compassion or pity rather than of passion or even love (the way Holden Caulfield might
experience sex). Among lower-class persons it is much more likely to be physiologically
inspired and associated with passion or roughness. This often attracts middle-class girls
who become dissatisfied with the weakness and under- sexuality of middle-class boys.
But petty-bourgeois youth, as befits the final defenders of middle-class conventionality
and hypocrisy, still tend to approach sex with secrecy and even guilt.

Because of the breakdown of communication between the generations of middle-class
families, parents know little of this side of teen-age culture, at least so far as their own
children are concerned. They usually know much more about the behavior of their
friends’ children, because they are more likely to catch glimpses of the behavior of the
latter in unguarded moments. On the whole, middle-class parents today are surprisingly
(and secretly) tolerant about the behavior of their daughters so long as they do not create
a public scandal by “getting into trouble.” Mothers usually feel that their sons are too
young and should wait for sexual experience, while fathers sometimes secretly think it
might do their son’s immaturity some good. When middle-class children get into trouble,
or any kind of a scrape, their only large anxiety is to prevent their parents from finding
out. Petty-bourgeois parents, as the last defense of middle-class conventionality,
generally disapprove of any illicit sexual experiences by any of their children. Naturally
there are great variations in all these things, with religion as the chief varying factor and
variety of local customs in secondary significance. However even in religious circles, the
behavior of the young is not at all what their adults expect or believe. For example, the
number of Roman Catholic young people who have premarital, or even casual, sexual
experiences is much larger than the number who are willing to eat meat on Friday..

One reason for the spreading of these relaxed ideas on behavior is the devastating
honesty of the younger generation, especially about themselves. This seems to be based
on their gregarious garrulity. An earlier generation had its share of illicit actions of
various kinds, but they kept these a secret and regarded each as an aberrant action that
was psychologically excluded from their accepted social patterns and would not,
therefore, be repeated. This view continued, no matter how often it was repeated. But the
younger generation of today has accepted the existentialist idea, “I am what I do.” The

adolescent tells his group what he did, and they usually agree that this is the way he is,
however surprising it is. Their whole attitude is pragmatic, almost experimental: “This is
what happened. This is the way things are. This is the way I am.” They are engaged in a
search for themselves as individuals, something they were called upon to do in the early
grades of school, thanks to the misconceptions of John Dewey, and they are quite alien to
any theory that the self is a creature of trained patterns and is not a creature of discovered
secrets. Now, in the 1960’s, this opinion of man’s nature is changing and, as a
consequence of George Orwell, mishmash conceptions of brainwashing, and the revival
of Pavlovian psychology through the work of men like Professor B. F. Skinner of
Harvard, the idea of personality as something trained under discipline to a desired pattern
is being revived. With this revival of a basically Puritanical idea of human nature
reappears the usual Puritan errors on the nature of evil and acceptance of the theory of the
evil of human nature (as preached in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies).

The new outlook emerging from all this is complex, tentative, and full of
inconsistencies, but it will surely play an increasing role in our history as the younger
generation grows older, abandoning many of the ideas they now hold, with increasing
responsibility; but at the same time the new outlook will force very great modifications in
the American point of view as a whole.

This new outlook of the rising generation of the middle class has a negative and a
positive side. Its negative side can be seen in its large-scale unconcern for the basic
values of the middle-class outlook, its rejection of self-discipline, of future preference, of
infinitely expandable material living standards, and of material symbols of middle-class
status. In general this negative attitude appears in many of the activities we have
described and above all in a profound rejection of abstractions, slogans, cliches, and
conventions. These are treated with tolerant irony tinged with contempt. The targets of
these attitudes are the general values of the petty bourgeoisie and of middle-class parents:
position in society, “what people think,” “self-respect,” “keeping up with the Joneses,”
“the American Way of Life,” “virtue,” “making money,” “destroying our country’s
enemies,” virginity, respect for established organizations (including their elders, the
clergy, political leaders, or big businessmen), and such.

The shift from a destructive or negative to a positive view of the new American
outlook is, to some extent, chronological; it may be seen in the former popularity of Elvis
Presley and the newer enthusiasm for Joan Baez (or folk singers generally). There is also
a social distinction here to some extent, as Elvis remains, to a fair degree, popular with
the lower classes, while Joan is a middle-class (or even college-level) favorite. But the
contrast in outlook between the two is what is significant. Joan is gentle, compassionate,
unemphatic, totally honest, concerned about people as individuals, free of pretenses
(singing quietly in a simple dress and bare feet), full of love and fundamental human
decency, and committed to these.

Count Zero
Count Zero
February 1, 2016 8:54 am

El Coyote said “What do you say, immigrant? Do you have proof of residency going back to 1776 or are you a fucking recent invader?”

And my response:

I am an thirteenth generation North American, my forbearers having arrived in what was to become the United States of America in 1632, sailing from England with George Calvert (Lord Baltimore), to establish one of the first of the original 13 colonies. My early ancestors in the “New World” helped to found this nation.

In fact, my great, great, great, great uncle John Hanson of Maryland was the first president of the United States of America. He was elected by the delegates of the 2nd Continental Congress as the first president under the Articles of Confederation in 1781, eight years before the nation ratified its constitution and elected George Washington as the “Father Of Our Country”.

According to recorded history, My Uncle John’s first act as President was to send his own personal funds of 800 pounds Sterling to General Washington to provide the troops of the Revolutionary Army with shoes. Contrast this with the multi-trillion dollar National Defense Budget of today, with its waste and rampant corruption brought about by the Military/Industrial/Complex of today.

Josiah Bishop was a relative on my mother’s side from the late 1700’s. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and served as Lt. Governor of Maryland after it became a State in 1788. Thus, my ancestral line is indeed one of the earliest in this once-great country of ours.

However, today I can make the claim of once again being an immigrant, this time as a newly minted “inversionista” (investor) resident of the Republic Of Ecuador these past seven and a half years. This, I contend, makes me a double-immigrant …. or as El Coyote has put it, a “fucking recent invader” of yet another country.

February 1, 2016 10:35 am

Sorry about the length of the C&P MA, but FWIW, it’s hard to judge the length a C&P when taking excerpts and pasting which I did with the above. Tragedy and Hope should be required reading in high school.It’s just that important a body of work.

In ref to your situation of paving your own path as many have before, but in Middle Class America , which is the class Quigley is referring, it would be the exception and not the rule.

February 1, 2016 10:43 am

Something else to think on concerning generational attitudes toward tradition , conformity to modern social norms and what is to be expected..

How the 1968ers betrayed Generation X

Millennials on the other hand have only grown up in a liberal-controlled world. 1968 values were taught to them by children’s television, children’s books, their elementary school textbooks, the words of celebrities, the movies from Hollywood and by liberal politicians in Hollywood. For them, there is only a liberal-dominated world, moving slowly toward “Progress” by destroying all who dissent.

As a result, Millennials are the most obedient and conformist generation ever. Like Baby Boomers, who took the WWII-era values of their parents and turned up the intensity, Millennials take PC to the next level with “social justice worrier” style rhetoric. For them, society has always been stable, without want or fear, and all that we need to do is give away enough free stuff that everyone is happy and pacifistic.

he 1968ers betrayed Generation X. In the name of altruism, they betrayed their own families. In the name of egalitarianism, they betrayed and subverted their own children, leaving them cowering like PTSD victims. And because they had popularity on their side, the Me Generation could not be opposed. And yet, opposition rose.

The world has yet to see what Generation X will do. A sensible guess is that they are waiting for a cataclysm so they can finally point out where their parents were wrong, where Millennials are wrong, and thus the necessity of dispossessing such zombies and seizing control in the name of common sense. We all await that day for deliverance from the successful lie and private Hell of post-1968er society.

February 1, 2016 11:08 am

Sorry EC, but Western Civilization was created by and for We the Cracka’s.

The multiracial experiment has likewise failed in the United States. Have the Mexicans, who now outnumber Whites in California, turned the state of California into a haven of limited government and Constitutionalist principles, or have they recreated Mexico in California? The largest Hispanic organisation is called “La Raza”, “The Race” in English translation. Does this organisation advocate for Anglo-Saxon ideals of liberty and freedom? Does the light of American civilization shine in the majority-Black city of Detroit, famous for it’s dysfunction and violence? Does the NAACP, or Black Lives Matter stand for what you believe in, dear conservative? No! Mexico has been recreated in California, and Africa has been recreated in Baltimore, Detroit, and Atlanta! Why has Western civilization not been created here? Why, despite all the wealth transfer from you to them, and all your tolerance, patience, and guidance, have these places not become truly American? Why have 50 years of trying integrate Blacks gone up in flames in Ferguson and Baltimore? Why are schools in America [banning the wearing of the American flag on Cinco de Mayo]?

Again, let us ask: What is Western Civilization? If a land is defined by its people, as Denmark is by the Danes, then who is it that populates what we call “Western civilization”? What sort of people are they that populate Germany, England, America, Australia, Canada, and France, and make all these countries part of the same civilization, this “Western civilization”? Why is Australia part of this “Western civilization” if it is not in the Western hemisphere? Because it is of the same people as the rest of the civilization. And just who is this people?

Western civilization is White civilization! Just as there is no Arabia without the Arabs, and no Denmark without the Danes, there is no Western civilization for you to conserve, dear conservative, if there are no Westerners left! There is no other hand than the White hand that can carry this civilization on as anything more than a museum exhibit.

February 1, 2016 1:02 pm

You can kick the white around for only so long. Then we’ll do what we’ve done in the past…form our own country….right here in the good ol’ USA . John Galt anyone ?

February 1, 2016 4:38 pm

to love is not to judge.[imgcomment image[/img]

February 1, 2016 4:45 pm

MA, Tragedy and Hope delves so deep in the the world history of socioeconomic and culture, that I feel I need to read it several more times to fully understand all that Quigley is saying.
It’s a great read…enjoy.

February 1, 2016 4:57 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 2, 2016 9:14 pm

Rand is disqualified because of his stand on “women’s issues?”
Can’t imagine a country where we don’t let all the whores murder their unborn children?
I imagine you are too dim to understand that is a big part of what has dragged us to the edge of the shithole in the first place.

February 3, 2016 11:09 am

Are we there yet?

“…We are nearing the end. I think the world economy is plunging into an unprecedented deflation recession period of shrinkage that will bring down all the markets around the world that have been vastly overvalued as a result of this massive money printing and liquidity flow into Wall Street and other financial markets…”

[imgcomment image?w=500&h=481[/img]

February 3, 2016 2:33 pm

What is never talked about.Is how our representatives(the idiots who got us to where we are at) will still be there when we get our next president. McCain and the Poulousys of the world are a big part of the problem.
Our lousy trade deals will have big time negative consequences for our country for years. But we sure did help to better the lives of those Chinese!
Just get ready for when SHTF.

February 3, 2016 5:39 pm

Count Zero – your family are upstarts. Thirteen generations? Phhhth. My ancestors been around North America about 325 generations.