Pictorial Essay: Message to the Voting Cattle

Our own awesome ‘wip’ posted this video in another thread, and asked me to listen to it. I did, and it’s freaking fabulous. I agree with about 95% of it. It explains as well as I’ve ever heard, why I say we should all vote for Candidate Nobody.

Here is the video:

Of course, not 1 in 20 will listen to a twenty-minute video, even here. So, I transcribed it. And, added some pictures for your viewing pleasure. You should be able to read it in under ten minutes. I did this for you curs and Trump-eteers. And, to send out to my brain dead friends and family, which are Legion.


You cannot begin to imagine in how many ways the world is the opposite of what you have been taught to believe.


You see the guy who sells drugs to willing customers so he can feed his family as the scum of the earth, while you see the hypocrite who gives away stolen money in the name of government, as a saint.



You see the guy who tries to avoid been robbed by the federal thugs as a crook and a tax cheat, but see as virtuous the politician who gives away the same stolen loot to people whom it does not belong.



You see the cop as a good guy when he drags a man away from his friends and family and throws him in prison for ten years for smoking a leaf  [every 51 seconds in Amerika]. And you see anyone who defends himself from such barbaric fascism as the lowest form of life … a cop-killer. In reality, most drug dealers are more virtuous than any government social worker, and prostitutes have far less to be ashamed of than political whores, because they trade only with what’s rightfully theirs, and only with those who want to trade with them.

The upstanding church-going law-abiding tax-paying citizen who votes democrat or republican, is far more despicable, and a bigger threat to humanity, than the most promiscuous lazy drug snorting hippie. Why? Because the hippie is willing to let others be free, and the voter is NOT. The damage done to society by bad habits and loose morality is nothing compared to the damage done to society by the self-righteous violence committed in the name of the State.


You imagine yourselves to be charitable and tolerant when you are nothing of the sort. Even the Nazis’ had table manners and proper etiquette when they weren’t killing people. You think you’re good people because you say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’? You think sitting in that big building on Sunday makes you noble and righteous?

The difference between you and a common thief is that the thief has the honesty to commit the crime himself …. while you whine for government to do you’re stealing for you. The difference between you and the street thug is that the thug is open about the violence he commits, while you let others forcibly control your neighbors on your behalf. You advocate theft, harassment, assault and even murder, but accept no responsibility for doing so.


Look, YOU try putting a bumper sticker on a camel...

You old folks want the government to steal from your kids so you get your monthly check. You parents want all your neighbors to be robbed, to pay for your kids schooling. You all vote for which ever crook promises to steal money from other people to pay for what you want.

You demand that those people who engage in behaviors you don’t approve of, be dragged off and locked up but feel no guilt for the countless lives your whims have destroyed. You even call the government thugs ‘your representatives’ and yet you never take responsibility for the evil they commit.



You proudly support the troops as they kill whomever the liars in DC tell them to kill and you feel GOOD about it.


Lincoln Memorial

You call yourselves Christians or Jews or some other religion but the truth is, what you call your religion is empty window dressing. What you truly worship, the God you truly bow to, what you really believe in, is the State.

Thou shall not steal, though shall not murder, unless you can do it by way of government then it’s just fine isn’t it? If you call it ‘taxation’ and ‘war’ it stops being a sin right? After all, it was only your God that said you shouldn’t steal and murder, but the State said it was OK. It’s pretty obvious which outranks the other in your minds. Despite all the church’s, synagogues’ and mosques we see around us, this nation has one God and only one God and that God is called Government.



Jesus taught non-violence and told you to love your neighbor but the State encourages you to vote for people who will use the violence of government to butt into every aspect of everyone else’s life. Which do you believe?? To those about to stone a woman who had committed adultery, Jesus said ‘let him who is without sin cast the first stone’ but the State says it’s perfectly fine to lock someone up if they do something which you find distasteful, such as prostitution. Which do you believe?



The Christian God says ‘Thou shall not covet’  …. but coveting is the life-blood of the beast that is the State. You were taught to resent, despise, and hate anyone who has what you don’t have, you clamor for the State to tear other people down, steal their property and give it to you, and you call that fairness, the Bible calls it coveting and stealing.



You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t Atheists. You all have the same God and its name is … Government. You’re all members of the most evil insane destructive cult in history; if there ever was a devil the State is it, and you worship it with all your heart and soul. You pray to it to solve every problem, to satisfy all your needs, to smite your enemies and to shower its blessings upon you. You worship what Nietzsche called ‘the coldest of all cold monsters’ and you hate those of us who don’t. To you the greatest sin is disobeying your God, ‘breaking the law’ you call it. As if anyone could possibly have any moral obligation to obey the arbitrary commands and demands of the corrupt lying delusional megalomaniacs who infest this despicable town.


The painting also features a representation of Satan, on the far right

Even your Ministers, Priests and Rabbi’s, most often than not, are traitors to their own religions, teaching that the commands of human authority should supersede adherents to the laws of the Gods they say they believe in.

Several years ago I heard one pompous evangelical jack-ass in particular, pontificating on the radio that anyone who disobeys the civil authority be it a King or any other government, is ‘engaging in rebellion against God’. Those were the exact words he used. What if the government is doing something wrong? Well this salesman for Satan opined ‘that is the business of those in government and you are still obligated to obey’.


Everywhere you turn be it the State or the church, the media or the schools, you are taught one thing above all else, the virtue of subjugating yourselves to mortals who claim to have the right to rule you. It is sickening the reverence in which you speak of the liars and thieves whose feet are so firmly planted on your necks. You call the congressmen and the judges ‘Honorable’ and you swoon at the magnificence of the grandiose halls they inhabit, the temples they built to celebrate the domination of mankind.

You feel pride at being able to say you once shook a Senators hand, or saw the President in person. Ah, yes! The grand deity himself, his royal highness … the President of the United States of America! You speak the title as if you’re referring to God Almighty. The vocabulary has changed a bit but your mindset is no different from that of the groveling peasants of old, who bowed low faces in the dirt with a feeling of unworthiness and humility when in the presence of whatever narcissist had declared himself to be their rightful lord and master.

The truth of the matter back then and today, is that these parasites who call themselves leaders are not superior beings. They’re not great men and women. They’re not honorable. They’re not even average.


The people who earn an honest living — from sophisticated millionaire entrepreneurs to illiterate day laborers doing the most menial tasks you can imagine — those people deserve your respect. Those are people you should treat with courtesy and civility. But, the frauds who claim the right to rule you and demand your subservience and obedience, they deserve only your scorn and contempt.


 "The Flatterers" — Pieter Brueghel the Younger, 1592


Those who seek so-called high office are the lowest of the low. They may dress better have larger vocabularies and do a better job of planning out and executing their schemes, but they are no better than pickpockets, muggers and car-jackers. In fact they are worse, because they don’t want to rob of just your possessions, they want to rob you of your very humanity, deprive you of your free will by slowly leeching away your ability to think, to judge, to act, reducing you to slaves in both body and mind. And still you persist in calling them leaders. Leaders?? Where is it that you think you are going exactly that would require you to have a leader?

If you just live your own life and mind your own damn business, exercising your own talents, pursuing your own dreams striving to be what you believe you should be, what possible use would you have for a leader? Do you ever actually think about the words that you hear, the words that you repeat? You parrot oxymoronic terms such as ‘leader of the free world’.


The Satanic Temple launched a fundraising page in a bid to build the statue (Indiegogo)

Even pretending for a moment that there’s some huge journey or some giant battle, that everyone in the entire nation is undertaking together that would require a leader … why would you ever think even for a moment, that the crooks that infest this town are the sort of people you should listen to or emulate or follow anywhere? Somewhere within your mostly dormant brains you know full well that politicians are all corrupt liars and thieves, opportunistic con-men, exploiters and fear-mongers. You know all this, and yet you still speak as though you are the ones who are the stupid vicious animals, while the politicians are the great wise role models, teachers and leaders, without whom civilization could not exist.

You think these crooks are the ones that make civilization possible? What belief could be more absurd, yet when they do their pseudo-religion rituals, deciding how to control you this week, you still call it law, and continue to treat their arbitrary demands as if they were moral decrees from the Gods, that no decent person would ever consider disobeying. You have become so thoroughly indoctrinated into the cult of State worship that you are truly shocked when the occasional sane person states the bleeding obvious.


The mere fact that the political crooks wrote something down and declared their threats to be law, does not mean that any human being anywhere has the slightest moral obligation to obey. Every moment of every day in every location and every situation, you have a moral obligation to do what YOU deem to be right, not what some delusional bloated windbag says is legal … and that requires you to first determine right and wrong for yourself, a responsibility you spend much time and effort trying to dodge.

You proclaim how proud you are to be law-abiding citizens and express your utter contempt for anyone who considers themselves ‘above’ your so-called ‘laws’ … laws that are nothing more than the selfish whims of tyrants and thieves.



The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it. - Adolf Hitler

The word crime once meant ‘an act harmful to another person’, now it means ‘disobedience to anyone of the myriad of arbitrary commands coming from a parasitical criminal class’. To you the word ‘crime’ is merely synonymous with the word ‘sin’; implying that the ones whose commands are being disobeyed must be something akin to Gods, when in truth they are more akin to leeches.

The very phrase ‘taking the law into your hands’ perfectly expresses what a sacrilege it is in your eyes for a mere human being to take upon himself the responsibility to judge right from wrong and to act accordingly, instead of doing what you do, unthinkingly obeying whatever capricious commands this cesspool of maggots spews forth.

You glorify this criminal class as law-makers, and believe that no one is lower than a law-breaker, someone who would dare disobey the politicians, likewise you speak with pious reverence of law-enforcers, those who forcibly impose the politicians every whim on the rest of us. When the State uses violence you imagine it to be inherently righteous and just, and if anyone resists, they are in your eyes, contemptible low lives, lawless terrorist criminals.

Like the lawless terrorist criminals who helped slaves escape the plantation. Like the lawless terrorist criminals who helped Jews escape the killing machine of the Third Reich. Like the lawless terrorist criminals who were crushed to death under the tanks of the Red Chinese government in Tienanmen Square. Like all the lawless terrorist criminals in history who had the courage to disobey the never ending stream of tyrants and oppressors who have called their violence ‘authority’ and ‘law’.


Thomas Jefferson When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty

Everything you think you know is backwards, upside down and inside out, but what takes the cake, the height of your insanity, is that fact that you view as violent terrorists, the only people on the planet who oppose the initiation of violence against their fellow man, Anarchists, Voluntaryists and Libertarians. We use violence only to defend ourselves against someone who initiates violence against us. We use it for nothing else.



Meanwhile your belief system is completely schizophrenic and self-contradictory. One the one hand you teach the young slaves that violence is never the answer, yet out of the other side of your mouths you advocate that everyone and everything everywhere and at all times be controlled, monitored, taxed and regulated through the force of government. In short, you are teaching your children that the masters may use violence whenever they please, but the slaves should never resist. You indoctrinate your children into a life of unthinking helpless subservience. You are putting the chains around their little necks and fastening the lock tight, and worst of all, you feel good about it.

Out of one side of your mouths you condemn the evils of fascism and socialism, and lament the injustices of the regimes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao, while out of the other side of your mouths you preach exactly what they did —- the worship of the collective, the subjugation of every individual to that evil insanity that wears the deceptive label ‘the common good’.


2 bigbrother_1984

You babble on and on about diversity and open-mindedness then beg your masters to regulate and control every aspect of everyone’s lives, creating a giant herd of unthinking conformist drones. You wear different clothes and have different hairstyles and you think that makes you different, yet all your minds are enslaved to the same club of masters and controllers. You think what they tell you to think and you do what they tell you to do while imagining yourselves to be progressive, thinking and enlightened.


You can be forgiven for thinking this at about 8:15 this morning.

From your position of relative comfort and safety you now condemn the evils of other lands and other times, while turning a blind eye to the injustices happening right in front of you. You tell yourself that had you lived in those other places, in those other times, you would have been among those who stood up against oppression and defended the down-trodden. But, that is a lie. You would have been right there with the rest of the flock of well-trained sheep, loudly demanding that the slaves be beaten, that the witches be burned, that the non-conformists and rebels be destroyed.

How do I know this? Because that is exactly what you are doing today, today’s injustices and oppressions are fashionable and popular, and those who resist them, you tell yourselves, are just malcontents and freaks, people whose rights don’t matter, people who deserve to be crushed under the boot of authority, isn’t that right? You bunch of spineless unthinking hypocrites! Look in the mirror!


Take a look at what you imagine to be righteous and kind – you are the devil’s plaything.The crowds of thousands wildly applauding the speeches of Adolf Hitler – that was YOU. The mob demanding that Jesus Christ be nailed to the cross – that was YOU. The white invaders who celebrated the whole-sale slaughter of those ‘Godless Redskins’ – that was YOU. The throngs filling the Coliseum applauding as Christians were fed to the lions – that was YOU.

Throughout history the perpetual suffering and injustice occurring on an incomprehensible scale, it was all because of people JUST LIKE YOU – the well-trained thoroughly indoctrinated conformists, the people who do as they’re told, who proudly bow to their masters, who follow the crowd believing what everyone else believes and thinking whatever authority tells them to think, that is YOU.


And your ignorance is not because the truth is not available to you, there’s been radicals preaching it for thousands of years. No, you are ignorant because you shun the truth with all your heart and soul. You close your eyes and run away when a hint of reality lands in front of you. You condemn as extremists and fringe cooks those who try to show you the chains you wear, because you don’t want to be free, you don’t even want to be human.

Responsibility and reality scare the hell out of you so you cling tightly to your own enslavement and lash out at any who seeks to free you from it, when someone opens the door to your cage you cower back in the corner and yell “Close it! Close it!!”.


Well some of us are finished with trying to save you, we’ve wasted enough effort trying to convince you that you should be free, all you ever do is spout back what your masters have taught you, that being free only leads to chaos and destruction, while being obedient and subservient leads to peace and prosperity.

There are none so blind as those who will not see, and you, you nation of sheep, would rather die than see the truth.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 12, 2016 12:45 pm

EC, I prefer to start at a bowling alley, maybe I’ll catch up to you and Stubby at the prison if the bowling alley doesn’t pan out…

March 12, 2016 1:21 pm

@ Stacking –

Any chance you listen to Mark Passio “What on Earth is Happening?”

March 12, 2016 4:20 pm

@ Tim

No, I’ve never heard of him before.

March 12, 2016 4:29 pm

@ Tim

I’m checking it out now and I’ll listen to some podcasts later tonight, thanks for the link.

March 12, 2016 4:39 pm

Throw open the borders the anartards say… what could possible go wrong


Mexico is being swept by a wave of satanic ritual killings with exorcists saying there is an unprecedented demand for their services.

Father José Antonio Fortea, a leading Mexican exorcist, who once ordered the mass exorcism of the whole country, has warned of an increase in satanic ritual killings.

Mexican drug gang eats hearts of their murder victims

image:comment image

MEXICO CITY — A vicious Mexican drug gang forced some members to eat the hearts of murder victims as part of a gruesome initiation rite to root out infiltrators, a government security official said Tuesday, citing witness testimony.

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2c5_1420591548#0f8la0ITSh9ekS0f.99

He said that “devil worship” stemmed from the so-called cult of Santa Muerte, depicted as a human corpse with all the flesh picked off the bones, and dressed like a bride for her wedding.

The name means “Holy Death” – and it harks back to the days when to be sacrificed to the Aztec gods was considered the greatest honor.

March 12, 2016 5:03 pm

comment image

This cartoon shows the first settlers coming to the U.S. when they are met by Native Americans telling them that they need identification to get by. The difference between the Native Americans and the newcomers is shown by the difference in their eyes. It relates to how the immigrants trying to come here today don’t look like us, either. The cartoon is illustrating how Americans today are hypocrites when they don’t let immigrants in, since we were immigrants in the first place. Moreover, there were already people here when we came, and they didn’t want us here. So we were illegal immigrants. Right now there is much debate about what should be done about the illegal immigrants, especially from Mexico. It is ironic because when the early Americans took over the Native American territory, they didn’t care about the Native Americans at all. -EL
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March 12, 2016 5:29 pm

So because the native American lost their lands to Europeans setters , then modern Americans must lose our lands to feral third world hordes..makes perfect sense… Boy am I getting the hang of this Anarchy shit..

BTW, who did the red man displace when they came to America..or eat?

Last question Where you born an idiot or was there an accident?

March 12, 2016 5:42 pm

Actual pic of SuckingSnot’s open borders tattoo…

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 13, 2016 12:59 pm

@ StackingStock “. The cartoon is illustrating how Americans today are hypocrites when they don’t let immigrants in”…….what a ridiculous comment.

The Europeans were coming to America, ultimately and in varying degrees to conquer, and both sides knew it. And the Native Americans didn’t just happily hand over the keys to the continent.

It’s stupidity to not protect the borders from today’s element that is coming to plunder America.

March 13, 2016 12:59 pm

above was I

March 13, 2016 3:27 pm

Anonymous says: It’s stupidity to not protect the borders from today’s element that is coming to plunder America.

The plundering has been underway for over a hundred years or have you not been paying attention.

Have a nice fucking day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 13, 2016 3:44 pm

“Government is the will of the people and nothinfg is stronger outside of the supernatural force of God.”

Dude….fuckin seek help before you snap and kill us all.

March 13, 2016 4:22 pm

“The plundering has been underway for over a hundred years or have you not been paying attention.”

You don’t think we have enough parasites already? You want a few more, to make sure this country goes down for good?

March 13, 2016 4:29 pm

@ Stacking Stock:

What’d you think of Mark Passio? Did you listen to a few of his podcasts yet?

March 13, 2016 5:33 pm

@ Ed … So you think any government can exist sans the will of the people? Obviously you have no understanding of the word revolt and are totally ignorant of history.

Go ahead…move the the head of the idiot class…you’ve earned it.

March 13, 2016 6:02 pm

Must read: The end of Evil. Its all there.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 13, 2016 7:07 pm

flash says: He said that “devil worship” stemmed from the so-called cult of Santa Muerte, depicted as a human corpse with all the flesh picked off the bones, and dressed like a bride for her wedding.

What a vivid imagination. It’s a skeleton representing death. Salvador Dali’ said he couldn’t live in a city that was more surreal than he was. That would be Mexico City where every sort of thing can be expected and accepted.

Mexico City folks are like America’s Yankees, few people outside the capital like them. They call themselves ‘capitalinos or capiruchos’ the rest of the country calls them ‘chilangos’. They are generally known as assholes and it is no surprise that the worship of Sacred Death arose there.

Drug traffickers have adopted a patron saint known as Jesus Malverde, who was in life a smuggler or bandit. Since drug trafficking seems to be a family affair, they pray to Malverde and may have adopted Santa Muerte for protection.

Narcos or drug traffickers use violence and the threat of violence to intimidate honest people, they were called ‘influyentes’ – akin to our old term ‘wiseguys’ – at one time when the crime business was mostly underground.

If idiots have fallen for this heresy, the same way some Americans have fallen for Scientology, it is no surprise that they are seeking deliverance from demonic possession. Demons are as real as the soul that inhabits your body. They will enter and suppress that soul, using their new host to do all kinds of shit. In modern medical terms it is called schizophrenia which is otherwise demonic possession.

March 13, 2016 7:41 pm

“Mexico City folks are like America’s Yankees, few people outside the capital like them.”

Interesting. Few Americans realize that Mexico City is the 4th largest city in the world. It is also an old city and the adversary is very strong there.

March 14, 2016 6:44 am

All very good, except the Satanic references… there is no Satan !
Satan is an image these asshole hide behind…. Jesus is
an LLC insurance corporation that lets people think they’re
not accountable for their own actions…

The Jesus/Satan action figures are nothing but a control
channel that keeps us unaccountable , just where the
politicians want us.


March 14, 2016 8:51 am

matslinger, just because you don’t believe in Satan does not mean Satan does not believe in you.

[imgcomment image?oh=0d1c702d147cb73ccab4f89833c20ecd&oe=575A279A[/img]

March 14, 2016 8:54 am

EC , I only C&Ped the Satanic Cult info …take your beef up with authors in the links provided.You’re welcome.

March 14, 2016 9:48 am


Where’d you get this “WE” shit?

March 14, 2016 9:53 am

” you think any government can exist sans the will of the people? ”

Sure. Our government exists despite the will of the people. Anyway, that ain’t even what you said:

“Government is the will of the people and nothinfg is stronger outside of the supernatural force of God.”

Read for fuggin comprehension, then seek help before you snap and kill us all. If that’s crucifyin’ you, then cross your feet. I only have three nails.

March 14, 2016 12:36 pm

People are being mind-fucked with imagery.

(WE) is the majority of -80 IQ immediate gratification American idiots provided the debt
fuel the bankers needed to entrap the nation.

Jesus is the most well funded hoax of all time…. an entire nation of starry eyed morons
attach bells and whistles their own version of the bible , so they can design a faith
they can comply with.
The Satan action figure requires regular maintenance doses to remain believable to the
people who have fucked up their lives so bad, that the Jesus vacuum cleaner is all that’s
left. The new testament is a total fabrication, created by Emperor Marcian in 150 AD,
it contained only the writings of Paul.
Later ,325 AD, Constantine added on splinter groups who all had a different mascot.
The Torah makes no mention about heaven hell or Satan… that was all made up,
the bible(s) are a pacification tool to control the herd. Hell was is (was) a metaphor ,
it’s real definition was a burning pit outside or Jerusalem wear dead bodies were disposed of
to prevent disease.
Jesus was the grandson of King Herod, on of Antipitor? who wed Mary and was executed or
breaking the family blood line…. Joseph and Mary were in flight keep (prince Jesus) from ever
becoming King of the Jews….in the end, Jesus was made a God by default… the declaration of “emasculate conception was to legally break the blood line of Herod.

There are none so ignorant s those who refuse to believe something they know nothing about.

Satan and Jesus need each there to exist… Jesus is dead, Satan is made up boogie man.

If you want to see Jesus, then die…. you’ll go where all mortal men go…. where Jesus went.

I had the bible pounded up my ass by menopausal nuns for 8 years…. I save for ten more
to afford the surgery to have it removed ! don’t try to put it back there again.

March 14, 2016 8:46 pm

Typo correction in above article above
Joseph and Mary were being chased by King Herod’s soldiers
to kill Jesus so he could never become a sitting prince or
King of the Jews…

sorry I was in a hurry no time to proof read.

Doris was Jesus’ grandmother, Herod had 4 other
wives including Cleopatra.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 14, 2016 9:24 pm


Where’d you get this “WE” shit?

Maybe he means himself and the legion of demons up his ass, surgery cannot remove them that easily.

Thanks for the help there, flash. I mentioned demons in passing and Matslinger came out of the woodwork to deny his inhabitants exist. Matty, if you have nothing to believe in, then why don’t you blow your brains out? Your only delaying the inevitable for precious little gain and a lot of pain.

JFish talks of Mapple’s sermon. In it he asks what is man that he should outlive his god? Old Matty done did that; obviously the child of a minor god. It certainly sounds like that. I wonder, Matty, if that child-raping nun was teaching about a Sun god? Your corrupt gospel certainly bears some resemblance to that mythical phoenix.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 14, 2016 9:27 pm

Matty, I have never invited anybody to fuck off but you could be my first. Your going to offend believers with your gospel and no self respecting-atheist will buy that shit either.

March 14, 2016 10:18 pm

“Maybe he means himself and the legion of demons up his ass,”

That’s bound to be it. Whatever woke him up and lured him in here has got to be up to no good.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 15, 2016 12:21 am

Ed, 2 points:

A naked dude ran into the police station, he was bleeding from his ass end. He was high and claimed that he had been trying to carve out some demons that had entered his ass.

A crazy black woman alerted the popo, she was high also. She claimed demons were having a party inside her big belly.

My co-worker said her niece took up drugs, she eventually had to go to the mental ward because she was hearing voices.

One dude showed up asking for prayer, we called it deliverance, the Catholics call it exorcism. He said he was getting high with his buddy when the buddy decided to invoke the devil. He said what he saw was nothing he could describe but no horror movie could match the horror of what he saw.

Another dude was in deliverance because he was a coke head. Addicted. He happened to mention having made a pact with old Scratch, even drank some (fake) blood to seal the deal.

Matty may make fun but druggies seem to be better informed, if not totally on the right stuff.

March 15, 2016 10:58 am

No demons up my ass… just a lot of ignorant asses who belive in demons , and a Book written
by a homosexual King in 1611….
a King who stole and waterd down a book (Geneva Bible) written in 1560.

Thank God, (the devil God that is) for Zionists science fiction, and fat ass Holywood bitches
like Kardashian for her Satanic Christmas card, and the fake Jews for the Illuminati pyramid
on top of the Israel supreme court building…
just keep believing in what ever the herd tells you to guys… you’ll get the big payout on the
Jesus LLC insurance policy… but only if you attend the 501C3 “JIF” Jesus Insurance Festival,
and give 20% to the liar on the pulpit.

What a bunch of gullible children you are.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 16, 2016 12:25 am

I misunderestimated you, Matty. You are really out there.
Do you have any source material on 9/11?
Did Silverstein do it?

March 16, 2016 12:51 am

Who’s the new JFish and Chips?

March 16, 2016 6:32 am

You need to look away from the science fiction of the Bible and examine real history…
of course , just looking away will guarantee you damnation, so your damned if you
do and damned anyway.

The herd is always wrong, 911 isn’t even an argument anymore ….it’s a distraction.
Every thing the AshkeNAZI Jews wanted to accomplish is a dot in the rear view
mirror more than 10 years ago…. as meaningless as the JFK assassination now.

40% of the US public have a sub 90 IQ….90 was once considered mental retardation ,
today t’s bragging rights on TBP.

I saw this piece on 321, only reason I visited.

These forums accomplish nothing… though I’m happy not to see “Stucky” still here..
his 3 word vocabulary, fuck fuck and fuck got a little tiring…
Jim seemed to think he was some kind of hero, even when he signed in with my
name to discredit me in any arguments he couldn’t win.

Save yourselves…NOBODY is coming to save you… Jesus is a dead mortal…
we were put here by the creator for a test… quit trying to use cheat notes.

and don’t follow the herd to the river, there are crocodiles waiting there.

end of thread.

March 16, 2016 6:41 am

some last things…. the steeples on churches are Obelisks to worship
the Sun God on SUN-day… the Sabath is on Saturday.

The Christmas winter solstice worships the SUN God, not the sun of God
who was born in April .

The cross I a Sun symbol….

too bad I cant write all this larger, and in color crayon.


March 16, 2016 8:00 am

BL’s Buttplug aka Ed

The will of the people demands governemnt therefore government is the will of the people. Anf no it cannot exist without the support of the majority. When was the last time BL changed your batteries?…getting my weak there Stinky.


the faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action; the power of control the mind has over its own actions:
the freedom of the will.
power of choosing one’s own actions:
to have a strong or a weak will.
the act or process of using or asserting one’s choice; volition:
My hands are obedient to my will.
wish or desire:
to submit against one’s will.
purpose or determination, often hearty or stubborn determination; willfulness:
to have the will to succeed.
the wish or purpose as carried out, or to be carried out:
to work one’s will.
disposition, whether good or ill, toward another.

March 16, 2016 8:02 am

anon was I . Now, who left the asylum door open and allowed shitslinger to escape?

March 16, 2016 8:28 am

Did this doofus not notice STUCKY submitted this article? Talk about a low Ike Cue!!!!

March 16, 2016 10:15 am

Sorry didn’t notice the author (in tiny pale gray, only noticed Larkin Rose.

I’m shocked and surprised! no “fuck, fucker, or fucked” anywhere that I noticed…
the East coast is learning new words ! hooray !!!!

March 16, 2016 10:48 am

I Left this site a year ago, no differently than I left the Alex Jones site 8 years ago..
for the same reason… it accomplishes nothing…
a bunch of whiners with inaccurate preconceived ideas, and no willingness
to step forward and do something.
and a lot of plagiarism.

Jim , feel free to ban me, I wont be back anyway.
little intelligent life here then, or now.

March 16, 2016 11:07 am

“anon was I”

Ah, flasher is the anonymous asshole. Well, who don’t know that? When you ain’t posting as Anonymous or spoofing someone else’s screen name, you’re cut and pasting random bullshit from all over under your own moniker.

Of course, the way you do this shit is to follow people who have smacked you down from thread to thread, dragging your infantile name-calling into every discussion you see them on.

Damn, flasher, you’re like some asshole trying to pick up chicks who has shit his pants and doesn’t know it. Every site has to have a site pest, I suppose. You’re TBP’s site pest. Congratulations…You dimwitted little queer.

March 16, 2016 2:32 pm

I’ll help.

March 16, 2016 2:34 pm


It has 21,000 reads. That is the 4th highest post of the year. Your 18 things pictorial post was 2nd with 27,000 reads.

A Muslim pictorial post is bound to be epic.

March 16, 2016 2:50 pm


During the week is best. If I send the link to all my sites at night, many will have it linked in the morning. Getting it on ZH and Steve Quayle is the key to driving the most visitors.

April 11, 2016 1:39 pm

I need help with the RESPA letter procedures. Is there a way to aommunicate to admin? I am sending a snail mail letter at this time. Thanks.

April 11, 2016 1:40 pm

This was the only place that seemed to accept a comment. I need help with questions on the who’s your lender RESPA process. Is there a way to contact admin?

April 11, 2016 2:00 pm


Send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll forward it to the lady who wrote the article.