HEY YOU (Oldie but Goodie)

Originally published in December 2012


 Hey you, out there on the road
always doing what you’re told,
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?
Hey you, don’t tell me there’s no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.

Pink Floyd – Hey You


“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

The world makes less sense every day. Little children are randomly slaughtered in their schoolrooms. Predator drones roam the skies over foreign countries exterminating bad guys, along with innocent women and children (collateral damage when it occurs in a foreign country). Drugged up mentally ill kids with no hope and no future live lives of secluded quiet desperation until they snap. Ignorant, government educated, welfare dependent drones with no self respect or respect for others, assault, kill and rob within their government created urban jungles. Sociopathic criminals who committed the largest financial crime in world history walk free and continue to occupy executive suites in luxury office towers in downtown NYC, collecting millions in bonuses as compensation for crushing the American middle class.

Academics, whose theories have been thoroughly disproven, continue to steer our economy into an iceberg while accelerating the money printing and debt issuance that will sink our ship of state. Corrupt, bought off politicians pander to the lowest common denominator as their votes are only dependent upon who contributed the most to their election campaigns, which never end. Delusional, materialistic, egocentric, math challenged consumers (formerly known as citizens) live for today, enslave themselves in debt, vote themselves more entitlements, and care not for future generations. The alienation and isolation created by our sprawling, automobile dependent, technology obsessed, government controlled, debt financed society has spread like a cancerous tumor, slowly killing our country.

Pink Floyd released The Wall 33 years ago. It was a concept rock opera album that explored the issues of abandonment, isolation, alienation, authoritarianism, the brutality of war, a tyrannical conformist educational system, and the walls individuals and society build to protect themselves from having to confront reality and deal with the consequences of their actions. I attended the Roger Waters Wall Concert this past summer at Citizens Bank Park with my three sons. Three decades later, the message is more powerful than ever. The government oppression and never ending wars waged by the American Empire around the world have created a society built upon fear and loathing. Roger Waters’ vision is colored by Orwell’s 1984 dystopian nightmare of lies, misinformation, propaganda and brutality. The missing piece, which Waters didn’t see coming in 1979, was the ability of the oligarchs to use their control of the credit system to entrap the masses by convincing them to love their servitude and become so consumed with material possessions and the love of money that they would become nothing more than passive egotistical consumers.

Since 1979, Total Credit Market Debt in the United States has risen from $4.3 trillion to $55.3 trillion, a 1,286% increase in 33 years. Over this same time frame total wages and salaries have risen from $1.3 trillion to $6.9 trillion, a 531% increase. GDP has grown from $2.6 trillion to $15.8 trillion, a 608% increase. Luckily for the oligarchs, the math challenged masses don’t understand that 375% of the increase in GDP is strictly due to Federal Reserve created inflation, as the U.S. dollar has lost 68% of its purchasing power since 1979. This GDP growth was driven by debt, with consumer expenditures rising from 61% of GDP in 1979 to 71% of GDP today. In the one hundred years since the creation of the Federal Reserve the country’s population has tripled, while our public debt and unfunded liabilities have risen from $2 billion to over $200 trillion, a ten million percent increase. The masses have been programmed and conditioned to love their debt servitude and yearn for more debt to fix an economic system that collapsed due to excessive debt. The cadre of ruling elite are obliging by creating debt at hyperspeed levels. The corporate media, Wall Street shysters and low-life captured politicians assure the sheep-like masses that this is normal and beneficial to their interests, as the sheep are sheared and led to slaughter.

“There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.”George Orwell

Pavlov’s Dogs


 “And always, everywhere, there would be the yelling or quietly authoritative hypnotists; and in the train of the ruling suggestion givers, always everywhere, the tribes of buffoons and hucksters, the professional liars, the purveyors of entertaining irrelevances. Conditioned from the cradle, unceasingly distracted, mesmerized systematically, their uniformed victims would go on obediently marching and countermarching, go on, always and everywhere, killing and dying with the perfect docility of trained poodles.”  Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley and Edward Bernays realized in the 1920s that the utilization of conditioning and propaganda techniques could be used to control and manipulate the masses. Ivan Pavlov, the famous Russian physiologist, conducted the ground breaking work on conditional reflexes. Pavlov discovered that when a bell was rung in subsequent time with food being presented to a dog in consecutive sequences, the dog will initially salivate when the food is presented. The dog will later come to associate the ringing of the bell with the presentation of the food and salivate upon the ringing of the bell. To a critical thinking human being who questions authority, resists being told what they should think, and values their humanity, over what is crammed down their throat by government run schools and the corporate controlled media, the thought of being treated like a dog is revolting. But to people like Edward Bernays, who believed manipulation of the masses by an invisible contingent of intellectually superior men, conditioning the minds of the masses through propaganda was a necessity in a democratic society to keep the herd under control.

Just a cursory examination of our society reveals a population of salivating consumers (dogs) who can be stimulated to buy the latest iPhone or techno-gadget with a simple Madison Avenue advertising campaign (bell). Everyone has seen the videos of the masses lining up like cattle on Black Friday, stampeding through aisles, and fighting each other like their the entertainment at Michael Vick’s house on a Saturday night. All the mega-corporate retailers and the corporate media have to do is ring a bell (SALE) and the dogs start salivating. Product placement, Hollywood star endorsements and influential people using a product immediately convince the easily manipulated dogs to salivate and purchase the products. The difference is that these dogs have credit cards issued by the Wall Street banks and funded by the Federal Reserve with dollars created out of thin air.  We are inundated with millions of TV, newspaper, radio, billboard, and internet advertisements designed to make us salivate (spend). Huxley’s dystopian vision of a society whose economic values, in which individual happiness is defined as the ability to satisfy needs, and achievement as a society is equated with economic growth and prosperity, has come to full fruition. He never conceived of consumers having the ability to consume without even having the money to do so. The credit card became our form of Soma. The so called progressives point to our ever increasing “advancements” in technology as proof that our society is progressing. Huxley knew otherwise, decades before we reached this disgusting point in history:

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.”  Aldous Huxley

In reality our “technological progress” has done nothing more than create a humorless, shallow, superficial world of alienation and egocentric desires. Just as in Huxley’s Brave New World, science and technology have not been used to seek truth and advance our culture. They have been used by the State to sensor, control, and monitor the citizens. They use technology as a means to create electronic entertainment machines that generate both harmless leisure and the high levels of consumption and production that are the basis of societal stability and state designed happiness. When those in control talk about progress, they mean greater control over our lives. When the consumption of material goods isn’t enough to fill the holes within our souls, our owners are quick to prescribe a pill to smooth over those feelings of unease and discontent. In Huxley’s novel the population voluntarily consumes Soma to dispel any anxieties or negative emotion. The saying was, “One cubic centimeter cures ten gloomy sentiments.” In America the government controlled drug industry has thousands of pills to treat every ailment or unhappy thought that might ail you. Just don’t try and treat yourself with an unapproved natural or banned substance. The threat of imprisonment always lurks in the shadows. They just want us to be interchangeable bricks in the wall.

And the Worms Ate Into His Brain

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”  Aldous Huxley


 Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?
Hey you, don’t help them to bury the light
Don’t give in without a fight.

Pink Floyd – Hey You

The tragic deaths of twenty children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut this past week and the similar tragedies in Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech and Tucson are a reflection of the twisted society we’ve created. The progressive control freak do-gooders that believe the government can solve all problems and improve our lives with another law or regulation, have as usual come to the wrong solution for the wrong problem. Stricter gun control laws would not have averted this this tragedy. Connecticut has the 5th toughest gun restrictions in the country according to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The guns were purchased legally by the mother of the killer. Mentally deranged people should not have access to guns, knives, automobiles, gasoline, or baseball bats. The real issue is not what he used to kill these innocent people, it’s what caused him to snap. Those in power want to divert the attention from this crucial question. In Huxley’s novel the characters do everything they can to avoid confronting the truth about their own lives. They try to alter reality by ingesting Soma, encouraged by the state as the ultimate form of willful self-delusion. Soma clouds the realities of the present and replaces them with happy hallucinations, and is thus a tool for promoting social stability. America has taken Huxley’s dystopian vision to an extreme. There are millions of children in this country being drugged on a daily basis to keep them under control. A majority of the mass murderers were taking psychotropic drugs, including the mentally deranged killer this week. These killings are a result of the state sponsored drugging of children, a culture that promotes narcissism, broken families and our technologically enhanced suburban sprawl isolation from human relationships, love and compassion for others.

We glorify technology even though it encourages the building of brick walls, creating a self-imposed isolation from society. The traditional family unit has been discarded, with 50% of marriages ending in divorce and 43% of all children born out of wedlock. Millions of families are dysfunctional, with parents too busy with their careers and acquiring material possessions, to bother with raising their children in a loving nurturing way. One in ten American adults choose to escape their man made cells with prescription anti-depressants. Almost one in four women in their 40s and 50s are popping pills to escape their depressing lives. Huxley envisioned a Soma Nation. America is a Prozac Nation. The wealthy think medicating their kids, spoiling them with toys, gadgets and cars, and occupying their days with organized sports and activities passes for involved parenting. Poor urban children are lucky if they ever lay eyes on their father. Ignorance, violence, and dependency are a given for most of these kids. And all of these children are matriculated into the government run schools whose sole purpose is to teach kids what to think, rather than how to think. Our owners need to keep us “happy” and focused on feelings, material possessions, and an infinite number of distractions, so they can retain control and continue their pillaging of the national wealth.

Our leaders have attempted to design their own Brave New World, retaining control by making America’s citizens so contented and superficially fulfilled that they no longer care about their personal freedoms, liberties and civic responsibilities. The consequences of increasing state power are a loss of dignity, morals, values, and emotions. We are losing our humanity. The society created by Bernays and his minions who occupy the executive suites in NYC and slither through the halls of Congress has been built upon destroying all human truths, such as love, friendship, community, and personal connections. Decades of media propaganda, public education mind control, and peddling of debt convinced the majority that happiness meant immediate gratification of our desires for food, sex, drugs, clothes, iGadgets, and all the other consumer crap made in corporate sponsored slave labor factories across Asia. These delusional hallucinations of happiness are the prison walls we’ve built brick by brick.

 “This concern with the basic condition of freedom — the absence of physical constraint — is unquestionably necessary, but is not all that is necessary. It is perfectly possible for a man to be out of prison and yet not free — to be under no physical constraint and yet to be a psychological captive, compelled to think, feel and act as the representatives of the national State, or of some private interest within the nation, want him to think, feel and act.”  Aldous Huxley

It took the intellectuals and progressives that wield power across the land only moments to hijack the feelings of sorrow and pain sweeping the nation, to misdirect attention from the mental illnesses caused by the society they’ve created, towards the false storyline that gun violence is sweeping the land. In reality, violent crime has been falling for over a decade as gun sales have soared. The homicide rate in this country is the lowest since 1964, with the vast majority of homicides occurring in the urban kill zones created by the five decade long progressive war on poverty. The truth is of no interest to those brandishing power. After decades of conditioning, the masses are psychologically captive to the messages designed to make them salivate. They will be compelled to think, feel and act as instructed by the Alphas. There will be calls for more police, despite the fact that police rarely stop a crime. With all of their armaments, technology, high powered weaponry, and political clout, they can be counted on to arrive five minutes after the tragedy is over. But they are brilliant in luring clueless Muslim teenagers into terrorist plots, picking the target, providing the fake bombs, and taking credit for foiling the plots they created. More union police officers will increase our safety as much as more union teachers have made our kids smarter. This tragedy will be used by the propagandists to impose further restrictions upon those who choose personal responsibility and self-reliance over dependency and trust in the efficiency and fairness of our benevolent government overlords.

File:Violent Crime Rates in the United States.svg

As the father of three sons I can’t imagine the pain, sorrow and emptiness the parents of these beautiful children must be experiencing. The grief is overwhelming. I mourn for the children and adults slaughtered by a mentally deranged young man created by our truly perverted culture of alienation. I mourn for the children being raised in a society run by evil psychopathic liars that use the power of propaganda and the tools of debt to control and manipulate its citizens. I mourn for unborn generations that will be forced to confront the dreadful depraved chaos created by our culture of egocentric greed and narcissism. The things we value in this culture – accumulating wealth, outward beauty, acquisition of material possessions, instant gratification, access to debt, government control, and curing our ills with drugs – are driving us insane. Who is really abnormal in a profoundly abnormal society? Believing that possessions, more laws or another medication will truly make us happy is insane. Popping a pill, buying a new iPhone, or passing another law will not cure the disease that permeates this nation. We need to recapture the humanity, civic pride and self-responsibility that built this country. Only an awakened populace can change our course.

Huxley feared that our desires would ruin us. Orwell was afraid that what we fear would ruin us. The oligarchs have pushed the Huxley vision to its sustainable limit. The avarice and greed of these invisible power brokers has devoured the vast resources of the nation. These psychopaths weren’t satisfied with siphoning off most of the wealth of the country. They wanted it all and wrecked the global economy in their odious pursuit of mammon. We are now in the death throes of the most decadent, delusional, debt engendered era in the long history of mankind. Those in power realize it is slipping away. Their “solutions” reflect an air of desperation. Their propaganda efforts have been redoubled. As more middle class workers lose their jobs, more young people graduate from college with tens of thousands in student loan debt and a future of dramatically reduced expectations, and more people are driven beyond their breaking point, this materialistic shroud of happiness will be torn asunder. Anger is building like a lava dome within a volcano. A critical thinking minority are questioning the motives of those in power. The unsustainability of our economic paradigm is certain. The seeds of revolution are being sown. Our society is only fantasy. The wall is too high. It will be up to an irate tireless minority of freedom minded citizens to tear down the wall. The alternative is to allow the worms to eat into our brains. Each of us must answer a simple question. Are you just another brick in the wall?

But it was only fantasy.
The wall was too high,
As you can see.
No matter how he tried,
He could not break free.
And the worms ate into his brain.

Pink Floyd – Hey You

The oligarchs will not give up without a fight. Their realization that the Brave New World method of controlling the masses has run its course has convinced them to shift their methods towards Orwell’s 1984 tactics. In part two of this series – Mother Should I Trust the Government? – I’ll address how the use of fear, war, pain, and surveillance are becoming the new controlling method of the oligarchs.


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December 18, 2012 3:01 pm

Taxed Enough Already: If one is incapable of discussion, he reverts to name calling. And that’s the best you can come up with? Abortion and Incest? What a great mind! LOL.

December 18, 2012 3:14 pm


Back in the 1990’s I found faxing Congresscreatures to be a very effective way of having your comments read and even responded to. I don’t know if it is as effective today but back then I often got results with this technique including angry phone calls from Rep. Estabon Torres chief of staff.

After Torres gave a ‘special order’ speech, I sent him a particularly insulting fax. The next morning I got a phone call from his chief of staff, a guy named Goodman, I could hear Rep. Torres shouting in the background as Goodman angrily told me my comments were uncalled for. I was delighted of course that I my uncalled for comments had been read by Rep. Torres and had left him in a rage that he was taking out on his staffers.

That’s the thing about a fax. It sits there until someone in the office goes over and picks it up. It doesn’t go to the mailroom or the Congressman’s public e-mail address where some intern or low level employee can screen or delete it. It goes right into the office.

December 18, 2012 3:24 pm

“oh, and not one of those myriad causes is genetic, so don’t be stupid. AWD, yeah brother, i’m looking at you, bubba!)”

Nice to see you back, Howie, still passing gas?

I’m not sure what your cryptic comment meant, but there’s plenty of time to debate. Be sure to say hello to Jamie Dimon the next time you see him.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
December 18, 2012 3:51 pm

Backwardsrevolution Flash was only speaking in generalities with words that were not his. I’m sure your daughter is great in math but sadly she would be the exception not the rule.

December 18, 2012 6:36 pm


Welcome back. You’ve been gone so long, without even saying goodbye, I can’t remember whether or not you and I ever got into a flamefest. As a doctor, you know it’s not nice to create mental anguish in your elders.

December 18, 2012 7:40 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 18, 2012 8:05 pm

Coincidence? The “killer” of the 1996 Port Arthur massacre was from

New Town, Australia.

December 18, 2012 8:39 pm

backwardsevolution – Yeah, why is that, flash? Why are these young men left with their mothers? You answer me that question, and then we’ll talk. They lose respect because their mothers can’t physically stop them? Is that where respect comes from?

You can stop your snowballing , Queenie. this ain’t about you,the fact you husband dumped for a slimmer more attractive women or your 29 cats.
The is about the hundred of thousands of women who have the morals of alley cats and multiple children with multiple fathers all who are gone and now expect the state or alimony to prop of their too big to fail asses up from henceforth out.
They garner respect b because they earn none.
If you represent the there out to be should be law “cuz’ I feel” and if you do color me unsurprised.
Big feminism is bif government

December 18, 2012 8:42 pm

I was sayin’ before WP posted for me…Big feminine is big government …don’t believe me…see the study for your math challenged self. Now take Midol and CTFD.

Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government … – ResearchGate


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 18, 2012 8:59 pm

Nice to see you back, Howie, still passing gas? -AWD

Put a tick in it AWD.

For far to long people have seen another as a different colors, white or black, red or yellow.

The fact is the cones in our eyes see none of these, They see red, blue, green.

None of which we actually are.

Yet, culturally we have done wrong, all of us, against another.

The universe is too big to accept this.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 18, 2012 9:03 pm

Howard, I missed your posts for I am colorblind, for the reasons above. =)

December 18, 2012 9:24 pm

@Stucky-Wow! Thanks for sharing your journey. It takes a strong person to take a long hard look at themselves as you did.
Admin, Noone writes like you. I found myself smiling as you revealed yourself to be an INTJ. I told my daughter, who is an INTJ also, that I knew there was a reason I was so drawn to your writing. Keep up the good work. I link folks to your site often.

December 19, 2012 9:44 am

And now the media is saying Lanza’s mother was planning to have him involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital. Not that we can believe anything the media says.

But all the various details seem to suggest that he didn’t “snap,” he carefully planned the whole thing. He targeted the school because he knew it would be the most shocking and also one of the safest for him, since schools are gun-free zones.

This thing is going to get a lot weirder before it’s all said and done.

December 19, 2012 10:23 am

“Don’t give a damn…have a gramme.”

December 19, 2012 10:40 am

People, especially young men and old teens, need to get laid without all this ridiculous Jewish, Christian, and Islamic repression! Bring back the Holy Prostitutes and we will IMMEDIATELY cut this psycho killer problem by 90%! It may help corporate greed, and government control, as well…

December 19, 2012 10:48 am

I read that Adam Lanza’s mother said that this would be the last winter in that house. If Adam was paranoid, and since the house, with his Mom in it, represented stability in his life, that could have pushed him over the edge. He apparently physically destroyed the hard drive on his computer before he left the house. He was burning himself with a lighter. I think we’ll find that these drugs (if we ever get the true story) were the cause of what he and others have done.

Towamencin Mike
Towamencin Mike
December 19, 2012 1:31 pm

Good one Jim. Margarita’s for a pop on me whenever you’re ready.

December 19, 2012 2:21 pm

Change one letter and you change an entire movement:
It is NOT a revolution we are in need of. Revolve denotes continuing the cycle, repeating what’s already been tried. Drop the R
Evolution is calling; everyone please get with the program.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
December 19, 2012 5:54 pm

hey AWD~

i did not mean to be cryptic. just trying to be funny.

i thought i remembered an old discussion in which you made a point or argument regarding genetic differences in blacks/whites. i do not remember it any clearly than that.

just trying to make a quip based on a (likely) flawed memory. sorry if i mucked it up.

i like practicing medicine, the taking care of patients part. but all the other shit is getting me down. so i’ve backed off to part-time gas passing. starting to do a little private practice internal medicine, cash only, for a select few patients. gubment will probably tell me to stop. i gotta be breaking some rule i don’t know about.

December 19, 2012 9:53 pm

Admin- WOW! I absolutely love Pink Floyd and The Wall and consider this one of your best works. Funny story as the article is related to gun control. I was broke as hell when Roger Waters’ The Wall tour came to SoFla 2 yrs ago and didn’t have the $ to buy the expensive, but well worth it, tickets. I didn’t want to sell my dive gear, my PS3 (screw what you say about electronic distractions, I grew up with plenty o’ video games, Christianity and outdoor adventures) so I decided to get rid of my handgun. It was a nice Ruger P95 with four 15-round mags, case, lock, ear protection, loader, and a few hundred rounds. I talked a guy from Craigslist into a trade deal- two club level box seats with parking, food and beverage (beer & wine) for a firearm and accessories while the pawnshops were only willing to give me $150. Private sale deal! I met the guy in a public place, let him check out the P95 without loading it, asked for his Florida ID, wrote down his license #, asked if he was a felon- “NO, I’m actually former military.”… and 1 day later enjoyed the best concert experience of my life. I got to sit right under the B52 Bomber! and got to watch Roger Waters walk through the floor section and say Hello to the fans. What a guy! just wanted to share that with ya’ll.

Lawrence Sarsoun
Lawrence Sarsoun
December 20, 2012 2:26 pm

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From: lawrence sarsoun ([email protected])
Sent: Wed 12/12/12 3:42 PM
To: lawrence sarsoun ([email protected])

Understanding Jubilee.

After the Jews had been in Egypt for decades and God had told them it was time to leave for the Promised Land, He gave them instructions so that they would not leave empty-handed. They were instructed to borrow from the Egyptians Silver and Gold. Now this Silver and gold, that they were to “borrow” was actually a payment for all the years, the decades, they had labored under the Egyptians as their slaves. This was the spoils that an enslaved nation was taking for the years of enslavement. Now think about it, do you think that the silver and gold that they had “borrowed” was ever really going to be paid back? The Jews were leaving Egypt – Did anyone think the gold and silver were going to be paid back? Were the Jews going to send it back somehow or other to their previous captors? I have searched high and low in the Bible to see if any mention is made that they. somehow or other, paid back that which they had “borrowed” prior to leaving for the Promise Land. No, this was no longer “borrowed”, it was “spoil”, that which is taken in battle over an enemy as recompense for victory, as recompense for the decades of slavery at the hands of the Egyptians.

So likewise we can be recompensed for the decades of slavery in this Babylonian money system which has seen our labor, our hard work, our slavery, taken from us by sleight, by deception, by a Big Lie. We can, by a simple letter, slay our captors and free ourselves from this bondage by the truth. The Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal nor has any reserves, was formed almost 100 years ago in suspect surroundings (as was the infamous IRS). Some say they caused the crash of 1929, by manipulating the market. As a result, in 1933, we saw our gold money taken from us (where did it go, who has it now?). Prior to 1965,the Notes (a note is evidence of debt) of this same Federal Reserve piously announced that their notes were redeemable in “lawful” money. But after 1965, the notes no longer proclaimed any ties to redeemability. Caveat emptor, take it or leave it, was their declaration since. At the same time, any connection to legitimate money was also removed. Now the dollar was no longer tied to silver. The silver was gone, taken by sleight, so that as that moment, we no longer had money in the land. Truly as in the days of Genesis, the money had failed, the money was dead. But the Big Lie this time was swallowed hook line and sinker by a nation of people who had been taught that a piece of paper was the same thing as a coin of precious metal. AND THE IGNORANT PEOPLE BOUGHT IT, THEY REALLY BELIEVED THIS LIE. They signed contracts for dollars, even though they did not receive any dollars, and were not being paid any dollars. They signed contracts for dollars, even though their government was no longer minting such dollars. They have labored for 4 decades under the illusion of a Big Lie, that a piece of paper could be the same as a coin of precious metal.

But now is the time of Jubilee, it is a time of coming out of Egypt, of going to the Promised Land. And it will be done by LAW. The Constitution of this land says “No states shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debt. Now has anyone borrowed silver or gold in the past 47 years? NO. Since no gold and silver were borrowed, hence, no gold nor silver need be paid back. Besides, there is NONE! The Congress has failed in it’s duty to coin us, we the people, money. There has been no money for the last 47 years. No large national debt, no debt, period. Hallelujah!!! When you “pay” your bills (which you no longer can, or need to), insert this letter and a copy of Article 1, section 10 of the Constitution into the envelope and watch for their reaction. Enclose these inqueries in with each “payment” and share with your neighbors the reactions of the “Egyptians” as we come out into freedom.

© 2012 Microsoft Terms PrivacyDevelopersEnglish (United States)

December 20, 2012 8:25 pm

One of the best text I have ever read. Wow!

December 22, 2012 7:00 am

“The world makes less sense every day” until you recognize who is running the show.

“In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV)

Satan is the god of this world. When we put God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and all that is in them, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega, first, then everything else falls into place. When we don’t, nothing does.

Amen, and Merry Christmas from Satan Claus

December 23, 2012 12:07 pm

one of the best articles i’ve read on the internet.reality is harsh. i’m a father of 3 myself. every one of my kids started out in a christian school. i’m still married to the same wife after 30 yrs. of hard work. i dont want to be without her. i have a cpl license, and so do both of my sons. one of them is an eagle scout.
this is truly a pathetic world we live in. fluoride has dumbed down most of our wonderful brothers and sisters, along with the bpa in plastics, and the nutritionless food people ingest. the list could go on.
you are very right, the world is completely lost. it has turned away from God, and belief and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. we are reaping the rewards. never the less we will continue to try like you are to wake up this sleeping giant while we still can.
never in my life have i seen so much corruption in our government. we have had a legal investigation performed by one of the best sherriffs in this country that clearly has shown we have an imposter for a president by the name of barry soetoro. and that his birth certificate and other documents are frauds. yet when the american people have asked for justice, not one congressman will represent us. every one of them belong in prison. every crooked judge that has ruled against this investigation belongs in prison as well. millions have been spent to keep his personal records from the american public. how pathetic.
i believe people all over the world are waking up thanks to articles like yours. you are a true brother and patriot. you have my respect. your article is spot on with how these evil globalists operate. what evil minions these banksters and governments have become.

December 23, 2012 12:46 pm

great article, maybe you should have added the beatles song :revolution:

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
December 27, 2012 1:30 am

I’ve basically come to the conclusion–after reading/listening to Jim Kunstler–that most of America’s problems can be tied to our escape into the suburbs, a living arrangement which is intimately tied to cheap energy (and thus has no future). It’s really our critical downfall. And we did it because we were the only society around wealthy enough to do it.

Move to a walkable community, give up as many of your cars as you can, put the savings into locally grown, nutrient-dense ingredients (particularly pasture-raised dairy, eggs, and meat) that you turn into meals at home and life will be a lot better. Good nutrition fixes a lot of things and the money diverted to it will save you from mindless consumerism. (You could also move to the country too and grow your own.)

Nick Olsen
Nick Olsen
January 3, 2013 5:52 pm

Great post. spot on except for this: “Ignorant, government educated, welfare dependent drones with no self respect or respect for others, assault, kill and rob within their government created urban jungles….Poor urban children are lucky if they ever lay eyes on their father. Ignorance, violence, and dependency are a given for most of these kids.”

Ignorance, lack of self-respect and respect for others, assaults, killings and robberies exist to a significant degree in suburban, rural jungles as well, as we’ve seen from the rash of violence publicized in corporocratic media outlets. Rich suburban kids see their fathers not much more than poor urban children, with their fathers 18 hr work days and their own endless activites. And more than a few among the wealthy depend on government welfare a.k.a. bailouts/lax crime enforcment or penalization/tax breaks/subsidies/loopholes/government appointments when their prefered party is in power

And this:
“We need to recapture the humanity, civic pride and self-responsibility that built this country.”

Let that myth go. We can’t recapture something that was no so. There was nothing human or humane about how this country was built. One tribe of people was subjected to pestilence, war, theft and extermination, while another tribe was forcibly removed from its homelands, it’s families destroyed, and forced in to slavery for this country to be built. Sometimes, we reap what we sow. From slavery we have come, and to slavery we shall return.

Sean Beecher
Sean Beecher
January 4, 2013 11:09 am

Excellent articles and writing, please write some more.

Some Guy
Some Guy
January 23, 2013 1:42 pm

I first saw this article at zerohedge. I was my favorite article there in several years of reading. I’m now a fan of this site. Thanks;)

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December 1, 2021 11:28 am

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