The Red in the Streets of Chicago

Via Stop Shouting Blog

The raging 40 yard dumpster fire that is Chicago and the almost Trump speech has cleared the decks of all other news items.  Many Americans who might see the events and maybe even read about them here (less likely every year that the Dept of Education works at it) may not have the reference points of the Cold War and actual experience with Commies.

Let me lay a few things out for you here regarding Commies… they are relentless.  They employ a range of tactics that Americans, inculcated with “football”, “basketball” and “golf” have no concept of.  Consider if you will that the national sports of Russia include Chess and Fencing, while ours appears to be a combination of taking “selfies” and the childs’ game of “checkers”.

For a bracing look at Communist tactics, go read THIS.  I follow with this summary:

1)  Rigid enforcement and promulgation of party “line” in all things.
2)  Generation of “pressure Groups”.
3)  Contact and generation of “missionary” elements.
4)  Discrediting “bourgeois reformation”.

The activists, agitators and “community organizers” are part of the Communist Vanguardists.  They build up cadre of core members that will weather any political storm, like will surely follow Trump’s November final victory.  While the common communist tactical meme of “the worse, the better” can be seen in history… understand that Chicago tonight was a classic case of it – organized, planned, pre meditated mayhem in hopes of damaging the Trump campaign.  The tactic is used to generate over-reaction and a follow on concession by The Powers That Be.  That it did not happen tonight is a puzzle that will play out for years.

The mass, angry mob will make a comeback after a long hiatus.  Consider this event to be a dress rehersal, the foot soldiers of Communism have not a lot to lose, so they have a built in incentive and competitive advantage in being less restrained with the ultra-violence.  The spectacle may emerge during this troubled time of Police allowing angry mobs not just space to destroy, but space to kill “the other” by orders of the Department of (In) Justice.  Crazy sounding, but who would have thought we’d be where we are now on the continuum of societal insanity?

If Trump loses in November, expect the Communist core elements to go into over drive.  Show trials, lawfare, “SWAT-ing”, parallel construction and all that.  If he wins (and he likely will), what choice does he have domestically but to do unto others before they do unto him (and those who elected him)?  Given the invective and pent up rage of the progressive lemming horde, 2 things could happen… ok, 3 things.

A clip from “Blazing Saddles” that somewhat captures the essence of the night

1) A political compromise is reached and we all live happily ever after in a utopian world

2) The Country comes apart, slowly at first as regional differences and even state level differences become more pronounced and then it will go logarithmic in final death throes

3)  Through sheer coercion, the nation state is held together for a while, maybe a few more decades, before choice 2 happens.

The guy with the shovel?  That is the Lumpenproletariat.  The Unicorn is the FedGov.

What happens when the Communist agitators fail at the primary mission?  I suspect that we will see when it becomes a fait accompli that Trump wins in November.  We will see signs of it before hand, mild skirmishes and the like, increasingly boorish behavior, public anxiety driven by thugs, etc.  It is September-October that will be spectacular, the weather is in the Goldilocks zone, not too hot or cold, just right for prolonged fighting.  The Summer will see episodes of astonishingly crazy inter ethnic violence at large venues like theme parks, fairs, concerts and the like.  Probably not a lot of neutrals going into November, as families will be impacted.

For those of you who need a gig to cover some expenses, you may want to try signing up for a “PIRG”, a “public interest research group”.  They go door to door fund raising and are a gateway into Communist activism.  You can meet people there who are gate keepers for deeper red mischief.  If you go this route, keep your pie hole shut, ears open and learn the ropes.  Take copious notes when you get home.  There are other avenues to infiltrate Communist front organizations as a private citizen, you are a bright bunch – figure it out.  Just make sure you separate functions and mind your security.  I would recommend looking at and understanding “Hacker Opsec”, an article by [email protected] , as well as

Don’t misunderstand – Communists are nasty bits of work.  They have many puppets, the real controller is a few layers deep.  When you see the thugs, know that the thugs have controllers, and the tactical controller reports to someone else.

Street fighting with Communists is a rough endeavor.  We are likely to see it unfold, hopefully not as bad as the Maidan in Ukraine, but you never know.  Such is not for the very young, the old, or infirm.  It is pitiless and unblinking.  It is best to avoid this situation, as brawling with people who have nothing to lose and are seeking outlets to vent is a poor gamble.

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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 13, 2016 10:32 am

Absolutely brilliant. I spent most of my professional career fighting Communist terrorists in Latin America. This article describes precisely how they operate on the political level. The murders, kidnappings and extortion will come later.

Listen. Hate Trump if you like but he and he alone will know how to deal with these scum and will have the guts to do it. Think John Kasich has the street smarts to understand what is going on, much less take the brutal actions needed to stop it? Poolboy Rubio? Talking in Tongues Cruz? Give me break.

Real Americans will find themselves compelled to fight these animals on the streets before too long. Who do you want holding power in Washington when that happens?

March 13, 2016 10:36 am

Watched a couple Trump interviews this morning, he definitely is working on honing his messaging with a laser focus. He turned nearly every question around into a rant on US job loss, wage destruction and NAFTA/CAFTA and TPP. He has always spoke about these things, but he is pounding the drum beat relentlessly now. Either he has polling data, or he has figured out this is the strength of his message–even more so than the illegal immigration focus. This should play well for him in OH, and apparently Kasich voted for these deals back in the day and he is harping on that big time.

IF Trump makes it the show, he should have a shot at winning in the rustbelt. Bernie would be a tougher sell since he is pretty much in line with Trump’s anti-trade deals rhetoric. Hillary is such a weak candidate it’s really hard to imagine her winning in the general election vs. trump. Some polling data shows that Trump is the 2nd choice of a fair amount of Sanders voters, likely the same anti-NAFTA types, which Clinton clearly stacks up poorly against, or the hardcore anti-war folks who view Hillary as the warmongers candidate and Trump as the 2nd best choice for the anti-war voters.

March 13, 2016 10:39 am

There are still communists in America?

March 13, 2016 10:59 am

“public interest research group”.

Oh, yeah. Research grants are what white welfare suckers get instead of commodity food, aka “Government Cheese”.

John Angelo
John Angelo
March 13, 2016 11:00 am

I went to the movies last night to see London Has Fallen and, before leaving, I checked the reviews online. I couldn’t believe how, within the first two or three reviews of EVERY movie, critics used the terms “racist,” “xenophobic,” “misogynistic,” and/or complained about a lack of diversity in the cast. They’re shocked terrorists are portrayed as Middle Easterners (the movie didn’t even allude to Islam). They’re angry heroes aren’t routinely portrayed by black actors like Jaime Foxx or Michael B. Jordan. This is why Trump is doing as well as he is. People are sick of political correctness.

Speaking of which, I went on a date last week to see Disney’s Zootopia and it was like watching a black lives matter infomercial with cartoon animals; it couldn’t have been more preachy. I don’t bother to post these thoughts on social media as much anymore because the masses are too busy taking pictures of themselves, their food, and are eager to devour the intellectual gruel fed to them by the mass media. Given the above article, it feels as though we’re living in the Roman Empire at the turn of the 5th century. Here come the Visigoths…

March 13, 2016 11:12 am

Someone creative should come up with new lyrics.

March 13, 2016 11:52 am

The more things change….

March 13, 2016 12:42 pm

Well I went to the gun store yesterday and bought a Beretta 9mm PX Storm full size. It comes with two 15 rd magazines. I bought Two more 20 rds magazines.I love my Colt 45 but in a crowd you need more
Magazine capacity . I got about 700 dollars in it .Will take it to the gun range tomorrow. This is my reaction to communist / black/ Jew inspired mob violence

George Soros and several other wealthy Jews are providing the money for black lives matter . Jews have always wanted to use minorities groups as weapons against whites. You would think blacks would realize they are being used to benefit Powerful Jews.Some things never change.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 13, 2016 12:57 pm

Stucky says: There are still communists in America?
Geez, Louise, are you naive!

“Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the
struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality,
racial justice and peace for ninety years. The Communist
Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive
movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim
Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions,
from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops of New
York City.”

[imgcomment image[/img]

About Us

Our own President whisperer, Valarie Jarrett, has communist roots:

“Valerie Jarrett’s father, maternal grandfather and father-in-law were dedicated communists under prolonged investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to FBI files obtained by Judicial Watch.”

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 13, 2016 1:00 pm

“I love my Colt 45 but in a crowd you need more”

Yeah, that’s why I have 3 1911s. Whichever cartridge you end up with, use semi-jacketed HPs. .45acp is my choice. There’s nothing like getting chunks of their homies blown all over them to make a crew break and run.

March 13, 2016 1:30 pm

That’s the red diaper babies’ reaction to anyone who isn’t part of their tribe: “KILL’EM”.

Of course none of them has ever even been in a fistfight, let alone a gun fight. Thanks for showing a little Twitter and Facebook shit from time to time. It serves to make me thankful that I never use either service.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 13, 2016 2:10 pm
March 13, 2016 7:06 pm

I realize that probably nobody watched the 1968 video of the democratic convention that I posted above. But it is interesting from the standpoint of violence committed by the cops and yet the lack of militarization that they have today.

March 13, 2016 7:19 pm

Well if your Communist meme is the truth, then the neocon wing of the GOP must be filled with them. The neocons are the group that desperately wants to “dump Trump”.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 13, 2016 8:25 pm

Stucky, West coaster,

Communist meme? The Neo-Conservatives are just that. Any well-informed person knows that. The so-called Neo-Cons are the intellectual and, in many cases, literal descendants of the followers of Leon Trotsky. Let me explain. In the Soviet Union there were two main strains: Trotskyites and Stalinists. Trotsky believed in world revolution. Stalin wanted Communism in one country – for a time. Roughly, the Trotsky wing was Jewish. Stalin’s people, though there were many Jews, leaned towards Russian nationalism. Stalin won and threw Trotsky out of the country, following this up in 1940 with an icepick through his brain. William Kristol and the rest of the Jewish Neo-Cons are not “conservative” in any way. They infiltrated and took over the so-called “conservative movement” and much of the Republican Party. They are a virus in our body politic. They are “former Trotskyites”, who hate Russia (because the Russians are wise to them), love Israel and despise America. Our country is just a tool for them to achieve their insane ambitions. The Iraq War and the war in Syria are their works. They know Trump knows who they are and they are desperate to stop him. Communist sin America? Plenty of them, though they have dropped the name. Red Diaper babies (the children and grandchildren of Communists from the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s) fill the faculties of our universities and the Democratic Party.

March 13, 2016 8:42 pm

” the neocon wing of the GOP ”

There’s no such wing. The neocons control both parties equally. When we get a new dog in the oval office, they’re the same old fleas who jump onto him. The neocons should all be charged with treason along with any politicians who have done their bidding.

Treason consists of giving aid and comfort to the enemy (Israel) or making war on the states. Lots of entertaining trials could be held if only we had men in congress instead of mewling little self interested adolescents.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 13, 2016 10:46 pm

Ed is right. These vermin are in both parties, but the Republicans seem to fall for them totally.

March 13, 2016 10:57 pm

Why the misdirection with Communists? They only have power in China and Latin America. The only way they could possibly gain a real following is if the Oligarchs take us back to the end of the 19th Century. It’s not the Communists you need to fear. In Russia, the leader of the Communist Party is mostly ignored by Putin. The bogey man in Russia is Soros, and his NGOs.

Take a look at the last picture in the article. It’s a scene from Kiev, just before the new regime overthrew the old one. Who was a major organizer there? Soros. Who stands behind Bernie? Soros. It’s NGO’s like MoveOn and Open Society Institute creating the anti-Trump movement.

The Oligarchs are afraid of Trump, and they are bringing out the NGOs to front their attacks.. They’re not afraid because they think he will be a champion of the people. He’s not. They’re afraid because he is becoming a focus point for the disenchanted and angry middle class. They have spent decades breaking America into different groups that hate each other, and who blame each other for all that the oligarchs have created. Trump threatens to burn down the system, even though I doubt that is his goal.

Burning down the system is not a great way to improve the nation. Whatever comes out of it likely won’t be the “old” republic. It very well might not be one nation. It might be worse than what we have today. Who knows. Sadly, I believe it is too late to make incremental changes. It either burns, or a large section of the world finishes the transition to financial serfdom.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
March 13, 2016 11:07 pm

Commies hate businessmen like they all just lucky and didnt work hard or use our brains. They hate religion except what they pick and choose. They hate families as if its oppressing women with ‘patriarchy’. They dont give a hoot how messed up it makes men, women and kids to replace work with welfare and treat single mothers like saints instead of stupid sluts who got sold some bullshit. They switch off their brains and lie their asses off. So called ‘progressives’ screw everything up and straight face tell you up is down and black is white. I dont know how people fall for the crap.

March 13, 2016 11:48 pm

“Yeah, that’s why I have 3 1911s. Whichever cartridge you end up with, use semi-jacketed HPs. .45acp is my choice. There’s nothing like getting chunks of their homies blown all over them to make a crew break and run.”

You carry 10 pounds of handguns everywhere you go? Must walk funny.

I love my 1911s but they’re not an ideal carry gun. I prefer something that weighs half as much, with twice the ammo capacity. Might I suggest a Glock 19? 🙂

March 14, 2016 1:15 am

Trump is exposing the Marxists via their reaction toward him.

March 14, 2016 1:19 am

Marxism = death. Death of the soul. Death of ideas. Death of all gods except the state. Death of your personal will.

March 14, 2016 9:17 am

“You carry 10 pounds of handguns everywhere you go?”

‘Course not. I was being facte…er- facei… know what I mean. I was kidding. 😉 It takes almost as long to draw and rack the slide of another pistol as it does to change mags.

Actually I do still carry a 1911 and 2 extra mags most of the time, in the car. On my person usually, it’s a Speed Six .357 with .38+P JHP rounds. Lower recoil, plenty of harm done per round.

March 14, 2016 9:21 am

HO! That’s one pissed off lizard. Kinda Jappy lookin, too.

March 15, 2016 11:38 pm

@Southernsge around 20 years ago taking a break from a term paper I found a David Horowitz book that chronicled his journey from diaper baby to neocon. It was interesting as his childhood was filled with red youth activities. They were all Jews by ancestry.

Anyhow interesting article about how commies function as they are masters of political organization. They only understand political power grows from the barrel of a gun. They use useful idiots like a violin master uses a violin. They useful idiots then cry that they were used and abused while they are off to the execution chamber.

March 16, 2016 12:32 am

@T4C… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Love Godzilla…