The Risks of a Trump Presidency

Guest Post by Scott Adams

What exactly is the risk of a Trump presidency? Beats me. But let’s talk about it anyway.

Your Abysmal Track Record

For starters, ask yourself how well you predicted the performance of past presidents. Have your psychic powers been accurate?

I’m not good at predicting the performance of presidents. I thought Reagan would be dangerous, but he presided over the end of the Cold War. And I thought George W. Bush would be unlikely to start a war, much less two of them.

But it gets better. Even AFTER the presidency, can you tell who did the best job? I can’t. You think you can, but you can’t. And the simple reason for that is because there is no base case with which to compare a president. All we know is what did happen, not what might have happened if we took another path. You can’t compare a situation in the real world to your imaginary world in which something better happened. That is nonsense. And yet we do it. Watch me prove it right now.

So, how did President Obama do on the job? Was he a good president?

If you have an answer in your head – either yes or no – it proves you don’t know how to make decisions. No judgement can be made about Obama’s performance because there is nothing to which it can be compared. No one else in a parallel universe was president at the same time, doing different things and getting different results.

I’m not a fan of everything our president has done, but I feel as if historians will rank him as one of our best presidents. Definitely in the top 20%.

Wait, what? Am I crazy?

Many of you think Obama nearly destroyed civilization. You and I can’t both be right. But both of us can be irrational in trusting our opinions. We are literally comparing Obama’s actual performance to imagined alternatives that exist only in our minds. Maybe you think the imaginary president in your mind is way better than the real one, whereas I think the real one did well compared to my imaginary alternative.

That isn’t thinking. Science is pretty clear on that.

And how about your ability to predict the future of your own relationships? Most relationships end badly, so we know that the majority of Americans are not good at predicting the future. Have all of your relationships worked out the way you expected? Mine haven’t.

I think you’ll agree that humans are terrible at predicting the future. But that’s not the problem. The problem is that we think we are not terrible at predicting the future. Our certainty in the face of overwhelming uncertainty is irrational.

Do you think President Trump would be extra-dangerous to the world? If you have an opinion on that – either yes or no – you’re being irrational.

The FBI Profiler Approach

When FBI profilers are trying to figure out who perpetrated a specific type of crime, they can often narrow it down to people who have done the same sort of thing in the past. Arsonists have played with matches in their youth. Serial killers have probably been cruel to animals. Abusers have probably abused people before. Pedophiles have often been victims themselves. Patterns of this sort can be predictive, at least when viewed by experts.

Donald Trump has about five decades of track record in business that includes no violent acts whatsoever. Nor have we heard stories of any Trump temper tantrums in the business world that go beyond the scope of what any CEO does on a bad day. Somehow Trump built hundreds of business entities, amassed great wealth, and raised a great set of kids. And nowhere in the story is the part where he did something scary or dangerous. That sort of behavior doesn’t pop up suddenly when you’re a grandfather.

The Scary Talk

Trump does talk tough. He talks of expelling illegals from the country. He talks of waterboarding. He talks of bombing the shit out of ISIS. He talks about going after the families of terrorists.

But Trump also openly talks about the value of hyperbole (also known as bullshit). He wrote about it in The Art of the Deal. Trump tells us – in the clearest possible language – that he always sets the table for negotiating by making a big opening offer. If Trump is consistent with decades of history – and with what he says about his approach to negotiating – then his more extreme statements are just psychology. That’s what an FBI profiler would tell you. People don’t suddenly change their basic mode of operation at age 69, especially when it is working.

Chemical Cyborgs

In my view, we are already in the Age of Cyborgs. You probably have a friend who has one kind of personality without drugs (legal or illegal) and a completely different personality when using drugs, including alcohol. Maybe the drugs are curing depression, or anxiety, or loneliness, or something. But people are different when they are on them. That’s the point of taking drugs.

Trump doesn’t drink. He never has. He doesn’t take illegal drugs either. He’s the same guy at night that he is in the morning. He’s not a chemical cyborg with a personality that is driven by big pharma.

Clinton, on the other hand, is part human, part pharmacological grab-bag. Her personality is at least partly determined by whatever cocktail of meds and wine are in her system at any given moment. In  other words, she is just like most adults. Our personalities are the product of the drugs in our system, for better or for worse.

Do you make the same decisions when you are tired? Do you make the same decisions when you’re angry, depressed, or in pain? Probably not. So if meds are fixing those conditions, those meds are also controlling your decisions. And that introduces risk.

Trump brings with him all the risks of being Trump, but he does seem to be the same person every day. Clinton brings with her all the risks of being Clinton, plus any extra risks from a glass of wine or doctor-prescribed meds. That risk could be nearly nothing. Or not. We have no way to know.

Scaring Foreign Leaders

I hear voters say they worry about Trump offending world leaders and triggering wars. But keep in mind that world leaders have been putting up with dangerous and shitty U.S. presidents for hundreds of years. It hasn’t been a problem yet.

One of the things Trump has going for him is that he’s a well-known entity. People hate surprises. Any foreign leader would know exactly what they are getting with Trump. Like Reagan, a President Trump would talk tough – for effect – but he is likable in person, and he has a strong bias to avoid any problems that are bad for business. China would have no problem with any of that. Putin would have no problem with Trump either. They know what negotiating looks like.

Do foreign leaders WANT a President Trump? Hell, no. Trump says he plans to negotiate better deals for America, which means worse deals for everyone else. Of course foreign leaders are going to tell us Trump is risky, scary, and anything else bad, just to stop him.

I doubt any foreign leader is literally afraid of Trump. But they might want you to think they are afraid of him, so you won’t elect him. Foreign leaders are not idiots. To some extent, they are playing us.


What about all of Trump’s racism? An FBI profiler would assume a person’s pattern of racism would continue, maybe worsen.

But Trump’s racism exists solely in the minds of his opponents. He has proposed no racist policies and he has no racist acts in his past.

Trump opposes illegal immigration. But he loves legal Americans of every color and flavor. He says so often. That’s not racism. That’s more like the opposite.

Trump did say Mexicans are rapists. But you’d have to be dumb to think he meant every single Mexican coming into the country is a rapist. Literally no one – ever – has believed all Mexicans are rapists. If you think Trump believes it – or wants us to believe it – you have abandoned any hold on reason.

But we agree that Trump says outrageous things, because doing so gets him elected, apparently.

Religious Discrimination

What about Trump’s idea to temporarily ban Muslim immigration until we figure out what the problem is? Isn’t that religious discrimination?

Yes, it is. But it is the legal kind because it would only apply to non-citizens trying to enter the country. And keep in mind that Islam – as commonly practiced in Muslim countries around the world – is not compatible with the Constitution of the United States. That’s different from the situation with Presbyterian immigrants, for example, whose beliefs fold neatly into the current system.

I don’t have an opinion on the best way to handle Muslim immigration because I don’t know how effectively we can screen people. But common sense says we should treat different risk classes in different ways. That’s the way we price car insurance, and it is the way we make all data-driven decisions. Ignoring risk is noble, but it isn’t always smart.

Trump also suggested creating a government list of which residents of the country are Muslim. That’s some scary shit. Until…you realize the government already has that list. You know they do, right?

And if they don’t, they can pull it together from existing Big Data any time they want. That risk is already baked into our current situation. The government knows what you are up to as well. They know your religion (with high probability), your spending habits, your porn preferences, and your health. Or at least they can know those things any time they want.

The privacy ship already sailed.

War Crimes

Trump famously suggested we use torture to fight terrorism. Torture is not legal. And he suggested going after the families of terrorists. That’s a war crime too.

Did he mean any of that?

Trump is always operating on the dimension of emotion and persuasion. He wants you – and the terrorists – to know he’s the most bad-ass player running for president. That gives him an edge in getting elected and it gives him a psychological advantage against ISIS. If you’re a potential suicide bomber, you don’t worry about President Obama killing your family. But President Trump? You’d better think this through.

Personally, I think it would be a terrible idea to torture terrorists (unless it works), and always a bad idea to target families. But saying you might do those things is effective both for winning a Republican primary and for keeping the enemy off balance.

I think I’ve mentioned that Trump says things for effect.

Risk of Business as Usual

Have you wondered why Republican Bill Kristol and others are looking for a third-party candidate who will guarantee a Clinton win over Trump? That’s probably because they know Clinton is in the pockets of the defense industry, and perhaps so are they.

The defense industry needs America to fight wars. History suggests Clinton will be a normal president who starts wars when the defense industry tells her to do so. Trump is less likely to play that game because he doesn’t need their money. That makes Trump the lower risk of starting a war. He has no profit motive.

When to Increase Risk

As a general rule, you want to keep risks low when things are going well and nothing is broken. But when things are heading in the wrong direction, sometimes the only way to fix the situation is to introduce a reasonable, entrepreneurial risk.

So, if you think the country is heading in the right direction, you probably don’t want someone like Trump as president. Trump is more likely to introduce change than Clinton. But if you think the government is broken, you might want some Trump-like entrepreneurial risk in your future.


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June 5, 2016 10:50 am

Trump is the last shot at restoring America to being America.

And even he is unlikely to succeed, more likely to just buy us some time so it can eventually happen.

June 5, 2016 11:06 am

Overall, another fine piece. Except …

“I feel as if historians will rank him [Oreo] as one of our best presidents. Definitely in the top 20%. Wait, what? Am I crazy?” ———- SA

Yes, not only are you crazy, you have a mental disease. Oreo in the top 20%??? Get the fuck outta here!!!!!!

“We are literally comparing Obama’s actual performance to imagined alternatives that exist only in our minds.” ———- SA

More bullshit. My imagination isn’t that fertile. Soooo … he’s saying we’re too damned stupid to analyze what the HNIC ACTUALLY DID in his 8 years? Psychobabble horseshit.

Again, aside from that, the remainder seems to be spot on.

June 5, 2016 11:16 am

SA…”We are literally comparing Obama’s actual performance to imagined alternatives that exist only in our minds. ”

How about I call this Bull Shit. I compare O’Liars performance based on what existed before his reign of terror (a functioning healthcare system that was in place for decades) to the results of his actions (the UNaffordable Care Act); healthcare is but one example.

In other words, the ‘alternatives’ actually existed, they were not in our minds of what could be.

Muck About
Muck About
June 5, 2016 11:19 am

One of the best analysis of Mr. Trump I’ve seen, although somewhat biased against Hellary on the drugs and booze issue.

Ol’d Muck will vote for Trump for several reasons. He is not “establishment” even though he’s rich; he speaks his mind as opposed to bleating the Party line; he is a master of negotiation and “making the deal. All politics requires compromise (i.e. a deal where no one is happy but things are barely acceptable). Mr. Trump, being a negotiator, may not have to compromise so much that his purpose is lost in the fog of bullshit.

The largest problem Mr. Trump will face is the huge mass of Federal Agencies that make rules to cover vague, undefined and open ended legislation passed by Con-gress. He needs to take a big broom and sweep it all aside with Sunset Laws on all regulations and horse shit done by both Con-gress and the Agencies so that the results of said BS can be evaluated and let out to pasture and oblivion if they don’t work as planned (or as special interests intend, ignoring the people).

At worst, we give him a try for four years and see how he does..


June 5, 2016 11:26 am

Overall, a POS article. Example…..

“I don’t have an opinion on the best way to handle Muslim immigration because I don’t know how effectively we can screen people.”

Since you are mentally handicapped, I will tell you how to screen – any Muslim that practices Islam should not be allowed into the U.S. They are scum of the highest order and there is no such animal as a ‘moderate’ Muslim that practices Islam.

Think you can understand that Scott.

June 5, 2016 11:34 am

Trump is far less likely to start a war with Russia than either Hillary or Sanders.

That is if Obama doesn’t manage to provoke one before he leaves office, or before the elections so he can stay there.

June 5, 2016 11:39 am

” No judgement can be made about Obama’s performance because there is nothing to which it can be compared.”

Bullshit. Compare Obama’s delusional ideas on race to that of any normal human being. Compare Obama’s drone war conduct to the conduct of anyone with a speck of human decency. Compare Obama’s insane fixation on prohibiting restrictions on adult males being allowed into womens’ public restrooms to the moral thought processes of any normal adult male.

Scott Adams is clearly fucked in the gourd. He should stick to drawing his cartoons and stop exposing innocent people to his profoundly disturbed thoughts.

June 5, 2016 12:13 pm

We know that Hillary would continue in Obama’s path, which takes us over-the-cliff. Any direction Trump goes would be better than that. Even a path that runs into a brick wall is better than over-the-cliff.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2016 12:13 pm

Racism. The greatest crime of all. Except for consorting with cats. And making your neighbor’s milch cow give curdled milch.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 5, 2016 12:14 pm

Compare Obama to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Benedict Arnold, Alger Hiss. etc; Harpy to the Red Queen of Hearts; and Trump to Reagan, Thomas Paine, Theodore Roosevelt, etc.

Big Dick
Big Dick
June 5, 2016 12:27 pm

I believe the bid O can be summed up in a couple of words. TWENTY TRILLION of debt 1/2 of which came under him. OBAMACARE the most costly lame excuse for care in history and finally SELFIE which is what the O is all about.

June 5, 2016 12:56 pm

Obama in the top 20%? Utter insanity.

Obama lets Jimmy Carter and George W Bush sleep well at night, knowing that Mr. Obama is the front runner for the “worst President in history” crown.

Here’s the evidence:

resumption of Cold War
8 more years of war in the Middle East
Complete failure to prosecute banksters
Nearly doubled the national debt in 8 years
Failure to enforce immigration laws (TREASON, imho)

Anybody who believes Obama has been a ‘good’ President needs to be locked up in a mental ward.

The only kind thing I can say about Obama is that Hiltery would be worse still.

June 5, 2016 1:34 pm

With respect to the writer’s comments about Obama, it’s obvious that he needs to double-up on his Ex-Lax. Vegas Bob has it correct.

So I didn’t bother to waste my time on the Trump commentary.

My litmus test for this election is simple: The issue of a US/NATO war with Russia. Trump has bad-mouthed NATO (as have I, since around 1993 or so) and has commented in a positive manner about working with Putin. So, +1.

Hillary? Neo-Con war-monger. So, -10. Any Democrat would be a four-year prostate exam. Or a descent toward Venezuela.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 5, 2016 2:04 pm

Scott forgot to mention how Saint the Candidate has united Hispanics, I’m sure that will help his campaign.

If the Candidate belched, and I’m not saying he does, Scott would have a 10,000 word essay on the implications, meaning, practicality and desirability of such an eruction.

Stuck, I haven’t looked closely but have you noted a significant bulge in the Candidate’s trousers?

June 5, 2016 2:09 pm

People only need to do one thing to see that Obama is an idiot.

Simply watch a video of Obama “try” to talk when his teleprompter fails.

June 5, 2016 2:14 pm

You guys are all missing the point about ‘Obama being in the top 20% of presidents in history’. I didn’t think the author was saying he thought that himself, just that ‘historians’ would. He is the first black president, so that alone gets him into the top 50%, at minimum. The people I consider to be the worst presidents in history are Lincoln, FDR, and Wilson. They are considered the best by most of academia. You have to look at it from that perspective.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 5, 2016 2:45 pm

The worst that Trump would do is accidentally say “beaner”. I’d find that hilarious, but some people would get all butt hurt. So there’s your choice- an asshole who might say “beaner” or a sociopathic bitch who will have us in a war with Russia with Russia backing Assad and us backing iSIS.

June 5, 2016 3:10 pm

I still think Trump will be a dictator…. hopefully a benevolent one.

Why do I say this? Because, as the article states, a 69 year old leopard won’t/can’t change his spots. And Trump’s “career” has been a CEO. And, what is a CEO? A democracy? Of course not …. it’s HIS way, or the highway. Dictator light. If Trump rules like a “CEO”, then you have been warned.

June 5, 2016 3:17 pm


Spot on, except I’d say Hitlery is BOTH a sociopath and a psychopath.

Her incoherent diatribe the other day about how Trump is an unhinged warmonger is the same kind of bullshit that LBJ was peddling in 1964 and Jimmy Carter was peddling in 1980.

In 1964, LBJ was lying through his teeth about keeping American soldiers out of combat in Vietnam. The American people bought LBJ’s lies, only to find a few months after the election that American troops were indeed heading to death in Vietnam.

In 1980, Carter accused Reagan of being an unhinged warmonger. The people weren’t fooled by Carter’s line of tripe, and elected Reagan in a landslide. Whatever Reagan’s other shortcomings, the US did experience a period of relative peace during Reagan’s 8 years in office.

So when Hitlery talks about Trump’s war lust, she is talking about her own plans.

As such, I think that if Hitlery is elected, the lying bitch will start WWIII in her first year in office.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 5, 2016 3:31 pm

“I’m not a fan of everything our president has done, but I feel as if historians will rank him as one of our best presidents. Definitely in the top 20%.

Wait, what? Am I crazy?”
Yes, you are…certifiably.

This author did not substantiate that assertion with any followup, or put forth his reasons for that ridiculous contention.

June 5, 2016 3:34 pm

“If you have an answer in your head – either yes or no – it proves you don’t know how to make decisions. No judgement can be made about Obama’s performance because there is nothing to which it can be compared. No one else in a parallel universe was president at the same time, doing different things and getting different results.”

Lord help us, he’s huffing glue again. I haven’t seen such bizarre thinking since the last time one of his twisted articles showed up here.

June 5, 2016 4:10 pm

Not to offend, but top 20 percent is not far off. How inhumane is the drone war measured against Truman and the bomb? Obama’s racism vs Lincoln’s? Healthcare was and is a disaster. Lay some of that at every president since Johnson’s feet. Was Kennedy even a great president? We won’t ever know.Reagan’s trickle down. Clinton. Nixon. Roosevelt. Pick your method to grade them and have at it. To me, I am proud of our first gay president. He made mistakes, but they all do.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 5, 2016 4:18 pm

Fabulous says: Not to offend, but….

Fabio, never start a comment that way. Your apologizing for your very valid point of view before the niggers have had a chance to begin salivating at the prospect of gutting you.

Oh, you will have your honeymoon period, maybe an hour, maybe a month but then it will be over and the pans will start flying. Treat this phase like your first 100 days in office, stick it to them while you still can.

June 5, 2016 4:20 pm

It’s not even enough to simply wait till the term is over to make a decision about the results. You have to wait and see how those decisions play out in the long term. We are, only now, able to make an informed decision about Reagan’s presidency. Was winning the Cold War worth destabilizing the world? Who would have thought that the seeds of chaos and conflict were sown into that victory.

June 5, 2016 4:44 pm

Scott Adams’ prediction that presidential historians will rank Obama highly among past presidents is unfortunately borne out by what these nitwits have already done. They consistently rank monsters like Woodrow Wilson and LBJ among our better presidents, and denigrate the presidents who generally acted as honorable stewards of the powers entrusted to them within the Constitution, such as Grover Cleveland and Calvin Coolidge. Virtually all presidential historians are progressives and scream like schoolgirls at a rock concert when presidents exceed their warrant in order to impose progressive nostrums on the nation.

June 5, 2016 4:45 pm

@full retard

Ok. Compared to Romney or McCain you are lucky you got Barak. He got the nobel(discrediting that prize forever) because he was not McCain. He is no hero and equally evil as Hillary. Palin was a caricature of herself. Romney couldn’t be more out of touch with reality if they blinded him and stuck needles in his ears.

June 5, 2016 4:57 pm

“Proud of our first gay president”

Uhhhhhhhh…..really? I am dumbfounded by that statement.

June 5, 2016 5:37 pm


June 5, 2016 6:16 pm

Fab, backed into the corner and punching his way out. Nice

Buster Cherry
Buster Cherry
June 5, 2016 7:40 pm

When was the last time a Federal Budget was passed by Congress?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 5, 2016 8:02 pm

Obama in top 20. No way man. It is a strawman argument to say we have nothing to compare him to. If that is criteria for evaluation of job performance then every human resources department in every business should be turfed.

One only need look at his performance during Travon Martin-George Zimmerman affair.

When the chips were down and country needed a fireside chat to calm things down he made the if I had a son he would look like Trayvon. A good leader is a uniter not a divider. Dividing is about the only thing Obama has been great at.

June 5, 2016 8:54 pm

I think I just quit reading Dilbert.

June 5, 2016 9:06 pm

Some of you guys Re really dense. As I said above, there is a big difference in thinking ‘history will rank him in the top 20%’ of all presidents. That’s a lot different than saying ‘I, personally, think he is one of the top 20% of all presidents’.

I happen to think Adams is correct. Look at the authoritarian, warmongering, big government statists that “historians” rank as our best presidents in history. I, personally, say that Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR are the worst presidents in history because of their lack of adherence to the constitution, their entering us into a needless war, and the fact that the bad things they did are still, to this day, hurting our country. Obama checks all those boxes, which mainstream history tells us makes one a ‘great president’. That’s why I think Obama will, in fact, be remember as one of our greatest by most historians.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 5, 2016 9:23 pm

Adherence to Constitution. That’s laughable.

He signed NDAA not just once but a couple of times.
Presided over expansion of TSA and NSA

Needless wars. Got that too!

Syria Ukraine and Libya are his and his alone.

June 5, 2016 10:15 pm

I actually read all this . I want my 12 minutes of life back lol

This article from scott is absolute horseshit to start , cause oreo wasn’t even elible to be the president . So , nothing he did was legitimate

Congress cant impeach him , cause that would add legitimacy to anything his pen and phone have done .
Deep state at work from the get go with oreo .
Distraction , Distraction , Distraction .
Red Team, Blue Team . Deep state behind them .
Trump is just the pressure relief valve because the deep state overreached a bit.
I wish it were otherwise .

June 5, 2016 10:21 pm

God damn. Read what I said again, rob. Some of y’all need to work on your reading comprehension. I said those who I consider to be the worst of our past presidents had a LACK OF adherence to the constitution. These unconstitutional things still hurt us today. Obama shares that trait with those past presidents I mentioned in the above post. These presidents I think were the worst are said by most historians to be the best. Since obama shares these very traits with those past presidents(remembered by most mainstream historians as “great”) obama probably will be too.

No, this is not ME, GATOR, saying I think he was a great president. I don’t know how I could have been any clearer in the above post, but hopefully this does it.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 5, 2016 10:43 pm

Gator you are throwing up a strawman. I dont care what unnamed historians think.

Put you big boy pants on and tell me where You rank Obama.

I think he is worst one that has ever sat at White House. Only consolation for him is that if Clinton is elected he will only hold that title for 4 years.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 5, 2016 11:18 pm

Gator. I agree with Stucky on this article.

The stuff about Trump is spot on. I cannot understand why he started it with that bit about Obama. It doesnt work logically with the rest. Now I understand what he was trying to do. I do read for comprehension. As you agree with his premise than I suppose what I am saying would apply to you as well. So he surmises that historians will rank him high based on past experience of what historians say. Then he tries, for no reason at all to trick us by saying “I feel”.

Anyways I am not going down the road of insults. I agree with what he said about Trump. And even though he doesnt come out and say it I think I agree with him about Obama. I could be wrong about that but that is only because innuendo is hard to read in a blog when I am watching baseball on TV.

June 5, 2016 11:20 pm

How the fuck am I throwing up a strawman? Im telling you that I think obama shares most of the same traits as those I consider to be our worst presidents in history. Whats so fucking hard to understand about that? Im stating it very plainly, no strawmen whatsoever in any of my posts. Im also telling you that court-jester historians, which tend to be very liberal(and happen to write most of what appears in american text books) favor the presidents who grow government the most. This means that POPULAR HISTORY will probably remember him as one of the “great ones”. Hell, the simple fact that he is black automatically gets him into the top 10, cuz, you know, racism and stuff. Im also telling you that adams is right when he says he will probably be remembered by mainstream history as a ‘great president’. I don’t see what you are missing in this.

I thought I was pretty clear who I thought were the worst presidents in history. Id say lincoln, wilson, and FDR, because after lincoln, the others built upon the foundations of blatantly unconstitutional actions begun by the previous guys on my personal list. As far as where Obama ranks, somewhere after those three, not 100% sure where. While Obama has been a terrible president, he isn’t even close to those three. If you think he is worse than them, you need to read more. Id start with Ralph Raico.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 5, 2016 11:31 pm

Gator do me a favour and go play with your cousins in the pond. You are being an idiot.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 5, 2016 11:48 pm

Ed says: I think I just quit reading Dilbert.

Ed, I lost interest in Dilbert a long time ago. I used to like Pearls Before Swine and Zippy the Pinhead, then I figured them out and suddenly they weren’t the least bit funny. I still like Bizzarro, Real Life Adventures and a couple others I can’t recall now.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 5, 2016 11:55 pm

Fabio, I mentioned this before but nobody could verify it so the comment went nowhere.
Prof —- said that ‘the leadership was queer and therefore many gays got elected’. She said gays are more motivated and have the time and social network to promote pro-gay candidates.

So far, I have resisted the idea that Obama is batting for the other side.

What anecdotal evidence or credible hearsay can you offer?

Dish, I say.

Jim in San Marcos
Jim in San Marcos
June 5, 2016 11:58 pm

I think that there is one point of agreement about Obama. He split the country into different factions.
There was no compromise on health care and if he didn’t get his way, there was a Presidential directive issued.

These directives are robbing us of our ability to earn a living without the passage of a law. Cattlemen in Arizona have to pay for grazing rights because of some BLM bureaucrat decided to charge fees. Paraplegics have to have lifts at swimming pools for access. We now have to have new restrooms for gender tender kiddies and adults–who gets to pay for them?

These directives have the effect of law, and most people do not have the finances to contest them in a court of law.

So if you want to claim Obama will shine like any other President, I submit he did more to put blacks and whites into the chains of slavery with welfare and food stamps. Slavery in this case is alcoholism and drug addiction.

June 6, 2016 12:09 am

very clever, rob. So much for not going down the road of insults, huh? I’m being an idiot? At least I can read. You admit above that you didn’t understand what he meant, you along with several others apparently, then i point it out to you, which you acknowledge. I usually agree with your posts, too.

June 6, 2016 12:49 am

“I’m not a fan of everything our president has done, but I feel as if historians will rank him as one of our best presidents. Definitely in the top 20%.”
—-Scott Adams

Hmmm. Obama in the top 20% of US presidents, of whom there have been 43? 20% of 43 = 8.6, which rounds off to 9. The first 5 presidents, all Founders – Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe – are automatic members due to their DIRECT involvement in the Revolution and their 32 years of continuous service as president to the Republic after its independence from Great Britain. Whooooeeee. Talk about skin in the game. They set the table for our nation and get a pass just on that basis alone.

That leaves just 4 presidents. Who wants to put Obama in the company of 9 guys like Jackson, Polk, Lincoln, Grant, Cleveland, TR, Truman, Ike, and Reagan? And 3 shitbags whom I left off my list and loved by liberal historians – Wilson, FDR, and LBJ.

If there ever was a bottom feeder in the presidency, Obama is it. Scott Adams is full of more shit than a Christmas goose.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 6, 2016 12:53 am

Gator, you and Rob need to take a chill pill. I really hate to see two fine fellows get into a tiff. I’ve always enjoyed reading both you guy’s comments.

June 6, 2016 1:00 am

You only need to come up with worse presidents. LETS GO!
Fucking wilson/federal reserve
Fucking lincoln
Fucking roosevelt
Fucking bush1, for fucking faking satelite images to start ww3

Halfway there!

Bush 2 fuck you, bin laden wtc 911 fakery
Clinton 1, fuck you glass steagal break the world motherfucker

Almost there!

Lbj, fuck you for killing jfk and miring us in nam getting my uncle killed

Keep going?

Reagan trickle down fuck you!

Can we just name the good ones?
I got washington, adams, madison , jefferson… and even then, monroe? Where you want to put him?jackson? For some genocide fuck yeah, I only got a little indian in me. Grant? Chester a arthur? Lots of self serving maniacal murder driven greedy manifest destiny mother fuckers have run this shit show.

You think history wont diversify this fucker right up into 3rd best president? Washington, lincoln, obama. Thats what history will say

Napoleon- history is but a set of lies, agreed upon.

June 6, 2016 1:04 am


How can you have monroe on your list with the monroe doctrine? Some evil shit right there.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 6, 2016 1:04 am

SSS says: And 3 shitbags whom I left off my list and loved by liberal historians – Wilson, FDR, and LBJ.

LBJ loved? That fucker facilitated Nixon’s comeback by making Nixon look lovable. Nixon’s secret plan gave America hope after LBJ flushed everything down the toilet in VN, presided over the wild in the streets sixties and a tanking stock market.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 6, 2016 1:08 am

Jim in San Marcos, are you in Cali or Texas?