Whither the Shards of America?: It’s Us, or Them



From the sewers they come. Anti-Trump animalia beating a supporter of Trump in San Jose. They have done the same to Sanders. Anti-Trump is legitimate. Beating up his supporters is not. Us or them.

From the Drudge Report, America’s thermometer, regarding the disruption  a campaign rally for Trump:








Enough. This can’t last. If people want to demonstrate against anything at all, fine. If they detest any politician at all, fine. If they are vulgar subliterate rabble, let them be vulgar subliterate rabble where I am not. But when they run wild over and over and shut down politics, they need to be stopped, right now, with nightsticks and dogs and long jail sentences.

A country that allows a feral underclass to run unchecked, to attack and beat anyone it doesn’t like, to loot and burn and disrupt political rallies, to block highways and intimidate the citizenry, will not last. It is time to put an end to it. If we still can.

Look at them. They are the muck at the bottom of the national drains, stupid, half-educated at best, without regard for notions of law or democracy. Many couldn’t spell democracy. They need to be stopped, hard.

They do it because they can. They know there won’t be consequences because governments are afraid of them. They sense it and do as they please. They will do so increasingly. They are in charge, and they know it.

These things are no longer incidents in the cute “culture wars,” half amusing and half-exasperating. We see something more like Weimar Germany, with organized mobs making targets of politicians and breaking up rallies. It is a deliberate, conscious assault on what America is supposed to be and to a reasonable approximation, was.

Somebody needs to take command to end this nonsense before it becomes irremediable. But is it possible? There is no nice way to do it. The scum  will ignore niceness. The police would have to beat the living dog-snot out of rioters, charge them with assault, and put them in slam for the maximum. Controlling them would require  martial law  in cities in insurrection and the shooting of arsonists and looters. Universities would have to expel without recourse of misbehaving college children.  These would take stomach, which we do not have.

It is probably too late.

Yes, there is a culture war. Behind the rabble, and supporting them, are the media, New York and Washington and Hollywood, the open-borders crowd, the racial lobbies and etiolated epicenes of academia, Obama and Hillary and the Neocons and Wall Street.

Asserting control would not be easy. The cities are powder kegs. The rioters hold too many hostages. If police shoot one black criminal, a city burns. Politicians know it. If Latinos become another hostile racial group, Katie bar the door. We face as part of the larger conflict a tricorn race war of, now, low intensity. This makes no sense as most of all races just want to live in peace, but the civilized inevitably get sucked into hostility started by extremists. White nationalists are spoiling for a fight, as are Black Livists and an indeterminate number of Latino hot-heads.

Latinos are key in what is coming. There are at least 55 million in the US–I suspect the numbers are deliberately understated by the government–and most, being legal, are not going away.

Cracking down appears to be beyond the powers of governments whose politicians will temporize, back away, make polite noises, and hope it doesn’t blow on their watch. If we have Hillary, she will do nothing. It is not clear that Trump could change much, though he would try.


The  new Brown Shirts. Trump supporter being attacked by the mob. There is a large racial element in the social battleground no matter how much we pretend otherwise.

Race is only a part of the onrushing disaster. America is no longer a country, but a riot of hostile races, sexes, and political extremes, of self-serving politicians and extractive corporations of the extremely rich who have no attachment to the US. The mild competition between Republicans and Democrats of the Fifties has given way to hard Right and weird Left who bitterly hate each other. They are irreconcilable.

Somebody has to win. There is neither a desire for compromise nor room for it. Those who regard universities as centers for infantilism, inclusiveness and narcissistic political theater cannot live side by side with those who want rigorous schooling for the qualified. It is one or the other. A belief in free discourse is not compatible with firing people who say things offensive to the sacred sensitives. No happy mean exists between affirmative action and advancement by merit. The ghetto cannot cohabit amicably with the library.

America has become a three-ring circus run equally by Goebbels, Barnum and Bailey, and Caligula. Something is seriously out of whack when the President of the United States insists that boys pee in the girls’ room, when the National Basketball Association threatens to pull the All Star game from North Carolina unless it allows integrated urination. Does basketball now dictate to the states?  Arrayed against these are people who believe in what was once called common decency. They  do not want their daughters of twelve years going to a ladies’ room in which predictably will be hanging out men of doubtful intentions and intense interest.

Underlying all is the clash over dictatorship of the proletariat, the rule of the underclass. The culture that approved taste, learning, careful English and manners confronts the the  slums which increasingly prevail. Filth and illiteracy are not just tolerated but exalted.

Lyrics from the gutter, specifically  2LiveCrew, a rap group.

“Bend over and spread em, girl, Show-w-w me those pussy pearls, Rub that ass and play with that clit, You know I like that freaky shit” and so on.

Today’s America.

The intellectual and moral level of these bottom-feeders is not compatible with civilization, yet the country is bathed in their outpourings. To take it out of passive voice, the music industry of New York bathes the country in it. There is no nice way to escape because the courts will uphold the industry.

The conflict is  between freedom and social totalitarianism. Remote bureaucracies with whom localities have nothing in common write their children’s textbooks and decide what morality they should be taught.  People who want a say in the schooling of their children, who want to choose where and with whom they live, find themselves pitted against a political ruling class with power to decide almost every aspect of their lives.

Something has to give.


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June 9, 2016 11:12 am

Oh my! Senor Fred is P-I-S-S-E-D today.

In all my years of enjoying Mr. Reed, I have never seen him post such a virulent and noisy article!

Go for it Fred!


June 9, 2016 11:16 am

Get them nobs building the wall under armed super vision.

June 9, 2016 11:19 am

@Mark: That won’t keep the nasties away that are already here, now will it? We may have to recruit troops from Mexico for assistance…


June 9, 2016 11:23 am

Needs to change homosexual agenda to lgbtaiq agenda. They are not the same.

June 9, 2016 11:32 am

It’s worse than I thought.

June 9, 2016 11:36 am

Fred is old school if he thinks cops will go after the “protesters.”
Those people are sometimes being paid, others are there for the
chance to be violent.

“…the civilized inevitably get sucked into hostility started by extremists. White nationalists are spoiling for a fight,…”/Fred

I don’t think so…maybe biker boys that like a good brawl anyway, but not any kind
of majority. The whites are generally the ones attacked. Whites aren’t doing the
attacking…and whites joining colors in protesting are likely young idealists.

What does the woodpiler have to say? Stay away from crowds.

Disengage. Should someone breech your property with evil intent? Be prepared.

June 9, 2016 11:38 am

The Mexican flag wavers, and the Hillary and Bernie supporters that are attacking peaceful Trump supporters quite simply need their skulls cracked, and cracked good and hard. I suspect that will be the only way to make them think twice, if they can think at all after a good cracking.

June 9, 2016 11:49 am

I agree, something has to give. We have lost control in so many ways:

Universities are now run by the ultra left, turning out more and more useless degrees.

Government (aka public) schools are indoctrination camps (some school districts here in Minnesota don’t mention Thanksgiving – cause it may insult the Indians).

Lack of enforcement (that has lead to mass illegal immigration) has given the illegals the idea that they are entitled to be here.

Our government now supports every wacko idea about lgbt / queers / trannies / where to piss / where to shower.

There’s so much porn – Playboy doesn’t even show tits anymore. Talk about becoming a cesspool.

We have failed to act when this shit first started. I don’t think we can ‘pull it back’.

June 9, 2016 11:58 am

Paris in May 2016:

June 9, 2016 11:58 am
June 9, 2016 12:06 pm

sorry about that. The video was banned on The Woodpile,
youtube: the copy and paste just provided the link. 13 minutes,
13 unbelievable minutes. I doubt too many will be booking
a flight to “tourist” in Paris. Everything is burning.

June 9, 2016 12:14 pm

that black attacking the trump kid is apparently a recent immigrant from africa. Imagine that, a recent immigratn attacking an american citizen at an american political event. Unbelievable. I read that he took to twitter bragging about it, too. I wonder when he will be charged? My advice to him and others like it, please, come try that shit in the deep south. Your obvious success can surely be replicated in nearby texas, or perhaps arizona. Come down to FL and attack people too, please.

June 9, 2016 12:26 pm

@suzzanna, that shit is crazy. Those people get fucking everything for free, almost none of them work, and yet they still complain and then riot. Go back to where you came from. Every place that islam touches turns to shit.

June 9, 2016 12:32 pm

It sure would make for a crazy day if a whole bunch of IPSC master shooters went, peacefully but armed, to a Trump rally, got attacked by thugs, and had to defend themselves. Think of the headlines.

June 9, 2016 12:47 pm

Why spend billions building a wall ? Put 25,000 troops on the order with orders to shoot to kill . The problem will disappear pronto. Those that make it can be sent to Guantanamo Bay for two years. No A.C.,bread and water rations . Then sent back home with instructions that if they are caught again it’s 10 years…..problem solved.

As I’ve said before this summer is going to be interesting. Record gun sales will tell you that folks are itching for something. That itch may get scratched if the wrong idiots try to burn down a city . I bet the Koreans in LA are ready for a re-match .

Maybe Fred will move when the Mexican scum return home .

June 9, 2016 12:49 pm

Attempt to post Suzanna’s video:

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
June 9, 2016 12:50 pm

Fred has a great ability of writing a nice article about the absence of common sense. The powder keg USA is soon to blow.

Suzanna, Those cops are the same ones that stood in front of the citizen protestors demanding the goobermint stop the immigration. Screw every one of them including ours. Cops and teachers are nothing but traitors serving greater traitors.

June 9, 2016 1:19 pm


I don’t trust Snopes, but they have an article claiming that the video is from a riot in 2014 protesting Israeli actions in Palestine, and that Superstation95.com is promoting it as if it were happening just at the end of May. I’m no supporter of Muslim migrants, but opponents of the Muslim invasion harm their own case by publishing misleading articles.


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 9, 2016 1:53 pm

“Why spend billions building a wall ? Put 25,000 troops on the border with orders to shoot to kill.”

First of all, neither party wants the border sealed so it would take someone from outside of the Uniparty to be president and get that done (without being assassinated). Secondly, the next president after that could (and would) pull those troops off of the border. Even now we make a halfhearted attempt to guard the border as a ruse to placate the public – most of whom don’t want illegals to be able to sneak in. I don’t think even another Obama would be able withstand the uproar of tearing down an already-built 40-50 foot reinforced concrete wall. It one thing to pretend to guard the border. It’s another to destroy an already-built wall put in place by a once-in-a-lifetime president who’d been elected by a furious electorate. Besides, the federal government spends $11 billion / day. Even if the wall is a waste of $20 billion or so, it’s a pittance – less than 1/1 of 1% of the annual federal budget.

June 9, 2016 1:58 pm

Napoleon had the right of it..: A whiff of grape…

Would cut WAY down on this sorros paid leftist condoned thuggery.

Not doing it does no more than encourage and embolden more of this sewage running rampant.


June 9, 2016 2:05 pm

Why spend billions building a wall ? Put 25,000 troops on the order with orders to shoot to kill.

Troops would be great, but we still need the wall, and here’s why: Some future President could simply pull the troops back. Just like now. There are laws. No one enforces them. There are border agents. They’re not allowed to do their jobs.

The Wall NEEDS to be built, because it will outlast Trump and make it that much harder for the next American-hating idiot to open our borders.

June 9, 2016 2:28 pm

If armed citizens defended themselves they would be the next George Zimmerman and Officer Wilson. The offenders would be the Horst Wessel of 2016. Fred wrote a great essay. However, he is absolutely wrong about White Natioalists spoiling for payback. Despite the enormous amount of privately owned arms there never will be effective resistance or more correctly defense of rights by the majority. The ATFE knows who has weapons and the data base is shared widely. How else can you explain ccw permit holders from Fl being routinely stopped by Stste Police in Maryland and harassed even when there weapon has been left at home in Panama City? The traditional American will offer no more resistance than the 1930’s Jews in Germany.

June 9, 2016 2:31 pm

Troops on the border? I have a better idea: You know all the thugs / hicks / bikers / rednecks that want to win those huge stuffed animals at the state fairs…. let them go down there and compete for the prizes for free!

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 9, 2016 3:14 pm

Bet’ya Trump’s jet will dig a huge hole somewhere; there will be about 450,000,000 votes for Harpy and about 170,000,000 for Trump; Harpy will have the UN take all the privately owned guns; 170,000,000 people will be sent to receive a reeducation and disappear without a word in the MSM; and America will become as peaceful as Auschwitz prison camp. All Hail the Red Queen!

June 9, 2016 3:35 pm

Fred is right in identifying the problems.

Personally, I am not optimistic about solving America’s problems through the ballot box.

Even if Mr. Trump wins in a landslide, I’m not sure the average person in this country will have the stomach for what it will take to put down the third world riffraff and delusional left that now controls this place.

If Hitlery wins, it will definitely be time for hard-working people to leave the US, if such a thing is still possible after her coronation. Uncontrolled migration into this country will become the norm and it will take less than one term of that lying cunt to turn this entire country into a third world cesspool. One had better plan quickly, because if that fucking bitch gets in, my guess is that one of the first things she does will be to close the exit door to prevent productive people from leaving this godforsaken country and taking their wealth with them.

I’m lucky. I have an exit strategy because I qualify for automatic citizenship in one Eastern European country on the basis of my ancestry, and fortunately that country has not yet been hopelessly overrun by Mooslims. Most hard-working people in the USA are not going to be so lucky as to have such an alternative.

June 9, 2016 3:48 pm

The urban cesspits are going to be triaged off. Get out now.

At a certain point, you realize that there are – in fact – acceptable losses in any conflict.

If you want to see our future, look at the Spanish Civil War. Look at what the communists did there to people they didn’t like. Expect the same treatment.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 9, 2016 4:47 pm

Quoting 2LiveCrew? Did Fred just awaken from a nap under a tree in the Catskills?

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
June 9, 2016 5:47 pm

appears the melting pot is about to boil

June 9, 2016 6:07 pm

“All Hail the Red Queen” indeed. I’m just curious how they’ll pull off the great switch this time.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
June 9, 2016 6:30 pm

Good article. Will be posted on SLL.

June 9, 2016 6:47 pm

I is outraged. I is mad. I will, lesse I will……

I will fucking post another article about doing something that I will/can not do.

So sick of these fucking flacid dicked fuckers who tell us ” this can not stand “and do not a damn thing.

We know what needs to be done. We will do it when it needs to be done . Now go hide while mens talk.

Hollow man
Hollow man
June 9, 2016 6:55 pm

It just gets worse from this point on.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 9, 2016 7:00 pm

rhs jr says: Bet’ya Trump’s jet will dig a huge hole somewhere; there will be about 450,000,000 votes for Harpy and about 170,000,000 for Trump
Ummm…what is the voting population in USA? Sure as hell that it’s not 620 Million. Or are the Diebold machines going to overvote that much?

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 9, 2016 7:27 pm

Last week on the Savage Nation radio show, a caller said he was “H.A.” and they were sick and tired of seeing American flags being burned while the Trump protesters hoisted Mexican flags. Michael immediately picked up on what “H.A.” meant and said, “so you are a member of Hell’s Angels?”. The caller confirmed.

Can you imagine the bloodbath if that happens? Will Shillery Clinton be blamed for these protesters now that Bernie is done?

Civil War 2.0 starting in 3, 2, 1…

June 9, 2016 8:16 pm

Fred, these are your darling mehicans that you have been trying to sell us for the past couple of years. Did you hit your head?

June 9, 2016 8:28 pm

I will put this here in hope that the admin sees it.

Yesterday I took a bit of time, not a lot, writing a bit of fluff that I thought the monkeys might have some fun with. It drew 90 comments, much to my surprise.

In under 24 hours it has disappeared into the Valley of Doom. I know the thread went south due to the bb Jewish bullshit, but I gotta say:

WTF? I have never had a thread hit the Valley in under 24 hours before, especially not one that was drawing a large number of comments.

That is all I got to say about that.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
June 9, 2016 8:57 pm

Suzanna at 11:58…

I’m thinking that video is not correctly attributed. Personally spent a bunch of time there with old friends in May and the big problems were riots related to the proposed change in labor laws. These were largely confined to the 12th.

That said, despite long history with the city and many fond memories, it is unlikely that I will go back. The decline was evident by ’09. Now, about the only neighborhoods untouched are the 7th and 8th.

And, just read that the idiot mayor wants to put a migrant camp next to Gare du Nord. That’s the station for the Eurostar and I lot of important points north. It’s not like it was a great place after dark anyway!

BTW, tourism is already WAY off from the relative ease with which I could access favorite haunts.

Da P

June 9, 2016 10:24 pm

Hmm, so Trumpeters are getting beat up at their own rallies…..That’s not too good, is it? Trump and his fans are supposed to take Merka back. When y’all reckon they’re gonna start?

Somebody let me know when they start fighting back. It’s kind of boring the way it is now.

June 9, 2016 10:25 pm

I am to old to fight and to old to run. If they screw with me someone will get hurt real bad. It is what the left does. Above all else be armed.

June 9, 2016 10:37 pm

So Ed, what would you post if they defended themselves, would you blame them for the violence like the NYT?

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
June 9, 2016 11:48 pm

Llpoh at 8:28 –

No idea why your thread disappeared but here’s a “Good on ya’, mate!” for an excellent thread. (but why would anybody read bb…ever? I adhere to my belief that it is a ‘bot written by a relatively advanced 13-year old.)

Da P

June 10, 2016 12:23 am

Thanks Perfessor. No idea what happened there. Admin usually keeps threads by a monkey circulating a few days until he is certain it has run out of steam.

I think he just may be raciss against redskins, being an Eagle fan and all.

June 10, 2016 3:29 am

Where do all the shoot to kill at the border fantasies come from? How about, sorry, you don’t have an invitation, you’ll have to go back home. No exceptions.

June 10, 2016 6:32 am

” would you blame them for the violence like the NYT?”

Oh HELL no, David. I’d say “Get the popcorn. These kids have grown some balls.”

I blame the cops and politicians for allowing the party ratfuckers to get away with hiring these “activists” to assault people. The cops, who can usually be relied upon to beat the shit out of people for no reason, have been standing by and letting these shitasses attack people.

It proves that cops are just the politicians’ attack dogs. They ain’t about anything else.

June 10, 2016 6:34 am

“Where do all the shoot to kill at the border fantasies come from?”

They come from internet tough guys who ain’t ever been in the shit.

June 10, 2016 7:14 am

158 gr LHP….I’m not screwing around anymore. Let it burn and prepare to defend yourselves.

June 10, 2016 8:58 am

@Llpoh: My friend, that’s what happens to all posts – the more posts there are, the faster they scroll off the list into post Hell. I had a chat with Admin and that’s why Ol’ Muck has an archive on the right side of the window – down a bit – that holds whatever I wrote when he gets around to adding them to the list. I got tired, real quick of contributing work and have it vanish after 12 hours and 10 new posts.

I have no clue what Admin is going to do about the overall problem of losing good posts too quick but the site organization needs to be modified a bit so individuals can reply to individual comments (a la ZeroHedge) and good posts stay around a bit more. That damned Rating Widget is also a royal pain in the ass and should be trashed.. But I am not running TBP, am I?

Don’t quit, friend..


June 10, 2016 10:54 am

Thanks Fred. Give me some of that old-time-frothing-at-the-mouth-redneck-pig-fucker-ignorant-hate-mongering. You da best.

June 10, 2016 10:55 am

“shoot to kill” at the border? “carry then react” if attacked at a protest?
Now just who will be doing any of that?
Snopes? That site has a reputation for supporting the regime.

Consider that the gov and it’s masters are advertising, supporting
and greatly facilitating the influx of illegals. Illiterates and players both.
To what end? Take your pick…Cloward-Piven, voting base + Dem forever,
humanitarian? It may be all, but overriding is the assault on the dignity
and fortitude of the worker class. One can view it as evil and orchestrated
by the anti-God Satan, or you can view it as a planned shite show to
confuse, baffle, create emotional turmoil, bankrupt the states more quickly,
and create violence. These are some major distractions away from the culprits
that are looting the country for themselves. The plan may be to leave behind
a seething mass of humanity warring with each other over the scarce resources
made unobtainable for the many/most. Bankers? What bankers?

Smart experienced folks are saying, “soon they will turn the algos off.) (Rob Kirby)
The pension and savings and the market $ still exist…they may want that
first…then they will pull the plug. How many people will fight for the little that
is left? And how many will starve? Look at Venezuela. The rich still have markets
open. The poor, middle class, are being starved.

Look up that Deagle site. Of course, snopes will call BS.

maybe it is BS, no one is entirely sure of anything these days.


June 10, 2016 11:39 am

Long ago the rulers discovered the most efficient means of crushing opposition. Pit one societal mortal enemy against the other using agent provocateurs, let them annihilate one another, then move in with their mop up crew to eliminate the remaining miscreants.