Stucky Poll #1: Strong Dislikers

We (that includes me) sure do hate oops, strongly dislike many peoples/groups here.

I won’t use “hate” because I don’t feel like getting mini-sermonettes on the evils of hating, how it’s bad to hate, and testimonies from the self-righteous – “I don’t hate anyone!”.  Sooo, let’s go with “strongly dislike”. But, you know what I really mean.

For this to work I need to make several SEPARATE posts … two parts per group.  Like this;

—1A)  I strongly dislike BLACKS.

—1B)  BLACKS need to be dealt with harshly in the 4th Turning.

Harshly can mean whatever the hell you want it to mean – from Forced Segregation to Final Solution.  An up vote means you agree, and down means disagree.

Why am I doing this poll?  Hopefully, to get an accurate feel for where we are at in reality.  Maybe I’m just imagining that we have a lot of Strong Dislikers.  Maybe we’re closer to a Holy Spirit Filled Family which gets along with everyone?

Kindly wait to make comments (if any) until all the groups are listed.  That way, they are all consecutive.  There will be 10 groups …. The Top 10 that are mentioned most often here on TBP.  Feel free to add your own at the end.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 4, 2016 9:54 am

Southern philosophy -VS- Northern philosophy on blacks.

In the south, we used to get along well, until the yankees came down here stirring up the racial animosity in blacks against whites. Jews were behind that clusterfuck. Jews hate whites, but we awakened are reciprocal.

Down here, we despise them as a race and like individuals, up north they love them as a race and hate individuals.

The black race is (in its natural genetic form) lacking in civility, self-control and intelligence. They are wholly incompatible with white society. Muslims are only better organized niggers by another name.

Stucky, you can have my share of the obsolete farm equipment.

Muck About
Muck About
  Swamp Fox
July 4, 2016 4:57 pm

Dear Swamp Fox: Your views are so totally “red neck” in origin and emphasis, lacking any worthwhile evaluation of Southern racial relations at all. The comment is of no value whatsoever and does even TBP no credit.


Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
  Muck About
July 4, 2016 5:05 pm

What gave you the idea that your opinion matters? You offer nothing of substance and even your sentence composition is difficult to glean from. When you have something substantive to say, get back to me.

July 4, 2016 10:08 am

It turns out that those whites of the 1950’s (myself included) that protested against forced integration were right, all along…
Blacks were doing much better when they had their own institutions, businesses, social organizations, residential areas, etc.
It was communists and other society destroyers (the “chosen” and other northern-based “carpetbaggers”) who are directly responsible for our present racial and social ills.
I grew up during the first “civil-rights” era and have a decidedly different “take” on this whole “civil-rights movement” era. In fact, I saw for myself, what went on during those turbulent times.
Despite the lies and fabrications by the so-called “mainstream media” the “civil-rights marches” in the South were not peaceful “gatherings” that were met with dogs and fire hoses, but were violent black confrontations that actually set back the “cause” of TRUE “civil-rights”. .
The so-called “civil-rights” demonstrations were waves of lawlessness that disrupted the lives of peaceful citizens. There were many black citizens in these areas that were against these “outsiders” coming there to cause trouble. These “civil-rights” marchers committed crimes, rapes, robberies and other crimes, and trashed the areas they were protesting in. I WAS THERE . . . Of course, the cameras were turned off during the episodes of violence. . .then just as now, the news media could not “let a crisis go to waste” . . .
It was mostly ACLU, $PLC and ADL types that riled things up. . .and then later on “melted into the woodwork” only to become “civil-rights” attorneys, race hustlers and poverty pimps.
One incident comes to mind–the death of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo–Mrs. Liuzzo was a Detroit housewife who traveled to the “deep south” (without her husband) to run around with “freedom riders” at night–this was a recipe that was asking for trouble. What business did she have running around with blacks at night in the South while she had a family in Detroit?? Why did she put herself “in harms way”??
I WAS THERE during the “civil-rights” disturbances and witnessed the misbehavior of these “civil-rights” groups (that never got reported). . .
Of course, the “victors” write the history. To the victors–how does it feel now that those you pushed and supported are now turning on you??
The so-called “news media” had an agenda then as it does now. White-on black crime (although relatively rare) is ALWAYS described as a “hate crime” where as black-on-white crime is NEVER described as a “hate crime”. . .
Us whites are now third-class citizens in our own country…the country WE built…

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 10:55 am

Stucky in his infinite brilliance has devised a 10/20 part hate-o-rama thread that is sure to get well over 100 comments just by volume of topic matter.I worship at your feet, O brilliant one. You da man!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 11:07 am

Give it time Stuck, the hate will ooze out to the surface soon. 🙂

July 4, 2016 10:59 am

1B)- I strongly dislike STUCKY (1) YES (2) NO (3) I can’t make up my mind. (4) Who’s Stucky?
Choose one, or any combination between 1 and 4!

July 4, 2016 12:25 pm

Well, just goes to show there’s one person that really likes Stucky.

Muck About
Muck About
July 4, 2016 5:24 pm

@Stuck: This is, for you, a lower echelon blow. You normal “survey posts” usually have humor mixed in with a little anger and something for everyone.

I found out at a very young age ( about 8 I think) that there were radical differences between races. Mostly intelligence and anger control. Blacks have the overall poorest of them both.

But I have met many exceptions (i.e. star standouts), had them work me, had them over to supper, burned meat on the grill with them and generally enjoy their company. But… Always the fucking BUT.

These were all exceptions, although I have been friends “light” with many others over the years. I was brought up in Mississippi thru 15 or so and Florida. My father-in-law was an old fashioned Southern man – blue collar – who ran a ready-mix concrete business. I learned much from him because he employed Negros at every level except office staff. Most of his day to day employees didn’t have high school educations but were perfectly able to drive concrete truck, make and install forms, pour concrete and finish up a job perfectly – mostly because my late father-in-law made it his business to visit each job two/three times a day, talk with the customer and make double damned sure the customer was perfectly happy with not only the work but with the crew working on it.

Needless to say, his turn-over rate was pretty high as many blacks do not have the patience to take the extra time to turn a good job into a perfect one but my father-in-law had a waiting list of up to a hundred guys (black and white) at any time waiting to work for him.

The respected him. If they didn’t know, he explained it at their level. He was fair to all comers and meted out justice rapidly, swiftly and thoroughly to any miscreant who screwed off on him, stole from him, didn’t leave his truck and tools spotless at the end of the day or didn’t turn in a list (often printed) of supplies he needed on the truck for the next days work (which was posted for each driver as they logged out).

He worked with negros for 25 years, supported literally hundreds of families, bought turkeys for some really poor (i.e. new on the job) on Thanksgiving and I’m quite sure, every one of his men (remember, he had both white and black working for him) would have simply gone to war for him if he’d ever asked. He also had more business than he could ever accept as well.

Now Ol’ Muck’s feeling on negros are very simple. I judge any man on how he behaves with me. I don’t deal at all with someone who smells bad (except after a hard days work and then, by God, you’ve earned it and own it – then we get along fine).. If you’re short of funds, ask me what I need doing. Ask me for a free handout and we part company. If you do a good job for me, you get paid plus a little bit if you’ve gone above and beyond what I had in mind. Further, you get a recommendation from me if someone else needs work done that this gentleman can do.

If I meet or come into contact with a member of the FSA, I will not give them the time of day.

Sadly, Blacks and Hispanics will always fill the lower tiers of society because, racially they are of lower IQ than the typical Western European transplant and descendent who lives in this country. Schools in Mexico teach Mexican kids a whole lot better than our schools do. Different outlook I suspect.

I could go on a bit more on anger control issues and some other racially based problems but even I tire of the tirade.

Stop trying to gen up negative responses, Stuck – it doesn’t become you..


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 11:04 am

One way ticket to the dark continent in the 4th turning. Uh Huh……..

Bon Voyage…..niggah.

July 4, 2016 9:07 pm

If harshly means fairly, honestly and justifyibly…then so be it.

July 4, 2016 10:08 am

I hate people who categorize people by category!
Admin “strongly dislikes” those who live in the 30 blocks of squalor because of what they do (don’t do), and really only coincidentally is color involved, apparently. If a thousand black people set up a venture capital fund to finance black businesses and help rebuild their neighborhoods and generate wealth, I suspect Admin would cheer them on (feel free to say otherwise if not, Admin). And if a thousand idle and ignorant people (of any race) were to move somewhere Admin was occasionally forced to visit, he’d “strongly dislike” them too.
I suspect it is much the same with the rest of us: “white trash”, “opium-addled Orientals”, “lazy Hispanics” or whatever, it’s what they do or don’t do that brings the dislike. Race, sex, religion (I’m not sure Islam qualifies as a religion these days), whatever it is they DO or DO NOT DO is what brings dislike.
There are racists, sexists, agists, and whatever -ists everywhere, maybe even a few here on TBP. But I suspect the majority are ACTIONISTS – what you DO is more important than WHO or WHAT you are. Feel free to disagree!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 4, 2016 10:52 am


Thank you for being the voice of reason…. I would simply modify your final statement to read what you do is far more important than how you appear. Sometimes who and what we are is a result of what we do. But I’m splitting hairs – I got what you meant.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 11:17 am

I like beaners like EC, he is a very decenl chap who worked hard for his family. Heck, beaners are hard workers all the way around but I mostly like Mexicans to be in Mexico. They are happiest in their own culture. TPTB only shipped in this wave of beaners to insure Hitlery’s selection.

I sincerely like Mexicans- downers expected.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 12:40 pm

Bea, you are sadly mistaken on both points. Prior to conversion, I was a horrible person. And coincidentally, my boss told me, Elpidio, your a person who just shuts the fuck up and does whatever your told. Now, don’t be afraid to ask for help, I don’t want you to quit and go sell Avon…

So, they don’t even let me work hard.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Full Retard
July 4, 2016 1:00 pm

Full Retard/EC

Don’t take my comment in the wrong way when I say Mexicans are better in Mexico. Yours is a strong culture with hundreds of years of imprinting in your people. Mexicans come here but refuse to leave the language and culture behind. True also of Asians and others, just my feeling that Mexicans are happiest in their own country/culture which is not meant to be mean spirited. Southerners are not at all happy in Yankee territory and are well served to stay below the Mason/Dixon line. All southern people are not ignorant white trash as Yankees would have you believe.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 4:15 pm

Bea, I’m from Texas. The old teachers sure did love to play Dixie. They took it serious that Texas was part of the South. I grew up listening to wonderful Southern accents here and there in some of our teachers. I don’t recall when I heard a Northern accent but it was weird and grating to the ear, too fast, too high pitched. I have little to no desire to travel east of the Rockies but I might go for a spell to South Carolina to take advantage of a free vacation I got in Vegas. I can’t imagine going to Florida.

Maybe first generation Mexicans hold on to the language and songs but I doubt it. It’s mostly immigrants. Their kids quickly adopt the language and mannerisms of their new land. They sound like negroes or white bread kids. It’s irritating how they even adopt the smug attitude of kids who never had to work. They have new cars, new clothes, hot girlfriends and all kinds of gadgets, none of which I had at that age, if ever. So fuck them.
I’d rather associate with people who grew up po than spoiled kids of any color.

I’ve resisted reading Richard Rodriguez’ Hunger of Memory but I will someday. Although I’m afraid he may not have anything new to say to me. Much of it has to do with his conflict with his Mexico-born father.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 4, 2016 12:47 pm

I strongly dislike bad service. 5 times out of 6, I get better service from white folks. And they own up to their mistakes. Except the Honda dealer in Palmdale, whose name I won’t repeat but they are dicks, I took my car there to change the starter and they said they had to diagnose it first. Trip one they sold me a battery. On the second trip they told me I need a starter. Fuckers. I only go back because I can’t trust the other mechanics. Plus they have hot chicks working there. I have to make sure they keep their job. Hi, Teresa! (She’s the one with all the gold jewelry and implants.)

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 11:32 am

Answer to Republicunts in the 4th turning as follows:

Bring back the Roman circus (only on tv). Have them fight to the death while we dress in togas and root for the Republicunt to win that we placed our electronic bet on. Lots of blood and guts and the satisfaction of seeing the most hated of the bunch torn to shreds as they have our country. Bastards.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 10:43 am

Lawyers…….Now there is a group we can all agree that should eat shit and die. Some of my best friends are lawyers but alas, they too must feel the burn in the fourth turning.

  Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 4:41 pm

Bea, I liked how you slipped in “feel the burn”. Praying for Hitlery indictment.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 5:31 pm


Don’t hold your breath for you surely will die before old Cankles will ever be indicted. Never happen……sorry.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 10:50 am

4th turning answer to lawyers as follows:

Lawyers should be stripped down to the lowest rank in society, forced to clean out septic tanks and keep the bathrooms clean at all interstate highway rest stops. Each pay period for these asswipes, WE THE PEOPLE would get .33% of their paycheck to atone for their past eevuuul deeds.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 11:00 am

Oh wait……If you do away with lawyers, that would get rid of the vast majority of CONgress.

BRING IT ON! 4th turning is starting to really interest me.

July 4, 2016 10:13 am

Here are true stories with corrections about “icons” of the so-called “civil rights” movement . . .

There is much more to the “Emmett Till” story that is not widely known. Killing him made him into a “martyr” of the black “civil-rights” movement, but–it is not generally known that Emmett Till was a strapping young man of about 160 lbs.–NOT a “little boy” as some media types tried to portray him as. He was a known womanizer and attempted to take his cocky “Chicago ways” in dealing with women to the Deep South. He was sent to live with relatives in the South because his Chicago relatives could not handle him. He had a “cocky attitude” and bragged about “getting it on” with white women–not a good idea in the South. . . According to published accounts, Mr. Till did not just “whistle” at a white woman, but grabbed, manhandled and fondled a married white woman. In Southern culture, this is (still) the ultimate form of disrespect. Despite Mr. Till’s relatives’ attempts to spirit him “out of town” to avoid retribution by the woman’s relatives and townspeople, his cocky attitude “got in the way”, similar to the way that “young master Trayvon’s” attitude got him killed. Despite being given numerous chances to apologize for his behavior, he was defiant to the end. IF he had apologized for his behavior, he would still be alive today.
It is interesting to note that Emmett Till’s father was executed by the U S military for multiple rapes. Maybe “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” . . .

Rosa Parks was not the “ordinary” black woman that so-called historians made her to be. She was an communist and organizer for the NAACP and was “planted” in order to advance the cause of black “civil-rights” to which she was successful.
Approximately a year previous to Rosa Parks’ famous “bus ride” and refusal to vacate her seat, a REAL ordinary black woman did the same thing. This black woman received NO publicity or support from the NAACP or other black “civil-rights” organizations. You see, she was an unmarried black woman with children. According to the black civil-rights crowd, this would not do. They wanted someone who was “squeaky clean” without any baggage. In fact, the “white guy” sitting behind her was part of the “set-up”. He was a UPI reporter, contracted to “stage” the event…
Hence, Rosa Parks made (fabricated) history . . .

Martin Luther (Michael) King was well-known for frequenting prostitutes, beating and abusing them while exclaiming that he “finally felt like a white man”. His own associates have stated as such. He also plagiarized his college papers and doctoral thesis. Of course, this was overlooked because of his status. King was also a communist.

Jesse Jackson used to brag to his associates on how he would spit in the food of white patrons of the restaurant he worked at.

There are many more fabrications of history that were used to lend “legitimacy” to the so-called “civil-rights” movement . . .

More to come . . .

July 4, 2016 10:45 am

Hmmmm! anarchyst, just how did you come in possession of these revelations? Of course, you left out that King, Jackson, Parks, NAACP were working for their Jewish overlords, or how they were really Alien abductees from a UFO group intent on creating disharmony in the human population for the purpose of ultimate subjugation of the human race. Clever those Aliens!

Sorry! Your comment just doesn’t meet the criteria for an intelligent reply.

July 4, 2016 10:57 am

HOMER, Are YOU working for your “jewish overlords”, or are YOU a jew? Looks like I hit a nerve…GOOD!
I lived through those turbulent times and saw for myself, what was going on. In fact, one of our favorite slogans (after seeing all of the New York-based “carpetbaggers” in the civil-rights movement) “Behind every Negro, there is a Jew”–Racist?? Hell, YES!, but actual FACT…
The Emmett Till story was written up in LOOK magazine, soon after the incident, with the above details. I have attempted to upload the original article, but it ends up being deleted, for some reason.
The Rosa Parks story is well-known in communist circles. Please look up “the Highlander School”, which was a communist “front organization” which both Michael King and Rosa Parks attended. This is where they got their “marching orders”. You are correct about there being a strong influence by those of the “chosen”. I hesitate to mention them as one can be banned from sites for speaking TRUTH.
Michael King’s associates, in their own writings have noted his actions, and his abusive attitudes towards women.
Jesse Jackson’s antics are also well known.
Do the research yourself.
It is no secret that there WAS a disproportionate communist (jewish) influence in the so-called “civil-rights” movement. In fact, the NAACP was controlled by jews until the 1970s, when blacks were successful in wresting control of the organization from them…

July 4, 2016 11:08 am

anarchyst–“The Emmett Till story was written up in LOOK magazine, soon after the incident, with the above details. I have attempted to upload the original article, but it ends up being deleted, for some reason.”

Maybe there is a God after all.

No nerve, stop giving yourself credit for the impossible.

July 4, 2016 11:14 am

…may be copyright issues. You must be afraid of the TRUTH…

July 4, 2016 12:33 pm

I think it was Einstein that said, “Small people talk about other people, normal people talk about things, and intelligent people talk about ideas.”

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 4, 2016 12:50 pm

That’s not nice. BB likes you.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 10:31 am

bb is not in here stirring the shit this morning, O evil one.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 4, 2016 10:32 am

C’mon Stucky, quit spamming – we all know our preferences.

Islam is a political movement, disguised as a religion, whose adherents are indoctrinated by religious fervor. They are forced, by routine, to succumb to genocidal dogma. Islam is a form of insanity.

July 4, 2016 10:34 am

Once I walked the entire east to west length of West Philadelphia because I did not have bus fare and needed to go to my bank, located at the far west end.
I smiled and nodded my head at those I passed walking. There may be worse urban areas in the U.S. but I have not seen them.

I agree with the poster regarding the strong black culture and institutions of 60 to 70 years ago. They were centered around the Church. There were aspirations to achieve and a rising middle class with middle class mores. Read Condoleeza Rice’ s biography about growing up in those times. There are also other biographies of blacks in the South in the 1960s.

What killed their culture? The same thing that killed America. Leftism, especially the radical left takeover of the Democrat Party. I have my own prejudices, but God sees that I am confounded because He sends individuals from those groups into my life who I find delightful and admirable.

Nothing will change in this country without a vast, deep Great Awakening. Pray.

July 4, 2016 11:25 am

I do pray every day! I think it’s working.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 10:34 am

(11c) Stucky needs to be dealt with NOW, 🙂

July 4, 2016 10:34 am

Strongly dislike feminists, LBGT fanatics, politicians, lobbyists, Muslims, and Progressives.

July 4, 2016 10:39 am

The only people I really hate are the liars and manipulators who knowingly exploit and hurt and kill other human beings (or even elements of nature) for their own advantage or sick pleasure. No race or nation is free from this kind of ultimate evil.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 4, 2016 10:46 am

12) I strongly dislike central bankers right to the very top of the financial food chain.

July 4, 2016 11:40 am

Bankers are a subset of joos which was listed.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 4, 2016 10:47 am

12b) Central bankers and their financial directors should be dealt with harshly in the next 4th turning.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 4, 2016 11:13 am

Stucky, with this one, I bet you hate mirrors too. LMAO

Master Bates
Master Bates
July 4, 2016 11:39 am

Pot calling kettle black you one armed bandit.

July 4, 2016 10:56 am

I like the Hispanic people. Based on my experience from living in Texas for the last 25 years, the Anglo/Hispanic blend is the only integration I think is likely to happen.

Muslims will HAVE to be addressed, one way or another.

Blacks should live where they want. Whites should live where they want. Probably shouldn’t be the same neighborhood.

Cops are order-followers and are the dogs used by their masters.

Both major political parties are a complete sham.

July 4, 2016 10:56 am

I like the Hispanic people. Based on my experience from living in Texas for the last 25 years, the Anglo/Hispanic blend is the only integration I think is likely to happen.

Muslims will HAVE to be addressed, one way or another.

Blacks should live where they want. Whites should live where they want. Probably shouldn’t be the same neighborhood.

Cops are order-followers and are the dogs used by their masters.

Both major political parties are a complete sham.

July 4, 2016 11:17 am

1)I strongly dislike urban blacks 2) They will be dealt with harshly or they will destroy what’s left of America’s cities.

A ) I strongly dislike Talmudic Zionist Jews who control our currency and most of the mass media B ) They will have to dealt with harshly much like Hitler did if America I’d to ever recover.

July 4, 2016 11:25 am

I agree with anonymous , the only integration that has a chance at working will be the Anglo / Hispanic culture even though there are differences.

Stucky , I go on the operating table at 8:30 Wednesday morning July 6th for this hernia/ stomach wall repair. If I die you are going to feel real guilty. My mom said if I died she will be the one to tell you.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 4, 2016 11:37 am

Asians and Caucasians integrate pretty well too. If they didn’t Vancouver would be a smouldering pile of ash.

Also – you won’t die from your hernia op. God wants you hear to annoy the living day lights out of Stucky… so it has been told. So it will be.

July 4, 2016 11:44 am

bb-stop playing the guilt card, I’m not a liberal. But…I will say a prayer for you if it’s ok with you that it all turns out right.

Of course, if you do die can I have your car and that new flat screen TV you got?

July 4, 2016 12:08 pm

bb- I prolly know ten people who had that surgery, you are going to be fine. Stucky doesn’t mean half of what he says about you.

We will all be thinking about you on Wednesday. Good luck bb.

July 4, 2016 11:56 am

I have categories of people I love, and those I despise, but I can honestly say that I don’t sort by race. For example, I hate “hood rat” blacks and “trailer trash” whites with equal vehemence, but I love all the dozens of nice middle class blacks I’m lucky enough to know, and I love black music like Jazz and the great black people who gave us this great art form, while I despise most black pop music.

And I can’t figure for the life of me why anyone hates Jews. Could it be naked envy of the fact that these people tend to be brighter than the rest of us, and have consistently made up 50% or more of the world’s great achievers in nearly every field? They also tend to give more to charity and built some of the most beautiful neighborhoods in our cities.

So here are my “hates”

Fundamentalist Christians
Committed Socialists and Communists
Ultra-orthodox Jews
Ultra-conservative Catholics
Man-hater-type feminists
Male Supremists
Black Power advocates
White Supremists
Anyone who believes he or she has a pre-emptive right to control or take by force, my property- my bank account, my earnings, my house,my business enterprise, my body, or my mind.

July 4, 2016 12:12 pm

I don’t hate! Life’s too short and I’m running out of it. I would rather put my energies to something productive that’s beneficial than waste it on things I cannot change. But that’s just me, each to his own.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 12:16 pm

A few minutes after noon and already there are 64 comments, this one is your best effort yet to get into the high numbers and on a holiday to boot. Balzy Stuck…….really balzy. I’m popping some popcorn..

RT Rider
RT Rider
July 4, 2016 12:38 pm

The Civil Rights Act was. and continues to be, a means for the Federales to interfere and meddle with states’ rights. As with all things, Federal, it’s all about power, and using any group to exercise it.

And now something that could never be performed today:

The first 1 min, 50 secs. is relevant to the topic.

  RT Rider
July 4, 2016 1:26 pm


RT Rider
RT Rider
July 4, 2016 6:41 pm

The strong English accent makes it hard to understand but the contestant makes the off-hand remark that she doesn’t like Darkies. The host laughs, repeating, “doesn’t like Darkies”, and then says “Who does?”

Obviously, this would never be contemplated in the mainstream media today.

July 4, 2016 1:01 pm

You missed psychopaths and sociopaths. As a group they’re closer to the root of our problems than any of the rest you listed. In general it is the psychopaths and sociopaths within each of the other groups that are causing the majority of the problems.

I strongly dislike psychopaths and sociopaths.

July 4, 2016 2:13 pm

Annie, does that mean our date is off???

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 1:11 pm

I am baffled by the big vote for the Repugnants……could it be only because of Trump? EC says there are only 9 Trumpeteers on TBP, he must be terribly confused.

War mongers getting the big thumbs up today. Merika

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
  Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 1:28 pm

I support Trump, because the alternative is the end of the world.

Trump’s attributes:
He is successful in the private sector, and that takes monumental effort.
He is honest.
He will stop the decline of America.
He isn’t a communist leftist that is intent on destroying producers like the other choice.
He is a realist, not sniffing glue with the left. They have no idea about reality.
He doesn’t want to rule our lives, he wants to free us from the left’s insanity.

There are many more, but that’s enough for now.

  Swamp Fox
July 5, 2016 10:43 am

This time next year you are going to be very, very disappointed.

July 5, 2016 11:49 am

Of course he won’t keep every promise, it’s impossible to. BUT what is a better option? Hilary?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 4, 2016 1:22 pm

1A) I strongly dislike people that drive those ‘Smart’ cars that look like they ran into a wall, in reverse doing 4o, and Simpsonian persuit speed in Drive?

1B) In the fourth turning they should be castigated on the streets and in their work! I see a treehugger, greenie, geriatric, hippy, clover hunched over the wheel like a spineless Kokopelli. Send them to Californicate where they belong. Fkrs.

  Kill Bill
July 4, 2016 4:18 pm

I guess it is the first time cars are smarter than their occupants.

harry p.
harry p.
July 4, 2016 1:47 pm

Fuck dislike;

I strongly HATE HITLERy, I almost infinitely hope she is dealt with brutally in the 4th Turning along with her husband.

  harry p.
July 4, 2016 11:36 pm

Hitlery is such a disgusting excuse for a human being I can’t think of any fitting punishment for the crimes she has committed.

Maybe we could start with a crucifixion.

July 4, 2016 4:19 pm

A Fourth Turning will probably be ushered in by a 1929 style crash. It will be amusing to see all the posers in their 4 door pickups begging for government bailouts & handouts as they stand on their own 2 feet crying with their hands out begging somebody to help them.

This Al Bundy fan club is funny as hell. Did you all play high school football ?

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
July 4, 2016 4:22 pm

I hate people who are so pathetic that they believe that others have authority over them.
I hate people who are so narcissistic that they believe that they have authority over others.
I hate people who are so simple minded that they blame groups for the actions of the few.
I hate people who are so weak that the need to believe in an imaginary being to justify their existence.
I hate people who are so indoctrinated that they wave the symbol of their oppression while bleating about how free they are.
I hate people who are so scared that they think killing others who’ve caused them no harm is justified.
I hate people who are so gullible that they think a wannabe ruler can make a nation great.
I hate people who are so intellectually lazy that they base all their decisions on emotion instead of evidence.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
  Slayer of Sacred Cows
July 4, 2016 4:36 pm

“I hate people who are so gullible that they think a wannabe ruler can make a nation great.”

A great ruler can remove barricades and regulations that keep a nation from reaching its greatness. What has America so screwed is the welfare state and the neocon warfare money grubbing.

It really is a simple formula, take personal responsibility and force everyone else to do the same. There are leftist orgs that recruit welfare dregs to swell the rolls and diminish the Republic. It’s the Cloward & Piven strategy to destroy this country. We need a revolt that ends with firing squads for leftists.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Slayer of Sacred Cows
July 4, 2016 5:23 pm

Slurper of Sacred Cow Dung

Filed a return with the IRS lately? And don’t you kid yourself…..if your car plunged over a cliff you would be begging God save your stupid ass. Dungman talking big talk while walking very small in the great scheme of things.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
  Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 5:35 pm

I only pay my taxes because bootlickers like you will use violence against me if I don’t. And I’ve been in several life threatening situations and I’ve never cried out for some magic being to save me like a little child. I wonder if you even realize that during the revolutionary war that you would have been a redcoat.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Slayer of Sacred Cows
July 4, 2016 6:04 pm

I’ve never licked a boot in my life, nor would I bring violence agin you for not filing with the IRS. I most likely would applaud you. You are terribly confused Slayer.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
  Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 6:13 pm

You believe we need a government, therefore you believe we must pay taxes,and if you believe that we need to pay taxes you therefore support having men use violence to make pay those who don’t want to pay.

July 4, 2016 4:36 pm

I dislike individuals who think with emotion instead of logic.

July 4, 2016 11:38 pm

“Thinking with emotion” is an oxymoron…

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 4, 2016 4:44 pm

This election is between the producers and the parasites. Pick your side.

  Swamp Fox
July 5, 2016 3:20 pm

This election is between the voters and the vote counters. Guess who wins.

July 4, 2016 4:48 pm

I strongly fuckin dislike ol’ what’s-his-name.

I think ol’ what’s-his-name should be cornholed as soon as possible, fuck waitin around for the fuckin 4th turnin.


July 4, 2016 11:16 pm

good one

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 4, 2016 5:55 pm

I strongly dislike people who deny that God exists. Fukkin maroon.

Look at the wonders of nature, no God indeed.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
July 5, 2016 1:18 am

How do you get down voted for taking up for God?
Tough crowd…tough crowd I tell ya.