Just over a week ago the world was coming unglued, as enough British citizens grew a pair and spit in the face of the EU establishment and global elite by voting to exit the EU. The fear mongering by central bankers and their puppet political hacks failed to deter people who have become sick and tired of being abused and pillaged by bureaucrats working on behalf of bankers and billionaires.

Stock markets around the world plummeted on Thursday and Friday. The world braced for another Black Monday. The phone lines were buzzing between central bankers around the world over the weekend as their banker constituents demanded relief. If one thing has been proven over the last seven years, its a coordinated effort between central bankers and Wall Street banks to rig the stock market higher can work over a short time period.

The titans of finance were able to once again confound short-sellers and the prophets of doom with a 5% surge from the Friday lows over the next week. It was surely a coincidence the Fed declared all Wall Street banks, safe, sound, and capable of buying back their stocks to the tune of billions early in the week.

These insolvent zombies were now free to borrow billions to buy back their overvalued stocks, destroying shareholder value, while boosting executive compensation. Poor Jamie Dimon is struggling to get by on his $27 million per year. The Wall Street banks obliged by immediately announcing multi-billion dollar buyback schemes to capitalize on the short-term trading mentality of the 30 year old MBA trading geniuses who bought the news without worrying about the actual value of the stocks they were buying.

The stock prices of the biggest banks in the world rose in unison, as the lemming traders use the same HFT programs and the same illogical thought process. By the end of the week Brexit meant nothing as far as the markets were concerned. And they are probably right. Brexit was just the latest distraction to keep the masses focused on the wrong things, as the scoundrels continue to pillage the wealth of the people.

The largest banks in the world have experienced large declines over the last year, before Brexit ever entered the lexicon. Even after the central banker induced bounce last week, the price action of the largest banks in the world over the last year reflect an impending financial crisis. The truth is the Fed’s report on the health of banks is nothing but propaganda to keep the masses sedated. Without the suspension of mark to market rules in March 2009, every major bank in the world would have been liquidated in bankruptcy. Anyone who thinks these banks are healthy is either brain dead or dependent upon the establishment for their sustenance.

% Change since 7/15
JP Morgan -13.1%
Bank of America -28.7%
Wells Fargo -20.1%
Citigroup -30.2%
Barclays -59.9%
Deutsche Bank -57.9%
HSBC -32.8%
BNP -34.0%
Mitsubishi Bank -50.0%

The EU economic situation still reflects depression conditions across most of the continent. Europe is drowning in bad debt as their largest banks (Deutsche Bank, Barclays, BNP, all Italian banks) are effectively insolvent and are propped up by the EU central bank. Greece was never fixed. Nothing has been fixed. The little people continue to suffer, while the Brussels bureaucrats fiddle and delay the inevitable implosion by replacing old bad debt with new bad debt. The idiocy of allowing millions of refugees to flood the continent when their socialist paradise is already bankrupt, is beyond comprehension for rational thinking people.

Brexit was nothing more than a reaction to the political corruption of the establishment and the economic policies (bank bailouts, ZIRP, QE, NIRP) jammed down the people’s throats by the rich to benefit the rich. The middle and lower classes around the world have been screwed over by the bankers and their captured politicians. The anti-establishment sentiment is spreading like wildfire and is likely to set off a firestorm which will eventually burn down the palaces of the ruling elite. But, in the meantime, these greedy myopic sociopathic bastards will use every means necessary to retain their power, control of the system and their immense riches.

The stock market is their sole gauge of success or failure. The Federal Reserve and their central banker brethren in Japan, China and Europe know they are running nothing but a confidence game based upon their ability to keep their debt based ponzi scheme running for a little while longer. Their fear is palpable. They’ve tried every monetary trick in their briefcases. They have failed to revive the real economy, but that was a secondary goal. Their job was to revive the wealth of their banker owners and the billionaire class who run the show. Keeping the stock market elevated has become their one and only goal.

Confidence in clueless academics like Yellen is dwindling. Anger is building among the hoi polloi. They are sick of getting pissed on, while the politicians and bankers tell them its just rain. Brexit was another crack in the ice. I was not surprised by the stock market recovery. When Bear Stearns collapsed in March 2008 the market sold off, but quickly recovered all its losses. Six months later the world blew sky high. Jim Cramer and his slimy ilk were bullish the whole way down.

Brexit is just a symptom of the disease eating away at the fabric of our global economy. Lehman’s collapse was not the cause of the 2008 worldwide financial crisis. It was just the excuse for something that was going to happen no matter what. Bad debt, bad bankers, bad regulators, bad politicians, media cheer leading, and a willfully ignorant populace were a toxic combination – and it’s worse today.

The always thoughtful and honest John Hussman points out the coming stock market crash will have nothing to do with Brexit or any other excuse used by the mainstream media to obscure the truth. It’s the extreme valuations that will result in the stock market falling.

First things first. While the full attention of financial market participants is focused on “Brexit” – last week’s British referendum to exit the European Union – the singular factor to recognize here is that the vulnerability of the financial markets to steep losses has very little to do with Brexit per se. Rather, years of yield-seeking speculation, encouraged by central banks, had already brought the financial markets to a precipice prior to last week’s vote. It’s not entirely clear whether Brexit is a sufficient catalyst to burst the bubble, as we recall that the failure of Bear Stearns in early-2008 was followed by a period of calm before the crisis was sealed by Lehman’s failure, and numerous dot-com stocks had already been obliterated by September 2000, when the tech bubble began its collapse in earnest. We’ll take the evidence as it comes, but we’re certainly defensive at present, for reasons that have little to do with Brexit at all.

The Brexit “recovery” was touted by the CNBC apparatchiks as proof all is well. They dare not point out a 10 year investment in Treasuries will net you a 1.35% yield (the lowest in history) and almost guaranteed capital losses. They certainly won’t pontificate on stocks being priced to deliver negative real returns over the next 10 years. You won’t hear any warnings about home prices now exceeding the 2005 peaks in most major markets, just prior to a 30% collapse. Commercial real estate is also at bubble levels. Every asset class is overvalued. There is no place to hide and the average Joe is unwittingly unaware of the danger looming just over the horizon. Hussman explains the peril awaiting the unprepared.

The high-level churning in global financial markets since late-2014 represents what we view as the top formation of the third speculative bubble in 16 years. For the U.S. market, valuation measures most reliably correlated with actual subsequent market returns pushed to the third most offensive extreme in history at the May 2015 market high, eclipsed only by the 2000 and 1929 peaks (see Choose Your Weapon for a ranking of various measures, and the chart series in Imagine for a current perspective). Because this speculative episode has infected nearly every asset class, rather than favoring tech stocks or mortgage securities as in previous bubbles, the median price/revenue ratio across individual U.S. stocks actually pushed to the most extreme level on record in recent weeks, before promptly retreating on Friday.

Brexit doesn’t matter. Japan’s deflationary depression doesn’t matter. The fraudulent US jobs recovery and falsified inflation figures don’t matter. The Chinese real estate collapse doesn’t matter. Low oil prices destroying the economies of Middle East countries, Russia, Venezuela, and Brazil don’t matter. Double digit unemployment and civil chaos across Europe don’t matter. Speeches by Yellen, Draghi, and Kuroda attempting to prop up markets don’t matter. Mainstream corporate media propaganda about economic growth doesn’t matter.

The latent risk is already in place. Total global debt is now $70 trillion higher than it was in 2007, a 50% increase. Real median household income is lower than it was in 2007, while rent, food, healthcare, and taxes have risen dramatically. QE, ZIRP, and a myriad of other Keynesian “solutions” have failed miserably, while piling unpayable debt on top of unpayable debt. With corporate profits plunging, all economic indicators flashing red, consumers tapped out, confidence in leaders waning, and stock valuations at extreme levels, the plunge through thin ice is inevitable. The trigger is inconsequential, as Hussman points out.

“Imagine the error of skating on thin ice and plunging through. While we might examine the hole in the ice in hindsight, and find some particular fracture that contributed to the collapse, this is much like looking for the particular pebble of sand that triggers an avalanche, or the specific vibration that triggers an earthquake. In each case, the collapse actually reflects the expression of sub-surface conditions that were already in place long before the collapse – the realization of previously latent risks.

Finding the specific trigger that causes the skaters to plunge through the ice isn’t particularly informative. The fact is that catastrophe is inevitable the moment the skaters ignore the latent risk, or rely on faulty evidence to conclude that the ice is stable. The fracture in some particular span of ice is just one of numerous other spots that might have otherwise given way if the skaters had chosen a different course. Hitting that spot creates the specific occasion for the underlying risk to be expressed, but an unfortunate outcome was already inevitable much earlier.”

The dead EU bounce produced by central bank coordination, Wall Street buyback announcements, and hedge fund HFT machines buying the most shorted stocks, appears to have run its course. These rigged markets do not reflect fundamentals or valuations. They are controlled by traders and central bankers. Their movements are based on technical criteria programmed into Wall Street supercomputers by Ivy League MBAs. Their lemming like behavior works well on the way up, but not so good on the way down.

Deteriorating fundamentals, a two year topping distribution, and declining liquidity has set the stage for a market plunge. As Hussman points out, in a technical market where all players are following the exact same playbook, when certain levels are breached the bottom will fall out of this market and no one will step in to buy. It’s a long way down to fair value – at least 50%.

But for investors, the main objects of focus should be the condition of valuations and market action, particularly the status of market internals, and the position of the major indices relative to various trigger points that might result in concerted selling attempts by trend-followers. That’s particularly important since value-conscious investors will likely have little interest in absorbing shares at nearby prices.

The general public always underestimates the danger at market tops. Things have been going swimmingly well for those with substantial assets to gamble in the markets. As we entered 2008 the “experts” on Wall Street, in academia, and in the financial media predicted smooth sailing and 10% annual returns in perpetuity.

They called Bear Stearns a hiccup on the road to riches. The enormous mortgage control fraud being perpetrated by the largest banks in the world went unnoticed by Bernanke and his band of merry bankers. Paulson acted clueless. Bush muddled along in his moronic trance. Until the ice gave way and hundreds of millions went under and have never come back up. Brexit is a large crack in the ice. Italian banks are the next crack. Muslim refugees are a crack. Declining oil prices are a crack. There are dozens of potential triggers for the inevitable clearly foreseeable catastrophe.

As we saw with the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme, it can go on for years with the willful disregard of regulators and co-conspirators (JP Morgan), the denial of reality by investors, and the illusion of stability provided by the ponzi masters. Once stress is applied and too many investors ask for their money at the same time, the collapse is sudden and catastrophic.

Hussman knows the EU is a ponzi scheme, their banks are insolvent, and collapse is inevitable. The EU leadership is attempting ever greater distortions to avoid the catastrophic collapse. Britain just asked for their money back. Referendums loom in other countries. They will not be the cause of the collapse. The fundamentally unsound and increasingly bankrupt system is the cause.

Think of the EU, in its current ill-structured form, as a kind of Ponzi scheme, and Britain as the guy who just asked for his money back. There are undoubtedly greater prospects for near-term disruption after last week’s vote, but the hallmark of a Ponzi scheme is the attempt to use progressively greater distortions in order to preserve a structure that is fundamentally unsound and increasingly bankrupt.

Read Hussman’s Weekly Letter

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July 5, 2016 9:33 pm

Good summary from both you and Hussman, Jim.

All the cracks, support posts, glue, tape and silly putty is now in place and still, the world – with the USA in the lead – continue to shovel shit atop the pile with more creaking, sagging and warning signs popping up all the time. Some subtle and some not. Brexit was not subtle. I can hardly wait to see which Northern Europe country follows suit as all the Southern members need the EU to subsidize their economies and pay for a higher standard of living than they all deserve (i.e Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and a few more).

Great Britain donated $10-15 billion pounds a year to the EU as dues to a Ponzi Organization run by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and I have no idea why it took them so long to catch on to the payola going on in the name of “free trade, immigration across borders without visas (now biting them all on the arse) and the “what else” is so minuscule I can’t even come up with any other “benefits”!


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 5, 2016 9:37 pm

If I were a Brit, I wouldn’t care how much the economy tanks if that’s what it takes to get the globalists’ foot off our neck. The entire world economy will blow up. Bring it.

July 5, 2016 10:29 pm

Eventually, I believe the long term goal of the .001% is the ever elusive utopian dream of one world under communism.

So said their ideological Granddad: Comrade Vlad (Lenin):

“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”


“The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.”

July 6, 2016 1:45 am

Just vote for Hitlary y’all then we can find out how an armed nation deals with oligarchs and banker scum.

July 6, 2016 6:34 am

Mr. Quinn writes stuff that is scarier than Stephen King. What makes it worse is that it is non-fiction.

July 6, 2016 9:27 am

50% down is too optimistic. With no trust and even less ability to earn – the average Joe will simply not be in a position to power an economy anywhere near half throttle. Besides, it’ll over correct in those halcyon days of true ‘price discovery’ (think of a guy in a blindfold trying to guess what he’s holding and asked to describe it in detail while ‘it’ is fresh, warm, slippery bullshit). Then wait till he finds out the joke’s on him.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
July 6, 2016 9:28 am

Once Mr. Quinn and all those predicting disaster are proved right, they will be shunted off to oblivion, the mantra will be, “Nobody saw it coming!” and the mainstream hacks will continue spouting nonsense on six and seven-figure salaries. I hope Quinn and the rest are short the things that will go down and long the things that will go up; it’s the best revenge. Good article, I’ll post it on SLL later today.

  Robert Gore
July 6, 2016 10:41 am

“Once Mr. Quinn and all those predicting disaster are proved right, they will be shunted off to oblivion, the mantra will be, “Nobody saw it coming!””

Thats how it goes. Peter Schiff has mentioned this numerous times. They liked to have him on there with his bearish views on the way up, so they can all tell him how wrong he is, and try to make him look like a crazy person when things appear good, but once he was proven right, he said CNBC wanted nothing to do with him. They wouldn’t have him on there to say “I told you so”. Same with Ron Paul. You can youtube countless videos of him explaining to a bought and paid for congress exactly what the future held, and yet they all still had the nerve to say that no one saw this coming.

July 6, 2016 9:53 am

Excellent piece–added it to my quick reference queue so that I can access these charts for the “all is well” crowd

Gereral pabilsimo (ret.)
Gereral pabilsimo (ret.)
July 6, 2016 10:10 am

“They certainly won’t pontificate on stocks being priced to deliver negative real returns over the next 10 years. ”

This is the underlying truth or reality.

no matter what what you invest in, be it ETF, Stock, mutual fund, hidden inside all these are fees that ensure over 10 years, someone other than you is going to earn about $1k on your $10k. Even if you leave you money in “cash” in a brokerage account, the fee is still there, there is no escape.

the system is designed to feed off of your “investments”
so don’t feel obliged to invest in what wall street offers, you will not see a real return over the long haul.

July 6, 2016 10:50 am

If those banks look insolvent now, just wait another year or two. Quinn/Hussman are right, its not the Brexit, its the debt, which has only gone up since the last crisis. The brexit consequences for banks aren’t nearly what will happen when one of the EMU countries exits. When one of the massively over indebted EMU peripheral nations(such as Greece) finally leaves and defaults, thats when you will see the true depth of their insolvency. Those same banks mentioned in the article are loaded up on worthless Greek paper, which they bought chasing the higher yields since they were implicitly backed by Draghi’s “whatever it takes” pledge to essentially keep lending them money so they can pay interest on the existing debt which is held by zombie banks like DB in Germany and others in Italy. Once Greece or another similar country exits, and reprices their debts in their own currency, they will print their currency into oblivion, and all that paper will be repriced to its real value-zero.

Another factor in this will be the citizens of nations like Germany. Once they finally realize that the money they are shoveling to Greece isn’t really going to pay for freebees for deadbeats, but is instead just coming right back to wealthy bankers and institutions in their own country, they will start to push back a lot harder.

July 6, 2016 11:06 am

A Marxist known as Obama as President, now the most corrupt person in the history of American politics is given a pass by the FBI gets to walk away on her cankles, and she could be President. And now the world economy is about to implode into a total financial and social collapse, this can not be happening, could it really still be 1980 something and I am having a real bad dream, like season 9 of Dallas? If so please someone wake me up from this fucking nightmare.

July 6, 2016 3:43 pm

It is clear. Hitlery will be President. Term 3 and 4 of Obama. The public only follows the Dow and SP and it can be manipulated shorit term. Might even have a bull rage before November. There is no long game here,four months until forever. People actually believe the BLS BS because they were taught to in College and we have about 35 percent college graduates. Things will go swimmingly until election because they are controlled. If a self proclaimed jihadi in Orlando can be turned into a Christian tortured gun nut by Obama and the MSM, how can Shillary no win 50 states? Especially when she has a handy lead in Utah; heretofore, a reliable NRA state. No question the analysis is sound and a financial day of reckoning will arrive but after the election is in the bag and the FSA have been appeased. Then the time will be ripe to not waste a crisis.

July 6, 2016 12:19 pm

And my wife thought I was nuts for stocking up on pm’s throughout April-early June… She’s gone pretty quiet about it nowadays, especially after the very visible implosion of Venezuela’s economy.

I hate it for all the dumbfucks that are going to get faceraped with a dump truck by this collapse but you know what? Fuck ’em. It’s not like there isn’t plenty of warning to reposition ahead of this. And the world will be a much quieter, simpler place once we get rid of the dead weight of all these fucking morons and their relentlessly corrupt institutions. Burn it the fuck down and shoot anyone who tries to put out the fire.

July 6, 2016 12:23 pm

this guy is clueless. another of the thousands that peg it on the CB,, Yellen the criminal Fellon as being bumbling fools. They want you to think that . They know EXACTLY what they are doing which is to destroy the white middle class while stealing the loot. The algos guarantee under the worse conditions that the loot always goes to the jews and the middle class gets screwed. Thats the trading “pattern” that has happened for the last 8 years. .. Need anymore evidence than today? Theirvery in broad daylight.. Market going bad ? Eh.. lets have “technical difficulties” and shut it down. No Quinn has great stuff but nothing will be more scarier than Talmud quotes. It follows the pattern! Read the The Protocols!! I cant emphasize this enough . What has gone on and is , is the script !! .. WAKE UP your being led to focus on the wrong hand !

“. The need for daily bread forces the GOYIM to keep silence and be our humble servants. Agents taken on to our press from among the GOYIM will at our orders discuss anything which it is inconvenient for us to issue directly in official documents, and we meanwhile, quietly amid the din of the discussion so raised, shall simply take and carry through such measures as we wish and then offer them to the public as an accomplished fact. No one will dare to demand the abrogation of a matter once settled, all the more so as it will be represented as an improvement … And immediately the press will distract the current of thought towards, new questions, (have we not trained people always to be seeking something new?). Into the discussions of these new questions will throw themselves those of the brainless dispensers of fortunes who are not able even now to understand that they have not the remotest conception about the matters which they undertake to discuss. Questions of the political are unattainable for any save those who have guided it already for many ages, the creators.

Talmud (credit Brother Nathaniel… Dude you are awesome !!


* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)

[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]

* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)

* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)

* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)

* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)

* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)

July 6, 2016 8:47 pm

Thank you so much for chiming in and posting this. I was really wanting to get an insane religious perspective on this. I’ve long thought central banking and big government were bad, but its never seemed like a complete philosophy, and I’ve been longing for a specific group to blame it on. Now that I know its all the jews fault, I can sit back and relax and hold myself and my fellow citizens blameless. We are clearly powerless against the almighty joos.

July 6, 2016 5:21 pm

You’d better check the date on that bank performance chart again. 7/15? Do you mean 7/2015?

Chowder head
Chowder head
July 6, 2016 5:36 pm

Mr Quinn,Hussman logic is correct if stocks where trading in a real capitalist market,but it’s not.
The Fed will implement some new bullshit scheme and directly purchase stocks as they have already done too bonds.
The big loser will be the fed controlled US dollar

July 6, 2016 8:55 pm

I think these bankster elites hate themselves. They also hate anyone who is trying to enjoy a simple normal life. I used to think that they had a grand plan, but now I think they are like pyromanics and just get off on destroying things. Jerking off watching death, mayham and decadent behavior (pedophilia and all this transgender bull shitte) I hope there is a hell for these demon possessed.

Be Prepared
Be Prepared
July 7, 2016 2:06 am

We are still in the mill wheel and it’s grinding away at our freedoms and our labor diminishing any real opportunity for the pursuit of happiness. We don’t matter. Obummer will continue to allow Syrians and Muslims to stream into this country under the auspice of they are poor and helpless….look what’s happening in Sweden….look at history. This will end badly. Either a nation has it’s laws and defends it’s boundaries or it ceases to exist. These facts aren’t that complex. The average person is told by the Corporate Owned Media that the economy and money and public policy is too complex for we, the peons, to truly understand so it should be left to the professional, bought and paid for, pundits from Ivy Towers (Sorry Admin, but Wharton is included) to decide your future, your value, your life’s opportunities.

Brexit is another false flag… whether they leave or go…they still are going to play ball for the NWO eventually. The pound sterling will only them so far. The UK has no real economy other than the City of London, but is full of immigrants on the dole. They don’t have many options. We don’t have many options. Either we face the pain of allowing the true system to purge all the bad actors and take the impending hits from all the mal-investment or we wait for catastrophic failure and fight for revolution or bow to new levels of servitude. Personally, I’m glad they voted to leave and hope it pushes some unexpected buttons and disrupts this morass of a system. Additionally, I hope Trump does get elected so that he might clog the progressive pumps. I wish we could vote for a Fedexit…to vote for a revocation of the Fed Charter…to vote for Glass Segall…to vote for a national open carry….to vote for allodial title to be upheld…this list could go on almost forever. Alas, Hillary “Cankles” Clitama will most likely continue our demise in ever painful ways….lips meet ass.

July 10, 2016 2:39 am

I hate to have to break it to you, but the UK isn’t going anywhere – vote or no vote.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 12, 2016 12:27 pm

FTSE hits 11 month high Will the celebrity boo-hoos like this idiot

tout this as a Brexit success?

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