Winners Who Won the Wind

NOTE: This essay was near finished around the same time the news broke regarding the FBI reopening the case against Hillary. This latest development is addressed towards the end.

by Uncola

Whoever brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind

Proverbs 11:29

On the morning of Wednesday, November 3rd, 1976, I heard my father tell my mother Jimmy Carter won the election. I have not forgotten how my mother replied. In a resigned manner, and with a fatalistic sigh, she said: “Oh no”, to which my father replied with the same sense of concern, sadness and resignation in his voice: “Yep”. Looking at the pimply faced pre-teen staring back at me from the mirror that morning, I sensed something bad had just happened. Something big. And something that was soon to deliver real consequences of the sort that gave my two small town, main street, Republican parents pause and even a palatable sense of resignation and foreboding.

That was just one of my first political impressions that I was to experience. Although I was too young to fully understand Watergate, I did recall thinking that when Nixon said he was not a crook, it seemed to me he dideth protesteth a little too mucheth. Even then, my young impressionable mind was able to understand at least that much. It wasn’t until years later when I read G. Gordon Liddy’s 1980 book: “Will” that I began to have a better understanding of the Fourth Estate’s solemn responsibility and power to hold the balances of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the United States government in check. Of course this is the main responsibility of a free press: to inform the public regarding the facts of the day.

But what happened? When did the press abnegate their responsibility to not only the citizens of the United States, but to the entire world as well? And, perhaps more importantly, why did we the people allow it to happen? Or did we?

I graduated high school in a Ronald Wilson Reagan world. Having read most of Ayn Rand’s books during my college years, I recall many conversations during and after my university years with those from all across the political spectrum; conservative, independent and liberal. The topics ranged from Star Wars and the arms race with the Soviet Union to the Iran Contra affair to Reagonomics to Trickle -down economics and more. I watched Oliver North testify on live television during the Iran Contra Affair. I saw Judge Robert Bork get “borked” and saw what the political left did with Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, which by the way I thought was very racist.

I watched George Bush the Elder go from an 89% approval rating in February of 1991 following the first Gulf war, to a 29% approval rating in July, 1992 just months before his election loss to Bill Clinton that fall. Then later, I watched the entire Slick Willie and Monica Lewinsky fiasco, which by the way, seemed very sexist to me.

So what is my point? Here it is: My parents, who were both so upset when Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, won the White House, who voted twice for Ronald Reagan and once for George H.W. Bush; by the year 1992, they came to view William Jefferson Clinton as a great American statesman. For me, this was a profound paradox.

Even after Clinton’s “Depends on what the definition of “is” is” and “I did not sleep with that woman”, the blue dress, the blatant dishonesty, hypocrisy, dishonor and downright treason was exposed in the media, my mother told me she thought Bill Clinton must have stolen Ken Star’s girlfriend in college and that’s why Ken was so bitter. How could this be? Was it really just all about the sex? No, Bubba was not impeached for sex. It was the perjury, stupid. Yet even this was whitewashed by a sycophantic press as they lulled the masses to sleep in subtle, near hypnotic, ways.

Looking back, I realize it was not because the mainstream media was burying the Clinton story. That was not the problem. Matt Drudge and Rush Limbaugh made sure of that. After all, everyone knew what was being reported, but now I have come to realize it was the manner by which the facts were being revealed that caused many to suspend disbelief. In other words, the media outlets were “massaging” the news.

There is an old saying that claims: There is a grain of truth in every joke. Another that says: “The best lies contain a little truth” and even another that takes it all a little further as follows:

“In the same way that the best lies have an element of truth, evil is made more powerful when accompanied by grace.”

In other words the facts were being reported on the presidential indiscretions of William Clinton, but, at the same time, the details were being slanted in such a way so as to soften any harshness or judgement, and even to provide empathy for the soon to be impeached president. Empathy that was denied Clarence Thomas by the way. Do you see?

There was a Canadian professor, philosopher and public intellectual by the name of Herbert Marshall McLuhan whose insightful work really shed some light on the phenomena of the “media messaging the message”. In fact McLuhan coined the phrase “the medium is the message” which means that:

“the form of a medium embeds itself in any message it would transmit or convey, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived.”

Marshall McLuhan was a fascinating individual. In addition to identifying media massaging, he also coined the term “global village” and wrote a book in 1961 called: “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man” where he describes four epochs of history: Oral tribe culture, manuscript culture, Gutenberg galaxy and the electronic age. Furthermore, in this book, McLuhan is given credit for predicting the World Wide Web decades before it came into being as we understand it today. In 1962, he actually coined the term “surfing” to refer to “rapid, irregular and multidirectional movement through a heterogeneous body of documents or knowledge” using computers. He said:

“A computer as a research and communication instrument could enhance retrieval, obsolesce mass library organization, retrieve the individual’s encyclopedic function and flip into a private line to speedily tailored data of a saleable kind.

I also find it interesting how McLuhan identified the Middle Ages as “characterized by the heavy emphasis on the formal study of logic” and claims the key development that led to the Renaissance was not the “rediscovery of ancient texts but a shift in emphasis from the formal study of logic to rhetoric and language.”

In his 1964 book, “Understanding Media”, McLuhan identified what he termed “hot” and “cool” media according to the level of involvement required by those engaging with them. Hot media would include radio, film and photography whereas cool media would include television and cartoons because these are viewed in a more detached state of mind.

In his bestselling 1967 book, “The Medium Is the Massage”, McLuhan utilizes the term “massage” to: “denote the effect each medium has on the human sensorium” and this book actually reinforced his earlier claims that all media are “extensions of our human senses, bodies and minds.”

That’s how it’s done. Very subtly, like snake oil salesmen peddling their wares to a detached public. The media masters massage their messages in order to achieve the same effect as an opiate onto the collective mind of the masses. The messages are delivered as propaganda not to inform the public per se, but rather to suggest that which is meant to be reinforced or believed.


This is how globalist shills like David Brooks who first fell in love with the crease in Obama’s pants can compare America to her Olympic Athletes with no mention of dirty little details such as the ongoing collapse of the Affordable Health Care Act, the skyrocketing national debt or the disastrous foreign policy failures in the Middle East. It’s why magazines like Newsweek will claim right wing extremists are a larger threat to America than radical Islamic terrorism. And, it is why the Mainstream Media considers Donald Trump’s unproven misogyny to be more important than Hillary Clinton’s actual treason in a 23:1 ratio.

Obviously the Mainstream Media doesn’t feel the need to hide their bias anymore. According to a recent AP-GfK Poll of likely voters, 56% say the media is biased against Donald Trump. Even worse, according to Wikileaks, we now know a New York Times reporter, Mark Leibovich, has collaborated with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and even liberal news outlets are being forced to admit Democratic National Chair, Donna Brazile passed a CNN debate question onto Hillary Clinton in March of 2016, prior to her primary debate with then opponent Bernie Sanders.

Where is the public outrage? Particularly from the Bernie Sanders supporters? If the indignation is there, the media is choosing not to report on it.

In the years leading up to the 2016 election cycle, we have witnessed the steady decimation of the middle class, the increasing financial disparity between Wall Street and Main Street, open borders, foreign wars, escalating racial tensions and an out of control lawless government. From the very beginning of his campaign, Donald Trump has clearly stated in the media what a lot of Americans have been thinking and feeling. When the media pundits challenge him, he doesn’t back down. Instead, he doubles down and this has made Trump a hero to large swaths of voters nationwide.

For the most part, the majority of those supporting Trump believe him when he says: “Let’s Make America Great Again”.  It’s Nationalism pure and simple. There is a problem though. Nationalism is not in the best interest of the Deep State War Machine and the financial elite globalists. They want to tear down America so they can build their new world order and they won’t let a little piece of paper with “We the People” written on it, stop them.

These jackels are riding the fractional reserve banking behemoth also known as the Creature from Jekyll Island, and they have conscripted their corporate-owned media slaves into service as carnival barkers with bullhorns. The global financial elite currently own 95% of all of the mainstream media under the black umbrella of six multi-national corporations. The sole duty of these companies are to promote a globalist agenda via Technocratic Bubblevison and through the hypnotic power of suggestion, a wicked brew of half-truths, disregarded facts and, at times, complete misrepresentations.

To say the least, the mainstream media today has abdicated their responsibilities to the republic. Most everything now reported from Washington, the Associated Press or from any mainstream media outlets are at worst, outright lies; and at best, deliberately inaccurate. They incessantly make accusations regarding conspiracy theories and arrogantly judge the intellect of those who are awake. Yet they also simultaneously propagate Orwellian narratives like the US Embassy attack in Benghazi, Libya as being caused by a YouTube video. This is just one example.

According those who have abnegated the Fourth Estate today, we are to forget about the Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS and Benghazi scandals. Look away from the Clinton Foundation’s mysterious funding sources as well as its suspected financial misappropriations. We are to overlook the record billions of hollow point ammunition purchased in the last several years by the DHS, TSA, NSA, IRS, USPS and every other alphabet soup U.S. government agency in recent years.  And, we are to disregard reports of 2,700 armored vehicles recently acquired by the DHS as well as the militarization of police departments around our country.  Finally, we should ignore the fact that America’s national debt has doubled since 2008 and disregard how food stamp usage has increased seventy percent since 2008 as the bubblevision reports on the improving economy instead of Cloward-Piven.

In the media, confusion reigns. They like it that way and “keep ‘em guessing” seems to be their motto. One week coffee is bad for you. Another week coffee is good for you. One study funded by the Universal Coalition of Latin American Coffee Growers. The other is funded by the United Proponents of Green Tea Sellers. It’s all narratives and behind the lies there always seems to be an agenda. Why?

There is saying in the Old Testament, Hosea 8:7, that says:

“They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up.


The moneymen and their minions are indeed sowing to the wind and they will soon reap the whirlwind. On Wednesday, November 9th, 2016; We the People of the United States of America will wake up with either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as our President in a country now owned by China. Regardless of who wins, the whirlwind cometh.

To those who are encouraged regarding recent headlines of the FBI reopening the case again Hillary a few weeks before the election, keep in mind even this could be a play by the globalists to orchestrate a Trump win. There are some who claim the best play by the financial elite would be to allow the nationalist movements behind both Trump and Brexit to have their day in the sun. This would allow the establishment to simply collapse the system in any number of ways and thus blame the ensuing wreckage on nationalist naiveté and the foolish dreams of protectionism.

With a Hillary win it will be a fast track to war, financial armageddon and third world status. With a Trump win, the powerful moneymen can simply change the order to: financial armageddon, war and then, third world status. The names may change but the end results will be the same. Either way, the winners have won.

In John Steinbeck’s masterpiece, “The Grapes of Wrath”, a tale is told of migrant families in the Great Depression living in ramshackle camps known as “Hoovervilles”. However, the characters in the book are not portrayed as stupid. On the contrary, they know what happened to them. One exchange between the characters goes like this:

“We’re sorry. It’s not us. It’s the monster. The bank isn’t like a man.”

“Yes, but the bank is only made of men.”

“No, you’re wrong there—quite wrong there. The bank is something else than men. It happens that every man in a bank hates what the bank does, and yet the bank does it. The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It’s the monster. Men made it, but they can’t control it.”

“The bank – the monster has to have profits all the time. It can’t wait. It’ll die. No, taxes go on. When the monster stops growing, it dies. It can’t stay one size.”

The protagonists in The Grapes of Wrath, the Joad family, had difficulty living in their Hooterville and fared much better in their next camp which was run by the government. Ironically, during the next Great Depression that is almost here, life may again imitate art, except this time the Hootervilles will be called “Trump Towns” or Hillary “It Takes A Villages” and the government camps will be run by FEMA.

In spite of the depressing subject matter, the beauty of the prose in The Grapes of Wrath is hauntingly eloquent. In its timeless message Steinbeck has captured what is about to again befall the United States citizenry once again with these words:

“A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a bloody rag, hung over the spot of its going. And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east.”

Yes, darkness comes from the east and an ill wind blows. There is a chill in the air that feels like judgement or even revenge.  The winners have won. Look at all they have won. The world in all of its entirety. The moocher classes have won a little more time to enjoy their free food, high definition televisions, low income housing and Obamaphones as they lip sync to their songs of hip hop and rap tunes in the ghettos. The high rollers have won consolidated global power, a lying media spinning statist narratives and ever growing bank accounts suckling imaginary green milk from the pigs in the pen of the Federal Reserve. They have won. Indeed, they have won, and at such a great bargain. All they had to trade in return were their nonexistent souls.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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October 29, 2016 4:07 pm

Wow. Just WOW dude.

October 29, 2016 4:09 pm

And I mean this in the best possible way.

Big Dick
Big Dick
October 29, 2016 4:11 pm


October 29, 2016 4:46 pm

I’m going to ask this question because I would really like to know “What is the end game?” Ok so civilization collapses, people die, lots of people die, others end up in FEMA camps, life as we currently know it has ended and we are all now serving our overlords. Look the servants are always going to steal masters silver. Especially if their kids are starving. Who is going to gladly service the gulfstream so master can jet off to exotic island paradises and sip fruity drinks with tiny paper umbrellas? That is until everything there goes all Lord of the Flies. Hell who’s going to take the av-gas off the fractioning tower at the refinery to fuel that gulfstream? Who’s on the oil rig supplying the refinery? Who’s at the power plant making sure the refinery and the mansion can run? Who’s going to create the next gotta have it iphone for master and the kids to oh and ah over? It seems a pyrrhic victory at best. People will cooperate and yessir, yes ma’am only as long as it is in their best interests to do so. This is the same question I ask of those who plan on bunkering in until things blow over. I don’t care if you have 10 years worth of generator fuel and food, at some point ya gotta open that door (if no one finds the air intake first) and somehow I don’t think “We’re from the government and we’re here to help” is going to be well received. So again, what’s the end game? How will a lifestyle requiring modern inputs be maintained when almost everyone else is dead and the rest want to see you that way?

October 29, 2016 5:05 pm

You’re assuming the global elites have thought it through that far. I don’t think they have. I think they think they can keep control as the world falls apart. Their mentality is “The one who dies with the most toys wins”.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 30, 2016 10:21 pm

“Their mentality is “The one who dies with the most toys wins”.”

I think you are right; they really do not have any understanding beyond, “what can I get right NOW!”

We need to remember that these are the shallow philosophical children of Lord John Maynard Keynes, the man whose most famous quote is “in the long run we are all dead.”

October 29, 2016 5:47 pm

I think KaD largely nails it. TPTB, The Elite, Our Owners all feel so fucking superior to the dirt people that they honestly feel like we are just going to wake up one day and realize just how fucking magnificent and god-like they really are. Useful idiots like liberal democrats re-enforce this feeling of superiority in them. This is why they look so utterly gobsmacked when Brexit happens or their horse doesn’t win. They think that their meddling and rigging out outcomes will always succeed.

Their own bias renders them unable to see the forest for the trees. Ceausescu and Mussolini are classic examples. Right up to the end they thought there had just been a mistake and that was their undoing.

I can’t wait to see the “oh shit” moment on the face of G. Soros. Assclowns like him become so used to their innumerable small, weekly victories that the possibility of defeat fades from their consciousness.

EDIT: I’m going to enjoy the “oh shit” look on the faces of all the free shitters almost as much as I will on the faces of our owners.

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October 30, 2016 4:41 am

I think these morons think they can WIN a nuclear war!!!!! That they will get out of it largely intact with the ‘right’ amount of ‘military’ rule – perhaps their own military.

October 30, 2016 6:26 am

There is no end-game. It’s crop rotation.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 30, 2016 10:42 am

Razzle- Sadly, you may be right.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 31, 2016 7:42 am

Crop rotation

Flawse a most insightful analogy. Indignantly true!

November 1, 2016 1:04 am

Yes, it will indeed be a pyrrhic victory for the power elites, but they are so out of touch with reality that they choose not to see what’s coming. They would rather spend years living in underground bunkers than renounce their thirst for war. I recently reread Atlas Shrugged. In that book, the evil faction so hated and envied the productive faction mysteriously dropping out and disappearing, that, at the end, the evil faction chose to die rather than to give up its now dwindling power to boss around and control that it was addicted to.

October 29, 2016 5:08 pm

Another excellent piece but I’m surprised you didn’t mention Bernays. It’s all in how you craft the message. I’m reminded of Kunstler, PCR, Buchannan and others of their ilk who always seem to be *just behind the eight ball* of realization. I think they are shills and their writing serves the masses by making the public feel not so stupid in their ignorance.

I know this is a LONG ass video but for those who have never seen it, it is well worth the time. If you do watch it, ponder how much more advanced Bernays original methods have been advanced into every aspect of our lives these days.

October 29, 2016 11:58 pm

IS says: “I’m surprised you didn’t mention Bernays.”

Yeah, I was probably remiss not to at least touch on Bernays. In fact, another whole essay could be written on him. A lot of people may not know that Edward Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. He was very proud of his uncle’s work and accepted the basic premises of Freud (which I don’t necessarily) towards the use of emotional manipulation of the masses through advertising. Bernays changed the term propaganda into “public relations”.

However, when I wrote the above essay, I think I was zoning more in on Marshall McLuhan’s focus on language and the medium itself in the “electronic” age. He claimed:

“The medium is the message because it creates the audience most suited to it. Electronic media creates an audience whose shifting moods are as impersonal as the weather.”

And McLuhan also believed that modern electronic media would wipe away society’s “traditional values, attitudes and institutions”.

If I were to go back and redo it though, I probably would have at least mentioned Bernay’s contributions to the propaganda machine we now know to be the modern mainstream media. Good catch. I may try to watch the YouTube vid as I have time.

October 30, 2016 4:58 am

How much PR work have you done, Unadmitted?

October 30, 2016 10:24 am

How long have I been in the Public Retaliation business? Oh I am just getting started.

October 30, 2016 11:34 am

Yikes Maggie,
4:58…you are an early riser. Have a great Sunday,
to you and yours.


October 30, 2016 11:31 am

IS, Thank you for the video!
Bernays? He was into the art of salesmanship.

This essay of yours is nearly perfect. Nothing is perfect.
You are becoming on par with the brilliant writers on
Rogue Money. My favorite is Wolf Grey. He is very practical
with a laid back style. Check them out if you haven’t, they
may invite you for a guest article.


October 30, 2016 3:01 pm


I have been thinking more about Bernay’s and McLuhan and propaganda vs. massaging the media.

Edward Bernay’s Uncle Freud was big on assigned definitions within the context of the ID, EGO and SUPEREGO. But what I find more interesting is the power of language to affect attitudes.

For example, Freud analyzed dreams in terms of the subconscious mind. But most people don’t realize how big a part language plays in that. The reason we don’t have memories before the ages of 3 and 4 years old is because we have no language to assign meanings to what we experience. The same goes with dreams.

When Bernay’s incorporated the term “Torches of Freedom” in order to sell cigarettes to the opposed women of the early 20th century I suppose this could be interpreted as appealing to the “death instinct” or “immediate gratification” needs as defined by Freud.

Sounds good, but I still think it has to do more with language and assigned meanings. When you dream about a banana it does not have to be a phallic symbol per se as Freud might suggest. Instead, it could be just a banana. Even Bernay’s renaming “propaganda” as “public relations” has more to do with language redefining meanings than anything else. IMO.

This means, taking away language and assigned meanings can also affect attitudes which in turn can (will?) affect attitudes.

McLuhan said:

“It is the extension of man in speech that enables the intellect to detach itself from the vastly wider reality. Without language . . . human intelligence would have remained totally involved in the objects of its attention”

I believe this is how attitudes can be “adjusted” in news reporting. When media outlets headline items a certain way, they know a large percentage of readers may just skim topics in a detached way. This way headlines can tell a stories like: “Violence Persists at Trump Rallies”. But when you actually read the article, it may or may not identify the violence as being caused by Trump’s opponents:

The above article, further “assigns meaning” using language like this little gem:

“rev up his most ardent supporters and taunt his foes at a time when he desperately needs to appeal to independent and moderate voters.”

In other words, Trump “revs up” and “taunts” when he “desperately needs” to “appeal” to the ever so wise “independent and moderates”. My ass. I am not buying that. BUT – one would have to be aware to fight it. This is where the real deception occurs, in my opinion.

But that all said, you simply cannot deny the power of Bernay’s type manipulation and propaganda to reinforce what we all believe we know to be already to be true. This video (below) deceitfully assigns Trump’s passionate disparagement of a dishonest reporter to belittling handicapped children whose Republican Mothers just know their little cherubs would NEVER be allowed to live in a “Trump World”.

I still contend this is done via “language and assigned meanings” as opposed to the unproven and nebulous interfacing of the ID, EGO and SUPEREGO – but this is just my opinion. Of course I haven’t watched your 2 hour video yet, so my mind will remain open.

October 29, 2016 7:15 pm


I think the end game will be the elimination of the population until we reach the numbers that are in the Georgia Guidestones. Make no mistake, this is a war of extermination. Us or them.

DaBirds (Comey's playing us again, citizen beware)
DaBirds (Comey's playing us again, citizen beware)
October 29, 2016 7:58 pm

Nickel, you hit the nail squarely on the head. TPTB would continue to rape the world at their leisure if allowed. But the ultimate goal after accumulating massive amounts of wealth is the reduction of the surface population of the earth.

The shit will hit the fan sooner rather than later and we fool ourselves if we believe that they will suffer as we will. Only Devine intervention allows the hope of a different outcome and Revelations doesn’t paint a pretty picture of that until after whole buttload of bad shit goes down.

That being said… fuck them if they think we will “go gently into that good night”

Si vis pacem para bellum!!!

October 30, 2016 11:35 am


Rise Up
Rise Up
October 29, 2016 7:27 pm

The societal pendulum always swings back the other way eventually.

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October 29, 2016 10:58 pm

Putting so much faith in mere mortal humans has a downside. The high hopes of a perfect utopian society where all human needs are met and prosperity is perpetual have failed. The planned demise of humanity by the elites is upon us. It will be grisly, but there will be those that choose to endure the unendurable. Put your faith in God, mankind has seen this all happen before. Politicians suck!

October 30, 2016 12:41 am

What is happening with the media is actually bigger than the presidency. And the reason it is happening is because people like Sanders wont stand up to it. If he were to endorse Trump, and state clearly that the media is his primary purpose for doing so, it would go a long way towards fixing this.

October 30, 2016 11:37 am

agreed…but he wanted frosting on his cake,
and got bought off.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2016 12:52 am

Unrecognized, I was impressed from the moment you came back with “my ass is clean”. Sometimes, you just know…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2016 1:27 am

When the monster stops growing, it dies. It can’t stay one size.

That’s about it. A family, a small town, can survive on its own but like the government arriving in the new town of Macondo, there is just no escaping the beast.

Imagine a place called Willoughby. There are no financiers. Men pay cash or do without. There is no advertising as the town is small and everybody knows where to go for repairs or supplies. There is no school for children but the chores they must learn to do properly from a very young age. Work is hard and the folks of the town spend their whole days minding their work. The preacher is a sober man who knows that man is condemned to labor and that salvation is best achieved with sweat, a sore back and hard hands.

The townspeople will not tolerate opinions. Every man knows his business better than anybody else’s. They expect a man to teach his sons to do his work and nobody concerns himself with a man that can’t depend on his own offspring. The only time the townspeople got together to comply with a civic duty was the time they tarred and feathered a fellow who talked more than worked and brought in strange ideas about liberals and conservatives. He stirred folks up about things going on in a place called Washington.

When he had the audacity to try to collect a fee for his blather, it so offended the men that anybody would want to get paid for the kind of noise they could listen to for free in the barnyard and with sounder reasoning from the chickens, they grabbed the lout and covered him with pitch. They then threw him in with the chickens that he might reason with them and see if they would pay him for doing no work.

  EL Coyote
October 30, 2016 11:53 am

The beast comes in to extract a fee for your gratitude
for their having imposed the other fee.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 30, 2016 1:46 am


McLuhan put ,”The Truth Shall Set You Free” on his gravestone. His connection to the Jesuits was extensive.

REALLY good article.

October 30, 2016 4:05 am

Unsurpassed, I shared your words with my hillbilly friends and rabbits and didn’t claim to have written it.

I may have IMPLIED it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2016 10:45 pm

Women imply all sorts of things that if you don’t set ’em straight right away, they assume you promised them something.

October 30, 2016 4:17 am

I made a rare visit to the little town on the floodplain of Southeast Missouri yesterday wherein I grew from girl to woman. I looked at the inter-connectedness of the long term relationships there through my rose-cleared eyes.

Is the auto repair person in that little town giving me a fair shake because we rode the same school bus and he married my cousin? Or is he paying me back for being a bitch in high school? It is hard to know.

Uncola, you awaken the poet in me.

We have decided to let the rattle in the transmission “ride.” After all, the worst we could need is a new transmission. Duh.

Bernays is a separate essay. What you managed to do with McLuhan (turn his abstract message into MEANINGFUL prose even an ijit could understand) should suffice.

True nuance in writing involves infusing meaning beyond what a simple word can contain into a single word and managing to convey ALL of that meaning to a reader with that single, simple word.


October 30, 2016 10:37 am

Wow. Thank you for the kind reviews everyone. What is wild is that I didn’t think this piece was going to come across very well because it was perhaps a little self-indulgent?

Anyway, it felt good to write it. EC – I enjoyed your small town analogy above very much and Maggie, bringing out the inner poet is a good thing.

On another note, get this. My wife doesn’t really ever read what I write and that’s OK. She just tells me to do what I need to but to keep my ego in check.

So, this morning, she starts yelling at me to look out bedroom window. She says there is a bald eagle out back and “it looks like it is guarding something”.

I get up, look out and see this. A bald eagle. Crazy.

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2016 11:53 pm

Dang, Maggie you sound so smart. Did you steal that?
However, a female does not grow into a woman. That rite of passage requires something else.

October 30, 2016 8:27 am

This. This kind of writing and fomenting of ideas is why TBP is my favorite website.

October 30, 2016 2:15 pm

It is why TBP fleas are allowed to pester the big dogs. Occasionally one of the vermin has some interesting ideas.

October 30, 2016 9:43 am

Altruism is impossible for humans to practice outside of their family/friends circle. Since altruism and morality were equated by humans, they altered government to force people to be altruistic aka ‘moral’. Government thus became an iron fist in a velvet glove. To survive in this world then, people became ‘PC’, publicly announcing their own altruism and denouncing those with whom they disagreed.

Welcome then, to Hell.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 30, 2016 10:54 am

The power elite have overplayed their collective hand and have milked the system and the population till a large percentage have no hope and nothing to lose . The collusion between government and big business elites has polluted every avenue of our economy to the detriment of the majority ! Now we have enforcement groups within the system that benefit by continuing the orginized theft and financial rape of anything and anybody left standing ! Regardless of who wins the election our situation will end bad “REAL BAD”!

  Boat Guy
October 30, 2016 2:44 pm

Totally agree. This seems to suggest the Fourth Turning, or something like it. There is also the possibility some outside event, geologically or otherwise that could change events dramatically. Isaiah 24 has some really interesting predictions. Velikovsky’s Worlds in Collision is an excellent example. Just saying…

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 30, 2016 4:52 pm

Most followers of Strauss/Howe believe that the current 4th turning started in 2008 with the economic collapse. I believe Neil Howe also agrees with the 2008 date. So we have until around 2028 until it ends (turnings last roughly 20 years).

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 30, 2016 11:03 am

Here I sit alone in my room
Reading political porn and doom
Uncola’s message is clear and true
But the great unwashed have still not a clue
Alas, this divide is building our tomb

  Bea Lever
October 30, 2016 11:59 am

Those troubling thoughts will fade.
Fade in and out. We can’t predict the future,
but we know some people will have a bad time
of it. Are having a hard time of it.
One step at a time, people will wake up. Some people
have employed valuable energy to avoid this awakening.
They have hoped for magic to occur while they slept.
Yesterday a smartie said, “It isn’t so much a collapse that is coming, but rather a return to true value.” Prepare now
everybody/emotionally prepare.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 30, 2016 10:31 pm

“It isn’t so much a collapse that is coming, but rather a return to true value.”

There is no cure for a collapse because the collapse IS the cure.

  Bea Lever
October 30, 2016 2:45 pm

Really, really good.

October 30, 2016 12:01 pm

There is a concept call Self Assured Destruction, these climate scientist have put together a paper that details what would happen if even a small nuclear exchange occurred between India and Pakistan, end result is global cooling (by 10 degrees for 10 years) and the culling of around 1 billion who are already on the edge.

This my friends, is what the global elite are planning on, so forget about climate change, global warming, over population, etc. They have a plan for it:

And, another great post by Uncola.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 30, 2016 4:54 pm

We are moving into a cooling climate, with our without any nuclear winter.

October 30, 2016 12:18 pm

if this is true… here is the end game for the next generation… “you didn’t see that and no your feelings don’t hurt”

University of Florida to Offer Counseling for Students Offended by Halloween Costumes

I shit you not, this was what i read today…. the world is a soft assed pussyfied place now.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2016 1:33 pm

Stucky had QOTD that asked when you first realized that you live in communist country.

Maybe it was the time I heard that journalists had been imbedded with the USA military in Iraq. I thought they should say hacks had been imbedded.

October 30, 2016 3:41 pm

A Masterpiece…loved it, and then had a brief moment of creativity:

To the music of Tom Petty’s “Even the Losers”

Sometimes the Losers

Well, it all got started, way back in ’92,
they survived Arkancide, they shot for the moon.
Telling sweet lies and dreams, we wanted to believe
yeah, but they showed it was easy to forget about me.

Babe, the years meant nothing, it just seemed unreal
cold sucking sound down to Mexico, how did you feel?
New most favored China, with new factories,
yeah, how they showed it was easy to forget about me.

Baby, sometimes the losers, get fed up in time
deplorable losers,
they hang on to their pride
they’re gonna pick up the fight.

We’re still living in the aftermath,
Two directions, a forward path,
shattered hopes might lead to a long bloodbath,
Am I the only one who thinks they’re all psychopaths?

Baby, sometimes the losers, get fed up in time
deplorable losers,
they hang on to their pride
they’re gonna pick up the fight.

Baby, sometimes the losers, get fed up in time
deplorable losers,
they hang on to their pride
they’re on the winner’s side.

Baby, sometimes the losers, get fed up in time
deplorable losers,
they hang on to their pride
might get lucky sometime.