A few cold hard facts for Snowflakes

Via The Lonely Libertarian

  1. You are unique, but not particularly special. No one really cares about your feels.
  2. Rewards are for merits, not for showing up. You want something, work for it.
  3. Success is not guaranteed, to anyone, ever.
  4. Chelsea Clinton is not a typical case. Stepping out of college with a ridiculously overpriced degree in a totally worthless discipline does not entitle you to a corner office, a six-figure income, and keys to the Executive Shitter. Chelsea is a Clinton, and Clintons get special treatment.
  5. You are allowing yourselves to be pawns of the Left who have been grooming you your whole lives to be their frontline in an uprising. Saul Alinsky called people like you “useful idiots”. You are happily following a group of rich, sequestered out-of-touch actors and “singers” who have no intentions of getting in the trenches with you. You are participating in riots funded by George Soros who has his own agenda and doesn’t give a shit about your hopes and dreams. He’ll cheerfully walk on your corpses to reach his goal.
  6. Life is hard. You don’t always get to do what you want, when you want. And no one owes you anything. There is satisfaction in hard work and delayed gratification. And you’ll learn all of this if and when you grow the fuck up.

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Rise Up
Rise Up
November 10, 2016 9:32 pm

Losing should instill humility and is an important lesson in life.

Unfortunately, these snowflakes will probably not learn from it.

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Deplorable Vet Wife
Deplorable Vet Wife
  Rise Up
November 10, 2016 10:04 pm

This is the generation who has not been allowed to fall down or fail. They also have been institutionalized to listen to people in authority like teachers and TV because the Government told this generation to NOT listen to their parents. Now why would the Government say that?? Hmmm? Molding the “useful idiots” from 4yrs old.

November 10, 2016 9:54 pm

My parents reinforced #6 quite often, along with “Life ain’t fair kid. Get used to it.”

Good advice is lost on special snowflakes because they aren’t open to learning cold hard facts, since they already know everything, they’re the smartest people in the room and only their feelings and opinions matter.

Persnickety the elated (no longer deplorable!)
Persnickety the elated (no longer deplorable!)
November 10, 2016 10:08 pm

It’s all good, but this needs to be plastered everywhere and burned into the foreheads of the idiots:

“You are participating in riots funded by George Soros who has his own agenda and doesn’t give a shit about your hopes and dreams. He’ll cheerfully walk on your corpses to reach his goal.”

November 11, 2016 12:30 am

Almost twenty years ago my neighbor had a young son who loved baseball and played little league. His father, my favorite legal beaner and I were good friends and we spent lots of time with the kid playing basketball, fishing and shooting skeet.

One year at the end of the little league season his team had finished near the bottom of the league despite him being a star pitcher. After the final game they handed out trophies to every kid there. My friends son was confused and asked his dad why he was getting a trophy. Dad explained it was for participation and the kid said that “we lost, we didn’t even finish in the top three”. His dad asked him if he felt like he deserved the trophy and he said no so dad told him to give it back……and he did. The coach was flabbergasted. Despite becoming a lawyer, he’s still a good guy.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 11, 2016 12:34 am

Nearly everyone who has taught you has lied – about responsibility, about discipline, about the truth on any given subject. They were not held responsible, and now you will be.
Because reality really doesn’t work the way you were told. It works according to cause and effect, potential and sink, instinct and logic – not feels. Reality doesn’t give a damn about your feels, or mine, or anyone’s – it is solid, not arguable and not flexible beyond its’ own built-in limits. That means if you jump off a tall enough cliff with no parachute, you will die – your feelings, education, opinions or previous experience notwithstanding. And there are no “do-overs” from such an event.
You will learn this, one way or another. And when you bitch about how you were deceived, misled, or misunderstood, you will do it from the grave.
And no one will listen to it, either.

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 11, 2016 12:36 am

A new low…

Mommy, what did you do in college?

Looks like she needs Special K snowflakes.

Found it at Knuckledraggin’


November 11, 2016 12:47 am

I just found out that some of the permits for these “protests” were applied for and granted two months ago presumably in anticipation of Hiligula losing. This comes from Michael Rivero.

November 11, 2016 2:26 am

I am so glad I did not make snowflakes of my kids. Minimal internet, lots of reading, no iPhone. The oldest one I sent him during holidays to do bricklayer work or grinding jobs in a factory. He was paid. When he got enough money to buy for himself the iPhone, he thought twice. Worked too hard to pay for one piece of shitty smart phone, so he bought a Huawei instead and with the rest of the money he decided to buy a telescope

November 11, 2016 6:07 am

My wee one is 11, my biggest hurdle in raising her is to keep her from becoming a special snowflake.

Every year, for the past three, she has decided that she doesn’t need to study for tests, or , at least doesn’t study for the first one.

I point out the likely consequences, then shut my mouth. My child hates to fail and hates to feel singled out.

She then, every year, gets a bad grade, feels horrible, then decides to do what she must.

All because this momma bear is all too willing to let her rise , or fall, on her own merits.

Two of the past three teachers thought I was insane. I’m also thought insane because even though I’ve volunteered every year in her school I refuse to attend the annual awards ceremony for volunteers.

Being rewarded, or throwing a party with other peoples’ money, as kudoes for doing what we should be doing disgusts me.

Attending lavish dinners that cost near as much as the charity raises is not being philanthropic, it’s an attempt to buy your way into heaven while having a great time in a $1000 ball gown and/or tux.

Personally, my god doesn’t work that way, so neither do I.

But, no worries fellow deplorables, the karma for what we have allowed to be done in our names is barreling down on us, and the Special Snowflakes will soon enough find that their Special, Entitled status won’t be enough any longer.

This is a good first test for them. Too bad we all are going to pay anyway.

November 11, 2016 8:20 am

It’s a basic rule of behavioral psychology that you get more of what you reward, less of what you ignore and even less of what you punish.

Reward mediocrity and failure, while ignoring or punishing excellence, and that is what will you will get the most of and it will dominate you.

Something becoming obvious in the news headlines almost every day now.

When things go the wrong way and you don’t understand why, just take an honest look at what you did. You will find your answer there.