I thought by trawling Huffpo CNN, MSNBC and other liberal sites every week that that would be enough to keep me informed on how the other half lives. That and just avoiding most day to day human (oxymoron?) contact with these whack jobs in their native habitats. Apparently I was wrong.

Usually I just skim headlines on various left wing sites and I never delve into the comments sections because I don’t enjoy headaches and I have no time to hang around and ridicule the snowflakes. That changed on election night, the next day actually since it was after midnight for me. I tuned in to MSNBC and CNN after Trump had reached the magic 270.

Wow! In just five minutes of listening to and watching the body language of the talking heads I could tell that my casual skimming of the liberal websites hadn’t even scratched the surface of just how out of touch these people truly are. We missed a golden opportunity that night by not delivering cyanide pills to all the liberal newsrooms across the country. If we had done that, the bodies of all the talking bobble heads……I mean journalists, would have been stacked up like cord wood ready for the ovens. We need to get some enterprising, conservative millenial to sell personal suicide kits to all of these whorespondents and presstitutes before the next election just in case their horse ends up in the glue factory next time too!

One of these morons, Brian Williams I believe, was trying to reassure his leftist comrades that everything was going to be ok because “thank God, we still had the Constitution”. Yeah, THAT Constitution…….the one the leftist scumbags have been using as toilet paper their whole lives……..the living document written by old, irrelevant men that no longer worked in our modern socialist Utopia. I was perplexed as you can imagine. He went on to explain that the Constitution limits the power of the Executive Branch and that it would protect us from Trump. I was still perplexed but he went on to explain further. He acknowledged that the Congress in recent years had given up it’s “war powers” and handed them to the President but that it was now clear that Congress would have to take back those “war powers”. I’m still perplexed but his red diaper doper baby** comrades agreed with him and it seemed to make them feel better.

James “Skeletor” Carville had just started to utter some serious verbal diarrhea I was taking umbrage with but I had to get back to my role as a producer of useful things to support the welfare parasites embedded in the daily productivity of middle class America like ticks. I had thought that many, if not most of these so called journalists were purely propagandists and figured that as such they don’t actually believe most of the bullshit they spew but their minds are just as captured as those of their brain dead viewers.

My bother who lives in Los Angeles North (Boise, ID) called me to tell me about how his eight year old granddaughter who lives in SC is beside herself with grief over Trumps win. I’ve mentioned her brain dead mother here before when relating that her and my nephew were freeloading off my brother and his wife. I was there one day when she was looking for a place to rent. When I asked how it was going she said she was having a hard time finding a place that met her “architectural needs”. I explained that she was a 20 year old, unemployed college drop out with a negative credit score who could not be bothered to help with household chores while freeloading and that her architectural needs consisted of a few walls and roof. Anything beyond that was gravy. I think she decided she didn’t like me after that. I was crushed. Apparently, if I’m to believe that her eight year old daughter is actually distraught over Trumps win, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. In her defense she said her daughter learned about Hillary and Trump in third grade. Third grade!

Later that evening my brother and his wife went out to dinner with two other couples to celebrate the birthday of two of those in attendance. One of the couples brought their 14 year old daughter with them. Once everyone was there and drinks were in hand my brother stood up to toast the people celebrating their birthdays but started out by toasting Donald Trump on his win and his hope that he succeeds in making America great again. Big mistake!

The 14 year old girl flipped the fuck out and began screaming. She jumped up knocking her chair over and ran outside to throw herself down in the flower beds and continued her screaming which morphed into bawling like a baby. Back inside, things were just getting started as a libtard woman walked up to my brother and berated him saying that she and her family were just out trying to enjoy a nice meal and what he had just done was entirely inappropriate. He just looked at her and enthusiastically informed her that “Safe spaces are OUTSIDE!”.  That was it. The whole place erupted but calmed down fairly quick. My brother thinks the libtards found themselves outnumbered and they chilled.

I’ve always had a mild interest in people who fall prey to cults and mental manipulation. The most amazing stories I’ve read of such things come from those who managed to escape North Korea. Control of that population begins at birth. There is no way that either of the kids mentioned above could explain anything significant about either candidate let alone how the election of one over the other might affect the country. I spent time with the eight year old over the summer and politics never came up. Therefore, that leaves only mental manipulation by someone.

At ages eight and fourteen, I don’t recall *any* knowledge of politics except for knowing who the current President might have been or knowing the names and deeds of a few prominent politicians like Washington, Lincoln and Kennedy. Considering the significant dumbing down of education since then, I find it hard to believe that any but the most freakishly high IQ children in this country could know more than I did about politics at those ages and I was one curious little twerp!

That leaves public school as a potential  source of propaganda. Is the indoctrination of young people that advanced? Or, are they getting it from TV shows and social media?

The reaction of the 14 year old at the restaurant reminds me of the SciFi movie scene in Firefly where the normally demur, semi-retarded character River Tam hears a little jingle and the sparkle box and goes full Samurai Warrior kicking ass and taking names as the result of government programming.

If the level of programming and control of the nations youth is this advanced then I truly fear for the future. If Trump fails to empower the people to take back their country I doubt that freedom and liberty will be characteristics used to describe this nation in the near future. Mid to late Millennials and early Generation Z’s, or Zero’s, seem to be content to trust and demand everything from government without question.

Trump seems to be more than a little out of touch on many things so I sincerely hope he has a team of TBP regular types helping him. He’s going to need it if he hopes to make a dent in our problems before his term ends. He needs a Doom Porn Crash Course stat!

**credit to Michael Savage.





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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 13, 2016 8:00 am

Liberals are in fact mentally ill. They should not, however, be humored. Confront them non-violently at every opportunity. Do not let them be comfortable. Do not let them enjoy their imaginary universe. There can be recovery from liberal thought patterns but it takes very tough love and well-focused contempt.

Graf Zeppelin
Graf Zeppelin
  Southern Sage
November 13, 2016 8:26 pm

Actually, should we not encourage Leftists to continue to live in the ideological alternative reality of their own making? We must make it forcefully clear to the Mistaken, however, that we, the good guys, refuse to go along. Part of their “recovery” should entail being made to understand that they are free to join us in the real world at any time, but we will never, under any circumstances, consider ourselves obliged to migrate to their crackpot universe—NFW.

November 13, 2016 8:17 am

The fight to get Trump in office hasn’t been won yet.

We still have to get the Electoral College to actually elect him (don’t think there will be no vicious and threatening leftist efforts to prevent that) and then we have to actually get him sworn in and assume the Presidency (I can think of a number of things they may do to stop that, none of them coming to a good end for our nation if successful).

Be ready to counter these efforts as peaceably as possible, but keep in mind that the left always uses violent means to get what it wants if it can’t get them peacefully. (Demonstrated all over the world for a century and now on the streets of our nation as we read these posts.)

Be ready to meet them on their own terms if there is no other option they leave open to us, and pray that some other option becomes available while while there is still a chance for one to appear.

November 13, 2016 9:20 pm

Thankfully, we have guns.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
November 13, 2016 8:28 am

i wish to thank all those folks able to contribute to TBP in donations whether commentary or financial. of late so many articles of worth and i am so info overloaded unable to read them all. suppose the left will not be truly happy until they get a true leader like the fist of steel guy. a little reading into the history of russia would show where their promise land leads. thanks to all with special appreciation to jim.

November 13, 2016 9:07 am

Other than illegal aliens, who hopefully will be shown the door, life is not going to change for most Americans. Trump has no Storm Troopers ready to do battle in the streets. What is going to happen is a gradual process of executive orders being repealed, new tax rates being imposed, administrative laws he finds objectionable being voided but no abrupt change in everyday life.

What has the left really panicked is that Trump has the power to defund the left and its multitude of Quangos, non profits and community groups that provide much of the employment for the parasite class as he shifts public funding from these useless programs and into more meat and potato infrastructure jobs programs. Of course if you are a leftist making $40-60k per year at Head Start or some Housing Corporation the thought of losing your sinecure there is very upsetting just as it was for a coal miner or oil field worker who lost his job under Obama. The useless parasite might have to be retrained and learn how operate heavy equipment and have to work outside instead of an airconditioned office park. They can then enjoy ‘nature’ which they claim to love though working at a construction site when its 40 degrees and drizzling isn’t the nature they are familiar with.

Big Dick
Big Dick
November 13, 2016 10:35 am

Sorry to somewhat disagree. Severe economic distress is coming and there will be a lot of pain for everyone Red and Blue. Sadly the government lies and statistics have hidden the true status of this country. The bubble is going to burst and it will be bad for a number of years. Get hold of as much cash as you can and hunker down, the shit is about to hit the fan.

  Big Dick
November 14, 2016 11:48 am

Glad to see your having been wrong about the election outcome hasn’t deterred you from further prognostication.

November 13, 2016 9:18 am

I think the snowflake mind-meld was created by federalized education and the media via TV programming as well as propagandized news and is now perpetuated by social media.

Enjoyed this I.S. Keep ’em coming.

November 13, 2016 10:19 am

“That leaves public school as a potential source of propaganda. Is the indoctrination of young people that advanced? Or, are they getting it from TV shows and social media?”

I work in a school system in NJ. I can tell you that the health curriculum is a prime source of indoctrination. You can also find plenty of staff who find it more important to form and mold the thinking patterns of students, rather than teach them how to think and reason for themselves. As I’m sure you’re aware, the NEA is a hotbed of Marxist/Socialist (Democrat) propaganda, constantly pushing out on the nation’s schools. It needs to be reformed STAT. There’ll be heads exploding everywhere when this happens, but for the sake of the country, it must be taken on with serious determination and unrelenting effort. Take no prisoners. Don’t compromise with the enemy. They will only turn on you at the first opportunity. They can’t be reformed. They can’t be trusted. Do this and there will be a future. Fail to reform the schools and there’s no hope. As you’re observing, we’re far into the night, and there is no plan in this regard. Stopping Common Core is a good start, but not removing or neutering it’s proponents in the NEA is a mistake.

Worth noting and equally important is the influence and reinforcement of this toxic ideology in social media/networking. They seem to be getting a pass. No one is calling for reforms at Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, hell, Silicon Valley for that matter. Their efforts were coordinated with the MSM. They’ve become an extension of the Establishment and are thoroughly Globalist in their business philosophy. Snapchat is VERY popular with students in my area. I was speaking to a conservative leaning student last week who told me that there are links to resources and articles in SnapChat, I wasn’t aware even existed, that lead to left leaning news and entertainment outlets, thus ingraining and reinforcing the indoctrination. This is very advanced mind control integration, and scary in it’s reach and scope! If you only had a minor awareness, or are falling for the siren song of Diversity is our Strength and Globalist ideology, and hoping to compromise, please wake up. They have no interest in compromising. None! Compromise will be used against you every time. We are in a pitched battle RIGHT NOW, and we are indeed late in our response. This is going to be a long and painful battle for the soul of the nation, and there is no more time left to delay. The truly horrendous aspect to all of this is that we’ve let our children wander away from us and into danger and now we’ll be fighting them to save our country.

This is our fault. We drank the globalist cool aid, along with most of the rest of the West.

We must make the necessary sacrifices right now to turn the tide.

“We will no longer surrender this country or it’s people to the false song of globalism. The nation state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.” – Donald Trump

These are marching orders friends. I pray we’re up to the task. (If you’re not praying, what are you waiting for?)

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Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 13, 2016 11:12 am

Raven’s telling the straight up truth. From what I’ve witnessed this week: education, social, and parental manipulation…many parents think that by taking on the opinions and tastes of the young, they too shall be “cool”, some teachers and other adults do the same thing, which means kids receive bias confirmation from every angle and no real tutelage in how to think critically and thus form their own, educated decisions — if celebrities say it and social media says it, then it has to be good and true…nobody tells them otherwise.

I truly would like to see the Dept. of Ed. done away with, or at the very least seriously restricted, but the problems are so systemic I’m afraid some sort of federally mandated enema needs to take place. If there was ever a branch of our society in need of a revolution, it’s education. The NEA, at the very least as it now stands, should be gotten rid of imhao.
I don’t really want a market driven, consumer based program put into place because right now in a sense that is exactly what we have, and it’s destroyed education and with it our children. The left has cornered that market.

And I’m sure that Raven here could tell you: Dept. of Ed. has worse than Common Core currently in the works; in fact, it was due to really start up after the inevitable Hillary win. Time is getting very short, if not already past.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
November 13, 2016 10:43 am

It must very difficult for a child to escape from the snowflake mentality while being raised by government agents(some call them teachers) their entire life. From the head start program all the way through high school and college, they are bombarded with pro-goobermint propaganda by these agents of destruction representing the federal department of education.

This is why there is no reasoning with them. They have been brainwashed and told how smart they are by the agents. Everyone can go to college because they are all so smart they are told. In reality they are not smart and about 80% have no business going to college. They should be doing the jobs that the Hispanic immigrants are doing.

We cannot fix them with facts and history. They will never let that convince them they have been lied to by their dearest agents since it is easier to con someone than to get them to admit they have been conned. The only thing that will fix them is a deflationary depression so severe that it collapses all the safety net programs they have come to trust, including public education. When the tears they shed are caused by hunger and hypothermia they will have learned.

  Greg in NC
November 13, 2016 1:53 pm

“The only thing that will fix them is a deflationary depression so severe that it collapses all the safety net programs they have come to trust, including public education. When the tears they shed are caused by hunger and hypothermia they will have learned.”

I’m pretty sure this is the only way. But that may not even be enough. They have to believe the real reason for the hunger and hypothermia.

November 13, 2016 6:04 pm

Krugman will explain it is all the fault of unfettered capitalism.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 13, 2016 11:14 am

Having resided in the socialist republic of Maryland I totally understand the emotional distress we on the conservative right have inflicted upon the left. We see it as a stop gap and hopeful long term correction of our countries direction because we understand simple math ! You cannot spend more than you earn without consequences and yet for some reason passing on $20 trillion in debt is something that never occurs as a problem to our political left . As always it’s not the fall it’s the sudden stop that hurts and I fear the sudden stop is unavoidable . I can only hope a full streamlining of everything along with severe cuts thru efficient use of resources is a start we will still be hemoraging but a few strategic quick clot measures are desperately over due ! We also must remember our violent entitled lefties and their snowflake minions are not going away and will be legally and illegally Road blocking at every opportunity . Let’s hope we can appoint some real JUDGES in key spots to start using the term GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COURT ROOM AND GROW THE FUCK UP ! It is time for adults to take charge !

November 13, 2016 12:01 pm

Enjoyed this very much I_S. Nice job. Would have loved to have been in that restaurant.

November 13, 2016 2:56 pm

Indent Service, thank God most FedEx owner operators/employees are Trump supports . That’s mostly who I deal on a daily basis.Fedx is still not Union.In other words we pay a lot of taxes.That in itself is a red pill.

Indent Service,you do have potential as a writer when you put your mind to it. Now fuck off ?

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 13, 2016 7:48 pm

River Tam was a gifted student until a nameless government agency recruited her for assassin training, or some such. Watch the movie and you see what happens when a bad government decides to test something unproven on an innocent population!

May 22, 2022 4:07 pm

proof of a wormhole in time?