Kid Rock – Potential TBP Reader?

Word is this is photo shopped. Kid Rock who was a  Trump Supporter during the presidential race hasn’t said anything about it that I can find online. Maybe he’s ok with it? Given his appeal to blue collar working types he likely knows which side his bread is buttered on. Someone should send him a link to TBP. 



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December 4, 2016 11:55 am

Definitely shopped. Just look at the wrinkles/folds in the shirt – they don’t follow through onto the images.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
December 4, 2016 1:25 pm

Clearly, a poor Photoshop job. The map without wrinkles and the text which does not conform to his body as well as the lighting mismatch.

  Smoke Jensen
December 7, 2016 8:41 am

Apparently not a hoax.

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Kid Rock launches Trump apparel that features shirts referring to blue states as ‘Dumbf**kistan’ and haters having ‘D’s’ in their mouth

The rocker released three new $25 shirts on his official website
Line also includes a shirt that says ‘God, Guns and Trump’ and a hat that reads ‘Make America Bada** again’
The shirts have been heavily criticized on Twitter for being ‘crude’ and ‘divisive’
Kid Rock said he made the shirts due to ‘overwhelming demand’ from fan base

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