A New Martial Law Is Here

A New Martial Law Is Here


When a military boss is installed as the head of government, displacing civilian leadership, we call it martial law. In the 20th century we expected to see this as the general of an army kicking out a president and taking over. The 21st century has brought us a variation on that theme, but it still involves military organizations ruling over everyone else.

Right now, we’re living under groups that have inserted themselves into the most intimate parts of our lives and stand ready to order force down upon us. The people doing this are a variety of intelligence agencies, and I’d like you to remember that the NSA is the military. So are the Defense Intelligence Agency and half a dozen other spy units.

Here’s a passage from Julian Assange in Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet that makes my point well:

When you communicate over the internet, when you communicate using mobile phones… your communications are being intercepted by military intelligence organizations… It’s a soldier between you and your wife as you’re SMSing. We are all living under martial law as far as our communications are concerned, we just can’t see the tanks – but they are there.

But it’s not just the military that has displaced traditional power. It’s Google (partnership with the Department of State, long-standing CIA ties), Facebook (FBI, CIA, who knows), and a host of other “free” services.

As for bringing force down upon us via new processes, consider these cases:

Perhaps a few of these didn’t involve Facebook corporate or American enforcers, but the point stands: Facebook is the evidence gatherer, with a direct, automated connection to their enforcement partners.

Everyone Is Targeted

We’re used to thinking of policemen working backward from the crime: Get some clues, follow them, then target an individual or two for closer scrutiny. But that’s not the way it’s done now.

Now, under the new enforcement regime, everyone is targeted… in advance.

This has been done in the name of efficiency and safety of course… because that’s what sells. Targeting individuals after the fact “might allow something bad to happen,” and so the aforementioned outfits simply suck it all up – every website you visit, every mouse click, every email, every text… from everyone.

And by the way, there are probably a dozen projects that want to use that data to predict crime. In fact, that’s already being done. Lampposts are now installed with hidden microphones. Again, they are gathering evidence on everyone, in advance. And this on top of cameras everywhere.

So, almost everything you do is already organized to be “held against you in a court of law.” The evidence has been gathered and is available at all times. The new martial law is already here.

And It Gets Worse

All that data is not used merely for enforcement – not by a long stretch. A far more efficient use of it is to manipulate you. But whether they’re nudging you to a more socially useful opinion or to buy a different pair of shoes, that’s how Google, Facebook, and the rest make their money. Their users don’t pay them.

Simply as a means of increasing profit, once these outfits already have all the data, why not use it for three things, or twenty, or a hundred?

Someone said to me the other day: Free is the most dangerous word in the English language. And indeed it is, because free has brought a new kind of martial law upon us all. And what’s worse, millions are addicted to it and many more millions don’t want to know.

And if you’re tempted to think that this doesn’t involve the military, remember that the NSA and GCHQ were teaching military operatives to manipulate people on the internet years ago. Are we really to assume that they haven’t automated this?

New Laws Will Accomplish Nothing

Please don’t let yourself think that new laws will fix this, because they won’t. Laws take long periods of time to write and still longer to implement. By the time they have any effect, technology has moved along and new ways to gather and abuse data have replaced the old ones… then it’ll be years before those are outlawed, presuming that enough pressure is applied.

And pressure is no guarantee either, since the data-grabbers throw a lot more money around Washington than you do.

What Should We Do?

I’ve explained what to do several times already, so I won’t repeat it here. But the essential step is to recognize what’s going on. Without that, nothing else matters.

The truth is that we’re already living under a new kind of martial law. Either we face it or we don’t.

* * * * *

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* * * * *

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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December 7, 2016 3:18 pm

“When a military boss is installed as the head of government, displacing civilian leadership, we call it martial law.”

No. that isn’t what Martial Law is.

And Martial Law doesn’t require military involvement to implement it even though it can.

And we don’t have a Military boss -an active member of our military- being installed as the head of the government, neither Hillary or Trump, Kaine or Pence, is in the Military.

December 7, 2016 5:27 pm

Can you corporatocracy?

Corporatocracy = NWO

NWO = Government of the Corporation, By the Corporation, For the Corporation. What do you think NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP etc are for? They don’t benefit people, they benefit corporations.

Trump may not be a military leader but he IS a corporate leader. We shall soon find out whose side he’s on.

December 8, 2016 8:02 pm

You read my mind.
That is what I have been really thinking all along while everyone else was busy jumping on the ‘he’s the conservative candidate’ bandwagon. The signs are already popping up. Another thing, many dictatorships built a wall, but it was to keep their citizens IN. I suppose they did not tell them that while it was going up, eh? Anyway, he’s the chess piece for the rich corporations for sure. He talks the talk to get them all on board. Then the real script comes out…

December 8, 2016 12:31 am

The only thing we can do is protect our loved ones, help those we can, and pray for direction.

December 8, 2016 8:24 pm

Here’s the deal. This stuff is coming. Let me first say that I am a born again Christian. There are ways I know that this is what lies ahead. Many thoughts may go through our minds. We may think of cruel dictatorships we have heard of in the past. We may start thinking now is the time to flee. If I had small children, I would be. But eventually, and sometime soon, it will be worldwide. In Revelation 13 it talks about a one world government, religion, and economy all under antichrist. That is what they have all been trying to erect for a long, long time. But this is the generation. If you are like me, you have nothing to lose no matter what. If you have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, you are in a win-win situation no matter where or what! If you are in the middle east or north korea, the same is true. Eventually there will be no (or almost no) place to escape to. Our defense was never arms. Nor was it fast legs. Nor is it through the politics of the world, nor trying to amend things from within to bring back more peaceful ways of the past. The past is past. This end time stuff will happen eventually and it is literally here. I am not trying to usher this in or say you should roll over and play dead or lay down and die. The Bible does inform us of our path. And many have bravely faced it before. Sometimes there is no alternative and we are meant to go that way. Think of Stephen in Acts. He was loyal as a faithful witness. He did not deny Jesus to ‘save his skin.’ He did not resist with guns and ammo or try to fight them off. Nor did he engage in eloquent political dialogue to try to reason with his persecutors. No. He gave the clear gospel message of salvation unto the very end, and he went out with honor. In fact, instead of sitting at the right hand of the throne of God, we are told Jesus was standing to receive His first martyr. It is our soul that will matter in the end, nothing else. The way we overcome can be found in Revelation 12; 11:
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Yes, we may leave much behind. But if you think of looking back, think of Lot’s wife. And keep in mind the difference between true gold and fools gold. In heaven, real gold on earth is considered ‘fools gold,’ but all that was done for the Lord will remain forever as real gold for us in heaven.
Matthew 6; 19-21:
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
So turn to Jesus today for salvation so your soul will be safe, and then consult the Bible as for how to proceed in all regards.
God bless!