Good Riddance

Guest Post by The Zman

President Obama is about to shuffle off the stage next week as his term finally comes to a close. He has been spending the last weeks of his presidency celebrating himself. This has included giving himself some awards and giving a farewell address that no one bothered to watch. He and his old lady have been popping up on every liberal TV chat show, and sitting with even minor reporters, for farewell interviews. All of which is supposed to be a victory lap, but it feels more like last call at a local dive.

All of this is being done while members of his cult rend their garments and cry out to the void where God used to exist, asking for deliverance from what they imagine comes next. Moonbats from around the nation have been doing what they can to draw attention to their grief over the end of the age of Obama. The last week has been a weird celebration of what will be remembered as an unremarkable time in the nation’s history. In the long run, putting an exotic weirdo in the White House will not seem very significant.

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Naturally, the press is feverishly working on their hagiographies about the Obama age, but they are finding the material to be resistant. Obama’s signature achievement is a big bureaucratic nightmare that most people see as a mistake. Everyone in Washington understands ObamaCare has to be removed, root and branch, but the debate is how to do it without hurting the feelings of The Cult. The political class knows they have to do something about the spiraling insurance costs set off by ObamaCare, so it will eventually be repealed.

The rest of the Obama record ranges from the narcissistic to the pointlessly petulant. Normalizing relations with Cuba is probably the only thing he can point to that makes any sense. The Cold War has been over for 25 years. No one is putting missiles in Cuba so there’s no point in maintaining the embargo. The Iran deal promises to be a fiasco in the long run, but for now it is just a big giveaway to his coreligionists in order to spite the Jews. US oil companies also got a big giveaway as they are now allowed to do business with the mullahs. Otherwise, it changes nothing.

Modern presidents get too much credit and too much blame for what happens in their time. To be fair to Obama, he inherited a mess from his predecessor. The Bush Klan blew up the Middle East and left the economy a smoking ruin. You can debate the last part, as that seems like a disaster created by the political class in general, rather than the work of just one party. But, Bush started too unwinnable wars and left them for Obama. The best you can say about the Obama foreign policy, though, is he did not start a third unwinnable war.

Even so, Obama will not go down as the worst president in the post-WW2 era as his legacy is mostly nothing. Like the disco era, this will be a time that people describe with, “You really had to be there to understand why it was important.” Once the people who lived through are gone, no one will have any reason to talk about the first black president, other than on whatever day his cult venerates him. That’s the funny thing about being the first to do anything. Most of the time, being the first is the only thing you did worth mentioning.

The reason Obama was a do-nothing President is he was always just a symbol, rather than a man with his own ideas and agenda. The Cult selected him because he ticked all the boxes, with regards to their fantasy of the perfect black guy. He was black, but you know, not really black. Most important, he confirmed all of their opinions about themselves and their ideology. The Cult of Modern Liberalism never cared much about Obama the man, they only cared for as a symbol on their coat of arms.

Obama came to power with an extraordinary opportunity to pass his agenda. He had a huge majority in the House and a 60-seat majority in the Senate. His first big act was to let Nancy Pelosi pass a massive package of freebies for the Democrat Party supporters. Then he sat by and let them turn health care in to a circus of incompetence. His party’s leaders made clear from the onset that his job was to be their pitchman. They had no interest in what he had to say. His job was to sell their plan to the public.

That’s something the liberal media will skip over as they write their re-imagined histories of the Obama years. The other thing they will skip is the very superficial appeal of Obama. He was always just a black guy. Liberal whites and blacks supported him because he was a black guy, not because of anything he said or proposed to do as President. It’s why no one ever quotes an Obama speech. He was always the smiling black guy on the brochure. His efforts to promote Democratic candidates failed because that narrow charm is never transferable.

All of this belies a greater problem with the Left in the technological age. It is mostly just symbolism and ritual. It has nothing concrete to offer in the digital age because it is an ideology crafted in the industrial age. In 2008, the Left promised an anxious public that this gift to the void where God once stood would usher in the glorious future. Instead it was eight years of a stagnant economy, terrorism and droning speeches from a man who, in the end, had only one thing to say that mattered to anyone.

Good riddance.

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entre nous
entre nous
January 11, 2017 12:50 pm

MENA wars for $500

” The best you can say about the Obama foreign policy, though, is he did not start a third unwinnable war. ”

What is Syria?

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
  entre nous
January 11, 2017 2:55 pm

What was Libya? – Without U.S. goading, NATO would not have intervened and used air power to eviscerate Gaddafi’s forces. And, the U.S. provided NATO with more bombs when they ran out.

  kokoda the deplorable
January 11, 2017 3:36 pm

I agree with you both. He may not have ‘started another unsinkable war’ but he most definitely is responsible for the destruction of two more countries and the deaths of a couple million people. You could also argue he bears a lot of responsibility for the continued slaughter in Yemen as well. THAT is his foreign policy record, along with contributing to a decline in relations with Russia, and the continued flood of economic migrants fleeing countries he destroyed into Europe. Some record.

January 11, 2017 7:01 pm

Do you know what was even worse about the Libyan debacle?
It probably ensured that little roly poly in N.Korea will never give up his wmd program.
If you recall,Ghadafi came forward & surrendered his wmd program we did not even know he had-do you think roly poly will be that stupid after seeing what we did in Libya.Death by knife up the anus is not the way to go.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
January 14, 2017 2:51 pm

don’t forget Ukraine

Old Guy
Old Guy
January 11, 2017 1:02 pm

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

January 11, 2017 1:04 pm

At least NFL hotdoggers do their ridiculous cake dances in the end zone after they’ve scored a touch down. This joker dances in the end zone when he’s thrown for a safety.

January 11, 2017 1:05 pm

I’ll celebrate him being gone when Trump takes office.

Even then, I doubt he’ll actually be “gone” and will stay around to create and lead as much interference and obstruction to the new administrations as possible. Something I don’t think any other President in history has done after leaving office (they usually just pass into the political background as they live out the rest of their lives, or at least lend stay out of the way of the new one).

The coming years will be highly interesting times to live in at the very least (interesting, not fun).

January 11, 2017 1:08 pm

My nigga ain’t goin nowheres. He’ll be living just down the skreet from The Donald and will attempt to derail everything the new President tries to do. Fuck him and the Wookie he rode in on!

January 11, 2017 1:28 pm

I have Rush Limbaugh on while I’m reading.
He was just talking about Obama’s speech last night in Chicago.
These people have so much gall it’s incredible.
Guess who was allowed up near the front–Bob Creamer,Kramer,not sure of the last name but he is the political consultant who if I recall is a recent felon and is the guy who was hiring the thugs who were starting the violence at Trump’s campaign rallies.

January 11, 2017 1:52 pm

“In George Washington’s 1796 farewell address, he argued that of “all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” In Barack Obama’s farewell address, he congratulated himself for undermining them.”

“He identified America’s progress in the diminution of its historic religion and morality and urged Americans to embrace greater and greater departures from them. The country’s future, he said, depends upon welcoming Islam and the transgendered, among other favored groups, and eschewing “discrimination,” his catch-all term for any lingering conservatism in the country.”

So, the magic kneegrow believes that our future depends upon accepting Islam and our country’s 105-106 transgendered lunatics. That really is special. Don’t kid yourself, Obama’s relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood goes far beyond the sympathy-for-the-minority stage. Obama is guilty of conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood in their grand scheme of “civilization” or “stealth” jihad of Western civilization. He repeatedly takes credit for the destruction of Judeo-Christian principles and morality, in the U.S and Europe, for the benefit of Islam and its global quest of conquest of all other religions and political systems. To that end, Obama is a traitor to this country and should be tried as such in a military court.

Islam, unlike Christianity and Judaism, is not just a religion. In fact, about 80% of the Quran speaks of the political and civil empowerment of Muslims and only 20% about religious concepts. Obama, having been schooled in Islam as a young boy, is fully aware of this. He is also fully aware of the Islamic concept of “hijra,” or conquest through migration, and he has been doing his best to facilitate this “Trojan Horse” concept in the U.S.

It is critical for the survival of Western civilization, as we know it, that the incoming President puts a stop to the U.N.’s and Obama’s secretive placement of non-assimilating Muslims from the Middle East, and from African refugee camps, throughout our country. Let the liberals and cuckservatives call those of us who support such an effort racists, xenophobes or Islamophobes. That is a small price to pay compared to standing by and saying or doing nothing while our culture is laid to waste. A wise man once said that the word “Islamophobe” itself is a reflection of a “deep-seated Islamic intolerance and an absolute rejection of freedom of speech.” Trump must put a halt to the immigration of so-called “Syrian refugees,” and sub-Sahara Africans of which 98% are Muslim. He must also put and end to the denying of asylum for the Middle East Christians that are being subjugated to genocide such as the Chaldean Christians from Iraq. These are the true refugees of the Middle East – not the Muslims. Obama’s actions in this arena have been truly despicable, anti-Christian and anti-American. I will say it again; if you believe that there is even one Christian bone in Obama’s body, then I suggest that you are delusional. His heart and soul are owned by Allah.

Traitors should be hung by the neck until dead. Read more about the “conquering loser” here :

The Conquering Loser

January 11, 2017 2:01 pm

I have to disagree with him NOT being the worst president of my lifetime and that his effect is zero.
The economy is in ruins, he gave himself a peace prize while we were ‘at war’ (really just an illegal foreign occupation” every single day of his terms. He set race relations back decades by supporting BLM and thugs with long rap sheets who got themselves killed trying to evade arrest. The only people who have anything to thank him for are the perverts who want to see little girls in the bathroom.

January 11, 2017 2:11 pm

Good riddance is right, even though I know he is not going to disappear into the sunset the way W did, I’m looking forward to not having to listen to his smug, condescending, holier than thou rants any longer. And no longer looking at the starry eyed, brain dead disciples of his hanging on every word like it is gospel.

Good riddance indeed!

January 11, 2017 3:09 pm

…a weird celebration of what will be remembered as an unremarkable time in the nation’s history. In the long run, putting an exotic weirdo in the White House will not seem very significant.

Which “exotic weirdo in the White House”? A billionaire businessman who’s been received by the American electorate as the better alternative to a whole cadre of career suckers-on-the-public-teat, or a Red-diaper-baby “community organizer” who’d begun his political career as a functionary of the Cook County machine?

How about that “exotic weirdo” whose only proof of identification is a forensically proven forged birth certificate, and who is arguably a Moslem citizen of the Republic of Indonesia?

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
January 11, 2017 5:35 pm

Part of his (its) fairwell was They didn’t think we could “pull it off” did he mean that they could keep a secret about him an his livein faggott michael? These faggott nigers need to die now.

  Jack Lovett
January 11, 2017 11:14 pm

Jesus Christ, don’t you have a functioning spell-checker?

By the way, kudos to you for your very first post which DOESN’T feature some sort of anti-jew sentiment. Progress!

January 12, 2017 3:20 am

Rdawg – you beat me to it. He still has the genocide theme running, though.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
January 12, 2017 8:23 am

To not have to see that exotic weirdo’s smug look as he moves his head from left to right, as if speaking to an audience, as opposed to the actuality of reading teleprompters, will be a long awaited relief. Of course he could not have pulled off the illusion of being a good and sincere speaker without the MSM’s complicity in the way they positioned their cameras.

It reminds me of a few words one of the worst managers I have ever had said to me…”perception is more important than reality”. Much like obozo, he fucked up everything then walked away.

His leaving(if it happens) will not be that grand an event since his brain-dead, violent, righteous supporters will still be slithering among us. Until we cleans the society of their ilk we will not be safe. However, the coming civil war should offer that unique opportunity.

January 13, 2017 1:06 am

Barry’s foreign policy and overall legacy can be brevitly summed-up by: “Remember Benghazi, and on whose watch it was.”