Impeach Trump for Rape?

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January 21, 2017 8:14 pm

sorry, decline to listen. I have the word rape coming out of my ears.
I think these women are totally nuts, and I haven’t even listened. 🙂

January 21, 2017 11:04 pm

Oh it’s worth watching! You’re not wrong but the sheer idiocy of these cretins is comedy gold!

Why do people find it so fucking hard to say “I don’t know.” when asked about things they clearly know nothing about?

January 21, 2017 8:16 pm

When I see stuff like this, I get this overwhelming sense of doom. It’s how Hillary won the popular vote. It’s like that movie Arachnophobia, except with Valley Girls, um…, like…, ‘ya know?

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 21, 2017 8:24 pm

These same women voted for Bill Clinton and kept pulling the Dem. lever for future elections. If Trump won on the Dem ticket, this March would not occur.

I was going to say that our education system has failed, but it goes further – our society has failed. I am so tired of having to hear these humans speak that are missing 1/2 of their grey matter.

Arnold Ziffel
Arnold Ziffel
  kokoda the deplorable
January 21, 2017 10:24 pm

Hillary’s campaign was partial funded by the Saudi Patriarchal Rape Culture. Where’s the outrage?

January 21, 2017 8:25 pm

I seriously doubt Trump would want to Rape any of those Skanks.
Me either.

January 21, 2017 8:27 pm

“Pussies, pussies everywhere. But not a one to fuck.”

Except maybe the guy. And I’m not even a homo.

January 21, 2017 8:59 pm

Women too fucking stupid to be out on a street.

January 22, 2017 9:30 am

January 21, 2017 9:07 pm

I really wonder if ANY of the folks at todays march interviewed said,uh,you realize,you are talking about bill clinton and called them idiot press,come on,even one?!

Seriously,how did these folks even figure out how to get to dc?!

January 21, 2017 11:25 pm

The obese skank who said all victims should be believed is a real piece of work. So, John Lewis, negro civil rights “icon” can never be criticized and women who claim rape never lie. Got it.

January 22, 2017 2:27 am

Thats different FM, if we were protesting about you, then we should be informed who your name is. Trump RECENTLY had the women mentioned by the Rebel reporter do a press conference at the presidential debate, no excuse for missing it or forgetting. The ones protesting are like sheep, also mostly fat and/or ugly, while the guys with them look wimpy.

January 22, 2017 3:47 am

Was the entire march composed of fatties, cat ladies, and the senile? I did see a couple of trannies or wanna bes, loved the guy in a pink bra with his kiddies. But isn’t that child abuse.

Anyway this is the only way these creatures will get any kind of attention.

January 22, 2017 9:35 am

Agree. Why is it these SJW’s are ALWAYS fat, ugly, pierced, inhuman and dykes? Has ANYONE ever seen one of these creatures that did not have more cats or dogs than human companions?
I suspect most of these “women” and their barely male cohorts are MAN HATERS first, and everything else revolves around that ideology.
My wife has a SJW friend that was recently divorced, and naturally overweight, pissed off at the male world and also believes Trump is the Antichrist. Lots of animals that are identified has her “children” too. It is fun to get in debates with her when she is at the house, as facts tend to trip her up. Oh, yea, and she is working on her “masters” with no hope of ever paying back the student loans from her chosen career.
This is a personality type, and a stereotype wrapped up in one ugly package, and I see it as my duty as a man to rib these “types” every chance I get. Think of it as sport, the faster I can “trigger” one, the more points.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
January 22, 2017 1:12 pm

I’m annoyed she didn’t reveal that it was really Bill Clinton, not Trump. Those are the reactions I’d have loved to see, where they have to make their brain do a 180°.