Question of the Day, Feb 25

Why are 90% of Hollywood types completely nuts? Here’s a few recent headlines, I could go all day…

Jodie Foster tells US travel ban rally: ‘It is our time to resist’

Jack Black Calls On Hollywood To ‘Talk More S**t’ About Trump At The Oscars

George Clooney: Trump and Bannon the Real ‘Hollywood Elitists’

‘Seinfeld’ Alum Jason Alexander Spars With Trump Supporters Over Gen. McMaster’s George Costanza Reference

Whoopi Goldberg Slams Trump For Reversing Protections For Trans Kids: ‘Isn’t It Hard Enough to Be in High School?’

Ellen DeGeneres ✔ @TheEllenShow
Just seeing the news about removing laws protecting trans people. This isn’t about politics. It’s about human rights, and it’s not okay.

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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February 25, 2017 10:48 am

Because the Louie the Lunchbox Deplorables pay to see their crap.

February 25, 2017 10:20 pm

The irony of this will be the decline in box office for the most vocal Hollyfucks. If I see Kim Kardashian’s uninvited ass on another clickbait sidebar I’ll puke.
Anyway, they’re alienating (at very least) 50% of their potential audience, along with the Very Fake News MSM.

February 25, 2017 11:08 am

They just consider themselves to be superior and above the common masses, the natural lords and leaders of those masses even though separate from them.

Sorta like the French Aristocracy shortly before the French Revolution.

February 25, 2017 11:11 am

That’s easy. They’re empty attractive people who get paid to lie for a living.
The better the liar, and more empty the vessel to fill, the more they get paid.
And like Meryl, when they speak for themselves, they have nothing to say.

February 25, 2017 11:27 am

Because they don’t have enough adversity in their lives like having to support their families with a regular job, or wondering if they’ll be able to pay the next mortgage payment. You’ll notice that whenever one of these hollywood types approaches bankruptcy they don’t appear to be so nutty. They appear pitiful and miserable like the majority of working stiffs. They lose their money and nobody gives two shits about what they have to say. This should serve as a warning to aspiring hollywood types but it never does.

i forget
i forget
February 25, 2017 11:46 am

Why is anything this as opposed to that? When it comes to people, why is a wasted lamp rub•wish. As is boycotting entertainers because they are kooky “off stage.” I don’t care what my auto mechanic does off stage, either. & if there was an auto mechanics Oscars, I wouldn’t be interested to watch.

  i forget
February 26, 2017 9:26 am

I’m sure activist KKK member mechanics are pleased to hear that.

i forget
i forget
February 26, 2017 12:14 pm

if a sheet-wearer (offstage) was good enough to be my mechanic he’d also probably be smart enough to know his bed clothes fetish had nothing to do with our ongoing business – so “pleased” would not apply.

February 25, 2017 12:33 pm

All of the above but the main reason is Hollywood is owned and run by Jews who openly promote culture Marxism propaganda to the rest of the nation.Those Jews/ Gentiles of lower rank know that in order to get the good jobs they have to tow the party line of the ones that own the studios / casting houses.It is Their way of showing loyalty to the Hollywood elites who control their success.

i forget
i forget
February 25, 2017 3:14 pm

Well, line toe•age is pretty norm, everywhere\when. When I worked for others, it was their line, mostly. When others worked for me, it was my line, mostly. No h-wood monopoly on that. My tv is owned & run by me, tho. Unless the subliminal meassaging told me to say that.

Here’s a begged q: is a less than starbright star who opens his mouth – & is safe to do so, speech freedom & all that – preferable to one who keeps trap shut, but “votes” anonymously?

February 25, 2017 1:06 pm

Money, Sex, Drugs.

February 25, 2017 2:46 pm

Why should I care what these critters think or opine? They act out fantasies, written for them, directed by people who are perverts, produced by deviants.

Many are ill educated. Most are dullards.

February 25, 2017 6:45 pm

It’s not about caring what they think, it’s about caring how much influence they have over people who you have to function with. Especially children soon to be voters/spenders.

February 25, 2017 4:14 pm

How many videos did we watch with blacks thumping whites if, black lives didn’t matter?


“If I see another 45-year-old white woman from Williamsburg saying ‘black lives matter,’ I’m going to punch you in the mouth, stop doing that”
Leslie Jones of SNL fame……..

“I want to be in love,” she said. “I want to do that, but it’s 2017, and we got a pig in office. The world is about to end.”

Fucking BooHooHoo

Hollywood types are only relevant because media makes them so. Idiot liberal fucknut losers who believe the hollowhead losers that make shit up everyday are sooooooo insightful.
This shit has got to end someday, I hope.

February 25, 2017 11:35 pm

Simple. There are no consequences for their actions.

February 25, 2017 11:42 pm

They have NO connection to reality. Their jobs involve literally CREATING new reality out of thin air for entertainment. They are judged on the shallowest of measures – looks and their ability to FAKE REALITY. They are paid grossly extravagant amounts of money (indeed, the industry is willingly handed massive amount of money from consumers) for producing NOTHING of substance. They live in homes and enclaves that allow them to NEVER deal directly with the rest of society that works 40+ hour weeks and 50+ weeks a year. They have millions of “followers” that hang on their every insipid word…….do I need to go on?

February 26, 2017 10:25 am

Its because they have sold their souls and spread their legs for a few shekels. Either they support the Hollywood agenda of US subversion and degeneracy or they are out of a job. Having not an ounce of morality and a twisted drug induced mind helps too. It is fun to watch these morons because they do not have a clue that Hollywood is finished and will be bulldozed to the ground before this revolution is over. To go from a high paid actress to someone serving tables at the local greasy spoon will come as a shock to most.