National Propaganda Radio strikes again

From Crimson Avenger at Defiant Thinking

I do my best to avoid the mainstream media – I find the bias so extreme and so blatant that I have a hard time listening to it. In my household, however, NPR is harder to avoid, as my wife is an avid listener. I usually find myself waking up to a snippet of their coverage, and their efforts to carry water for the establishment, while perhaps not as in-your-face as the commercial media, are completely transparent.

Such was the case yesterday morning, when I arose to a segment titled “Russians Devised Detailed Plan To Influence U.S. Voters, Reuters Says.” It featured one reporter interviewing another (a pet peeve of mine, done regularly on NPR). The second reporter, from Reuters, was on to talk about his “evidence” that a Russian think tank proposed a plan in 2016 to interfere in the U.S. election.

His evidence:

  • The think tank was a government entity, with the director appointed by country’s president.
  • The think tank wrote a report suggesting that US policy was harmful towards Russia, so the country should attempt to influence the election “through media and social media.”
  • The reporter asserts that “there was a very active campaign including using hacked materials from the Democratic Party and disseminating it on the Internet through Twitter and through news platforms like Russia Today and Sputnik.”
  • There was a meeting in March 2016 between the Putin administration and various Russian media outlets.

Boy, you’ve got those rotten Russians dead to rights now!

Seriously, the propaganda here is so overt, and so weak, that NPR should be embarrassed. But I’m sure they’re not – they’re just doing their part to advance the narrative. So let’s look at how incredible (as in not credible) this is.

  • The reporter fails to offer any primary sources – the reader cannot find a copy of this think tank report, nor do we know anything about his anonymous (US) sources. I suppose he thinks we’re just willing to trust him on this?
  • The Putin administration met with media outlets in March 2016, before either primary was complete. The reporter doesn’t even pretend to know the content of that meeting. (And consider that it’s pretty common for media and governments to talk – just think about the multiple off-the-record meetings with reporters in the US, not to mention the familial crossover.)
  • The think tank report comes out in June 2016, after – not before – that meeting.
  • Evidence indicates that the DNC materials were leaked (likely by Seth Rich), not hacked, and the Podesta emails were accessed through a common phishing scheme, again not a hack.
  • Did Russian media disseminate that uncovered material? You bet. It’s called reporting, something the US media failed to do. Voters deserve to have all the information they can find, and this was fair game.
  • Did Russia Today and Sputnik advance a story line favorable to Russia? Obviously. Just as the US does, both domestically and overseas (hello Voice of America!).
  • Did Russia Today and Sputnik reach many Americans? According to cable channel news ratings (via the Washington Post), Russia Today reaches less than 30,000 viewers per day in America. They get more attention via YouTube-based video clips – clips like “Trump Will Not be Permitted to Win,” an English-language clip that garnered more than 2.2 million views prior to the election – but there’s no way to tell how many of those are US viewers. (I don’t have data for Sputnik but would be stunned by information showing a wide US reach.)

Yet despite this spectacularly weak sauce, we have a national media outlet advancing this story, which was later picked up by PBS despite no hard evidence, a lack of logic, and a denial by Russia.

With “reporting” like this, is there any question as to why the vast majority of Americans are misinformed?

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 21, 2017 1:49 pm

Whether liberal like NPR or conservative/alt right, only very discerning listeners can safely listen/read/watch without being indoctrinated. It’s like eating pufferfish sushi. It’s deadly unless you know what you’re doing.

April 21, 2017 2:34 pm

Does not matter…..Trump will forever be known as the 1st US President elected by Russia.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 21, 2017 11:43 pm

He’ll be known as that according to loons.

April 22, 2017 1:24 pm

Apparently chumped Russia as bad as he chumped us (not me specifically).

April 21, 2017 4:50 pm

“On a phone call with a longtime friend a couple of days after the election, Hillary was much less accepting of her defeat. She put a fine point on the factors she believed cost her the presidency: the FBI (Comey), the KGB (the old name for Russia’s intelligence service), and the KKK (the support Trump got from white nationalists).”

April 21, 2017 9:03 pm

I prefer to think of him as the first transgendered president, as Fred Reed said. He started as a male, then morphed into Hillary Clinton after the election.

April 22, 2017 10:00 am

nkit, she needs her base to think that her total failure to even go out and campaign had nothing to do with her loss, and neither did the fact that she’s the most widely despised candidate in history.

April 21, 2017 5:39 pm

First, this is not news, not even bad news, but unadulterated propaganda so there is no basis for rational evaluation of the content. Second, accepting that NPR is a propaganda station, who exactly is behind this? How is a public broadcaster such as NPR, BBC and CBC controlled. My guess is that the “right” people were put in charge of programming and news with a mandate to promote a particular agenda and narrative. The so-called “journalists” are trained like monkeys to follow orders, otherwise they are out of a job. I know this for a fact because I have seen talk-radio hosts fired for veering from the official narrative. This is not a free media but an Orwellian media which of course selects “journalists” who are prepared to trade truth and honesty for a pay check. How they rationalize being journalistic whores I don’t know but I do know they get angry when they are exposed as propaganda agents.

April 21, 2017 7:58 pm

Thomson-Reuters is a corporate sponsor of the Rockefeller/CFR. Reuters president Stephen J. Adler is a CFR member. Reuters correspondent Ned Parker, featured in the NPR interview, is a CFR member. Thomson-Reuters is also a corporate sponsor of NPR, according to the NPR annual report. Taxpayer funding for NPR comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB vice-chairman Bruce Ramer is a CFR member. Other CFR members include Bill Clinton, John McCain and George Soros. See member lists at cfr org.

April 22, 2017 9:24 am

Powerful documentation. Just following the money, ownership and affiliations provides a lot insight into the propaganda and subversive Main Stream Media. The inescapable truth is that the western world does not have a free main stream press/media and we all live as serfs in an Orwellian world created for us. The real tragedy is that most people are quite happy to live as serfs because they seem unwilling or perhaps unable to even consider that we live in a FAKE universe. 24/7 brainwashing from kindergarten to adulthood has taken its toll which only strong and independent thinkers are able to resist. Most people are victims of the Stockholm Syndrome such that they now bask in their serfdom. And as a general rule, women and minorities seem to be more susceptible to brainwashing which is one more reason why democracy with universal suffrage is a total unmitigated disaster. Democracy is truly the god that failed because it allowed our Constitution, government, media, universities, churches, banks and corporations to be taken over by our slave masters.

Horace Turlock
Horace Turlock
April 22, 2017 9:55 am

I live in a rural area and can get just 1 radio station…….NPR. Special kind of hell. Every point of discussion, all day long, from every angle, ranges from mildly critical to overtly hostile to Trump, conservatives, traditional culture, etc. NPR is a tactical arm of cultural Marxism. Frankfort School radio. It is particularly galling to have them tax payer funded. I find their Lake Woebegone style self admiration smarmy. I almost get sick and frequently tune out.