On the Pursuit of Pussy in the Age of Decline Part 1

Upon the highest hill in the land of my fathers was a burning bush and it spake unto me in a resonant voice saying, “Seek ye my kinsman, the burning platform, and go hither unto the men that dwell upon it and bring this knowledge unto them, for thou shalt betray thy sex that these men shall know of the three sacred tenets needful for them to be saved from all peril in the pursuit of pussy.”

And I said, “Okay.”

1. Women want to please men, but modern media keeps telling them they shouldn’t want to please anyone but themselves, and most modern women are addicted to modern media.

2. Women are angry because they suspect (and cannot afford to admit) that it’s a man’s world and that most of their power still and always will derive from pleasing men.

3. Women Still Think Like Slaves. This is why:

• For the past five millennia 49.76% percent of Earthlings were considered to be the legal property of their father or male head of the household. Ultimately, they married for a negotiated price and became the legally transferred property of their husbands.

• Up until the final few decades of the 20th century, it was the husband’s right to force his wife into sexual intercourse. There was no legal recourse available to the female—it wasn’t recognised as a crime.

• One hundred years ago, a woman defying her spouse or father could be legally beaten to within an inch of her life, committed to a madhouse or imprisoned in a convent.

• One hundred years ago, failure to conceive a child in wedlock was grounds for divorce with no guarantee of financial settlement.

• Miscarriage or deformity in a newborn was universally assumed to be the entire fault of the woman and the consequence of sin or character flaw on her part.

• One hundred years ago, women had no vote.

• Historically, every time a woman reclined for any reason other than sleep, she risked death: of reputation, from sexually-transmitted disease, or from complications in childbirth or infection afterwards.

• The only employment options open to an unmarried woman were servant or prostitute; post-Industrial Revolution, you could add mill worker to the list.

• If a woman found herself in charge of un-entailed property and income (having outlived every possible male inheritor), and if beyond childbearing age and thus undesirable as a wife, and lacking the protection of a noble title in her own right, then she would find herself vulnerable to any male willing to publicly declare her incompetent, mad, or a witch. She would be stripped of all assets, with the spoils being divided between those who had orchestrated her downfall who might then dispose of her by locking her away, turning her out on the road to starve or burning her at the stake.

No one can shed millennia of cultural conditioning in just a generation or two, and like any group of former slaves most modern women haven’t exercised real agency long enough to learn to cope in positions of power with any reliable degree of responsibility or grace.

Women tend to operate underhandedly, from the shadows, behind other people’s backs, excelling in the tactics and strategies of emotional guerrilla warfare. They have the long memory of slaves and can nurture a grudge that will be passed down for generations.

Traditionally, unhappy women set up a non-stop, low-level drone of discontent interspersed with episodes of harpy-like fury. This tendency is the hallmark of any human convinced at a molecular level of their own powerlessness. Like toddlers. And liberals.

Young women tend to employ honey rather than vinegar to get their way, until the day they discover their sweetness has no more allure. They appear fun and free for a while, but Time lurks like a spectre in the doorway, tapping his foot and checking his watch, and the pressure to cultivate and secure economic and emotional payback rises with every sexual transaction young women undertake.

Women of a certain age and predilection may pounce, devour and move on with the insouciance of a libertine, but it’s an act—I assure you, it’s always an act. Modern women’s minds have been pounded, poured and vacu-formed by the liberal entertainment cartel to believe that being a floozy is not only their right, but their sacred obligation, to show the world… to show the world… something something empowerment something…

These woman are emotional ticking time bombs. What makes older women particularly dangerous is that they have experience combined with a backlog of rage sufficient to slash and burn a man’s entire life to the ground, and the frequency and severity of payback meted out by angry women rises with time and notches on the headboard. Most are jaded party girls or bitter divorcées with a lifetime’s worth of transacting sex for attention and increasingly coming up short-changed. They begin to confuse bullying with being strong; caustic insults with wit; narcissism with self-esteem, fascist policing of others’ behaviour with being a good citizen and the current classic, blaming Straight Western Anglo-Saxon Males for everything they don’t like.

For every modern woman wandering the perceived wasteland of her fourth or fifth decade it begins like this: one day she wakes up and decides to go shopping. The man behind the cash register seems distracted as he absentmindedly completes the transaction and it suddenly occurs to her that it’s because he’s continually glancing at the younger, radiantly lovely woman in line behind her. Or, after a lifetime of men offering to carry that heavy parcel to the car, the day comes when they stop and they never do it again, unless it’s their job and they are tipped handsomely afterward. These women can run to the surgeon but they cannot hide from the creeping epiphany that most men aren’t very nice to women they don’t desire.

It’s enough to make a woman throw every chip she’s got on the gaming table, then burn down the casino when she realises she’ll never hold a winning hand again.

Historically, the cost of procreation included risking an agonising death during childbirth, expiring afterwards from infection, or being abandoned and cast out to die in either the poorhouse, the whorehouse or the asylum. Nowadays, the first two dangers are alleviated by modern medicine; the latter, by socialism.

Women are now able to spawn with impunity, yielding an army of feral dole babies who grow up to… spawn with impunity. And vote to continue the gravy train that foots the bill. In most of the United Kingdom having six kids from as many fathers is seen as a career move, and all with the full and rancid support of liberal policies. This is a running scam on borrowed time and any moment now the patched and mended safety net of social services will snap from the strain. In procreation, these women have become a force for destruction.

Modern women now insist upon total risk-free acquisitiveness as their right. This is why nearly every sexual encounter Straight Western Men undertake is accompanied by either a demand for emotional security or material recompense; material doesn’t necessarily mean cash—young women will happily settle for swiping your shirts as a trophy.

Like any slave, most women can still be had for the right price; their overriding concern after a certain age is landing the richest and most powerful master, preferably within the bonds of matrimony, then sealing the deal by conceiving as soon as possible.

The current generation of females lacking loving fathers or other healthy male influences are most likely lost, and we have to let them go. But there is good news: human nature always prevails.

Compared to collectivist ideologies, (which history has shown requires repeated applications of an iron-toed boot to the face in order to maintain) capitalism is a much better fit with human nature and is why the most vibrant part of the moribund communist regime of Soviet Russia was the black market. In much the same way, human nature dictates that every upcoming generation rebels in an attempt to form a personality distinct from their spawners. It’s as reliable as a patellar reflex, virtually every kid goes and does the polar opposite of whatever they’ve been taught; or at least the healthy ones do. From sea to shining sea, the joyous refrain will someday ring out: Take off the pussy hat, Mom, it’s embarrassing.

But until that day what does a Western man do when faced with a modern woman? You can’t come on too strong, can’t come on too tender, you are weary of being belittled and blamed, can’t fight the system that seeks out and exploits every low female impulse for commercial gain—it’s too vast, too entrenched, and most modern women haven’t been free long enough to even recognise there’s a Matrix to unplug from.

We’ve arrived at this sorry pass after half a century of increasingly onerous legislation all in order to avoid upsetting The Lay-deez. Look around, does anyone over the age of two look happy to you?

For the time being, forget about pleasing women. It will never work. Instead,

Be a Man.

It was a good evening. You laughed, you drank, you flirted, she smelled amazing. You end up at her place.

Her kiss makes the world go out-of-focus. She is the very definition of curves and angles and softness, with pliant, satiny skin taut over the toned muscles of a dancer. Full breasts in a lace bra—it’s like perusing a dessert tray.

Your lips chart the arcane geometry of the place where her neck meets her shoulders, and you feel her pulse jumping under your tongue. You are both moving towards the bed, dropping clothing as you go. She lies back and as you follow her down she places both hands on your chest, applies a little pressure and says,


The moment she says that word, a Man will stop. Then, a Man will stand up, collect his clothes, shoes and keys, and leave. On the way out the door, a Man will flash his most winning smile and say, “Nobody has to tell me twice, darlin’.”

And then, A Man Will Never Come Back. She gets one shot at you—that’s it.

If she pulls this lever you need to be out the door and on your way like your ass is on fire, yet at peace in the knowledge that you just dodged a 50 caliber round.

Why so final? Why so cold? Picture this: hearts are pounding, breasts are bouncing, sap is rising and she says, stop— she’s either conflicted or she was only trolling for flattery the whole time.

Straight Men of the West, this may be difficult for you to hear but it could be that the entire evening was one long con. Sorry. You’re not the first in history to fall for it and you won’t be the last. Whenever any woman pulls this she is one of two things: uncertain of what she wants or working an agenda. Either way, she is not to be trusted—she has the  problem and you need to leave.

The only power she has is that stop. Your power is allowing her to stand by that command and eventually, hopefully, someday regret saying anything she kinda-sorta-maybe doesn’t mean ever again.

But you have an erection, and you think you could still tip the balance in your favour. It’s worked in the past, right? You’re persuasive—maybe you are just the man to convince her. You could beg. Or sweet-talk her. You could do that sexy thing you practiced in the mirror. Or make her laugh. You could try a hundred different things and you might actually close escrow, but once it’s done and heart rates slow there’s going to be a sinister shift in mood.

Ever heard of buyer’s remorse? If you have to convince a woman to engage in coitus it is no longer an act of pleasure mutually desired by two adults, it’s a transaction. She will either demand emotional payment from you in the form of your continued interest for the foreseeable future, or she’s going to extract revenge. This revenge could run the gamut from the mosquito-like buzz of invasive questions all the way to a court date and possible conviction. If you’re determined to contract a transaction then engage the services of a professional and pay with legal tender. In the long run it’s cleaner, and more honest.

No man should ever settle for less than a woman who knows exactly what she wants and gives enthusiastic consent throughout the entirety of the encounter, though even this is not without risk. But perhaps this woman is someone you’ve lusted after for a while or someone—for whatever reason—you’re apt to trust. If you’re willing to give her the benefit of the doubt or if you are unsure about the nature of the stop, ask her.

If she demurs, prevaricates, takes longer than .07 seconds to produce a credible explanation, get out. Best case scenario, she’s playing you like a chew toy. Worst case, she’s capable of anything, including throwing accusations that may ruin the rest of your life.

Leave—just go, and take consolation in the fact that she will never forget the one who got away. Your power lies in staying away.

You’re out the door and on the way home. You have just passed one of the most difficult tests of your life: completely reversing course and walking away when your penis is erect.

After years of being played, some men snap. They lash out, they commit sexual assault, they give vent to the thunderhead of anger years of rejection and game-playing has built up. You didn’t. You walked. You win.

Women only have two fantasies: taming the uncontrollable beast and being wooed by multiple men.

Uncontrollable Beasts Include Mr Darcy, Rhett Butler, Edward Cullen, Christian Grey, Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan, Hannibal Lector, Mr Rochester, Superman, Spiderman, Tarzan, The Phantom of the Opera and The Beast in Beauty and the Beast. Modern women have almost completely ruined Western Men with the blunt instrument of legally-sanctioned feminism so now they have to go further afield and import low IQ feral males from dusty third-world shitholes to get the thrill of the beast.

Multiple Men After One Woman Include Buffy, Spike & Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Bella, Edward and that dog boy, can’t be bothered to look it up, in Twilight. Stefan, Damon and Elena on The Vampire Diaries. Claire, Jamie and Frank in Outlander. The same theme again and again. Sookie, Bill and Eric on True Blood. Katniss, Peeta and Gale in The Hunger Games. Guinevere, Arthur, Lancelot…

Though women yearn to be pursued and possessed by the remote, unattainable romantic hero, modern media and advertising persuades them that they must, by law, be ‘equal’ with men in all things. The resulting cognitive dissonance serves to make pharmaceutical companies rich as sales of mood stabilizing and desensitizing drugs skyrocket. Capitalism doesn’t care—women can spend their money on Poldark or Prozac, it’s a win for some corporation either way.

I remain unconvinced that women have evolved to the point of making good policy decisions beyond the sphere of home, immediate family and cottage industry. The risk-free acquisitiveness endemic to all females bodes ill for the long-term stability of any Western culture wherever women are installed in positions of political influence.

I urge you to take a look at the number of childless females currently occupying the highest seats of political power and ask yourself how they are able to profess beyond empty rhetoric a dedication to the welfare of future generations.

These women believe they are justified in calling the shots that place men in combat abroad despite never taking up arms to defend country, commonwealth or kingdom themselves. In some strange perversion of compassion these women also support policies allowing invaders to stream in domestically, debasing the currency of citizenship, destroying the notion of nationhood, and placing all our lives in the line of fire (or the blast radius) for generations to come.

Darkness is rising, Ragnarøkkr is fast upon us, and monsters—right after picking up their dole cheque—are loosed upon the earth. At the rate female policy makers and their enablers are importing actual beasts determined to put women right back into into slavery nothing will ever be good or fun, joyous or free, silly or happy or truly loving again.

Men of the West, women need and desire dominant men in their lives—stop the presses, right? If it’s not you, it’s going to be a howling mob of 7th century cavemen.

I choose you.

It’s like dancing in a minefield having anything to do with females who still think like slaves. Like Dementors, government-sanctioned feminism nourished by the poisoned apple of socialism has sucked most of the joy from life. This will change, though probably not for the better until some fundamental—possibly catastrophic—shift occurs.

My Men of the West, it is once again up to you to save the world. Namely, by not being ashamed of who you are, by not allowing anyone to destroy your pride, by no longer trying so hard to please women, and by avoiding every snare set by The Evil Fuckers in Charge to trap and claim your Soul.

It is Anglo-Saxon Western Men who have built empires, won wars, cleared fields and roads, built cabins and cathedrals, envisioned the atom, rescued women from burning buildings, protected their families, painted the great works of art, captured and tamed electricity, written the timeless works of literature, directed films that changed for the better the way we see ourselves, and perfected indoor plumbing, refrigeration and general anaesthesia—arguably the three greatest improvements of the past hundred years. This is still, and always has been, a man’s world. The solution is determining that you are going to reclaim your place in it no matter what any woman or currently installed political system might say.

I’m calling for a revolution, and unlike any that came before this one must begin from within, because I don’t think the problems we face are going to be solved by politics.

This essay is dedicated to Reg Bannister, loving father

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Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
May 27, 2017 7:11 pm

Good for you Holly, you’re sayin what you want to say. If I say pussy they want to crucify me. This place ain’t no spot for a workin man. It’s smug comfortable assholes congratulating each other on their superior view of our current dillemas. The meatgrinder hasn’t shown up at their doorstep yet, but it will. This site looks more and more like the dude drivin the 55 grand pick up, but it aint used for work. Thank God for Hardscrabble, who’se got his fingers in the dirt, everyone else sounds like college professors.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Dennis Roe
May 27, 2017 9:38 pm

Denny, one of the best qualities of Admin’s writing is that is is clear and logical. You don’t have to guess what he’s saying. His writing is devoid of the usual gobbledygook and verbiage typical of most wannabee professors.

While most bloggers have a tendency to write predictable articles, Admin has the balls to tackle articles that do not conform to the rules of an echo chamber. You know the type; Daily Stormer is a perfect example of this masturbatory regurgitation of the same old same old.

As for getting his hands dirty, Admin has done a bit of gardening and unstopped a few toilets in his rental property. He has cleaned out dorm rooms and confronted abusive security dykes at a concert.
What more do you want before you’ll call him a man?

  Dennis Roe
May 27, 2017 9:47 pm

EC- I’m pretty sure you and I certainly never sounded like a college prof. Denny must have missed our earthy conversations regarding tv antenna installation to get free tv channels. How much closer to regulah schmucks could you get?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 10:24 pm

BL, We, the freedom caucus, are the niggers of TBP, pretty much invisible. I’ve got the idea that sometimes, for all the brilliant shit I come up with before it’s news, I’m still yodeling into a gargantuan vagina. I don’t even get the courtesy of an echo. Carry on, my friend.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 11:48 am

‘We, the freedom caucus, are the niggers of TBP, pretty much invisible.”

Of all the things I could think to call you ‘invisible’ ain’t one of them. As for yodeling into a gargantuan vagina, it could be worse; you could be yodeling a few more degrees south. Now that would suck (stink).

Also noticed that in one thread we had one poster call us a bunch of misogynists and another call us a bunch of college professors. Maybe we’re all just a bunch of red neck, backward, brown and white misogynistic, back-patting, echo-chambered profs? I dunno. I can’t keep up with all the labels around here some days. I think it’s causing me to have an identity crisis….

  Francis Marion
May 28, 2017 12:07 pm

Hang in there Francis and we will one day vote to allow Canucks into the TBP Freedom Caucus so you too can become a kneegrow. Until then, just deal with your whiteness the best you can. 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 2:05 pm

Bea, your a riot.

  EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 3:05 pm

Sew our ewe.

  EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 5:17 pm

Where have you been? Have you been locked up again……hope not?

May 28, 2017 10:36 am

BL,I’m getting ready to ditch cable.How about having some more of those conversations about free tv channels?

May 28, 2017 12:16 pm


I am entering year ten of cable-free viewing and never looked back. Cable is a joke and will continue to rise in cost, so what are you waiting for?

Are you within 30 miles of a city?

May 28, 2017 5:40 pm

Yes I am within 30 miles of the city,but I wanted to know how to pirate cable.

May 28, 2017 5:59 pm

TRed-If you want free tv channels out of the air/combo with internet tv, I can help. Pirating cable ,you are on your own. EC lives in the AV with mountains blocking the signals from Bakersfield so he needed a tower.

Cable tv is so bad, I would not even try as there is just light years more to watch the other way. I get over forty channels out of the air of idiot tv, which is plenty.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 2:42 pm

Tampa, first you have to look within, do you deserve free tv? After you have explored all the ramifications of this question, you have to ask yourself, ‘do I feel lucky?’

  Dennis Roe
May 27, 2017 10:39 pm

Dennis what the fuck you talkin’ about?

Smug? Comfortable? There’s more shit-flinging here in one day than the chimp exhibit at the city zoo.

May 27, 2017 10:19 pm

Okay, I have plowed through it. I have some news for you Holly: You will get your revolution. You get to decide whether that’s the good news or otherwise after hearing WHAT revolution.

What’s coming is robots that will do sex and just about everything else a woman might do except boss you around and sue you when they “don’t love you that way anymore.” And they’re coming SOON.

Most people think this a stupid idea but they are wrong. Robots with effective sex function are today where the automobile was in 1900: The basic parts are all working but many work only as parts and the few combinations are clunky, unreliable, ugly, and far too expensive. By 1920, however, automobiles had taken over, with horses relegated to legacy jobs and recreation/hobby activities. I think twenty years is about how far we are from working sex robots as an off the shelf item, common in homes throughout the western world.

Search ‘boston dynamics robot’ for what non-sexual robots can do today. For a look at humanoids search ‘japan asimo,’ and ‘japan pepper robot.’ For sexual functions AND artificial intelligence, ‘realdoll harmony.’ You’ll have to read that one for a while to get the picture. There’s more out there if you keep looking — RealDoll and Harmony aren’t the only sexual robot efforts.

So what happens in (say) 2040 when young male adult gets his own place? Does he seek a (human) girlfriend who might one day become his wife? Or does he buy a more reliable and less costly option off the shelf? Those who looked at the sites those searches turned up can probably imagine products beyond those that look like women a smart man crosses the street to avoid and elimination of the ‘ick’ factor. And there’s no reason a robot cannot be a general companion — the Asimo and Pepper projects are both aimed at the non-sexual companionship market.

Once a mass-produced robot can pass a Turing test, do most of its own care, walk, wash dishes by hand, and give enjoyment in bed, the sales volume will go straight up. Except for the Turing test — conversational AI exists but is still recognizable as non-human — THIS COULD BE DONE TODAY FOR PERHAPS $250,000. We’re really just waiting on refinement, better integration, and mass manufacture getting the price below $5000 or so.

The women you’re addressing (Holly) got that way because they have monopoly power. When robots break that monopoly basic economics tells us the result will be lower prices and better quality, indeed many current suppliers may be forced out of the market.

My crystal ball is cracked and leaking in the long range sector but one area where there are definite shadows seems to show a disaster for western society: We already don’t have enough sex to replace ourselves. Robots are likely to depress the human-human fraction even more. But the Islamic world has successfully adapted WOMEN to the sexual function. We might find ourselves overwhelmed not by terrorists or nuclear weapons but in the bedroom and nursery.

It is possible there’s a safe ecological niche for a culture with a lower IQ that lacks high tech of any sort and where most people are small farmers, merchants, thugs, and religious officials. With enough breeding you don’t need antibiotics, high yield farming, computers … and of course for most of human history that was the case.

Maybe the future looks a lot like the 16th century?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 10:32 pm

Re: conversation. They could record a few stock phrases appropriate to the occasion and that would suffice for 90% of the customers. I’m sure Melania is not a wealth of conversation for the Donald and it isn’t necessary, he does enough talking for two.

1. Oh, Dutchman, oh.
2. The weather is nice today.
3. Yes, you look good.
4. You are right.

  EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 12:36 am

Walt- I covered that already, and not to get the Dutchman horned up, but the bots are ready for marketing to the men who are so inclined.

May 28, 2017 2:07 am

I noticed after I posted that that you had already said much the same. But I used a lot more words than you did.

There are, however, no real sex robots available now. There’s only one whole body sex robot effort that I can think of, and it’s an EFFORT — nothing close to ready for sale. It is claimed to be able to assume 20 different sex positions but as of the date the writer of the article visited, it was unable to move properly because the motors that serve as muscles were inadequate to lift the silicone ‘flesh’ that had just been added. I can’t recall the name or search terms for that one.

Harmony is an AI effort built into a RealDoll head — it aims to add conversation. RealDoll is a DOLL — a dramatically better (molded silicone) version of the inflatable sex dolls of frat party fame with no motion capability or speech.

There are serious robot efforts that are close to off the shelf: The Japanese lead on this because they don’t have enough young people to care for and provide companionship to the aged — but those aren’t sexual at all and mostly don’t look much like a human. They’re developing robots for receptionist and hospital nursing assistant jobs as well — these look human but are without sex organs and mostly without movement, though one does facial expressions.

Boston Dynamics has highly athletic robots of various kinds; most of the funding seems to have been military and the applications and abilities are as you’d expect.

You get lots of hits if you search for ‘sex robot’ but the real thing isn’t actually there yet. All the pieces, yes — except for AI good enough to give the impression of a human — but no sex robots.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 2:11 pm

“I noticed after I posted that that you had already said much the same. But I used a lot more words than you did.”

OMG, a Holly-O convert

May 28, 2017 2:24 pm

Walt – Bots are ready to roll…….pardon the pun. They will be on the market soon. Read up dude.

Dutchman……take a cold shower.

May 27, 2017 11:29 pm

How timely. Have you seen Hollywood’s latest celebrated piece of propaganda — “13 Reasons Why?”

If she tells you to stop and you do, when she eventually commits suicide, she leaves behind a set of audio tapes outlining all the faults of everyone she has known, a passive-aggressive program of psychologial torture. And it turns out that the unforgiveable sin for which she cannot forgive you is that YOU STOPPED AND GOT OUT WHEN SHE TOLD YOU TO STOP AND GET OUT.

Unforgiveable. that after 50 years of them telling you that “no means no,” you should follow their advice when it turns out they really didn’t mean what they were screaming at you.

And I have seen NOBODY complain about this little plot hole. F* em all.

May 28, 2017 3:17 am

Uncle Fester is Brad Pitt next to the bitter “manosphere” losers, as this comment section proves without any reasonable doubts.

May 28, 2017 10:44 am

Why Warrior,are you awake at 3:17 am posting on a blog about comments you don’t like?

May 28, 2017 8:32 am

[imgcomment image?resize=600%2C432[/img]

May 28, 2017 10:46 am

Society would be much better off if a man could legally spank his wife.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 4:52 pm

When did it become illegal? Didn’t Darren spank Samantha? I must have entirely missed the gay 90’s.

There is that vestigial swat on the ass I give the sexy mulatta at every opportunity. It is my way of maintaining my easement.

If your the one getting spanked as you walk by, I will know who wears the apron in the house. Although, if an apron is all your wearing, FM, I might slap your hairy butt-cheek playfully.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 2:14 pm

I didn’t know Admin still read Boy’s Life

May 28, 2017 6:56 pm

I didn’t catch the author’s name, but I thank him for his excellent perspective. And, he’s right that it will take a catastrophe to change this cultural insanity. Nothing short of starvation will make modern women acceptable partners.

I long ago stopped listening to men praising their wives especially on social media (their wives are listening & reading too.) It’s mostly lies.

To make a marriage work takes more lies and pretending than I’m willing or capable of doing. That’s why I’m a life-long bachelor.

What holds marriages together?
a) first it’s love and sex, neither of which last
b) then it’s the kids, but they eventually leave
c) then it’s habit
d) finally it’s skills deficiency (he can’t cook; she can’t drive, etc.)

Not mentioned in the article (unless I missed it) is women’s lack of self-esteem. Consider how many women have utter contempt for the husbands they chose yet they have profound respect for their fathers whom they did not choose. I cannot live with someone lacking in self-confidence of their own choices and I refuse to sleep with someone who considers me their enemy.

May 28, 2017 7:19 pm

I didn’t catch the author’s name, but I thank him for his excellent perspective. And, he’s right that it will take a catastrophe to change this cultural insanity. Nothing short of starvation will make modern women acceptable partners.

I long ago stopped listening to men praising their wives especially on social media (their wives are listening & reading too.) It’s mostly lies.

To make a marriage work takes more lies and pretending than I’m willing or capable of doing. That’s why I’m a life-long bachelor.

What holds marriages together?
a) first it’s love and sex, neither of which last
b) then it’s the kids, but they eventually leave
c) then it’s habit
d) finally it’s skills deficiency (he can’t cook; she can’t drive, etc.)

Not mentioned in the article (unless I missed it) is women’s lack of self-esteem. Consider how many women have utter contempt for the husbands they chose yet they have profound respect for their fathers whom they did not choose. I cannot live with someone lacking in self-confidence of their own choices and I refuse to sleep with someone who considers me the enemy.

I went into more detail in:


May 28, 2017 7:39 pm

gerold- Aren’t you the guy who never went out to eat, has no car etc. etc.?

May 28, 2017 7:46 pm

“… and I refuse to sleep with someone who considers me the enemy.”

Are you gay or celibate?

May 28, 2017 7:54 pm

gerold- Muscles, oysters and EC’s recipe for male enhancement seafood salad should cure this fear of the angry vagina.

May 28, 2017 9:31 pm

Gerold – The American Indians had the perfect system, the men hunted and fished all day and the women did all the rest. This was the perfect division of labor until the white man tried to improve it and unintentionally led to many men’s feminization.

It will require starvation to make most American woman require partnerships otherwise single women will perish. The dispersion of stored energy will lead to a return to an Amish/Mennonite lifestyle for a greatly reduced population. Contact me and I will send you some guest posts that you can use as you see fit.

The author of the piece is a woman. Roy

muck about
muck about
May 28, 2017 8:04 pm

Holly-Oh, You’ve lived too introspective and observant life.

True love is a hard thing to come by and sometimes takes more than one try to accomplish.

But you are being too hard on yourself and women in general.

Women are not built to “understand”, they are built to love and feel good.

I found a sweet young thing at 16 that got my 17 year old hormones (no brain) lit off, still had her when she turned 18 and graduated from high school (and I was in the Navy at 19), married her and we’ve been together ( 98% peaceful) for the last 60 years.

I expect to die holing her hand (or she’s holding mine) and couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful life. Easy? No. Worth while… Bet your ass!

May 28, 2017 8:57 pm

“There’s still time in America to pull this plane out of a dive if Western men remember who they are.”

There’s too few of us left. The few who have felt the sting of battle, as I have, and the few who are now experiencing the same. The very few, as elected leaders, who have made grave mistakes in sending those few into meaningless conflicts in which we have no business. It takes its toll. I have no solution to this death spiral of the few Western men of which you speak. Do you, Holly?

Have a memorable Memorial Day, folks.

May 28, 2017 11:10 pm

Oh look I actually pushed comment and the screen hasn’t gone black yet. I thought I already commented but I probly lost that fight the first day of this article. I really liked the read. Your perspective was passionate and enjoyable. I guess I get to bring up the caveman thingy. Remember when Zog needed a woman he gathered his club and went out and fetched one. Importing third worlders, and the ideologies, is going to have some fellers thinking about harems. These new women are not going to like the idea of becoming property, no matter who owns the harem. I think it would be a ludicrous proposition as unhealthy as American women are with the infant mortality rates.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 29, 2017 12:38 am

Its the old Hollywood trope: Boy rapes girl, boy loses girl, boy rapes girl again.

I watched two old movies this weekend on the OTA channel where they play nothing but old people movies. In Bunny O’Hare and in The Fast and The Furious (also Buffalo 66) the premise is that a guy can kidnap a girl and by the end of the movie they are in love.

It’s the old caveman scene where men knock down and drag home a bride. Of course, in these modern times, they have to pick them up at the club rather than club them. The end result is the same, as a matter of fact if the man isn’t boning her in the first night, chances are slim there will be a second date. That’s the modern dating scene.

It’s going to get even wilder as times progress to the day when there are seven women to one man. On that day, it will be the women wooing the man. Until then, men will nurture the fantasy of conquering the wild woman or being desired by many women. It’s true, that’s what James Bond taught us.

May 29, 2017 11:14 pm

It ain’t cultural as much as genetic. Women simply can’t have evolved much in the 100 years or so they weren’t treated like slaves. Humans first took up pair-bonding 1.7 million years ago. We’re still running on the same program. That’s why Muslims still have wives; women more in tune genetically with recent Western practice would have completely rejected that.

June 2, 2017 7:11 am

Brilliant essay — the last paragraph is beyond succinct. I will be using it from here on out (with attribution, of course) for all friends, foes and lay-abouts.
The games have already begun friends — hope you packed your lunch. Good luck.