WARNING: Not for the faint hearted.

I don’t need much convincing that the goodness of the human race has just about been exhausted. These two stories prove the point. As my youngest brother always points out, no matter how fucked up a thing you can imagine….somebody….somewhere….is doing that very thing right now. 

Perhaps shit like this is and has been ubiquitous throughout human history? It’s one thing to conceive of such ideas but it’s an entirely different matter when you actually put thought into practice. Perhaps modern media and the innerwebz just make news of such events more accessible? Whatever the reason, I think the human race has just about run its course. 

FORWARD!!!——>with The Great Regression



Lest you think non-muzzies rate much better:


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Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
June 28, 2017 9:03 am

In regards to the waitress’ prank, if it smells like fish, eat all you wish. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.

June 28, 2017 9:07 am

And the Bible sys the meek shall inherit the earth. Hmm, seems like a pipe dream.

June 28, 2017 10:44 am

“Meek” indicates submission to God and seeking his direction in life.

Everyone who knows this phrase knows it is from Jesus, but few realize it is a restatement of Psalm 37:11.

“But meeke men shal possesse the earth, and shall haue their delite in the multitude of peace. ” -Geneva

“Humble people will get the land God promised, and they will enjoy peace.” -ERV

Jesus affirmed and fulfilled the whole of the word, and this is another affirmation of it.

June 28, 2017 9:11 am

Wasn’t Monica Lewinsky’s code name ‘Humidor’?

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
June 28, 2017 10:40 am

Only a great mind could have thought of that connection!!!

June 28, 2017 9:12 am

Indent Service ,what you are witnessing is the only doctoral teaching in the Bible that can be observed 24/7 just by reading or watching the news. Original Sin or Total Depravity says Sin thus evil is in our hearts ,mind and souls.We are affected by Sin.Sin in the Bible is considered as alien power that has invaded creation as well as our bodies.People don’t need to be destroyed.Sin is what needs to be removed.Christ has done this already.He condemned Sin in his flesh while on the cross.He condemned Satan .He also condemned this world system which Satan controls.

June 28, 2017 9:13 am

Israel created ISIS:


Israel is of Satan.

Israel needs to end.

Flying Monkey
Flying Monkey
June 28, 2017 9:16 am

…and CNN made up the Russian story. Is Thesun.uk.com any more trust worthy in their reporting?

June 28, 2017 9:22 am

To all but especially Indent Service , Read Romans 8 : 1-5.This tells you what you need to know.Then go on line to the Bible commentaries for further enlightenment.

Mr Z ,but Israel didn’t create the sin and evil that’s Destroying us.Destroying the middle East.

norman franklin
norman franklin
June 28, 2017 9:25 am

Watching the video it looks like she wants to sniff it before putting it on the bun. I gave up hot dogs a few years back when the story came out about how they contained human DNA.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
June 28, 2017 9:55 am

FWIW I think both stories are bullshit.

The “cooked her own kid and fed it to her” sounds right in line with “pulling babies from incubators” or “gassed his own people for no reason” – so far beyond depravity that it’s unbelievable. (I suppose it could be my own lack of imagination, but still.)

The “hot dog in the hoochie” – either she would cause her self a severe burn, or they planned on serving the guy a cold hot dog. Neither makes sense.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
  Crimson Avenger
June 28, 2017 10:13 am

1. You certainly lack imagination when it comes to ISIS and the cruelty they administer. Get out from under the rock.

2. I agree and that was my 1st thought on the hot dog.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Crimson Avenger
June 28, 2017 4:03 pm

Hold the cheese… Maybe the hotdog got cold and she was warming it up. Or maybe she was just looking for a good tip from a regular customer.

The musselmen caper shouldn’t shock anyone who’s been paying attention. The whole deal over there is either one colossal mindfuck campaign courtesy of the usual suspects, or the beings over there are from, gasp, a different culture whose norms are not the same as ours. Deal with it, or dont. Right & wrong are relative to where you grew up.

June 28, 2017 10:50 am

Those who have read and understood the prophecies understand the world and its soon to come future events.

Those who have not and do not, don’t.

Which of those categories you fall into is your own choice, especially in this day of expanded knowledge through the internet and other modern communications that make being deceived an almost voluntary act.

June 28, 2017 10:59 am

BB are you sure about that? Anonymous; which prophesies do you reference?

June 28, 2017 11:30 am

They’re summed up in Revelations, albeit somewhat mystically, but are also stated (largely) in Ezekiel and Daniel as well as other OT references and in Matthew, Mark and Luke in the NT.

Some of the prophecies are already fulfilled, other yet to come as their time and events come to fulfillment.

June 28, 2017 11:25 am

The ISIS story I would rate as more likely to be invented propaganda than fact.

June 28, 2017 11:35 am

For most people “facts” are what they want to believe to reinforce their existing biases, not what takes place in the real world.

Obama created ISIS through his support and promotion of the Arab Spring which began in Egypt over a food price crisis. Maybe intentionally, but more likely as one of the unintended consequences of his support for it.

June 28, 2017 11:39 am

General Mayhem says “Dead babies are good for business”.

June 28, 2017 1:18 pm

Why do we refuse to believe cooking babies is anything but routine amongst the depraved?
There are abortion sex fetish sites, cannibal fetish sites as well as clubs where people actually practice such horrors. We routinely flush humans out of the womb with all the contempt we would show for a vaginal wart but cooking a baby and serving it to its mother is fiction.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 28, 2017 4:23 pm

Under Hussein, dropping ammo, radios etc from C-17s to ISIS was as routine as the delivery of drugs to Homestead; it clearly shows that TPTB and the US Military Brass do not serve the will of the majority of Americans. The bombing of Syria and the downing of a Syrian aircraft shows Trump is also sadly under TPTB’s influence thus far. As for some kidnapped children, TPTB rape them and even sacrifice them on Satanic Altars (ref Ted Gunderson and other Youtube Vids).

June 28, 2017 4:40 pm

Who the fuck would order a hotdog at a sit-down diner??

June 28, 2017 8:03 pm

There are still plenty of good people in the world, it’s just that they don’t make the news.

June 29, 2017 9:17 am

I’ve said for a while we’re sinking into a new dark age. My spouse is always trumpeting Professor Michio Kaku, who promises an incredible Jetsons-style space-age future of high-tech gizmos and Star Trek tech and whatnot. I think Kaku is wildly out of touch with reality. For every genius scientist and engineer working on these projects, there must be countless hordes of mindless, hopeless useless eaters (Idiocracy, anyone?). And we seem to be getting dumber every year. Ever look up the Colonials? They had a 95-99% literacy rate in an era with no formal education. Here we are with nearly limitless educational opportunities, many of which are free online for those who wish to take them, and we have a growing underclass of illiterate morons. Even our college graduates rarely, if ever, open a book. The average American family doesn’t buy 10 books in a year. You guys saw the Book Virgin article here the other day. So for all the high tech bullshit, the rest of us are regressing into mindless stupidity, quite literally surrounded by the fruits of knowledge and unwilling to partake of them.
I foresee a future of a few centers of high technology growth and development in a dark world of ignorance and stupidity. Earth is going Full Retard.