How Many Russians Do You Hate?

“I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong.”  Muhammad Ali

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

How many Russians do you hate? Chinese? North Koreans? Iranians? Syrians? Yemenis? If, aggregated, your answer was zero, your answer is typical.

Perhaps you were rejected once by someone you loved, whom you wanted to love you. It’s surprising how quickly love can become hate. You hated, bitterly, for a long time. Then you realized your hate wasn’t just ineffectual—the hated one had moved on, oblivious to your antipathy—it was warping you, closing you off to the good that life offers. You were only hurting yourself, so you let it go, reopening the door to positive possibilities and opportunities.

If you couldn’t continue hating someone who hurt you, why would you hate any one of billions of people you’ll never know? It’s foolish, a waste of time and energy. Most people pursue their own opportunities, living and letting live…especially people they don’t know. It’s an important element of a well-adjusted personality. Wars and conflict get all the press, but the unrecognized history of the world is actually a more salutary chronicle. Through the generations, people in large measure have lived peaceably together, even people of different races, nationalities, and creeds. Peace, cooperation, and mutually beneficial exchange, not war and conflict, account for humanity’s journey from cave to skyscraper.

Who peddles, promotes, and profits from war and conflict? The people of Germany didn’t spontaneously make war against the people of Poland in 1939, nor the people of the United States against the people of Iraq in 2003. Germans and Americans may have supported those wars, but they were instigated by those in power. Almost all wars are, but are fought by people who have no use for them, who will bear most of the costs, and derive few if any of the purported benefits.

Hate is stoked to overcome the natural desires for peace and prosperity and aversion to war. As a leader, you don’t sit the citizens down one-by-one and calmly explain to them why they should hate whomever you’ve chosen to fight. Rather, you make a frenzied appeal to a crowd, and let crowd psychology work its woeful wonders, with ostracism and worse for the few rejecting the appeal.





Hate is the very foundation of war. Isn’t it also the very foundation of power? Certainly those in power would reject that formulation, but let’s come at the question from the other direction. If you hate someone, you wish the worse for them. You wish you could determine their fate, which left to you would be awful. Isn’t power the ability of one person to determine the fate of another? Has power generally been exercised to the benefit or detriment of those subjected to it?

Keep in mind that the exercise of power forcibly preempts the subjected’s own judgments about what’s best for themselves. You’d like to keep what you’ve earned; the state takes it. You’d like to live your life in the way you see fit; the state has its myriad regulations and punishments. You and another party would like to conduct a mutually beneficial exchange; the state bans, regulates, or dictates its terms. You want to live in peace: the state pursues war.

Now the state may claim that all it does is for your benefit, but aren’t you the best judge of what’s beneficial to you? Doesn’t this presumption that they know better than you do what’s good for you reek of insufferable arrogance? Think about your own experiences. Has anyone who obviously thought he or she was superior to you ever had your best interests at heart?

“I love mankind…it’s people I can’t stand.”
Linus Van Pelt, from the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz

The last one hundred years has seen a parade of leaders and their henchmen demonstrating their professed love of humanity with guns, concentration camps, torture, gas chambers, forced famines, genocide, and other evils. In the twentieth century, humanity-loving governments have killed between 100-200 million of the people they couldn’t stand, and that’s not counting the wars. How high does the body count have to go before the conclusion generally takes hold that it’s the power and the killing and the death they love, not the people they subjugate? Or is that insight only reached when the person next to you—like you kneeling, his hands bound—takes a bullet in the back of his head?

Power, a mass murderer once noted, “grows out of the barrel of gun.” You shall know him, and everyone else with a gun trained at your head, by their fruits. Their harvest is always death, fed by the poison of their murderous hate.

A bumper crop looms. The world is perfectly configured for an orgy of hate. Developed nations’ governments have debt and other promises that cannot be kept, and their creditors and populations expect to be paid. Their economies are faltering under the load of existing debt service. The optimistic wave of social mood and central bank machinations propelling US and European equity and bond markets to new highs—and keeping their economies treading water—are long in the tooth. When markets and economies crash, scapegoats will be found, blamed, perhaps afforded something resembling judicial process, and imprisoned or worse.

China and Russia are leading a consortium of nations that recognize US unipolar world dominance is a thing of the past and are challenging what remains of it. The US public sustains itself on a delusional mix of something for nothing, red versus blue, transparently fraudulent propaganda, jingoism, and state-sponsored veneration of the state and its functionaries. And they hate, against those the government and its media instruct them to hate.

Let the hate flow through you!
Emperor Palpatine to Luke Skywalker,
Star Wars: Episode VI-Return of the Jedi

Reality will wipe out the delusions, but leave vast reservoirs of hate. The Palpatines who think they can use hate for their own ends will find that it cannot be so precisely channeled. All of its irrationally random consequences cannot be predicted, but hate will surely boomerang against its promoters.

Those of us who hope to pick up the pieces and build something better cannot afford the foolish and counterproductive indulgence of hate, during the cataclysm or its aftermath. You may be disgusted by a cockroach infestation, but hating them does nothing to eliminate them. Eradicating our cockroaches—those who claim superiority and their right to rule us—will require all the tightly focused concentration, resourcefulness, cooperation, and rationality we can summon. Justice will not be denied—but bloodthirsty vengeance and mindless violence must be. Criminality has to be called to account and suitable punishment administered. Unfortunately, revolutions often replace bad with worse. Give in to hate, and we become that which we seek to eradicate. The Dark Side destroys all who embrace it.

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July 11, 2017 3:54 pm

And the silence that followed it all was deafening.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 11, 2017 4:01 pm

Obviously we hate no one. other than the subhuman joos. We know that Putin is in bed with Satanyahoo and the jew trump takes his orders from Satanyahoo.

July 11, 2017 4:01 pm

Iranians, Syrians , Yemenites are all Muslim so their Idolatry/ ideology tells them to hate all non Muslims.That’s most Muslims if they are sincerely following their prophet.

Jews hate us / me with a passion ,here Google this (Precepts of the Talmud.: Concerning Christians.)

July 13, 2017 1:47 pm

read the Talmud, you Goyishe kup

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 13, 2017 4:25 pm

In their talmud, their words,,,its ok for a jew male to have sex with a 4 yo child, but not a 3 yo.

July 11, 2017 4:12 pm

The Tenth Protocol ” when we introduce the Poison of Liberalism into the government organism ,its entire political complexion change “Jews hate everyone and everything non Jewish . It’s in their genes and spirit.

Other than this OK

July 11, 2017 4:23 pm

I don’t think he was talking to or blaming Jews. I think he was warning us to check our own hate at the door lest we become the hater.

July 11, 2017 6:30 pm

I agree. And as far as people in any of those countries go, why bother hating them when there are so many so worthy of my contempt and dislike here in the US. We are the cause of our own problems. Those in charge are perfectly aware of this, which is why we are given an endless series of enemies to hate, one after another, each of them just as illusory as the last (to somewhat paraphrase Mencken).

i forget
i forget
July 11, 2017 7:21 pm

Long ago, in a land far away, called Hilton Head, I came to find out there were gators in the water hazards. Excellent! Me & the brothers found one basking on a spit & from a higher ledge lobbed dirt clods at it. Like the toothy luggage & shoes that it was, imperviousness was what we got for our cock-throws. Until that commanding height perch crumbled & gravity fed me in the reptile’s direction. And it instantly accelerated in my direction. Came *that close* to a fed on collision.

We definitely caused our own problems that day. I mighta’ been 13. Anybody here 13? Lol…..

  i forget
July 11, 2017 11:16 pm

Pity the beast didn’t rip you apart ! Do you still treat animals badly?

i forget
i forget
July 12, 2017 2:39 pm

Exactly, James. Too bad my 13 year old self wasn’t swallowed whole! You are a genius & a gent & it’s only luck let me survive the gator so I could be here today to tell you that.

Now that you’ve signaled your impeccable virtue when it comes to boyeater gators, the question begs, how virtuous are you when it comes to people? Cuz sounds like you might be a genuine misanthrope.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 12, 2017 1:24 am

Schumer, McCain, L. Graham, Waters, Pelosi, Harpy, etc

A. R. (Rich) Wasem
A. R. (Rich) Wasem
  rhs jr
July 12, 2017 1:19 pm

Don’t hate – despise

  A. R. (Rich) Wasem
July 13, 2017 1:49 pm

pathetic – get your flu shot

  rhs jr
July 13, 2017 11:17 pm

Yep. All of them, and so many more. I go back and forth between hating them and just feeling distant contempt. On one hand, I resent the damage they do to my country, people, and planet with their schemes and bullshit. On the other hand, none of them are really worthy of my attention or even time spent thinking about them, and since there is nothing i can do about it, spending any energy hating them is wasted.

Not really the point Robert had in mind, i suppose. This is more Orwell’s 2 minutes of hate kind of post. Something else worth moentioning, there seems to be more and more days each year where we are reminded of some event that is supposed to generate animosity towards some other because Mccain et al tell us to. We are increasingly becoming a ‘2 minutes of hate’ society.

July 11, 2017 5:07 pm
July 11, 2017 5:11 pm

Fuck you dickhead. Unlike you I read the article. Man up and get a name so we can hold you accountable for your childish trolling.

July 11, 2017 6:11 pm

Go fuck yourself, you fuckin’ pig.

YOU man up and use your real name instead of a fake one.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
July 11, 2017 5:28 pm

Anon….IMO, Soros hates everybody

Captain America
Captain America
July 12, 2017 1:01 am

Actually, BB, a large body of evidence has been discovered in the “archives” clearly correlating nose length, whiny verbiage, ugly curly haired women (think Vasserman Schultz) and effeminate men (Chucky Schumer as archetype) with Communism and general anti-WASP/anti-West behaviors.

While it has not been attempted in a generation and a half, men of probity and aquiline noses should be scrupulously studying the hallowed halls of science, and re-creating Zyklon-B and even methylating a few bridges to make it more effective. In the interim, I pray you do not befall the most dreaded of JOOish humiliations, being anally probed by Speilberg, Katzenberg or Ratzenberg. If you are, be advised, they rarely wash their hands, because it removes the sensual smell of vintage Federal Reserve Notes.

  Captain America
July 12, 2017 2:54 am

Source, please

Captain America
Captain America
July 12, 2017 9:02 am

Yo momma! 😉

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 12, 2017 2:00 pm

That is a totally true statement. They hate us goy. They have been kicked out of over 100 countries over the centuries. They created paper fiat currency . Seven jew banksters created the “federal reserve bank” in 1913 . And today the 1913 dollar is worth less than .03
They murdered 40-60 million beautiful Christians in the bolshevik revolution in 1917.
For you doubters, I hope you enjoy the coming NWO and the fema camps.

July 11, 2017 4:21 pm

Most excellent piece.

  Robert Gore
July 12, 2017 8:47 pm

I concur, wonderful writing, fantastic sentiment!
It is difficult not to “hate” those that wish us ill
at every turn…poisoning the environment, fomenting violence/chaos, and stealing everything
of value on the planet. Maybe off planet as well.

Thanks Robert,
we love you.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 11, 2017 5:04 pm

The dichotomy between justice and vengeance is always interesting. It reminds me of this clip:

A killing in pursuit of justice is generally deemed acceptable, while a killing in pursuit of blind hatred is generally not. Yet a killing that takes place in the heat of the moment is punished less severely than one that takes place with premeditation and deliberation. I guess it all comes down to whether one deliberates properly. Is justice on your side? But even if justice is on our side, are we permitted to kill in pursuit of it? If we follow JC’s example, the answer appears to be no. Yet that example flies in the face of human nature; that is man’s primordial inclination to stay alive — when faced with violent unjustified aggression. It seems Christianity no longer follows the example of Christ, but maybe I am missing something. Great article Mr. Gore.

Unreconstructed Southerner
Unreconstructed Southerner
  Robert Gore
July 11, 2017 7:30 pm

I don’t know who downed this comment nor do I care. But given the thought provoking, sentient writings of Robert, whoever you are, I’m confident that you’d have to stand on your mother’s shoulders just to kiss Bob’s ass.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
  Robert Gore
July 12, 2017 7:40 am

Will do, Robert. Best.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Mercy Otis Warren
July 12, 2017 1:27 am

If we did, Christianity would be extinct.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
  rhs jr
July 12, 2017 7:38 am

So we violate Christianity to save Christianity; sounds like something W. Bush would come up with. I thought we could move mountains if we had the faith of a mustard seed! Then again, why listen to God when you have the arms of Krupp.

July 11, 2017 5:09 pm

There is no excuse for any American hating the Russian people. In the 20th century they suffered more than any other in human history. Now to the extent they have any freedom and are at peace, decent people everywhere should be happy for them. The ones who aren’t are those who stand to profit in some insidious way from their demonization. Evil scum bags like Mc Shit, Shumer, Ryan, Miss Lindsey and their lackeys in the press like Rose and Tapper. They are the ones who cherish the wisdom of Herman Goering:

“Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Sadly there are plenty enough american dumbfucks to pull it off again.

July 11, 2017 5:09 pm

As for me, I don’t find it necessary to hate anyone.

I don’t hate rattlesnakes either, I have no emotion at all about them, but I don’t allow them in my yard because I recognize them for what they are and what they will do if I let them be there.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 11, 2017 5:17 pm

I hate Pence, and he’s American. I hate the band Rush and they’re Canadian. Does that count?

  Iska Waran
July 11, 2017 5:26 pm

There’s a difference between disliking and hating.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 11, 2017 7:32 pm

I know. I hate Rush.

Unreconstructed Southerner
Unreconstructed Southerner
July 11, 2017 5:41 pm

I don’t hate anyone. No one has hurt my loved ones yet primarily because I’ve kept them out of harm’s way. If the time ever comes that I have to eliminate some individual(s) because they pose a clear and present danger to those I love, I will; without hesitation. But I still won’t “hate” them. I may stand there and have a smoke while I watch them bleed out; but hate ? No. It’s strictly business.

  Unreconstructed Southerner
July 12, 2017 4:36 pm

that there is the key… hate has nothing to do with killing. hate is an overwhelming emotional response (a bodies chemical response depending on the psych studies) to something often personal. But a cold, cool and completely unemotional response can result in the same outcome simply due to a rationalization that a threat or danger is perceived (be it true or not). These two instances can be due to an individual or and entire group/country of individuals. On doesnt have to hate to elicit the same response as one would have if hate was the influencing factor..rationalization can result in the same outcomes.

July 11, 2017 6:47 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

The real problem they want us to forget about.

July 12, 2017 2:56 am

Hmmm so hate for Russians = bad, hate for brown people = good. Solid reasoning my man

July 12, 2017 3:22 am

That word hate doesn’t work anymore. Keep trying to get that engine to turn over but it ain’t gonna start.

July 11, 2017 7:24 pm

Let me try once again .I don’t have a reason to hate people in other countries but many have reasons to hate us.Start with the Muslim holy book the Koran .Then Read some of the Jewish holy book the Talmud. Jews and Muslims are repeatedly told to hate and harm us. The information is just a Google search away.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 11, 2017 7:34 pm

The lead “singer” of Rush is an atheist Jew. Just throwing that out there.

  Iska Waran
July 12, 2017 2:57 am

I always knew I hated Rush for a reason…thanks for clearing that up for me

July 12, 2017 8:56 pm

Sometimes you are purely brilliant. You wrote
a wonderful compliment to Robert’s article.

July 12, 2017 9:01 pm

It’s an odd thing…but upon careful examination
of the writings of the 2 largest Semitic groups,
one finds they have many things in common.
People would not believe that without study…
when one studies, it is there for the reading.

July 11, 2017 7:36 pm

Then there is ENVY .
Western Man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large to be almost inexpressible.Its Western exploration , science and conquest that has revealed it to the world.Other races feel like the subjects of Western powers….
The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility buy are baffled by their good will,because they don’t grasps what it really means: Humiliation ….the white man presents the image of superiority and Superiorty excites Envy.

July 11, 2017 7:37 pm

I tried to be lazy and go find it. I think I wrote it up in a comment here longagofaraway, but I decided that was even MORE work that typing it in short form.

On a TDY to Iceland in 1988/89, where the AWACS “eye in the sky” patrolled for Bear coming from the North Sea to head down to Cuba along the Eastern U.S. coast, playing tag with our fighters at the MADIZ/ADIZ as they passed by/over Iceland and Greenland, a huge storm in the North Sea caused a Soviet Exercise underway to return to bases and a couple of MiGs were allowed to land at Keflavik NAS. In spite of our being briefed about the “enemy” Russians constantly prior to our surveillance flights (we were up there watching their exercise, of course), they were given a secure and private space on the flightline and even were assigned a time to eat in the chow hall!

It was a defining moment in my military career. I have met the enemy… he was eating at my table in the chow hall.

Not really, but you get what I mean. I realized the “mission” was not what the people in charge proclaimed it to be.

July 11, 2017 7:41 pm

Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.Joe Sabran

In other words minorities don’t really have much to complain about but they are constantly attacking white people both in the media and on the streets.This author says most of this hatred comes from their Envy of Europeans and Western Civilization.

July 12, 2017 9:03 pm

They are in envy of our hair.

Searcher After Truth
Searcher After Truth
July 11, 2017 9:18 pm

The article and the comments all have one thing in common. None of them offers the solution.
I have offered the solution but no one will take time to read, or understand it. So you all may as well quit your bitchin’. You aren’t solving anything. Use your time more productively. Go study your citizenship and what “domicile” means, and the consequences of it.

  Searcher After Truth
July 11, 2017 9:37 pm

Why don’t you recap it for us since it’s a 200+ page document.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Robert Gore
July 12, 2017 3:28 pm

Soaking the dry beans in water with a spoon of baking soda may not stop it completely, but it significantly reduces flatulence.

July 11, 2017 10:30 pm

I think many here are equating hate and violence. They aren’t the same but both have their own uses.

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 11, 2017 11:05 pm

The fuel for any war is hate. If a nation or country is invading your land and threatening your family, hate is the emotion the drives you to kill them and take back what was yours.
So here is the neoconservative predicament; how to gin up hate to the level of killing the enemy,in this case, the Russians. In the past, news reports showed us the Hun and the Jap and the threat they represented and started the snowball of hatred of John Q. Public who became the fodder for the war machine. At the time, there was a possibility of an attack on the homeland, but today, not so much from the Russian or Chinese powers. Add to the lack of interest of Americans to hate the bear, the collapse of the MSM and short of a black swan event, the war machine may never generate enough animosity to get out of first gear. I do fear that with the lack of ability to generate hatred from the general public, drastic measures (some tactical strike against the homeland) will be needed if the neoconservative is ever expected to accomplish their goals of total war.

Not quite sober
Not quite sober
  Not Sure
July 12, 2017 6:35 am

And there you have the classic false flag.

ILuvCO2 Stuck in Boston
ILuvCO2 Stuck in Boston
July 11, 2017 11:20 pm

So am I still waiting
For this world to stop hating?
Can’t find a good reason
Can’t find hope to believe in
Drop dead
A bullet to my head
Your words are like a gun in hand
You can’t change the state of the nation
We just need some motivation
These eyes
Have seen no conviction
Just lies and more contradiction
So tell me what would you say
I’d say it’s time too late

Well, a better representation for Canadian rock than Rush, eh Iska?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  ILuvCO2 Stuck in Boston
July 11, 2017 11:47 pm

That was good. Mush better than the worst band ever. And Ramesh Ponnuru on rhythm guitar.

July 12, 2017 1:29 pm

Overthe cliff is on to something.
I’ve done violence without hate or anger and I’ve done it with hate and anger. Anger takes you’re ability to think clearly. Hate takes your Soul.
I don’t think Bob wrote this to point out any particular Boogie Men. I think he wrote it to us because he likes us and wants to expose the favorite method of TPTB to short circuit our brains in these trying times. He can correct me if I’m way off but I’ve read it over 3 times and that’s what I get out of it.

A. R. (Rich) Wasem
A. R. (Rich) Wasem
July 12, 2017 1:33 pm

Robert – Your usual good job. Brings to mind Nietzsche’s aphorism that if we look into the abyss searching for monsters (presumably to slay) we must be mindful that we are likely to become monsters ourselves. That said, even anarchists recognize the individual right of self-defense but hatred should not be involved as it is strategically counterproductive, i.e., study Machiavelli rather than Goebbels.

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 12, 2017 3:42 pm

The older I get the more I realize there’s not enough time left to waste on hating anybody or anything. There are more important things to do.

$hillary’s picture still makes my neck hair stand on end, but if I saw her drowning in the back seat of drunken Teddy’s car… Oh who am I kidding? I’d throw them both a cinder block. That’s not hatred, it’s expedience.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 12, 2017 8:27 pm

I found a damn Russian under bed last night!

July 12, 2017 10:36 pm

I never had a Russian try to kill me.

I have had quite a few muslems try to kill me.

Guess who I hate.

July 12, 2017 11:47 pm

I can’t think of a more cut and dry example of sound reasoning.

July 13, 2017 10:11 am

Saw this was posted over at Lew Rockwell this morning. Nice work, RG.