Killing Them is Killing Us

The murdered cannot forgive. Their blood won’t be washed.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

There is something eerily fascinating about cold-blooded murderers—a staple of Hollywood thrillers and crime dramas—killing without emotion or remorse. Ordinary humans, afflicted with guilt for minor, not even criminal transgressions, can’t conceive of pulling the trigger and then sitting down for dinner. In real life, the number of people who can is glancingly small. Even for those few, actions have consequences. The blood never washes away.

“Live and let live,” is, in American mythology, a benevolent and almost uniquely American attitude. We destroyed Japan and Germany in World War II and then helped rebuild them. Live and let live goes down well with the living, the winners. However, it’s often nothing more than balm for an uneasy conscious, hand sanitizer for bloodstained hands. A century and a half later, many Southerners lack this “unique” American attitude towards their conquerers in the War of Northern Aggression.

The war on terror has laid waste to large swaths of the Middle East and Northern Africa. Cities, towns, and villages have been reduced to smoking, bombed-out rubble, chaos reigns, the carnage is ubiquitous. The US military keeps count of its own personnel wounded and killed, a number in the thousands. Civilian casualties —or collateral damage as the military calls it—across Chaostan (Richard Maybury’s apt coinage) are in the millions, as are the number of people displaced (an estimated 11 million in Syria alone). Imagine the American fury and media sensationalism if a small US town was carpet-bombed by a foreign power. YouTube’s servers would melt from the overflow of viewers watching videos of parents pulling their dead children from collapsed homes.

The war on terror’s refugee flows threaten to upend civic order and submerge the cultures of the countries receiving them. It’s a vicious act of intellectual corruption to maintain that the war on terror does not create terrorists, that those killed, wounded, or displaced have no friends or family who will exact what they consider justified vengeance. The terrorism we see now is lava trickling from a volcano of hatred that has boiled, bubbled, and occasionally erupted for centuries, and will continue to do so. There will be no live and let live. Blood will have blood, not banalities.

Macbeth was a dramatic psychological study of two murderers. They screwed their courage to the sticking place, but they couldn’t turn themselves into killers without conscience. In Mafioso parlance, “button men” are hit men. Figuratively they “push a button,” literally they murder. With the US government, the figurative and literal have merged. Someone pushes a button on a drone, missile, or bomb control and murder is done in furtherance of never-ending American war. It’s as disassociated, remote, and cold-blooded as murder gets. Nevertheless, neither the murderers nor the public from which they try to hide reality will have any more success eluding the psychological turmoil and toll than the Thane of Cawdor and his lady.

During the entirety of President Obama’s terms and most of President Bush’s, the US has been fighting one or more wars. Odds are there will be no peace during Trump’s tenure either. What does it do to a government, and the people in it, when collateral damage, a bloodless term that now applies to millions of bloody deaths, wounds, and lives upended, prompts no remorse or reappraisal, and only occasionally half-hearted apologies to meet the exigencies of diplomacy and public relations?

How does evil become banal? Practice, practice, practice. Killing becomes the routine, what the government does. Like many bloodthirsty, tyrannical regimes the US government has warmed up on foreigners. However, the functionaries and politicians who now push the Kill the Enemy button also push the Domestic Surveillance button. They will not hesitate to push the Enemies of the State, Mass Detention, Concentration Camp, and Execution buttons when the time is right. Rotten government, like rotten fruit, gets more rotten, until it’s finally tossed in the trash.

Try as it might, the government cannot entirely shield it’s constituents from the knowledge and consequences of its murderous ways. Having learned its lesson in Vietnam, it can keep its media puppies docilely distant from much of the killing, but the Internet has proven not entirely controllable. And although most people don’t make the connection, institutionalized murder is responsible for an appreciable part of the government’s $20 trillion debt and $200 trillion in unfunded promises, as well as its cronyism and corruption, loads under which the economy now strains and will finally collapse.

Any American who travels abroad is liable to run into a forthright foreigner who will tell them that the US government is the most hated institution on the planet. That sentiment is increasingly directed at the US population at large, who’ve tolerated these homicidal megalomaniacs for so long. Aside from its fellow travelers in other governments, multilateral fronts for world government, useless NGOs, universities, corporations, and the media, the world’s peoples would little mourn the overthrow of the US government by an enraged citizenry.

But that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Executioners have a short ‘life’. They get tired of the work. The soul sickens of it. After ten, twenty, a hundred death-rattles, the human being, however sub-human he may be, acquires, perhaps by a process of osmosis with death itself, a germ of death which enters his body and eats into him like a canker. Melancholy and drink take him, and a dreadful lassitude which brings a glaze to the eyes and slows up the movements and destroys accuracy. When the employer sees these signs he has no alternative but to execute the executioner and find another one.

From Russia With Love, Ian Fleming

Killing them is killing us. Does any phrase more aptly characterize the US population than “dreadful lassitude”? The US government murders in their name. They accept its rationalizations, bread, and circuses, avert their eyes, and sink into technological and pharmacological oblivion. Despite these dubious efforts the knowledge seeps in, drop by drop, like rainwater under leaky sills during a hard storm. The government has its buttons for those few who protest and resist, but even the most oppressive regimes can’t seal off their people entirely.

Red, white, and blue are no more; it’s bureaucratic gray and charnel-rubble carmine. Americans grow “tired of the work” and soul sickness spreads. Birnam Wood advances and the empire crumbles. A somnambulant Lady can’t wash away the blood; her Thane can’t sleep.

America cannot wash its hands…or know an innocent’s slumber.


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July 30, 2017 8:06 pm

The only way countries can successfully go to war is if the propaganda makes the “enemy” a faceless monster. There are exceptions to this of course, but for the most part the citizens of whatever place is invaded knows little to nothing of what the powers-that-be are really up to, and would be powerless to stop it.
Looking at WWII there is more “black and white” as far as who the good guys were, and who the bad guys were. Certainly having Hitler succeed in his quest would have been bad for the world.
The civil war is a little different. Kids are taught that it was a war to end slavery, and maybe that was part of it. But the reality is slavery would have ended anyway, it was not sustainable and once the slave population rose to such numbers as to rise up on their own, it would have been over anyway. Not that I am saying ending slavery wasn’t the right thing to do, but the reality is the North was not going to have the South leave the union no matter what. At that time, government wasn’t what it is today, certainly not as far reaching. A reason everyone in the North could get behind was the only way to motivate them to stop the South from leaving the union. Yes, slavery was bad, but for most Northerners I think they were so far removed from it that it was not really a personal concern until the government made it so.
All wars fought have to have some kind of propaganda machine driving it. Vietnam was a dismal failure at propaganda, and the citizens knew it. I feel like this whole Syria thing is a big stink fest and no one is really buying it either. Technology is a two-edged sword, you can wag the dog with it but it can turn around and bite you too.
The “war on terror” is different. It doesn’t really have a home base to attack, it’s in a lot of places. It’s a religiously-based ideology, and as such you cannot reason with the perpetrators. Zealots do not respond to diplomacy, that’s not the way it works. Western civilization can no longer imagine this. The Crusades of the Holy Roman Catholic Empire are long gone, and the days of knights saving anyone from the invading hordes has long passed. Western peoples go to church, sure, but gear up and go to war for it? No way. Catholicism has stopped being the major player on the world scene long ago. Once Catholicism stopped the physical punishments of the Inquisition, progress took over and that was the end of that.
Islam, on the other hand, still practices a very Inquisition-like way of life. Conform, totally, or suffer the very dire consequences. Faced with the consequences of torture and or death, the populace continues to conform and spread. If the physical punishment aspect was gone, so would go the zealotry. And progress would take it’s place.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 30, 2017 10:53 pm

The difference is that the Inquisition was not intrinsic to Catholicism (or Christianity), while the Islamic prescription for apostasy is intrinsic to Islam. The physical punishment part of Islam will never go away because it cannot.

norman franklin
norman franklin
July 30, 2017 8:53 pm

Nice article Robert, I am afraid it will fall on deaf ears outside the manosphere. I was just a kid when Vietnam ended but I can’t for the life of me figure out how we got the war stopped then but fail to do so now. This whole empire nonsense is bankrupting us and we don’t even take the spoils of war. We just kill people and break things, feel bad, try to rebuild it and then rinse and repeat. If these wars of northern aggression don’t end soon the whole world will turn against us, right as we turn against each other and then it is game over.

July 30, 2017 10:13 pm

‘Killing Them is Killing Us’, or alternatively:

[imgcomment image&sp=943cad57b248be56bae1e5cc2910f478[/img]

July 30, 2017 10:24 pm

“charnel-rubble carmine”

I wouldn’t be surprised if those words have never been used in that combination before. What a visceral feast of an article. It read like the closing argument of a prosecutor, but I couldn’t tell if I was in the jury, or the guy handcuffed and wearing an orange jumpsuit.

I too wonder if all the middle-eastern warfare has really been anything more than practice; and when the chicken-hawk drones might be coming home to roast.

July 31, 2017 9:19 am

excellent comment there Uncola, even though the cynicism
is fatalistic.

August 3, 2017 12:28 pm

Mmmmm….roasted hawk…yum!

July 30, 2017 10:30 pm

These conflicts are not pointless.

Ask yourself who benefits from our martial exploits in the near east.

It’s not us.

Then ask yourself, why we do it and who does benefit. Look at the things the Democrats and Republicans in Congress consistently find common cause in, with no discussion – things that are not widely publicized.

July 30, 2017 10:42 pm

Sad it is, we are reaping what we have sown. As long as the culture and the corrupt media keep ignoring the actual events happening and keep promoting “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” there will be a cheapening of humanity. I dislike seeing what the world has devolved into, but I believe that a catharsis is necessary. We are all guilty, guilty by association, guilty by disassociation, and guilty by ignorance. What happens is beyond our control.

Anton Chigurh
Anton Chigurh
  Robert Gore
August 1, 2017 1:12 am

We will reap and soon. However, this nation must lose WWIII in order to have any worthwhile change.

Archibald david
Archibald david
  Anton Chigurh
August 3, 2017 2:05 pm

We will ALL lose WWIII …… America can only throw nukes now at any true opponent. After 16 years we have not beaten the Taliban or AlQueda ….. imagine us going up against the Russians, Chnese, N.Korea.

July 30, 2017 11:12 pm

And to think, they do all this with my tax dollars that have been stolen from me all without my permission. What’s this representative republic we are supposed to be living in.? These bastards don’t represent me in the least.
Excellent article, but I’m afraid that 99.9% of Muricans have their heads buried in their I phones (or asses) so deep they don’t care. Not as long as the stock market keeps going up and the welfare checks keep coming.

July 31, 2017 9:22 am

there is not enough “tax money” to pay for the carnage…
they “borrow” the $$$$$ from the drooling bankers.

July 31, 2017 1:14 am

“… the internet has proven not entirely controllable”.

They will soon rectify that situation.
Google, Facebook, and Apple have worked with the Chinese government to perfect and implement ways to control the information available to the people. That paradigm will soon come to the rest of the world. This is only ‘practice’. Gird your loins.

July 31, 2017 1:18 am

Robert, everything you said is right. And someday, the unthinkable will happen, and this country will have its turn to experience some collateral damage.

July 31, 2017 3:10 am

I read that a Brit sniper now has the record of killing a man from the longest distance. Now ain’t that something to be proud of? Them SOBs took the killing cup away from us Mericans. The article writer made it sound like a slap-shot or home run competition. I can think of nothing to say. I didn’t think it was possible to gross me out, I was wrong.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 31, 2017 12:26 pm

I understand the role of a sniper in infantry. I understand the need for armies in national defense.
It appears there is a need, by the murderers and amoral among us, to make us ALL murderers and amoral. Can it be that those who kill and lack conscience still require social acceptance? Do we all have some kind of inner requirement for validation and acceptance, to have the entire society say, with one voice, ‘It’s OK; we know you’re a murdering libertine, and we’re good with that. It’s alright to murder, to act without considering others, to take advantage of the weak and deprecate the strong; it’s fine to behave like there is no God because having any kind of compassion or understanding of civilization means that we are judging others, and judging is WRONG. “Judge not, lest ye be judged”, right? Anything goes because drawing a line between what’s right and wrong is SUBJECTIVE, and there is no objective truth, right?’
This is how a whole society descends to hell, and every man becomes a murderer because there is no other choice for survival. When the Crunch comes and every man for himself becomes a reality again, we will be forced to become murderers to defend our families and our communities. Islam will accept no other choice; tribal groups like the various ethnicities will accept no other choice.
I wandered this earth for nearly 60 years without being required to murder anyone. I cannot pretend that even self-defense or family defense does not kill; it will become necessary. And the people who force me to murder (by importing my enemies into my country and invading other countries to drive them to it) are the ones I should be murdering, not the ignorant savages brought here to displace me; the savages are merely close at hand and will require attention first. But after the initial problems are solved, those who caused them are due a reckoning …

  james the deplorable wanderer
August 1, 2017 2:15 pm

Good post!

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
July 31, 2017 8:49 pm

What always amazes me, naive as it may sound, is that in a war a man can go on a rooftop and shoot people he does not know. He will be given medals based on the number of lives he has taken. He will be praised for his accuracy. If he does the same thing upon returning home, he will be immediately charged with capital crimes, labeled as an evil psychopath and will face the death penalty.

  Semi-employed White Guy
July 31, 2017 9:17 pm

it is a paradox isn’t it?

Middle-aged Mad Gnome
Middle-aged Mad Gnome
July 31, 2017 5:10 am

RG has a great way with words. I would have enjoyed the artful writing but for the failed substance. So is the U.S. government the people or isn’t it? The consensus on this site and most other places is that it isn’t. Is our government representative or isn’t it? Most say it isn’t. Yet we the people are then supposed to carry a chronic guilt over the horrible things our government does. Which leads to accepting the murder of Americans as just punishment. If we accept the proposition that the U.S. government is out of control, and murderously so, the people are morally compelled to overthrow the government by force, which is the murder that the people aren’t constructed to do. So until Robert actually calls for a civil war and/or bloody insurrection, I reject his calls for collective guilt. I have to believe all things will work out for a basically good people.

  Robert Gore
July 31, 2017 9:40 am

Very nice there Bob,…we appreciate your pointing
out the collective guilt we carry. Caveat?
The majority of Americans are brainwashed, and the truth
is so confusing (obfuscated) that people have given up
trying to figure it out.

Bloody revolution? I don’t think so. I have to reread your
article. There has been enough bloodshed.

The American people can not believe the 19 ways the gov
colludes and conspires to destroy it’s own people.
eg, consider: 49 doses of 14 different vaccines are given
to children by the age of 6. Starts with the odd one = Hep B
vaccine within 24h of birth…”because some Moms have been
infected through promiscuity and drug use”…paraphrase.
Morbidity? One in 68 females, and one in 42 males, are on
the Autism spectrum. Dr William Thompson CDC came out
to reveal the danger in 2014, and offered to testify in Congress.
So far, he has not been summoned. Everyday people struggle
with myriad challenges against their health and their very
lives, and there isn’t much energy left over to focus on the ME

Thank you very much for reminding us all,

July 31, 2017 11:18 am

The hepatitis vaccine being forced on kids is what initially aroused me, along with a few other things that occurred to family and friends as to how dangerous big pharma is to our health because of both the big $ involved and the incredible arrogance of the medical industry.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 31, 2017 6:29 am

My guess is that you knew as you were writing it that you were nailing this one.

One of your best.

But as others have pointed out there is a paradox here- how can anyone be guilty of something they haven’t done? How can culpability be assigned collectively? If borders are simply made up lines, if civic nationalism is merely the acceptance of a nations creed rather than a birthright owed to the Founders posterity, then those who live within the confines of a a State and who reject it’s premises and actions are innocent.

I do believe there will be a reckoning and I cannot see historically any other Empire who has done more damage- not just militarily, but socially, morally, and in virtually every meaningful aspect of life- to the world. What kind of justice would be fitting?

teo toon
teo toon
  Robert Gore
July 31, 2017 10:47 am

WE the People are ruled/controlled by a foreign people whose identity and depth of control we are not permitted to identify; whose “homeland” if we refuse to buy their goods or dis-invest in, we are made criminals. To add insult to injury, those who rule over us do not even belong to the tribe whose identity they have stolen; they are not even Semites: they even openly admit that they have no connection to the ancient Hebrews/Hebraism of the Old Testament. They are the Synagogue of Satan and they have successfully veiled their true nature and it is nearly impossible to awaken Americans to the true nature of our masters.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 31, 2017 8:30 am

In my life time the wars and conflicts my country “USA”
has been engauged in some form of military conflict or intervention constantly with few months of exception .
I still have trouble purchasing products from Vietnam yet the Vietnamese people I meet seem great and grateful to be here . The men I know and knew as young boys all that returned had the same final opinion “the people on both sides were great the governments are all fucked up and all the basturds involved in it”
I see no difference in the war on terror , drugs , poverty it’s all a government line of bull shit to squeeze taxpayers dry and feed the military industrial complex that supports the politicians and news media . It’s all a murderous circle jerk . Now you will say , but we have a volunteer military so they want to do this job !
If you really believe that I question your intellect or sanity ? The young people volunteering today grew up in the greatest economic down turn in history and witnessed their parents lose jobs retirement health care insurence with very few viable options to turn to . They also witnessed friends and older siblings going into debt for college and they cannot get a job that services the debt they were coaxed into . Then they hear the chant of the propaganda the few the proud , the army of one be a great American hero !
My support and respect for American young people is as strong as the finest steel we used to make . I despise the power that squanders their patriotic spirt and heart felt duty to keep the stock numbers up so some rich fool can shed a tear when he hears the national anthem played from the box seats of a ball game with his kids in seats next to him while our kids are in the seat of a hum-vee hoping not to have a bulls eye on their back that day !

July 31, 2017 8:38 am

Excellent article Robert!! Very pithy, however, I agree with Unreconstucted: “Excellent article, but I’m afraid that 99.9% of Muricans have their heads buried in their I phones (or asses) so deep they don’t care. Not as long as the stock market keeps going up and the welfare checks keep coming.” IF there is such a thing as karma, Amerika is due for some major payback. That’s what we get for sucking zionist dick.

July 31, 2017 9:31 am

When I think back to how easy it was for the Cheney regime to rehabilitate torture as an acceptable information gathering technique, I must acknowledge that the few voices of reason that hang out on alt media sites such as this are of negligible effect. Some of my neighbors proudly fly the stars and stripes, but all I can see is the swastika underlying the veneer of propaganda. I enjoyed your latest article immensely Robert, though this pleasure is bitter sweet.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 31, 2017 4:23 pm

Torture is never acceptable mistreatment cruel punishment is never acceptable . As Americans in a combat operation prisoners are to be kept safe and secure , even defended as long as the risk involved does not further endanger the mission and those personal involved . As soon as possible these now prisoners are to be transported to a rear area given medical attention , feed and questioned with respect and dignity ! At any time during their custody should they become aggressive endangering the Americans on scene , force up to deadly may be called for and is the discreation of those on scene and some shmuck in an office has no right to criticize . But torture by Americans should never be tolerated , you are in a combat zone and if you want to question or control the situations that arise in combat put on a uniform and line up you may be sorry to get what you wish for !

July 31, 2017 11:25 am

One can make an argument that we should not have been in the middle east but what is wrong w/torture if it extracts info that saves lives?

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 1:58 pm

If you behave like your enemies, what distinguishes you from them? You lose the moral high ground. “Torturing them is torturing us” — if you will.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 10:03 pm

Didn’t John McCain make the same argument?

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
August 1, 2017 8:16 am

He may have; I am not sure. If he did, he probably followed it up with a call to invade Iran. It is not okay to dump water on a suspected terrorists face, but it is okay to drop white phosphorous on an entire village of strangers. Yeah, that sounds about like John McCain.

  Mercy Otis Warren
August 1, 2017 11:04 am

It’s late Aug,early Sept,2001.
Saudi intel has passed along info about a major terrorist event that is to occur within the next week or so.They do not know the particulars or the players but give us the names and locations of several support personnel.
We round them up but they are uncooperative-would you torture or waterboard?

August 1, 2017 12:21 pm

What a laugh “Saudi intel has passed along info about a major terrorist event that is to occur within the next week or so.” The Saudis would be the ones running the terrorist attack you fool. No you don’t torture hypocrite.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
August 1, 2017 1:18 pm

I am pretty sure Saudi intel without details does not constitute probable cause to round anyone up — per the 4th Amendment. So first you have an illegal seizure and secondly, you have an illegal interrogation. But I get what you are asking. It is a tough question and the temptation would be there to get all Jack Baur-esq. But I think you have to say no — for the aforementioned reasons.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 31, 2017 11:41 am

It is unreal how a relatively small group at the top can divert, displace and misrule a nation of 330 million into horrible mistakes of economics, foreign relations and welfare. Somehow those who actually understand mathematics, logic, science and causality must be found who are willing to lead, and put in position to end the madness.
Hopefully before the planet becomes uninhabitable.

philly cheese
philly cheese
July 31, 2017 12:21 pm

The American people, by and large, do not carry the majority of the responsibility. The American Empire is global, and the elites of America as well as the elites in her primary vassal states, deserve most of the blame. The main vassal states are the European governments, Japan, South Korea, and the ugly jewel in our empire’s crown, Saudi Arabia. Israel and the jews are just smart enough to manipulate the monster for their own horrible advantage. China also has a lot of responsibility, since to gain economic clout, they financed our debt for the last thirty years.

The American in the street is just a manipulated schlub, manipulated on 9-11 and a myriad other times before and since. American’s are trusting, and that has screwed them. The fish rots from the head. All societies have an elite that wields power. When the elite is out of control, what can the little person do? Nothing. The abject, ass-licking, useless elite in Japan have 1000 times more blood on their hands for what has transpired, than does the average American. As do the Saudis and our gal in Europe, Merkel. These fuckers decided it was a good idea to give us cars, oil, and other valuable stuff, in return for our “dollars”. They thought it was a fantastic deal. It will not seem so fantastic in the future, and they will deserve all the grief such a deal will bring them.

Even the Arabs and muslims who have been the main victims, bear a lot of the blame since their fractious, tribal culture is what allowed America into their part of the world. They also picked a fight with Israel and Israel has out maneuvered them every time. That’s how it works. Blood is just blood. It will be absorbed by the dirt and concrete onto which it is spilled. Protect one’s family and oneself, but if you think the average American needs all this guilt, and this guilt will benefit anyone, you are a fool, Mr. Gore.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 1:38 pm

That was a great piece with some first-rate one liners. A very interesting point that you brought up was how evil becomes banal. That seems counter-intuitive as evil is immediately associated with the monstrous or at least cold blooded indifference typical of a psychopath. But it is usually none of that. It is usually much more boring. It is intellectual sloth and bad education mixed with a heightened and often unmerited sense of pride or entitlement. I suspect this type of thing was rampant in Germany in the late 30s and would neatly apply to many people in the good ole USA. Hannah Arendt described Eichmann as a near perfect example of the banality of evil. It is indeed a hideous doctrine that turns otherwise ordinary men into banal killers.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 3:30 pm

My husband retired from USAF at 20 years ten seconds (a Lifer will get that) and then worked another 15 for a gubment contractor with a minority status fasttrack – a flipside of Affirmative Action programs: giving the robber barons a legitimate excuse why they should have extra access to public monies. He taught some young kids who’d been in control/operation of some of those drones and most of them were immune to the idea that they had killed strangers and civilians going about their days.

One or two had PTSD in a big way, waking at night in cold sweats thinking about the trucks and cars blown up at his hand.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 8:40 pm

I hope my comment did not come off as an indictment from someone standing on a pedestal. Indeed I am just as guilty as most. With manufacturing shipped off to Asia and South America, the industry I work in is tangentially connected to the oligarchs and their enforcement cartel (i.e. the MIC) One of the reasons I post on sites like this is to try to mitigate the hypocrisy — at least a little bit.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
July 31, 2017 5:16 pm

whiskey rebellion, our government has been at war with its citizens for a long time. think of the lives ruined for advantage. uncle sugar just had to export the carnage for better returns. one major difference about nam, the draft was in force. uncle sugar saw the dark side of that policy, as i did. how to create angry young men, jerk them away from friends and family to places unknown. my buddy had to remove dog tags when in laos, he was a draftee as well. now in richmond va a commission is being established to decide the fate of my heritige, little more fuel on the fire please. thanks robert and commentors

July 31, 2017 8:21 pm

Give me a fucking break!
Muslims will kill us for sport, yet we’re supposed to feel bad about killing them to protect our way of life?
Who the fuck are you people? Don’t you understand we’re in a 1400 yr+ old war?
The chickens WILL come home to roost. We will as a country begin to accept muslims into our communities and they will displace us and subvert our way of life. They are incompatible with western values. They have no interest in assimilating. They are hundreds of years behind us culturally.
Apologising for bombing the shit out of islam is cultural suicide. They started it, and they will not stop.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 8:57 pm

Somehow I doubt the issue is as binary as you seem to think it is. And just for kicks, when was the last time a muslim nation invaded a western one in order to maintain low gas prices, or for any reason? How many muslim bases are situated in western nations? There is no doubt a radical element of the muslim religion that needs to be dealt with accordingly, but you are delusional if you think the west is completely without fault.

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 9:52 pm

“How many muslim bases are situated in western nations?”
Anybody wanna add to the list?

  Mercy Otis Warren
July 31, 2017 10:09 pm

Muslims are invading every western country we know of. Unless we admit that, we’re going to wake up one day with sharia law being acceptable. Time to wake up now.

July 31, 2017 10:27 pm

Pure bullshit. The alternative to killing Mohammedans is to submit to Mohammedans. Only a fool thinks otherwise. The sooner the Christian and secular west realizes that we are in a death struggle with mohammedanism the better off we will be.

August 1, 2017 2:22 pm

NATO’s “War On Terror” Leaves Famine, Disease In Its Wake In Africa

NATO’s “War On Terror” Leaves Famine, Disease In Its Wake In Africa
Resource exploitation, military occupation and so-called “anti-terror” efforts led by Western countries are destabilizing several countries in Africa, leading to widespread starvation and sickness for millions of people. Famine has become a daily fact of life for many in Somalia, South Sudan and elsewhere in Africa.

But they deserve to die, right?

August 1, 2017 2:56 pm

There was famine in Somalia long before we had military operations there. Yours is a strawman argument.

August 1, 2017 3:44 pm

The current famine has been caused by military operations, not natural causes. Yours, rather, is the strawman argument. But what does it matter, they’re only black.

August 1, 2017 6:14 pm

hell,let the un buy the subsidized wheat our farmers produce to feed the starving poor —
see how simple it is–

August 1, 2017 7:02 pm

It doesn’t matter what colour they are. They are muslims and want what we have. Are you ready to convert?
All the middle east countries we’re in were fucked up decades before we got there.

August 1, 2017 11:33 pm

Killing is our business, and business is good! They don’t call us Christians or nothing, halaleiujah!

August 2, 2017 7:50 am

Am wondering if you have any comment on this story?

  Robert Gore
August 2, 2017 9:13 am

within the last 5-6 days i posted on one of the threads here that this scandal is reaching pelosi also-
i can’t remember which thread or the source but i believe that it was either the daily caller or martin barrillas,which is spero news–