Taking the Peterson Plunge: a Grey Champion for Heroic Millennials?

Lew Rockwell has an excellent article by Ira Katz which I brought here with a few select links added. I don’t know how much attention the Monkey Minions of Quinn have devoted to Jordan Peterson, but I really think he is showing signs of emerging as a real “prophet” of for our floundering hero generation.

If you’ve not time for all the links, at least consider this offering and see if your interest is not piqued (as opposed to peaked).


On the Site, the title is Hero of the Right, but I didn’t like the connotation nor the obvious invitation for hijack. Since I don’t think Peterson’s followers could easily fit the “hero of the right” label, I opted to rename and add a few “selective” links. You should be able to see my personal correlation with (but not caused by nor causal) Peterson’s views, but I do have a certain perspective to give you, don’t I?

One of the first things I learned in Journalism School at OU back before the Gaylord Palace was dedicated was that the medium may be the message, but the background is always there shaping the meaning.

… from www.lewrockwell.com

Hero of the Right by Ira Katz

I have taken the Peterson Plunge; that is, over the past week or so I have immersed myself into the complete (over 30 hours)* lecture series The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories by Dr. Jordan Peterson. Peterson is a University of Toronto psychology professor who is becoming something of an internet phenomenon. I only became aware of him through a recent post by the Bionic Mosquito.

The aim of the series was to take a rational approach to the Bible stories through the latest understanding of neuroscience, psychoanalysis (Peterson is also a clinical psychologist), evolutionary biology, philosophy, literature (the wisdom of our civilization), and art (a window into the transcendent). He often refers to among many others Freud, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky and especially Jung.

The overarching theme is that these stories, quite strange to a modern person, contain the concentrated essence of human experience that is encoded in our subconscious and physiology. In effect they are true, in that “truth” is what is consistent with human experience. Because human beings are conscious of the future, of their own death, they are unique among animals and all individuals must play out their own adventure story of leaving the known to explore the unknown.

We can know Peterson by his enemies; he detests Marxism and postmodernism. For example, in Lecture VI: The Psychology of the Flood, he has an excellent critique of the modern university during the question period when he also describes his entrepreneurial concept for an online university. In Lecture VII: Walking with God: Noah and the Flood (corrected), he skewers the intellectuals and their arrogance.

There is not much directly concerning economics, but in Lecture VIII: The Phenomenology of the Divine, he alludes to how the Tower of Babel was so big it had to fail, or should fail, like the big corporations in 2008.

At another point he states that social engineering often results in the opposite of intention a la von Mises. In Lecture X: Abraham: Father of Nations there is an economic discussion that posits trust between persons in a society is extremely valuable toward economic exchange.

Peterson often refers to Vikor Frankl and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and their insight that the horrors of 20th century were only possible because individuals had been acquiescent.

And why, because as Nietzsche observed “God is dead” and thus the bloodbath would commence. In a recent LRC article David Gordon described the spiritual crisis in Europe as diagnosed by Eric Voegelin:

This might stave off immediate disaster, but as I suggested earlier, a deeper problem—spiritual crisis—finally had to be confronted. Voegelin believed that order in society is much more than a political problem in the conventional sense. Besides the everyday world, there is a transcendent realm: human beings exist in tension between it and the world we grasp through the senses. Voegelin calls this tension the In-Between or, using a term of Plato’s, the Metaxy. The transcendent cannot be described in language that is literally true: myth and symbol are our only recourse. As he puts the point in his philosophically deepest book, The Ecumenic Age, Plato “is aware of the limits set to the philosopher’s exploration of reality by the divine mystery. . . . Since the philosopher cannot transcend these limits but has to move in the In-Between, the Metaxy, . . . the meaning of his work depends on an ambiance of insight concerning the divine presence and operation in the cosmos that only the myth can provide.”

But what has all this to do with politics? Voegelin thought that the rulers of a society must mirror their society’s conception of cosmic order in the way they organize the government. In doing so, it is vital that the governing authorities preserve the tension between the human and divine realms.

This certainly fits in with much of what Peterson describes in his lectures though he never referred to Voegelin. And I might add, that is why these topics are important.

Why has Dr. Peterson become such an internet phenomenon? He is a public philosopher and scientist who takes the bible seriously and respects it as a foundation of our civilization; the civilization the marxists and postmodernists want to destroy. He teaches the truths about responsibility and preparation for the future that conflict with the zeitgeist (e.g., listen to the Grass Roots Let’s Live for Today).

I believe he first became well known in Canada for contesting new laws of political correctness. He has a Canadian style, including his accent, phrasing (eh?), and modesty that is appealing. Talking about truth and morality as part of a description of the structure of reality, and from the wilderness of the academy, Peterson is a lonely, but becoming a more powerful (perhaps he might say authoritative) voice that appears to find the eager ears of many young people.

[My own son is an avid follower of Peterson, with a large number of computer-bit and byte-fed brains processing his easily potable lectures as part of their daily routine. Has anyone else noticed how the brains of our young people seem to be processing information in the MOST unnatural way imaginable? My son can read a page, text on his tablet and talk to me ALL at the same time. I’m sorry, but even on my best day at age 23, I could not multi-task at that level without some serious chemical assistance. I really think we are facing a different sort of generational conflict along with the obvious approaching racial and ethnic (typed “ethic” and almost LEFT it. Okay, back to adding a few links to this very interesting assessment of Peterson, who I see as a growing potential Grey Champion. He has MY VOTE. Oh, that’s right… I probably don’t get a vote. Well, he has my son’s vote. End of Maggita insert]

His focus on the subconscious and dream analysis do not resonate with me. For example, I have had discussions with those who have experienced everything from the truth of Christianity, to exorcisms, to Egyptian gods, to the 5th dimension (whatever that is). My usual response to these personal stories was to confess that they are beyond my personal experience; but I would add in these typically pub discussions while knocking on the bar (like Samuel Johnson’s famous refutation of Bishop Berkeley’s idealism with a kick) “ … but I know that human life is not only material.” Even more, at my age (I am older than Peterson) my dreams are not likely to be transcendent, but more like those of Theodore Dalrymple who dreams of going to the toilet because he needs to.

But why spend so much time listening to one person, and on the Bible no less. I suppose it is that I have come to many of the same conclusions and have the real experiences of life that he alludes to (the tragedy and suffering), to affirm the truth of what he describes. So I will continue to follow Dr. Peterson, he is focusing on the important things to those in the wilderness who need guidance.

[If you have not seriously looked at Peterson’s growing followership AND at how intensifying his convictions seem to be, I highly recommend you download a few of these lectures to listen to while you walk or do other mindnumbing tasks that require zero attention. I wish I still worked for a government contractor as a technical writer… I could copy and paste technical manual crap to be reformatted all day long and OVERTIME listening to some of his lectures…and you taxpaying suckers would be out more than $40 an hour… Maggita]

The Best of Ira Katz https://www.lewrockwell.com/author/ira-katz/

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September 5, 2017 12:11 pm

Keep watching. He actually presents honest solutions to ANY problem, for humans, at their core.. are meta-problem solvers.
The story of human evolution is one of living in a world with forever changing problems.

September 5, 2017 9:54 pm

Thanks Maggie,

I have seen a few you-tubes with J. Peterson speaking
and he is stalwart in defense of free speech. I listened to
2 of your links, (enough for tonight) and looked up the
man’s bio. He would be a good guide. And he is a grandfather
as of August 2017. Excellent.

I really do appreciate your formal introduction.
God Bless


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 5, 2017 11:30 am

Eloquent and intelligent. That and five bucks will buy you a cup of coffee.

Our problems are no longer fixable using the traditional methodologies because we have completely gutted our traditional institutions. Everything is a Potemkin Village.

He reminds me of the guys wearing tuxedos standing on the deck of the Titanic drinking brandy and listening to the orchestra playing “Nearer My God To Thee”.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 5, 2017 2:08 pm

They knew.

  hardscrabble farmer
September 5, 2017 12:02 pm

hah.. HSF throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

If you listen to enough of Peterson.. he WILL change your life. And if you DONT take the time to let him inoculate you, you WILL be taken advantage of by those evil souls who are using this cutting edge of psychology to control populations.

When the ”fourth turning” finally hits, and turns.. it will be those who have been touched by the fire of Peterson that will join those with the fortitude to forge ahead.

All the doom and gloom circle jerk on this TBP site affords basically nothing to those who are looking to DO.

Watch the full 2017 class Peterson offers on Personality, and then Maps of Meaning.
You WILL understand yourself and other people better than you ever thought possible. And not just Factual understanding… It is Actionable knowledge.

You will also understand that Peterson offers something far more demanding than simply ”im here to rescue you”
His lesson is “YOU, need to rescue your dead father from the depths of chaos, and transform the experience into informed action in the NOW”

It’s rather funny that you chose the titanic, HSF..for what Peterson is really teaching..is “how to survive getting swallowed up by the ocean of chaos that is life…and emerge with the knowledge to learn from the experience”

who built the titanic upon which the youth of America is currently sinking¿¿??

HSF, you built your image here on “eloquence and intelligence”
And yet, now you’ve basically devolved into petty internet japes.
I think you’re just jealous that Dr. P. Is reaching far more of the youth of the world than any of your musings did..

And if you’re wondering where the difference in impact between you and him is borne…
He puts his real name, face, and career on the line with every move he makes.
You’re still only an unembodied, largely socially disconnected construct.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 5, 2017 1:59 pm

I think Peterson is both brilliant and articulate and I very much respect everything he has to say and the manner in which he conveys his ideas- you’ve misunderstood me if you think I am trying to get a dig in at him. What I was commenting on is the heroic futility of hoping for a last minute save of a dying culture by any means. This one has run it’s course and baby, she’s going down.

We are entering a cyclic portion of cultural history where the individuals are subsumed under the vast weight of the collective- mass movements, popular delusions, etc. These occur when they occur and they are not swayed by well spoken appeals to reason, nor are they satiated by anything other than massive blood-lettings. This is a fact of our species, not a philosophy.

Individuals are eaten by the masses, and the masses come out of their collective behaviors one by one and it is individuals who build new cultures to replace those that have reached the end.

The reason I returned to agrarianism was initially motivated (I assumed) by a love for my wife and children and a desire to get them somewhere above the high water mark of the barbarity that is to come. It seemed like a self-motivated, well planned and intelligent decision based on my knowledge of history and awareness of our place in the timeline. It has taken almost a decade for me to realize that what I did was more akin to animals rushing uphill in advance of a tsunami than anything else. Human instinct, nothing more.

I also put my name and face and career and even my own family on the line- if you’ve read my work you’d know that. I don’t hide behind “HSF”, it’s just a pen name. Anyone curious as to whether or not I am for real is welcome to come by for a visit and see for themselves as quite a few people already have. You too.


September 5, 2017 8:53 pm

There are fault lines appearing in the sightlines of despair. Not all is lost and maybe he is the Grey Champion this world needs. Time will tell.

Right now the shift in the ground remains just out of sight. This won’t last long. Sure Social Justice Warriors have the best spots on shelf but is nobody buying. The Left can piss and moan but at the end of the day they are forced to give it away.

Pederson on the other hand is the New York Striploin that folks can’t get enough of.

[imgcomment image[/img]

And He is winning! As of September 5th, 2017, he makes a little over $61,000/MONTH on Patreon. Not sure if those are Canuck Bucks but at current rate he will soon reach his goal of 100 Grand. Not too shabby for a Professor from UofT.

  hardscrabble farmer
September 5, 2017 10:06 pm

you rock HSF…I didn’t doubt you.

Jealous? I certainly doubt that. Silly stuff.

Instinct to move far away from the crazed masses =
genius. Or just plain smartie. It works, and I know
because I did it.
My Mr. is down in FL. looking after the oldsters, and
I am urging him to leave now/and take them with.
Trouble is everybody wants to “time it” and wait and
see. Problem = there may be 25 million people with the
same idea.


September 5, 2017 12:47 pm

Thank you for mentioning this Genuine Grey Champion unlike the reality t.v. star Prez. EL Douche!

DR. PETERSON has resonated with me since I first watched him refuse to use these new made up gender pronouns!
Often times, the lay public assumes that all of psychology believes in this gender bending bullshit being taught as TRUTH.

As you mentioned above, existential philosophy and psychology posit that we can never truly know the infinite/universal
It is like placing like poles of magnets next to each other….no matter how hard to try to press the magnets together there will always be a GAP between them, this is the existential nature of human existence.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
September 5, 2017 1:02 pm

Well, I will defend hfs in a way with which he mightn’t agree: the over-riding emphasis on human needs is what got us into this mess in the first place.

So while, yes, it is more comfortable to wear the fine suit of erudition, it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.

It’s interesting to explore human psychology, and people’s need for religion to “explain” the world (which, trust me, is turtles all the way down), it still cannot effectively address the real problems of our time, which are overpopulation, overpopulation, and overpopulation.

  Chubby Bubbles
September 5, 2017 1:10 pm

Yes, overpopulation. That and income/wealth/power inequality.

September 5, 2017 1:28 pm

Overpopulation is the big lie that Samuel Huntington and his acolytes push to justify the poverty, wealth and income gaps…
This current system built on perpetual growth is the real problem, …when a tenth of 1 percent own most of everything, while millions scrape by with little to no food, or drinkable water then it must be the overpopulation myth.
Ties right into agenda 21 and Sustainable development, carbon cap schemes….
Gotta create new markets to exploit

September 5, 2017 1:54 pm

. . . takes the bible seriously and respects it as a foundation of our civilization; the civilization the marxists and postmodernists want to destroy.

The Marxists and postmodernists could not even have arisen, let alone metastasized to the present lethal extent, were that foundation not fundamentally unsound.

September 5, 2017 4:51 pm

“if there’s any possible way for it to fail, it wasnt good enough to use anyways”
sounds like ideological hogwash to me.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 5, 2017 2:38 pm

“For 7 million years our ancestors replicated perfectly until we became conscious humans. That is unbelievable..” I’m paraphrasing but without listening again, I think that’s pretty close.

That was the vinyl scratch for me.

He does make a lot of very good points. I do like him. I don’t trust psychologists, though. It’s a soft science and the more we study the brain, the more we find out how much we don’t know. He’s a lot smarter than me, but I have something that seems to be in short supply, particularly in elite circles. I would put him in the category of elite.

Never, ever put your faith in any human being, ever. They will always, always fail you, always. I don’t care how sincere, intelligent, whatever else you think they are.

September 5, 2017 3:33 pm

Maggie- I won’t Gump up your thread but soon I will tell you about my quest to become a fun person in the last two days. Not good. I’m a failure.

September 5, 2017 4:18 pm

Well, if it makes you feel any better at all, I’ve gotten downright maudlin.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 7, 2017 3:23 pm

That would be great name for a band: Downright Maudlin.

  Iska Waran
September 7, 2017 3:38 pm

Or a winery… on one long trip, my son noticed that there seemed to be a growing number of wineries advertised on the drive to Ohio. He made a comment that made me laugh out loud because it was one of those “context” issues.

He said he would hate to work there and have to listen to everyone whine and complain all damn day… “Get thee to a winery” and gripe about your house, your job, your life all you want.

September 5, 2017 4:12 pm

Even Maggies Farm is into JP.


September 5, 2017 4:20 pm

Maggie’s Farm would probably be called By the Sweat of Nick’s Brow.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
September 5, 2017 6:14 pm

And these Antifa children either have no concept of the system they are rooting for, or no understanding that THEY would be “first up against the wall” for execution RIGHT AFTER any revolution that ended with them in control!
Leftists HATE other leftists – the Bolshevik victors eventually executed the Trotskyites, the Mensheviks, the intellectuals who weren’t one of them, the “bourgeoise” (many of whom weren’t, but were other Leftists who were denounced by their “comrades” in order to keep them down and out of power), the kulaks (small farmers and merchants), and so on and so on ….
Mao was the same, “Let a thousand flowers bloom” (so I can identify anyone who might be a threat and destroy them).
All leftists anywhere are a threat to liberty everywhere. Be forewarned .. and fore-armed.

September 5, 2017 10:46 pm

dear girl for giving us someone decent to listen to,
I wants to thank you again.

NO ONE is perfect, and a slip of the tongue, or an error
in interpretation, or a dispute over numbers…
Those can be excused within the context of the man’s
body of work, as they say.

An “elite” is someone that is untouchable, hidden and
protected, regardless of crimes against humanity…or,
as we say, lying stealing and cheating. Further, they,
elites think they have the right to behave any which way.
And that $$$$$ has given them the right to exploit and
destroy. We are inundated with people bowing to them,
at our expense. Apparently people will do any vile and foul
thing for money.

But not all of us. We do the best we can with skills and
our intent to do good, do no harm, and to be fair. We
who love life right down to the earthworms, remain

Full moon tonight. The ERs will be booked.

I feel maudlin as well but I get over it, and so do you.

September 6, 2017 9:37 am

Suzanna, I walk daily with a woman approaching 80 years and we are both feeling a sense of great loss. I know that no one here would even tackle the topic of woman’s intuition (witches!), but there are instances in my life when I believe I have experienced what is probably the flash of synapses not often used: ESP.

She and I have been discussing the sorts of lives we have led. I am happy to report she and her children who now live nearby have seen further than the county, state or national line and we understand why we are here.

She and I want the adults in North Korean leadership to step up and be men. We want the people we elected to stop sending our kids to the middle east to die on the altar of oil and opium. We want the people we elected to stop the cronyism that has turned the Federal Government’s ability to generate and issue enormously profitable contracts to Corporate interests into a military industrial giant. Turned the Federal Government’s marriage to Corporate America/Global into a monster whose hunger for more and bigger bombs is surpassed only by the delight it gets in using them on ambiguous threats in the rocky mountains of Afghanistan where the lovely poppies grow, guarded by our bloodtreasure in uniforms provided by Corporate contract. We want the hurricanes to weaken before they cause greater loss of lives and homes… I envision the Bahamas being vastly changed after today and I can’t imagine what will happen if this hits the Keys. We want Nancy Pelosi to get that horrid condition women get when they’ve had so much plastic surgery they truly begin to show signs of cracking, like plastic barbies after being left in the rain for a bit too long, then put away wet. You know… deep, spiritual woman talk.

Geneva (like the convention) and I are the ladies walking club of 2017, as long as we feel like it.

Flying Monkey
Flying Monkey
September 6, 2017 11:11 am

I post this on Fakebook today in response to a class mate on Facebook perpetually torqued by trump…the Flim Flam man as he says. I only started listening to Peterson a month ago and I think I learned so new things. I was listening to “The Road to Character” while riding my bike in Lorraine France yesterday and listening to my .mp3. It overlapped with a few of the things Peterson says. Who knows if the Author was just using Peterson’s conclusions.
I would pipe in with my opinion. It is always just my opinion since I have learned over time, that there are always different ways, in which to view things. I would be more concerned with the trends in the country than with just beating up on the Flim Flam man. The presence of the Flim Flam man is a symptom of a larger problem.

As I see it, Hitler did not come to power by himself either. He told the people too that he would solve all their problems in the easiest way and fed back what the people wanted to hear.

The Flim Flam Man’s lack of character and integrity are reflected in a good majority of Americans now. The new American culture has been taken over by the “me” culture. All the selfies on Fakebook is a great confirmation of the “me” mentality. It has been conditioned to live for the now and the world revolves around them. It has infected our Government and business leaders as time moves on from the end of WWII and the Greatest Generation dies off.

Our whole Government can’t make hard decisions anymore. It is ironic that the debt limit is coming up and we will kick the can down the road once more. The decision to live within one’s means is just too hard. 50 years of cognitive dissonance will end in misery for many people. We can’t admit the truth to ourselves anymore. We think we can have out cake and eat it too. There seems to be no consequences any more. Reality can whip back with a vengeance. It is like a little child getting everything it wants and is spoiled to no end. Everyone knows how spoiled kids turn out.

America had humility after WWII and had enough character to elect a man of character. (Eisenhower) There is a lot less humility today. College grads at 23 think they know how to change the world, yet they know no history.

Today there are not enough people of character and integrity left to elect a person of character and integrity, if one could be found stupid enough to run for the job. The world is a very complicated machine. Changes are best made gingerly, in small ways to first test what the unintended consequences will be so they don’t overwhelm you.

It is so ironic that Trump, “the savior”, embodies the lack of characteristics of character and integrity, which are killing America. It is like the Stay-puff Marshmallow Man destroyer in Ghost Busters. It would be a twisted turn of Karma and fate when a man endowed the least with humility, character and integrity, teach Americans the meaning of humility, character and integrity again.

The poison or parts of the pathogens in small amounts turns out to be the thing immunizing you, which allows you to continue on living. If something doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger.

I would rather have a “stupid” man of integrity and character in the White house than a “smart” one who lacks integrity and character. Americans I think is in for a big lesson.


As I am always learning, I can only state this is as my opinion at this point in time. New ideas seem to be coming to me all the time now.

Flying Monkey
Flying Monkey
September 6, 2017 1:27 pm

Thanks Maggie. I like your humility with a newbie.

As far as the FSA, I like Peterson’s idea on that. .. Don’t do something for someone who can do it themselves….Don’t steal another’s problems. They are their problems. You can help them solve them, but you never really help anyone by doing it for them. It certainly takes longer are requires more patience, but the teacher will get far more satisfaction by teaching self sufficiency and independence.

You are right not to let them even get started with the “gingerly” changes. Those should be off limits. Tough love is tough.

I immediately saw a connection with honest money and the “contract of trade”. Trading a scarce item for something of unequal scarcity is basically fraud and unfair. Money is concept in the belief of the future. When money is made cheap it is signaling there is no future and you should consume it now while the going is good. You can abuse your trading partners only so long and they take their marbles and go home. I was a producer in the economy and I am on the “Karl Denniger” route now. I can afford to to it since I have no responsibilities.

I see that as being America’s problem. The people want something for nothing … and they get in their overrated currency. They are duping everybody else with their wholly unsupported dollar (not backed by an item of equal scarcity). The unintended consequence of making your own “money” is that your people are displaced by foreigners willing to take your phony money. So on one hand you can live way above your means, but at the cost of vegetating from the fact your people are not gainfully occupied. It is the Triffin dilemma. It is a lovely turn of karma.


It is rather perverse that human’s urge to procreate is the main cause of poverty; at least as I see it. In the years that one is only looking to get laid, few associate the act with potential poverty. The basic function of ensuring its existence can be the basis for its demise. One solution creates a new problem or challenge.

This year has been a whirlwind of such “Yin Yang”discoveries for me.

September 7, 2017 3:31 pm

Once upon a time, I was a nice person who engaged in discussions with the occasional newby. At least one tadpole caught in Mayberry was a keeper.


Interesting phrase… whirlwind of YinYang…

The dual nature of man is a turbulent topic to entertain.

September 7, 2017 4:12 pm

Preach the Word
…3For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.…

Ira Katz
Ira Katz
September 8, 2017 4:26 am

Dear Mr. Quinn,
Thank you for reposting my article. I agree with you that the title Lew Rockwell chose, “Hero of the Right,” is not accurate but more catchy than my prosaic the “Peterson Plunge.”

Regarding the comment of ubercynic:
September 5, 2017 at 1:54 pm
. . . takes the bible seriously and respects it as a foundation of our civilization; the civilization the marxists and postmodernists want to destroy.

The Marxists and postmodernists could not even have arisen, let alone metastasized to the present lethal extent, were that foundation not fundamentally unsound.

I agree, and could expand greatly on this subject; but perhaps should have at least written “the marxists and postmodernists want to destroy what is left of that civilization.”

Best wishes,
Ira Katz

  Ira Katz
September 8, 2017 6:46 am

It was a great article and I hope my “selective” placement of videos did not upset you. I wanted to skew the reader’s viewpoint… easily done as Peterson has shown.