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September 26, 2017 1:19 pm

Logic and common sense have absolutely NO EFFECT on the minds of the American sheeple anymore. I applaud everything the great Dr. Paul has done for this country, but overcoming 12 years of government monopoly school brainwashing and 24/7/365 mainstream media propaganda and lies simply may no longer be possible. The criminal influence of government crony-capitalism has been present in the medical marketplace for well over 100 years now. Its influence touches virtually everything related to health and wellness, and extracting this horrible cancer and killing it off will disrupt so much of what people are “used to” that getting back to a truly free market (the ONLY sound solution (to every government-created problem) may not be possible without the complete collapse of government and a complete rejection of all government “solutions” to that collapse. That won’t stop those of us who still support freedom from promoting it and I applaud Dr. Paul for all that he still does every day for freedom.

September 26, 2017 3:39 pm

It really is that simple.

September 26, 2017 3:58 pm

For those of you here that worship at Putin’s feet that they are doing it so much better than we, take a look at this tour through a Russian hospital. Sergey was hospitalized for a liver ailment, you can start the video tour of his room on a sugery floor at 4:33 min. if you want to bypass his explanation of how he got sick and ended up in a hospital bed.

NONE of you would want to be in that type of care, BUT the good news is it does not cost them one cent for healthcare, the bad news is he was in the hospital for 17 days where he would have been released here after 2 or 3.

We still have excellent healthcare if we could get Big Pharma/Big healthcare cartels out of the equation.

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 26, 2017 4:55 pm

Liberals are demanding free 5star educations, childcare, healthcare, housing, dining, transportation, entertainment, incarcerations etc; right now we are $20 trillion in debt and taxing the Middle Class out of even a 1star existence; so how are we going to keep up with this Communist Insanity when the Fiat dollar drops 100-500% probably next year and interest rates double or triple (because of all the printed debt we have already created)? Do Liberals understand that we can’t print Yuan, Rubles and Euros to buy stuff from the BRICS next year? Liberals just want to spend spend spend and sell our souls to the Devil.

  rhs jr
September 26, 2017 6:09 pm

Next year, huh? That’s the first I’ve seen a TBPer make that prediction. It has always been…”Soon, real soon.”

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 26, 2017 9:49 pm

When it actually happens, Useful Idiots will complain that it’s Trump’s fault and no one warned them but we’ll all agree it was way to soon. Buy gold (and silver) now because the Chinese have shifted gears from acquisition to redemption and they will implement means to make their 10,000 tons of holdings appreciate (and we need to hop a ride on that “rickshaw”).

September 26, 2017 7:04 pm

I grew up in So Indiana and our family doc didn’t take appointments, you just showed up and waited your turn, so you had to be pretty sick to want to wait it out. The office was in a converted 20’s or 30’s era house and we sat in what used to be the “parlor”. There were plenty of magazines, no teevee (too expensive).
Cost for an office visit was $5 and the doc usually had whatever medicine that would be required…included in the $5. If it was something weird you needed he would write a prescription which you could get filled at “Butts Rexall Drugs” (I shit you not and it’s not Rexall anymore but the store is still there).
Insurance wasn’t even a factor. My Dad was union and we had Blue Cross/Blue Shield. One covered hospitalization and the other covered a surgeon or specialist. You had to be on death’s door to even think about insurance.
I think that’s the kind of medicine Dr. Paul is talking about.
What got us started down this path we’re on is Kaiser talking Nixon into allowing “HMO’s”. And THAT my friend was the start of putting an authoritarian bureaucrat between you and your doctor.

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 26, 2017 9:58 pm

The SHTF when Liberals & Lawyers got it REQUIRED that everyone get 5Star treatments regardless of prognosis and ability to pay.