Stabbing With Their Steely Knives, They Just Can’t Kill the Beast

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor…

– Ezekiel 28: 15-17

In horror stories originating from the times of the first songs there have always been common enemies.  Creatures of sinister intelligence, blind violence, disingenuity, clever crafters of schemes, or often containing the capacity for all of these; lurking in the dark, or hidden in plain sight, but always waiting and watching.  Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs suffered through the antics of wily wolves. Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel agonized before the wicked wills of warted witches; and with Jack of Beanstalk fame it was jeering giants who longed to grind his bones for bread, alive or dead.  Star Wars had Darth Vader and the Lords of the Sith, whereas it was the evil eye of Sauron that ruled over J.R.R Tolkien’s shadowy land of Mordor.  And for most of the world’s religions today it remains Lucifer, the morning star, who fell from heaven by the weight of a prideful heart and now reigns as the Prince and Power of the Air; tempting, taunting, and tantalizing, all of mankind.

In every story, there are heroes and villains introduced and funneled into the friction of rising action that results in a climax followed by the falling action which precedes any resolution.  Also known as the Five Elements of a Plot, these components are the sine qua non of universal story telling across any genre or medium.


Once in a land of plenty, free people united together to create one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. They worked hard. They innovated, created, and prospered.  But then a group of greedy men met secretly on a remote island and developed a scheme to capture the entirety of the nation’s wealth through the creation of a terrible monster:


For years members of the Jekyll Island Club would recount the story of the secret meeting and by the 1930s the narrative was considered a club tradition. The conference’s solution to America’s banking problems called for the creation of a central bank. Although Congress did not pass the reform bill…, it did approve a similar proposal in 1913 called the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve System of today mirrors in essence the plan developed on Jekyll Island in 1910.



As the Creature from Jekyll Island grew by the magic of fractional reserve banking , its tentacles spread over the once free nation, choking it, and eventually enslaved the nation’s children on the land of their ancestors.  Unsurprisingly, through the years, the beast became increasingly warlike. It consolidated its power through the Bretton Woods system which allowed it to establish a monetary order over other independent nation states.  Although two of the nation’s twentieth-century presidents, Eisenhower and Kennedy, warned of the beast giving rise to a Military Industrial Complex and operating at the whim of secret societies, respectively, it did not stop their successor  from shocking the nation into removing its currency from the gold standard.

At the same time while the beast was decimating the once free nation’s manufacturing capacities while funding wars around the globe, it was also dumbing down the country’s populace, expanding governmental welfare programs, and lulling the majority of the nation’s citizens into a contented slumber via the financial acquisition and consolidation of the nation’s media outlets and entertainment venues.  Through a steady barrage of consistent and hypnotic electronic programming, the beast persuaded the inhabitants of the once free nation to abandon their vigilance to the founding principles which made the nation great originally. These principles included the affirmation of rights derived from natural law, honesty, morality, equality of opportunity as opposed to equality of outcomes, fiscal responsibility, and limited government.  But in so doing, what was the overall objective of the beast?  It was global dominion, of course; and nothing less.  However, in order for the beast to achieve its goal of world domination, it first had to completely subjugate the once free nation, its constitution, and citizens, forever.



At the turn of the new millennium the nation’s officially reported cumulative debt stood at 5.6 trillion dollars. This doubled over the next eight years under President George W. Bush and by 2008 the beast had found a way to subsidize its purposeful fiscal misappropriations of its corporate entities by transferring the cumulative debts of the beast onto the collective backs of the nation’s taxpaying citizens. After a long wait, this was, in part, finally accomplished via the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) , an initiative that allowed the beast to consolidate its control over the nation’s automotive, credit, and housing markets.  TARP II and TARP III soon followed in what became known as the great Federal Bailout:


Banks participating in TARP II were the biggest institutions in the US banking system. They included (in order of their Treasury equity) Citigroup, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, PNC Financial, US Bancorp, GMAC, Capital One, Regions Financial, American Express, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street Bank, and Discover Financial.



By this time the citizens of the nation realized it was no longer business as usual.  Desiring change, and tiring of wars abroad, they elected a new leader from relative obscurity with dreams from his father about hope and change and of fundamentally transforming the nation.  The leader, Barack Obama, took the Cloward and Piven strategy of purposeful financial mismanagement to whole new levels by expanding welfare programs and nationalizing the nation’s healthcare system.  In just a few more years, the nation was, indeed, transformed; the national debt near doubled once again, to approximately  20 trillion dollars, and the state’s unfunded liabilities stood at over 200 trillion dollars.

During this time, as Wall Street was in the process of obliterating Main Street, great innovations materialized in the field of technology. A digital worldwide web was growing exponentially by the turn of the century and breakthroughs in computing brought about a proliferation of new electronic devices which, subsequently, engendered new social media platforms as well as contrarian, alternative news networks. The social media platforms were widely embraced by the citizens of the once free nation even as the alternative media began to report on the widespread malfeasance on behalf of the beast’s law enforcement agencies in using these new devices and online media networks to spy on the citizens in violation of their now seemingly antiquated Fourth Amendment rights.  Whistleblowers like Edward Snowden reported on the secret neo- technological capabilities for domestic surveillance of the beast just as law enforcement agencies became militarized all across the land.

By the presidential election of 2016, and partly in response to the proliferation of reports from the alternative media, a significant minority of citizens in the once free nation grew alarmed by the overwhelming power of the beast.  In a last ditch effort, a minority of the nation’s body politic narrowly pulled off an Electoral College win for a billionaire businessman who promised to make the country great once again.  On November 8th, 2016 candidate Donald J. Trump defeated the beast’s preferred choice for president, Hillary R. Clinton.

Amazingly, Trump won the presidency in spite of the minions of the beast in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice (DoJ) downplaying, and even covering-up, Mrs. Clinton’s illegal use of private servers when she was President Obama’s Secretary of State, as well as the obstruction of justice involved with her illegally deleted e-mails; and her illicit receipt of presidential debate questions in advance from the media.  Indeed, even with endorsements from the sitting president, all other living presidents, Hollywood, the Corporate Mainstream Media, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley, the sanctioned candidate of the beast still lost.



Therefore, in the immediate aftermath of the election, there were those in the alternative media celebrating the win and even mocking the beast; including the current teller of this tale, who had a sardonic essay of Thanksgiving posted on an alternative website that was, just four days later, on Thanksgiving Day 2016 labeled by the beast as a fake news website.  Yes, the beast took immediate action to magnify a false Russian election hacking narrative in order to give reason for Obama, as the sitting-duck president of the nation, to expand the power of the beast and to wage war against the newly elected president and subvert future relations with the sovereign nation of Russia:


I have issued an executive order that provides additional authority for responding to certain cyber activity that seeks to interfere with or undermine our election processes and institutions, or those of our allies or partners.

Using this new authority, I have sanctioned nine entities and individuals: the GRU and the FSB, two Russian intelligence services; four individual officers of the GRU; and three companies that provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations.

– President Barack Obama, December 29, 2016


The phony Russian election hacking narrative, additionally, provided cover for the beast to utilize its online social networks to censor the alternative media, sign into law the “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” on December 23, 2016, allow National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, to feloniously unmask Trump administration officials, pressure the new president’s National  Security Advisor to resign, and the nation’s new Attorney General to recuse himself from the Russia investigation; the last of which, of course, led to special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation of President Trump.

In fact, all throughout the early months of the new president’s administration, the Russia investigation dominated the headlines.  The headlines were disseminated by the media corporations, owned by the beast, which comprised ninety percent of all news media outlets throughout the once free nation.

However, in a recent turn of events, the beast-owned mainstream media has been forced to report that Former President Obama, former Secretary State Hillary Clinton, former FBI director Robert Mueller and former attorney general Eric Holder are at the center of a new probe involving the sale of a large percentage of the nation’s uranium deposits to Russia, the same country the beast had accused of hacking the 2016 presidential election.

In addition, the partners of Fusion GPS, the obscure political research firm behind President Trump’s phony “Golden Shower” dossier, have recently asserted their Fifth Amendment rights as guaranteed by the very same constitution they tried to subvert.  It is, furthermore, being ever so reluctantly reported in the corporate media that the bogus “Golden Shower” dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee.  Yet, in spite of this strange turning of the tables in the national media, there are some therein, including former presidential debate moderator, Chris Wallace, who just can’t understand  why anyone would ever want to attack the media minions of the beast; as Republican Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake label President Trump as a bully and bad role model.

Obviously, a threatened beast will do, and say, anything to survive.

Now, other minions of the beast are resurrecting the “fake news” scam and threatening to use the legal system to eliminate the First Amendment rights of the citizens of the once free nation:


after a social media user clicks ‘share’ on a disputed item (if the platforms do not remove them and only label them as disputed), government can require that the user be reminded of the definition of libel against a public figure. Libel of public figures requires ‘actual malice,’ defined as knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the truth. Sharing an item that has been flagged as untrue might trigger liability under libel laws.


Ironically, this was proposed just two days before two of the nation’s former presidents lashed out against those who would threaten the beast:



In recent decades, public confidence in our institutions has declined.  Our governing class has often been paralyzed in the face of obvious and pressing needs. The American dream of upward mobility seems out of reach for some who feel left behind in a changing economy. Discontent deepened and sharpened partisan conflicts. Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.

– Former President George W. Bush – Thursday, October 19, 2017


What we can’t have is the same old politics of division that we have seen so many times before that dates back centuries.  Some of the things we see now, we thought we put that to bed. That’s folks looking 50 years back. It’s the 21st century, not the 19th century.

– Former President Barack H. Obama  – Thursday, October 19, 2017



So much for the long-standing tradition of past presidents never criticizing sitting presidents.  On the contrary, it appears that mere words are not enough for the beast.  The former community organizing president has been Organizing for Action against President Trump and his legions of Deplorables:


With more than 250 local chapters around the country, OFA {Organizing For Action] volunteers are building this organization from the ground up, community by community, one conversation at a time—whether that’s on a front porch or on Facebook. We’re committed to finding and training the next generation of great progressive organizers, because at the end of the day, we aren’t the first to fight for progressive change, and we won’t be the last.


Moreover, in February of 2017, Barack and Michelle Obama’s OFA linked with another George Soros backed group, Indivisible , in order to use the social media platforms of the beast to disrupt Trump’s politcal agenda.  In the meantime, a rose by any other name, Antifa, is planning a communist revolution on November 4th, 2017; almost exactly one-hundred years after the Bolsheviks’ October Revolution in Russia, or the country accused by the beast of hacking the once free nation’s 2016 presidential election.

Oh, the irony.

But thank the heavens above for the Maverick, Republican Senator John McCain, who fearlessly defended democracy while being awarded the National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal in Philadelphia on October 16, 2017 where he denounced the:


half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems.


This from the neocon of neocons, a Vietnam war “hero”, who, later in life, never met a war he didn’t love.



Sadly, the story being recounted here is still happening and, therefore, must be continued.  Surely the climax will soon transpire revealing the ultimate denouement of this twisted tale.  Obviously, at this time, the beast appears to be on the ropes.  But is it just an illusion? Could it be the beast is more desparate than ever, and ready to wage war on North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia?  Or, if it chooses to exercise its constitutional rights, will the beast, paradoxically, succeed in utilizing the 25th Amendment to overturn a constitutionally elected president? Or, perhaps an orchestrated financial crash will be enough to completely devastate the once free nation, as well as the entire world’s financial grid, in order to raise a new cashless system in its place; like a phoenix rising from the ash?

Or, will the good guys win in the end? Will the once free nation’s patriotic citizens prevail, simultaneously, against the warriors of cultural and economic Marxism; the elites caught in the web of the beast who engage in rampant sexual perversion and widespread pedophilia; the militarized domestic law enforcement; the beast’s electronic surveillance, its drone technology, and its never ending attacks on the Second Amendment?

Will this story have a happy ending? If so, for whom?

Stay tuned and do not touch that mouse. We’ll be right back after the break. Same time, same place. The story continues, and the end could be near.  Something very big is in the works.  How will it end?  Even if God only knows, only time will truly tell.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 27, 2017 7:28 am

Great tale of deceit and villainous behavior by far to many in our nation who have risen to what should be a position of trust and dependability . Follow the money , the scandles , the body count in this our nations final trail of tears . Those who would rise up and violently stop these purveyors lies for their own gains as the majority of the nations population suffer from their endless schemes . The true patriot standing on truth and justice will quickly be struck down and all their assets will be forfeited by the badge wearing minions who have been supported and emboldened by the out of control system these badge and gun toting minions swore an sacred oath to protect the citizens against . I know the excuse , I’m just doing my job . I wanted to believe this was solved at the Nuremberg trials !
Am I the only one who has noticed how silent Debbie Wasserman Shultz has been since the Seth Rich mysterious murder ? My guess is there is no mystery here , she got the message loud and clear !

Daniel Hall
Daniel Hall
  Boat Guy
October 27, 2017 11:21 am

… and on that fateful night… the digital swordsmith, Satoshi Nakamoto, huddled over the glow of his electronic cauldron and forged the sword that could not be undone! A digital Excaliber that would SLAY THE BEAST! Made from primordial elements of Bitcoin, Monero, and DASH… with the likes of Jamey DEMON, Goldman Sachs, and other lesser Beasts, upon seeing the POWER of the weapon, began Cringing and Screaming in Terror! For they NEW their time had come to an END !!!

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Boat Guy
October 27, 2017 10:38 pm

Head’s up people–there is a “drill” scheduled by the US DoD for Nov.4-6 (same time as the supposed Antifa “Day of Rage” protest) to simulate an electric grid down scenario. We all know what usually happens with these “drills”–they somehow turn live.

Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set

“Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part.”

Recent drills:

Las Vegas shooting
Orlando shooting
Boston Marathon bombing
London Subway bombing
Sandy Hook shooting (“check in here” signs)
9/11 (NORAD)

63 Drills Since 1993 that went “Live”, turned into real tradgedy

October 27, 2017 8:05 am

I must agree with Boat Guy — “Great [!!!] tale of deceit and villainous behavior by far to many …”

Great on many levels….

—- the ample use of embedded links
—- great graphics
—- terrific mixing of symbology and facts
—- a nice, orderly, accurate, and logical flow of where we are today, and how we got here

Just. Wonderful.

———- –

“Or, will the good guys win in the end? ”

To be determined.

That being said, we’ll probably win. If only because no one ever holds on to power forever.

So, we will win. What will inevitability follow? Why, yet another “Beast” of some sort, or another. Because, remember, there is nothing new under the sun. Ever.

Good leads to bad, leads to good, leads to …. an endless cycle of … of, what? Insanity?

Perhaps the ultimate “good” is that it is — “appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment”. That death, rather than to be feared, is the ultimate sweet release from the never-ending cycle of sameness.

October 27, 2017 8:22 am
Rise Up
Rise Up
October 27, 2017 10:40 pm

“The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway”, best fucking rock opera ever. Long live Peter Gabriel.

October 27, 2017 10:56 am

Thanks Stuck. It was sort of a hybrid inspired by J.C. Collins’ “Crowned Beast” and your question regarding the nation’s most dangerous organization. I also enjoyed your World War I piece very much today. For me, this place is like college, except more fun and with far less accountability.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 27, 2017 1:13 pm

I was going to say I saw some JC influence in the Phoenix reference. It’s a good theme to work with. Nicely done.

October 27, 2017 10:15 pm

Stucky, I do apologize for tucking this here for now. I have finally gotten inside from the freaking cold-ass deer woods with my cousin! Dear Heavens, what the fuck was I thinking????

She is a fascinating woman, my cousin. She left this same region of the world around the same time as I for many of the same reasons. She ended up playing drums and guitar and singing in a country music band that cut a couple of decent songs and got her gueetar signed by Loretta Lynn when she played backup for her backup one time. Ha! She’s a blond, blue-eyed country music singer who likes to hunt. She is incredibly good with a cross-bow for a lady; she is Artemis of the Greeks, I suppose. She sings a nice country tune and has a real charm with the audience. My husband says to me (the first time she came to see our home and performed for my hillbilly friends), “So why the hell does someone like Carrie Underwood end up a star and your cousin couldn’t stay in the business, so she got a real estate license?”

The answer?

I think when you think American Idol and the road to stardom, you might bump into a thing called right place right time and Carrie’s a star and my cousin’s a huntress. No deer tonight, but perhaps in the morning.

This is my musings tucked here for later editing and revision.

Money can indeed buy you love in a world where words no longer mean what they mean. In fact, when love turned around means evol and when a girl might grow up to be a man, the evolution of that love into something of value is unlikely. However, the purchase price for that kind of love grows more expensive by the minute.

What value are words and meanings that can be altered by a pack of spineless weasels who go by the name of “the powers that be” and have convinced the world that because they have stolen more money than anyone else in the world even conceives exists, they are clever? If words have no lasting value at all; mankind is no better than the animals he was given dominion over, because the utterances from animals has no lasting meaning either.

When looking for evil, we always have to look for its root.

Not the demon; it is the LOVE of the money that defies the Word.

October 27, 2017 8:12 am

I have absolutely no background on the subject, but do occasionally get the wannas (as in I wanna know). Monetary policy falls into that category. Pure opinion follows:

Bottom line is we need monetary policy reform. Without it, everything else is a flop. There are many positives to the gold standard, but it’s a nonstarter in my opinion as it leaves the beast in control. Reducing the deficit, debt, and other blah-biddy-blah crap doesn’t work either. All of those leave the beast alive and in control. Our problem is an old one. Arguments can be made that it goes all the way back to the money changers. No need to take it that far, but the Constitution is a good spot for a few points. Hamilton has plays about him, he’s on the ten dollar bill, he appears as a great American hero in the school books, yet I think of him as the first American traitor. He was a Rothschild surrogate and tried to insert beast type language into our Constitution. He failed, but continued those efforts till he later died in a duel. The beast has grown and morphed several times throughout US history. Every time we lop off one head, another forms (think Andrew Jackson here). Monetary policy reform requires great care and thought. Strong men and women are needed to write it with the necessary controls to prevent this from happening again in our future. (I’m not convinced that is possible.)

The beast will not die or give up its power/control easily and I don’t know if this story has a happy ending or not. Failure or success will likely include lots of pain.

(I enjoyed the article and especially liked the term “The Beast.”)

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 27, 2017 8:32 am

dirt……your dump on Jackson:
He did a great thing by eliminating the 2nd Bank of the U.S..
However, his error was not replacing it with something that would work for the country; afterwards, small state/regional banks failed in droves causing huge problems for the country.

Wasn’t it in 1907 that banks failed in CA causing a significant recession cuz there was no central bank to back stop those banks.


Haven’t looked closely at the 1907 crisis. A quick peek tells me that it was caused by a 1906 CA earthquake that ended up drawing gold from major centers across the world. The resulting liquidity shortage brought about the recession.

Andrew “I killed the bank” Jackson is one of my favorites. I’d have to agree with your statement of, “ . . . his error was not replacing it with something that would work for the country.”

October 28, 2017 12:53 am

Bank failures cause problems for the depositors, not for the country. According to Rothbard, the panic was caused by inflationary policies of the previous two years under Treasury Secretary Shaw, which enabled the Knickerbocker Trust Co. to become leveraged 50-1. But outside New York, life went on. And the whole episode was over in less than a month because gold was able to move internationally.

October 27, 2017 8:13 am

Wow Uncola! you hit all the major points! However, I hate to inform you tha tRump is part of the Beast. He is not the 4D chess player that fools think he is. YOU are the ones being played. His cabinet is full of Goldman Sucks and he is letting the military industrial complex do whatever it wants with a blank check to boot. Time will prove me right. Be ready to admit you were wrong about this lifetime actor.

Dance Macabre Group,

October 27, 2017 9:30 am

@ Dio – you may be correct, and in the case of Trump, Occam’s Razor could be applied either way. He could be a naive player overcome by the beast, or controlled opposition. I am just reiterating facts here, in the form of a story, and leaving the interpretations to the reader .

The end game has not yet been played. Sometimes things are just as they seem, other times, not so much. However, you can tell a lot about a person by the enemies they make along the way.

The title of this piece derives from the Hotel California, which describes a luxurious and literal hell on Earth, sung by Eagles about a beastly American woman and released in 1976; the year of the once free nation’s bicentennial.

It’s a song about the dark underbelly of the American Dream, and about excess in America…

It’s a song about a journey from innocence to experience.

October 27, 2017 10:09 am

Hey for what it’s worth, your post is now on Steve Quayle’s website.

October 27, 2017 11:08 pm

Love it. Little fish, little bit.

October 27, 2017 1:30 pm

Uncola – I think you may be onto something. Trump does look like he is part of the club, but I suspect things are not as they appear. So much misdirection and out right lies by all parties. I hope and pray our country can recover and stand tall and proud once again.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 27, 2017 10:02 am

Dio………there is certainly some truth with your comment, especially the MIC (using our military in MENA for Israel cuz they are the money changers).


John 2:15
And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.

My favorite bible verse.

Call of the Syren
Call of the Syren
October 27, 2017 5:14 pm

“And Jesus brought forth information for all people and called it the internet. And in time, the internet created that which fostered freedom from the moneychangers to those who would heed its message…” – Revelations. (Just kidding)

October 27, 2017 4:22 pm

before you can stab someone in the back get there trust rather Trump or shithead Hillary we are screwed you know it and most of us know it. Being that most of them don’t care about you or me but seeing how rich they can be come is all they care about, I’ve known a few but most people never look at the record of the person running just what they will give you. The things that should be done won’t be to many on the take even going back to Rome all crooks it just got worse at the end and we are close.Even if Trump was the great man on a white horse just too late.

October 28, 2017 1:00 pm

Full agreement @Diogenes. Uncola, I love your title on this post and the first half is a fine summary of the decline of our republic. But really, you lost my interest with; “Amazingly, Trump won the presidency in spite of the minions of the beast ….. the sanctioned candidate of the beast still lost.”

A statement like that indicates you still haven’t grasped that Trump was elected because he was the choice of the Beast. Still, what does it matter? Surely you realize that the Presidency is just another role in the fictional drama that is American politics. We the people are not in control of our congress. And neither our president nor congress are in control of, or determine the policies and direction of our nation.

Uncola, the key politiacal events of this nation are indeed controlled by the “Beast” -an oligarchy comprising the very worst of humankind, -psychopathic mass murderers. The same day controlled demolitions of 3 separate World Trade Center buildings on Sept 11, 2001 is yet another proof of their nature.

Basic principles of human nature reveal how this will end. When corrupt people control the top levels of government, their corruption moves in but one direction. Corruption unaddressed only gets worse. Political power obtained through corrupt means will not yield to public pressure (we won’t demonstrate them away), nor will the corrupt yield to the political process, (we won’t be able to vote them out of power). Historically, corrupt powers yield only to superior power. Life for the average American will get worse rather steadily until the corruption of their rulers either kills them, or they rise up and fight. If any among us can see another way to overcome the corrupt powers who control this nation (world), I’d surely like to know it? Eventually, in few decades or generations, moral people will fight for their lives.

October 27, 2017 9:36 am

This will not have a happy ending.There is going to much destruction in the coming tribulations of our nation.This is the planned take down of the world economy by the money powers of the world.They need Americans poor , scared and defenseless to bring in their one world wonders. Remember we are in the middle of a 4th turning .

October 27, 2017 9:52 am

You are spot on with this comment BB.

October 27, 2017 10:50 am

Fabulous article. In a perverse way this article gives me some hope. It will aid in the process of the great awakening currently underway. I’ll circulate it the best I can.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 27, 2017 11:10 am

As soon as I saw your essay title the song started going through my head. Now it’s going to be an all day thing. That’s ok, it’s one of my all time favorites. Some people think it’s been overplayed. I guess it depends on your taste.

I hope your essay gets picked up and posted on other sites. It tells the story so well and only the blind would not be able to understand it.

And just because someone has to do it..

This version from 1979 is high quality and you can see how much they enjoyed what they were doing when they played live back then.

October 27, 2017 1:08 pm

perhaps an attack (fun abuse by taunting) against those pushing against free speech might be in order…………………….

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 27, 2017 1:11 pm

“Will this story have a happy ending? If so, for whom?”

Probably not. For anyone. It will just transform and a new chapter in a new book will begin. Hold onto your shorts in the meantime.

Edit: This should make ZH. It has wide appeal in the way it is written.

October 27, 2017 1:47 pm

You people keep missing the head of the nail.The group of (((people))) behind and running the operation is none other than the synagogue of Satan.

The League of Wrathful, Rabid, Raccoons
The League of Wrathful, Rabid, Raccoons
October 27, 2017 2:13 pm

Wrong again my friend. The Joos have nothing on us. We are everywhere. And we are watching you. Especially Stucky….

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 27, 2017 6:27 pm

You realize the triple parentheses pegs you as a (((retard))), don’t you?

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 27, 2017 4:04 pm

Great article Uncola, and I’ll post it on SLL. I’m looking forward to part 2.

October 27, 2017 6:57 pm

The greatest power given to the federal government must be brought back under federal control. The money power.
It was given to the feds by the states so that we wouldn’t have 50 different monetary systems.
The feds dishonored the contract and delegated Ultra vires this great power to the bankers.
This galactic blunder must be remedied if the beast is ever to be put back in its cage.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
October 27, 2017 8:30 pm

“Woke up this morning and I got myself a beer. The future’s uncertain and the end is always near.”

October 27, 2017 9:15 pm

Great article Doug “Uncola” Lynn and I totally agree with the perspective and want to say ‘thank you’ for writing such a powerful and truthful analysis; except for one thing. And I really want to know WHY so many Americans still don’t seem to get this. The founding of our country was NOT on the basis of a Democracy but on the basis of a Constituional Republic (3 branches of Govt all sharing equal power and subject to voting by Congress to move forward in things like: acts of war, economic policy, and social and judicial matters). But all I ever hear from almost EVERYONE (and most notably from every member of congress, the courts and the presidency that describes our country), is the use of the word “Democracy.” But, again, the United States is NOT nor ever has been a ‘Democracy’ we are a Constitutional Republic!! The difference is STUNNINGLY important!! As our founding fathers clearly pointed out, they examined Democracy very closely and totally utterly rejected it and the word “Democracy” is NOT found or used ANYWHERE in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The reason? The founders of the United States KNEW EXACTLY what Democracies lead too… They lead to either a ‘MOBOCRACY’ (mob rules) or worse to an Oligarchy (rule by the rich and powerful) and THAT IS what we are now living in here in America. Furthermore, it seems that those who voted for Trump because they actually believed him when he said he’d “make America great again” are now finally realizing that Trump is NOT the “political outsider” opposed to the Govt Elite but rather IS A DIRECT ASSET of theirs and IS IN FACT one of them!! Every bit as much as Hillary is (and Bill too!) and so is nearly every single Republican (“Conservatives” for the most part aka as “NeoCons”) who are in LOCK STEP with Israel and their totally Satanic Zionist ruled Govt and agenda; America is now under the control of this ‘Banksters at the top’ CABAL of the military-industrial-corporate-judicial complex and all their cronies and proxies and fronts the world over. Yes, Trump is a MAJOR part of this group whether we like it or not and it is THEY who own and control the real Govt, the ‘Shadow Govt’ if you will who operates ABOVE the law and Constitution and is now marching forward at break neck speed to finalize their age old Luciferian agenda to totally DESTROY the United States of America and merge it into the New World Order with Jersusalem as the planned capitol. Guess ol’ Ben Gurion wasn’t just ‘kidding’ or ‘being hopeful’ after all but KNEW with certainty because ‘the great conspiracy’ was WELL underway by the time he made the public statement. Yes it is true, the United States was taken over LONG AGO by this global Luciferian cabal and they are now very near to completing their mission. What to do? Well, what CAN an average citizen do to fight against a group that literally owns countries and militaries? I believe its the old saying ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ and if we can mobilize millions across the globe to march in protest against this cabal and cut off the head of the snake first (the Federal Reserve and global central banking system in general) and have million-man marches against this cabal exposing them on a HIGH LEVEL and DISRUPT their “narrative” BIG TIME, maybe… Just maybe this is actually what God Almighty has been so patient about and why our Lord Jesus has yet to make His appearance in the 2nd coming….because He is WAKING UP His TRUE body of believers (the true church) made up of people from EVERY race on earth) who have put their whole trust in Him and in Him ALONE, we could see this tide of total blindness from the American people who all seem to live by the ‘Blue Pill’ unreality of this world, will finally take the responsibility to EXPOSE this cabal and PEACEFULLY protest against this wicked global Oligarchy and watch with great joy as the entire corrupt to the core world system comes crashing down and we are once again TRULY ‘set free’ to be the people that God created us to be; humble, thankful, loving and kind people who put the interests of others before our self and find that by living in a truly free world like that, where true love and forgiveness reigns, we will finally understand what all this was meant for. If we can’t see now that there is TRUE EVIL and TRUE GOODNESS in this world and that we MUST CHOOSE to do good and to watch after that ‘goodness’ in all things we will finally truly be set free to be the people God created us to be. Until then? Nothing but hopeless misery and death awaits us and their is only ONE THING – actually ONE PERSON who can deliver us from this fate – Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and Savior of the world who claimed to be “the way, the truth and the life” and that “no one goes to the Father except through me” and so He IS the only true hope we have and it is my sincerest hope that ALL Americans can come to know the joy, the love and the POWER of this one and only eternal truth that will live FOREVER. My deepest thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who reads this post and to people of our nation as a whole, that they might come to stand up to this utter evil corruption in our Govt and turn their hearts and minds to the living God Almighty who made them to find help, comfort and peace in His mighty name. Amen

Dire Warnings From Past U.S. Presidents and Other High-Profile Leaders About an “Invisible Government” That Runs the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People”

October 27, 2017 11:21 pm

Let me offer a tip… condense your ideas into topical themes and try to arrange your sentences accordingly. Oh, and limit your use of all caps. It is off-putting.


You seem to have something to say. Learn to say it in a venue where we ask for coherent writing to reflect coherent thinking.

Welcome to TBP, where standards are expected, not discriminatory.

October 27, 2017 11:53 pm

Hear, hear. Nobody wants to wade through wall-to-wall text.

Jacob Law
Jacob Law
October 27, 2017 9:40 pm

I guess it’s good to be optimistic, but you may have painted a better picture that it actually is. The ability to recover rely s on so many impossible things that the extremes that are required rarely will be contemplated let alone be done.
Most the comments seem astute and informed, but it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine and therefore little attention is given to them. So you add the giant zeal needed and the details that should be address, the impossibility of our situation is magnified.
I think the key issues were pointed out in this very good article and makes it look like “freedom is just around the corner, but with truth so far off what good would it do!”

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
October 27, 2017 9:55 pm

I have a prolapsed hernia stickin out mah cooter that has more comments than this piece uh mental diarrhea that has sat on top uh TBP fer too gawd dammed long. Next please. Uncola uses too many rambling complex sentences back ter back and it makes readin his shit very terdious. Ergo no commentos cuz el boringi. Not as bad as that piece uh insufferable bung hole chorizo El Coyote. Now that’s uh human turd that will make yer brain stop full in its gawd dammed tracks.

  Billah's wife
October 27, 2017 11:57 pm

Does anybody here find this fake pidgin English shit funny at all?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
October 28, 2017 10:28 am

That was Latin language Rdawg. Keep yer bulbous negroid lips clamped tight and stop Makin TBP Suck Again with yer dipshittedness. Isn’t there a basketball game er some fleas ter pick off yer sisters back er something else ter do besides makin a total ass uh yer wooly headed self? I’m about ter get Admenstruater on the tooter and then yer ass will be banned, unless yer apologize like right now.

  Billah's wife
October 29, 2017 12:52 am

I’m sorry.

Sorry your mother dropped you on your head as an infant.

Sorry about your daddy’s “midnight visits”.

I am curious though: if you and “Billah” get divorced, are you still siblings? Not sure how that works.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
October 30, 2017 8:34 am

Appollergy accepted. Now promise yer never gonner git on this site ever again, cuz a negroid in the middle uh all these mongreloids is just too much fer me ter handle. The whole shit flingin monkeys thing is uh gawd dammed metaphor that became uh little too accurate when yer black ass showed up. So git on out uh here. Hardscrambled will send you a liter of grape Fanta if you promise ter stay away. Now git.

  Billah's wife
October 30, 2017 10:38 am

Raydawg getting the bum’s rush from the big dog from Appalachia
You axed for it, Raydawg.

  Billah's wife
October 31, 2017 10:00 pm

A liter of grape fanta! HSF probably missed this one.

And no…I am not asking for attention from the trailer tramp.

October 27, 2017 11:26 pm

All that jazz and the trailer trash skank to boot. EC has a piece on here?? Mejo?

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 28, 2017 12:53 am

Found this picture of Coyote this AM. Here’s a link. Maybe someone can post it?

Don’t ask, don’t tell

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Miles Long
October 28, 2017 1:27 am

Miley, that may be the guy Coyote who uses a rooster icon here.
I haven’t seen the dude post in a long while.

October 28, 2017 6:39 pm

How about hombre?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 28, 2017 8:24 pm

Do you think I’m a vaquero or something? Dude is fine, vato or ese will do. Amigo is ok. Carnal (bro) if we’re really close.

  EL Coyote
October 28, 2017 8:43 pm

Alejandro Ruiz who knew me when I was a red rope and he was 82d squadron honor guard in Biloxi says you are full of shit.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 29, 2017 1:49 am

Only faggots are named Alejandro or Rene. He’s probably flattered to be called ‘hombre’.
Like I said, Maggie, ‘dude’ is fine, why would I care to be called ‘man’?

Oh, look, I found Alejandro!

October 28, 2017 8:59 pm

Since EC got his panties wadded up over both my hundredth post, proving once more I am more hombre than most women, and because I used Mejo/Mijo as Meho which was in an EC nonapproved manner I heretofore withdraw from this comment chain.

Until EC kisses my ass.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 28, 2017 12:58 am

Magita, I editorialize once in a while (It’s Trump’s Party Now).

Since I write in third grade English, it’s tough for BW to comprehend.

Hey, Raydawg, BW is an acquired taste but if you lick your butt for an hour, it should go away.

I’m the target today because I slammed BW recently. It was to be expected.

Consider it an honor; if your a good boy, you will get mentioned in one of BW’s roasts one day.

  EL Coyote
October 28, 2017 8:38 am

Good comment. I shall have to go read your comments today.

October 28, 2017 12:00 pm
October 28, 2017 3:44 pm

This comment will be directed to Davido (above @ October 28, 2017 at 1:00 pm). I am placing it here at the bottom so it does not go “missing in the middle”.

Davido says I “lost” him/her in my essay above because I did not accept the premise that Trump is controlled opposition in full submission to the beast. Of course, this is a paraphrased summary of Davido’s exact words as follows:

I love your title on this post and the first half is a fine summary of the decline of our republic. But really, you lost my interest with; ‘Amazingly, Trump won the presidency in spite of the minions of the beast ….. the sanctioned candidate of the beast still lost’

A statement like that indicates you still haven’t grasped that Trump was elected because he was the choice of the Beast.

I will concede Davido could be right. However, for this to be true, Trump would have to be one of the best stage actors to have ever performed on planet earth. Moreover, to accept that premise would require believing that everything we have witnessed in global geopolitics over the last two years, from the time Trump first announced his candidacy (even before), was nothing more than Kabuki Theater.

On the other hand, what if Occam’s Razer, might apply here instead? What if the true sanctioned candidate of the beast was Jeb Bush? What if, knowing Hillary to be a profoundly poor candidate, the beast (i.e. powers that be / deep state / global financial elite, etc) expected Jeb Bush to win, only to be thwarted by Trump and an underestimated electorate?

Did Trump have Bannon fooled? What if Trump, knowing he was drowning in the swamp, released Bannon knowing he would be free to fight from the outside? What if we are seeing some of the results of that decision (strategy?) now with the demise of Corker, Flake, Weinstein, et al?

Nearly one year ago, on Nov 4th, 2016 (4 days before the election) I posted a video of Trump on TBP at this link:

Last Stand

To Davido and other skeptics who have, perhaps, been “hurt” too many times before, I now pose these questions:

1.) Is Trump acting in that video?

2.) And was Trump’s inaugural speech also an act?

Contrary to what Davido and others may believe, I think it DOES matter. Imagine how different the geopolitical landscape would look currently if Hillary would have won. Yet today we are seeing reports of Uranium One and Fusion GPS in the mainstream media. Incidentally, last evening on NBC News Tonight there was not one mention of these; but now today, the MSM headlines are reporting on the first charges of Mueller’s bogus investigation being filed and with indictments forthcoming on Monday. Great timing, ey?

From where I am standing, it looks like battles are being fought in the upper echelons of the U.S. government’s halls of power; and if it all is being orchestrated, then why? If the beast is so powerful, then why the need for such theater?

Furthermore, Davido, I would like to commend you for writing this:

Basic principles of human nature reveal how this will end. When corrupt people control the top levels of government, their corruption moves in but one direction. Corruption unaddressed only gets worse. Political power obtained through corrupt means will not yield to public pressure (we won’t demonstrate them away), nor will the corrupt yield to the political process, (we won’t be able to vote them out of power). Historically, corrupt powers yield only to superior power. Life for the average American will get worse rather steadily until the corruption of their rulers either kills them, or they rise up and fight. If any among us can see another way to overcome the corrupt powers who control this nation (world), I’d surely like to know it? Eventually, in few decades or generations, moral people will fight for their lives.

Bravo. Great perspectives, good question, and like I said, you may be right.

However – although you may consider me naive, and even quixotically deceived in my windmill chasing – for now, and for myself, personally, I am holding on to what another TBP commenter by the name of DRUD once wrote here in what I consider to be another quote for the ages:

They can control information, but not minds. They can control the narrative, but not thought. They control huge amounts of money, but again, money itself is just another temporary con game.

Hope springs eternal but reality sucks. Therein lays the dilemma of we the people who are about to experience, in its full fury, the violent throes and chaotic convulsions of another Fourth Turning.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 28, 2017 6:29 pm

“Imagine how different the geopolitical landscape would look currently if Hillary would have won.”

I think I just threw up in my mouth…

Regarding which side Trump is on here’s a thought: What if there are more than two sides to this equation?

I think the situation is more chaotic than we realize. Our minds have a tendency to want to put order to things. But what if ‘order’ is what’s actually at stake here?

  Francis Marion
October 28, 2017 7:26 pm

Good point by FM and one I have considered as well in previous writings. Trump as a political Samson knocking down the Establishment’s twin columns of Left and Right. Plus, when the roof collapses, he and the Deplorables get all the blame.

October 28, 2017 4:31 pm

1.) Is Trump acting in that video?

Hard to tell. The hallmark of good acting is that you don’t know the actor is acting.

But, I lean “yes”. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe his schtick anymore.

His Puerto Rico trip broke the camel’s back for me. He said 50 out of 54 (too lazy to look up the exact number) hospitals were functional again. Outright fucking YUGE lie!! He said their debt would be forgiven. A lie. He talked about Billions of bucks for them to recover … but a yuge chunk of it went towards the debt. Errr, bankers. The swamp drainer is becoming Swampman. So solly if that offends anyone.


2.) And was Trump’s inaugural speech also an act?

Answer this first: Was the speech scripted?

If so, what do you call a person reading a scripted speech? Actor, I believe.

October 28, 2017 4:39 pm

You may be right, Stuck. Either way, by their acting will we know them. Pass the popcorn.

October 28, 2017 9:20 pm

they stab it with there steely knives

October 28, 2017 10:59 pm

Over there. Steely knives. No. There. Right there. Stabbing it.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 28, 2017 10:19 pm

It was a really solid system – evil, yes, vile and inhuman, yes, but SOLID.

In order to rise to the top ranks of power, you had to be _blackmailable_. You had to commit, in an observable but sequestered arena, an act or acts that would render you _controllable_ by those already in the top ranks. It worked, after a fashion, to ensure that Demoncrats and Republipukes could _get along_, because those who ran things could remove anyone who disobeyed orders. The evidence was always there, in film, photo or other forms, to be produced to destroy you if you got out of line.

Those who were in the club knew everyone else who was in the club, and what dirt was being held on them. Since ordinary people seldom ran for public office (what with being busy with earning a living, raising their families and such) they were not a problem – and those who ran were almost always evil themselves, being child molesters, rapists, drug addicted, con artists and so on. And as long as a compliant press didn’t ask too many _uncomfortable_ questions, things could go on – and the inconvenient journalists died alone in hotel rooms, single-car crashes and such. It was amazing how whatever nightmare story they were working on died with them, and their notes and papers were never recovered.

But all of a sudden it went south on them – an outsider, Trump, too rich to buy off and possessed of some fragment of conscience, character or moral code entered the ranks without being compromised sufficiently for control. Worse, some acts considered ordinary by the club were not OK with him – maybe it was the pederasty, maybe the rape, maybe something else. But judging from actions, it was the pederasty. He started getting the pederasts arrested, and perhaps some of them started to talk, trying to save their hides from the hangman (figuratively) by talking out of school.

It led to some other things that had previously escaped widespread public notice, like the Uranium One deal, the CIA involvement in nearly every fiasco of the last three decades, the FBI leadership being hopelessly compromised in politics they should never have become involved in. Comey went down; Mueller is going down, and no one believes any of his lieutenants are any good either.
Sessions got bogged down, but may not stay bogged down; we will see. But more and more denizens of the Swamp and the Deep State are being revealed as political partisans instead of public servants, compromised themselves instead of protecting the public and the nation. More and more are going down.
It may not be perfect, and it certainly isn’t pretty, but Trump has already done more good for the nation than the last three Presidents of either party. He may yet fail; but his election did more to throw a monkey wrench into the plans of the Deep State, MIC and neocons than anything since Reagan’s election. We will see if the Swamp can stand the worst threat they have faced in my lifetime – a President who will call events as he sees them, in real time and detail, without using MSM outlets, bureaucratic spokespeople or mindless academics as intermediates. They are running scared – because the thought of a President who speaks his mind scares them most of all.

  james the deplorable wanderer
October 28, 2017 11:15 pm

Trump is a product of the American dream. Maybe he really does love his country. He might be flawed and still learning on the job, but he could still have his soul. Why did he release the JFK files? He’s going to tweet those evil fuckers into complete surrender.

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 28, 2017 11:33 pm

Hello Uncola,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this post. I appreciate particularly your positive, communicative responses to multiple comments made by TBP readers, including my own.

In answer to your questions,
1.) Is Trump acting in that video?” (of a Nov. 4th, 2016 pre-election speech).

Last Stand

2.) And was Trump’s inaugural speech also an act?

Of course! Mr. Trump was clearly acting, and yes, he has acted masterfully throughout the presidential election campaign as well as throughout his term in office. That is not saying much. Any successful presidential candidate must be a masterful actor. Trump’s acting is on par with Hillary Clintons, John McCain’s, or Nancy Pelosi’s. Do you contend that those politicians actually believe the swill they spout? Or are you just surprised that Trump can act as well as his contemporaries and rivals? Are they acting?, -is not a hard question.

More specifically, Trump lied about what he intended to do, and Trump lied in a manner intentionally calculated to cause his audience to believe him. Trump spoon fed political baby food to an infantile American public. He repeatedly stated that he intends to change the power structure of the country.

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the people.”

“Our campaign represents a true existential threat …(to the current powers).”

“This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people regain control.”

“I’m doing this for the people and for the movement, and we will take back this country for you.”

Despite Trumps above rhetoric, he could only intend to make lasting political changes if he were stunningly ignorant about how corruption and political power works. As summed up by Bill Bonner, in his article titled, “Trump Is No Match for the Deep State”;

“Mr. Trump cannot win a power struggle with the Deep State any more than Mr. Greenspan could (if he had tried, which he didn’t).
He needs the generals and the arms dealers. He needs the cronies. He needs the elite. If he wants to rule, he must share power with these insiders. If he does not and there is a real fight for control, he will lose.”

Are you really assuming that this a billionaire New York investor is ignorant regarding how power and corruption works? Trump surely knows that no President can give the government back to the people. (The average American should know it, as well.) At least not without violence. As stated in my comment on your post.

“When corrupt people control the top levels of government, their corruption moves in but one direction. Corruption unaddressed only gets worse. … Historically, corrupt powers yield only to superior power. Life for the average American will get worse rather steadily until the corruption of their rulers either kills them, or they rise up and fight.”

In your reply to my claim that neither public pressure (demonstrating), nor voting (the political process) can change our system for the better, (because corrupt people control the highest levers of power), and that a fight is ultimately coming, you appeared supportive.

“Bravo. Great perspectives, … you may be right.”

If I am right, then Trump and every president will fail to deliver effective political change, and the question becomes, is the president aware he/she cannot produce the change he has promised? Is it not more rational to believe that our national politicians are excellent actors, and accomplished liars, than it is to believe that they are fundamentally ignorant regarding who controls the congress, the executive branch and the country? Though, @Francis Marion made an excellent point with his suggestion that there might be,
“… more than two sides to this equation? I think the situation is more chaotic than we realize.”

Still, even if the situation is not one of Trump being completely sincere or complete deceitful, reason indicates that Trump is almost as intelligent as Hillary, McCain, or Pelosi, and has been, more aware that he cannot give the government back to the people, than he has been ignorant of it. He has therefore been lying, just like his contemporaries, throughout the campaign and throughout his time in office.

As Bill Bonner put in in his TBP post titled: Trumps Momma Didn’t Raise No Fool”

“Today we explore the more likely possibility: The Lion of Queens will lie down with the swamp foxes of the Potomac… and together they will feast on the poor little lambs who elected him.”

Trump is acting, and lying. But Trump being ignorant, would be no better.

October 29, 2017 12:37 am

@ Davido – I appreciate your perspectives and either you and Stucky are right about Trump – or James and Stubb are correct (above). There can be no halfway. He is either what he claims, or is a cold-hearted, calloused, and conniving prevaricator.

The “Hillary Clintons, John McCain’s, and Nancy Pelosi’s” are obvious actors because their lies are apparent. In some ways, the same could be said about Trump, as you point out. But, then again, there is this:

Furthermore, look who stands against Trump: The Establishment: RHINO’s, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood celebrities, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Liberal Democrats, international globalists, Fabian Socialists, Neocons, the Deep State, the Rainbow Coalition, the LBGT Nazis, Social Justice Warriors, politically correct snowflakes on every college campus and more.

Perhaps it is true what was written in ancient Sanskrit on the cave wall: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

The optimist in me still has some hope. The cynic in me believes we are too far down the rabbit hole. We’ll know soon.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 29, 2017 1:29 am

The animals in the jungle decided to choose a king of the jungle. Naturally, the lion and the elephant were serious contenders. But the skunk came out of the blue to challenge them. Whenever the lion or elephant spoke, the skunk sprayed them. Soon they were cowed and the skunk won the election. The other animals marvelled, look how everybody hates the skunk, we definitely made the right choice. The animals in the nearby jungles laughed at them. But the skunk’s new subjects assured themselves, the elephant stepped on my rabbit brother and the lion ate my gazelle friend. They hate the skunk and I have heard that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I shall follow the skunk. Even if the media says he stinks, the skunk has assured us it’s all fake news.

  EL Coyote
October 29, 2017 9:38 am


Your skunk story reminded me of a joke I heard as a kid. My prissy “aunt” told it, which is why I remember it. I won’t retell it, for it is long. But, summarizing ..

All the major organs of the body are arguing about who is The Boss. The brain, heart, etc. each present their argument. Lastly, the asshole declares he’s boss, no explanation follows. All the other organs laugh. Then the asshole simply stops doing his job. Soon the heart skips beats, the brain grows foggy, etc, until they all concede . The moral of the story being that all it takes to be The Boss, is to be an asshole.

October 29, 2017 8:55 am

“Furthermore, look who stands against Trump: The Establishment: RHINO’s, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood celebrities, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Liberal Democrats, international globalists, Fabian Socialists, Neocons, the Deep State, the Rainbow Coalition, the LBGT Nazis, Social Justice Warriors, politically correct snowflakes on every college campus and more.”

Wow. Helluva list. What does it mean?

Well, those are people whom I loathe, people who are ruining America … and since they hate Trump, I love Trump even more.

Some believe in the proverb — The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

But, is that always true? It sort of makes the assumption that Swamp Creatures ALWAYS love fellow Swamp Creatures. But, that just ain’t so. In other words, Trump could be a Swamper … even thougj most other Swampers hate him. It seems few, if any, take that into consideration.

In fact, far from being Swampman … Trump is almost god-like in stature to those who support him … whether that support is because of what he has accomplished, or simply because the people we loathe also loathe him.

Want proof? Just look at the thumbs voting pattern here. Just say the LEAST negative thing about Trump … and watch the Debbie Downers go hog wild. Even God doesn’t always have such loyal apologists.

October 29, 2017 9:24 am

Furthermore, your helluva list proves one other thing … Trump is divisive.

Before you all go thumbs down crazy … look at Uncola’s list again, then ask yourself “Does that show Trump is uniting the country?”. Surely, you can’t possibly come to such a conclusion.

Some might then say, “OK, tell us what YOU would do differently!”. I have no idea. Irrelevant. I wasn’t elected President.

I’d like to boil it down to just one question —- CAN this country even be united at this point in time?

— If “no” … then viva la Trump! He’s probably better than most other available choices.

— If “yes” … if this country CAN be united (somehow), then clearly Trump is the wrong choice.

How do I answer the question? Depends on which day you ask.

One day I still have hope that this country can come together … and I wish for a different President or, at least a better Trump.

Another day I think we’re totally fucked … and I like Donald, especially cuz so many Swampers hate him.

The trend line , however, is consistently going down, down, down. Many more “we’re fucked” days than “hope’ days. I just resign myself to the idea that Trump is the best we can do …. in a land of 320 million souls.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 29, 2017 11:16 am

Is Trump divisive or was the country already divided?

You can try and mix oil and water all you like but in the end, it still separates. Politics, after all, are downstream from culture and the culture is now quite confrontational, thus turning politics into the practice of voting for the bat with which you will beat your opponent into submission for four years.

But don’t worry. We have democracy. Things will be fine.

  Francis Marion
October 29, 2017 12:25 pm

The country was already divided, of course.

Q: Regarding a divided America, Donald Trump:

1. Made it worse.
2. Made it better.
3. Had little or no effect
4. At least he’s not as bad as Obama was.
5. None of the above. Go fuck yourself, Stucky.

Choose wisely.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 29, 2017 12:46 pm

Firstly I would never choose #5, at least not the last part. I only ever give as bad as I get.

I don’t think he’s made a difference in terms of division one way or the other. He is a symptom, not an effect. We are not embroiled in a political battle. We are embroiled in a cultural war with politics used as the weapon of choice. For now.

FWIW I’ve been watching your culture with avid interest for about two decades and have been calling for a civil war at some stage just based on the growing cultural divide between blue and red alone. Never mind all of the other fractures.

I watch it with interest because my ability to earn a living and provide for my family is dependent on understanding it. You can either understand your environment or get completely and utterly steamrolled by history.

October 29, 2017 4:05 pm

@Uncola, Much of the list of Trumps alleged accomplishments are actions that I prefer our Government to have virtually no role at all in, (Energy, Healthcare, Auto Safety, Environment, Trade, etc). I can value Presidential actions if they have the general effect of balancing power among the branches of government, limiting the role of Government, and decreasing the size of Government. Trumps actions tend much more toward increasing the power of the executive, and (with some exceptions) increasing the overall size and power of government.

I hold it as self evident, that the more power the executive has, the less control that we the people, our court’s and our congress have. Equally true, the larger our government becomes, the smaller our freedoms become. During the first 100 days of the Trump presidency, as with every other presidency of recent times, the U.S. has moved toward a larger more controlling Government (tyranny), not toward a limited Constitutional Republic. Whether it is despite Trump, or as I believe, with his covert blessing, our nation is still moving in the wrong direction.

Despite Trumps rhetoric of restoring political power to the people, Trump supporter are dreaming if they believe Trump isn’t leading the country toward greater federal control of our economy and our people.

We have entered, -a “Fourth Turning”, a societal, political and economic winter. That is not cause for me to be pessimistic. Even while they are not desired, winter’s are to be expected. They are part of the natural cycle of life. This Fourth Turning (winter) may run harder and longer than most, yet it will pass as all seasons do (political or climatic).

Seems to me that we should not expect any President to much affect the reality of the season. The hardships of the season will bring out the true character of our brother’s and sister’s. True friends will be held more closely, false friends will be all the more identifiable and more quickly discarded. Blood will be shed, likely in my own family. Still, I do not doubt that by spring free humanity will emerge ever stronger and more resilient, than we have ever been.

Some say I have an optimistic bias.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 29, 2017 1:06 am

Davido, I have often compared Trump to Hitler. For that I get lots of thumbs down. You would think Yohimbo would take that to mean that I am not comparing Trump to a great man. Maybe the downvoters are offended that I would equate the lowlife Trump with the wonderful Hitler. It’s hard to tell, maybe the faggot downvoters swing both ways.

I don’t mean Trump is going to start gassing joojoos or queers. Hitler was a practical man, what you might call pragmatic. He dreamt of settling old scores without being sabotaged by the leftists. So he eliminated that problem by deporting the Jews. I guess he was inspired by America’s isolation of the native Indians. He definitely was convinced after Roosevelt confined the Japanese.

If you watch Yohimbo’s video on the cornflakes article, you can see that Hitler practiced his public speeches down to the t. It gives you a portrayal of the difference between Hitler’s private and public persona. You have heard Trump’s natural speaking voice and you’ve heard his grating bombastic speeches. Trump has these calculated hand gestures that emphasize and sometimes distract the listener from the illogic of Trump’s lies and shading of the truth. He routinely pisses down people’s back and tells everybody it’s raining. That was the basis of my comparison.

Now I ask, am I being unfair to Hitler or to Trump? I ask because nobody will tell me. Oh, they will downthumb me forever but they wont say a word; this is what TBP has become, a bunch of mummers.

…24“I will also ask you one question,” Jesus replied, “and if you answer Me, I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. 25What was the source of John’s baptism? Was it from heaven or from men?” They deliberated among themselves and said, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ He will ask, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’ 26But if we say, ‘From men,’ we are afraid of the crowd, for they all regard John as a prophet.”…

  EL Coyote
October 29, 2017 3:17 pm

El Coyote,
No thumbs down from me. I enjoyed your observations about the calculation that both Hitler and Trump appear to put into their public speeches. The comparison of public traits portrayed by political strongmen -like Hitler and Trump, is appropriate.

Flying Monkey
Flying Monkey
October 29, 2017 8:33 am

My opinion on the root causes of our problems are fractional reserve lending and unconsolidated debt issuance. Both sources produce “counterfeited” money by making it out of thin air. It is dishonest at its core.

Fractional reserves lending is incompatible with an innovating economy since it produces deflation. Now leverage the potential liabilities of lenders (banks) with fractional reserve lending and try to make debtors swim against the tide of deflation you and set up the possibilities for bank panics and their associated liquidity. The FED was only concepted to fight the bank panics which is only caused by people loaning imaginary money, isn’t risk capital. That imaginary money gets created with uncollateralized debt and fractional reserve lending. It is the root cause for the instability in the system.

I am a mechanical engineer. The “gain” on the economy is set by the fractional reserve lending ratio. The higher the “gain” in any system, the more unstable it is. You can only distort demand by distorting prices. In the end you can’t juice the economy unless you can employ the resources of the economy in a better way, but if markets are free they will align in optimum manner. Making money won’t do it. Making money only steals demand from the future. We are eating our seed corn looking for GDP growth. I worked for large companies. People were mesmerized with playing the game to maximize their numbers and not paying attention to what actually mattered.

GDP is a stupid measure and is in my opinion only used to justify how much more the Government can “safely go in debt” and get something for nothing. Prices are always changing relative to another so the inflation number is arbitrary depending upon your basket of goods. That is always changing in a free market. If the Government balanced its books we would not really care out GDP growth. GDP growth is just an indicator for the Government how much it can overspend without killing the Golden Goose

It is nonsense to me to think people on the FMOC board know more about peoples’ wishes, hopes and needs than the conglomeration of 317 million in the economy people do.

October 29, 2017 10:14 am

To answer Stucky’s question above as follows:

CAN this country even be united at this point in time?

I would say “no” because the American flag now has too many separate meanings for too many folks.

Also, an excellent fable by Carnal Amigo above. It was great, Dude.

October 30, 2017 7:30 pm

Hello, Unrepeatable. I have been putting something together for you, but wanted to wait for this to disappear off the front pages and be tucked away where most people will just assume I’m talking to myself or calling for coyotes at night.

Your piece touched a nerve and so I thought I’d try to sneak this on here where few will notice and fewer will view it.

Without telling Stucky on his hoarding post, I had to go get out my enormous stash of piano music. Desperado is the “go-to” piece in my neck of the woods and with the death of my old friend to “liver and kidney” failure (aka drug addiction) this week, I was thinking that if there was a way to ride that Seven Bridges Road just one more time and decline the Life in the Fast Lane, I’d probably be Already Gone.

If this doesn’t link, I’ll try All Night Long.

It is here… I really do crack myself up.

October 29, 2017 11:21 am

I think it is safe to say we all who have a clue are pretty fed up to our gorge with this ruling elite bullshit. Enough! doesn’t begin to define it. There’s got to be payback. Serious comeuppance, these scumbags have gone past too far, into the realm of diabolical evil. they have used our happiness, our prosperity, our intrinsic wealth to rule the world and wage genocide in order to rule with impunity.

The only people on God’s green Earth who can stop them are us dirt people. Which is poetic. Because it should be the salt and the elbow grease of the Earth that defies them, resists them, beats them, destroys them. We are the only ones who have what it requires.

The dirt people are going to be the ones who destroy the beast. It has to be us dirt people regardless of anything else. This is our country. We made it. We keep it going. We are the only sane good right proper legitimate thing, it is we who hold this crazy fucked up country together. It is because of this, and our legitimacy as decedents of who made the idea of liberty into something tangible, it is totally up to us, and no other to effect positive change in this world now. Its our legacy. Its our duty. If we don’t, who will? If not us dirt people this world is going down into darkness for so long the idea of liberty & freedom will be lost for uncounted time.

They aren’t trying to do genocide on us dirt people to control us. They are trying to exterminate us. They know what threat us dirt people are to them. Even if a lot of us don’t. Lets hope enough of us wake up to this truth before there’s not enough of us to win.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 29, 2017 8:41 pm

Unity? Above all else? We must be unified, hand in hand with people who –
Believe it’s OK to have sex with young boys, young girls, anyone who exists?
Believe those who do not work should receive as much as those who do – by taxing those who do?
Believe that all men are evil patriarchal oppressors whose only goal is to subjugate women?
Believe that any female in reach is fair game, to be pursued without conscience or hesitation?
Believe that all gays should be stoned / thrown from tall buildings / hung from cranes?
Believe that white people “should just hurry up and go extinct”?
Believe that socialism / communism could work, it just hasn’t been tried correctly?
Believe that DC is there to help, guide and protect us from all those foreign enemies?
WHY would I want to unite with such mentally ill people? What would I (or even they) gain from such unity? How can I be united with such destroyers?
That Burmese Buddhist poster comes to mind; I cannot lie down next to mad dogs and hope to avoid being bitten. The mad dog solution applies to many of them, by the way; send them on and hope for containment to the contagion.