Is The U.S. Navy Being Truthful With Its Report On Recent Crash Incidents?

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

Recently, Free Market Shooter (as well as the US Navy) questioned the cause of a string of crashes involving Navy destroyers and cruisers… all occurring this year:

Recently, the US military, unable to come up with a cause for the incidents, began investigating something else – “compromised computer systems”:

The military is examining whether compromised computer systems were responsible for one of two U.S. Navy destroyer collisions with merchant vessels that occurred in recent months, Vice Admiral Jan Tighe, the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, said on Thursday.

Naval investigators are scrambling to determine the causes of the mishaps, including whether hackers infiltrated the computer systems of the USS John S. McCain ahead of the collision on Aug. 21, Tighe said during an appearance at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

The presumption that has been made is that these vessels are being hacked, China is the responsible party, given the proximity of the vessel crashes to the nation, as well as recent incidents where the US and China have butted heads.  But it is worth asking; are these vessels being hacked?  More importantly, if they are being hacked, who is hacking the vessels, and why?

However, this author did not discount other possible causes for the incidents, including complacent Navy sailors…

It is also worth noting that US Navy vessels do not broadcast an AIS signal (which can be seen on with their respective position, like nearly all other vessels, due to obvious security/defense reasons. You almost never hear news of large commercial ships crashing into each other, which is due not just to AIS, but due to the fact that they actively try to broadcast their position by other means, such as running lights.

Which brings in the possibility of simple human error from US Navy operators as being the cause of these crashes.  Could it be that simple complacency and/or lack of proper training has resulted in these incidents? Given the professionalism of our military, that seems unlikely, but it wouldn’t be the first (and almost certainly won’t be the last) time it has happened.

…a theme which was commonly brought up in responses to this article after it was posted on The Burning Platform:

  • Here’s a more likely scenario – its driven and manned by a bunch of incompetent sailors, who very well may have gotten there through some kind of affirmative action nonsense, or social promotion, where pople get qualifications on things they aren’t competent enough to handle because no CO wants to get accused of racism or sexism for failing a black/women/whatever person on the oral board for underway watches. I’ve never been in the Navy, but I’ve seen it, many times. People given way more responsiblity that they are competent to handle, and you just sit back and wait for them to do something stupid, while hoping no one gets hurt. Also, they are probably spending more time doing mandated training on SJW type nonsense than learning how to sail their boat.
  • Never attribute something to highly complex malice when it can easily be contributed to stupidity and/or incompetence. Thats how Occam would slice it.
  • A complete breakdown in seafaring culture, from top to bottom. The lookouts either failed or had their reports ignored. The radarmen failed to kep track. The bridge lookouts failed, the officer of the deck failed, and the C/O failed by not ensuring that he had competent people at every position. His C/O failed because he knew that the ship captain was incapable of taut management, and likely knew that many of the junior officers and petty officers were untrained and incompetent.
  • A complete failure of culture. God help them if they become hard targets in a shooting engagement.
  • I’ve worked on vessels in the oil field my whole life and have seen the decline in discipline and accountability. With so many wireless devices it’s almost impossible to keep people focused on their task. If they would disconnect the internet from these vessels and keel hull a few of the captains most of the problem would go away.
  • Hacking, GPS spoofing, etc are all things that should be investigated. However IMO they are unlikely. What seems more likely to me is there is a breakdown of operational discipline.
  • However this was brought on is open for much debate. A large factor that I think contributes, is the shift away from the military from being an instrument of death to our enemies to a global force for good and social engineering experiments.


And in the case of the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain, the Navy has ruled that incompetence was indeed the cause of the incidents:

The collision between Fitzgerald and Crystal was avoidable and resulted from an accumulation of smaller errors over time, ultimately resulting in a lack of adherence to sound navigational practices. Specifically, Fitzgerald’s watch teams disregarded established norms of basic contact management and, more importantly, leadership failed to adhere to well-established protocols put in place to prevent collisions. In addition, the ship’s triad was absent during an evolution where their experience, guidance and example would have greatly benefited the ship.

The collision between John S. McCain and Alnic MC was also avoidable and resulted primarily from complacency, over-confidence and lack of procedural compliance. A major contributing factor to the collision was sub-standard level of knowledge regarding the operation of the ship control console. In particular, McCain’s commanding officer disregarded recommendations from his executive officer, navigator and senior watch officer to set sea and anchor watch teams in a timely fashion to ensure the safe and effective operation of the ship. With regard to procedures, no one on the Bridge watch team, to include the commanding officer and executive officer, were properly trained on how to correctly operate the ship control console during a steering casualty.

Is the Navy being truthful in its assessment of these incidents?  More than likely, yes.  But it should be acknowledged that the Navy could be “covering up” another cause of the incident, which could be anything from the aforementioned hacking, to problems with the Navy’s Aegis system, as was previously stated on Free Market Shooter:

A far more likely scenario is that there is a problem with the Aegis system and/or other navigation systems on US naval vessels. The US Navy, known to cover up all sorts of problems in the past, would have every reason to mask the true reason behind these collisions if they are tied to a defective weapons system. Notably, the unreliable nature of the US ground-based interceptor program under questionable test conditions has led many to believe that the system is just another failed defense project sucking up billions of taxpayer dollars.  It is not far-fetched to believe that one of our deployed systems is operating with a serious defect that has been swept under the rug by the DoD.

It is also worth acknowledging that if hacking indeed was to blame, the Navy would not acknowledge it publicly.  If hacking was the culprit, the Navy would not want the enemy to know that it had isolated the issue and corrected it, allowing the enemy to go along in the belief that they could continue to compromise Navy vessels.

However, in the cases of all of these US Navy crashes, the simplest explanation is likely the correct one, and the simplest explanation is the one that the Navy provided – a complete breakdown in seafaring culture.  Still, it has to be acknowledged that the Navy could be covering for a far larger problem.  

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November 3, 2017 12:50 pm

This is likely to rankle some feathers but my brother is a high-ranking NCO in the Canadian navy, and he and his crew always dread having to do exercises with the Americans because they can’t get their shit together. Always screwing up orders, failing to play their pre-determined roles properly, and sometimes not even making it to the arena at all, forcing the Canadians and other NATO navies to carry on without them.

One time during an exercise he boarded a US Zodiac (you know, the inflatable kind with room for maybe 6 people) and was met by a Captain, so he asked the Captain what his regular ship was. The Captain replied with the name of the Zodiac. My brother said no, I mean what is the actual ship that you’re the captain of, to which he again replied with the name of the Zodiac. He said the little dinghy needed a captain because the rest of the crew (two guys) were illiterate.

But I guess anybody who’s aware that the US military has had an almost no-questions-asked unlimited budget for the better part of four decades now, and whose priorities have been getting trannies in uniform and making male soldiers where pregnancy-simulating prosthesis to “understand what its like for a female soldier” has any right to be shocked by this.

November 3, 2017 1:23 pm

Obammy’s office of the Secretary of the Navy was infested with flaming queer social justice types.
Much of the Navy’s traditional education in fundamentals like ship-handling, ship-keeping, and seamanship were replaced with stupid useless shit like sensitivity training for sailors so they better could understand what it’s like for trannies and other weirdos. Just complete jackass stupidity from the Obama social justice poofters.

November 3, 2017 3:37 pm

That’s “Poofter, Sir!”, to you.

November 3, 2017 2:22 pm

It wasn’t ‘hacking’ for two reasons. First, the ships captains and executive officers were all cashiered. No Navy officer is going to submit to having his career ruined without cause. On one of the destroyers both the CO and XO had hispanic names don’t know the ethnicity of the other ships commanders but the Navy would had to have cause or imagine the howls of outrage if two Hispanic officers were wrongly blamed!

The admiral in Japan also had his advancement blocked so this was a leadership and training issue.

As to hacking, nations don’t tip their hands as to their capabilities just to show off. You don’t want to alert a potential enemy that you can mess with his command, control and communication systems just to embarrass them or cause minor damage to a couple of ships.

November 3, 2017 3:44 pm

Two complete shit shows. Pretty much what I initially thought. I kinda hoped it was sabotage or terrorism as that would not entirely reveal the complete lack of training, knowledge of one’s watch stations and just general awareness going in these cases.
Our navy is already undermanned, overworked and drawn down to skeleton crews with a lack of ships/boats.
We will lose a lot of good people if a hot war breaks out and this shit isn’t fixed yesterday. SMH…..

BUT…then it gets worse. Not only are they breaking perfectly good ships with deficient crews who don’t know their asses from holes in the ground….NUB’s are what we called them. (Non useful bodies)…basically new people who aren’t trained yet. Now it seems we can’t fix our boats in need of overhauls. This smacks of what happened to the Soviet Navy in the early 90’s.

November 3, 2017 3:45 pm

I once chatted with a retired Admiral who teared up as we discussed the uss cole incident.

My money is on intentional ramming by … guess who?

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 3, 2017 3:52 pm

Sailing a ship at sea is not a trivial thing. Losing the capable officers and NCOs because they just couldn’t take it anymore (would YOU want to serve under Obama, or a service loaded with his picks?) has caught up with the Navy, Air Force and Army already (remember recalling all those pilots due to shortages?) and probably the Marines as well, just haven’t heard that yet.
We will pay the cost in blood in the next conflict for all those policies that Obama and his henchmen put into place for the last eight years.

November 3, 2017 8:29 pm

I use Hanlon’s Razor and Occam’s Razor to slice and dice things having to do with anything government or megacorp funded – because in corporate and governmental America, you can bank on the old saying that “SH%T FLOATS”.

With the horrible PC stories coming out of the Naval and Air Force academies, who knows what they even teach anymore, other than feel good classes – to fight wars…

November 3, 2017 9:43 pm

Being in the marine electronics industry, we have been hearing about “quirks” in navigation systems of military vessels in the western Pacific for a while. Very subtle GPS spoofing is the most often cited.
Regarding AIS, the vessels receive signal even when they choose silent mode for transmission.
We also do a fair amount of training of military maritime personnel in equipment operation and repair. The folks we see are as competent as the rest of the boating public.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
November 3, 2017 9:51 pm

Even if they are telling the truth I can’t believe them. Just look at what’s going around us. Trust nothing but what you know as truth.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
November 3, 2017 11:49 pm

Oh, fer Christ’s sake!! It doesn’t matter WHAT the electronics were saying. You’ve got to have enough guys out there in the fucking cold with eyes on the environment.
That is boating 101 from the fucking power squadron on up to a nuclear carrier.
If my dinky sailboat crashes, the first question in court from the other party’s lawyer is “Did you have a lookout?”.
The fact that these are large warships with massive crews makes these incidents INEXCUSABLE!!!
Court-martial ALL the officers on duty and cashier their asses.
Spoken as a Viet Nam Navy vet.

  Capn Mike
November 4, 2017 1:57 am

Amen! The fact that watches didn’t know how to operate flawlessly their stations is inexcusable.

I went to NFAS/NPS/NPTU and spent over a year qualifying all the lower level watch stations and knowledge prerequisites before I got to qualify reactor operator. To get that I had to go through all the lower engineering officers, the engineer and finally the captain. Each one of them drilling me on every facet of the plant. My Captain was a full bird, nuke CO who could not be BS’d.

This shit I’m reading is horrifying. Here is the report:

November 4, 2017 8:05 am

Interesting read, I obviously did not read the entire 177 pages, but the actual incident reports reads like a Keystone Cops script, no word necessary. One major mistake after another and multiple levels of incompetence. We are screwed if there is a major shooting war. What a waste of money. At least they all feel good about each other.

November 4, 2017 4:13 pm

We’re going to get a clocks cleaned in a real war if this shit isn’t remedied yesterday.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 4, 2017 8:08 am


Could it possibly be the fact that the US Military has been outsourcing it’s electronics to China for the past decade or more?

Nah, that’s just kooky.

November 4, 2017 11:31 am

Board of Inquiry:
1. USS McCaine(sic): (Props turning at different speeds causing unintended turn out of lane, due to fuckhead).
a.) nobody notices the compass is swinging or that everyone on the bridge is leaning to starboard.
b.) bicycle riding privileges are removed.
2. USS Antietam
a.) INFORM ALL OFFICERS IMMEDIATELY: ships have reverse gear.
3. USS Fitzgerald
a.) Woman driver, nuff said.