10 Ways Trump Is Bibi’s Prison Bitch

An anti Trump article. Trump, failing on virtually every foreign policy decision.  Also, an anti Israel article. Israel, the world’s Pariah State. Hmmmm ….

A goldmine for those who don’t like either Trump or Israhell.

But what about Trumpeteers , AND, who also support Israel (i.e., Christians who support Israel no-matter-what cuz “those who bless Israel, blah blah”)?  How will they feel? Their heads might explode!  🙂

Even if you are pro Trump … ya gotta admit, the list below is pretty damning. It really is; ‘new boss, same as old boss’, at least when it comes to our dealings with Israel — the tail that wags the dog.



Note #1: I said I would continue SUBMITTING articles.

Note #2 to Admin:  Am I really banned from TBP?


From Middle East policy to Russia policy, and just about everything else, like a trained monkey, when Israel says ‘jump!’, the Donald rushes to oblige.

Taken from a longer article entitled: Netanyahu & Israel lobby lead Trump to war with Iran on behalf of Israel at the excellent blog: If Americans Knew.

1)— After many years, Israel and ‘the 52 Presidents’ finally made the US withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) because of its detailed documentation of Israeli crimes against Palestinian people.  Trump complied with their demands.

2)— Tel Aviv demanded a Zionist fanatic and backer of the illegal Jewish settler occupation of Palestinian lands, the bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman, be appointed US Ambassador to Israel. Trump complied, despite the ambassador’s overt conflict of interest.

3)— Israel launched waves of savage bombings against Syrian government troops and facilities engaged in a war against ISIS-mercenary terrorists. Israel, which had backed the terrorists in its ambition to break-up of the secular Syrian state, demanded US support. Trump complied, and sent more US arms to the anti-government terrorists.

4)— Israel denounced the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal Framework and signed by 6 major states and UN Security Council Members, (US, France, UK, Germany, China and Russia). A furious Netanyahu demanded that President Trump follow Tel Aviv and abrogate the multiparty agreement signed by his predecessor, Barack Obama.  Trump complied and the US is at risk of openly violating its international agreement. Trump parrots Netanyahu’s falsehoods to the letter: He raves that Iran, while technically in compliance, has violated ‘the spirit of the agreement’ without citing a single instance of actual violation. The 5 other signers of the ‘Framework’, the US military and the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency have repeatedly certified Iran’s strict compliance with the accord.  Trump rejects the evidence of countless experts among US allies and ‘his own generals’ while embracing the hysterical lies from Israel and the ‘52’.  Who would have thought the ‘hard-nosed’ businessman Trump would be so ‘spiritual’ when it came to honoring and breaking treaties and agreements!

5)— Israel and the ‘52’ have demanded that Washington imprison and fine US citizens who have exercised their constitutional First Amendment Right of free speech by supporting the international boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS) campaign, which is designed to end the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and crimes against Palestinians.  Trump complied.  Americans may soon face over a decade in prison and complete economic ruin for supporting a peaceful economic boycott of Israeli settler products.  This will represent an unprecedented violation of the US Constitution.  At present, US public employees, like teachers in certain US states, are facing job loss for refusing to sign a ‘loyalty oath’ not to boycott products from Israel’s illegal settlements.  Desperate American victims of the floods and natural disasters in Texas are being denied access to public US taxpayer relief funds unless they sign similar loyalty oaths in support of Israel.

6)— Israel demanded that the US appoint Zionist fanatic real estate attorney, Jason Greenblatt and real estate speculator, Jared Kushner as Middle East peace negotiators.   Trump appointed South Carolina businesswoman Nikki Haley as US Ambassador to the United Nations.  Israel pushed for Ms. Haley, the first US governor to criminalize support for the peaceful BDS movement.

7)— Trump went against the advice of ‘his Generals’ in his own cabinet regarding Iran’s compliance with the nuclear agreement, and chose to comply with Netanyahu’s demands.

8)— Trump supports the long-standing Israeli project to maneuver a Kurdish takeover of Northern Iraq, grabbing the oil-rich Kirkuk province and permanently divide the once secular, nationalist Iraqi nation.  Trump has sent arms and military advisers to the Kurds in war-torn Syria as they attempt to grab territory for a separate ‘Kurdistan’.  This is part of an Israeli plan to subdivide the Middle East into impotent tribal ‘statelets’.

9)— Trump rejected the Turkish government’s demand to extradite CIA-Israeli-backed Fethullah Gulen, self-exiled in the US since 1999, for his leadership role in the failed 2016 military coup d’etat.

10)— Like all his predecessors, Trump is completely submissive to Israeli-directed ‘lobbies’ (like AIPAC), which operate on behalf of a foreign power, in violation of the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act.  Trump chose his Orthodox Zionist son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a callow real estate investor and prominent supporter for war against Iran, as his chief foreign policy adviser.





Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

Notify of
November 9, 2017 12:33 pm

You are not banned. It’s a Cloudflare glitch. It has banned me in the past too.

November 9, 2017 1:45 pm


You give this place its zest. You stir the drink. I’ve hated it when you took those breaks. Never leave.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
November 9, 2017 12:36 pm

At least the Armed Services aren’t insane.

November 9, 2017 12:37 pm

Q1. This will be your last article submitted. You are attracting low quality people, and killing innocent animals.

Q2. Yes, you are banned due to your obtuseness and insouciance.

Maybe I will let you post again if you pick up your game and learn how to meme.

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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 9, 2017 12:46 pm

It’s Mother Raccoon

November 9, 2017 1:30 pm

I’ve changed, I swear. I treat the little bastard like my own child. Please don’t ban me.

November 9, 2017 1:37 pm

That’s disgusting. You let that animal sit at your dinner table naked. Low class indeed. I hope you get banned.

I sing to my dogs, Sticky. Try it. It will help you bond with your racoons.

November 9, 2017 9:18 pm

That’s it Starfuk!!!!!!
You are dead meat this time. Doppling me after you were warned.
Prepare yourself……this war!!!

November 9, 2017 8:36 pm

It’s Paul Craig Roberts doppleganging as Admin.

“Insouciance” gave it away.

November 9, 2017 12:39 pm

It is easy to see the pervasiveness of Israel’s Mossad (if one knows where to look), arguably the most effective spy agency on the planet, please read “By Way of Deception” by Viktor Ostrowsky. From the Lavon affair (a “false flag” operation designed to draw the USA into a war with Egypt by making it appear that Arabs bombed the U S interests section–a planted bomb exploded prematurely, exposing this as a Israeli planned and executed “incident”) to the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty (NOT “misidentification”, but another attempt to draw the USA into a war with Egypt and to hide the deliberate massacre of civilians in an Egyptian city, Deir Yassin), to Jonathon Pollard and NSA spying utilizing a company named Amdocs (which handles all US telephone billing records), you will find that Israel looks out for Israel’s interests ONLY. Normally, there is nothing wrong with a country looking out after it’s own interests, BUT Israel has a nasty habit of spying (and setting up) it’s “friends”.

Who the hell died and appointed Israel the “master” of the middle east?? Iran (and all other middle-eastern countries) KNOWS that any nuclear “discharge” would affect the whole middle east . . . Any country that possesses nukes is not stupid . . . Israel has over a hundred nukes, manufactured with stolen American classified technology, refuses inspections of its nuclear facilities and is, in general, a “pain in the ass” to the rest of the world, along with (blackmailed) “big brother” United States of America.

It is no secret that the U S State Department is infested with dual-nationality Israeli-Americans who form (and foment) the bulk of our neocon “foreign policy” straight from Tel Aviv. In fact there are 40 or so congressmen and senators with dual-nationality “ties” to Israel.

Most people are unaware that Israel holds a “Damocles sword” over the world. Any attack on Israel will be met with a nuclear device being detonated in a city of Israel’s choosing. Israel calls this the “Samson option” and is very real.

Israel refuses to abide by IAEA guidelines concerning its nukes as its nukes are already distributed around the world. Israel would not be able to produce all of them as most of them are not in Israel, proper. No delivery systems are needed as Israel’s nukes are already “in place”. Look for another “false flag” operation with the blame being put on Iran. You can bet that some Iranian passports will be found in the rubble.

As an aside, there are forty or so congressmen, senators and high-level policy “wonks” infecting the U S government who hold “dual citizenship” with Israel. Such dual citizenship must be strictly prohibited. Those holding dual citizenship must be required to renounce said foreign citizenship. Refusal to do so should result in immediate deportation with loss of American citizenship. Present and former holders of dual citizenship should not be allowed to serve in any American governmental capacity.

November 9, 2017 12:51 pm

Having Stucky is like drinking too many beers and eating too many coney dogs. The gas is so bad that the pain is unbearable but feels so good when you finally get it out that you end up doing it again.

November 9, 2017 12:56 pm

Yup, those “pasty Hagee churchies” will support [apostate] “IsNOTrael” to the ugly end. Even the recent “revelation” of the “Khazar-captured Palestine” colluding with their next-door Saudi moozie sand lizards will not make one iota of difference/change.

Chancellor Waschbär
Chancellor Waschbär
November 9, 2017 12:59 pm

As a creature of God, I am offended that this “human” is allowed to post on this blog after killing one of my family members.

I am calling a special Diet of Worms to discuss this monster.

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  Chancellor Waschbär
November 9, 2017 1:50 pm

Just as Don Quixote adopted the name Knight of the Lions after his lions escapade, I imagine Stucky can call himself Knight of the Raccoons. Maybe Admin can do the honors and ‘knight’ him as Sir ‘Coon. Suck it, Chancellor Waschbär

November 9, 2017 9:43 pm

at least make him an honorary coon–

November 9, 2017 1:01 pm

nice one Stucky! great article

November 9, 2017 1:01 pm

1.Yes, you are an over the top asshole, Stucky.
2. “1)— After many years, Israel and ‘the 52 Presidents’ finally made the US withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) because of its detailed documentation of Israeli crimes against Palestinian people. Trump complied with their demands.”

We should completely withdraw from the Luciferian based United Nations. Learn about Agenda 21 / 2030, etc. and common core for two great reasons why. If Trump is moving away from the UN then I say BRAVO!

November 9, 2017 2:02 pm

Stucky, that is a most awesome picture. I shared it on twitter. I am certain all my palestianian and iranian friends will love it too. I expect it to get a wide audience.

PS, you are my hero!

November 9, 2017 2:33 pm

It’s not just Trump, its pretty much everyone. It is simply tolerated, just like the war on drugs is tolerated, or the myriad medical scams is tolerated, or the Fed funny money printing is tolerated.

November 9, 2017 3:29 pm

Regale them with tales of Billy.

November 9, 2017 4:13 pm

Billy left sometime during my sabbatical, from about oct. 2014 until last fall. Why did he leave anyway?

Personally I thought Billy was an asshole, but I respected him for being intelligent.

November 9, 2017 4:59 pm

I’m not sure why he left but a few lines in a few of his posts indicated (to me at least) that he had a significant and possibly terminal illness. I hope I’m wrong and he shows up again but I suspect he met his expiration date.

November 9, 2017 7:35 pm

No, it was fleabaggs who indicated he was a short timer.
Billy said the CAPTCHA was his nemesis.
He had continual back trouble and BW gave him serious heartburn.
He said he had one good fight left in him but he meant a physical fight, mano a mano.
He regurgitated much of what is now commonplace DailyStormer info here.
It was novel then but has since gotten old with repetition by the dynamic duds, Yo and Nitwit.
Despite the claims, he did not say he was a racist. He deflected that word as meaningless. His position was that he preferred to live away from the denizens of the urban jungle. His experience with Negroes of the black persuasion soured him on diversity. He did not agree with preferential treatment on the basis of disadvantaged. But I don’t recall him calling out for mass deportations and de-lousing facilities as some have advocated since then.

November 9, 2017 8:47 pm

I don’t recall that either. You’re right. His schtick was getting trite. He needed to pick his game up a notch, or two.

And, you’re no Daisy at all….

November 9, 2017 4:28 pm

I’m not sure he wore it with pride, he simply refused to acknowledge it’s power to denigrate him. He said it ‘rayciss’ and refused to accept that it meant anything. It was an eye opener to find that there really is no legal recourse to being a racist and its only effect is in that it gets you fired from politically sensitive places

November 9, 2017 4:56 pm

Billy didn’t change my mind but I did better understand his position once he explained it fully. We were largely on the same page.

November 9, 2017 3:18 pm

Bravo Stucky. Just to let you know I come from a political district that bred two He Coons in office. Bob Sikes was one – a bit before my time but I did date a grand niece of his. The other He Coon was in the State house and senate for 30 years before I went fishing with the SGT of ARMS of the Florida senate and told him a story. WD went to prison. The black County councilman who ran a drive through funeral home who took bribes with him was found dead after drinking anti freeze and downing two beers of a Heineken 6 pack. But later on, as I had suspected, two lawyers told me he was alive and well in Hawaii…

edit. I actually did visit the office of the great He Coon Bob Sikes when I lived in Clinton Md. He gave me a pass to sit in on the congress.

November 9, 2017 4:13 pm

Is it just me? I can’t understand a fucking thing KeyserSusie is saying.

November 9, 2017 4:39 pm
November 9, 2017 4:55 pm

It’s not just you. Reminds me of BB and El Assclowns schtick. Just make a mental note to ignore and move on.

November 9, 2017 6:35 pm

You fail to see the truth right before your eyes.

Get a dog Diogenes like your namesake

Go to Sinop where your namesake is from

Dive into the black sea

I am a simple person with simple words

Ask me question and I will try to answer

November 9, 2017 6:40 pm


IN 2005: Mysterious Death of Willie Junior

November 9, 2017 8:41 pm

We ought to lock KeyserSusie and i forget in a room; see which one bores the other to death.

November 9, 2017 10:02 pm

Rdawg,”We ought to lock KeyserSusie and i forget in a room; see which one bores the other to death.”

Yes,this takes me back to the 80s when my old friend Jesse Helms was often at odds with the senior communist in the Senate,Ted Kennedy.
During a weekend coon hunting trip in eastern Carolina the subject of our dear Teddy came up. Ol’Jess postulated that he imagined that hell would be spending eternity with Teddy in a becalmed sail boat in the middle of the ocean.
How I do miss Jesse!

November 9, 2017 6:28 pm

The four tenets my friend plus some help from a benevolent force. Shalom. After 69 years I have had to make my peace with my self and my failures; and try to spread the word. God Is Not Dead

November 9, 2017 8:14 pm

Stucky, you mean much to me and I am grateful you are here. I feel the love many have for you and I tease you with ‘truth in my lies and mirth in my eyes’

I think unvision or un something said that about me and I like it.

For your pleasure:

nicknamed the “He-Coon,” was a United States Congressman who represented Florida’s 1st Congressional District[1] from 1941 until 1978 and was responsible for making Eglin Air Force Base one of the largest military installations in the world.

November 9, 2017 8:30 pm

“My mama told me, “sticks and stones will break my bones,” but names will never hurt me. But let me tell you one other thing about the old liberal. The old He-Coon walks just before the light of day.”
~ Lawton Chiles Fla Governor 1991-1998

November 9, 2017 10:14 pm

Ah yes,the late,not so great,Lawton Chiles.
He said those words at the end of the ’94 gubernatorial race as his campaign team was making what was later determined to be untrue,illegal calls to hundreds of thousands of elderly Florida voters,telling them that Jeb Bush would take away their social security and medicare.
If Jeb had won in ’94,would he have been the Bush running in 2000?Would he have taken us into Iraq?

Kaiser Koyoti
Kaiser Koyoti
November 9, 2017 11:01 pm

Who cares? I have more important things to attend to such as shutting down the voices of those two anti-TBP Nazis, Yobo and Nitwit. They have to go. They are mean and they are racists..and they are in my safe space…FFS, they are shouting down the Big Dogs..

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Kaiser Koyoti
November 10, 2017 1:13 am

Wow, KK, your new here but you sound promising. Don’t let the bastards get you down.

November 9, 2017 4:49 pm


But…but, I’ve never even been in your attic. What is an attic? Please sir, don’t hit me with that club. I beseech thee……get a hold of yourself.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 10, 2017 1:39 am

Dang, neo-nutsy, that’s cold blooded. We’ve analyzed this false-flag down to the wire. Really, can you picture the prince of pussy actually clubbing a defenseless animal? I think he threw a wad of newspaper at it and went back to bed. It all gets bigger at each re-telling. The raccoon had an AR-15 semi.

November 9, 2017 4:54 pm

Stucky ,I’m so glad you have admitted that I changed your mind so often .No need to thank me although 50 bucks would be nice!!!
I was once a supporter of Israel without asking to many questions but it was Mr Z who got me interested in looking at the Middle East more closely.What I found was a web of lies that would make any con man proud. ” By way of Deception you shall wage war ” is the Jewish way of life towards all us goy.

November 9, 2017 4:55 pm

To whomever is after Stucky for murdering innocent raccoons:

I have taken Ricky Raccoon into Protective Custody on my hidden hideaway in the Ozarks, where he will be free to interact with the other woodland creatures we cherish here at Chubby Bunny Farm. We have a new litter of kits, proving that Scrapper can still get ‘er done! Although, even if Shirley Godbunny had not delivered again, Scrapper would still be a beloved and cherished pet.

Those rutting bucks, though? The 8-pointer may be in the mancave soon. At least part of him.

And, NO, Stucky, I haven’t read this yet. I will…

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November 12, 2017 6:35 pm

The bunnies are hanging in there in spite of the guns of winter.

November 9, 2017 6:38 pm

Wait a minute Stuck-meister….IWI, Israeli Weapons Industries, has created the finest bullpup rifle ever, the IWI X-95 ! You can M-F them Israelis/Jews all you want. But, I loves me my X-95.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 9, 2017 9:59 pm

I like forgetful, he reads Alice in Wonderland. He can’t be all bad. Let’s lock up Keister, YoBo and Dennis Roe in a cage match to the death.

November 10, 2017 9:40 am

Trump likely converted decades ago.

November 12, 2017 10:54 am

On the road again.

November 12, 2017 11:01 am

My husband is near the porch with Col Remington on safety. Is good.