The End of the Age of Benevolence

The history of democracy, Marxism and feminism is the history of the snake, which, being hungry for more, stalks its own tail and consumes itself. 

By Francis Marion of for TBP

Some evenings I sit on the sofa in the family room with my teenage daughter and watch a TV program with her. I leave the choice of the show to her, it matters little to me, and when she finds something she likes she sits next to me, puts her head on my shoulder, and snuggles up for the hour it takes to watch whatever it is she’s chosen.

It’s our time.

Occasionally we’ll sneak in another twenty or thirty minutes to the objection of her mother but I like my time with her so I put up with the raised eyebrows and the, “She’s got school tomorrow,” scoldings. It’s important to me that she knows I love her, that I want to spend time with her and that she feels safe when she is with me. Someday, when she is a grown woman I want her to find a man that will take care of her and protect her like I do. I expect no less from a suitor and neither should she.

There will be women who read this who will object to my stance. They will say, “She doesn’t need a man to feel safe or validated or content,” but I would disagree. When she gets older she’ll need a good man, not just any man, and that’s as true today as much as it was ten years, twenty years, fifty years, one hundred years and even one thousand years ago. And it will become even more so as time goes on.

Indeed, we have reached peak denial in our civilization and whether we like it or not reality is about to make a come back.

The freedom that we have enjoyed in the west and the modern democracies that have sprung forth from our evolving and enlightened philosophies over the past few hundred years are not a given. Granted, they are preferable outcomes given our natural state but politically speaking they are an anomaly in the history of mankind and not the norm.

As such, democracy and the systems, social structures and institutions that have grown up around them are grossly misunderstood by the vast majority of the western world. Most of the people living in the west today have been raised to believe that democracy is a moral system of governance and that it is our gift to the rest of mankind. But democracy is not an inherently moral system nor is it a guarantor of linear, progressive political growth.

At its root democracy is quite simple. It is the exercise of political power by the majority over the minority. It is the power to choose in matters of politics. This, of course, begs the question: to choose what?

Since choices in general (and political ones are no exception) can be either good or bad, in this case, both for the individual and the body politic, then it follows that democracy is neither. It is nothing more than a tool for decision making where the majority holds the power to make decisions that affect everyone, either for better or for worse. Democracy is, therefore, a reflection of the character of the people who exercise it.

Additionally, democracy is also the use of soft force. That is, the minority bends to the will of the majority on political matters and the apparatus of the state is responsible for carrying out its demands. The minority consents, willingly or unwillingly not because violence is present but because, by the state’s presence, it is implied.

More importantly, though, democracy is a luxury that is preceded by benevolence but does not necessarily guarantee its continuance or creation if forgotten.

Societies in a state of internal turmoil, or where competing factions vie for political power, often through the use of overt physical violence, will forgo democracy because the primary component for its exercise, order, is absent.

Democracy in the western world has always followed ‘order’. ‘Order’ is a byproduct of force and, like democracy varies in severity on the scale of good and bad, its moral leanings by and large being dependent on the type of people who impose it from the top down. It can be fatherly and benevolent or it can be violent and oppressive. It is never universally both.

Thus democracy usually occurs where ‘order’ has been established and the apparatus of the state is at least somewhat benevolent.

In a political world ruled by strength, order and benevolence are precursors to suffrage. Without either suffrage would not exist, choices would be limited and brute strength would still be the order of the day.

Whether feminists are willing to admit it or not, brute, physical strength is at the root of all political power, thus feminism came into being because those who held that strength chose to exercise benevolence and reason over strength and subjugation. Their suffrage was dependent first and foremost on the benevolence of those who held political power. And like it or not, those who held political power at the time it was introduced were men.

As time progressed, at least in the West, democracy, and universal suffrage gave way to both physical and intellectual freedom for women. In the West during the twentieth century, its political structure (and the intellectual values it embodied) and the industrial revolution it spawned ushered in a new era for women, giving them choices they had not previously had, by and large, since the beginning of recorded history.

Women were finally free to choose between family, career or both. Rather than playing the role of the weaker, subservient sex women found their place beside men in society as intellectual equals. Physical strength was no longer a factor in the social structure of our civilization. An intellectual meritocracy came to be valued over a system based simply on brute force. This structure was the product of order created from benevolent strength.

But the rise of Marxism and feminism, particularly the rise of third-wave feminism has put ‘order’ at risk.

Without order, an intellectual meritocracy will once again become subservient to strength. It’s a hard pill for women and progressive liberals in general to swallow but it’s a fact.

Marxism and modern feminism work continuously towards a perfect world but ignore reality in the process. They forget an important lesson, born true repeatedly throughout history:

There is no utopia.

The best we can hope for in any civilization is for a society to be built and based on fundamental individual rights and freedoms. If we refuse this then we return to what we were before. This means rule by brute force which means the end of political and legal equality for women and the death of democracy itself.

The irony in the dilemma which the West now faces is that our demise, the continual erosion of a democratic, intellectual meritocracy, is by and large spurred on by the very people that our system was created to protect.

Feminists, both female and male, cry daily for more of the same poison which infects us. More illegal and unscreened immigration. More tolerance of philosophies which are intolerant themselves. More invitations for an enemy created by a corrupt and immoral government to ignore our borders and live among us.

More cries for moral nihilism, the repression of speech (one of the cornerstones of their own suffrage) and the denial of fundamental biological reality.

More cries for the denial of basic math and the continuance of government-sponsored bread and circuses. More of everything which our civilization cannot sustain. More of everything which rots us from the core.

Subsequently, modern feminists decry the men of their own civilization as misogynists, racists, and intolerant while forgetting it was their own men who recognized that a society built on equal political rights for all was preferable to a society built on spoils taken by the strong. They forget that it was the men they live among who valued justice over greed and force so much that they shed the old ways and took their place beside their women instead of in front of them. They do all of this while cheering on the invasion of their own countries by foreign men who view them as nothing more than chattel property. In doing so they have unwittingly invited the destruction of their own freedom.

While I sit next to my daughter I wonder what the future will hold for her. I have no desire to see her disenfranchised but the reality is that many of her own kind have chosen a future where reason has been rejected and instead, traded for thirty pieces of silver and whatever makes them feel good. Unfortunately, a world without reason is a world without order which is a world without choice. A world without choice is a world of brute force. And that’s a man’s world.


Benevolence and democracy should have ushered in an era of truth and reason but instead, they ushered in an era of denial and wishful thinking. Thus, democracy’s beginning will also be its end. What came from force will return to it.

For those of you paying attention and who can see the contradictions and the resultant decay, pray. Pray that what comes afterward will once again be benevolent.

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November 23, 2017 12:17 pm

Very well done, your indentification of the ascention of Liberal values and the internal mechanisms which will foment their demise is a much needed dissertaion.
Home run, thank you.

November 23, 2017 10:51 pm

I disagree. America’s founding fathers didn’t create a democracy, because they had studied history, in which democracies invariably crash and burn. They also restricted suffrage to those with a stake in society, usually meaning ownership of property. Nor did they allow women, with their short time preferences and emotional desires to nurture everyone, to vote. Note, as soon as women generally got the franchise, the welfare state appeared.
We now have a democracy, not a republic. Worse yet, the majority of voters are women…As a result, unskilled “immigrants” continue to flood into the country, many seeking welfare, and registering to vote despite not being eligible. The debt and deficit continue to explode. We have maybe 20 years….

old white guy
old white guy
November 24, 2017 8:08 am

looks like you agree with the writer as opposed to disagreeing.

November 25, 2017 9:58 am

pyrrhus, you hit the nail on the head. Democracy is a Jewish tool to deploy Socialism which is needed to pave the way for communism which we all know is as kosher as a synagogue in Hymiewood.

Blank Reg
Blank Reg
November 25, 2017 1:19 pm

Keep in mind a LOT of women voted for Trump…

Anton Chigurh
Anton Chigurh
November 26, 2017 5:11 am

We have less than that. . . .I won’t live to see the end of it, but I can tell you the path we took was paved with good intentions. . . . . .

November 24, 2017 10:44 pm

And Francis, you are now a star on Zerohedge.

November 25, 2017 1:58 am

That’s a good thing?

November 25, 2017 2:32 am

That’s a great thing. Uncommon wisdom being spread even wider.

  Francis Marion
November 25, 2017 8:43 am

It’s now up on Lew Rockwell for the entire weekend. That will generate a huge amount of views. Congrats.

laura ann
laura ann
November 25, 2017 11:51 am

After reading this article and various articles about the liberal mindset taking over our gov., I am glad we never had kids as youth of today have a zero future including many jobs off sourced and open borders. America is without hope and that’s a given. As a student of globalism for decades, the fact that congress is bribed to go along with liberal agendas (open borders, allowing third world invaders in, more gov debt, etc) I see this country taken down faster if another liberal is elected to be president. Trump can slow things down, but congress is bought. Europe is trashed as sharia law is gradually implemented and crime runs rampant. Since 9/11 many have lost hope this country will ever be the same. We soon will have another incident here like what happened in Egypt several days ago. The Orlando nite club incident, like 9/11 is a harbinger of things to come. Voting at this point is utterly useless. Move out of cities or get a bug out location, and prepare best you can.

November 23, 2017 12:25 pm

WOW!! You nailed that one right out of the park FM. Good post X100!

Outta Aces
Outta Aces
November 23, 2017 12:45 pm

Pensions imploding now. Tax revenues will fall drastically after 2018. Government will at first slash then, in some cases eliminate welfare altogether. I figure we’ve a max window of 2 years to put our affairs in order. And IJMHO that if you don’t have some sort of spiritual base to help you along, I don’t see making it. I hope you do. God bless and keep you and your loved ones.

November 23, 2017 12:46 pm

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” T Jefferson

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch”. B Franklin

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Winston Churchill

“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” Mark Twain

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
― H.L. Mencken

“Why do you suppose all politicians, even the ones who passionately disagree with one other agree on one thing: Voting is your only option to run your life as you wish and not what we decree by force?” CCRider

The Equalizer
The Equalizer
November 26, 2017 7:36 am

Also, “democracy is the notion the common man knows what he wants and deserves to get it good and hard”. H.L. Mencken

November 23, 2017 1:04 pm

+1000 Francis. Thank you.

November 23, 2017 1:18 pm

The snake swallowing it’s tail is a millennia old symbol and is Jooish in origin just as Marxism is also jooish. Scroll through these symbols of the Oroboros:

  Francis Marion
November 23, 2017 8:38 pm

Very nice article FM.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 23, 2017 1:23 pm

A thoughtful, well-reasoned, and beautifully written article. I’ll post it on SLL tonight. Thank you.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Francis Marion
November 23, 2017 7:27 pm

in a word to wordy.

  Francis Marion
November 23, 2017 8:19 pm

In a word…”Not too wordy.” Oh wait, that’s three words. Still his was actually two words.

  None Ya Biz
November 23, 2017 10:59 pm

None Ya Biz: Okay then.

Looking forward to your original essays posted here for all to enjoy that aren’t “too wordy”.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Francis Marion
November 23, 2017 7:31 pm

Where to start? Government is the first group of thugs that move into an area where people live peacefully to impose their will.

There is no such thing as benevolent government. The two terms are in opposition to the other.

Imposition of will betrays benevolence. Government betrays liberty.

i forget
i forget
  None Ya Biz
November 24, 2017 12:29 pm

Fraternity hazing…boot camp brainwashing…initiates become initiators a la pavlovian conditioning…the bells tolling & the salivaries pumping & the identity lumping….

  Robert Gore
November 23, 2017 2:00 pm

You up to 20 readers yet?


Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 23, 2017 2:02 pm

This article was so well done that it will probably get 20, or even more, but I’ll say no more lest I be accused of promoting myself, rather than Francis.

November 23, 2017 1:58 pm

“At its root democracy is quite simple. It is the exercise of political power by the majority over the minority.”

Ahhhh, nostalgic!

Today we have the minority (kneegrows, bad Joos – not regyoulah ones -, 1%ers, homos, Lizzie’s, and CIS, among others) who exercise power over the minority. What do you call that?

Greatly enjoyed your article! Wish I could cuddle up and watch a movie with you also.

  Francis Marion
November 23, 2017 2:25 pm

What I have written, I have written.

Pontius Pilate.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 23, 2017 2:27 pm

Even the King James Bible was edited.

  Robert Gore
November 27, 2017 8:50 pm

KJV is a government issue bible. The intent was to replace the Geneva Bible whose side notes had much to say about government’s responsibilities to the citizens.

November 24, 2017 6:15 am

I just read the article a second time.

I made an egregious error. I did not “greatly enjoy” it. I LOVED it!! It’s a true masterpiece.

November 23, 2017 2:36 pm

Extremely well said. Thankyou. Let us hope that there are enough of us, prepared enough, to survive the coming chaos so the magic is not lost.

November 23, 2017 4:17 pm

Nicely written but poorly thought out and even more poorly based on history.
Matriarchical societies have existed for millennia, thus the notion of brute force being the basis of power is clearly wrong.
Equally, the actual holders of power even in patriarchical societies are never the physically strongest. They’re old men.
Then there’s the whole avoidance of contraception. Reliable contraception is a major enabler of women to participate in the power structures of society. Hard to build a power base when you’re popping out kids and having to care for them for decades.
The next up: “benevolence”
I guess it is easy for a white man to consider the pattern of even just American society to be benevolent.
The American Indians, the former slaves, the Chinese via the Exclusionary Act of 1849, the Irish, the Italians, etc etc of their eras would also disagree.
I could go on and on. The author has clearly not spent a lot of time and effort researching nor reflecting kn his commentary. Brute force hasn’t governed Western society for literally a millennia – you have to go way back to the wellsprings of feudalism to see naked brute force as a governing principle. After the first couple of generations, the barons, dukes and kings/queens adjudicated the majority of conflicts. For that matter, no small number of rulers were queens: Elizabeth 1, Nefertiti/Hatshepsut and at least 3 or 4 other Egyptian queens, etc.

  Francis Marion
November 23, 2017 8:25 pm


  Francis Marion
November 26, 2017 2:26 pm

What a thoroughly incoherent reply.
So according to you, brute force *isn’t* the basis for power in society, but it *is* the instrument for delivery.
In other words, you admit you are wrong. Brute force isn’t the driver, it is simply the tool.
Then you go even more incoherent by stating that the strong, ambitious and young are the ones driving change. No, not at all.
Again, you confuse the sock puppets with the hand.
I don’t disagree with the notion that the 99% are oppressed, but it isn’t brute force that does it.
Any type of objective analysis shows that it is physically impossible for sheer brute force from 1% to oppress 99%. However, a societal structure where the shit rolls downhill, where people operate by licking up and kicking down, now that can work just fine. The “young, strong and ambitious” are thus just the tools for their own as well as societal subjugation.
But it isn’t “brute force” – it is divide and conquer.
It isn’t the least bit surprising that most of the readers on TBP believe it is “brute force” that is the cause for their subjugation, when in reality it is their own contributions to divide and conquer which have led to where America is today.

November 27, 2017 9:15 pm

“It isn’t the least bit surprising that most of the readers on TBP believe it is “brute force” that is the cause for their subjugation, when in reality it is their own contributions to divide and conquer which have led to where America is today.”

You hit a cord here. As goes the church so goes the nation.

I attribute most responsibility to churchianity. Those embracing “easy believism” and smorgasbord religion. Putting aside God’s Law and making it of none effect.

They are followers of false gods [ rule makers ]. We have NO God-given right to worship false gods.

All laws are subject to higher law. If they seek to overturn higher law they are null and void from their inception.

November 24, 2017 7:55 am

Utoh–someone took a women’s studies course ( and actually believed that tripe.)

Minerva Arizona
Minerva Arizona
November 24, 2017 8:10 am

How many times can I down vote this piece of smug, SJW garbage?

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
November 25, 2017 10:55 am

As of the time I write this I’ll let your 92.5% negative “rating” speak for itself and will only add that you are clearly “clueless”.

November 23, 2017 4:44 pm

You want your daughter to marry a Christian Man with True Grit . I’ll let you decide what That is.
I detest this so called Demecocary .Yet that’s what I call it.Our nation was and is supposed to be a Republic designed for White Anglo-Saxons Protestants (White People ) who were mostly Christians. It is unsuitable for any other group.Our diverse society with not last much longer. Diversity is where nations come to die.The same will happen to us because God and history don’t lie.

November 24, 2017 12:57 pm

I had this same conversation at Thanksgiving dinner yesterday as my mom and sister lamented the choices of sister not present daughter’s choice of serious relationships. I asked if the present pick was white and they asserted that he was, but not really, a jew. I countered that the Asian, Italian, and now this run of jews families have quashed her relationships because they won’t marry out of their bloodline for good reasons. She, a liberated young woman is approaching the long in the tooth age and has yet to realize that they just take the milk from the cow because it is free and not a condition of purchase of cow. Liberal young women feminists don’t see the sign these men see, ” I suxx and fuxx and wear an IUD”

i forget
i forget
November 23, 2017 4:57 pm

Guarantor? Nationstate politics – color of law criminality – is 180 away from progress, growth, fundamental individual rights & freedoms. Might makes right’s just another rite. Like gobble-gobble day. Religious. An article of faith. And capitulation. Via decapitation.

Pogo possum – us ahead of I – is the club that builds the club it’s not in…except as staff. The ouroboros road to serfdom. It’s in there. Intestines→soul worms (maggots)→snakes. I like snakes, don’t mind spiders, but cue the Jim Stafford tune anyway.

Democracide…that line from “The Patriot”: “…why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away?”

Tyranny’s tyranny. How many or few, how proximal or not, how much the sumbitch looks like me or not – all book covers, all irrelevant.

That goes for nearer rather than farther relatives, too. Even if you did rear up on Waltons Mountain (I didn’t). “A family is a tyranny ruled by its weakest member.” ~ GB Shaw shanks that bubbloon

But human prey insists on its own predation. Especially when prey-elevated predators promise bits of the fix-is-in skim action in return.

  i forget
November 25, 2017 3:00 am

Regarding your quote from “The Patriot”: Mel Gibson’s character was loosely based on a SC militia officer who became known as “the Swamp Fox” for his guerrilla tactics. His name was Francis Marion. Could the author be using him as a pen name?

November 23, 2017 5:23 pm

Democracy is, therefore, a reflection of the character of the people who exercise it.

Wisdom for the ages right there. An excellent essay which, for me, resurrected the ghosts of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. Liberty lacking common sense leads to tyranny without fail. And what is common sense if not morality? Relativism killed the ethicality star.

laura ann
laura ann
November 25, 2017 1:10 pm

Uncola: I am retired and been keeping up with globalism/socialism in this country for decades. Few in high office have critical/logical thinking ability which is why this country is barreling down the abyss, soon be lost forever in the ashes of history. Few see it happening, as I heard on a talk show last week. He explained like the old bread and circuses, now it’s sports, celebrities and the selfie craze (taking pictures w. cell phones and sending them online to social media sites. ) This is all most people (even retirees) care about today, which is why hubby and I are social recluses… way too many bottom feeders, shallow morons, who know nothing of value except to entertain themselves 24/7. Like Europe and others, we will fall with multiculturalism, nihilism and open borders.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  laura ann
November 25, 2017 5:19 pm

As a matter of comfort, you might wish to cultivate neighbors who share your views, have useful skills and a work ethic to use them, and the ability to defend themselves when the times demand it. A more rural location, with interconnections to other nearby communities of similar mind, would be even better. Finally, becoming a majority of your state and voting down nonsense can also be laudatory.
When my son gets his IT degree we will probably be moving. Where are you located, and is it defensible?

laura ann
laura ann
  james the deplorable wanderer
November 25, 2017 7:45 pm

I live in S.E. Ala. on the edge of a med sized city 120,000. We are now trying to find a bug out location. I suggest people downsize their stuff and get needed basics for survival. My neigbors I have now are not involved in this effort. For security reasons, I no longer discuss my plans since few understand the issues. Best to stay low key and out of patriot activities at this point as nothing was ever accomplished over five decades with groups like JBS, tea party types , etc. Finding like minded friends or family is almost impossible.

November 27, 2017 9:24 pm

I am also reminded of this quote, which I found and filed just today:

“There are two major traditions in Western political thought. The first is Aristotelian, logical, rational, centrist, mechanistic. You concentrate power and truth in the centre and apply it outward, shaping the world according to plan.
This was the guiding principle of the Roman Empire. It evolved into the Holy Roman Empire and the Church of Rome. Except for Switzerland, it has dominated politics on the continent ever since. Most recently, it has morphed into the European Union.
The principle is simple – smart people can figure out how to run things, and should be allowed to do so. This was the idea behind Hillary Clinton’s health care task force (and now ObamaCare), as well as Japan, Inc. and even Adolph Hitler’s National Socialist Germany. It has animated nearly every politician (each one of whom, as Garrison Keilor notes about Lake Woebegone children, are above average) in this century.
But there is another tradition that is much less well understood. It is the tradition of the Roman Republic… of English common law… of Adam Smith and Emmanuel Kant… of Austrian School economists such as Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek and of pre-Rooseveltian American. It is organic, rather than mechanistic – the tradition of tradition, based on the recognition that people, no matter how smart, cannot replace thousands of years of accumulated experience (remember the “best and the brightest” who led the Vietnam war? Or, wonder where the radical homosexual power move is going to end?)

Experience is embodied in the evolved systems of values, customs, rules and traditions that people use to order and give meaning to their lives. A free market and a free society allow people to express these preferences, as well as allowing the process of social and civil evolution to continue. This tradition, in other words, is neither liberal nor conservative in the modern sense, but anti-political. Indeed, it is often seen as “anti-intellectual” because it denies the authority of intellectuals to tell the rest of us what to do (through the political process). “

Bubba Gump
Bubba Gump
November 23, 2017 5:37 pm

I’ve followed this site for the past 8 years or so. I have never commented on here before, but this is one of the top if not top posting I’ve ever read. Great job and thank you!

November 23, 2017 7:04 pm

I made a reply in an article recently where I stated, ” the biggest flaw in these socialists and marxists thinking is that if they got the government control of everything that they want so desperately, that their overlords would somehow be benevolent masters who would actually give a chit about them”

Thanks FM for writing such a wonderful piece with such in depth insight. Your essay explains exactly where my thinking was coming from. Great minds as they say….

November 23, 2017 7:08 pm

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 23, 2017 7:12 pm

Thanks for the reflection, it shows great intuitive insight. I have a daughter and granddaughter too. We’ll see how it turns out.

Lee Harvey Griswold
Lee Harvey Griswold
November 23, 2017 7:54 pm

Thanks for this FM. I may send it to my young ‘uns. Only one thing doesn’t quite seem right. Maybe I’m tired & missed something, but isn’t the last sentence a utopian dream considering known human nature?

“Pray that what comes afterward will once again be benevolent.”

Who was it that said insanity is doing the same thing again & again while expecting different results?

  Francis Marion
November 23, 2017 8:28 pm

Francis, what a beautiful piece of writing. That has to be one of the best articles I’ve ever read, on this site or anywhere. I’ve always liked your perspective, but this is seriously well thought-out stuff. See you in the foxhole, brother

  Francis Marion
November 25, 2017 3:05 am

No, just an optimist in my book. Keep up the great writing!

LadyBits Johnson
LadyBits Johnson
  Lee Harvey Griswold
November 24, 2017 9:18 pm

Who was it that said insanity is doing the same thing again & again while expecting different results?

That’s attributed to Einstein, Einstein.

Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
November 23, 2017 8:29 pm


November 23, 2017 8:34 pm

Francis, you say that Democracies “are preferable outcomes given our natural state but politically speaking they are an anomaly in the history of mankind and not the norm.” Unfortunately, you’re right; they are an anomaly as is the middle class that sprung after WW II. Many women worked in factories for the first time, America was the only major nation not devastated by the war and the recipient of Nazi gold which funded government spending.

Alas, we’re losing both democracy and the middle class in no small part to suffrage and the influence of self-destructive women which you touch on and as elaborated by the Black Pigeon in this hard-hitting video.

Click on ‘I understand and wish to proceed.’

Mrs. Red Square
Mrs. Red Square
November 24, 2017 5:44 am

“But the rise of Marxism and feminism, particularly the rise of third-wave feminism has put ‘order’ at risk. Without order, an intellectual meritocracy will once again become subservient to strength.”

And that new ‘strength’ I fear will be the sharia, with aspects of it already seeping into our society, and these young, ‘third-wave’ feminists seem to be its biggest cheerleaders.

I once tried to introduce an anti-Sharia resolution at a national conference of NOW (National Organization for Women) in 2014, and I was yelled off the stage. These ‘womyn’ are hell-bent on destroying their own men and replacing them with Islamic monsters. They don’t realize how good we all have it, or should I say, had it, but they’ll quickly discover the ‘order’ sharia imposes.
comment image

Thank you for writing this brilliant essay. Bravo!

  Francis Marion
November 24, 2017 1:00 pm

“A father is where a girl first learns to trust men.” I read that in a paperback novel, a mystery of some sort. It was at the end, as a father becomes a dad and shoulders the responsibility thereof.

I am glad you and your daughter are close. I have met too many young ladies in my lifetime whose father was absent – or worse, present in unstable and sometimes horrible ways. They nearly all had one trait in common.

They had very poor taste in men.

And Lord, how they and the man and the little babies paid for it!

(BTW, does this place tend to attract the rabid anti-Semite commenters? I don’t think they actually read the article, they just come here to spew, from what I’ve seen. I come here from Atheism Analyzed, myself.)

November 27, 2017 9:33 pm

“…the rabid anti-Semite commenters”

Are you being redundant or thorough?

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
  Mrs. Red Square
November 24, 2017 10:31 am

Women don’t actually think when they speak. What you’re hearing is very primitive lower-brain emotions being poorly translated and justified by the higher-brain.

Women want to dominated by the strongest of men. They don’t really care how badly these men treat them because it’s still preferable to the insufferable insecurity and vulnerability that is the natural state of women. From the primal female perspective, the Muslim invasion is win-win. Either their men prove to be the stronger and drive out the invaders, or the invaders prove to be stronger and White women will gladly put on their burkas every morning.

Women don’t actually want freedom and equality. They want to be put in their place by worthwhile men.

i forget
i forget
  Mr. Frosty
November 24, 2017 12:43 pm

Another idiotic General Izer.

Rule of thumbers, with rheumatoid arthritis, saluting all oncoming traffic the same way, hitchhiking to nowhere – which is to say, pretty much, here & now, there & then, as far back as you care to scrutinize.

The borg & the matrix are art imitating life.

November 23, 2017 8:42 pm

Francis A great essay. Captures the zeitgeist of this week in Canada as well. Above someone pined for “if only society strove to be matriarchal” or something like that. That fellow forgets we already have one lurking in our midst. That being the Black African American slice. And the best part are the massive savings being had from the widely availble reliable contraception….

Last I heard it was producing fantastic results.

November 23, 2017 9:55 pm



I would like to add that we all in the US, Canada and even across the pond are all at the crossroads where decisions of life and death, fight or hide will soon be upon us al…

The difference between Conservative Republican and Democrat Labour Liberal NDP Green supporters

A young woman was about to finish her first year of university. Like so many others her age, she
considered herself to be Labour Party minded and she was very much in favour of higher taxes to
support her education and for more government programs – in other words, the redistribution of wealth.

She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch blue-ribbon Conservative, a feeling she
openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had attended, and the occasional chat with a professor,
she felt that her father had for years harboured a selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.

One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher
taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs.

The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors must be the truth, and she
indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing at university.

Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 90% average, and let him know that it was tough to maintain,
insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out
and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend and
didn’t really have many university friends because she spent all her time studying.

Her father listened and then asked, “How is your friend Audrey doing?” She replied, “Audrey is barely getting by.
All she takes are easy classes, she never studies and she barely has a 50% average. She is so popular on campus;
university for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties,
and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over.”

Her wise father asked his daughter, “Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct 20% off
your average and give it to your friend who only has 50%.
That way you will both have a 70% average, it would be fair and you would both be equal.”

The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, “That’s a crazy idea, how
would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work!
Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!”

The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, “Welcome to the Conservative side of the fence.”

If anyone has a better explanation of the difference between Conservative and Labour/Greens, I’m all ears.
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a Conservative supporter doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Labour/Green doesn’t like guns, they want all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Labour/Green is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is gay, he quietly leads his life.
If a Labour/Green is gay, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation..
A Labour/Green wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Labour/Greens demand that those they don’t like should be banned.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.

A Labour/Green non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)

If a Conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

A Labour/Green will delete it because he’s “offended.”

November 24, 2017 12:37 am

Stress- nice points, the differences between the left and the right here in the States have another facet as well. That is one of identities, her father is inescapeably a cis gendered white male irregardless of merit or ideology.

November 24, 2017 4:20 am

Well done FM, most excellent. My phone won’t let me open this page most of the time, let alone like vote or much else here. I saw your name before the page loaded and went straight to your article. I commented on the core, and haven’t been able to read another page until now. I will keep searching for where your writing is archived even if I can’t open up pages here.
Children understand GOD’S love through their fathers. If dad is a mean domineering tyrant, they grow up feeling GOD loves them the same way, or can’t love them because dad never did. If they grow up with no discipline, they think negative behaviour is acceptable. Time spent with our children is our best investment in the future.
Excellent! Excellent!!

November 24, 2017 8:09 am

Excellent piece. I especially like the part, “traded for … whatever makes them feel good. Unfortunately, a world without reason is a world without order which is a world without choice. A world without choice is a world of brute force. And that’s a man’s world.” You have a sense of what’s coming and articulated with such clarity. Thank you.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
November 24, 2017 9:14 am

Benevolence begat Yuppies, who shit their own bed. Here we are, the Bag Lady of Empires. Now that Charlie Manson’s dead, they can steal his quote, and carve it on a big stone in DC….”No sense makes sense.”

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 24, 2017 9:30 am

Woke very early this morning and couldn’t fall back to sleep so I read this piece-

Absolutely outstanding.

For the past few days I have been having conversations with my teen-aged daughter about pathos/logos/ethos and how to determine truth in day to day life so that she will (hopefully) be able to make wise decisions down the road rather than impulsive or emotional ones…

I will share this with her and see what she thinks.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
November 24, 2017 9:58 am

Women are not the intellectual equals of men.

Some very small percentage of women can compete intellectually in the second tier with some men.

Women are destroyers because they are not self-governing beasts – the men who gave them the vote were decadent, period.

Women neither create wealth nor order – they sow discord wherever they gather.

Women do not understand violence, so don’t recognize the core point of your essay – order was born from men agreeing to forego continual violence in order to co-operate.

Women have, from the very beginning, used the vote to destroy their own men and their own society.

i forget
i forget
  Maple Curtain
November 24, 2017 12:33 pm

Idiotic. At the least, telegraphs what you look for, maybe even have, in a particular woman.

General Izer, we have met the enemy – us.

  Maple Curtain
November 24, 2017 8:06 pm

I have read some dumb fucking comments before, but this one definitely is in the top ten, maybe five.

  Maple Curtain
November 25, 2017 8:01 am

Agreed. Everyone that craps on you for saying this is just romanticizing about the women in their lives.

A woman is only as good as she is made to be by men in her life. We can extrapolate this reality when we witness the sorry state of women in the West.

There may be small enclaves like Francis Marion’s, were girls are molded into respectable women, but they have any entire degenerate society to contend with.

The West is dead. We’re just waiting for decomposition to take place.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 24, 2017 11:58 am

“Women neither create wealth nor order – they sow discord wherever they gather.”

That’s simply not true. It may true of feminist types, but a good wife and mother is the center of every orderly, well-run home that finds itself at peace.

i forget
i forget
November 24, 2017 12:24 pm

Like McMurphy needed lobotomy?

What meds taken by me would pluck the javelin from your eyes, the javelina from your back, or the Psychiatrist Javert the Ratched from your nervous system?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  i forget
November 24, 2017 12:52 pm

You’re a very talented wordsmith, always enjoy your contributions even when they go completely over my head.

It reads like poetry.

i forget
i forget
  hardscrabble farmer
November 24, 2017 1:37 pm

That’s a compliment indeed coming from such a word wielder as yourself, farmer. Thank you.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
  hardscrabble farmer
November 24, 2017 5:14 pm

Hardscrambled understands the humiliation and rectal discomfort that comes from havin uh piece at the top uh TBP fer uh couple days that basically gets uh smatterin uh ‘this is really good’ and ‘yer writin is super good’ but when it comes down ter it, there ain’t nothin there. That’s why Stucky gives Hardscrambled so much shit, basically sayin, ‘OK we get it, yer sort of uh farmer, now cut out like half uh the sanctimonious bullshit and we’ll keep givin yer gawd dammed thumbs up’, and it’s sort uh the same with you Francis, except it’s like, ‘ok, we get it, yer sort of gay, but watchin TV with yer daughter don’t make yer Rosa Parks’. See what I’m sayin? My advice werd be ter just relax, meditate on Elvis and stop strainin so gawd dammed hard.

  Francis Marion
November 24, 2017 7:01 pm

Jim Quinn is your loving wife?? Huh!

  Francis Marion
November 24, 2017 8:00 pm

Oh insert-comma now I see it insert-period.

It’s dark here on the porch. And cold.

Anyway …. FUCK COMMAS! Besides, Quinn woulda made a damned good wife.

Herr StuchenPerv

  Francis Marion
November 25, 2017 6:43 am

It is an honor. A very bizarre TBP tradition. I went to take a shower and missed one hundred.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Billah's wife
November 25, 2017 7:49 am

Another unique and thoroughly original voice of TBP.

Say what you will about BW, but that is some meretricious manuscription. You can smell the sudafed in each and every post.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 25, 2017 8:33 am

Perhaps you can smell it, but I am betting it ain’t exactly easy to buy sudafed around BW’s neck of the woods. One of the local farmers (has a big wooden sign on his gate that says “Swxxxord Farms: Cattle, Horses and Hay”) is in county jail for getting mixed up with some meth hoe out on 352 gravel (that is how it is spoken in this region and it translates to this: The farmer who cut our hayfield the first few years fell victim to the charms of some younger woman who uses methamphetamine to stay thin and focus her mind. He and she were trying to hire someone to kill his wife. Now, you know why he is in jail. But, I think it was the meth, whatever one does with that.)

Well, you can’t buy cold medicine anywhere around here!

Still am ticked at the big lumberjack looking arsehole who stole my thunder. And still have no maple syrup, but have hope. Lumberjack dude owes me hope for the next wave of adulation for posting the hundredth comment.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  hardscrabble farmer
November 25, 2017 1:45 pm

Say what you will about BW, but that is some worthless writing. You can smell the sudafed in each and every post.

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, smell me once, shame on — shame on you. Smell me — you can’t get smelled without sudafed.”

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 24, 2017 12:27 pm

I notice the fascination many women have with their choices of entertainment they choose to view . The success of the 50 shades of Gray series of books and movies or the ABC family show “The Fosters” . The Fosters a lesbian married couple create a thriving home enviorment for foster children that thrive in this family setting constructed by 2 gay women . Naturally this Home life is a shining example of how heterosexual males and some females fall short of being able to carry the load of supplying a nuturing home . The females shortcomings are generally related to the failing male . Thus their children thrive and grow so much better in the lesbian provided enviorment . Of course the lesbians both are government employees , a policewoman who’s gayness shines thru of what an officer of the law is to be and the the other life partener is a school principal who’s gayness shines thru to show what a professional educator is to be . Oh did I mention the lesbian couple is a bi racial one black one white epotimizing political correctness so any scrutiny can only be based in prejudicial biases . Pardon me while I leave the room and puke !

November 24, 2017 12:32 pm

A most excellent piece, FM. Salute. The Canadian Pop Tart Blog is excellent also.

November 24, 2017 12:33 pm

Excellent essay except for the incomplete analysis of what democracy means. No discussion of democracy can exclude the ancient observation (Plato’s Republic Book VII and all of Aristotle, Polybius & Cicero) that democracy is but a ruse for private oligarchs to assume power. Democracy does not the majority imposing its vision on the minority; democracy is very rich people behind the scenes controlling everything under the guise of “free markets” and other libertarian platitudes. What destroyed America? Libertarianism, of course, which is just asset stripping of a nation for the benefit of ((oligarchs)), each of whom is as “equal” before the law as you. Not only is democracy a ruse, but Anglo-American libertarians have no way of understanding it or critiquing it because they accept the underlying presuppositions. The problem with democracy is democracy.

i forget
i forget
November 24, 2017 1:33 pm

Of course it’s a ruse. For the synaptic short fuse(s). Pop-pop-bang-bang ensues.

But you got a short in your understanding of unknown ideals like free markets, libertarianism, etc, too. None of that ever was, nor will it probably ever be.

The tragedy of the commons is the commons – & that subsumes all particulars, including democracy. Commonsers want a piece of the authoritarian control action too; want it more than anything else. And that compulsion undoes.

November 24, 2017 1:21 pm

First time on TBP this month. I returned home to find our November county and city election results gave the majority the continuation of the tax that funded the county fairgrounds as it was expiring and they would use money for no specific purpose. Also majority voted for citywide internet broadband to the tune of $150 million to start. It is to be administered by city utility department at an estimated cost of $17 for all electrical uses and a cost to broadband subscribers of $70 per month. As this is just the funding stage we don’t know the actual costs to set up the program, run the cables throughout the city to subscribers, etc. Now the homeless that migrate here due to lax laws against them can lay about and get free internet soon. In the past our city voted to not follow state law that said governments should not compete with private businesses in telecommunications.

November 30, 2017 12:29 am

Ha! I’m sure we live in the same city

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 24, 2017 9:53 pm

“For those of you paying attention and who can see the contradictions and the resultant decay, pray.”

I see the contradictions alright. All of a sudden, I read intelligent folks claiming that this country was meant to be a white country by the founders. Maybe it was, but their plan was far more modest than the Manifest Destiny which took hold of the public mind. Native peoples were then pushed off their lands across the continent.

You gloss over the origins of democratic ideals inspired by the very people that were the victims of genocide in the new world. Native Americans gave birth to the ideas of democracy and the ideas of Marxism in principle that was later corrupted in practice. In your piece, white folks gave the world these ideals born totally of white creativity.

You wax poetic about the wonderful system of male domination of our government and wonder aloud if your family will be so blessed as to continue to be dominated by sexual predators ruling into the future.
I’m sorry but this article sounds like more whitewashing to justify the nationalist and xenophobic neo-Nazis.

You open and close your piece with the very tool by which you are controlled yet you never notice it. The intellectual advancement you dream of has been retarded by the boob tube. You relinquish control of the remote to the very symbol of feminism that you fear, an inexperienced female. Either embrace feminism or take back the remote and guide your daughter through the molester infested swamp of modern government.

  EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 7:22 am

You continue to show your intellect when you bend over.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 10:57 am

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie, you continue to get shafted by noobs even when you miss the 100th comment. Therefore, I don’t blame you for missing my point. Go take out your red rope uniform and sigh and weep over your glory days.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Francis Marion
November 25, 2017 10:35 am

Thanks, FM, I knew you would take it merely as my opinion. Otto braised my ass. I thought hard about BW’s comment all night. It’s pretty serious criticism as well:

Hardscrambled understands the humiliation..that comes from having an article that gets a few compliments but it’s hollow praise. Like Stucky says, cut out half of the sanctimonious bullshit and you’ll get more ‘thumbs up’.

It’s the same problem with you, Francis, but instead of farming, you’re watching TV with yer daughter – [couch activism] don’t make yer Rosa Parks’ [who famously sat on her ass and energized the civil rights movement].

My advice werd be ter just relax, meditate on Elvis [who died trying to take a shit] and stop strainin so gawd dammed hard.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
  EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 6:43 pm

Oh mah gawd, the only turd colored person Admenstruater has let in the door is now the official interpretater for those of us that actually think about the shit we write afore we post it. There was a trucker I was very briefly aquainted with that kept repeatin ‘Quiéreme, quiéreme,’ when all I was thinkin of was gettin the hell outer dodge with mah 20 but in hindsight, I see he was seriously trying ter make uh connection and I respect that. I think that’s kinder what you and Maggie are headin to, and when we finally get around ter that TBP reunion, ya’ll need ter make sure you git 5 er 7 mins alone. Congrats Francis, I’d say you owe all this shit ter me cuz when I posted you was at 74.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Billah's wife
November 26, 2017 2:59 am

BW, unfortunately, I’m not Alejandro.

I scorched FM’s ass and I wondered why of all the comments, yours was the only one in agreement with mine. I have had a heck of a time interpreting iForget’s free association writing so I only do it when I have time. Anywho, after iForget, your comment is a cakewalk.

Good thing you didn’t hook up with that trucker bandito, You’d find yourself in a Piedras Negras cantina dancing nekkid on top of a pool table for $5 pesos a day.

Here’s a lovely song that a fine Latina modified to ‘Besa mi culo’ as she sang for me.

November 24, 2017 10:50 pm

as usual foxy,a very good article–the best one i’ve seen by you–

November 25, 2017 2:04 am

El- Your efforts to demean the articles focus on evolved liberal ideology with accusations of simple racism smacks of desperation.
“I’m sorry but this article sounds like more whitewashing to justify the nationalist and xenophobic neo-Nazis.”
And what would you have? I mean, piss all over the system, actors, and institutions, genocide this, patriarchy that, what other contemporary ideology would you suggest for producing more equitable results?
I am sure you can wax poetic and brownwash a preferable alternative, certainly is fashionable.
Lets hear it, what system would be better?
Oh, here it is….
“Native Americans gave birth to the ideas of democracy and the ideas of Marxism in principle that was later corrupted in practice.”
Preach it, whitey stole it, ruined it, along with everything else, right? Oh yeah, right here…”Native peoples were then pushed off their lands across the continent. ”
Welcome to the party.
The money shot, from the article:
“The best we can hope for in any civilization is for a society to be built and based on fundamental individual rights and freedoms. If we refuse this then we return to what we were before. This means rule by brute force …Thus, democracy’s beginning will also be its end. What came from force will return to it.”

Simple, cogent, percipient.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 10:49 am

percipient, there’s a new word.

I suspect that FM will accommodate my complaint and sharpen his approach. You don’t have to worry your pretty little head, Otto. Grown men are talking. Go back and play with YoBo and nkit.

  EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 12:29 pm

El- Afford me the same, you made good points, I thought, concerning the fuckin TV. The flanking maneuver against the neo-nazi’s detracted from the main salient points of discussion and seemed dismissive of an important piece of work. Just as you now try to dismiss my comment by attaching me to your nemesis and insinuating childish comments on my part.
It is you who can do better, much.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 1:21 pm

Otto, I’m a beaner through and through. However, if your here long enough, you collect family members of both whites and blacks. Sometimes you don’t have to be here too long. I mentioned not long ago that a guy I knew, an illegal immigrant, was smiling ear to ear, carrying his half-white grandkid in the mall, and I thought to myself, this fool thinks he’s arrived.

I am frequently conflicted by memories of the Chicanos and how the recent immigrants benefit though they have no clue or regard for those that fought the good fight long before they crawled under the wire. (Imagine how Stucky might feel if 100,000 Austrians were to come here and blithely demand their rights to welfare, cushy jobs, healthcare and social security.) You have no idea the anger I felt when I learned that Uncle Ronnie had let in 100,000 Salvadorans at that time. Yet today, like Fred Reed, I marvel at their ingenuity and enterprise.

Us beaners are said to know or have a family member who is illegal. We have to weigh the wall and calls for mass deportation with care. We don’t want to inadvertently cause tia Tencha or primo Pancho to get picked up. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t rally round the nationalist flag with much enthusiasm.

i forget
i forget
  EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 3:14 pm

1:26:03 Clint, earthling, part Mexican, threatens to kick earthling Rodriguez’s full Mexican ass.

Planetism’s cool. Actually owning your own piece of it would be cooler.

Nationalism’s gruel…divide & conquistadore (which shouldn’t be taken as argument for “unity” – more gruel) the human chattel within the pantylines on maps.

  EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 3:21 pm

I get it, 28 years of construction in Colorado has provided me ample experience with the Latino community, to include familial. My nationalism rests with the documents and institutions that permeate every aspect of my life, not the ethnicity of my friends and family. I will gladly rally to defend brown patriots in the face of white communists.
It’s OK to be American.

  EL Coyote
November 27, 2017 1:04 am

EC, have some respect for yourself and stop calling yourself a “beaner.” Do you think that endears you to the white man? Up your language and spelling game, vocabulary and don’t be so ignorant. And if you can’t support the law, illegal is illegal, then you are the dumbass who supports all the stealing of welfare funds paid by hard working taxpayers.

I generally like your comments but not “where you are coming from” as the “Chicano” who wants to be heard in this forum. And by the way, I am second Gen American of Mexican ancestry.

November 27, 2017 6:06 pm

Let’s see, if my mom was born in Ft. Collins that makes me a second gen as well, infidel. But for all practical definitions, I’m a noob in the USA, having arrived here over 60 years ago via the maternal duct.

I don’t claim a high IQ, I try to do with the little I’ve got. I will leave it to others to take up the flag for cultural pride. I’m not coming from a Chicano pov. (You become an ideologue here and you’ll become a bore.)

Neither am I a cholo or a coconut or any label you want to give me. I’m more than that. Of course, it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. Success is measured in dollars. I don’t have any, solly. I’m just here for the ride.

I don’t consider the word beaner offensive. It took me some time to get over the ‘F’ grade I got from my new science teacher when I answered her science question: what do you eat for breakfast? I said, beans and rice with tortillas – my mom made the best flour tortillas, I was not ashamed to say. If I was Cuban, I might have said moros y cristianos, if Salvy i might have said, casamiento.

You know what I am most proud of? I’m from El Paso, el chuco, I’m a paseño, heir of the pachucos; born in el segundo barrio y que?. That’s always the big question with us, where you from, ese? Giving the wrong answer can get you killed. Don’t try to tell me you’re ‘Latino’ too, or ‘Hispanic’. You’re not from El Paso.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 27, 2017 9:50 pm

1. EC, have some respect for yourself and stop calling yourself a “beaner.”
I called John A a cracker one day and he responded by posting a ‘recent pic’ of himself, a saltine cracker. I thought that was a good natured acceptance of his state identity, he said he’s a Florida cracker. Why should I pretend to be better than him? If you have less respect for me because I call myself a beaner, where is my loss?
2. Do you think that endears you to the white man?
No. I’m sure my countless jibes at Trump or my criticism of YoBo’s politics or references to a person’s lily-white ass also do not endear me to the white man. The pay is the same either way. Why are you concerned about pleasing the white man?
3. Up your language and spelling game, vocabulary and don’t be so ignorant.
OK, so now I’m ignorant. My language and spelling don’t meet your approval, good to know. Next you’ll tell me I’m embarrassing you. I have not seen you post much. You have no ideas, you have no position or opinion worth posting. You expect me to up my game for your benefit. Hmm.
4. And if you can’t support the law, illegal is illegal, then you are the dumbass who supports all the stealing of welfare funds paid by hard working taxpayers.
Where, you moran, did you get the idea I do not support the law? I will have you know that I have the endorsement of LLPOH, who’s main message here is honor. Have I advised folks to skirt the law, shirk responsibility, lie and steal? You offend me, but why?
8. I generally like your comments but not “where you are coming from” as the “Chicano” who wants to be heard in this forum.
Oh shit, now I’m a Chicano. I have spent countless minutes trying to inform folks that Chicanos are gone, passe’. Then you try to paint me as a brown shirt Chicano calling for home rule and freedom for Aztlan. You are a jerk. You know nothing about me.
9. And by the way, I am second Gen American of Mexican ancestry.
Like I really give a fuck. 45 million Hispanics in the USA and this is the best they have? Because obviously, I am not the best. Well, where is the best, dickless? What have you got? Nothing.

November 25, 2017 4:10 am

One thing: Would everyone stop using the word “gay” to denote a homosexual (of either gender)? Marxists and their useful idiots always pervert language (pun intended) to their own ends. Thus, a “liberal” has become someone who is quite illiberal. “Progressive” is someone who retards and destroys progress. And “gay” has become a person who is often quite unhappy (and usually unhealthy in various ways). A good place to reassert reason and rationality is to use correct language. “Gays” are homosexuals and lesbians. So call them that…and have a gay time doing it.

November 25, 2017 6:42 am

No. Words mean whatever people commonly accept them to mean. Meaning, words change meaning all the time. Accept it, and stop kicking against the pricks (which once meant goad, and not the one inch appendage (OIA) dangling between your legs!). Likewise ….

Awful … used to mean “worthy of awe” …. “the awful majesty of God.” …. and not your OIA

Wench … used to mean “female child” …. not a wanton women desiring you OIA

Myriad …. didn’t just mean “many” … it meant you had TEN THOUSAND manys

Naughty meant you ha ‘had naught or nothing” …. something a dude with a OIA will never experience

Spinster … meant a women who spun … perhaps tiny little woolen warmers for your OIA … not an unmarried women

Guy …. actually comes from Guy Fawkes … people used to burn his effigy, a “Guy Fawkes” or a “guy” … then it meant a “frightful man”, with a OIA …. now it’s just a dude

Egregious … used to mean you were distinguished or eminent ….. unlike your egregious OIA

I trust you get the general idea ….?

November 25, 2017 6:47 am

That was kind of gay. And by “gay” I meant happy go lucky.

November 25, 2017 8:36 am

OMG… that was a GOOD ONE.

November 28, 2017 12:20 pm

Mexicans are said to be Happy go Lucky. Are we gay?

November 27, 2017 10:06 pm
November 25, 2017 6:41 am

It is a very well written piece, FM. I read it the other day without comment. Now, I’m anxious to try to post the one hundredth comment, so am contributing before I go out to see if the deer are moving on the south end this morning.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 11:08 am

“It is a very well written piece, FM. I read it the other day without comment.”
That would be a first.

Nobody said it wasn’t well written. That’s obviously why it was picked up by Nazi-ism Today as well as ZH and others.

The title alone falls in with the crowd that talks of the American experiment to bring black folks into the modern era by enslaving them first and then freeing them. They make it sound like they wanted to re-interpret the story of Exodus and make Jews out of them. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

November 25, 2017 6:53 am


November 25, 2017 6:54 am


November 25, 2017 6:55 am


November 25, 2017 6:56 am


November 25, 2017 6:57 am


Suck on that Maggie!!!!!

November 25, 2017 7:23 am

YOU ARSEHOLE. Go play with yourself.

November 25, 2017 8:37 am

Hey, what’s with JimBub here?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 10:20 am

This is blatant abuse of the system. Here you rode flash’s ass for doing basically the same thing with the thumbsies. You could at least take your chances by actually making a series of comments as I have done so often.

  EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 10:44 am

Blitzkrieg!!! Verstehst du das?

I believe Martha was on at the same time. I have no time to make comments. She’s a wily old broad. Thought she might be watching the board. Hard to move FAST … before she cut me off at the 100 foot pass.

Now, buzz off, Nazi.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 11:11 am

Did you know Pancho Villa originated the blitzkrieg during the Mexican Revolution of 1910? You owe us, gringo.

  EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 12:36 pm

I was unaware of that, seems debatable, irregardless, I am aware that Mondragon, invented the first automatic rifle used by military’s( Mexican, German, made by SIG). Based upon that, I owe my moniker to Mexican innovation.
Stay low
Move fast

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 25, 2017 1:39 pm

The Mexican Revolution was born in the USA. The (communist) Magon brothers fomented the revolt against the dictator Porfirio Diaz from the relative safety of the US.

November 25, 2017 7:35 am

Universal Suffrage is intellectual Communism.
Intellectual Communism results in real Communism.

November 25, 2017 10:12 am

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” -Greek Proverb

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November 25, 2017 10:26 am

I’m not a regular reader of your blog. You may cover this topic elsewhere, but I think you should consider whether or not a return to the world you envision can occur with a projected 10 billion people crowding the globe.

The growth of government and its all-encompassing power are a direct result of the growth in population and the stresses that the crowding generates.

By coincidence there is an article linked at “Arts & Letters Daily” about the author of “Little House on the Prairie” today that ends with, “The frontier mentality they still embody is less likely to shore up a potentially failing democracy than to wreck it altogether.”

The article is not so bad, a fairly balanced discourse on the frontier and its perils until it abandons reason and leaps to its conclusion, but the conclusion is instructive of a mentality that guides the “bien pensant”.

The forces pressing us towards a “boot in the face” future are largely fueled by the need to control the masses. Personally, I think we will see a drastic reduction in population that will relieve those forces, but I have little hope for freedom until then. As Le Chatelier teaches, a system under stress reacts in a direction to relieve the stress.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
November 25, 2017 10:31 am

Hey FM… the article made it to Lew Rockwell’s site today.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 25, 2017 4:53 pm

Also posted on WRSA yesterday, though they have gone a bit off the rails as of late, JMHO.

Your daughter is a lucky girl, BW not withstanding. I would imagine you do things besides watch TV with her. Listen to music with her, see what kind of music she likes. I am quite liking some of the new music lately. Teach her how to shoot and other things to defend herself. Most importantly, and I am sure you already have done this but I will say it anyway, you will teach her how to think critically and she will be ok.

I have three grandnieces, one in college the other two still in high school. They are quite beautiful and last I heard, had not really been too much into dating. My nephew has been a wonderful father. He has done so much right and at the same time, so much wrong. He raised them with a progressive mindset, so they probably will accept all the gender baloney and be totally confused. I don’t know what will happen as they all go on to college and become completely ensconced in the SJW university mess where they will be told that they should apologize for being beautiful blond white women.

Apologize for being white..nonsense. It is such nonsense, that the first time I heard it I had to wonder if that is what I really heard. I know your essay was not really about that, specifically, but it is, in a way. That phrase is one of the things that puts a cloud over the future, isn’t it?

My grand daughter is half Guatemalan, but she thinks she’s Mexican. It’s a looong story. I don’t see any difference between her and me. She has brown eyes and cafe au lait skin. I never cared about any of this shit until someone wanted to rub my nose in stuff that I ne……oh never mind. I will rant and I have to work for a while.

Anyways, lovely essay.

November 26, 2017 12:43 pm

Steven Crowder from Louder with Crowder has a 12 minute video that is well worth the watch. He shows a live questioning session with Amazon’s Alexa device in which Alexa consistently spouts the liberal, progressive, SJW position on pretty much everything. When asked, Alexa will give you detailed information on Muhammad, including his wife’s name, where he lived and a bit of his philosophy. But when asked who Jesus Christ is, Alexa simple responds that he is a fictional character. There are some shocking revelations in the answers given by Alexa. This is propaganda at it’s finest.