On the Road to Oblivion: “Quality, Thy Antonym is Equality!”

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

 “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

― C.S. Lewis

On Thanksgiving eve, I was notified of a circumstance which caused me to drive thirteen hours round trip the following weekend.  The event which precipitated my travels is now beside the point, but I will say, given prior commitments and work scheduling, I was compelled to go alone. I didn’t mind. So I booked my hotel located in a major American metropolis, and that Saturday, packed my bag, grabbed my toothbrush and car keys, and bid my bewitching bride fare-thee-well.

Rather than take my larger rig, I decided to drive something more compact for the city; and more fun.  Soon, I was rolling over roads that were seemingly slung before me like waving ribbons in a whimsical wind. Although my material journey had just begun, mentally, I was already traveling down familiar, distant thoroughfares at the speed of thought; what The Grateful Dead would call the “West L.A. Fadeaway”:  Little red light on the highway, big green light on the speedway, hey hey hey.

My coincidental cognitive cruise began with gratitude. If I were to align sonic bell curves to represent my personal automotive preferences, the car I was driving would percuss the pinnacle position of every measure. With just the right exterior dimensions, and the perfect amount of interior room, horsepower, safety, comfort, reliability, economy, and style, I am fortunate to own such a vehicle. I knew I would successfully complete my mission and favorably manage all comers.  Yet, with any other make, model, or trim level, I would have had to accept some degree away from the apex of my carefully calibrated predilections.

How fortunate was I to live in a nation where I was provided the means and opportunity to acquire that which I desire.  For whatever reason, I always assess modern modes of transportation in accordance to the cars I drove in high school.  With certain relish will I mentally compare cold-starting fuel injected engines to the four-barreled carburetors of yore; smooth acceleration versus slight feathers of the gas pedal; compact discs, satellite radio, and MP3 sound systems, to older AM/FM cassettes or eight-track players with analog dials, push buttons and levers.

Every “daily driver” I ever owned improved incrementally by model year. Truly, by the early 1990’s, I thought I had arrived; fuel-injected twin-cam power, front-wheel and four-wheel-drive vehicles with impressive fuel economy, performance steering and suspension systems, and all with luxurious, “loaded”, interiors. How could it get any better? Well, obviously, it did get better, and better in ways I could never have imagined. In fact, I have driven pick-ups and mini-vans in the new millennium that, at seventy miles an hour, navigated the same highway curves my supposed “sporty” nineteen-nineties sedans could not handle at even twenty miles per hour less.

But what I find most amazing of all today is Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation. After four hours of driving, and just as the setting sun fell upon the horizon, as if on cue, the screen of my GPS device transitioned to its evening illumination. Then, in the hours that followed, the technology guided me far and away into the urban deep, in the dark, and within minutes of its estimated time of arrival which was calculated near seven hours before in the daylight of another state.

The next morning, after breakfast in my hotel, I sat in my room, sipped my coffee, and viewed through the hotel window a megalopolitan municipality in motion. It was morning drive-time in the city.  Cars, buses, trucks, vans, and sport-utility vehicles alike, all traveling to and from, on three separate levels below me; front to back; left to right; and inclined at oblique angles, climbing and falling, exiting, circling, accelerating, and slowing down, in what appeared to be carefully calculated choreography. Within minutes I knew I would be joining the dance and was glad I brought the car I did to the party. I was excited; and a little terrified.



Driving to my morning destination was thrilling to say the least, and it reminded me of an excerpt from Tom Clancy’s cold-war thriller, The Hunt for Red October, when representatives of the U.S. Government purposely detoured a busload of potential Russian defectors in order to showcase America’s bustling highways and byways littered with modern modes of transportation.  During the circuitous route the American’s faux lamented the onus of driving one’s own car to work each day. But to the Russians, that sounded like heaven on earth, as they imagined the privilege of cruising over such roadways in their own car every day.

Once again, I felt fortunate to be an American living in an avant-garde America; the land of high quality living, advanced technologies, multifarious material blessings, and where ordinary citizens enjoy the liberty to travel at their leisure and in consummate comfort and style.

“How did I get here?” I wondered.  What did I do to deserve all of these blessings and benefits?

In thinking it through, I concluded that liberty paved all of the roads to excellence; and that it was the roads which enabled the race.  The race mandated competition and competition engendered winners.  Winners created losers, but losing also forced both winners and losers to constantly strive for better; and better birthed quality, which was more of a journey and less of a destination. Quality improved life.  It certainly did mine; even still.

All of the travelers outside my hotel window were free to drive to better.  In so doing, their self-interest yielded a type of self-preservation that, in turn, created a capitalistic, coordinated choreography which was wonderful to witness.  But how did the choreography not lead to chaos?  How does self-interest in the realm of liberty not descend into disorder? What ethereal guardrails prevented the gravitational and inescapable forces of destruction?

When considering the yin and yang of liberty I mentally balanced Isaiah Berlin’s “I am slave to no man” with “I am my own master”.   Surely, it is common sense, even unto the lofty ideological elevations of moral law, which preserves free society from anarchy.  Or, in the case of Thomas Hobbes, that which separates a benevolent monarchy from tyranny.

John Locke claimed:   “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.”

Hobbes theorized on the social contract as did Locke regarding the consent of the governed; both derived from natural law to balance the scales of liberty. Nonetheless, both men held opposing views regarding the inherent nature of Man. Locke believed Man to be a social animal who, more often than not, would choose rightly in relation to his fellow man; whereas Hobbes believed otherwise, and that mankind required the protection of a benevolent dictatorship to secure harmony on earth.

Both were right.

Either way, liberty, balanced by the social contract, allowed American society to pursue quality on earth; which was the visible manifestation of Adam Smith’s invisible hand that single-handedly raised the tide to lift all boats; just another allegorical mode of transportation on the journey to better.

So what has changed? What is changing now?

Regrettably, aligning the pathways to America’s economic growth and prosperity were trees in which were already sown the seeds of their demise. Today, the roots of those trees are breaking the pavement and fracturing the excellence of what once was.  Wrong turns have been taken and the social contracts have been forsaken.  Moreover, natural law has been left far behind, shrinking in the rear-view mirror, as we drive onward toward certain demolition.



The branches of American government have grown top-heavy and will soon fall, thus blocking any pathways to prosperity. In addition, the self-interest of the Bureaucracy is now misappropriating power for its own preservation; and the same technology which currently serves as a blessing is potentially, right before our very eyes, becoming a curse.  The same GPS system which delivered me to my hotel safely and in a timely manner also has the potential to relay my exact coordinates to a tyrannical government.

When contemplating of the levers of power, I am reminded of a 1977 book, written by Frank Herbert, entitled the The Dosadi Experiment.  Therein, the story takes place in a distant future on the planet Dosadi which was isolated behind an impenetrable barrier in space called The God Wall.  The planet was hostile to life except for a small geographic area that was drastically overpopulated, ruled by a dictator, and controlled by a computer system which managed the planet’s inhabitants without their consent.  Needless to say, it was a dog-eat-dog, chaotic world where only the smartest survived through the establishment of various machinations which were used as methods to manipulate specific levers of power. It was a world without a social contract. It was a world with no natural law; a world which was filled with those whose time had come.


We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.

– Benjamin Franklin


Power is both pinnacle and a pump. It draws fuel from civilized society like a well from the earth, ascending upwards to its vertex, then flowing downward and outward like water, polluted and poisoned over time. It is fractional reserve banking and the Federal Reserve generating money from nothing. And if wealth is created by applying labor to natural resources, then power is the excess waste; a trickling up, trickling down, corrupting force like channels of water frozen into the gaps of a road, disintegrating, degenerating, and degrading.

Power creates problems and exponentially expands by making worse the problems it created. Or, like a snake consuming its tail, power consumes quality and after it is digested, it is then defecated into another form.

Welcome to equality.

Under the guise of neutrality, power claims to equalize and impart fairness, but it is a lie.  Power mandates equality under the guise of neutrality, but in so doing, it simultaneously inhibits, and even prohibits, the liberty of those not wishing to be equal.  Power chooses sides; it nullifies the social contract, and compels into unnatural action those who provide the ones in power with ever-increasing power.



If justice is blind, then power is the all-seeing eye. To those wielding political and economic power, neutrality is a negation because neutrality and power cannot coexist.  By the same token, what then is equality if not a reduction to the mean? This implies direction; or rather, the opposite direction of quality.  There are the strong and the weak, and then, there are the Expropriators who rule over them all. Except the Expropriators became strong, not by innovating, but by stealing, and then showering their spoils upon the weak.

Each according to his ability to each according to their need.

Equality defies natural law because it does not exist in nature. The cheetah runs faster than the elephant. The elephant grows stronger than the gazelle. Yet those in power, who embrace evolution and economic Darwinism themselves, utilize political correctness as form of thought control in order make equal those who are not.  In truth, the great equalizer of political correctness has destroyed actual, natural diversity on the path to what has now become a strange, new mandated religion.

John Locke, who penned “The Reasonableness of Christianity”, believed denying God would ultimately lead to a breakdown in society towards chaos.  This is why he embraced the biblical “Golden rule” when he wrote:  “To love our neighbor as ourselves is such a truth for regulating human society, that by that alone one might determine all the cases in social morality.”  Yet the Elite Expropriators have declared all divine power for themselves, it seems. They take, they give, they demand. Paradoxically, they do so by way of a tyrannical authoritarianism that is completely foreign to the volunteerism and charity requested by other religious faiths.

Acquiescing to political correctness is cowardice. To accept equality over quality is to worship Government’s embezzled power as god. Yet those in control have succeeded in using the ethical standards of liberty-loving people as a weapon to be wielded over them.  Ironically, those possessing power do so while holding nothing sacred themselves, except power.

Quality is striving for better. Equality is the renunciation of better; it is, in fact, its relinquishment.  Darkness cannot harness light. Only one or the other will trend at any given time.  The slide toward the slough will continue and those feigning neutrality will persist in the lie.  Even so, in the eyes of the governed, neutrality implies having no preference or discernment.  It is nothingness. In the extreme it is death; and at the very least, a dead-end road on a journey to nowhere good.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent. www.TheTollOnline.com

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November 30, 2017 7:32 am

” a small geographic area that was drastically overpopulated, ruled by a dictator, and controlled by a computer system which managed the planet’s inhabitants without their consent.”. aka North Korea???

November 30, 2017 6:28 pm

Marsh, hope you don’t mind my parking this here for Unrepeatable. I have just started your piece, having waited until I had more than a phone to look at it. I have to tell you my initial reaction to the C.S. Lewis quote (before I REALIZED it was a quote) was to wonder what the hell trannies have to do with standard oil robber barrons and how you were going to tie that weird pairing (Transvestites and Oilmen from Texas) in with inequality.

Now, I’ll continue on and comment later.

As you were, Marsh.

December 1, 2017 6:31 am

A MOST excellent piece of thought provoking word driving.

December 1, 2017 11:03 am

In Light of my subsequent reading and musing, this is UNdoubtably the Funniest Unachieving Reading of one of your efforts yet! Unremarkable!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 1, 2017 11:22 am

Are we speaking in Bizarro speak today? Unfucking believable!

  EL Coyote
December 1, 2017 6:31 pm

My initial comment above to Marsh was the initial MISREADING of the piece. I saw “tranny” instead of “tyranny” and then tried to figure out what the robber barons of the Standard Oil had to do with trannies and equality.

I am making fun, in my bizarre commentary, of myself. By the way, I asked Nick if I have saggy tits and he said I do NOT. Then he proved himself not faggy again.

November 30, 2017 10:11 pm

I can not wait for the true nature of NK to come out. Such a farce, such a facade.

What’s more handy to a globalist deep state than a region on the planet that is *literally* dark as seen from space.

November 30, 2017 7:49 am

Deep thinking dude.

Wolf Pack
Wolf Pack
December 1, 2017 10:38 am

Start your own pack and eventually we can change this world for the better!

Pecking Order

Robertt (QSLV)
Robertt (QSLV)
November 30, 2017 8:00 am

Is the word “equality” a contraction for “ex-quality”?

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 30, 2017 8:35 am

The only equality a free society can have is equality before the law. The distance between that standard and reality is the measure of corruption and degradation. When the government and those aligned with it are permitted everything and everyone else is permitted nothing, you’re not far from collapse. Draw your own conclusions about present day America.

Good article, Doug. I’ll post it tonight on SLL.

November 30, 2017 8:45 am

So, you went on a fucken road trip, swallowed some shrooms, and had visions of Q (quality), equality, and some fucken obscure book you might have read in 1977.

You’re really starting to piss me off with the frequency, length, and quality of your posts.

I feel unequal. As such, I have a few questions:

—- where do you find the time?

—- do you have a fucken j.o.b.?

—- are you still having sex? Or, are you too busy?

—- how long did this article take to write, start to finish? (if you say ‘just a couple hours, I will be really pissed!!!)

—- for a Christmas post, can you please write about Santa Claus, quantum physics, Jimmy Stewart, a fucken book you read in first grade, sexual inadequacies amongst short Irish men, Jesus Christ’s rejection of AWB, Uzbek blood sacrifices on Dec 25th, autoerections while driving an auto on black ice… and how all of that ties into the Senate tax plan. I know you can do it!

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
November 30, 2017 11:08 am

I was wondering if the OP had gotten into some bad shit as well.
Hope he gets over it.
Welcome to Amerika!

November 30, 2017 11:29 am

Your funny, Stuck. Here’s the deal: My bride goes to bed early and I am a night owl.

I got home Monday night at 6:30 pm and started writing down my thoughts around 10 PM and wrote the rough draft to around midnight or so. I do get work done during the daylight hours, have dinner at night, and then often run errands, take walks, read, etc. Last night after dinner I snagged the photos from online, made my selections, and took a break. After watching the local news I started writing again around 10:30 PM, and after multiple re-reads, I ended up posting this around 12:30 – 1:00 AM?

I told myself I was going to really take my take time and not post this ’til next week, but, as usual, I got impatient. For whatever reason, I just always want to get it off my plate, post it, and see what comes back. I enjoy all comments. Even Rob’s @ November 30, 2017 at 9:35 am.

November 30, 2017 11:39 am

So, three hours? Three fucking hours?? It only took you three fucking hours to do all that?

I told you I’d be pissed off. You could have lied. But, no, you fucking said three hours. Now, I have no choice but to hate you. Some of my bullshit takes three weeks!! Do you see the source of my discombobulations? You make me look stupid. Like my ex-wife. I had to divorce her for that. If we were married, — well, you’d be a homo — but, I’d divorce you also.

Three fucken hours. Unbelievable.

Oh, when the one hour editing time expires, I’m soooo going to point out your fucken typo above. So, take that!

November 30, 2017 12:25 pm

Counting both 1.) Monday evening and 2.) last night it – was more like 6 hours + the time for finding the photos earlier wed eve.. But keep in mind it did not require any research per se, except for a few of the quotes and I had other quotes on file in my system already. The rough draft was just venting and the polishing up in re-reads goes quickly plus online dictionaries and thesauruses simplify things as well. Either way, Rob @ November 30, 2017 at 9:35 am. still hated it, sooooo… :

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 30, 2017 7:26 pm
November 30, 2017 3:04 pm

The quality and prolificacy of the writers around here pisses me off as well. You motherfuckers all make it look easy, which it is not.

That’s a fucking compliment by the way. 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 1, 2017 1:15 pm

prolificacy – new word. Doesn’t sound like a compliment, by the way.

  EL Coyote
December 1, 2017 6:34 pm

Kind of like the word “efficacy” which looks a bit like efficiency but isn’t.

Paul Atreides
Paul Atreides
November 30, 2017 2:53 pm

Good job! Great thoughts in this article!

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
December 1, 2017 1:01 pm

Uncola – How about we summarize all your tedious, overblown prose as follows: Socialism is the great destroyer of classical liberal civilization.

Paul Atreides
Paul Atreides
November 30, 2017 2:52 pm

Dude FRANK HERBERT was a genius. Try reading “Dune”! Oh wait I don’t think you have the intellectual ability to comprehend what it would be teaching you about the times in which we live. Although taking place in a future or past time, you cannot be sure, it cleverly represents the way in which our World either may progress or already has?
Either way, do some reading yourself and stop criticizing someone who obviously understands this condition our World is in much better than yourself.
Id like to hear what you can up with after say a few weeks of trying let alone a “few hours”.
Good day “Stucky”!

  Paul Atreides
November 30, 2017 6:31 pm

Are you Early Freemen Paul or are you old vision-enhanced Paul? Did you already get immersed in Worm Vomit or whatever that Spice shit really is?

December 1, 2017 6:50 am

The fact there is only one Like on this kind of proves your point about the lack of dunesmanship here. Well, I got a news flash for you. The same kind of underhanded intrigue that went on in the Harkonen Empire goes on at Bureaucratic level and at Corporate level and at Command level as those who rise to powerful positions in any of the segments of our very fragmented and inefficient government Hydra. In most businesses, corporations, office complexes, etc., evidence that fraud, waste and abuse is hidden DAILY in the operation of an industrial giant as long as they are providing jobs jobs jobs for the state and the union (and I’m talking organized kind, not the nation kind.)

What I’m saying is that setting up one’s family line to be honored and actually “revered and feared” by the common man while they will never need to interact with ANY of them seems to me comparable to our own our human royalty (be it elected to Lordship as our own Congress or born to it) in the same perspective as the Harkonen’s tie-in with the Ben Gesserit genetic meddlers in Dune.

“But, what are those other persons on the street doing down there, Mama?”

Says the rothschild, kennedy, clinton, harry and william (you know you are IT when you don’t gotta have a last name) mother of the princelet “Nothing, my child. They are waiting to serve you.”

What to do about it? Perhaps we find a way to STOP serving them. Perhaps, as T4C seems to believe, there is real intrigue ongoing to unsnarl the stranglehold the unelected bureaucrats have created to turn their collective will into their own reason of state philosophy that refuses to yield to the individual’s RIGHTS and CIVIL LIBERTY.


Would it be that our grey champion might have grasped the concept of Kwisatz Haderach?

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
December 1, 2017 12:57 pm

At the time of the events in “Dune” and the sequels the “Empire” is ruled by House Corrino, not House Harkonnen. The only “tie-in” between the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and House Harkonnen is the bloodline connection between HH and House Atreides in the BGS “breeding” program, the purpose of which is to eventually produce a Kwisatz Haderach under BG “influence” The KH is not a “concept”; he is to be the “superman” who can see “within” where the Sisterhood cannot.

  A. R. Wasem
December 1, 2017 6:39 pm

And, within the sisterhood, Jessica with her forbidden male child to Leto, jumps the shark on the KH and ends up with Paul, who both IS the KH and is something else altogether.

And, let’s not even go there with Aria? Do we really want to explore why she is an abomination? Why is a child who survives spontaneous abortion with her full awareness enhanced by “spice” an abomination?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 1, 2017 11:32 am

Stuck, welcome to my world. Being surrounded by high IQ white peeps has left me in a perpetual state of inadequacy. I don’t know how I cope, but I manage. Reading Rob (there is no truth in the bible) and AWB’s moronic declarations ease the pain. HF’s delusional claim that Amerinds don’t belong in the Western Hemisphere was like a salve on my withered self-esteem. Even the great get caught with their pants down sometimes. Hoowah.

December 1, 2017 7:07 pm

Thanks… somebody needed to say that.

November 30, 2017 9:04 am

Good one, Doug!

Very thought provoking.

Like Stucky, I’m jealous of your productivity and precocious, yet consistent, cosmology!

mark branham
mark branham
November 30, 2017 9:18 am

You’re writing puts my thinking to shame.

November 30, 2017 9:35 am

Oh come on guys. After several weeks of very very impressive offerings from everyone this high school drivel from a shroom addled mind (Stucky’s words not mine) is really not up to the new standards. This whole piece could have been boiled down to one paragraph. Sorry dude, not your best work by far. Flowery words and perfumed farts are not a substitute for carefully considered exposition.

November 30, 2017 7:50 pm

I thought it transcended exposition and reached for art. There are many carefully crafted layers there. Some people get it. Others can’t or won’t.

December 1, 2017 4:52 am

life journey road choice wrong turn direction trees eyes death. slough is synonym for swamp.

December 1, 2017 7:07 am

Some of us who have watched this talent reach and grow understand the layers of meaning in a road trip both literally and in memory, especially if you are a little fish or a lost sportscar. You might say some of us UNderstand.

The feast of thanks came and has gone, leaving behind reminders in the chores in a mother’s life. A wadded up pillow at the foot of the bed twisted in bedcovers exasperating me in how he could tangle ALL of the blankets around that pillow exactly LIKE his father does. I managed to smile instead of cry, realizing this time next year he will be in his first job after college. Change is on the horizon for THIS mother. I hope it is a gentle slope and not too much of a rush downhill from here.

And, then, the chewing gum in the bottom of the bathroom trash can. I almost left it. I really did. It may very well be the last time my son leaves his winterminty gum on the side of my little trash basket. Then I wadded a tissue, plucked that nasty shit off the side of my lovely little basket for CLEAN trash and flushed it away to the septic. Some stuff just needs to GO.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 1, 2017 11:35 am

The wisdom just keeps flowing from Rob’s semen-stained lips.

  EL Coyote
December 2, 2017 10:11 am

Trust a beaner to take the deep dive into carefully considered thought.

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 30, 2017 9:59 am

Doug – another nicely written piece.

The ‘quality’ lost in the vain attempt to attain ‘equality’ is the real world result of Socialism in any form or under any name.

Since we are not God we will never be able to raise a less able person up to level of a higher abled person. The only way to reach the goal of equality is to lower the best down to the level of the worst.

Instead of encouraging everyone to be the best they can be, Socialism requires that no one can be any better than the worst.

The results are predictable and always the same.

How any moral person can embrace such a system is a mystery to me.

I’m glad you enjoyed your trip.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 30, 2017 10:11 am

Mr. Cola,

I think you and I have been thinking about the same things of late.

You can have it right and healthy or you can have it wrong and degrading. But you can’t have it both ways, and as you said, if you try you eventually end up with crap.

I wonder if we’ve ever been so deluded as we are now?

As for Stucky’s question I’m betting he ripped this off with voice recognition tech while he was making the drive home from a work related appointment. It took him twenty minutes to compose, ten minutes to edit and five minutes to find the pretty pics and make the post. All done in less than an hour. Easy peasy. Cause that’s just how it is.

  Francis Marion
November 30, 2017 11:04 am

@ FM – Obviously, your brilliant “Benevolence” piece was very much on my mind as I drove. In fact, after watching your article go viral, I originally wanted to try and write something similar; approximately 1,500 words, less than 100-word paragraphs, and to mimic the concise, eloquent presentation of ideas, with no cross-links or fluff.

Instead, however, I ended up with more of a 2,200 word, far less poignant, road-tripping rant. I thought about cutting the Tom Clancy and Frank Herbert paragraphs and taking a few more days to smooth it all out in the hopes of it getting picked up by other websites, but decided against it. I didn’t cut anything because, for now, I write for selfish reasons; mainly to clarify my thoughts, test ideas, and vent.

I recall reading one of your “City of the Dead” pieces that was mistakenly posted here on TBP before it was finished. Although you asked Admin to take it down, I had read it first and it felt like I was right there. I remember thinking portions of it were as good as anything I’ve read. Even now, I wonder if I, might have the ability to write like that; maybe even a book. I have ideas and actually daydream sometimes about making some money, meeting famous people on the talk show circuit, drinking champagne and eating caviar, etc.

But then again, in my own case, I believe it is too late for all that and would rather test ideas and create conversations here for as long as JQ will allow me. I much prefer the commenters here to other websites; I no longer drink, and probably wouldn’t enjoy the taste of caviar anyway.

Regarding the last paragraph of your comment above, I’ll now answer Stucky’s questions higher up in the thread.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 30, 2017 1:12 pm

I like you but you’re as full of shit as I am.

I was thinking about why I write on the way into the office this morning. It’s not for the pay 🙂 or to see the pieces go viral (most don’t) but I think to just get shit off my chest. If I didn’t write I’d probably be a stroke candidate or a drunk or maybe both and likely divorced (twice) by now. I’m trying hard not to get angry as time goes on but its getting harder and harder as the sheer stupidity of the world grows as quickly as time slips by with my increasing age. Writing helps sooth the savage beast.

Anyhoo, I’m not a big fan of writing to tell others how good their shit is, they know its good or they wouldn’t write it, and would rather just comment on something small to acknowledge that I’m paying attention. But this was pretty damn good (it sucked me in), and in your style, as it should be.

In the end I doubt we’ll ever make a living doing this sort of thing. I’ve been paid to write and it sucks because as soon as you’re paid someone else is telling you what you can and cannot say. I’m not a fan of that program so I just do it to keep my blood pressure down. Moreover, when I look at what’s produced by “paid” writers, especially those who write political/philosophy I find the vast majority of it to be soulless. And then I ask, I wonder what their soul is worth? I suppose you could tell by looking at their paychecks.

That’s why Quinn is as good as he is, who else could fill an essay full of boring charts and still have you nodding your head and pounding your desk with your fist by the end of it all?

The best writing is uncontrolled and reflects what the writer is thinking in and at the moment. It’s why we all come here. For the pure, unadulterated peak inside the mind of the author.

I was thinking you should start calling yourself


  Francis Marion
November 30, 2017 2:54 pm

Unedited. I like that. It does feel good to purge the words. I agree – for anything I ever wrote, anywhere, and at any given time, it would have been difficult for it to have been any different.

November 30, 2017 10:14 pm

Ya’lls all unequally good.

December 1, 2017 7:31 am

You both make me want to think about writing again. (Anyone remember that line from Jack Nicholson in “As Good As It Gets?” When he tells Helen Hunt that she makes him want to be a better man?)

  Francis Marion
November 30, 2017 3:09 pm

Usually try not to jump in with pet peeves, but sometime I can’t help myself…your quote is perhaps one of the most misquoted of all time:

“Music hath charms to soothe the savage BREAST”

– William Congreve, The Mourning Bride, 1697

One letter, but it changes the meaning dramatically.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 30, 2017 4:22 pm

I don’t have breasts, I have a chest. We’ll stick with beast. 🙂

  Francis Marion
November 30, 2017 10:18 pm

Pretty sure this doesn’t violate the NSFW guidelines ’round here.
[imgcomment image[/img]

November 30, 2017 6:35 pm

I loved that answer. If it makes you feel any better, I once hobnobbed with some published writer types and no one was all that glamorous. Most seemed a bit frumpy and all the women’s eye makeup seemed to be smeared. Even the weekend seminars with the “meet the writer” sessions really didn’t seem to be all that much fun.

I did like spending lunch hour at the bar.

November 30, 2017 12:14 pm

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I couldn’t agree more
I sent this on to everyone on my mailing list.

November 30, 2017 12:19 pm

For what it’s worth I enjoy your posts .
I think we are all headed for a great leveling once we as a nation can no longer create money out of thin air. Going to be interesting watching this 4th turning but I got this feeling I probably won’t live through it. That’s ok .I have made my peace with my Maker.
I think Stucky just needs a hug . Seems mornings aren’t his best time of day.

November 30, 2017 2:58 pm

This all makes me feel rather inadequate. I strive to be so clear and present. Thanks fellows.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2017 3:03 pm

I wish I had something to add other than you’re right.

November 30, 2017 4:06 pm

Given enough time, everything corrects to the best that it can be. In the long term it means your nemesis keeps pace. In the short term it may be wise to assess and strike now if the situation suggests.
Tortoise, on equality, from Book of God’s shoes. Chapter 2

Crugar Tuttle
Crugar Tuttle
November 30, 2017 5:37 pm

“The branches of American government have grown top-heavy and will soon fall, thus blocking any pathways to prosperity.”
What a brilliant sentence … i am still moved by it
Fantastic post – i love you writing !

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
November 30, 2017 6:53 pm

Yep. Pretty damn good.

November 30, 2017 7:22 pm

More entertaining writing which unfortunately utilizes poor research and even poorer thought processes.
Equality is termed bad – yet is not equality on the road, i.e. every car has the same rights and responsibilities, a central precept in American road travel?
How ironic that the author confuses the relatively orderly travel process on roads with his libertarian fantasies. It is gas taxes that fund the roads and which have been falling behind inflation for decades – which is why American roads are much closer to 3rd world nation roads than ever before. Yes, turning roads from asphalt into gravel is a major “thing” now in the US.
It is driver’s licenses, car registrations, traffic and parking tickets, road signs and markers and law enforcement which ensure that most people, more or less, follow the thousands of motor vehicle statutes on the books. Car travel in countries without these is much, much different. Dangerous, chaotic and jammed with ridiculous traffic in all but the poorest nations (because there are very few cars period or drivable roads).
It would be ironic how much “communism” or “socialism” is feared by Americans who have never experienced it were it not for the fact that the C and S words have been used for literally decades to manipulate Americans into making choices that are bad for them.
The AMA pushed against any form of national health care by calling it “Nazi” or “Commie”. More recently, the billionaire funded libertarians led by James M. Buchanan and supported by his co-mouthpieces Hayek and von Mises have used their considerable smarts and guile to fund all manner of counter-factual libertarian nonsense. Reason magazine, Cato, CEI, George Mason, etc are all direct beneficiaries of this money.
I don’t actually have any problem with people using their money as they see fit; the irony is that Americans are the only ones who seem to think the implanted thoughts in their heads are not the product of manipulation. Most intelligent people in all of the other nations on Earth know they are being propagandized and react accordingly.
Maybe it is because American arrogance at “winning” makes them think that somehow their sock puppet beliefs are better, when sovereign and socio-economic factors were much more at play (The US has literally more than twice the population of Russia and 13 times the GDP, and the ratio of Russia vs. US GDP per capita was *worse* in 1920).
Of course, the shoe is on the other foot now with China (4x US population, 1/4 GDP per head but having improved 28x since 1984 vs. US improvement of 3.5x in the same period).
Ironically, it is precisely the deregulatory policies brought about by the above which has led to the US median income having been flat for 30 years. Yes, it started with Reagan…

November 30, 2017 8:01 pm

Really? Can’t we just rise above all of the political positioning and labels? I mean, seriously, I can’t believe you called me a libertarian, you commie bastard. 🙂

November 30, 2017 8:08 pm
December 1, 2017 7:35 am

Understood Bernays, didn’t they?

November 30, 2017 8:06 pm

‘The same GPS system which delivered me to my hotel safely and in a timely manner also has the potential to relay my exact coordinates to a tyrannical government.’
Potential? It did, as did your phone.

November 30, 2017 8:17 pm

But the tyrannical government is not here yet unless you consider Trump a dictator? Perhaps he is? Potentially, maybe?

December 1, 2017 7:55 am

Trump is only just begun to try to budge the unmoving block of bureaucracy that is Mordor on the Potomac. Does anyone else from the REAL WORLD understand what the thriving fascade of Washington, D.C. really is? It is the Empirical Headquarters, always busy and always scheming to get more of the stingy people’s money.

People keeping track of cell phones and who they belong to are part of the group of people Snowden introduced us to. People in Hawaii or Utah about the age of my son with thick heads of hair, gadget in hand texting or typing code with a thumb while talking on a blue-ray device and feeding all the phone data into one enormous data stream feeding the equivalent of a database collecting point. Database for what reason?

When I was at Tinker, I accidentally ended up with access to a data stream that “fed” a stream to the Pentagon. It was a matter of my being the “Administrator” of that database tool which meant I needed the password to add Users to the Database information feeds and to generate the reports I occasionally was supposed to turn in to some alphabet soup number of office symbols in cyberland. So, the programmer who wrote the code for the database architecture and tools was a really decent Mormon out of Utah with some connections to folks out there (ran his own small business contracting with the government for his very special database tools to track efficiency in cost and labor). He trusted me after working with me a few times and showed me his back door into the database. Anyone who has done any programming understands what I mean. So, I was given access to a number of databases which contained an enormous amount of data about personnel, both military and civilian. I couldn’t see the data without access to command level people, but I could theoretically GAIN that access with a password which opened a back door in. Now, the question you should be asking yourselves right now is this one, Coyote.

Would Maggie use a forbidden back door into an information stream to peek at the packets of datasets for dirt on people she didn’t like? Would Maggie do that?

Whether I looked up old Alejandro on the database of former AWAC members there at Tinker is beside the point. My point is that I had that capability because I knew a very smart programmer out in Utah who had LOTS of lucrative contracts with the government, one of which was as a subcontractor to MY program management team at Tinker. What might that database architecture encompass NOW?

December 1, 2017 9:53 am

You guys and gals should know by now that I seldom miss a chance to regale an old tale with an oblique relationship to an honest post. 99% true

GPS location on phones.

It was about 2004 when I befriended a female who happened to be a civilian photographer who flew in the cockpit with the Blue Angels stationed here in Pensacola. She was a single mother with a one year old child. I helped her with the paternity issues she had with a junior officer on the ground crew of the famous blue angels.

She was from New Orleans and made some boast about friends of hers who were ‘mafia’. As if to intimidate me. I told her to tell her mafia friend that he could suck my d*ck unless he went back before the Kennedy deal. So she set up a meeting. The plan was for her to pick me up with her infant in tow and take me to him. Well, she showed up without her child and said she would not be present for the meeting.

Game change was not what I signed up for. I told her to stop the car while i got out. I told her I was going to call to check on my children. What I did was call my good friend (another son of a SAC pilot) and told him to call me back in 15 minutes WITHOUT FAIL. So she lets me out at the suburban house and leaves. I go in and meet two men, say hi and ask where the other man was. He came out from behind a door to another room. Ok, two is no problem but three is. So we talk trash. They tell me about some voodoo woman who would get messages from the tv back in the day when Kennedy was killed. I strung out the bull shit with more bs. And then my buddy called. I answered. I said, do you have the gps coordinates? I had an early Motorola flip phone with the latest gps location service. It was good but not as good as the Razr phone that came out later. It was when I had the Razr phone that I knew without a doubt that I was monitored via that phone. The tip off was when I was in a sensitive situation the phone would say “charging” when it was not connected to anything. And that little led light on the front would light up at peculiar times….

Feeling safe and secure from my bluff, I ended our conversations and threw a c note on the table and said, Here, take this as I think someone wants to get their d*ck sucked tonight.

Soon after that I entertained the photographer and her girl friend at night in the basement of my palatial dental office where I lived; as my hurricane gHetto house was a mess. She was very grateful for my assistance in all matters.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 1, 2017 1:46 pm

.The Katz Out of the Bag in Israel – Netenyahu Corruption Scandal Leads Corrupt Intel Chief to Take Over PM Duties – Andrea Iravani

The Katz Out of the Bag in Israel – Netenyahu Corruption Scandal Leads Corrupt Intel Chief to Take Over PM Duties

December 1, 2017 3:43 pm

So those in Power know not all of us are fooled, I will just place this here in the interest of ethernetic posterity and for eyes of the governed.

From my 11/30/2017 essay above:

Power is both pinnacle and a pump. It draws fuel from civilized society like a well from the earth, ascending upwards to its vertex, then flowing downward and outward like water, polluted and poisoned over time.

& James Comey’s 12/1/2017 tweet:

Shortly after former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty Friday to lying to the FBI about conversations with Russia’s ambassador, former FBI Director James Comey shared a justice-minded verse from the Bible on Twitter and Instagram.

‘But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream,’ Amos 5:24,’ Comey wrote, referring to the Bible’s book of Amos.

Obviously, Comey kneels before the god of [worldly / political] Power. The same god that allowed Comey, as FBI Director, to telekinetically enter into Hillary Clinton’s mind and know she never “intended to violate” any laws regarding the disclosure of classified government information.

Again, through the selective application of neutrality (i.e. lies), Power decides who will have more justice and equality under the law than others.

The Social Contract is broken.

December 1, 2017 6:49 pm

Yes. Today Justice weeps.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 1, 2017 4:49 pm

.EU Passes Arms Embargo on Saudi Arabia and US Should Join It – Andrea Iravani

EU Passes Arms Embargo on Saudi Arabia and US Should Join It

December 1, 2017 6:07 pm

Your best piece yet. Democracy does meet every criteria for the biblical description of the “anti-Christ”. It has deceived even “the elect” with its lies.

At its root, it is based upon rebellion against authority. Chaos is the only thing that can ensue from such a turning.

December 1, 2017 11:57 pm

I’ll have you know, Vodka, that after reading one of your comments on one of my posts a while back I went ahead and read Hunter S. Thompson’s “Hells Angels” (it was the only one of his books available at the time in the library I frequent). I don’t why I’ve never read his stuff before. I enjoyed it and the whole idea of Gonzo Journalism is pretty cool. Also wild is the Robert Mueller failed prosecution of the Hells Angels for racketeering back in 1979. Small world.

Steve C.
Steve C.
December 2, 2017 9:07 am

Count me in as a fan of Dr. Gonzo.

If you liked Hell’s Angel’s you’ll probably love ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’. That was great.

‘On The Campaign Trail in `72’ had some good stuff too. The ‘zoo’ plane for the journalists and all the behind the scenes stuff. I liked the part where a snake slithered into his hotel room and he beat it to death with a vacuum cleaner nozzle.

Nice to know that there are fans of HST’s here.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

  Steve C.
December 2, 2017 10:59 am

“Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow.When a cop tries to pull you over, don’t try to hide your beer and politely pull off to the side. Floor it, and be sure to heel-toe it around the exit ramp, then power slide to a stop and be waiting when the cop finally shows up. Oh sure, he’ll act all pi**y, but deep down, he’ll respect a man who can command his vehicle.”

I was hooked when I read HST’s epistle in Rolling Stone. Fortunately I never had the chance to try it.

  Steve C.
December 2, 2017 9:14 pm

One of my favorite excerpts from Hells Angels (in Chapter 8):

To see a lone Angel screaming through traffic – defying all rules, limits and patterns – is to understand the motorcycle as an instrument of anarchy, a tool of defiance and even a weapon. A Hell’s Angel on foot can look pretty foolish. Their sloppy histrionics and inane conversations can be interesting for a few hours, but beyond the initial strangeness, their everyday scene is as tedious and depressing as a costume ball for demented children.

I found HST’s utter lack of bullshit quite refreshing and, in some instances like above, LOL funny. And, I also must say to Vodka that after reading HST I felt (somewhat) vindicated in my use of commas. Just sayin’… 🙂

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 1, 2017 10:52 pm

America Has Lost It’s Collective Mind – Andrea Iravani

America Has Lost It’s Collective Mind

  Andrea Iravani
December 2, 2017 12:02 am

Thanks Andrea. I’ve been reading your posts/links.

  Andrea Iravani
December 2, 2017 10:18 pm

No Andrea. America hasn’t been this sane in decades. Sanity hasn’t been higher which is why tensions are escalating.

The narrative has unhinged. Those who define themselves by the narrative have lost their mind. The change you’re noting is that the narrative in the past had a passing resemblance on reality. The narrative of today is so broken that the psyche dependent on narrative, which is most readily described as “leftism” for the moment, has zero connection with the real world they inhabit.

December 2, 2017 8:23 am

“If there is no God…. everything is permitted”-Dostoyevski
“Modern media fills the cultural airwaves with a mist of anesthesia, so that principles and values are slowly desensitized to the coming onslaught. The new culture arrives on the heels of this propaganda. It simply moves in and takes over, like slipping a fine new glove over a numbed hand. The outcome of the war is just as devastating, but comes without bombs bursting, twisted bodies to bury or rubble to rebuild. A new class, a different culture, simply takes over”-Charlton Heston
“Audacity, audacity, always audacity”-George Patton
So many more great quotes in the interesting Survival Blog.com contribution -Hope with a temporal leftist regime, by J.R.V. parts 1&2 on Dec 01&02
I always love reading Uncolas poetic (elegant, fine, beautiful) posts.

December 2, 2017 1:36 pm

In reading the comments on this thread some people liked this piece and called it poetic but others thought it was too flowery and wordy. It must be a right brain / left brain thing.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 2, 2017 3:06 pm

Hillary Clinton Personally Signed Uranium One Deal – Andrea Iravani

Hillary Clinton Personally Signed Uranium One Deal

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
December 2, 2017 10:00 pm

Admenstruater, two strikes on the featured piece uh dog diarear at the top uh TBP in uh row. Where do yer find these pointy headed navel gazin noodle dicked retards? I swear ter gawd yer losing yer touch and ever time I visit this gawd dammed interweb site I beg gawd uh mighty ter grant that slant eyed gook over yonder supernatural wisdom in his endeavor ter explode uh EMP and I hope it detonates directly above yer server cuz readin shit like this pisses me off ter no end. Needless ter say I don’t think there’s uh market fer uncola, cept maybe amongst them people that like ter eat each other’s shit. Kill it, like yesterday, and put somethin by Sturky up there.

December 2, 2017 10:34 pm

Well said BW, I’m sure that Sturky is more than flattered with your endorsement.

Happy Holidays to you and Billah!