Five Bible Truths For All People (even atheists) To Live By To Make America Great Again

My message to atheists, agnostics, doubters, and folks of other faiths; Truth is truth, regardless of where it is found. Although this piece quotes the Christian Bible, please stay open to the concepts. St. Augustine said, — “Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”  Loosen your mind to the possibilities presented here. Be a hungry lion, devouring truth until your soul is satisfied.

Everyone knows about Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address … 272 words, delivered in under three minutes.

Edward Everett also spoke that day at Gettysburg — 13,581 words, delivered in two hours.  No one remembers it at all … even though it was full of beautiful language and logic and, among other worthy topics, addressed the hypocritical nature of slavery in a free country. It’s a wonderfully informative summary of the Civil War up to that point (of course, from the North’s point of view). Terrific read, if you have the time.  Full text here. But, again, it is remembered only for being unmemorable.

Great sermons are exactly like Lincoln’s speech: Short! No one ever left a church service thinking, “Man, I wish that sermon was longer!“. Therefore, I shall follow Abe’s formula, and keep the sermonizing of each truth to about 300 words.  The fact is, each of these five verses of truth presented here are also so simple, yet elegant, that they hardly require any sermonizing at all. Truth defends itself.

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I have know these verses my entire adult life. Meditated on them. Lived them — as even now in the Autumn of my life, where much of my faith has withered, and The Last Remaining Life clings precariously. Actually, I can’t think of a good reason why anyone should listen to me.

Except that God once even spoke to a human by way of a jackass (Numbers 22:28)!  That means I qualify. I will reveal what I believe is God’s message, not mine, to the best of my ability — imperfect as that may be.

NOTE: I will write using Jesus’ voice. This will be done in a similar manner as recorded in Revelation 2-3. There, in the letters to the seven churches Jesus offers praise (but not always), and condemnations (but not always), and the rewards that come to those “who have ears“.  Just to be clear, it is what I believe Jesus would post on the internet today … but, I did not actually hear His voice. My hotline to God has been disconnected.

1)– Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” —- Proverbs 22:6

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”—- Lenin

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“I commend you for obeying my command to ‘be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth’.

But, I have this against you; I have commanded YOU to train up your children, the apple of my eye. Why, then, did you relinquish your responsibility to those (you call them ‘government schools’) who only desire to corrupt your children’s minds, to turn them into robots incapable of receiving my gift of free will? Why do let the whores of your age (you call it ‘television’) enter into your homes day and night to fill the minds (your Learned Ones call this ‘brainwashing’) of my precious Little Ones? These whoreish creatures, with their unimaginable filth and endless lies, who turn children away from Me, all the while polluting the hearts of my Little Ones with the god of this age (you call it ‘consumerism’).

I rained down fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah for far less. Why, then, do you think you will escape my wrath? Did I not warn you that those who corrupt my Little Ones, that it would be better for them to place a millstone around their necks, and drown themselves? My Cup Of Anger will be made known to you as your land (you call it ‘America’) is swept into the dustbin of history, as so many unrighteous nations have been before yours. The wheels of my indignation are already rolling towards the end of your Days of Iniquity. Mene mene tekel upharsim!

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the people. My servant David sang; — “Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” So, it shall be for you, my beloved. Raise your children well, and I will heap goodness, milk and honey, and healing upon your land for generations to come”


2)– “I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.” —– Amos 5:21-24

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“In olden days I gave you sacred assemblies and their feasts to be proclaimed at anointed times. But, believing that my death and resurrection freed you from the old ways, you pursued your own imaginations, and appointed yourselves new feasts.

You imagine I was born on December 25th, and then appoint a fat man as The Giver of gifts. Oh, you perverters of truth! On that day you irreverently call Xmas, will you practice true religion; plead the cause of the widow, seek justice for the oppressed, take in the orphan, or feed the hungry? No, you will instead revel in the exchange of wealth, drink strong drink to excess, and partake of gluttony, — falsely believing you are honoring the King of Kings!. Woe, woe to you!  Your own prosperity, and the prosperity throughout your land, is but an illusion. Today your barns are full, but tomorrow The Wind comes. Do not cry out in that day of the Terrible Storm, for I have this against you: you have a form of Godliness, but you deny the power thereof.

Let him who has ears hear  Wisdom from above. Think not that you sin against me! You sin against man. Turn from the foolishness of your outward worship. Do not worry about the speck in your brother’s eye. First, take out the log from yours. Leave your gifts and fake worship at the altar. Because, for peace and prosperity to come to your land you must first make peace with your brother.  Do you not yet know that if you just seek my face and turn from your wicked ways, that the desire of my heart is to heal your land?”


3) “Where there is no vision, the people perish. “ —- Prov 29:18

“I have much against you, oh King of Babylon! You have make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of your fornications. That Terrible Day is coming when you will cease to exist in but one hour, and great will be your fall.

Woe, woe, unto you for the vision you have made only for yourselves. You inscribe ‘In God We Trust’ on your Mammon yet, your thoughts are not My thoughts. You have taken the sons of the land and made them serve with your chariots and horses. You have taken away the plows to make of them weapons of war. Your flying machines rain down terror from above upon innocents. You take the wealth of the people … the best fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to your paramours, officials, and attendants. You take the best of the cattle and donkeys for your own use. So great is your theft, you force their women to work in the fields.

As it was when I condemned the Pharisees to their faces, so it is with you today; you load people down with many rules and laws and burdens which they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help. You imprison those whom you fear, more than all other nations. You make slaves of everyone. Depart from Me! I once knew you, but no longer.

Let him who has ears hear my vision for you, my people. RISE UP!! You cannot both drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, and hope to be a great nation. NOW is the time for you to throw off the yoke of those who enslave you! Let him who has no sword, purchase one. Let him who has one sword, purchase two. No longer will I chastise you for cutting off the ear of Malchus. Remember my words when I walked among you; ‘that from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force’. RISE UP, this day, for I long to set you free. What you do, do so quickly. Amen.


4)– “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” — Luke 16:13

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“To my deplorable brethren, blessed are you for I know how hard you labor to provide for your family. You struggle to pay for your homes, save for your children’s education, put food on the table, and pay for a multitude of other things due to what the Prince of This World calls an economy. His way even forces you to support those who will not work … an abomination of abominations to your Father in heaven.  Endure your trials and tribulations with the peace I give you that passes all understanding, for I tell you this; – it will not be so in the next world.

But, I have this against you who have taken it upon yourselves to shepherd my flock.. You Preachers use my warning against serving two masters to browbeat the salt of the earth. You lie unto them saying ‘the other master is money!’. Then you heap burning coals of guilt upon their heads, always making them feel inadequate and ashamed, sinners who are never quite good enough, … and in so doing you prod them into filling your collection coffers with silver and gold beyond measure. You vipers and snakes! You have neglected your greater calling to comfort my people.

Let him who has ears hear. The other master is Caesar (you call it The State). Heed my warnings! Caesar will imprison political dissenters, exterminate undesirables, confiscate property, devalue your currency, buy favors, suppress thought, and his Agents in Blue won’t hesitate to kill you. Beware, this creature from the swamp does this to you while masquerading as an Angel Of Light who is here ‘just to help you’.

Blessed are you if you heed my words to my Apostles: give to Caesar ONLY what is his, and no more. Give him his coin, never your soul. The day is coming, for you live in evil times, when Caesar demands from you more than you can give, when Caesar demands you break the laws of your conscience. Blessings beyond measure will be yours if you answer as Peter did: ‘We ought to obey God rather than men.’ Upon the character of such men, a great nation is built.”


5)  “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” —- Prov 3:7

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” —- Matthew 6:21

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” —- Proverbs 4:23

It is widely accepted as fact that we are what we eat (and, also, what we eat, ate!).

We all buy into the saying about computers; ‘garbage in, garbage out’.

We talk great care to put the right kind of gas in our car, because the wrong gas can ruin the engine.

Oh, that we would take similar care in what we put in our minds!

“My people, gold there is, and rubies  in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel. I commend you on the great achievements of your mind since I ascended to my Father. You split atoms and go to the moon.

But I hold this against you; you are ever learning, yet never coming to the truth. Your doctors can replace hearts, but can’t fix the condition of the heart; made of stone instead of flesh, proud and perverse. Your heart is as haughty as the ax that raises itself above the person who swings it, or the saw which boasts against the one using it, or the clay which boasts to the potter ‘you made me not!’.

I tell you this great truth: your heart is the fountain from which flows rivers of thoughts, words, and deeds. You talk to me through your mind, but I commune with you through your heart. Have you kept silent long enough to listen?

Your Learned Ones have filled your minds with noise like a resounding gong and empty cymbal, but no music comes forth.  Positive thinking! Visualizing! Dr. Phil! Believing them, you imagine yourselves winning the Decathlon in next year’s Olympics. My children, their lies will only cause you great disappointment on your way to ruin. Hearken unto my instruction, for few can bear this truth; — you cannot change yourselves! It is as I said to my disciple Matthew; “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?”

What is a nation except a land with borders where people live? Many of you believe I can save your nation. I can do no such thing! Nations don’t need my blessings … people do.

Let those with ears hear. I desire to give you new hearts made of flesh,  so that you may become new creatures possessing a new spirit. Let this newness overtake millions of you, my children, and your nation will become great, slowly then all at once.

Test me and see if I am right. That when you overcome your destructive habits, the addictions which imprison you, the hate which consumes – that it is in that moment when the rise of the oceans begins to slow, the planet begins to heal, crimes end, wars cease, the lame dance, the deaf hear, the blind see again, and Liberty is proclaimed throughout the land.

Let it all begin with you. I’m waiting …”

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 5, 2017 10:45 am

Outraged Citizen Demands That Eric Pahon Be Fired From Pentagon – Andrea Iravani

Outraged Citizen Demands That Eric Pahon Be Fired From Pentagon

December 5, 2017 4:46 pm

I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The only common thread between Christianity and judaism is the Ten Commandments–nothing more.
The god of judaism is a vengeful god, totally unlike the merciful and welcoming God of Christianity.
Christianity welcomes ALL, regardless of nationality or social status–not true of judaism.
Judaism is an insular belief system that shuns outsiders, prohibits proselytization, and promotes a form of supremacy, relegating all gentiles (non-jews) to the status of livestock–subhumans with souls, only to be used for the advancement and benefit of jews.
Jews DID murder Jesus Christ. Sad to say, even the present-day (post-Vatican II eumenical council) Catholic church has bought into absolving the jews for Jesus Christ’s murder. As always is the case, the jews got others, the Romans to do their dirty work for them–crucifying Jesus Christ.
Looking back throughout history, jews have ALWAYS got others to do their dirty work (wars) for them, quite often financing both sides.
Islam and judaism are closely related, the Koran having many of the same attributes as judaism, when it comes to a supremacist attitude. You see, both the Islamic Koran and jewish Talmud promote their respective brands of supremacy, making it OK to lie, cheat, and steal from non-believers, each promoting certain laws for believers that exact greater punishment imposed on non-believers, while promoting no or little punishment for believers that transgress against non-believers.
Islam must be given credit for honoring Jesus Christ and his mother Mary, while jewish texts denigrate both Jesus Christ and Mary.

southevropean counterpart
southevropean counterpart
December 6, 2017 6:45 am

Mr. Stuck,

you may not notice it, but you are a good Christian.
And I’m glad it is.

I’m right, you’re wrong. Deal with it.