Muck’s Minute #44

Trump’s Mouth 12/7/17

I am the first to admit that I’m not really sure why Donald Trump got elected President of the United States in the first place.  Just not Hellery I suppose.

Here’s a man who bought 6 deferrals (or his Daddy did) to keep him from getting his ass drafted and sent to Viet Nam or some other ugly military base.  Never a day in the military yet here he is Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces.

Now I don’t have anything against our Army, Navy or Air Force except that they are too big for what we need them for, constantly searching for things to do (which means stir things up with all the weapons at their disposal) and always needing a war somewhere (over there) on which to practice their skills, wear out their hardware and justify their existence. (and yes, I’m a Navy Vet. so get off my ass!)

Ah, but that has little to do with Trump’s mouth, which he exercised to full extent today when he proclaimed to the World that Jerusalem, sacred city of Jews and Mooslims alike is the true Capital of Israel.

Perfect timing and guaranteed to aid with any peace talks about Palestine and Israel and I can’t help wondering if he does stupid things like this just to stir up the pot.

Of course, it’s a dead issue anyhow for Jerusalem is on the West Bank and the West Bank belongs to Israel even though no one (NO ONE includes the USA, the UN and any other part of the world you’d care to mention) admits it.

Israel sustained three wars of aggression from 1948 on, won every one of them (and some were close calls, let me tell you!) and as a results of winning these wars, very smartly set up better and more defensible country boundaries using the West Bank and the Golan Heights and Gaza.  They’ve since given Gaza back to the Palestinians for reasons known only to Israel, Egypt and whatever Western negotiator got involved.  Now they have to deal with that screw-up to again.

Regardless, looser’s of wars do not get to set up new borders – winners do – Israel did and that’s that. Pisses off everyone that lost, but tough tit.  At least Israel doesn’t have to stand still and get shelled by Syrians from the Golan or have the West Bank used as a staging area for further invasions by Moolims or Arabic enemies of the country.

Ah – but back to the subject at hand.  Trump’s Mouth.  Oh, Golden Haired orifice that can’t stay shut.

Israel uses Tel Aviv as a capital and would like to use Jerusalem for religious purposes. Always religious…  They figure it would lend legitimacy to the claim that Israel is a real country.

Well, it’s a real country as it is, none of its’ neighbors want to acknowledge it as such but it’s a real country.  The people that live there have no where to go  if they were told to leave, so they will stay, right down to the last crispy critter if some idiot Persian country tries a nuke on them.

Donald’s Mouth, if nothing else, is sure to start up another round of terrorism driven attacks in and around Israel and set off another series of mini-crises that will pull the world’s mind off what is really important.

That, I think, is the real reason he opened his mouth and blatted it.  It’s sure to make Middle East negotiations much easier to maneuver through, don’t you think?


Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 8, 2017 8:23 am

The Muckster seems to have a hard one for the Trumpster.
I am beginning to think the Muck is a Registered Democrat – (if most Registered Dem’s and Rep’s changed to Independent, the politicos would behave differently and the voters just might start using their grey matter for critical thinking instead of being led by a pied-piper).

Whew, getting hot in here with all that CO2 sloshing around.

Back on subject, it seems ISISrahell is the good guy – sure wouldn’t want Syria lobbing shells on the good guys from the Golan Heights; but, it is A-OK for the chosen ones to lob shells on Syria.

Certainly glad that Obama, that Peace Prize war-mongering POS, spent time in the military; this automatically places him on a moral plane compared to Trump for avoiding military duty (for a war based on a lie – wanna ask those that died or lost limbs if they would change their minds and avoid being drafted).

edit: yeah, I know Obama didn’t serve in the military; I was being sarcastic and didn’t think I had to include the /sarc tag.

December 8, 2017 8:37 am

Trump, like most of his predecessors, Is doing the bidding of Israel. Look at the countries Amerika has fucked with, or are fucking with. These countries are all threats to Israel. Also many of them are not controlled by Rothschild banksters. Fuck the Zaddikites.

December 8, 2017 8:49 am

I believe it is in preparation for events foretold by the koran, the old and new testaments. To meet requirements for the fullfillment of the sura/shura and scripture.

For the end of a faith in the death throes of obsolescence. And for a re countenance of faith for judaeo christian life to include the displaced and diaspora seeking refuge in a new ethos for all time. A new spiritual apotheosis. Time and 4 teeth (tenets) to chew the fat of life.

I note Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Greece. His body language spoke loudly. Same for Netanyahu’s peace statement yesterday – They both looked a bit stressed and uncertain of an uncertain future. And hence the machinations in the saudade of the Saud.

Now if we can only get our own house in order….

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 8, 2017 9:01 am


You’ve taken some heat on your comments, but I wasn’t among that group; I preferred to wait for more info.

“I believe it is in preparation for events foretold by the koran, the old and new testaments.”

WTF, Now you have gone off the rails.


Nothing to be confused about. Both the Bacon Book and the Bible have numerous Prophecies about the End Times.

He’s just saying current events point to the old prophecies becoming fulfilled.. Christians have been doing that since, well, forever.

i forget
i forget
December 8, 2017 12:39 pm

Peoples’ prophets & prophecies self-fulfill cuz…people. Moths & flames o’ fear. Fear attracts, despite claims contrary. It’s attractive to the fearful & “attracts” what is feared. That “Edmund” clip I put up: “Every fear hides a wish.”


I give Whosie Cue a hard time. I suspect the shift between the Cosmogony and the real world is abrupt when coming through the stargate.

December 8, 2017 9:09 am

Zara is gonna fucken explode when he sees this.

Good to see ol’ Muck still mucking around, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

One clarification. The reason President Orange Hair opened his mouth is because of that Joo-bastard son-in-law and his Skankoramous daughter who squandered her Christian heritage to wed, FOR MONEY, a silver spooned dick snipper.

December 8, 2017 9:43 am

I do not think she needed the money.

December 8, 2017 10:03 am

Possibly. I know about her daddy’s money.

Here’s the thing about the rich: it’s never enough. When you have $700 million, you lust to be a billionaire. When you have a billion, you know damned well you’re a poor one in the Billionaire Club. They lust for more.

Then there’s what money buys; power. The ability to control others. I’ve read that it’s intoxicating.

The rich marry for money and power even more so than regyoulah folk.

I find it extremely difficult to imagine she married him for love alone. I mean just look at that fucker …

December 8, 2017 11:47 am

Need is one thing, want is another. While you’ve had a commendable career in business, you’ve never worked on Wall Street, so what might appear to you as unreasonable and insane greed is the daily bread of those who have worked and do work there. I bailed 20 years ago and it was one of the five best decisions I’ve made in my life. “Pathological greed” barely describes what exists there. Trust me, sir, that class of folks have very little in common with thee and me, as I learned during my profitable-but-hard-to-endure years there. No amount of money, however excessive, is ever “enough”. Be happy that you chose “life” over the endless accumulation of tokens that not only don’t buy you love, but beyond a certain point don’t buy you happiness either. Speaking for myself: Man am I glad to have left all that behind!

December 8, 2017 9:11 am

“Never a day in the military yet here he is Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces.”

Of our last four presidents only one has served in the military.

And he was criticized because it wasn’t the right kind or something.

Clinton was given deferment from the draft too, and Obama was too young to have faced it.

I don’t see this as a relevant issue concerning a President being in office and commander in chief. Neither do the majority of voters or we would only have military people elected (which would pretty much negate the benefit of having civilian rule of the military instead of the other way around).

Bat Guano
Bat Guano
December 8, 2017 9:20 am

Trump’s enormous ego won’t allow him to believe that he was really the ABH (Anybody But Hitlery) candidate and nothing more. It was almost a no lose proposition for him and try as he might have, the self proclaimed ‘king of debt’ didn’t screw up the election.
If you lived in the NYC metro area during the 70’s, 80′, 90’s etc. you were constantly exposed to him through the media and know he is a con man and BS artist extrordinaire. Anything that actually happens with The Donald as POTUS should come as no surprise.
Disclaimer: I did really vote for him vs. Hitlery because as I said he was the ABH, even though I know voting is a complete waste of time.

  Bat Guano
December 8, 2017 10:03 am

I and everyone else I know who voted for Trump because we want Trump, not just because we were against Hillary.

We would have voted for him if he were running against Sanders or any other Democrat instead of Hillary because we liked him and his positions.

I’m sure there are those that voted against Hillary, but if they were the largest amount of those who elected him he wouldn’t have needed to campaign or had any particular positions to get elected.

December 8, 2017 9:52 am

Thanks Muck. You pissed in some folks’ porridge, and they will definitely have trouble deciding whether to shit or go blind.

I could not give a bag of spit whether Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or some two donkey town is named capitol. Fact is, Israel controls the land, Israel names its capitol as it sees fit. The winner calls the tune, same as it always was. It amuses me to see the sand jockies running around like a mad woman pissing, though. Good thing Israel does not control Mecca, now isn’t it?

December 8, 2017 9:54 am

Yup, Muck’s right on point: Gotta keep the HildaBeast’s Decadent, Debauched, Dumbed-down, Debt-ridden, Drugged, Debilitated, Demoralized and . . . [media] D-I-S-T-R-A-C-T-E-D “Merkaan Mushroom Majority” CHOOSING to remain vegetating on the corp-owned “Lame Scheme Media’s” disinfo-dung in the darkness of Plato’s cave. The “Quickening” gets more exciting/out-of-control daily and at some not-yet-known triggering inflection point/critical mass moment, entropy will no longer be forestalled/denied. Ya’ll best be getting the HELLo away from those “coasters”, “citYzens”, nuke plants and GROUNDed on a portion of inland, elevated, RURAL, arable, UN-encumbered/UN-addressed county dirt. Get GATHERed, GUNned, GARDENed, PROVISIONed and . . . S-I-M-P-L-I-F-I-E-D! The “Blessings from the Beginning” are revealed and thereby accessible to the faithfully repentING/REDEEMed/GATHERing RemnantS, fulfilled in daily fellowship of collaborative PRODUCTIVE enterprise and the opportunity to assist/gather other repentING in greater need. And as such . . . relieved, humbled and thankful for sight of One’s salvation BEFORE having – unknowingly – “run out One’s clock”.

December 8, 2017 10:43 am

Trump in moving the Embassy is publicly acknowledging that the Two State Solution is dead. Right here and Right now there is a tremendous opportunity for a courageous Palestinian Politician to come forward and convince the mobs in West Bank and Gaza to join the world. Sadly it is doubtful this will happen as it suits both sides to keep the inmates in an uproar.

As for the reason for the Jewish State giving Gaza back to the Palestinians, that is simple. There is a demographic tidal wave about to consume the lands West of the Jordan. As a stop gap the Jews have decided to keep the West Bank and eject the potential future voters in Gaza. That way the Policy Wonks in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem can if push come to shove can keep the facade of democracy and their precious Jewish State.

But as the famous philosopher Mike Tyson once said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Bibi and his minions might be dancing in the streets today but their celebrations aren’t likely to last.

So in the Spirit of the Season here is another song…

December 8, 2017 11:01 am

“Bibi and his minions might be dancing in the streets today but their celebrations aren’t likely to last.”

True dat. They think the messiah will vindicate their actions however I believe that they will have another thing coming to them when the Time comes. Same for the faces on the other sides of the coins of the realm.

Right here, right now, worth watching. Popcorn anyone?

December 8, 2017 10:47 am

Simple answer – he took the piece off the table, so it’s no longer the subject of “Middle East peace negotiations” (there’s any oxymoron)…not that they’ve made any progress in the last forty-plus years using the status quo methods of negotiation. So, the big objection is that the oh-so-peaceful Palestinian “settlers” will riot in Israel and hate America? Yeah, and the sky is still blue…so what?

December 8, 2017 11:40 am

Well i was in Viet NAM and even if Trump is a blow hard I still voted for him over that liar cunt bitch Hillary I’m not a billionare but wish I was

December 8, 2017 12:01 pm

Anecdotal observation. In March, I went to an Amazon jungle lodge some distance from Iquitos, Perú. Other than a young Brazilian couple, all the rest of the guests were recently demobilized Israeli military who by purest coincidence happened to have surveying tools in their baggage. This morning, I gave a ride to a retired Argentine military officer and we spoke a bit about “Plan Andinia” (, which is, of course, pure “conspiracy theory”, although he didn’t think so. Quite a few of his former colleagues share his view, basing their claims on the same sort of coincidences regarding Israeli tourists in Patagonia. Nonsense: Heidile wouldn’t lie! Just ask the U.S. prez.

  Muck About
December 8, 2017 6:51 pm

Meaningless comments befitting a meaningless article.

And it’s “losers”, not “looser’s” of wars; unless you actually meant “possessive noun of those who are described as less tight”…

December 8, 2017 6:56 pm

Mucking about , at least Trump is not a damn traitor like so many of the others in Washington DC.This is the main reason I voted for him.

December 8, 2017 7:00 pm

Mad Dog Meathead ,I knew you was still out there being madder than a mad ?.

December 8, 2017 7:54 pm

Damn skippy.

That means: “Yes, you are correct.”

By the way, I like the little dog icon. It looks like he took a shit.