Happy New Year: Don’t Be Fooled By the Orthodoxies of the Messengers

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

– Edward Bernays, “Propaganda”


Edward Bernays (1891 – 1995) was a famous pioneer in the field of public relations and is, today, often referred to as the Father of Propaganda. Perhaps Bernays became thus known because he authored the above quoted 1928 book titled with that very term. He was actually the nephew of the famed psychopathologist Sigmund Freud and was very proud of his uncle’s work. More than that, however, Bernays accepted the basic premises of Freud towards the use of emotional manipulation of the masses through advertising. It was, in fact, Bernays, who changed the term propaganda into “public relations”.

If the excerpt above from Bernays’ book “Propaganda” is true, then it would imply there are men of great power who utilize psychology in order to message and manipulate the minds of the masses. Are these the men that Thomas Jefferson, supposedly, once warned about? Indeed. They are the ones who control the issue of currency; the ones who first by inflation, then by deflation, caused the banks and corporations to grow up around the people thus depriving them of all property until the people’s children woke up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

These are the men who financially and politically manage sovereign governments as well as the handful of corporations that control 90% of the media today.  It is not hard to imagine, therefore, why it would be in the best interests of these men to mentally maneuver the masses into complacency. But how is this psychological manipulation implemented?

Through lies, of course.

Adolf Hitler’s Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, once asserted that:


 A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.


In like manner, I now question if this sentence could be modified as follows:


A lie told to a few people is still a lie but a lie told to thousands, even millions, of people becomes the truth.



Yet, it is those who question the lies today that are labeled the conspiracy theorists.  What irony.

Carroll Quigley in his book “Tragedy and Hope: The History of the World in Our Time” exposed the takeover of the world’s financial system by these few, powerful men when he wrote on page 51:


In time the (the “Order”) brought into their financial network the provincial banking centers, organized as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other.


It appears control is the result of money equaling power as both give rise to an alternative reality which, paradoxically, is subsidized by the vanquished; by those who want to believe.  Yes, it is the masses of people who finance their own dreams via various monthly installment plans while their own eyes rely upon what they see on any number of electronic screens before them. The people pay their taxes, they borrow, they consume, they believe.

For the remnant that is awake, however, the lies are plain to see.

Nevertheless, the psychology remains subliminally subtle as the optics unfurl like a massage onto the brain of millions of people in real time. Quite often, the electronic screens will yield these massages from the messengers under the guise of personal enjoyment and recreation; to wit, films.

Here are three recent examples:



If J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lords of the Rings were actual history, then modernity would look a lot like the world as shown in the Netflix original film, Bright (2017); complete with orcs and elves sharing the earth with humans by way of a fantastical, and familiar, friction.  The film is somewhat of a campy social commentary presenting the themes of segregated society, of rich versus poor, and race relations; and all with prophetic and religious undertones. Namely, about the Dark Lord that cometh.

Bright showcases a world where the elves are the cream of the crop who rose to the top; apparently, a race in charge of banking, finance, and high society.  Will Smith plays a gritty street cop in Los Angeles who is, reluctantly, partnered with the police department’s latest  “diversity hire”, an orc, seemingly, right out of Tolkien’s Mordor, but with a far more evolved and pleasant personality.

At one point, the character played by Will Smith explains to his biracial daughter that “none of the races are smarter or dumber than each other, they’re all just trying to get along”, just before his orc “diversity hire” partner, on the way home from diversity training, shows up at his house and interrupts the conversation. When Will Smith and his orc partner argue, Smith tells the orc to “shut up” before being chastised by his own daughter who says: “Don’t tell him to shut up!  He’s a person too!”

Smith and his partner then drive into Elftown; a heavily guarded New York Madison Avenue, or Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive, -style financial and retail district full of (according to Smith’s character) “rich-ass elves just running the world and shopping”.

It is a world where Orc clans in gather in L.A. and where members get blooded in ways eerily reminiscent of real-life Blood and Crypt gang initiations. A world where the police department overflows with white cops who really hate the orc cop and pressure Will Smith’s character to find a way to get rid of the pig motherf***er.  A world where a group of renegade elves, called the Inferni, work to prepare the way for the Dark Lord so “he can slaughter billions and enslave the survivors to serve him in a new age of magic. In fact, in the film, we discover it was the elvish Inferni who destroyed the Illuminati “a hundred years ago”.

Complete with Mexican standoffs, an elvish long-eared femme fatale, multiple shootouts, a car chase, a Beltane Horned-god masked figure in a satanic dungeon, and a resurrection in accordance to a prophecy foretold, the film, most assuredly, displays the authoritative supremacy of the Federal Agents and the need for them to feign false narratives, ostentatiously, for the public good.




This film, in theaters now, was viewed a few days ago by me, along with my offspring, and we laughed out loud continuously; but at all the wrong points of the story, I think. Billed as a science-fiction comedy drama, and starring Matt Damon and Kristen Wiig, it is to an extent, a satire. As such, it had potential and I will admit it did have its moments. Overall though, it came across as silly and pretentious, with some people in our theater walking out before the end.

Here’s the gist:  Due to overpopulation, an apparent United Nations initiative was sent forth to find the best way for mankind to survive in the face of earth’s limited resources.  One scientific solution was developed by an institute in Norway whereby humans were successfully, and proportionately, shrunk to approximately five centimeters in height.  A sizable colony of such midgets was then experimentally established, and after four years, all of their waste products filled less than one half of a single, medium-sized, garbage bag.  The collective dreams of environmentalists worldwide were realized.  At a sustainability conference the plan to shrink the human race was revealed and met with widespread fanfare and approval.

Soon colonies of miniature humans were proliferating all across the globe, including one first-class, top-of-the line, settlement in Arizona named Leisureland where the married characters (played by Damon and Wiig) were to settle.  After liquidating all of their assets, the protagonists’ were told their approximate $150,000 in equity would, by the apparent magic of inverse shrinkflation, transition to an impressive $12 million nest egg for the tiny couple in Leisureland.

The main themes of Downsizing (2017) include overpopulation, saving the planet, the stratification of rich versus poor, the dangers of global warming, melting ice caps, and the release of polar methane gas threatening all of mankind with extinction.

Furthermore, not all is perfect in the tiny colonies as observed via dramatic upward pans of the camera showcasing a gigantic wall surrounding Leisureland.  Of course, the working-poor Hispanic and Vietnamese tiny folks are forced to live in dilapidated high rise buildings, with no elevators, in the desert just outside of the giant, divisive wall. And the full tragedy of the diminutive brown people is realized once the story reveals how they migrated only to suffer long commutes every day just to serve the residents of Leisureland who lead lives of miniaturized luxury.

The film also stresses the importance of the United Nations initiatives that are designed to save mankind from a dying planet while, at the same time, flaunting a quirky Christian Vietnamese girl who was downsized against her will.  She is an environmental activist, with a good heart, and a love for people. She is also the sole survivor of a group of pocket-sized immigrants who died trying to enter America in a flat-screen television box.

Concerns of tiny terrorist invasions were also referenced in the film.


The Post

To be fair, this film has not been viewed by the author of this article, but the trailer played during the theater’s preview of attractions before the Downsizing movie started. Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, The Post (2017), is considered by movie reviewer, Rex Reed, as quite possibly one of the best movies ever made.  It is, in fact, a prequel to “All the President’s Men”, the 1976 film about Nixon’s Watergate scandal.

While reserving the option to write about this film at a later date, I can only comment on the film’s trailer for now.  It appears Meryl Streep plays the Mother Mary in the form of The Washington Post’s owner and publisher, Katharine Graham (1917-1921), with Tom Hanks playing the Post’s Executive Editor, Ben Bradlee (1921 – 2014), as Jesus, and the Washington Post itself as a religious institution of undisputed purity defending the U.S. Constitution, freedom, and the American people’s right to know.

It remains to be seen if the movie makes mention of the mainstream media’s incestuous Mockingbird relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that was first revealed in Deborah Davis’s 1979 book, Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and her Washington Post Empire.

No doubt moviegoers in droves will exit this film with reinvigorated enthusiasm and esteem for the old guard Fourth Estate and The Washington Post; especially, in light of Trump’s collusion with Russia to steal the U.S. Presidency with the aid of Russian-backed, “fake news” internet sources.

Again, the irony.



The cadre of elite multinational powerbrokers is continuously spinning electronic and digital visions of globalism like dreamweavers casting a cabled web of anima mundi over the earth. Be assured, they will psychogenically purport  the orthodoxies of human secularism, and political correctness, in ways that would make any perverted hypnotherapist blush in admiration.

According to ancient legend (or history – depending upon your theological perspective), the original Tower of Babel represented the full manifestation of mankind’s desire for harmonic unity on earth.  The dream still lives, except today, instead of materializing upon the plains of Shinar, it is appearing in the public arena as well as entertainment venues all throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

The nations are being psychologically conditioned for one world under power as the minds of the masses are massaged into accepting their downsizing and eventual demise; while, simultaneously, being programmed to accept the supremacy of the state; or, otherwise, trusting in corrupt institutions of dubious probity.

It is a new year and a time for new beginnings; a time for resolutions. May the reader resolve to not be fooled.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent. www.TheTollOnline.com

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December 29, 2017 7:53 am

I think rotten tomatoes critics trashed the movie “Bright” because Will Smith’s character killed a fairy. He just straight up murdered it in cold blood. It was actually quite the gruesome scene. However, even in Zelda games (Breath of the Wild) you can take a fairy and cook it with monster parts to create an elixir. Why werent all the SJW hacks complaining about that?

December 29, 2017 8:05 am

To Iconoclast421,

Now that is some funny shit right there.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 2:00 pm

When do we want ’em? NOW! Down with Hollywood, down with Smith! Power to the fairies!

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 3:14 pm

Is this lady’s cameltoe part of the subliminal efforts to buy t-shirts? If so, I’ll go ahead and order one– the overlords sure know how to massage the propaganda to appeal to the avg male mind………

Great piece uncola–your examples demonstrate perfectly the blatant ( to the red pilled) yet subtle indoctrination of the masses by the globalists propaganda.

Reminds me of the famous thought: “It is far easier to brainwash someone than to convince them that they HAVE been brainwashed.’

December 29, 2017 8:45 am

Propaganda and/or mind control will flourish only in a top down-ruling elite social system-a democratic one. It is after all, what Madison called it: Mob rule. Until and unless we discard democracy for a diffused, bottom up, voluntary leadership system we’re doomed to a herd’s life controlled by masters.


kokoda Raccoon
kokoda Raccoon
December 29, 2017 8:45 am

Crap Movie – pushing the Globalist memes.
The Orc looks like a Somali that has eaten at McDonalds

December 29, 2017 8:55 am

On Drudge this morning:


“We often write of the urgent need for more truth in politics. A hope for 2018 is more truth in art and entertainment, too.

The past week I watched the Netflix series “The Crown” and Steven Spielberg’s movie “The Post.” Each is enjoyable, yet fails in the same significant way…”

December 29, 2017 9:44 am

All 3 movies sound like massive propaganda globalist bullshit. But, that was you’re point, right?

In Bright, were the Elves kinda like JOOS?

Everything about Downsizing sounds totally retarded.

Streep and Hanks are two of the best actors in Hollywood. Spielberg had his flops, but overall had done amazing stuff. But I’ll be damned before I watch a movie that glorifies the Washington comPost.

Thanks for saving me time and money!!

December 29, 2017 9:48 am

“It is a new year and a time for new beginnings; a time for resolutions.”

You’re an Eternal Optimist, aren’t you? Or, very very young … unjaded by Reality. Lol

December 29, 2017 3:13 pm

Eternal Optimist (capitalized) is an interesting choice of words, Stuck. For now though – so far – I would say I am just a cautiously skeptical, and guardedly hopeful, Gen X Nomad trying to kick some ass and chew some bubblegum.

December 29, 2017 10:01 am

‘Adolf Hitler’s Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, once asserted that: ‘A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”
What is never mentioned is he was referring to the lies of the jews.
Case in point, the holohoax.

December 29, 2017 10:11 am

But the Jews never had a Propaganda Minister, did they. Think about that.

December 29, 2017 10:33 am

They didn’t need a propaganda minister as they were in control of German society, publishing, banking, etc. The Third Reich put a stop to that…

Robert gore
Robert gore
December 29, 2017 12:16 pm

Good article, Uncola. I’ll post it when I get back from my vacation.

Speaking of propaganda, I’m in So. Cal. and it has to be epicenter of all the “good” people’s fantasies. Teslas are everywhere, and I went into a breakfast place that advertised its carbon neutrality. I walked through UCLA and virtually everyone had head down, looking at their smartphones. The people’s republic of Santa Monica is wall-to-wall goodness, but sit for more than one second at a green light and they are on their horns. And if your one of the many homeless, forget about getting any kind of donation. I wish I had brought my MAGA hat. It would have been fun to wear, but I would have been risking my life.

Speaking of dining places, the prices are sky high. We paid $70 bucks for our breakfast (for 3 people). LA of course, has a “living wage,” which drives up restaurant costs. It’s getting to be like NY, I’d say you have to make at least 250K to live a middle class life. In our hotel, which we got a deal on because it’s near where the Skirball fire was, a bartender was taking a meal with a bottle of Seagram’s vodka to a room. He told me the hotel charged $200 for the vodka. Its wholesale cost was $9. Got to make your profits somehow, I suppose. What kind of idiot pays $200 for second-rate vodka?

The corporations buy 100% into all the prevailing propaganda. I guess they have to if they want to sell anything. They peddle “gratitude,” “giving back,” “paying forward,” “ethical” this and that, “environmentalism,” “sustainability,” and all the other code words designed to make us feel a monumental sense of obligation to everyone and anyone but ourselves. I think there’s one Cracker Barrel in the LA area (we have two in much smaller Albuquerque), but Whole Foods and Starbucks are everywhere, promoting goodness.

I left So. Cal 5 years ago, and am quite happy I did so. If I had to live out here now, I think my head would explode.

  Robert gore
December 29, 2017 3:16 pm

Thanks for the report from the field, Robert. I will admit to being somewhat envious. Minus forty degree windchills in my neck of the woods this weekend. Have fun and safe travels

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Robert gore
December 29, 2017 7:54 pm

I was impressed to see several fancy mobiles at the Grove, cars you never see on the road unless your on Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica. I have seen a Tesla in Little Tokyo and I even spotted one here in podunk Palmdale. Goes to show, it’s a techy car but it’s not a status car.

Bob, you obviously were in the ritzy part of town. I pay $5 for breakfast at Jack in the Box. I still recall the time my buddy in Comayagua took me to breakfast at this woman’s house. She was hunched over a hibachi near the stoop, she greeted us and we went in to the converted living room, we sat down at a table and in short order, she brought us a typical breakfast of scrambled eggs, refried beans, sour cream and several flour tortillas. All for 50 cents American. The same plate here at a Salvy restaurant will run you $15. You really must look up La Pupusa Loca next time you come over.


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 29, 2017 1:14 pm

You sent me down a rabbit hole. Does it seem like the propaganda in movies is as heavy handed as it was during WWII? I don’t know because I have only seen a few made back then, but it’s interesting that the FBI felt that It’s A Wonderful Life was “unfair” to bankers.

It was this paragraph in your essay that sent me down the rabbit hole:

“According to ancient legend (or history – depending upon your theological perspective), the original Tower of Babel represented the full manifestation of mankind’s desire for harmonic unity on earth. The dream still lives, except today, instead of materializing upon the plains of Shinar, it is appearing in the public arena as well as entertainment venues all throughout the Northern Hemisphere.”

What follows will take you…well I don’t know for sure, but it’s going to be really cold this weekend in most places so why not explore? Whatever happened to Global Warming? I want it back!

Who are the Hivites? (ran across this while looking at #Qanon stuff and some of it is weird even by my standards)


Are these people mentioned in the Bible? Well, sort of.


“Little is known of the Ḥivites (and some texts read “Ḥorites” instead — the result of graphic confusion in old Semitic script). Scholars of high stature like Skinner noted that the term comes from the same root (ḥ-w-h) as one Semitic word for “serpent,” though no conclusive evidence has been produced that makes the Hivites some sort of serpent worshiping clan. Horites were, not surprisingly, Hurrian — so we’re back to the Kumarbi / giant/ Titan text. The Ḥorites also lived in the hill country –original the hill country of Seir (Gen 14:6). They were part of the Rephaim / Anakim contingent expelled by Esau from the Transjordan before the days of Moses and Joshua (Deut 2:12, 22). Coincidence? I doubt it.”

Just who is this Sarah Ruth Ashcraft and why is she talking about Hivites? Turns out it’s hard to find out much about her but I found this blog:


Yohimbo, if you read the above by an admitted Jewess, I don’t believe she is the kind that you would dislike.

So this Ashcraft woman seems to have a lot of followers and she claims that Tom Hanks is a pedo.

What does any of this have to do with the paragraph I quoted? Quite a bit if you check the links out.

Anyways, I got a couple books for Christmas. If I can discipline myself enough to get my ass off of TBP for a bit, I am going to start “The Facade”, then “The Portent” a series that includes some of the things we have discussed here including but not limited to government UFO disclosure, mind control of the mk-ultra type, other sons of God and more.


I wonder how many downvotes I will get?

Happy New Year to you, Uncola! I think it will prove to be even more interesting than 2017. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Mary Christine
December 29, 2017 2:22 pm

Too late for me to edit but I forgot to add to tie things together that the “other sons of God” are related to the Tower of Babel incident.

By the way, the Tower of Babel incident shows that God set up the nations and that a one world government is more rebellion against what he set up.

This will probably trigger Stucky.

  Mary Christine
December 30, 2017 7:37 am

“This will probably trigger Stucky.”

I hardly think so.

I hate to turn into an Andrea clone but …. I wrote an article about Babel a while ago. Didn’t see any comments from you, so it was likely submitted before your time.

Here, if you want to check it out ….


December 30, 2017 9:40 am

I vaguely remember reading that one, Stuck, years before I started reading the comments. JQ’s articles brought me here and yours were/are always the icing on the cake. That was a fascinating read. Obviously, you thought it through way more than I did (i.e. – my response to Gayle below).

I’m going to read yours again later when I have time. Puzzles are fun.

  Mary Christine
December 30, 2017 8:09 am

“Tower of Babel incident shows that God set up the nations”

Does it really say that? Or, are you reading into it something not there?

As far as I can tell, Gods sole reason for for confounding their language was to prevent them from accomplishing anything they imagined.

The resulting nations — which nations? Liechtenstein? — was a byproduct.

What spiritual lessons are there in this story? That tall buildings are offensive to God? That a single language scares him … because by some mechanism a single language will lead bronze age people to accomplish anything they want? From the app to an Apple iPhone in one generation? That God actually has to come down from heaven to know what’s going on with humans?

  Mary Christine
December 30, 2017 8:13 am

Lastly, I think God prefers a one world government.

When Jesus comes back and rules for a thousand years with a rod of iron, isn’t that a one world government?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 30, 2017 9:24 am

If it didn’t trigger you than why did you feel the need to reply 3 times…?

  Mary Christine
December 30, 2017 9:30 am

Because one of my responsibilities here — I have so many — is to help uncola articles get to 100.

December 30, 2017 2:30 pm

Thanks Stuck! However, in a near selfish manner, I tend to use TBP as a “process” to test ideas and such. As you know, some comments are on-point (quality) and others tend to be a tad more… shall we say… frivolous (quantity). I enjoy all, but if given a choice, I would prefer a lower comment count of on-point contributions. But that is just me, personally, from my own selfish state of mind. I do thank you for your efforts though.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 30, 2017 2:57 pm

You want a hoity toity affair? There are all kinds of people who attend a party. Stuck says he plays the part of an MC, attracting the crowds and livening up the joint. If you forgo Stuck’s services, eventually those folks will avoid your dead parties. Such a venue is called a museum. Sipping Tokay wine and making precious small talk while chuckling at a jibe about the weather while noshing on cabbage and broccoli sprout hors d’oeuvres is not for me. We can party elsewhere, we don’t need this shit. You and HF tend to have low comment counts. Stucky says he wants to encourage folks to visit your articles because he sees potential in your writing. Don’t go getting all snooty when your just starting off, wait until your on par with society’s darling Capote before shooing off us riff-raff. HF says he welcomes even the frivolous freeloaders that don’t make on-point contributions. I shall await his next article and skip this snooty joint on New Years Eve. I wouldn’t want to share a crude joke with La Maggie and embarrass you. Sorry this comment isn’t a ‘quality’ comment.

December 30, 2017 3:07 pm

Did I not say I enjoy ALL? Why yes, I did. You should know, mi amigo, I can run up comment counts with the best of them in frivolous, freakish fun. I, personally, helped Stuck get one of his articles to 1oo just the other day. Somebody needs a hug.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 30, 2017 3:35 pm

Not me, it just sounded like you were giving Stuck the bum’s rush after he proudly boasted that it one of his jobs. One of the worst sins a person can commit is the sin of ingratitude. You can excuse many others on account of lust, greed or passion but what is ingratitude but the sin of pride? That shit cost Lucifer big time.
The most appealing thing about Admin is that he never puts on airs and he never forgets to thank folks for their support. Go ye and do likewise. Make Maggie proud.

December 30, 2017 4:01 pm

The difference is this: you were taking Stucky seriously, whereas I took it that he might have been teasing me / joking. Truth is, I don’t know how I could write articles that would generate enthusiastic commentary every time. Controversy, for sure, adds lift to the wings of discussion. Anger is definitely a fuel that creates internet conflagration. Humor? Sometimes. Sometimes not. I don’t know, El Conversant; most times I just think it’s all bigger than me.

December 30, 2017 4:20 pm

Actually, amigo, I was just trying to be funny with Mary Christine.

The real reason I made three separate posts is because they were three separate ideas … and that way people can vote on just one idea at a time, if they choose to vote.

I don’t like running up counts just for the hell of it.

I agree on GOOD commentary. Look at HF’s post from just the other day, By the time I read it, there were about 40 comments. Maybe 5 of them … MAYBE … had something to do with the article. I think it finished well over 100 … and all it devolved into was a mere teenage chat room, imho.

December 30, 2017 6:18 pm

FM’s hunting post will surpass the comment count of this one in just a matter of a few hours. Controversy sells. No biggie. It’s all in good fun.

  Mary Christine
December 29, 2017 3:34 pm

Interesting, MC. Speaking of that – as a side note – according to the biblical account in Genesis 11 – the builders of the tower wanted to:

A.) Build themselves a city

B.) A city with a tower that reached into the heavens

C.) So they could make a name for themselves

D.) And to avoid being scattered over the face of the earth

I suppose B & C could be said to have stemmed from pride whereas A & D testified to a desire for unity.

But, for me, it is even more interesting what the God of the Old Testament (in Genesis) was reported to have claimed in response. He (God) said (paraphrased) “Nothing planned by one people speaking the same language is impossible for them”.

That is quite a claim and one that I find fascinating; especially in light of the fact that technology has eliminated the language barrier in the modern world – AND – when considering how uniform language has applications ranging from science to medicine to religious and social orthodoxies.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 29, 2017 7:20 pm

You are very welcome, Uncola! Try listening to the Naked Bible Podcast or reading Michael Heiser’s blog at drmsh.com (google closes down for me when I search for it)



If you go the the Naked Bible Podcast, start at the “Are you new here?” point. He will teach you about the Divine Council and it will blow your mind! I am not kidding!

December 29, 2017 1:45 pm

There are very few in media, even in the new media blogosphere, who have a sufficient and working knowledge of the forces and tactics involved in the ongoing attempted overthrow of western society and its eventual delivery into the Fake and horrific promised land of Communism/Socialism/libcultism, but mr Uncola does an excellent job of unpacking much of it in this article.

I’m not usually one to applaud a writer, but the only other writer I can think of who dares to think so consistently “out of the box” – Out of the box meaning not in compliance with or aligned with current societal dogma and premises as spewed and demanded by Big Media – Is Daniel Greenberg. (Greenberg writes mostly for Frontpage mag BTW).

Greenberg’s writing is more polished than mr Uncola undoubtedly, but it is certainly no more insightful or on target which is all I really care about.

The underlying premise contained in this article, the notion that ALL Big Media – The entirety of the Infotainment Machine – is now one highly coordinated Machine attempting to overthrow society from within is an idea that most people refuse to even think about because they don’t believe they have the wherewithal to properly understand it. Big Media does its best to reinforce that notion, pushing myths of complication and confusion as much as they dare, always hoping to dispirit the average citizen and convince them to throw up their hands and just settle for the brainless, lowest-common-denominator entertainment swill that the Infotainment Machine churns out 24.7.

December 29, 2017 3:26 pm

I enjoyed your comment, Realist. And thank you for your perspectives and feedback. Other than poetry and letters to the editor, I really didn’t start writing (essays like this above) until later in life. I will have to check out Greenberg. I do hope to improve with time.

December 29, 2017 11:25 pm

His name is Daniel Greenfield, not “Greenberg”. He is a tremendous writer/truth-teller. Well worth your time.

Another nice piece, Uncola.

December 29, 2017 11:28 pm

Anon above is me. Don’t know why it sometimes defaults.

December 30, 2017 2:34 pm

Thanks Vodka. That was a typo on the name. So – I did find some articles by Greenfield and read them (just as I took your earlier advice to read me some Hunter S. Thompson). I have a theory: Because I write and read my own articles much slower than the readers peruse them, it would appear I have a tendency to add many unnecessary transitions that harm the overall flow (i.e. – less polished?).

Also because I am not a full-time freelance writer, I tend to rush these essays to post rather than waiting a day to look them over in a more detached way. I made some changes to this article above on my own site. If you (and/or Realist) would ever care to review this second draft, I would appreciate any further feedback you might have. No big deal either way. In any event, I will keep working on my writing presentation. And thanks for your input thus far.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 2:09 pm

Went to the new Star Wars the other evening. It was terrible. The storyline sucked, the acting was terrible and the only thing I came away with was that anything boys can do girls can do better. More liberal trash. What a waste of money. Hollywood doesn’t make anything anymore that isn’t rich in propaganda. It’s a shame.

  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 2:27 pm

Karl agrees with you about the SJW plotlines.


Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 3:05 pm

A good, accurate review. It’s a shitty movie because the liberals who made it have turned most things political to the point where quality (especially in art) no longer matters. It’s all about the mission. Convert the masses. Everything else be damned.

  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 3:27 pm

Regarding Star Wars, they seem to have watered down the brand. Kind of like the Godfather films; they should have stopped at two. IMO

  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 11:41 pm


I just got back from viewing it tonight. Two and a half hours of God awfulness. Wish I had known your warning. Although we did dine at a great Chinese place after to salvage the evening.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 2:35 pm

I went to see the one before this one. I had soured on SW after the little teddy bears were fighting in the forest. Shit, even Nightmare on Elm Street turned into a jokefest. I swore then, nevermore.

Anyway, my reason for piling on to your trashing of the new “Last Jedi, We Swear!” movie is the promotion of diminutive men. Oh sure, I’m 4’8″ which makes it all the more galling to see Yoda size heroes in the movies, I long for the days when Indiana Jones played the swashbuckling hero instead of these pint-size men in skinny jeans. Puhleeze!

Pret soon, only blacks will be allowed to be big. Whites will all be 5’2 (like Tom Cruise) and they will have squeaky girlish voices like Diego Luna. (I was already making these kinds of observations before the Alt Right, YoBo, check my comments from 2011 to date.)

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  EL Coyote
December 29, 2017 2:46 pm

I see what you did there. You are a wily old dog.

El Negro
El Negro
December 29, 2017 2:19 pm

I don’t remember the quote exactly but Bill Cooper always said it.”Those who do not think and use reason are no better than animals who have none. They are nothing more than steaks on the table ready to be consumed by the elite”.Thinking has become such a bothersome chore for maybe 90% of the world’s population.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  El Negro
December 29, 2017 2:39 pm

Your moniker seems kinda rayciss, Nigga. Any relation to El Magnifico?

Demorpheus J McCrakken
Demorpheus J McCrakken
  El Negro
December 29, 2017 2:42 pm

Dass right!! Demorpheus maybe doan hab as menny brain cells as some peoples, but Demorpheus try to use he brain cells all de time. Some ob dem smart fone peoples doan use any ob dey brain cells. Maybe dem fones be dumb fones. Morph keep an eye out for hungree peoples.

Demorpheus gettn better wit de spelling. De Reberan Jontabious helping Demorpheus.

December 29, 2017 7:48 pm

Zero Hedge is down for the count

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 30, 2017 1:46 am

May the reader resolve to not be fooled.

Too late for that bro, the country is held in thrall by the master tweeter reinventing the truth on the fly as he sees fit. I recall a description of a woman who lied so much, when she walked down the vegetable aisle of the grocery store, the veggies became neurotic. At this point in time the safest way to keep a semblance of sanity is to buy in on the tweeter’s version of truth. When the ground begins to spread apart under your feet, eventually you are forced to choose a side.

It’s just a matter of how you look at it. If your trying to hold on to your version of history, then the future is scary. But if you accept the new world order, we can all don storm-trooper masks and disappear in an ocean of white, like thx 1137, and live in a peaceful cotton-mind sea of tranquility.

On a side note, I recall a Spanish short film called Amante Menguante (Shrinking Lover). In a twist on the Incredible Shrinking Man, the hero of this story keeps shrinking until one day he enters his wife’s vagina and never comes back out. I imagine feminists would cream their jeans to watch this story now. As noted earlier, above, movie heroes are undergoing shrinking and soon, women will be the dominant, taller, gender (The Heat)

  EL Coyote
December 30, 2017 9:26 am

But if you accept the new world order, we can all don storm-trooper masks and disappear in an ocean of white, like thx 1137, and live in a peaceful cotton-mind sea of tranquility.

That is some pure sardonic beauty right there. You should write stand-alone posts, EC. Staring at one’s own belly-button is not all bad. Believe me. The people must not allow you to use that excuse anymore.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
December 30, 2017 9:07 am

Oh gawd, Uncoola didn’t take any uh mah gawd dammed advice, and here he is stuck at 43 again. And half uh those are Cap’n Noodledick.

Sturky, I think nows the time ter let ever one in our little secret as I don’t want ter be the plaything uh some gawd dammed jew hatin Kraut no more. That STD yer gave me is startin ter boil over and mah cooter is about ter sue yer ass fer damages. It ain’t werkin fer me no more, what with bizarrely long skinny pecker, and the fact that yer never like ter just cuddle afterwards and yerve always got that laptop on mah back seein what’s up with TBP.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Billah's wife
December 30, 2017 2:08 pm

Seriously, a side chick is only good for one thing. Sure, she wears herself out for you in the bedroom but that won’t extend to other rooms in the house. You’ve been impressed with the way she twists and turns your body until you don’t know if that arm is yours or hers. You think she’s the greatest cocksucker and anal sex freak since Kim Kardashian. It will all end once you marry her, ask Dutchman. Keep your sanity. Maybe her coarse language and hillbilly guffaws interspersed with snorts seemed delightfully fresh at one time, but they wear on you like penicillin injections to your dick every 3 or 4 weeks. She will pressure you to make an honest woman of her like Monica Lewinsky pressured Bill. Do you really want to be seen with this wreck in public? You have always been able to hold your head up high, proudly escorting the regal Mrs. Freud through upscale grocery stores and French restaurants, delighting in her delicate voice as she orders Darne de saumon grillee like she was ordering diamond jewelry at Tiffany’s. You would only be able to hang your head as you followed this bimbo from bar to bar wondering which of the dregs in the dark she hadn’t banged. I say all this as a friend and wish you well in case you decide to go ahead and pull the lever for this loutish loser. Don’t forget to send us an invite, the courthouse wedding and reception at Jimbob’s Bar and Grill ought to be a blast.

  EL Coyote
December 30, 2017 6:40 pm

Lol lol

Not to worry. I don’t even THINK about such things … especially not with BW. I’ve seen older KY women. It ain’t usually a pretty sight!

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