By Imperial Decree

A dangerous expansion of presidential power has gone virtually unnoticed.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Trump’s supporters can’t believe their man’s primary motivation is acquiring power. Trump’s enemies, other than Senator Feinstein, can’t believe how good he is at it. Neither side will recognize the real danger until it’s too late. Legions of worrywarts fret that an erratic, captured Trump will go off half-cocked and press a nuclear button or do something else almost as stupidly devastating. What should worry them are the precise calculations and bloodless strategies of the most ruthlessly Machiavellian president since Franklin D. Roosevelt as he further consolidates and extends his power. Given present jurisprudence, nothing in the Constitution stands in his way.

So Deep It’s Sunk,” SLL, 9/3/17

Exhibit One would be President Trump’s Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption, dated December 20, 2017. Within various executive orders issued by Trump’s predecessors, there are provisions that would scare the daylights out of any civil libertarian who had the time and intestinal fortitude to go through them. Trump has now added to this dubious pile.

In the finest tradition of such orders, regulations, and laws, the preamble cites Humongous Dangers.

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

President Trump’s Executive Order

By imperial decree, Trump assumes the power to block, or freeze, the property within the reach or control of the US government of, “any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General” to have engaged in, “serious human rights abuse” or “corruption.” The power to freeze assets is extended to any entity, including a government, which is led by or has an official who the Gang of Three determine is corrupt or a serious human rights abuser. Thirteen people listed in the annex are so labeled, although it appears that for most of them their crimes are alleged, not established by a judicial determination. An additional 39 individuals and entities were named in a Treasury Department release.

The power is also extended to anyone, US citizen or foreign national, who has “materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of” corrupt or human rights abusing foreigners. Keep in mind the government’s wholesale surveillance of Americans began with the claim that it would only be applied to Americans’ foreign contacts. The definition of foreign contacts in that instance has been stretched beyond recognition; look for something similar here.

The order specifies that no prior notice will be given to those whose property is blocked. No judicial recourse is provided, only that the Secretary of Treasury, “in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, is hereby authorized to determine that circumstances no longer warrant the blocking of the property and interests in property of a person listed in the Annex to this order, and to take necessary action to give effect to that determination.” Presumably enabling regulations will detail how those—whether listed in the annex or named later—whose assets are frozen can petition the Secretary of Treasury, if the accused has enough unfrozen assets to hire the necessary legal assistance and run the bureaucratic gamut.

This is civil asset forfeiture going global and running amuck. Civil asset forfeiture allows state and local governments and the federal government to seize assets it deems involved in crime, with no requirement that the property owner be found guilty of any crime. The burden is then on property owners to prove the “innocence” of their property in a judicial proceeding to reclaim the property. Abuse is rampant. In 2014 government took more through civil asset forfeiture ($4.5 billion) than the total lost in burglaries ($3.9 billion, according to the FBI). Fourteen states have amended their laws to require a criminal conviction in most or all forfeiture cases.

Sometimes the federal government and either state or local governments team up and split the booty (the Equitable Sharing Program). Barack Obama tried to stop this practice, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions has reinstated it. President Trump endorsed expansive civil asset forfeiture in off-the-cuff remarks to the National Sheriff’s Association at the White House in February. It’s unclear if Trump knew exactly what he was endorsing.

Judging by this newest executive order, he might have. The executive order does not allow the government to seize the assets in question. However, a freeze, as civil asset forfeiture demonstrates, can be tantamount to seizure for the property owner if it leaves the individual or entity without access to resources. And a future executive order could allow the government to confiscate what it has frozen, which would turn Trump’s executive order into the global equivalent of civil asset forfeiture.

The US government simply has to label a foreign person or entity guilty of corruption or human rights abuse, and not only can their assets be frozen, but the assets of any US citizen or entity that the government determines assisted the foreign person or entity can be as well. This further erodes the tattered remnant of American property rights. Multinational corporations down to individuals now have to worry that their foreign contacts and transactions might run afoul of a bureaucratic determination of culpability by those with whom they contacted or transacted, exposing them to an asset freeze.

The Trump Administration quietly issued an Executive Order (EO) last Thursday…

Zero Hedge, “New Trump Executive Order Targets Clinton-Linked Individuals, Lobbyists, And Perhaps Uranium One” 12/28/17

In “Is Trump Winning?” SLL said that, “when Trump does anything quietly, take note.” Aside from the Zero Hedge article there has been remarkably little said in either the mainstream or alternative media about this sweeping order, though it puts within the Trump Administration’s grasp a substantial portion of the world’s assets. The Zero Hedge article was generally laudatory, and that site has long been vigilant concerning expanding government and its many dangers.

President Trump is amassing power. Civil liberties are merely an obstacle, notwithstanding his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. Some of his fans are delighted that this new executive order will make it easier for him to go after his enemies, especially the detested Clintons and their foundation. The 13 people listed in the annex are alleged to have done dastardly deeds, and some have ties to the Clintons. However, executive orders establish law and precedent, and this one will give a future president the power to go after a different set of enemies—maybe Trump supporters or even Trump himself.

Perhaps legislation would have to be passed or an executive order promulgated allowing the president to jail anyone he or she chooses without a trial before they’d see the danger, and even then they might not object…at least until Trump was out of office. For the rest of us, the message is clear: Trump craves power and is adept at acquiring it. The modus operandi of governments is clear: what they acquire is taken from someone else. What Trump acquires will ultimately be at the cost of our liberty and individual rights. Once they’re gone, there’s nothing left.

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January 2, 2018 1:31 pm

FDR did the same thing, confiscating private citizens’ gold, and got away with it. The American people should have told FDR to “go pound sand”…

January 2, 2018 4:40 pm

One time in Junior High School I was fighting this kid. He was a southpaw so I kept my elbows down and focused on his left jab. I soon discovered the danger of his right cross and adapted accordingly. Political power couldn’t be like that. Could it?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 2, 2018 7:05 pm

Yes and just like when the gold was hoovered up, some kept theirs. This is very likely why bitcoin has jumped to $20k. When all of your wealth is going to be confiscated, it does not matter how much you lose, you just have to get it into something safe and you will spend what ever it takes to get those nerds to part with their bitcoins.

Le Viola.

joe schmoe
joe schmoe
January 5, 2018 9:31 am

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Learner, Rice, Abadin, wasserman shultz and others have been proven to be felons and in some cases treasonous traitors to this country. They have their murderous machine to protect them. Ask Seth Rich, Vince Foster, etc. If this is what it takes to bring these criminals to justice then go for it! We the people retain our 2nd for when the next Obama tries to destroy this country.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 2, 2018 1:40 pm

Another great piece, as usual.

Here’s the thing- all along, for quite sometime now it has been observed that by allowing people to get away with criminality simply because they have climbed up the ladder into positions of power or served those who have, the die has been cast. When the Patriot Act was passed it was only a matter of time until someone came along and really took advantage. There’s no clear sign that Trump is the guy/gal/whozit/whatzit that will do it, but do it someone will and there will be nothing anyone can do to stop it.

If you have ever been in a position to observe a person assert their will to power over others, particularly in life or death situations, you would be shocked at how easy it is to get others to acquiesce to their actions. It simply happens, like youths run amok at the Mall, My Lai, Waco, etc. Once it starts, there are plenty of willing accomplices to go around and only later will people ask how it happened.

It’s hard to be the only adults in the room, but it is the time in which we live, so as they say…

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 2, 2018 2:04 pm

Sorry, I disagree. Trump is no Mussolini. I understand the concerns of Gore and others like him but the problem is that they do not grasp the big picture. Under normal circumstances this executive order would raise troubling questions. This, however, is the situation: A Globalist “elite” bent on erasing national sovereignty and replacing the white populations of the West with Third World serfs, is at war with Trump and his nationalist supporters. This is a life-and-death struggle and will end with the total defeat of one side or the other. It is obvious that Trump intends to use this executive order against the enemies of the American people in the Democratic Party, our foreign enemies, and the traitors within his own party, all of whom are invested in an internationalist movement that, if it is successful, will mean the end of America. I happen to believe that Trump will eventually be forced to use naked, brutal military power to defeat the horde of traitors he confronts. It will be far uglier than the results of some executive order. it would be nice to think that the erosion of our freedom and independence that has occurred over the last 70 years or so could be reversed through nice and tidy legal processes. Keep dreaming. We are in a knife fight and, as Paul Newman made clear in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, there are no rules. Go ahead and clutch your pearls and take out your smelling salts. You ain´t seen nothing yet.

  Southern Sage
January 2, 2018 2:14 pm

I agree 100%. I was going to say something similar, but maybe not as nice:)

You are spot on in my opinion.

I never heard anybody complain about EO under Clinton/Bush2/Bamy – not one single complaint when they were used against us. Now, that they are being used to clean up the Deep State Criminals there are unfounded complaints. Maybe, just maybe, these complainers are on the wrong side.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 2, 2018 2:36 pm

Sure you did, either that or you travel in different circles than I do.

The trouble is that principled people are rarely aligned with party politics and those who aren’t don’t have a voice in the way our nation operates.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  hardscrabble farmer
January 2, 2018 3:19 pm

Bret Stephens is real big on principles over party. I hate Bret Stephens.

  Southern Sage
January 2, 2018 2:55 pm

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

There is a reason that US politics has the “red team” and the “blue team”, it’s easier to take our rights away when it becomes analogous to screwing over the “other team”. It’s ok because it’s “your guy”, right?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 2, 2018 3:25 pm

Yeah, yeah. The last administration was “unmasking” its political enemies for the last six years – by DOJ’s own admission to the FISA court- but the other party is supposed to say “My Dear Good Fellow, let us now resolve to only the most honorable of actions.” Sounds like something that Baizuo Ben Sassehole would advocate.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 2, 2018 10:21 pm

What is this Red and Blue team you speak of? I don’t see any such thing, anymore.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 3, 2018 2:12 am

Right. This is a war, not a hockey game. As for your tedious “First they came for…….” nonsense, most of the people the Nazis locked up were Communists, common criminals, assorted perverts and outright traitors of various kinds. If people like you persist in ignoring reality we are lost.

  Southern Sage
January 3, 2018 8:01 am

Arguments like you’re making is exactly what got us here in the first place. Essentially you are saying that it’s ok to break a law that you disagree with, or it’s ok for someone you agree with to break the law. I’ll bet you’re a hand-wringer when it came to BHO and his illegal executive orders. Hypocrisy much? We either have laws that apply equally, or we have none (such as now).

FYI, the essence of the quote is important, not the details. But you knew that.

old white guy
old white guy
January 3, 2018 9:44 am

does this qualify for nothing new under the sun?

kokoda Raccoon
kokoda Raccoon
  Southern Sage
January 2, 2018 3:02 pm

Like your reply, but I have one concern: the EO limits to “any foreign person…”
I keep thinking of Clintons and Haiti and they well get away with their theft, along with screwing the people and that country.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  kokoda Raccoon
January 3, 2018 4:49 pm

No Raccoon, it does not limit to foreign persons…did you even read it?

It INCLUDES foreign persons. It’s not exclusive to them.

Read sections (ii) and (iii) and their subsections:

“(ii) any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:”

“(iii) any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:”

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Robert Gore
January 2, 2018 3:28 pm

“We’ve been doing that for over a century.” I think you’re making Southern Sage’s point. You want to fight a musket duel against someone with a fully automatic who’s hiding behind a tree. Good luck with that.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
  Robert Gore
January 2, 2018 7:15 pm

Your comment belongs over at RedState/Resurgent/Nat’l Review/Wkly Std.
Bring lots of lotion for all your hand-wringing.
Chant “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony” and “give peace a chance.”
*rolls eyes*

You REALLY think the Dems would hesitate a NANOsecond to do this, once they’re back in power?!
After what they’ve ALREADY done over the past 8 years?!

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 2:15 am

Agree in principle but I know such an attitude will lead to the destruction of America. The America you are thinking to save is already dead. The best we can hope for is to keep this a mainly white, Western, vaguely Christian country. Hoping for anything else is a pipe dream.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 7:21 am

History belies your point, Robert. Look at Lincoln and FDR. Their extreme measures, once used were returned to the scabbard of history. I suppose anyone with a connection to the Clintons has cause for concern.

Robert (QSLV)

  Southern Sage
January 2, 2018 3:20 pm

Southern Sage, let me be the first to bow at your feet. It doesn’t get any clearer than that. GREAT job. Edit: And Robert, I didn’t read down. Enough with the b*******. If we don’t win the big fight, the stuff you’re worried about won’t matter one way or the other. Southern Sage is just telling you something you are have had trouble grasping for a while. Using your line of thinking, there are no solutions. Using Sage’s of thinking there is, and his name is Trump There will be a time for the fights that you want later. The way to the top isn’t always a straight line. Don’t be such an insect.

  Southern Sage
January 2, 2018 6:40 pm

Sage, I agree with you. The idea of someone’s civil liberties being at stake is on a train that left the station quite a while ago. What about the civil liberties that the left has stolen from me over the years? Also, as long as the NDAA (signed by Obama) is in place, it doesn’t alarm me that this is going on, because that EO is even broader in its violations of the Constitution than Trump’s. That EO set the standard for this one, and those darn unintended consequences are in play again.

If the DOJ tried going after these people using regular procedures, their friends in the press, their armies of highly paid attorneys and the remaining corrupt sitting judges would make sure their cases festered for years, while they continued their sickening lives, laughing all the way. It’s asking a lot for us to play fair with them, and it would be stupid to do so. I speak of “us” as though Trump is on the side of the people. Time will tell.

I don’t like the misuse of presidential power, which this may be, but at this time in history, only a draconian response will stop these people. It is a difficult issue though.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 3, 2018 4:06 am

One thing you have to keep in mind, there’s no evidence yet that this is against the Obamas, Clintons, Podestas and the other scumbags. This may be used to go after Iran and Syria and North Korea for all we know.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
  Southern Sage
January 2, 2018 7:10 pm

Yep! It’s a shame, though, to see people
*still* desperately clinging to the hope fantasy
that *any* form of “show of force” is an attack on “personal freedom.”
(the kind who probably whined about Churchill or Patton)

It’s a double-whammy hybrid of
libertarian ideological delusion (“if we just legalize weed and homo love, we’ll all be FREE!”)
and GOPe corruption and cowardice.

It’s really not that complex: fight fire with fire, until you’ve crushed the b*stards.

  Southern Sage
January 3, 2018 8:56 am

Very true. But it’s also true that this EO could be used to seize the property of virtually any American citizen without any process, let alone due process, which is more than even Kings could do in England….

  Southern Sage
January 4, 2018 9:16 am

Agree SS. I like Robert cringed when this EO came out and I read the story on ZH. But where I think Robert is mistaken is his thinking Trump is power hungry. His actions do not reflect this. Otherwise he would have told the judges that have over ruled his many actions to “go pound sand”. He would not have recognized their authority over the executive branch. Further, he would simply fire Mueller right now and be done with this bogus investigation. IMO Trump has issued this EO for a specific purpose. Time will tell… Chip

22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
January 2, 2018 2:14 pm

This is concerning, but not as concerning as Trump recently approving McCain’s wet dream: arms sales to the stooges in Kiev.

This is easily one of the most important, yet underreported stories of 2017.

January 2, 2018 2:16 pm

Any weapon can be used for good or evil. The rot within this system is deeper than the underbrush of the California fires. An executive order is as easily implimented as recinded. I’m confident as of now, Trump has collectively our best interests on this loathesome body of trash that nobody else has had the balls to dissect.

Rather Not
Rather Not
January 2, 2018 2:22 pm

I am highly opposed to the concentration of unchecked power at the federal level, and especially within the executive branch. However, I am not sympathetic to anyone just now getting on that train. You better have been showing concern over those abuses going back through every administration going back to the Clinton Administration (I mean the one that happened, not the repeatedly formerly inevitable one) at the bare minimum. Bush I should certainly be on there, but I will make allowances for some degree of partisan awakening. Also willing to go back to FDR, Wilson, the other Roosevelt, Lincoln. (I am not on board with those that go back to Jefferson personally, but understand). But anyone (and I am not necessarily putting Robert Gore into this category) just now getting concerned about it when the power has slipped from the deep state to (potentially) someone going to use it to crush the deep state is highly suspect.

I don’t want the IRS to stop abusing conservative groups, I want the IRS to abuse the progressives until lefties demand checks on government power. I don’t want the EPA to stop the ‘sue and settle’ fraud, I want the environmental groups gutted by it and the damage caused reversed, and the environmental groups are demanding an absolute ban on the practice. I want the banks and non-bank financial industry regulatorily abused until they beg to have glass steigal reinstated. I want the DOJ to focus prosecutions on those who have in the past received the connected and powerful’s ‘prosecutorial discretion’ pass. I want annual audits by both the IRS and the SEC of the finances of every congresscritter and senior official. I want Lobbyists denouncing any ability to influence anyone for fear of being lynched. Metaphorically. Or not. I want the full force and wrath of the frankenstein monster the centralized power has become focused on those who donated it into being until they not only renounce it, not only want it killed, but lead the charge and take the casualties necessary to kill it. It is not enough to have them regret it slipping into the hands of someone else once, because they will simply make sure that never happens again. They need to fear that it exists at all.

They created the ring of power, they are the ones who should have to suffer the casualties of the battle at the black gate to kill it.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Rather Not
January 3, 2018 1:14 pm

It’s always amazing how it’s all there in LOTR.

January 2, 2018 2:24 pm

I want to see a stake driven through the heart of all the Vampires…and that EO is a helluva hammer…but it worries me to see the Federal fangs getting so long.

Will they be retracted before the pendulum swings?

Poet Warrior
Poet Warrior
January 2, 2018 2:25 pm

This is simple…. ever heard the expression ‘power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely’??? the previous three administration wrote EOs and passed laws the enabled them to take power over their opponents (general populous)… Trump is now using these tools to seize the plunder of criminals… think about police in some states seizing monies and from honest citizens and accusing the money of a crime… help me out here; what administration did this practice start under??? ever hear the expression ‘the fish rots from the head down’??? so you are complaining about an administration working through such high levels of corruption that WWIII was at our doorstep… the naivety of supporting a criminal regime show serious lack of insight… clinging to deception to fit a false narrative is a sign of brain-washing…. God bless American, you and yours…………….

January 2, 2018 2:27 pm

So, it’s ok that our liberties are taken when Donald takes them? That’s fucked up thinking.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
January 2, 2018 7:17 pm

Go give your Ron Paul doll a hug.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
January 3, 2018 7:26 am

Give us an alternative.

Robert (QSLV)

January 2, 2018 3:27 pm

Impeach Trump, get him out Now!!

We need to restore the Constitutional integrity, Presidentialrespect of law, and morality we had under Obama!

kokoda Raccoon
kokoda Raccoon
January 2, 2018 4:48 pm


Many thanx; got my 1st hearty laugh of the day.
That was hilarious.
You did forget to add the /sarc tag

January 2, 2018 3:31 pm

Has anyone on this board ever hear of calling in an airstrike in close quarters combat when heavily outnumbered and surrounded by the enemy? It happens and many of the enemy are killed along with some ‘friendlies, forcing them to pull back and leave at least some of the good guys to fight another day.
I have been AWOL for the last 8 yrs or so even reading the liberal news….now I think we have at least a momentary reprieve from the onslaught to mentally and spiritually regroup, thanks to the Orangeman.

January 2, 2018 3:55 pm

One day you fuckers hate the government for extending it’s reach, the next day you cheer, because the reach was extended in your favor. Tattoo “They should make a law” on your fucking foreheads. Oh, that’s right, it’s not a law, it’s a decree.

Rather Not
Rather Not
January 2, 2018 4:22 pm

You can be:
A) A hypocritical winner
B) A sincere loser, clutching your pearls
C) A hypocritical loser

I hope we agree to stop being C. I choose A. I understand you choose B. But it will turn into professing your neutrality from no mans land. Sooner or later you will have to choose a side and fight like hell for your side to win.

The founding law of the land, The Constitution, was a constraint on Leviathan. Leviathan has long since broken free of its Constitutional restraints, with the help of many allies. Even if you manage to slip the chains back on Leviathan for a period, the allies will free it again. Unless you make them fear Leviathan rather than considering a tool to their objectives.

  Rather Not
January 2, 2018 4:48 pm

How about D. A fearful loner. E. An angry motherfucker F. A sorry sob G. A revolutionary. H. A Pragmatist. I like my side Thank you. You construct the guillotine, I’ll watch. You’re in charge forevermore, I’ll go cut some firewood. I’m just a dirt people, call me if you need more ammo. Got some Leviathan loads on special today.

Rather, Not
Rather, Not
January 3, 2018 7:48 am

So you’re not willing to support a political war on Leviathan, never mind literal war. So, what is the point of all the ammo?

May your chains set lightly upon you, and posterity forget ye were our countryman.

January 2, 2018 6:49 pm

I am a law abiding, tax-paying citizen. They are criminals and traitors. I hope that once in a while a reach could be extended in my favor instead of theirs.

January 2, 2018 11:01 pm

I could use a reach around too.

January 2, 2018 11:40 pm

Different un

January 2, 2018 4:31 pm

I wish I had the time to research the history of EOs. When they got started, and why, and what were the original provisions. But, I’m too lazy, and have few fucks to give in 2018. It would be nice to know because I have this suspicion that under the last few POTUSes the EO has been greatly misused, perhaps even anti-Constitutionally.

They range from bad, meh, to good. I really HATE them ALL. It really is ruling by Imperial Decree. Fucken DICtators.

But, Trump rules by EO because its the ONLY way he can get shit done … since he even has to fight his own shitfuk party.

I also think Robert Gore reads too much into this EO … so many of these have no teeth, and even if they have teeth are often not followed. The Oreo Muslim signed a shitload of EOs, and conservatives cried FOUL! after many of them, complaining about the loss of liberties, and other bad shit. And they may have been right. And now the other side is saying the same about Trump. All of it is pretty fucking confusing.

January 2, 2018 4:33 pm

Trump signed 90 executive actions in his first 100 days — here they are, and what each one does.

I think there are a few here even worse than the one the article discusses.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 2, 2018 5:05 pm

One fag lauding another:

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
January 2, 2018 5:10 pm

Poor, sad, Robert Gore.
In a perfect world, in which both sides would play by the rules,
well then, yesiree, his “goin’ through Congress, makin’ laws” approach
sure would make sense.

In TODAY’S world, he sounds like the GOPe, who want to lose with dignity and principles.
I think enough of us have seen where that leads….

Anything to ensnare and punish Clinton & Co. .
After 8 years of proof what Obama can do (and has done),
you *really* want to give us that old,
“we gotta play by the rules, or we’re no better than they are!” cr*pola?!?

Welcome to 2018; you can put away those rose colored glasses, now.

January 2, 2018 5:36 pm

I agree with all the article and all the comments, all at the same time!
Horrible things were / are being done, by all three branches of the government.
There was a Nazi-symp site called Stormfront, on the regular ‘Net. A company called Cloudflare was being paid to keep off the vipers, those who would shut down the site using DDoS attacks and such; one day the CEO decided he wouldn’t keep Stormfront as a client, with little or no notice he dropped them and the attacks shut it down (on the regular ‘Net) immediately. (It resurfaced on the Dark Net).
The CEO observed, “No one should have the power to do this, to simply decide that a website is bad and just wipe them off the face of the Net.” But he had the power and he used it; Stormfront was gone (at least temporarily) just like _that_, just because one man could decide that they shouldn’t be there and make that change happen.
Whether or not Stormfront (or anyone else) should be SILENCED because one person (or another, or even a dozen or a million) simply DOES NOT LIKE, APPROVE OR AGREE with their point of view, BEING ABLE TO is a bad problem for free speech, truth and objectivity. It’s PC censorship arbitrarily applied by arbitrary people for arbitrary reasons. You should be able to say ANYTHING on the ‘Net and have people disagree, disprove and dispute it all day long. It’s an abuse of power and position to deny free speech to anyone, and HATE SPEECH does not exist – more PC nonsense. If you’re offended, say why and how the offender is wrong – and give them the opportunity to respond. It’s how TBP works, and eventually we learn why we believe what we believe – and strengthen our beliefs accordingly.
But this Soviet-style censorship of views we disagree with only indicates that the censors have weak minds, cannot defend their positions / beliefs in public and resort to censorship to avoid having their weaknesses explored, examined, outlined, revealed -and CORRECTED. If you think gold rusts, and SILENCE anyone who tries to teach you, YOU are still ignorant and gold is still a noble metal. Worse, you might prevent some other fool who also thinks gold rusts from learning the truth that you silenced.
Trump is gathering tools that can be used against anyone. Only Trump’s character, or lack or it, will ultimately dictate how those tools are used, or against whom. It is really a bad precedent, idea and practice to allow arbitrary seizure of anyone’s assets without a fair trial, judicial proceeding or similar process.
It is also true that assets travel at the speed of electrons these days, and leaving (for example) Soros’ billions available to subvert democracy, finance riots (BLM and Antifa) and create havoc and chaos for profit is a bad idea. If you don’t seize them instantaneously, they can travel from one account around the world a dozen times in an hour and wind up serving evil purposes under an entirely different name in some location you can’t even trace, let alone stop from further evil.
It’s a tough call. Evil doesn’t care about Constitutional restraints, and this may well be the knife fight / last battle between America and globalism, death to the loser; if your enemy insists on killing you, what are you NOT allowed to do in your own defense?
Hard times, hard choices, hard battles. Choose and live with your choices.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 2, 2018 5:44 pm

Well Robert,

The American people had a choice between a cold civil war and a hot one. They choose cold.

You are at war, make no mistake, and one does not fight a war against a global cabal of corrupt elite shit stains with both hands tied behind ones back.

FWIW, I agree with your sentiment. But the time for fixing this problem the right way was twenty years ago (or longer). It’s too late now and unfortunately it’s going to play out for better or for worse at this stage.

Let’s hope it doesn’t get hot, that some proper form of justice is served and that the republic that you love and I admire can be returned to some semblance of sanity and righteousness. Because if Trump is not successful, some day, probably in the not so distant future, we will most assuredly all hang together.

January 2, 2018 6:22 pm

@ Robert Gore

“We can’t throw away principles and the Constitution “just this once” justifying it by the purported dangers we face.”

Sorry to bust your bubble but we in the United States no longer live under Constitutional Law. We live under Administrative Law. This Administrative Law has no natural, moral, or ethical foundation so justification need not be explained. Look up the Administrative Procedures Act that all the State legislatures passed to verify what I am saying. Even the courts are not Constitutional courts they are Administrative Courts. The courts were changed when the States passed this act.

At all levels of government men are passing Administrative rules and regulations under the color of “rule of law” without regard to the unintended consequences many of these unprincipled policies are causing and forcing people to live by them. There is no recourse in the courts because when one enters an Administrative Court it is like asking a tiger that has you in it’s grip not to eat you.

Please remove your rose colored glasses and look at the reality we live in. The Constitution is now displayed in a museum. It has been circumscribed by Administrative Law.

January 2, 2018 7:43 pm

Most of the EOs, Proclamations, etc appear to be part of the exercise of Executive Authority. They authorize actions or prohibit action as the result of a “descision” by the Executive much as has been done in the past by others. Obviously, there have been Presidential actions notanticipated by legislation or the Constitution.

In the current case, I would have expected a citation of law, authority, or precedent in the EO, but possibly this is an error in my perception. This may be a case of “because I can” or it might be a “force play” that can be fought only if the opponents reveal their location or actual involvement. Near as I can tell, almost no government action is immune from challenge, if an individual (human or corporate) has “standing” or an interest to protect. Most of the civil forfeture cases are effective since the involved parties can not contest the action for financial or legal reasons.

To praraphrase: “How is this EO different from all others?” Where is the over-reach?

  Robert Gore
January 2, 2018 8:38 pm

“Who’s being naive?” Uh, that would be you, Robert.

  Robert Gore
January 2, 2018 8:59 pm

Yes, it would. In your opinion, how do we crush the concentration of power, both public and private, that has taken away the America we both love? I’ve said this before, the only way to do that is to have a righteous Federal government take down the entities that hijacked it in the first place. Got any better ideas? Let me answer that for you. No. Let’s ask Ron Paul. Dr. Paul, how do we fix this? “Liberty, liberty, liberty, send me money.” Nevermind. Fixing this, as Sage says above, is bound to get ugly. Not the time to grow faint at the sight of blood. Lot of other lib-tard claptrap on display here as well. FDR was President. The country was starving. What should he have done? Let people starve? Whatever happened to common sense? Ending the Fed? Wouldn’t improve your life one bit. Going to a gold standard? Still nothing. Turn all the Jews into soap? Nothing gets better. There are lots and lots of problems that have developed over the last 25 years. It’s going to take a lot of hard work and a lot of grit to turn this around. And laugh if you want, but you’re certainly not going to do with your hands tied behind your back. It’s going to take power, raw, nasty, don’t give a fuck power. Trump knows this, that’s why we voted him in as president. Where would we be without Trump? Who’s the next best option? Open your eyes. There isn’t one

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 2, 2018 9:44 pm


You’re a good guy and I like you. But don’t get too smug. Robert is right in everything he wrote. It’s just too late is all. We, the entire western world, have crossed the Rubicon. It’s sad really. But it’s also time to start choosing sides.

See you in the fox hole. So to speak.

  Francis Marion
January 2, 2018 9:56 pm

Francis, I’m a fan of Robert’s writing. And I’m not a fan of all of an overly powerful government. But the inflexible idea, government bad, private good, is insane at this particular time. Lots of people are wedded to their particular version, and only their particular version, of how the revolution needs to go down. My only message to Robert is the same as it is to anybody else. It’s going down right now. Whether Robert approves or not. Not the time to nitpick on the one bad mother f***** that’s getting it done. Overthecliff gets it right a couple of ticks below. You run a business. You know how it is. It’s pass-fail, all the time. We’re at that point as a civilization. It’s pass-fail time. I agree with you Roberts arguments were totally valid in the recent past. Jim always likes to remind me of the importance of Ron Paul to the creation of this website. And I like Ron Paul a lot. But he didn’t get the required result. So we can’t just pretend that that’s the way that this is going to get fixed. This guy’s on it. I don’t make a whole lot of predictions about how well he’s going to do. It’s a dog fight. But he’s fighting the fight. And I respect and admire that

  Robert Gore
January 2, 2018 9:06 pm

For what it’s worth, I think you make an excellent case for “two wrongs don’t make a right”. On the other hand you can’t fight use Queensbury Rules in a street brawl. A tough call but reading all the comments has been a real treat.

  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 1:27 am

“The only thing supporters of this executive order have is their FAITH in Trump.”


It is becoming a religion.

January 3, 2018 10:33 pm

And a damn good religion!!

Poet Warrior
Poet Warrior
  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 3:23 am

Wonderful that you have reviewed so many of the posts… through experiences and having direct knowledge of individuals like President Trump, he is a joy to watch… there exist Wholly men in the far-east… who have amazing powers to teach with awesome insight… you must not weigh the ignorance of common men against the great ones… President Trump fears no one or thing… he listens to his own council… he sets a goal and through experience he has watch all his goals materialize… too many for a common man to count or even recognize… you stated ‘he wants power’… when you fear no one or thing you already have all the power imaginable… without fear there is no greed… and most important you are not deluded by trinkets or praise… President Trump is teaching the world to be sovereign with in our hearts… for too long the tyrants have stolen the places from which to rule… tyrants also have no idea of the lessons they will have in their fall…. God bless America

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 4:28 am

Robert, I agree with you. And I said in a previous Q post that this would be precedent setting for future presidents to use. Just because it’s Trump makes no difference. What bothers me is people are basing their acceptance of this on postings that haven’t been proven true yet. Yet they cheer for it and even encourage it. This could have absolutely nothing to do with the Obamas, Clintons, the Deep State, etc. There could be other targets in mind, not in our government, such as Iran and North Korea.

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 10:54 am

Robert – I for one think you are absolutely correct in your analysis. Frankly, there are enough laws on the books RIGHT NOW, that if Trump wanted to crush most of the funding of his opponents, through rule of existing law, as well as set the CORRECT path moving forward, he could sit in sessions office for about 3 hours and map out a game plan to get it done.
Folks, sorry but you are being naive to the extreme if you believe that ANYONE should have this type of power. ANYONE. The entire point of the constitution was to have distributed power with check and balances. In 1913 that was derailed by the Fed and the income tax, and has gotten worse ever since. Now is simply the final results of the lack of checks and balances. I agree that the genie is already out of the bottle, however Trump is 70. Even IF he is completely noble in his actions, he is not going to live / be in office forever. IF he does not succeed in his vision, then the odds are not in favor of his predecessor caring about his vision. But they will have the power to exercise their own “vision”. Be careful what you wish for indeed.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 1:32 pm

Robert – Good article and, as usual, well written/factually correct. What’s interesting to me is that I agree with your arguments but disagree with your conclusion. Believe that it has something to do with the 4th Turning in which we find ourselves and the (imo) probability that this one will not end peacefully in any event. That being the case I believe we must either seize the opportunity to renew the Republic by any means at hand or resign ourselves to the near-certainty of an Orwellian dictatorship (with a certain amount of Huxleyite window-dressing). In any event keep up the good work; you always make me think, particularly about what I need to do “now”.

  Robert Gore
January 3, 2018 6:27 pm

Is there any more powerful institution in America, indeed in the whole world, than the US government?

I remember seeing the video clips online of the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner; when Barry humiliated Trump over the Donald’s challenges regarding the Kenyan’s birth certificate imbroglio.

Trump had alluded to running for the presidency for years, but that night may have solidified his decision. He seemed quite focused while sitting the audience and what better, grander way to turn the tables? Love of country could, in fact, be the Orange One’s primary motivation, but pride and desire for revenge are also powerful inclinations.

Later in this less than 3 minute video, Russel Simmons chimed in and look at him now.

If I was Seth Meyers, I’d be regularly glancing over my shoulder. Could he be next?

January 2, 2018 8:45 pm

Robert, after we win we can make some rules. Right now, we are in a war and there ain’t no rules.

January 2, 2018 8:53 pm

I’m surprised no one mentioned our glorious union-saver, Saint Abraham Lincoln. I mean, did that guy even know there was such a thing as the Constitution when he swore to uphold it? And exactly where in it did he find the language that compelled him to slaughter 600,000 of his own people?

We are way, way beyond the quaint notion that there’s a Constitution and by God “our” side better abide by it. All we have left is the unwillingness of some of our mini-dictators in the regulatory agencies to use the brute force they’ve been granted. Imagine if Hillary had been elected ….

January 2, 2018 10:03 pm

Obtain and read “The Real Lincoln” by Thomas DiLorenzo. It is an eye-opener that shows Lincoln as a tyrant.

January 2, 2018 10:18 pm

EOs are written under the framework of Administrative Law. They are enforced under the framework of Administrative Law.

The Framework of our three branches of government was established by the Constitution but because of the acceptance of Administrative Law by the three branches our laws are no longer Constitutionally based.

We have another form of government today. We do not have a true Senate because of the 17th Amendment. The judicial Branch settles Administrative issues. In other words today our form of government is not what was created by the Constitution.

The sooner the population realizes this the sooner this Administrative Law can be raised to a higher standard where it falls under the natural, moral and ethical principles that our civilization is based on.

Administrative Law is peddled as the “rule of Law.” What gives this Law the right to be followed? What principle? The supreme principle is GOODNESS. If all types of unintended consequences are caused by a law then this is not GOODNESS. We humans are by far not perfect. Laws are being created that punish our imperfections rather than help us overcome them are bad laws. Laws created that benefit one group at the expense of others are bad laws. Laws created that value money over what is right and good are bad laws. Laws created to control people rather than guide them to do good are bad laws. Laws created to regulate human self direction and stop individual creativity by banning what one can do are bad laws.

This is what Administrative Law has become. These laws; the way they are used and implemented, do not solve our social and economic problems but rather makes them worse. The people making and carrying out these laws have the flaw of looking at themselves and their intent while looking at what the actions of others are doing. They never consider their own actions and the intent of others. This leads to bad judgments on their part.

There was a time before Administrative law became the law of the land when the police were there to keep the peace. After Administrative Law was put into place the police were forced into Law Enforcement as priority over keeping the peace. Today this has caused many problems between the public and the police.

The time has come when we really need to take a look at the laws that have been created and evaluate their usefulness. We need to look at the consequences of these laws on people and the police. Are some of these laws really good? Are some of these laws arbitrary? Are some of these laws criminal in themselves?

Administrative Law Statutes were created in congress under the direction of President Roosevelt. They were then presented to the States to be adopted and implemented. By the end of the 60s all the States had adapted them and the courts were changed to Administrative courts. With that the innocent plea was dropped. Common Law ceased to be the law of the land. Contract Law became the Law of the Land. The common people now entered courts not of their understanding. To this day most people do not know what they are entering into when they enter an Administrative Court. It is a sad thing to witness.

It seems the only way through this is for people to wake up.

January 2, 2018 10:37 pm

After reading the comments I have one more thing to say. The revolution has to start from the bottom up starting at the local level. The people at the top rule by force of the law. The many automatons they employ follow the corrupt laws the top makes.

Many are starting to wake up. When the masses finally wake up it will be over for the top. No shots need to be fired. It will just be game over.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 2, 2018 10:40 pm

Issuing that EO when he did means something. He also declared January “National Slavery-Human Trafficking Prevention Month”

No one in the MSM is talking about this. If Obama had done it, everyone would be talking about it.

I don’t like EO’s, I think they are over reach. But you use what you have available to slay the dragon.

Interesting times, eh?

January 2, 2018 11:39 pm

I am interested in the relationship of the EO to the 10,000 or so sealed indictments sitting in files around the country. If the people Trump is targeting have been formally indicted, is civil asset forfeiture still in play? Also, since assets are being frozen rather than seized, is it considered forfeiture? Just curious.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 3, 2018 4:35 am

Those sealed indictments could be illegal immigrants for all we know.

January 2, 2018 11:45 pm

I have seen the certainty of an Uncivil Civil War and the country’s balkinzation and breakup in our future since the election of 2012. I started seriously preparing accordingly…and that was even before I read the 4th turning! I had no doubt with my big mouth and past affiliations I was on the list for a future 5 am no knock visit. Planned for that too and some surprises around the compound I learned the hard way many wars ago.

Now, with Trump I have hope!

Just about everyone has made reasonable passionate arguments on both sides of this Lady or the Tiger Executive Order. I have been swayed to both sides…and I don’t sway easily.

This EO is a done deal and the hand will be played. It appears 2018 is going to be even more eventful then 1968! Wow…

If Trump starts goose stepping or who ever comes after him wants to shove their Animal Farm Utopia down my throat…Thanks to the Petulant One and Jezebel…I’m ready, willing, prepped, armed and geared up! Them two were the greatest gun salespeople of my life.

Who knows…Civil War 2 could even save me from the nursing home drag. (I always like to look on the bright side of everything.)

Findlay Austin
Findlay Austin
January 3, 2018 2:55 am

Also quoted by Benjamin Fulford. Is he a conspiritor as well. Or did he pick it up from watdoesitmean?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 3, 2018 10:40 am


January 3, 2018 3:32 pm

How the hell is the POTUS that is practically without party support supposed to get anything done if not using the same corrupt tools that former ass wipe POTUS’s (especially the imbecilic imposter Hussain) used to get over on and against his enemies foreign and domestic?

The argument that it is not really legal and shouldn’t be used is like saying if you get mugged on the street by a gang with knives and bats you don’t pull out your gun because you forgot your permit to carry concealed. The 2nd amendment doesn’t say anything about needing a permit, but that is another subject.

I say when they go low, we go lower, screw all this high road crap, take down the criminals that have been manipulating the system and use the proceeds to reduce the debt. If the Soros’s of the world are allowed to continually use their vast wealth to subvert my rights, let them eat cake.

There is no easy fix, and this certainly isn’t it, but something has to be done to bring down the “owners” of the deep state even if it is only a peg or two. Once the swamp is drained, which it may never be than we can look at changing the EO’s that the executive branch has been implementing with impunity for many years. As stated a number of times, it is most likely too late to right this ship so why go pansy now. The Congress and corrupt judicial branch are not going to do anything to harm their status or stream of “donations” that come in.

January 3, 2018 3:53 pm

“Why go pansy now?” That’s sort of my mission statement on life. Nice work, Tony

Mad As Hell
Mad As Hell
January 3, 2018 8:34 pm

“The argument that it is not really legal and shouldn’t be used is like saying if you get mugged on the street by a gang with knives and bats you don’t pull out your gun because you forgot your permit to carry concealed.”
Well, you are comparing apples to oranges. The Donald has existing legal ways of making the wheels turn in his direction. The better comparison is that instead of simply shooting the muggers, you instead reach for the bazooka, then not only blow up the muggers, but take out the building behind them, and half the street.
One is necessary, the other irreparably damages someones property for no reason other than you can…and causes damage that lasts for a long time.
I overall like The Donald, I just don’t like it when power is abused, no matter who is doing it, when there are other means in which to get the job done correctly.

January 3, 2018 5:49 pm

Executive orders as law: King Donald must be happy that pretending any allegiance to the former Republic is no longer considered necessary.

January 3, 2018 10:48 pm

Whoever is responsible for posting articles on this site must have been desperate. This Gore individual is a raving lunatic! He obviously has a subpar IQ, lacking the ability to form a rational thought! What a simple minded dolt!

January 4, 2018 10:28 pm

I am never a fan of allowing govt more power and control however this is more about foreign nationals, yet it states those “who commit” not “who are found guilty in a court of law by peers”. Yet, all I could think and daydream about while reading this was how a swat team raids George Soros boat and sink that MF and put his arse behind bars for his corruption and human rights violations by funding discord and localized terrorism. Many don’t realize Obummer allowed corporations found guilty in courts that owed hundreds of millions in fines and penalties to not pay the treasury but could make their penalty payment to charities, charities like Black Lives Matters. Charities of their choice but Trump audited this and found 97.4% went to politicized organizations favoring the LEFT. Over $392 billion went to these leftist during Obummers term. No wonder we are a divided nation and having 4 year olds with gender identity crisis. Trump removed Obummers exec order on this and within 120 days we no longer hear about BLM or SJW. However the IRS continues to hunt down charitable christians and audit the fuck outta them. Ask around your church. The trigger is if they gave to Christian charities. You will be shocked at the audit rate of friends in your church. My fear is all the good things Trump is doing will allow another Obummer type to use these laws nefariously. Careful what we wish for….I would prefer if Trump had one exec order..and that was to ban all exec orders as they are not constitutional and the law allowing it was never ratified, neither was the income tax ever ratified, but let’s not let facts get into the way of a good corruption or story shall we……

Lastly, the democrats shifted tactics recently and will now engage rogue nations to provoke Trump so they do not have to defend their position of putting welfare benefits for illegal immigrants ahead of citizens, for allowing illegal immigration etc etc. they ask Kim Jung UN of North Korea To tweet about the size of his button knowing Trump cannot resist. A high probability This personality flaw in Trump will snag him before he is out, sadly.