Q-Post Analyzed and De-Coded

I haven’t seen this particular Q-Post posted on TBP. But, my bandwidth in life is limited, and I’m not on here much more than scanning. Point is, if this has already been posted, please forgive me.

I was on 4-chan the day that the original Q started posting the breadcrumbs. It was all very exciting. I followed the Q postings very closely for quite a while. Then, less so. Now, I’m interested if I see a Q post or analysis, but I take them with a big shrug of the shoulders, and a large grain of salt.

I’m hopeful that maybe some of the people committing evil deeds in this country may, in fact, get their comeuppance. And, maybe Trump is, in fact, orchestrating this whole war from behind the scenes and is always playing 4D chess while they putz around with checker pieces. But, I don’t know….. I don’t think he’s stupid. Actually, I don’t know what to think.

The Q Posts all seem very exciting, that maybe there’s a small circle of ‘us’ on the inside being fed secretive information from the highest levels in our country, but………come on, really?

I remember reading a quote from a popular author. I can’t remember who it was, exactly, but the gist of the quote is this: It’s a fiction writer’s job to make lies seem like the truth. Is it possible that’s what we have here in Q? This shit reads better than any Tom Clancy novel. And it all sounds so believable, like it confirms that our government is as evil as we imagine them to be.

We are all talking about Q’s ‘hits’. But are we also talking about his ‘misses’? I seem to remember that he said that Trump would tweet something very specific in his tweets to us, “The Storm in Upon Us.” Q said that Trump would use that exact phrase. I never saw that tweet.

Also, I think Q was very specific about some high-profile arrests that were supposed to happen in November. While I can’t prove that Huma, Podesta, et al WEREN’T arrested, I also can’t prove that they were. And the picture of Huma in her bell bottoms on the streets with the mysterious thing doesn’t count as proof.

I guess that’s about it. I wanted to post the de-crypted picture, and see if you have any specific comments on it. More broadly, though: What do we know AS ABSOLUTE FACT and how does that tie-into the Q information? Is it possible that Q is playing all of us, in the same way that a fraudulent medium plays to the crowd? In part, by giving them the information they want to hear, and using cold readings and warm readings?

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kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
January 22, 2018 4:56 pm

Remember Pizzagate – is this the sequel?

January 22, 2018 5:06 pm

If nothing else, the Q stuff is entertaining.

We know that HRC had a ‘private server’ that was not well secured and was used to facilitate communication (including some classified material, in some cases) between her, her staff, assorted government personnel, DNC people, and other Obama people.

We know that foreign governments and businesses made significant donations to the Clinton Foundation, and that the Clinton’s were well paid for making speeches by some of the same.

We know Seth Rich was murdered, and not robbed.

We know that Google and In-Q-tel have business links.

We know that Weiners laptop had a significant amount of classified stuff on it, that should not have been there.

We know that some of Mueller’s team aren’t even remotely unbiased.

We know Bill Clinton had an extensive off-the-books meeting with Loretta Lynch, in a private aircraft.

I don’t believe that Trump has posted “The Storm is Upon Us,” on his Twitter account yet. One can only wonder what would take place if this happened. Someone should ask the Templars for their opinion.

I suspect the ‘insurance’ is whatever they hoped to obtain with the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants.

January 22, 2018 6:50 pm

Q – is the ultimate conspiracy theorist, covers every one of the modern threads. Q keeps people hooked in and believing that something big is just around the corner… or the next corner… or the next. The most recent Q post that listed the “leaks” of the memo that everyone says should be released (but wont) I had actually found in either Col Potters YT vlog or some other one BEFORE Q posted his “insider” info.
I would venture that Q is deep into the conspiracy stuff and got the Q from one of the pics of the Q lapel pins and started posting stuff that seemed code ( maybe even is code given how world of warcraft player code each other) … but in the end if anything has been done, including arrests, this is all public record as its recorded. Stuff that comes out should be verifiable, or even minimally leaked… for crying out loud, Axios supposedly had the key points to the $1T infrastucture plan from the white house already…

January 22, 2018 5:10 pm

Is it a real possibility we are all being played by a very good espionage plotter?


Is it possible Q is a double agent?

January 22, 2018 5:44 pm

A double agent for whom?

Thus far, the TLAs (Three Letter Agencies) fail to impress. Sure they have the violence of the entire US government backing them. Yet if these TLA players were half as good as portrayed by Harveywood, none of the corruption coming to light would have ever surfaced.

I could be biased. (probably)

January 22, 2018 7:25 pm

I’ts also completely plausible that Q is AI. The communications don’t even look like they were written by a human.

January 22, 2018 9:43 pm

Keeps saying
Shall we play a game
Loved that movie then and now

Sam J.
Sam J.
January 23, 2018 4:58 am

“…Is it a real possibility we are all being played by a very good espionage plotter?…”

Much as I hate to say it Q, at this time, seems to be there to give us hope. Hope that someone is doing something while they tighten the noose tighter and tighter. It may very well be false hope. I mean if Trump was the real thing don’t you think there would be mass arrest by now? There’s plenty of false flag stuff to back up most any action he decided to take. How about building 7 falling as fast as a dropped rock in air? There’s a bunch of them. Boston, possibly Sandy Hook. He could rub it in our face and fire the top 10% of all the agencies and start arresting people with the almost unlimited police powers he has been given from the Congress due to 9-11. He’s done nothing but…cut taxes. Hell jeb could have done that. I hope I’m wrong. It doesn’t make me happy as I was a believer but looking at what is instead of what is said leaves me very sad. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were USSAed like the Russians were USSRed. I really hope not as I’m not prepared for this.

January 22, 2018 5:18 pm

Thanks for posting this, Tim.

January 22, 2018 5:30 pm

With or without Q who is a “Deep Throat”, HRC and her gang will probably go to jail; so will a lot of other high level criminals.

January 22, 2018 6:42 pm

I would say hashtag me also, but I’m afraid it is code for something I don’t understand.

January 23, 2018 5:21 am

Maybe things are happening, (arrests) but there are being down with as little fanfare as possible to keep supporters of these traitors, criminals, and scum off guard. Keeps civil unrest down. Allows for debriefing and deals to be cut as well without front page coverage.
I wonder who Anthony Weiner gave up? I imagine he is well protected in prison ( if they haven’t moved him elsewhere)

Once indictments and arrests are done and people start going to prison, we may then learn what is happening/has happened.

I do hope that the FISA memos are shown the light of day so some make be awakened to what is really going on within our government and agencies

EL Coyote the short-stack
EL Coyote the short-stack
January 22, 2018 5:44 pm

What little I read convinced me that Deepak Chopra is easy peasey by comparison.

EL Coyotazo
EL Coyotazo
January 22, 2018 9:54 pm

That’s what I’m talking about, Tim!

Anonymous says:
January 22, 2018 at 7:25 pm
I’ts also completely plausible that Q is AI. The communications don’t even look like they were written by a human.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 22, 2018 6:04 pm

Q certainly couldn’t be Trump himself. He doesn’t have the tie or inclination to be dropping hints. He’s not going to drop a bombshell during the SOTU. Nunes’ memo will be released after the House intel committee votes to release it AND Trump OK’s it. Then Dems will say “that’s just Nunes’ partisan take. It doesn’t contain any evidence.” Then congress will vote to declassify and release the evidence itself. This will take through the summer.

Meanwhile, we’ll have a couple more shutdowns as the fight over illegal immigration rages on.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 22, 2018 6:16 pm

I haven’t had much time lately what with trying to help my husband finish our house that needs to be done by March. So I missed being able to comment on T4C’s post which I thought was really quite well done.

Glad you brought up Pizzagate. The whole pedo side of this has not been commented on. I wanted more information so when I can’t be on here reading because I’m painting walls, I can listen to videos which most of the time don’t require eyes on it.

I came across a couple of people who I don’t believe are following Q but are doing a lot of research on pedogate.

Mellisa Zaccaria who goes by Honeybee on youtube and Bitchute has been on this for about a year or more. She is young, 30ish, and likes pink hair. I don’t care what color her hair is. I do care that she cares enough to devote as much of her free time as possible to this pedo thing that seems to be an obsession for some people in high places as well as so called ordinary people.

I have listened to several of you youtubes and she does a very good job of tying things together.

Us “normal” (relatively speaking) people simply cannot imagine that there would be that many people that are into this sick, demented, evil..stuff that would make us vomit. But if there weren’t, then why are there all these pedo advocacy organizations like Nambla, Heart Progress, B4U-ACT, NARSOL..and there may be others.

She has followers that helped her take down, by attacking, a website know as tribe where sickos would post ads for prepubescent children. I won’t even search for it because she read some of the ads that were on there and it’s worse than anything you can imagine and it keeps coming back. But, go ahead and run a search if you want. I did run a search for pedo advocacy and you will get quite a list of pro-pedo articles from mainstream media, even.

Then there is this:
“The sexual abuse of children is a growing problem in Pakistan. The criminal justice system is considered to be broken, having failed to prevent many crimes against children. According to recent statistics, 4,139 children – 2,410 girls and 1,729 boys from five to 18 years old – have either been abducted, raped, gang-raped or sodomized in Pakistan in 2016.

According to the report ‘Cruel Numbers 2016‘ compiled by Sahil, a Non-Government Organization working on child sexual abuse, the figures show a 10% increase over 2015. On average, 11 children are attacked by pedophiles in Pakistan every day. The report recorded a new trend in child sexual abuse cases in 2016, which has never been reported before. It revealed that organized gangs with political links were active throughout the country making pornographic videos of children being sexually assaulted. Police have confiscated hundreds of porngraphic pictures and videos from these gangs.”


Well who cares about Pakistan, you might ask? It’s just easier to get away with there. These people don’t care where the kids come from. But you can bet this is a problem all over the world.

She shows how the foster system is used because the kids in the foster system are just “throw aways”. They run away so many times, they just disappear.

This is a link to one of her videos.


I also came across Gabriel Harber who has also started to focus on this issue. I believe he stumbled upon it while investigating some issues surrounding his grandfather-in-law in Pennsylvania. He is specifically looking into the Penn State Sandusky scandal.

This one is only a minute long, it’s a teaser.


Tracy Beanz interviewed him and she asked what people could do to help and he said that something that would be a beginning is to start giving a shit about this.

EL Coyote the short-stack
EL Coyote the short-stack
January 22, 2018 6:27 pm

As long as Trump insists on spending $30B for a feckless wall, the Democrats will insist on a resolution to the issue of the now grown up children brought here illegally. It’s a bargaining chip and the Democrats will not roll over easily anymore than Trump will give in on the wall. We can’t pull a Cheswick (https://youtu.be/xLVSohBg_yA) and freak out because there is controversy, if there wasn’t controversy we wouldn’t need Congress.

They had the story of a Polish immigrant, a DACA if you will, who got a notice to appear – NTA. It seems he was a troublesome teen long before he became a physician like his parents. Two incidents, a fight and a minor theft put him on the deportation express almost 30 years after the incidents. As I said before, applying for Naturalization can be a mine field, it’s almost like applying for an initial green card and if you fucked up anywhere, the feds will find it and your fucked. (Even when you don’t fuck up, they can still fuck you, which is why green carders are reluctant to go under the loop again.)

This story about chain migration is the latest political bullshit like Uncle Ronnie’s fable of the welfare queen. Get used to it, it’s gotten more traction than MS-13 and drug smugglers so they will run with it to get votes. It’s far easier to petition for a spouse or child than it is to petition for an extended relative but the story bruited about is that immigrants are sponsoring their tata, nana and sundry compadres.

  EL Coyote the short-stack
January 22, 2018 7:04 pm

I dunno. Most of the Mexicans I’ve known are decent people assimilated into the communities I’ve lived in off and on throughout my life. The few ghetto folks I met in Houston in the early 80s were the only real interaction I had with illegals.

So, I can only speak for the one’s I’ve known and loved. Let Alejandro be a citizen! Oh wait, if he retired from the USAF and went to work for a double dog secret agency, he probably is already a citizen.

EL Coyote the short-stack
EL Coyote the short-stack
January 22, 2018 7:48 pm

I think your Alejandro story is bullshit. At one time, he was a Cuban. Now he’s a Mexican.
My wife’s family insists on calling their sister in law a Chink despite the fact she is Filipino.

  EL Coyote the short-stack
January 22, 2018 8:04 pm

You sort of caught me. Alejandro was/is real, but after his time on the honor guard team for the 82nd (training squadron NOT airborne), and because of his dual capabilities being multilingual he got stationed in Torrejon (sp) and got mixed up with some sort of drug running business out of Turkey, I think. Something about opium?

Anyway, my contact with him ceased until an unexpected “ping” on a social media platform a few years ago. Subsequent intelligence gathering reveals a man much changed by being on the other side of the honor guard perspective.

The friend who merged with my Cuban friend from early red rope days was another Cuban we fondly called Lucy because his last name was very similar to Desi Arnaz’s character on I Love Lucy. The second old friend, who travelled around the country and world as my USAF compadre and good friend and managed to remain friends with my husband! over these many years, is one who recently moved from one 3 letter agency in Florida to another in Texas. He has no known problems with drugs or he wouldn’t be doing what he is doing. He was once upon a time, a black hat TI at Lackland. He loved it.

The only person I know who might be harmed by the DACA thing is a Vietnamese guy I worked with at Tinker. Having been tossed onto a boat as a young boy by his mother, he’d been part of the system all his life and had done fairly well, working his way up to become a Captain in the army. However, he claimed that he did not have full citizenship because he had left the army at 18 years to take a job as a systems expert with a contractor at the maintenance depot. I knew for a fact he had a TS clearance (I had access to EVERYONE’s personnel files at Tinker and other remote but connected sites) so I figured some of his concern was bullshit. Still, I think he would fall into the right category somehow.

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
January 22, 2018 9:29 pm

Slow down Maggie.

The security guard picked up the robber’s PLASTIC TOY GUN and placed it on the counter.

His own gun never left his hand.

Details matter.

  EL Coyote the short-stack
January 22, 2018 7:50 pm

El Shorty- Have you taken up chasing your tail like the Q pups? 🙂

I’m pretty sure you have no dog in this hunt and as Doc Pangloss said, “You can’t always get what you want”. Or was that the Stones?

EL Coyote the Cuban, oh wait, Mexican
EL Coyote the Cuban, oh wait, Mexican
January 22, 2018 8:16 pm

I read the last link on Q. I thought the part about the Pope kissing a Jew’s hand was a stretch. My guess is that was the retired Pope. I don’t like cock tease so I skipped the rest.

As for the Shorty monicker, my son in law’s dad is called Shorty. They are both almost 7′ tall. Perhaps I should call myself Stretch but I will defer to nkit, he seems to think he’s Mr Fantastic.
That is, I hope nkit is a he.

  EL Coyote the Cuban, oh wait, Mexican
January 22, 2018 9:00 pm

Just because you can see De Plane before I, doesn’t make you more significant, Short Round..

EL Coyotazo
EL Coyotazo
January 22, 2018 9:24 pm

Hello Tall Boy or is it St Pauli Girl?

  EL Coyotazo
January 22, 2018 9:36 pm

I reckon I’m a shortie too. I’m only 6’2″… I’m getting old, and shrinking. I’ve lost an inch… on my height, that is…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 22, 2018 10:03 pm

Um, yeah nkit, it’s good you clarified where you lost that inch ;D

January 22, 2018 11:06 pm

Now, that’s cold MC.. Shovel your own driveway…

January 23, 2018 7:47 pm

X sillant MC.

  EL Coyote the short-stack
January 23, 2018 7:30 am

I liked the ‘pull a Cheswick’ comment and linked video, and the story of the Polish guys grief, loco.

January 22, 2018 6:52 pm

So HRC and the Clinton Foundation get 145 million on the Uranium One deal, and the upper levels of the DOJ, FBI and Obama administration go to bat for her, and let her skate, knowing that she screwed her own country? Why? Because they ALL, that were complicit, got a few million each? Obama becomes president with an insignificant net worth and now he’s worth many many millions of FRNs and more..

It’s a criminal enterprise that goes deeper than we know. They all need to hang. Why would they all lie for HRC and Obama? Because they are such wonderful people, and they all agree with their communist ideals? Because they love their country and support whatever POS runs it? I don’t think so. It’s always about the money. Ask the Haitians.

January 22, 2018 7:52 pm

circle jerk …

January 22, 2018 8:10 pm

I believe….

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 22, 2018 9:18 pm

The first thing that comes to mind about Q is the mission; get out the info so when the inditements start flowing, the public can accept the outcome. This is the purpose of those who follow the Q posts; to make the charges against the cabal stick in the sheeples mind. I’d say that part is going well, as the media’s lock on what’s true is eroding with each passing day.

As to whether we are being played, I like the rest are hopeful, but keep in the back of my mind that tables can be turned and the future is not always so predictable.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Not Sure
January 22, 2018 10:15 pm

Right, Not Sure? Just suppose for a minute that WWIII is going on right in front of us, some kind of 4G warfare we never really expected because there was no way to predict how the next war was going to play out. So just in keeping with this supposition for a minute, all it takes is one wrong move and the jig is up for Trump and the future for everyone else is bleak. Because now, we have to fight a real war, one that is every bit as ugly as the last uncivil war and worse.

Remember, THEY NEVER EXPECTED HIM TO WIN! Too many weird
things are happening for something to not be going down.

  Mary Christine
January 22, 2018 11:07 pm

MC- Also known as the “painless” version of chaos. If things just seem chaotic and unordered, you will feel relief later that perceived order is restored. It’s the slight of hand (new style) shift into the next era without McD missing the sale of even one burger or order of fries.

Bloodless, painless, senseless yet entertaining to some living on Planet Hollywood.

Sam J.
Sam J.
  Mary Christine
January 23, 2018 5:06 am


What if they meant for him to win all along? You must admit Hillaries fainting was a bit histrionic. She seemed to be fine after the election yet she was passing out during it? I’m not saying this is true but it wouldn’t surprise me. Trump is an actor remember.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Mary Christine
January 23, 2018 6:51 pm

See my post below for my concerns. Thanks!

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
January 22, 2018 9:31 pm

Slow down Maggie.

The security guard picked up the robber’s PLASTIC TOY GUN and placed it on the counter.

He didn’t place his own gun on the counter.

His own gun never left his hand.

January 22, 2018 11:23 pm

22 winmag- THIS is how you never let your gun leave your hand .

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 23, 2018 12:08 am

My Name is Nobody was my favorite, BL but that scene is classic.

January 22, 2018 11:55 pm

Hi, everyone. I’ve been a Q-sceptic for a while. Some of the early stuff from a couple months ago sounded like total baloney. The ones that really sounded wrong to me were the ones about how MI was being tasked with focusing on civilians and the military was rounding up badguys in the nomenklatura. That sounded bogus. Another thing that stinks for me are his claims that CIA/Rothschilds/Rockefeller/etc run North Korea. Also, something that bugs me is the one piece of evidence the Q-lievers rely on: The Bangladeshi Stupicide Bomber in NYC.

Q did make some cryptic comments that can sort of be connected to the bombing, appearing to anticipate it by hours. The thing that bugs me is if he knew it was going to happen, why let hit happen? If Qanons’ analysis was correct and he knew all those details, why didn’t he or someone else warn anyone? Raid the guy? If the narrative is to be believed, they knew enough about him and could get close enough to him to allegedly replace his bomb vest with fireworks, or something like that. That sounds really hard to believe, by the way. So if they had that power, why not stop it, lest things get out of control?

So skepticism logged. But there is one thing about the Q phenomenon that has me thinking. Could Q be a self-fulfilling prophecy? Just by the fact of Q’s existence, the Q story seems to motivate otherwise-powerless like-minded people to look for ways to resist perceived corruption. Perhaps Q is a mythical figure intended to motivate and mobilize people, thinking they’re part of something much bigger, to take action that they would not otherwise take on their own.

Take a look at the massive response 8chan fags did for the 17Jan08 #GreatAwakening meme war on Fakebook and Twatter. Q managed to get otherwise-quiet couch-surfing basement dweller patriot/conservative/independent/???? weirdos to stop looking at the nudie pics on /s/and basically put together an art project of thousands of patriotic/conservative/pro-American/anti-libtard posters and then had them post their artwork all over places where normies would see them in the hopes some of them would actually start thinking outside their boxes. And he did that without offering anything to them except the hope there are some unknown heroes out there hiding in the government who feel the same way they do and who are fighting against evil. Imagine a real-life Batman.

That’s kind of profound; a nation-wide underground movement devoted to a person(s) hiding behind a one-letter moniker who might not even exist and who is beginning to draw more people into the story based purely on their hope the world-as-it-is can be changed into something closer to the world-as-it-could-be.

That mythical heroic quality of Q as some sort of anonymous secret paladin makes him larger than life. The story is so tantalizing, if Q didn’t exist, I think we would have had to invent him.

I don’t think Q will turn out to be real, but as the legend grows, it might not matter. People, energized by the hero myth, might be sufficiently mobilized to stand up and demand exactly the kind of change and anti-corruption Q stood for all along. Imagine citizen investigators and hackers trying to uncover corruption Q-style and releasing their results for all to see. Or imagine cleared US govt and military people using their access to secrets Q-style to target corruption and get the truth out to the public. They might even turn over a few skeletons in the process. And some patriots might don the mantle of Q as their own, turning a myth into a reality.

January 23, 2018 12:02 am

ps- wouldn’t it be interesting if Q as a myth actually creates real Qs and drives the anti-corruption and housecleaning his creator and followers wanted to see in real life?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 23, 2018 5:26 am

My bet is Huma and Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz have already made a deal or coped to something to buy sell or trade some level of immunity along with protection so they do not end up like Seth Rich . I have never been able to get my mind around Huma a hottie from Saudi hooking up with Weiner the weasel , she had to be working on towards or for something to sell herself the way her life as gone down . As for Q , too much open ended loose ends etc… Still something is not right over all and sooner or later it will break . There is entirely to much shit building up and the fingers in the swamp dyke cannot hold out beyond the smell test . I smell a shit flood ready to burst into a raging torrent consequently look for another false flag of apocalyptic proportions .

January 23, 2018 7:36 am

“The Q Posts all seem very exciting, that maybe there’s a small circle of ‘us’ on the inside being fed secretive information from the highest levels in our country, but………come on, really?”


Not Sure
Not Sure
January 23, 2018 8:13 am

Better late than never, I’m always late to the party.

This is a second thought as my first post was in haste.

My 2 cents are how a battle can take place and be predicted of its outcome 2 months in advance? The answer is having secret eavesdropping capability to know the time and place of the attack and plan accordingly.

But this begs the question, if the Cabal knows their communications have been infiltrated, why do they continue without countermeasures to avoid being compromised? Are they really that stupid? As a conflict continues, much like the Vikings/Eagles blowout, the Eagles made adjustments after the Vikings first score and the rest is history (sorry, I had to find some way to vent my disappointment).
Anyway, unless the Cabal really is without a clue, predictions by Q may become less and less assured; unless of course the globalists are running on pure arrogance and truly “stuck on stupid.”

  Not Sure
January 23, 2018 12:24 pm

Q doesn’t post predictions. It is inside info.

January 23, 2018 8:16 am

Whether or not Q is real is immaterial at this point, really. This whole episode is creating an undercurrent of support for POTUS, which it is meant to do. Winning Bigly!

IMHO, there’s a very good chance that this is someone in proximity to the POTUS, but not too close. Just close enough to hear POTUS say “Wouldn’t it be a great idea……..” and poof, Q was born. This Q seems to be in or around MI close enough to know the lingo and culture, that’s for sure. Some stuff seems to be real and timely, other stuff not so much.

Either way, it’s a great show. Keeps my hopes up a little bit.

January 23, 2018 8:49 am

Like a modern day Robin Hood myth for the powerless peasantry to put hope in.

January 23, 2018 9:58 am

Yep. Looks like their are a few hopeium addicts on TBP.

January 23, 2018 10:08 am

I follow Q and Meganon second handed and read commentaries/interpretations of their posts, I don’t know if they are who they propose to be or are merely projected false hope. When I am researching current events, I take things with a grain of salt until I see it show up elsewhere and even then I am not always convinced. Churchill said “during war, truth is such a precious commodity, it must be protected by a pack of lies.” I don’t know if this is relevant but sometimes it seems even false hope is better than despair.

I worked for years in a home health agency, 400-500 employees, 800-1000 patients; twice in my time there, we moved the business physically while keeping it running at the same time. Even in such a small enterprise, this was a huge challenge. If what we are all hoping for is happening, we are looking at dismantling and restructuring the entire federal government while keeping it functional at the same time, in addition to beginning the process of undoing 60 years of doing; I can’t imagine such a undertaking. Many of us are anxious for results and signs of validation but with all things considered, I think our impatience is understandable but somewhat unrealistic.

Time will tell whether or not Donald Trump is the real deal. I look at it this way, even though I may be naïve; Trump was wealthy and famous before taking office, he knew he was walking into a hornet’s nest and would have as many working against him as for him, he knew he was placing a target on his back so if he didn’t do it for patriotism, what is the up-side for him? So far, I feel he has done a lot of good against all odds. Perhaps Q is a method of having us keep the faith while the tedious process plays out, I just don’t know.

January 23, 2018 11:17 am

I said very early on that Qanon looks far more like a prankster than anything real – and put up 2 concrete examples of predictions that looked nice but were actually false.

As for the conspiracy bits: there is actually a conspiracy being unwound.


Is this real? Time will tell. However, unlike Qanon crap there are portions of this which are very much confirmed.

But this has nothing to do with pedophilia. It has to do with shadow government, political preference in the bureaucracy, and just plain stupidity and arrogance.

Or in other words, it looks real.

September 15, 2018 11:33 pm

Interesting to stumble across this in archives considering how much information about Q has since been tossed around here like grenades.

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