How My Mother’s Grief Helped Me See The Godlike Power Of Q

My dad will be sent home this Tuesday. The doctors (probably along with the insurance company) have determined they can do more for him. We’ll be getting an in-home hospice service. Dad keeps mumbling “I just want to go home”, so home is where he will die. Die this week? Next week?  How long can a heart pumping at 20% keep a man alive?

Plus, he’s not getting enough oxygen even with the tubes. So, he drifts in and out of deep sleep. Sometimes he awakes in fear and panic. Other times with various hallucinations. And yet other times, unbelievably, he awakens totally lucid and coherent.

One such coherent moment was yesterday.  He was talking to mom, and then suddenly started crying. He was afraid no one would be there to take care of her, especially if she fell. Mom assured dad that I would be there for her. And then she put her gnarled hand on his forearm and said; “Ausserdem,Gott ist mit uns.”  (Translation: “Other than that, God is with us.”)

This stunned me quite profoundly. Neither of my parents are particularly religious. Neither has entered a church for at least 40 years (other than going to weddings/funerals). I have NEVER heard them discuss amongst themselves spiritual issues. And yet … “Gott ist mit uns.”

You can see why I immediately wondered; “What is the meaning of this proclamation from my mom?”

Is it about hope never failing? Is it a sign of desperation? Is it a plea to God? Is it just BS you say when there is nothing left to say? Is she a “secret Christian” and I’m being to judgmental about her spiritual state?  Maybe it means nothing at all? There are many other possibilities.  So many questions, so few answers.

Perhaps I’ll never know what she meant because her utterance was a matter of the heart … and, who knows the true intent of the heart except God?  If he even exists.  And with that last thought it suddenly hit me — what difference does it make that I “know” the meaning, unknowable and elusive as it might be.  What if I’m asking the wrong question in my never-ending — and often ridiculous — quest in search of Deeper Things.  What if the real question is; “WHY did she say that?”

I pondered and came up with this simple idea:  It is the EFFECT of Christianity which AFFECTed her.

You can be the most rabid God-hating atheist possible but, when a Christian doctor working at a hospital built by a Christian organization saves your life after a heart attack, then the effect of Christianity affected you. If America’s Founding Father’s drafted the Constitution with Biblical principles in mind (no matter how great or small) then ALL of us are feeling the effects of Christianity, daily. That’s just how it works.

Why can’t the same principles be applied to Q? And it matters not one iota whether this Q is an individual, an organization, … or even just an idea. That’s because The Effect which Q has on us all, or doesn’t have, remains constant.

And what is that Q effect? It IS this …..


I have not been a Q supporter these past few months … even making my typical snarky sarcastic comments towards TPB’s Apostles Of Q … Yojimbo, T4C, Indentured Servant, and others. But, mom’s utterance “Gotta ist mit uns” suddenly opened my eyes at least to the possibility of Q-wisdom. In fact, I’m now somewhat embarrassed that I missed the truth expressed in the picture above … that Q  shines light on darkness.

Now, some might vehemently object; “Nothing has happened yet! I will only believe when things start happening … like, arrests!”.  Oh, ye are like Doubting Thomas. Did that Apostle see the appearance of the Kingdom WHILE the Master was teaching and walking amongst the living? No … and neither did any of his other followers. They all suffered temporary blindness of the heart. Yet, His Kingdom was unfolding and being prepared in their every presence, despite their unbelief! So it is with Q.

The other popular objection is; “None of Q’s predictions have come to pass!” First,  that is simply not true. Secondly, Q does not engage in prophecy. Lastly, even if true, why does it matter? Have all the prophecies in Scripture been fulfilled — including those made by Jesus? Of course not. Do we disregard the entire message because part of it is unfullfilled? Again, of course not! We make adjustments …  and move on to what IS understood. We do not throw out the baby with the bathwater! Why, then, do some hold Q to a higher standard than even The Almighty himself? This is an abomination.

I want to close with a verse from the Koran;

“We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein.”

If we can’t find God … what if it’s because He’s not far away, but because He is so close? What if He is like our own eyes, which can see everything. but never sees itself except in a reflection? What if the Divine is so close, so intimate, and the very essence of our intimate self that we’ve been “looking” for Him in all the wrong places? What if He is not “out there” but, rather, “in here”?

Likewise, I beseech all Q doubters to consider that Q is everywhere. No, not in the traditional religious doctrine of Omnipresence. Q is not God. Rather, Q could be your neighbor, or co-worker, or your grocer, or Internet buddy, or even secretly your spouse. Every time Q gains a new convert, the Deep State becomes weaker. Indeed, they who want to enslave us — if not kill us — are terrified not only of the power of Q, but of us who scatter darkness with light.  Even if you still believe Q is wrong about everything … is not striking Terror into the hearts of our enemies worth the “cost” of following Q — or, at least supporting the cause?? As for me and my house, I now say a million times; “Yes!!”

I close with this truth; Q is closer to you than your jugular vein.

What if Q is us?




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 11, 2018 12:00 pm

Since you asked…my cousin had a massive heart attack and lost 90% of his heart function and lived for over 10 years after that while on the transplant list. I wish you all the best of luck, but in truth, our real home is not here.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 11, 2018 2:51 pm

Hope is a dangerous thing. I think it was being on the transplant list that kept him alive.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 12, 2018 10:31 am

“The doctors (probably along with the insurance company) have determined they can do more for him.”
Did you mean “can do NO more for him.” ?

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Rise Up
March 12, 2018 11:10 am

“Perhaps I’ll never know what she meant because her utterance was a matter of the heart … and, who knows the true intent of the heart except God? If he even exists. And with that last thought it suddenly hit me — what difference does it make that I “know” the meaning, unknowable and elusive as it might be. What if I’m asking the wrong question in my never-ending — and often ridiculous — quest in search of Deeper Things. What if the real question is; “WHY did she say that?”
Stucky, is your relationship with your mother so strained that you can’t simply ask her what she meant?

Good luck with your situation. In reading many of your comments over the last few months you are obviously under terrible stress–it’s apparent in your negativity to those who believe Q is “real”, and other generally pissy posts (which is completely understandable given your present state of mind).

You can’t take the weight of everything on your own. What will be, will be.


March 11, 2018 12:10 pm

I love you Stuchenheimer. I truly do.

I think you should meet an Irish friend of mine soon. She has a topless photo of herself on a nude beach in France. You would like Agnes.

March 12, 2018 11:47 am

Although I have never met either of you Stucky, I am a big fan of you and Maggie. When things “get real” thoughts, feelings, hunches, beliefs, Etc. tend to be distilled in to something people call truth.

You and Gator, and others have expressed your thoughts about the “Sky Fairy” in many posts on this board. I too, cursed God when my younger brother was taken from us, suddenly and needlessly.

At the risk of being hammered for self promotion I am attaching a link which contains a letter a friend sent me when he found I had been given a diagnosis of bladder cancer. My friends letter opened my eyes to a new (for me) way of looking at God. It is a three page synopsis attached to a short article I wrote. I commend it to you and hope you will find it worth the time spent.

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
March 13, 2018 5:59 am

Sparrowhawk6: Nicely done. I did read the link, and have forwarded it to friends and family. I’m with Stucky… submit it as an article to TBP. Enjoyable and inspiring.

Stucky: Godspeed to your father, and your mother. The most important thing you can do for them is give them your time.

I don’t know about Q, but I am certain with every molecule of my being that God is with us, within us, and is our very essence. ALL OF US. It is we who choose whether to embrace Him, or not. God is life, The Force, and indeed, the entire universe. The older I get, the more I realize this, and the more it means to me and the more content I become. My journey just gets better and better with this knowledge, and knowing that my family and I are making this journey together with God, and for God.

March 11, 2018 12:11 pm

There are no atheists in foxholes. We cling to both the rational and irrational in desperate times unsure of either.

Stucky, best wishes for you and yours

i forget
i forget
March 11, 2018 2:42 pm

Despite the theists need for speed\believe, untrue ‘bout foxhole conversions universality…that’s yet another article o’ whistling past graveyard ‘faith.’ Or projection. Which is a different jargon for the same thing.

John 14:6
John 14:6
March 11, 2018 12:16 pm

Only 1 way to trust:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Q? & the Quran:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Zechariah 12:3
Zechariah 12:3
  John 14:6
March 11, 2018 12:21 pm

Past proves future.

On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
March 11, 2018 12:36 pm

Doubting Thomas here.
Woe is me.

Stucky….another possibility is your parents are old and the time is near. Refer to Steve above and there are no Atheists in foxholes.

I do consider the Q business to be quite clever and inspirational. Some day we will all find out who is the perp behind Q (just noticed that I wrote “Some day” instead of “Someday” – is there meaning behind that or a meaning that I even noticed it?).

Where is ‘i forget’ when you need him?

March 11, 2018 12:37 pm

Light = Truth

Darkness = evil

Hope = Optimism

Faith = Trust;
even if blind, instinctive, or learned

Forgiveness = Compassion;
especially when most difficult

Gratitude = Appreciation

Justice = accountability

“The exalted shall be humbled, and the humble shall be exalted.”

Vengeance = His

Acceptance of His will = Peace

“In this world, you will have trouble. Remember, the world hated me before it did you. I am not of this world. I go before you, to prepare a place in My Father’s mansion.”

Peace be with you and yours, friend.

Mode Z
Mode Z
March 11, 2018 12:46 pm

Where we go one, we go all.

March 11, 2018 12:47 pm

Spring break and time with loved ones. I reminded my bride: “Don’t forget to enjoy it.” I’ll say the same to you, Stuck. Best of times, worst of times. It all unveils, or reveals, one day at a time. Hang tough.

March 11, 2018 12:55 pm

Yes, Qew is someone really CLOSE, found that out in Yobe’s thread very late last night. Someone within this community.

It took only a very few minutes for Qew to drop messages out of the blue after the same thing was discussed right here on a subject totally alien to Qew.

T4C, YoBo, Stucky, I/S ????? Doubt it’s you Stucky, you are not that dedicated. If you look up the word dedicated, Yoebbels picture would be listed.

March 11, 2018 1:15 pm

Damage control, it was? Discovered, are they? 9:23 pm. 18. 1+8 is 9, it is. 3 3s, it has.

Flip Baphomet upside down and see me, you will. Choose carefully, you must. Tricksy.

March 11, 2018 2:42 pm

Oh didn’t know Yoda was a Ka-blah-blah-ist and master of gematria – snicker. Warning – the oath of the abyss is perilous.

March 11, 2018 1:25 pm

Wow, that’s very interesting BL. I think it is probably IS-Q-wah (King of the Qews) or Tec-Q-wah (Queen of the Qews). Yo-Q-wah (Prince of the Qews) just looks like a hooked fish to me. Maybe Dr. Steven Pieczenik monitors this site, or is one of the commenters. Stucky is going through some serious pain, so I am going to refrain from commenting on the Title of his article. But Stucky has set up a nice trap for me to gather more spices for my recipe.

March 11, 2018 1:38 pm

Dio- You were there, take a look at how fast the Qew Nazi posts started coming after I jokingly said I liked Yobe better in his Nazi phase. BTW, almost all of the material Qew posted were past favorites of Yobe when was doing his Nazi thing 24/7.

The Merkel material has been posted here at times, even by me. He was stumped, shocked….acting.

Edit: Doc “Peacenik” (that is how it’s pronounced), was outed as a spook long ago.

March 11, 2018 2:34 pm

Wow! BL. I didn’t know that was recent posts about Hitler from Q. I thought they were pulling it from old material. Maybe Yo-Q-Wah was making those Q Posts afterall. You know someone, maybe it was you, posted that they thought YoQwah was a paid troll to destroy the site. I used to blow that off, but now I am not so sure.
Considering how many commenters on this site consider themselves red-pilled, I am dismayed at how many of them are falling for this Qew claptrap. Also I find it humorous after decades of people doing serious research on the NWO, etc. that suddenly only the great and powerful Qew is the source of all knowledge.

March 11, 2018 2:45 pm

Wow it’s starting to make sense now. YoQwah is a paid troll. Discrediting the site by bringing up JQ constantly combined with Hitler worship, and now this Qewish horsehit. Really Really nice work BL !!!!!! I tip my hat to you !

March 11, 2018 3:01 pm

Dio- When it was said by whomever that the 24/7 Nazi BS was ruining this site, that opinion was shared by many. Just as the same has been voiced about the Qewism 24/7 worship. It becomes tiresome propaganda, maybe to try to keep approval ratings up for a big investment by a billionaire. Don’t thank me, I have done nothing, even Stucky said “Q is close”.

March 11, 2018 2:57 pm

BL you should do an article on those posts and send to Admin. Shine the light on this/these paid agents.

March 11, 2018 3:03 pm

I’m just a garden variety commenter, I don’t write or submit articles.

March 11, 2018 3:36 pm

Nobody said he is jooish. Nobody said Yobe is a paid jooish troll.

March 11, 2018 3:51 pm

That’s the way it smells to me. I’m the one saying it not you. But it seems that he has a direct line or connection with Qew.

March 11, 2018 3:46 pm

I copied the postings in the other thread in a document for further reference.

March 11, 2018 1:01 pm

Stucky ,your parents are lucky to have a Son like you but we all die .I love my Mom and will be with her as long as God gives her life so I do understand.I will keep praying for you and your parents.God Bless.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 11, 2018 1:21 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Interesting message, “Do not glorify us.”

There is something oddly spiritual about that statement that for some reason ties into what you have written here. It all reminds me of this:

Ephesians 3:20

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

Maybe your mom was simply acknowledging what so many know instinctively – that we are a part of something bigger than just ourselves? That we are pieces of the whole and that God is always with us? Maybe you are right? Maybe we are reflections, an image?

If you think about it, it brings new perspective to words like ‘neighbor, friend, family, brotherhood, nation’ etc.

Perhaps, “Where we go one, we go all” is more than just a silly slogan?

Thanks for writing.

  Francis Marion
March 11, 2018 1:31 pm

Last sentence……

Mar 10 2018 14:05:58 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5b7643 614093
You are learning.
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

March 11, 2018 1:21 pm

You are often the wisest commenter on this site and when you aren’t you tend to be as foolish as BB. I often think this is God’s way of keeping us humble. It is part of the reason an arrogant asshole like you is so loved here..

Great wisdom and insight from you always, today may be the most important of all… (for you) Your wisdom has been your anchor!! Our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness.

March 11, 2018 1:25 pm

Thank you Stucky for expressing your insight and revealing your own vulnerability to all that is life and death, whether ours or our loved ones.

I too had a similar moment when my father passed away 6 years ago. My realisation was that it is ok to say ‘I don’t know’ and be at peace with it. It is the human condition to see ‘out there’ for answers when, as you say, the truth we need to know is within each of us.

All there is to know is already here ready to know when the time is right for each of us. I no longer live my life wanting to know the answer to everything. If you do, you cannot be content with what you have. You may notice I didn’t say happy. That’s because happiness can be a transitory experience. True contentment is being in the now and accepting what you have, what you’ve done and what you still have to do.

Only the Source of all things can know everything, whatever it is. When the time is right I have the belief that I will know what I need to know at that moment in time. I leave the rest in the hands of the One that is more than me. That is my faith….and for now in the human realm, my faith is in Q.

March 11, 2018 1:39 pm

Funny how the god stuff works. I don’t ‘hate’ god, or christians. About the only thing I ‘hate’ or at least come close to with regards to christianity is the catholic church. Much of my family, especially on my wife’s side, consists of believers, which is fine. Just a subject we don’t talk about. They know better than to ask me to go to church with them, and I am polite enough to bow my head when they talk to the sky fairy before we eat. But, I am a devout (haha) atheist. That said, a couple years ago my son had a febrile seizure. First kid, didn’t know anything about them, he had never had one before, and we didn’t know anyone else whose kid had had one either. My wife called me at work, screaming and terrified, that his eyes rolled back into his head and he started convulsing and wasn’t responsive. He had been running a fever, we had been giving him medicine, fluids, etc, but it spiked up to 104 and he convulsed for a couple minutes. SHe calls me screaming, doesn’t know what to do, so I screamed right back for her to call 911, since i was 45 minutes away at work, and am not a doctor. I left work immediately, but the hospital where they went was a long ways away. My truck has a governor that won’t allow it to go over 100MPH, so thats how fast I was going. I didn’t hear anything from my wife for 10-15 minutes, she didn’t answer the phone or respond to texts. I was fucking terrified. Thought my son might die, or have already died. So….I actually prayed. I decided I didn’t believe in any of the god type stuff pretty young. Had the conversation with my dad around 10, so its been at least that long since I’ve prayed, or asked “god” for anything.

If you had been sitting next to me in the truck and asked “Gator, do you believe in god?” I’d have said “No”. Right then and there. Even as I was praying to see my son again, I’d have still said I didn’t believe it. So, why in the hell was I praying? I’m literally talking to myself like a god damn crazy person, doing 100 down I-95, praying to a god I don’t even believe in. I suppose I just figured it couldn’t hurt, since there’s at least a tiny chance I’m wrong about all this. Or just to make myself feel better, since I was completely powerless and I could feel like I ‘did something’. Who knows. I always thought that ‘there’s no atheists in foxholes’ line was BS until then, too. Still never been in a foxhole taking fire, but I did think my child might die, and the effect was the same.Never told this story to anyone that I can recall. Didn’t want to tell my wife and have her want to have some kind of religion related discussion afterwards. Those always end with her getting offended and angry, so we avoid them. So, since this story reminded me of it, I figured I’d share it with you guys.

My son was fine. Went to the ER. Turns out febrile seizures aren’t that uncommon when small children get high fevers. He hasn’t had another one, and is old enough now for them to not really be a threat anymore, but we watch our kids a lot more closely whenever we even think they might be getting sick now because that shit was scary. Not something they put in the ‘new parents handbook’ that we were never given.

March 11, 2018 3:27 pm

Gator, thanks, the story resonated with me.
Your story did as well Stuck. I feel much the same, as I cannot really verify much I have to asses the situation from afar. From where I sit, I see a lot of upside and very little down, so I am happy to play along.
Plus, fuck them.

March 12, 2018 10:33 am

Gator I have been in a foxhole, under fire, but I can tell you if there is something more terrifying than what you have experienced I have not seen it. Our infant daughter ‘went febrile’ as her Mom was carrying her down the street. I just happened by and we took her to the neighborhood doctor, a naturopath. He gave my stricken daughter some tiny white pills…….instantly her eyes snapped back and her hands relaxed. She never visited that place of terror (for us!) again, and grew into a lovely incredibly successful young woman. My only advice is to consider forgetting the Pheno-Barbitol, no way our precious little girl grew up to graduate Summa Cum Laude after a lifetime of that.

All the best to you and your family.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
March 12, 2018 2:24 pm

Alcohol baths are what my doctor father used to bring down high fevers in us kids.

March 11, 2018 1:55 pm

All you can do is be there. How long? My mother has been in hospice nearly a year. Five years ago my Dad was in about six weeks. My Father in law lasted three days at the end of January.
You are part of a very large fraternity now. We understand and pray for you.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
March 11, 2018 2:04 pm

Well Stucky, I would think that your mother had suppressed her religious thoughts around the family because her husband did not want to hear them. She respected his atheism but still believed. But then, who am I to comment as I never met the woman.

As to Q, yes he is most likely just like god. He is a nineteen year old kid sitting in his mothers basement spouting out silly things that people on 4chan and 8chan want to hear. Or maybe he is a deep cover operative in the NSA who actually knows what is going on and wants you all to be ready for the coming apocalypse. Just like god, you can’t know. There is no way for you to know. You have to take it on faith. If you happened to have been born in Afghanistan, or Iraq, you might find that those christians that you talk about saving you are actually the ones gunning your family down in the dust outside of your mud brick hut. Sure there are christian doctors saving lives in merika. But there are also christian doctors and nurses killing 100,000 merikans each year.

None of that has anything to do with your mom. I applaud her efforts to comfort your father and it doesn’t matter that he believes. She believes and that makes him feel better. He is a lucky man to have your mom and you around. I can only wish the same for all of us when we get ready to tap out.

  Hollywood Rob
March 11, 2018 2:21 pm


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March 11, 2018 2:32 pm

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 11, 2018 2:43 pm

Strippers are worse than whores, they drain your wallet in the space of three or four hours and then you go home with blue balls. Ah, but the beauty of it all; the breasts, the buttcheeks, the thighs, the delicate spine, the creamy neck and soft shoulders, the promise of it all! See you next payday.

March 11, 2018 2:44 pm


HaHaHaHaHa ……………… OK, if you say so.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 11, 2018 2:33 pm

My theory of Q is the conspiracy to unravel all the conspiracies. What makes Q different is the Questioning itself. Think of how powerful a question could be and where it can take you. The brilliance of the Q conspiracy is bringing up all those decades (in some case centuries) of unanswered questions.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 11, 2018 2:34 pm

I had my doubts about Melania until I saw her pic with the Pope. She seems to be the only genuine god-fearing person in the group photo. Ivanka looks hot, Trump looks gleeful, the pope officious; only Melania looks panicked about being in the presence of the lord.

I think of her in the separate bedroom she keeps. Trump walking down the hall with another strumpet and pointing out the room where Melania likes to read. She must be reading the bible and praying fervently for her hubs. She’s no Ivashti Trump wandering the hallways looking for the Donald, she knows her place is in her room on her knees praying that god withhold his divine retribution just a little longer; perhaps the Donald will reconsider someday.

Like a modern day Hadassah, this foreign beauty is the only one among Ahasuerus’ bevy of beauties that has any sense. It could be that one day she will prevail upon Xerxes to have mercy on the illegals that Haman the Altgatite wants to destroy. Alas, poor Yoda may hang from his own gallup pole.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  EL Coyote
March 11, 2018 5:44 pm

“being in the presence of the lord. ” Really? How so?
“Thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church” or something similar is what I recall. He did not say, “and thou are become God”.
The idea that the Pope is infallible is attributable to what? How is worshiping the Pope not false idolatry?
Not being Catholic, I have no stock in these ideas. Perhaps with some Popes, reverence is appropriate.
With the current Marxist fool in office, not so much.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  james the deplorable wanderer
March 11, 2018 11:18 pm

james the deplorable dodo, I mentioned the pope separately, rather than call him the man-god as he is known, I called him officious, which should have conveyed pettiness rather than grandeur.

Speaking of Melania, I wanted to add, “in the house of the lord” but decided I would be spoon-feeding the reader. My bad.

Morans abound or else 8 Catholics didn’t like my flippant attitude toward da Pope.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
March 12, 2018 12:22 am

I’m Catholic and I say fuck this supposed “pope” with a chainsaw. Worshipping the pope – any pope – would be idolatrous. The pope is a sinner like the rest of us. I’m with you on Melania, EC. I support Trump generally, but he is an asshole and treats a lot of people like shit. He’s not big on introspection, but he wasn’t hired for his modesty. We tried that with Carter, althought in retrospect he was less modest than sanctimonious. I think Melania is a true Christian and probably prays for Donald to one day achieve sincerity. We’ll see how that works out. Also, mercy awaits the illegals if only the goddamn democrats would give in on the Wall – and allow immigration to be more merit-based.

  Iska Waran
March 12, 2018 9:58 am

They were shopping for a Hispanic pope since back in the seventies and almost had one from Honduras back in the 80’s. the thinking was that Latin America has a lot of Catholics. Also, there’s the fear that Latin America is growing in protestant churches, the Mormons are also big there.
Lee Chen

  Iska Waran
March 12, 2018 1:36 pm

Saw somewhere today that CNN ran an ad for a new TV series called The Pope: the most powerful man in the world. Think it may have been in an ad break when DJT did his speech in Pennsylvania.


i forget
i forget
March 11, 2018 2:36 pm

Occam’s shaver. Aid & comfort to the dying. Christian, or otherwise. Q, nor christo, is a constant effect. Despite all the affect.

All that sideways aside, a suggestion to look into: hyperbaric oxygen. Facilities offering it dot the landscape. Hourly rates add up, so buying one is an option, too. Craigslist, regularly.

Another way to accomplish some of hyperbaric benefits is to sit on the deep end bottom of a pool, breathing thru a hookah rig. Prolly not appropriate for your dad, just an fyi alternative.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
  i forget
March 12, 2018 10:44 am

Hmmmm………,errr…., well……. but what’s in the hookah?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert (QSLV)

i forget
i forget
  Robert (QSLV)
March 12, 2018 1:40 pm

Ha. That could help, too. But after the pool sessions.

Same word, different actions – words are hocus pocus alchemical magic, actions are the real magic.

Know a guy who used to scuba, & hookah, dive rivers in FL. He accumulated a large collection of arrowheads, spears\darts. & hookah rigs are used by gold dredgers, too.

March 11, 2018 2:53 pm

Stucky, dead serious here. I suggest you do a bit of research on 8chan regarding Alzheimer’s. A few weeks back Q posted “What if cures already exist?”. He was specifically talking about cancer but the discussion went off the rails like it does here. During the days that followed there was a tremendous about of digging done by the anons in addition to posts being made by the *healthfags* like TBP’ers occasionally do here on TBP about both natural treatments and medical treatments for numerous diseases including Alzhiemer’s and dementia. I was amazed at what they were coming up with…..tons of stuff I had never heard of before.

If you want to start digging let me know and I’ll get some links for you to start searching. You can use your browsers search function to search through it fairly quickly. If I remember corretly there were even a couple of new announcements in the press in the days following Q’s drop about those two diseases.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 11, 2018 2:59 pm


Just being curious in regards to Alzheimer’s in general, you said Mrs. Freud’s mother had it, what was her profession? I’ve been musing over non-scientific theories about the mind-body connection over the past few weeks.

March 11, 2018 2:59 pm

We stopped using deodorant with aluminum in it a couple years ago. Something many/most people who suffer from Alzhiemers have in common is high levels of aluminum in their blood. About the only kind I’ve found that works good is made for women, so I smell kinda pretty all day…

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 11, 2018 3:14 pm

Nah, my theory is more unscientific than aluminum deodorant. I was wondering if there’s a correlation between certain careers and cognitive diseases because of the increasing complexity of life that began in the 20th century. I was just wondering if Mrs. Freud’s mother also had an intellectual type of job.

Flying Monkey
Flying Monkey
March 11, 2018 6:31 pm

Swim in a chlorinated poll every other day and and you need to use no deodorant.

If I don’t swim for a week, the bacteria makes a come back.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Flying Monkey
March 11, 2018 11:22 pm

Just take a damn shower, Porch Monkey

March 12, 2018 9:10 am

Aluminum is in chemtrails. From chemtrails to soil. From soil to plants. From plants to animals.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 12, 2018 12:08 pm

I’ve been drinking Zeocare mixed in Powerade for a couple years, ever since I learned of the undeniable evidence of aluminum and barium in the chemtrails. Tastes OK. Helps diminish heavy metals in your body. It’s known that those metal elements can pass the blood-brain barrier and contribute to Alzheimer disease.

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Rise Up
March 12, 2018 1:20 pm

Thanks for the tip about ZEOCARE Riser. I have read a great deal about zeolite in the past.
Everyone should take the time to learn about this.

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
March 13, 2018 6:22 am

I’m not a doctor and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But you might look into Serrapeptase and Nattokinase. Flush out your gallstones. And move toward a ketogenic diet.

March 11, 2018 3:26 pm

@Stuck –

I’ll be honest: I saw the title of this piece, and I thought for sure that you were just going to throw down some more snark about Q and relate it to your aging parents. I was, in turn, going to throw some snark back at you.

I think, of all the cast of characters here on TBP, you’re the most transparent. I suspect that if we really met in real life, you’d be the easiest to relate to, because you’re always who you are. I think your parents are very lucky to have you. You’ve said that your libtard sister is more-or-less non-involved, and the weight of that burden falls to you.

Of course, intellectually, you know that all of us are, one day, going to draw our last breath. But that doesn’t lessen the pain of what you’re going through with your parents. I can’t comment, because I don’t know what it’s like. But I know you come here and share an authentic piece of yourself, day in and day out. Even when you threaten to leave, but you never do!! lol

I don’t know what to think about Q. I’m optimistic, then I’m doubtful. I think there’s a great future for my family, built on peace, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness, and the next day, I think we’re all destined for debt Armageddon. If Q is a LARP, it’s the best-constructed LARP that’s ever been. Also, as HSF mentioned the other day, if Q was a LARP, he’d have been doxxed by now. I tend to agree with that.

4chan has this recurring character named Anonymous5. He posts lots of “insider” information. I enjoyed reading them, at first. Then, I realized that the “leaks” contained very little substance, and lots of vague references to “chatter.” Somehow, the autists at 4chan figured out his name was Frank, and discovered all of his online profiles. I saw how they did it, and I still don’t understand. It’s a mad community over there. So, I do think if this was one person, a 19 year old pretending to be an insider, he’d slip up and the autists would sniff him out.

All this to say, thanks Stuck, for being the glue that holds this community together. Whatever happens with Q, we’ll have to see, soon enough, or dismiss it as false hope. Q can’t keep futuring us indefinitely. If the information is as world-changing as Q claims it to be, we’ll all see proof positive.

As for me, I’ve given Q until the end of March. That’s my own personal deadline. But, we’ll see.

Thanks, Stuck.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 11, 2018 11:25 pm

Thus, proving the saying: Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
March 12, 2018 12:27 am

Don’t stop showing up around here, EC.

  Iska Waran
March 12, 2018 10:03 am

I couldn’t, like Fleabaggs, I owe peeps too much payback to leave. Do you know at times I actually try to be nice for 5 minutes but I can’t, I come here and turn into a raging Hulk.

March 12, 2018 1:47 pm

This song always brings tears to my eyes and gives me goosebumps. It is about how we can end up blaming the generation before us for things we can’t comprehend and expresses why we must say what we need to say “In the Living Years”.

Your sister is making her peace with your father.

Mike and the Mechanics is Mike Rutherford’s (ex Genesis) band.

March 12, 2018 7:27 pm

Thank you for that, Rossa. I was a 19 year-old sophomore in college, with a 52 year-old father dying of cancer when that song was released.

March 11, 2018 3:59 pm

Gator , good story. Not bad for a pagan . Sometimes life will put the fear of God in you / us ! Glad your son is OK.

March 11, 2018 4:35 pm

Great post during a very trying time Stuck.
I realized just this week that I have completely taken my parents’ health for granted. My mom started having a-fib and is very weak and tires easily. My dad literally said that everything changes when you hit 80, but at that age he was still going to work in a mine, alone, for 3 weeks at a time…as a hobby. Now 88 he moves slowly. The worst is that he is really worried about my mom….he would never say so but it is clear in his voice.
I feel for what you and your parents are going through and fear for when it will be my turn.

March 11, 2018 4:42 pm

On the subject of God being so close to us it makes me think on my prior notions of God’s omnipresence and the fundamental forces. However, everything I knew (or thought I knew) about physics got completely upended last week…It doesn’t change the basic ideas about God but it does change just about everything else. I won’t hijack this thread but someday I will feel compelled to dive into all the clearly errand assumptions in the standard model of cosmology. I’m sure everyone will be holding their collective breath. 🙂

March 11, 2018 5:10 pm

I told my Nick about your folks…he gets it. He does not know about the flirting.

March 11, 2018 5:48 pm

Hang in there Stuck. You’re a good son.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 11, 2018 10:22 pm

Never heard that song before, TC. I love it!

March 11, 2018 6:06 pm

“Gonna wrap my arms around my Daddy’s head, and tell him that I miss him. Tell him all about the man that I became, and hope that it pleased him. There’s so much I wanna say, so much I wanted you to know.”

Lyrics from the song below, which has more than one meaning.

Steve C.
Steve C.
March 11, 2018 6:18 pm

Stucky – As you know, my spiritual beliefs are a little different from most of the commenters here on TBP, but just because they are different doesn’t mean that I don’t have any.

To the point of your article, I think that asking questions is an integral part of life.

For myself I have found that although the answers to my questions help to make me wise, it’s the simple act of asking those questions in the first place that makes me human.

And within that thought that I discovered that contentment for me is located in that drifting area between my ambitions and my abilities.

If not there, where else would I expect to find it?

Hope though, is a powerful thing. It not only makes the unendurable endurable, but it bonds us to our fellow man. I find that can’t live without it.

May you and your parents finds your own peace in your own way.

March 11, 2018 6:29 pm

So sorry to hear your Dad is dying and afraid for his wife.
You are a good son, and everyone is proud of you and
everyone wishes you an easier time of it.

My Mom informs me she is 92 and a half. I really hope
she just falls asleep and does not wake up. She deserves
that, but we’ll see.

Love you Stuck,

PS: Q? Who cares. We have come to the realization every
thing is upside down and inside out. It is fun though to
listen to Dr. Corsi interpreting/deciphering Q-posts.
It is a sweet fantasy that truth, and justice, just might
prevail. Lullaby.

March 11, 2018 6:36 pm

Hi Stucky

Perhaps the gift is coming to the end of ourselves. Sooner or later we all do, and with enough grace, we may reach out to Someone for help. Your mom seems to have recognized that and your father may have too.

Thanks for the “Burden” song – just what I needed to hear this day.
Blessings on you all.

P.S. I’m so glad your dad got to come home. You will find hospice to be a huge help for all.

March 11, 2018 6:47 pm

Stuck, I pray your father is at peace with God and that his remaining time is peaceful as well. Jesus the Christ has defeated death.

March 11, 2018 6:59 pm

Stucky, you made me cry for what you have to face as well as remembering my parents passing. All I wish for you is eventual peace.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
March 11, 2018 7:44 pm

My Father passed away from a stroke and cancer when he was 72. It was in 1996 and I was 44. My mother is still alive. I am 65 now and she is 19 years older than me making her 84. I can certainly relate to your pain and dilemma.

The best song that I can offer to illustrate the relation between father and son is by Harry Chapin. Cats in the Cradle.

Here is live version:

Me and my son talked of this and I realized he actually figuratively did turn out just like me and it also struck me I am also just like my Father. I think this is the highest tribute any son can give to his Father.

Stucky, I just want to add it must be a great reflection on your Father how dedicated you are to him and your mother.


March 11, 2018 8:02 pm

Stucky, my heartfelt prayers go out to you and yours. Both my parents are in their later 80’s and I am experiencing the same issues. Glad you are still posting, you are the heart and soul of this interwebs place, and it would not be the same without you man.

As to Q, I am hopeful, but not sold. Gotta see some proof first. But as God lives within me, I am hopeful that Q lives beside me. Peace,my friend.

March 11, 2018 8:12 pm


Thank you for this post.

We just lost my 95 year old Dad to COPD/Congestive Heart Failure yesterday after over 3 months of in home hospice care. We have seen similar phases to what you described in the ebb and flow of the death process. Thankfully, never the fearfulness, because we are all committed Christians, so we know the truth of what your Mom said to your Dad. Perhaps there was some commitment by your folks earlier in life. Once saved, always saved.

And, yes, Q is very much a light vs darkness exercise. And there is much darkness to contend with. It is an inspiring thought experiment at worst. If it is actually true, as I believe, then we really may be seeing a new rebirth of liberty for the whole world.

We’ll see!

May God’s peace abide in you and for those you love!

March 11, 2018 9:05 pm

Curt, I’m sorry for your loss. There’s be a lot of that going around lately among TBP members.

Steve C.
Steve C.
March 11, 2018 9:20 pm

Curt – I lost my dad in 1977. I was 24 years old.

He was more than just my dad. He was my best friend.

It’s a hard thing to lose your dad no matter what age. It gets easier every day, but you don’t ever forget. And would you really want to?

I have a picture of us together on my work table as I write this. I was probably around nine or ten.

Hang in there. It won’t always hurt this bad.

The memories last forever…

March 11, 2018 8:50 pm

As a 4th gen funeral director in a small WV town on the mighty Ohio, We have served HUNDREDS of families who never/rarely graced the pews, but when it’s crunch time, they ALL want a religious service.
A (church) friend gave me a note (quote) from “Miracle on 43rd St”, “Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to” Live it, learn it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 11, 2018 9:46 pm

I never know what bag you’re gonna jump out of next.

You sir, are an original.

My son and I spent the entire day collecting sap, and every once and a while we’d pause to look out across the snow covered woods and stare off at the sky, these tattered scraps of violet clouds flitting along the horizon, and way off in the distance the crown of Kearsarge rising up above the treetops, covered in white.

It felt like God wanted to spend the afternoon with us and we just went with it.

I’m glad you finally got what Q was offering. It doesn’t require outcomes, doesn’t even have to settle scores, as long as people are starting to ask questions again. It’s as if we’ve all been given an opportunity to come outside into the snowy fields on a cold bright day and realize we’re lucky to have been alive at all.

God ist mit uns, Stuck.

God mit uns.

March 11, 2018 10:10 pm

The Power of Q

Still on the fence about Q. Why. Not sure.

There is a need in me for Hope more than faith… I have been following what is happening in South Africa. I wonder sometimes what Q thinks about those ongoing atrocities. Watched a video last week and have been following Lauren Southern on her reports from the front lines in the war against White South Africa .

The more I read.
The more videos I watch.
The more pissed off I get.

Yesterday I went Outdoor Sports and RV show. It was great. The were Guns, RV’s, Boats and even a guy who was doing tricks with chainsaws..

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Yet even during all this I could not stop thinking about South Africa. Sometimes I wish I knew less about what is really happening in the world. Sometimes I wish that someone out there has the means to do the right thing.

But in the real world that ain’t so. At least in the world I know.

[imgcomment image[/img]

So I am walking around looking at guns. Might be time to get my FAC. Then I stumble on that one exhibit. The one where you are given a hammer to hit something really hard hoping to ring the bell at top.

It would be perfect.

[imgcomment image[/img]

So I watched for a while as lumberjacks and axe throwers took turns trying to succeed. Most of the guys who tried were young bucks. Not old fucks like me. Some did prevail yet for most it took several swings before that were able to ring the bell. When they did the guy in charge would hand out a high five. Send them on their way.

After a while I said to myself “fuck it” might as well give it a try. I would at least have to satisfaction of hitting something really hard. And as it turned out it was perfect. The guy in charge kinda sniffed a bit with derision when I approached. A skinny middle aged white guy. Likely thought to himself “not a chance”. He’d be wrong.

I hit it once to get my range then did it one moar time and rang that fucken bell. The guy running the joint looked at me surprised. My wife standing off to the side started laughing. He didn’t give me a high five. I don’t need one anyways. I just walked away feeling better. It didn’t last long. I find reading Q has much the same effect on me.

I am hoping that luck would have it that I am proven wrong.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 11, 2018 10:27 pm

“Yesterday I went Outdoor Sports and RV show.”

My dad always took me to those without my mom. Just me and him:) When he stopped taking me is when I think things began to go awry between the two of us for a few years. Not sure why he stopped taking me. Not sure why we drifted apart..but it was okay before he died.

  Mary Christine
March 11, 2018 10:44 pm


It was the the first time I went to a show like that. I loved it. It was great day with two of my Grandkids and my wife. Even one of my Sons came along. He had fun too! I will be back next year. Better prepared. Hopefully.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 11, 2018 10:54 pm

Make it a yearly event and they will always remember it.

The used to call it the Boat, Sports and Travel show. They always had trained animals that did water tricks, my favorite part!

  Mary Christine
March 11, 2018 11:02 pm

They did that as well. There were Dogs doing jumps into the water. It was all great.Everybody was having a good time. Need more of that…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 11, 2018 10:43 pm

Hi Stucky, I’m glad you shared this with us. We, most of us, can relate in one way or another.

You wrote of your lib-tard sister. Funny, that. My brother took on all of the burden of my parents, God bless him and may God have mercy on his soul. He was the lib-tard. Didn’t matter to me, I was not going to fight about politics with him when we had to agree on so many things regarding my parents. We were 17 years apart and when my parents were failing big time, my kids were still in elementary school and my house burned down the weekend he came to town to talk with me about them. He just took over and I will always be forever grateful. I would drive to Denver and stay a week a couple times a year to give him a bit of a break. It was a long 8 years for him by the time my mom died. She stopped eating and we decided against a feeding tube.

My biggest regret..I was not with either of them when they passed. I was in town when my dad passed but it was the middle of the night in the winter and the streets were bad so neither of us was at the nursing home when my dad passed. My brother advised against me driving on the snow packed street to get there, I was staying with him and he didn’t go either.

By the time my mom passed, she hadn’t recognized me for a couple years. But you never know what might be going on in their brains.

Please continue to write when you can. Prayin for ya.

March 11, 2018 10:56 pm

Stucky, I’ve lost both of my parents, Mom -2002 and Dad in 2011. I feel your pain – all of us that have lost a parent do. Concentrate on taking care of your Mother and easing her pain. Grieve, yet be strong for her and the rest of your family. Peace..

March 12, 2018 12:17 am

Oh, for the days of logic and reason. They are officially dead.

March 12, 2018 3:42 am

Stucky, repeating the smooches and hugs of last night. A funny memory about taking care of my Poppa Grooch at the nursing home. He was a kisser… the whole family wants to kiss on the cheek and forehead, but while I am affectionate with family, the whole kiss on the lips and cheek is not my thing. But, the old guy won me over and I adored that chubby bundle of love and all that was about him. But, one time when one of the female residents was talking to me in the dining area (the center of the nursing home world!!!), she asked me why my father wanted to kiss me all the time. I laughed and laughed at the expression on her face when I told her it was my husband’s father, not my own, and that he was the Godfather in that big Italian clan in Cleveland, so he always got to kiss me extra for his other girls: three female cousins who adored him and called him “Uncle.” It was very sweet.

My own father was very suspicious of Poppa’s loving nature with his kids and grandkids and, perhaps, with me. My own father was very strict in his code of behavior and hugging the girls after they were toddlers was just not what his family did. Is that how your folks tended to be?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 12, 2018 12:32 pm

“If love is more than just words — and I’m not saying words are unimportant — but, if love is mostly what you DO … then I have no doubt my sis and I are loved by people who just can’t say the words.”

Interesting thought that it might just be a German thing, the inability to say “I love you”. I don’t remember my mom ever telling my she loved me but rarely doubted it. She was at least half German. Possible more, I just never explored her side of the tree. I figured she couldn’t say the words for other reasons.

My dad was a full blooded Frenchmen and it showed. I think he never could figure out why my mom was cold.

  Mary Christine
March 14, 2018 12:24 am

Stucky, my thoughts and prayers are with you. When they stopped the life-extending meds for Poppa, I thought we had a couple weeks. It was just a few days. His heart was very weak too.

I gotta make you smile. I’m gonna post a reply to Mary Christine regarding that song she never wants to hear again… I’ll bring the link back.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
March 12, 2018 6:41 pm

My mother was a Berliner and a war bride. She never once told me that she loved me. I never held it against her because I never doubted her love. She also never took us to church or spoke of god. She passed almost two years ago at 93 years of age. I was at her side almost the entire time she was in hospice. It was heartbreaking but I swear she made some of the funniest jokes of her life while laying on her deathbed. It was an ordeal for sure, but she had an incredible fearless attitude about it. While she was laying there dying I told her that I loved her and her reply was, “I know it”. God, I miss her.

  Huck Finn
March 12, 2018 6:46 pm
March 12, 2018 5:57 am

Stucky, you have wondered in the past what your mother meant by certain things that seemed negative. Be glad you still got to see a beautiful and tender moment between two people that love each other and made a life and family together. In the end we are all human. In the end we are all mortal. Just the way it is.

March 12, 2018 7:08 am

My mom is in the hospital again for her ongoing congestive heart failure and complications of pneumonia, she was just there four months ago for the same issues, and nine months ago for the same issues and one year ago for the same issues, and….eventually this will be her end, probably this year.
Mom had a heart valve replaced 10 yeas ago and it failed five years ago so she keeps saying; “I lived five years longer than I wanted, I hate living like this.”
I have no idea why she continues to say this as in that five years she’s held four new great grandchildren and attended two weddings.

My sister who has fought cancer for ten years is no longer able to receive treatments as her body has been destroyed by the poisons doctors think is helping, but she has an incredible outlook on life and is not bitter at her condition but takes each day as a gift.

Dad’s Alzheimer’s is getting worse and once mom is gone will have to move to assisted living which he can’t afford without mom’s SS and pension, so he moves into a state facility or one of us will have to take him in, he can’t remember much about day to day goings on.

So I guess you are correct, neither God nor Q can or will do anything about our life, that’s up to each of us.
Life is a bitch, if it was a slut it would be easy.

March 12, 2018 8:06 am

Faith and hope, two things that are routinely besmirched in our ‘modern’ society of ‘tolerance’. Those are the two things that I have when I look at the whole Q pheonomena, and no not in a ‘religious’ way. I guess it’s a faith and hope in our own country. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I still think there is much goodness in this country but it just gets lost in the noise.

All the best Stucky, to you and your’s.

March 12, 2018 10:04 am

I had a huge story typed here. Cathartic for me, but rambling at best. Cliff’s notes below.

My wife’s mother had an elderly neighbor whom she ended up being the power of attorney for. The poor guy had stage 4 inoperable lung cancer. Very painful. After his initial diagnosis they wanted to keep him in the hospital first and foremost, but he said no way in hell. They agreed to one of those old folks homes with trained nurses….but that was terrible. Not just for his physical health, but his mental health as well. It was obvious that families were sending their elderly their to die alone. Horrible. We visited him everyday, my mother in law is a nurse of 30 years. I worked for 5 years as a tech at a hospital. We both know how awful those places were.

Ultimately…we couldn’t leave him there. He needed constant care, I ended up being the sole way he got moved around as I was the only one strong enough to move him in a controlled fashion.

We were his care takers for months. It was one of the worst and best things that ever happened to me. Seeing this guy who just 6 months before had been fixing his own roofing laid low in such a short time was heart wrenching. Still, I wouldn’t change a thing. Hospice was the right call for him. It put us all through the ringer emotionally and financially, but only because he had been abandoned by his family.

Its hard Stuck, I don’t have to tell you that. But I’ve seen the alternative (many many times). Doing the right thing is never the easy thing, but I hope that you and yours find the peace you deserve in life.

PS: I’m not high on this “Q” thing either. Mostly because I feel like its another 4chan scavenger hunt and the end prize will be some 30 year old neckbeard tipping his fedora at everyone saying “You didn’t say the magic word.”

March 12, 2018 11:37 am

I don’t know if this will work for you…but we took solace in laughter. My wife and I love the show “The Office” and we marathoned it during the worst times. Laughter helped so much.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
March 12, 2018 2:57 pm

Stucky, my mom passed from pulmonary fibrosis after 18 mo. in hospice (I was the f/t caregiver.. the only thing we needed from hospice, they fucked up.. long story for another day). When she died I expected to feel sad, but I just didn’t.. and after thinking about it I came to the conclusion that our relationship had been fulfilled: there wasn’t anything lacking or any regrets.

Sometimes I get the impression that people with a lot of grief are looking for something outside themselves to complete some self-told imaginary “story”—like that of a happy family, a doting daughter, a non-abusive parent… stuff like that, that never really came to be for whatever reason… —and that’s what they are mourning the loss of.. the fact that their story no longer has a chance of ending the way they want it to. When people cry, it’s because they are feeling sorry for *themselves*, from what I can tell.

I have a hard time understanding people who say they “lost” their loved one, or who say that the person was “taken” from them. Note the emphasis on the remaining individual having been wronged in some way, rather than on the dead person who got “mislaid”, or even kidnapped!, according to the speaker.

I think your “god”/Q analogy is interesting, and apt. People yearn for invisible friends who will have their back and mete out justice on their behalf, smite enemies, and so forth. It’s a very compelling fantasy, and a lot less trouble to maintain than real friendships.

Just do what you can to keep your dad as comfortable as possible. Make sure you don’t get caught short of morphine (my hospice gripe). Lack of oxygen to the brain will lead to some dementia.. that’s normal (IANAD).

I really recommend an inexpensive series of pamphlets, found here:


I have the first three. All are good, but “The Eleventh Hour” is particularly useful and frank in discussing what to expect during a person’s dying, as it does generally play out in a certain way. If you are observant you’ll be able to prepare yourself and family members when the time is near. I get the feeling you will be the Rock in this process; I know you will be up to the role but these books might help.

March 12, 2018 2:23 pm

The journey is poignant and the burden is light.

Edit… not sure what I meant by that, but it is what came out when I sat down and read all the comments, including your own.

Now, talk amongst yourselves… I’m verklemf, as Joan used to say.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 13, 2018 2:15 am

One thing you’re forgetting, Q doesn’t have the Holy Spirit, whereas, God has.

March 13, 2018 9:52 am

Stucky, very sorry to hear this news about your father. God speed and best wishes… Chip