February 23, 2018
An article by sparrowhawk6

A wag once said, “the trouble with youth is it is wasted on the young.” How can anything be more true? The young gents above risked it all on a daily basis, but still kept a sense of humor and brotherhood which are certainly the only souvenirs of war a man wants that he is allowed to keep. The featured photo was furnished by my friend John Robinson. It somehow captures the essence of what it was to be a young warrior in Viet Nam.

War exacts a price from all who participate in it. It also extracts a tariff from those who love the participants. Your author was a participant and this is a story of some of the stuff he returned home with.

Hookworm and malaria were two inconveniences I brought back with me. The parasites, despite treatment, hung around for three years after my discharge from the Marines in February of 1972. The malaria kept it up till 1991 or so…….I am sure of that because it was just after The Gulf War that the fevers held me in their last embrace. Gone now? I think so, but really it is a small tab to pay. Many Marines paid a much more severe price for their participation in things Viet Nam.

In the nineties the funerals started. Seems like many men were dying from conditions which are now linked with the herbicide known as Agent Orange. Others, who were assigned to Camp Lejeune, NC (CLNC) on their return, later received a letter from the Commandant of the Marine Corps advising them that they had likely been consuming potent environmental toxins in the drinking water at CLNC. In late 2017, the Department of Veterans Affairs stipulated that certain conditions were linked to these toxins and veterans who served at CLNC from August 1, 1953, through December 31, 1987, were eligible for medical treatment and disability benefits.

Your intrepid author, whose name appears on the Agent Orange Registry and the Commandants CLNC List appeared to soar above the fray and wonder at his good fortune……until last week.

Almost forty-five years to the day from my discharge at Camp Lejeune, VA personnel informed me that I have bladder cancer. Those who know me will tell you that I have taken pretty good care of myself over the years. Now the bill has come due and the Piper bids to be paid.

Having watched my friends experience with the medical industry in our country I have decided to use the knowledge and experience of others and allow my body to heal itself. I can’t and won’t be smug about this because I do know that even as I am now not in pain or serious distress, things could get tough at any time and my task could become extremely difficult.

It is my experience that we always are given what we need, when we need it. In my case a good friend, Ken Hattan, who I know from our association with The Rose City Motorcycle Club, is my guide and mentor. Ken healed his esophageal cancer while he was in the que for surgery to remove his tumors. My friend has graciously allowed me to publish his letter describing the process and experiences which led to his cure. I read it each day in an attempt to stay focused on the task-at-hand and for inspiration and affirmation that miracles are indeed possible.

Those of you who love me and care for me please accept in advance my gratitude for your prayers. Life offers only one guarantee…….but I have a few things left to do here and plan to be around for awhile longer.

To whom it may Concern:

Ken Hattan’s Collection of Notes on God and Healing.

Ken’s Perspective:
I came up with this when trying to explain why the spirit is such a big part of making decisions regarding a persons health care. A doctor deals in science, and a patient deals with his reality. The doctor’s advice is based on the science, which may be all that is necessary to take care of a problem that a patient has. Like resetting a fractured bone, or bandaging up a cut, or prescribing a pill to aid in urinary flow. Patients rely on this and do not have to think much about how it is going to affect them or their family. They just report what the doctor did. But there comes a time when it isn’t that simple, and the patient must make decisions that affect the rest of his life and life itself.

At these times the patient must use the doctor’s advice and science, and meld that with his reality, then blend it with his spirit. If this melding of science and reality includes the possibility of dying or negatively altering the patients life, the soul comes into play and the decisions made have to be made by the patient because he is the only one that can blend all that with his spirit.

It is wrong for health care organizations to dictate to a patient, what shall be done and what won’t be done, when in fact they should do what the patient requests. The patient needs to learn a thing or two, to make good decisions.

Ken’s belief in God:
I believe this is simple. God is everything. God is everything you see and everything you can’t see. God is love. God is energy. God is your thoughts. God is.

Nothing happens that God isn’t the cause or the results, the creator or the destroyer. When we look around us, we see God beauty everywhere. The tree is God, the rocks are God, the lake is God, the clouds are God, the deer is God, the flower is God, and the dog is God. We humans are God. Everything is God.

Whether you think this was created in 7 days or hundreds of millions of years doesn’t matter, as it is all good. God is good. Since most of our small world on the planet Earth is now being influenced by humans it has become clear that millions of years of development is being altered and that is not good. Since God is good, this is bad.

On a personal level. We are God and have been provided with the most fabulous bodies, with brains that can create great things. Our bodies are factories that process food into the the most perfect energy known. Same with all animals. Wild and tame animals don’t know how to do bad to their bodies. Humans do and do bad to their bodies everyday. We need to learn to treat our bodies as temples and God, so we can continue on in a healthy way.

God is everything. I believe I am God, because God is everything and that includes me. Like a molecule of water in the ocean. The ocean isn’t an ocean without that one molecule and many trillions of other molecules of water. I am as old as God. I’m made up of water and water doesn’t just go away. It exists everywhere in the Universe. Here on earth, the water molecules have been active since the beginning. Water molecules exist everywhere and in everything. They are recycled every minute of every day, month,
year, century, and forever. My body may have the first molecule in the first raindrop, the first single cell organism, the first dinosaurs, or river, plant, animal, and so on, so I am as old as the planet Earth, the Sun, and even the Universe. Or at least parts of me. I hold that my body is God’s and it holds the power of the Universe, and that this energy can be used for healing. I believe that God’s power is omnipotent, and we humans are unaware as to the power we have.

I believe that there is power we can feel, such as the light and heat from the sun, the force of an ocean wave against the body or a push from a friend; and there is power we can’t feel or see. These are some of the powers humans have, some people can move objects, most of us can’t, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have those powers. I believe that we exert powerful energy from our hearts. This is often power you can see, as when you tell someone you love them, tell a room full of people that you appreciate them all and your heart is full of gratitude. You will always see the power of those heart-felt thoughts in their eyes and body movements. I believe that when you make heart felt expressions, that the energy is flowing from your heart, and you will direct this to those that you are talking to and fill the room with positive energy.

This is expressed in sign language, by placing your hand over your heart and then extending your hand as though you were throwing them a kiss. I also believe that when others are praying for you that you are receiving that energy. Knowing this is powerful in the healing process and coupled with your own moving of energy to heal yourself is absolute and has positive effects. Jesus was known for the ability to heal and he also said that we will do even greater things than these. I believe that Jesus, being a human being, believed that what he did was possible to be done by anyone. He was
sharing his knowledge regarding our power, and that this power existed in our (God) spirit. Following the Father was the key. Following God. God is omnipotent and will facilitate these healings, if one believes in the Father (God/self).

Ken’s Method of Visualizing his Esophagus Already Healed: Always visualize your body already healed. I visualized my esophagus as perfect pink tissue (no flaws) all the way to my stomach. I would bath it over and over again, when ever I thought about having cancer, with energy from my heart (Love). This was me, my mind, communicating to my spirit (God) what needed to be done. My tumor went away in less than two months.

Doctors couldn’t believe it. They saw it with scopes, CAT and PET scans, they measured it with ultrasound, and they biopsied it (positive for adenocarcinoma). All gone two weeks before my scheduled surgery for a esophagectomy. The surgeons, have put me in the hospital two times digging out big chunks of my mucosal lining looking for the cancer and that led to major bleeding that got me in the ICU for 3-4 days while they gave me 3 units of blood each time. I’m still rebuilding my red blood cell count, but I think they have given up for now and believe me when I say that my wife and I beat the cancer. (fat chance they would believe that) After this last visit to the ICU, I told my surgeon, never-again. My spirit was telling me the cancer was gone, and now I am listening and responding never-again. We need to listen to our bodies more, our gut and our intuition speak to us (spirit talk). Listen to it.

Ken’s path to cancer remission.

You know you are on the right path when you have taken CONTROL of your health care, radically changed your DIET, used your INTUITION to know when to not do harmful procedures that damage your body. Practice a POSITIVE attitude, increase your social SUPPORT and show gratitude for all the reasons you have for LIVING. Adding immune SUPPLEMENTS that aid your body in fighting disease and include meditation and prayer that increases your SPIRITUAL connection; along with thoughts of SELF HEALING and energy flowing through your body healing all that is wrong. Believing you are already healed all day long, everyday no matter what. (Note; my stress and emotional baggage was nil during my healing)

Self Healing. What is self-healing? How does that work with traditional spiritual beliefs? How does that work with traditional medicine? I don’t know if I can answer these questions but will start with my spiritual beliefs. See below 9 items Common among 1000 Radical Remission cancer victims.

(Based on Kelly Turners book: Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All
Odds.” )
1. Radically changing your diet
2. Taking control of your health
3. Following your intuition
4. Using herbs and supplements.
5. Increasing positive emotions
6. Embracing social support
7. Deepening your spiritual connection
8. Having strong reasons for living
9. Releasing suppressed emotions

What to do Summary:
1. Take charge of all medical decisions. Own it, so to speak. Let your God within, your spirit know that you are making these decisions. You will be rewarded.
2. Listen to the doctors, but also investigate how you can remove the cancer with diet,supplements, Gods food and God’s natural medicines, get connected to God in your mind (you are already connected, you just need to believe it and feel it.)
3. Listen to your body as it will help you along the recovery path. Listen to your gut and intuition.
4. Read Kelly Turner’s book: Radical Remission, to feel the 1000 victims that beat cancer in so many different ways.
5. Be Positive, about everything. Thought held in mind produce after their kind. Your thoughts feed your cells. Make sure all you cells are getting the right mind thoughts. Always remember that cancer cells are your cells and you need to send them love not anger. You can’t wish them away, but you can love them to death, and they will once again become new healthy cells.
6. Surround yourself with supportive people. People that support you in what ever your decision is, whether that is going natural or going conventional. And remember, a prayer once given can be forever received. You can draw the healing thoughts from those that love you all the time. There is no time limit on get well prayers and wishes. Think of the people who gave them and bring those thoughts into you heart as often you want.
7. Eliminate stress and suppressed emotions during your healing process.
8. Access your reasons for living. Keep these in the forefront of your mind. Include them in your prayers.
9. Get spiritual. Take time to learn the healing power of God.

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March 17, 2018 5:45 pm

…that’s some good stuff right there….

March 17, 2018 5:52 pm

Good stuff, agreed. My wife, who had great faith, was killed by her (our) naive belief in the medical system concerning cancer almost a year ago. Had it to do over, we’d have told them to shove it and refused any treatment. She agreed at the end, but too late. There are no do-overs in life.

March 17, 2018 6:04 pm


Interesting bit you wrote. I do think there is something to be said for a more holistic approach when it comes to health and outcomes. There is one point you make that I think is essential to leading a good life. That is to reduce stress. That and eating better. Just recently I drove out West with my Son 5000 kms to Edmonton. A real long drive and lots of time to think. Anyways doing that makes a fella seem small. Which in weird way made me see the world for what it is. A place that will go on long after I am gone. My insignificance was liberating. I was mucking about around town for a few days wondering what I should do while waiting for flight back home. So I decided to go and see my Aunt in Calgary, a 3 hour drive south. I am glad I did. It had been 10 years since I saw her last. Three days after I left she found out she has stage 4 lung cancer.

Not sure what the message is that I have for you here by writing that. Maybe I just wanted to say that none of us are going to get out of here alive. I do want to send best wishes on your path where ever it takes you.

I shouldn’t speak for others but you mention being in Vietnam. You should write some about that.

March 17, 2018 8:38 pm

Sparrowhawk6; a very good moniker for an old soldier. I look forward to seeing you around.

I am fully on board with the idea of using natural healing with an herbal or holistic regimen. I will watch for news of your continued good news!

March 17, 2018 6:46 pm

My view of God is correct but not popular so I have no advice other then what I have said on this site many times before.My Father was in the War but all I have to go on is what he told me .I do have heart disease and I’m in full frontal recovery. So I can comment on getting better while living with a disease.My doctors made me repeatedly say Exercise is medicine over and over.Made me promise to stay on exercise program.Take my other medicine as required.Reduce stress through Prayer and Worship.Lose weight and stay at my ideal weight. I take herbs and a multivitamin daily .As Tinker Bell said I also believe in a holistic approach to healing. I will keep you on my list of people I pray for. That’s about all I can do for anyone at this point.God Bless.

March 17, 2018 7:01 pm

Sparrow hawk.
I’ve been avoiding replying all afternoon for fear of sounding patronizing.
I have a lot of experience with all 3 of those topics so please bear with me.
I Lost Half of my life over that mess but fortunately God gave me back something so much better I rarely talk about it. If it helps any, go up to the search bar and type in My War, by Fleabaggs.
Regarding the health thing, I dropped out of the health care Goolag a year ago. I’m online now. because I’m in town for testing to measure my y progress only. I quit their “take this pill to counter the bad effects of that pill etc”. Then I moved to the low desert from 5,300ft. In Mt. I’m stable now and can function without oxygen. Dr. Cass Igrahms cured himself of cancer by having his wife juice veggies by the crate when he was too weak to move and his fellow MD’s told him he was hopeless. He can be Googled.
I refuse to talk about my faith and the road back from hell online in open forums because it passes all understanding and I refuse to have it trampled by trolls but you can email me anytime at fleebaggs@gmail. I don’t do therapy and Psychobabble nor the welcome home vomiting and I don’t talk much. Just wanted to let you know you aren’t alone. See you somewhere on the broad highway of Spiritually. Frank.

March 17, 2018 8:24 pm

Hang in there Bro. If I was in your shoes would I do chemo and rad? No.

March 17, 2018 8:39 pm

My comment disappeared, odd. Haven’t had that happen before. Ok this one posted.

Im sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Best of luck to you during your recovery. Hard to imagine wanted to subject myself to the medical cartel, too. My old neighbor went through that with his wife. She was in and out of the hospital for months, they finally said there wasn’t anything else they could do, and that by staying in the hospital, they gave her 4-6 weeks to live, all of it in a hospital bed. She didn’t want that, so he took her home to die. She lasted another 9 months, and was able to do normal daily things for over half of it too.

Its a terrible shame for so many people to survive a combat environment like that, only to come home and die just a few short years later from some chemical the government dumped on you, or injected you with. What happened to me is no where near what happened to you guys, but I worry about possible side effects from that fucking anthrax vaccine I was forced to take. By the time I got it, supposedly they’d made a ‘new and improved’ version, but I don’t trust the government doctors or the company that made it one bit, so who knows. I, of course, was clueless about any of this, and did’nt even look into it until later. After the second or third of the six shot series, I would get a burning sensation that would travel down my arm and then back up to my shoulder from the injection site. It would hurt like shit for 10-20 minutes, then just be sore for a few days, like a deep muscle bruise. This weird lump would form under the injection site and take a couple weeks to go away. I wasn’t the only one that experienced that either. Only a few people didn’t have some side effect from it.

Found this with a quick search :

They knew years before this study, and they STILL forced people to get it, even though no one deployed had been attacked by anthrax. Obviously this isn’t as bad as having agent orange dumped on you, or drinking the water at Lejuene (not a Marine, but been there for training). I point this out about the anthrax shot just to demonstrate that they still haven’t learned their lesson, and still treat people like lab rats for big pharma.

Anyways, again, I wish you the best of luck beating this thing. I liked what you wrote and look forward to more. Take care.

March 17, 2018 8:58 pm

Sparrow – you might check out the documentary “Cancer Can be Killed” – very worthwhile. There were some interesting tidbits in another documentary called “The Science of Fasting” related to cancer. Best wishes for your success.

I am
I am
March 17, 2018 9:17 pm

Ok I do not know if yours is invasive nor what layer in the bladder wall its evil little roots have sunk.
Mine was discovered by pissing beetroot juice urine, caused by a dislodgement during jogging with the dog and the roots had only settled in the first internal layer. For that I am thankful.
I had an operation which removed the little “Coral trees” from the wall of the bladder and at the same time they denuded the area around the infestation by burning or branding the walls with an electric coil type instrument and all done up the “eye of the snake” After the surgery I was held only 1 day for the use of a flushing fluid that contained anti cancer cell treatments. (Bladder immunology at its infancy)
I was tested six monthly then yearly using a cystoscopy and yes I hated that every damn time. But it is the only way to inspect inside to see you clear. Year 4 it returned with a vengeance but by then the Bladder immunology had progressed to 90% cure rate and again mine was caught early. 6 sessions of filling your bladder with “chemicals” and holding the expanded bladder while it did its work was all it took. The Urologist specialist left my last appointment with him by saying……. Now it your turn to keep this horrible thing at bay. so…… Quote…..
No sausages, Bacon, cured meats or hotdogs but if you can’t live without at least eat naturally cured bacon/ ham (hung and smoked) – Ok it is very expensive but that limits your intake
No Smoking – done
If you drink, drink naturally brewed Beer and forget about the Bourbon chaser
Eat a lot of asparagus along with fresh clean vegetables at about 80% to 20% protein. (I asked about the Asparagus, apparently it does wonders for your kidneys and bladder but it is a very strong diuretic so drink about a gallon of clean natural water a day)
Get a DOG
Get Active ……. end quote
On Dogs (on my second now) They need to smell the roses and so do you and it will introduce you to a lot of very nice people because dog people are pack animals so you will get support in prayer and friendship)
Eat well, sleep well, laugh and remember this whenever it crops up… Worry is a complete waste of emotion, near all things you worry about never happen at all and those very small ones that do happen NEVER happen the way you feared.

The time is now +13 years and I am declared out of remission 3 stone lighter, BP 117/77 at 65 years of age, clear lungs and heart and off all medications except an anti inflammatory called Naproxin (Tumeric does the same thing).
Do not discount science and its advances because it is given by God, so are you, so use both.

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 17, 2018 10:48 pm

In a church meeting tonight and asking the question, why am I still here? I had the sense I was a broken vessel that was useless. Came home and found an answer in your article. Thanks.
I’m not struggling with cancer, just a reason for existence. I have someone close to me that seems to always secrete negative thoughts that I have a hard time deflecting. This has begun to feel like a cancer that has been slowly eating away at my soul that I must counter, or I believe it will move into a physical ailment.
Your words have helped me to see I have to first take responsibility for what I take in and the connections to my spiritual being will be essential to my healing. I just wanted to say thank you for your kind, profound and life producing words. God bless you and all who are receiving help from your guidance.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Not Sure
March 18, 2018 9:10 pm

“I have someone close to me that seems to always secrete negative thoughts that I have a hard time deflecting. This has begun to feel like a cancer that has been slowly eating away at my soul that I must counter, or I believe it will move into a physical ailment.”

Toxic people will make you sick. If you recall, I said that I had found the solution. Short of quitting due to such a person, I took advantage of a cyclical occurrence; the silent treatment. When she got over her butthurt and tried to act all cheery-like, I had already decided not to go for the bait.

The monthly routine was cheerful banter for a couple of days followed by a bossy critical remark one day and then a couple of days of hen-pecking. I followed through with a bit of ass-kissing, finally an apology that seemed to bring her to a state of quietus. As the monthly cycle came to a close, a climactic blowup would lead to the silent treatment.

All this walking around on eggshells was driving me crazy. I had a talk with the boss who remarked that he knew she’s a bitch to deal with and that we are too old to be dealing with this shit. It has been a few months since I learned to keep my mouth shut. I feel great.

Women are a menace. Avoid them if you can.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  EL Coyote
March 19, 2018 1:36 am

And how did you know that the someone I referred to was of the feminine persuasion? Must have been a lucky guess!

  EL Coyote
March 19, 2018 9:05 am

I’d like to add to this, as I too, have had such tests. I found a quote, laminated it, and keep it on the refrigerator where I see it often.

“Choose to align yourself with people who are like minded in their search for simplified inspiration. Give those who find fault, or who are confrontational a silent blessing and remove yourself from their energy as quickly as possible. Your life is simplified enormously when you don’t have to defend yourself to anyone, and when you receive support rather than criticism.”

– Dr. Wayne Dyer

March 19, 2018 9:59 am

Not really, Not Sure, all the time I was dealing with this crap, I kept thinking – if this was a dude, I would at least have the remedy of kicking his ass. Never mind Gayle’s article, take my advice seriously – quit interacting or remove yourself physically from the plague.

March 17, 2018 11:47 pm

My mother died of cancer. She was not a vicious killer that went to somebody else’s country to murder innocent women and children.
People who are drafted into military service are a seperate class of person from those who willingly sign up to rape, murder and plunder for the BritishEmpire/N.A.T.O. HEROIN MAFIA. The pentagon is pledged to serve the British Empire permanently. The pentagon and national guard use our Declaration of Independence to wipe their ass. George Armstrong Custer was a murdering bastard but he did not serve the British Empire. He was not a traitor. Wesley Clarke is a traitor, David Petraes is a traitor, Colin Powell is a traitor.

March 18, 2018 2:26 am

fuck off, troll

March 18, 2018 1:11 am

I signed up for 4 years at 17 in 1965 with Moms consent so I could could do everything you just listed and then some. As a matter of fact I almost flunked boot camp for being too eager to get started.
You are one sick puppy. Why aren’t you ranting like that on the White House lawn where it might get someone’s attention.

March 18, 2018 11:26 am

Read this when it was linked to the thread of one my past articles. Thanks for the posting, Sparrow. Looking forward to more

March 18, 2018 12:51 pm


What a moving post…read it twice.

I’m a former Marine Grunt, Nam 69. I was always worried about Agent Orange exposure from river water I drank from the Thu Bon, the La Tho and and the Ai Nghia Rivers in some obviously heavily defoliated areas around Dodge City and Go Noi Island, and some bomb carter water I had to drink or pass out.

Long story short:
• I read the book: “An Army Waiting to Die” when it first came out and it scared the shit out of me.

• I was on the NJ State Agent Orange Commission in 84 to 85 then moved to West Texas. Hindsight being 20-20 I moved to the middle of nowhere…partly in a PTSD funk to get as remote as I could.

• I had one private conversation in a VFW in 84 with Dr. Peter Kahn (one of the leading Dioxin experts worldwide) and told him of my time in defoliated areas drinking the water. I asked him for advice and he suggested I explore the holistic health detoxification community as all toxins are stored in fat cells.

• Here is what I have done over the last 34 years outside of every one of your excellent 9 bullet points:
– infrared saunas (almost daily) put one in my home a long time ago
– fasting (many types and lengths) with a number of additional detoxification plans
– Colonics and sometimes in conjunction with fasting. In the early years I have had material flushed out of me that looked like chunks of old tire.

To date I have been ok.

The best to you buddy…just added you to my prayer list!

Here is something of interest on Kahn, he is a good man.–scarred-a-people

“His collaborative work with another dioxin chemist in Sweden, Christoffer Rappe, eventually led to a 13-year stint on a New Jersey State commission researching Agent Orange’s effects on U.S. veterans. Kahn’s research is part of a body of work that has found dioxin poisoning linked to soft-tissue sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (two forms of cancer), various physiological birth defects like spina bifida, skin rashes, among other varied health problems.”

K. Lewis
K. Lewis
March 19, 2018 12:34 pm

Well done, Sparrow.
Your prose has reached the hearts of many. The reason? Your heart was in it.

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